Like Mikhail Zadornov where is he. Mikhail Zadornov died, state of health in recent days, cancer, latest news. “For me he was a senior comrade” - The last muse of Mikhail Zadornov

On November 10, it became known about the death of the famous artist, writer and satirist Mikhail Zadornov. A year ago, during a performance, he had an attack, which was followed by hospitalization and long-term treatment in a clinic in Germany. But, despite the improvements that encouraged the artist and his family, after a short remission his condition began to deteriorate.

Therefore, having undergone short-term rehabilitation after a course of chemotherapy in a Moscow clinic after a long illness, and last news this incident shocked his fans to the core.

Last will

Information has emerged that the satirist took care not only of his own affairs in terms of inheritance, but also discussed in advance with his relatives where he wanted to be buried. Mikhail Zadornov was unable to overcome the disease, and the latest news about his death became known to a wide audience. The artist’s relatives said that they intend to bury the satirist next to his father, whose grave is in Latvia. Also, Zadornov’s last will was the wish that his body be transported to another country only by land transport, without the use of other means. According to relatives, they have no right to violate given to Mikhail word and are obliged to fulfill his last will.

The comedian not only joked on stage, but also promoted the cultural and tribal values ​​of the Russian people. In his opinion, every person should know and honor their history, especially the history of their family, not forgetting their great ancestors.

Therefore, being buried next to his father was extremely important to him. Indeed, in this way, after death he will remain with his ancestor and take a place next to him not only in the cemetery, but also in the afterlife.

Also, Mikhail Zadornov, who was killed by a terrible disease, published the latest news on the Telegram social network, where he expressed his last will. He asked not to allow the Russian-language library named after Nikolai Zadornov in Riga to close and to support its activities. According to the famous artist, such a unique library has a right to exist and therefore he sincerely hoped that it would continue to exist after his death.

The legacy of a comedian

For many fans, Zadornov's performances were not only a reason to laugh at his jokes and have fun, but also instructive life lessons. Mikhail Nikolaevich taught us to take life’s difficulties more simply and not to give up when troubles start. His life position and a humorous attitude towards many aspects of life and everyday life have become a role model for many generations of his fans.

Mikhail Zadornov was sincere, kind and an open person. He easily made contact with his fans and did not hesitate to participate in events that he happened to attend. So, in the city of Sevastopol on the Crimean peninsula, walking along the embankment and meeting the newlyweds, he sincerely congratulated the new married couple and gladly took part in a photo shoot with the young people.

Mikhail Nikolaevich always expressed his extraordinary opinion, not comparable with other views. He did not like to play political games and always said what he thought, without fear of condemnation from the outside. That is why he was banned from entering many European countries, and, before his illness became known, from Ukraine.

Throughout his life, Zadornov not only performed in humorous programs, but also made several films dedicated to the history of Russia. He glorified Slavic traditions and attracted young people to study real history.

Before the audience who watched his documentaries, Mikhail Nikolaevich posed questions that made them think about many gaps in Russian history. He believed that after 20-30 years the textbooks would be rewritten and the blank spaces on the pages would be filled. Then the Russians will finally know their full and real story. Unfortunately, Zadornov will not be able to see and read them in person.

Also, the famous satirist sent many humorous books to publishing houses, which began to be actively published in 1990. The writer wrote his first work in 1970, but the editors of the printing house did not like it. Therefore, the debut book was never published. But, over time, the author of satire and humor honed his writing skills and his works began to be published in printed copies, and in large circulations. And when Zadornov gained popularity as an artist in humorous programs, his books became doubly popular.

But Mikhail Nikolaevich not only wrote books, but also helped others read them. Having joined forces with Alexey Sheinin, in 2012 he opened a library named after. Nikolai Zadornov. The satirist created the interior personally, and many of the items were invented by him.

Zadornov had to transport his initial second-hand book “capital” to Latvia illegally. But the idea found a response and after 3 months 2,000 people became its regular visitors. And many celebrities from the CIS countries shared copies of their favorite works.


After the death of Mikhail Zadornov, who was unable to overcome the disease, the latest news on all Russian television channels changed. Today the broadcasting of some programs will be changed and will not run as scheduled:

  1. The channel “Russia-1” will launch a program called “Andrey Malakhov. Live broadcast”, where the latest news about the life and death of the satirist will be covered. Due to the sudden death of the comedian, Malakhov’s team had to quickly rewrite the script and assemble maximum amount information about Mikhail Zadornov. The entire program will be dedicated exclusively to him.
  2. On the REN TV channel on October 10 it will be shown documentary, released by Mikhail Zadornov in 2005 under the title " Prophetic Oleg. Found reality." The channel announced this in the news service. The canal workers believe that in this way they will honor the memory of this wonderful and extraordinary person, who worked with them for many years.

The President did not stand aside either. Russian Federation. Vladimir Putin, who had a very close relationship with Mikhail Zadornov, hoped that the disease would not be able to defeat such strong man, so the latest news was marked by the fact that the head of the country expressed his condolences to the relatives and fans of the great man.

At the same time, Vladimir Vinokur suggested that in fact Zadornov’s death is another bluff and a joke, which as soon as possible spread by the yellow press. All this time, he tried to contact the satirist’s relatives in order to obtain reliable information about the artist’s death, but was unable to contact either his daughter or his legal wife.

Therefore, he asks journalists not to rush to conclusions and not to publish information that has not been verified from the original source.

Otherwise, it may turn out that Mikhail Zadornov suddenly “resurrects from the dead,” completely unaware of the trouble that has happened, and ruins all the fun for journalists by completely denying the information. Perhaps Vinokurov is right in expressing this opinion. After all, there have been more than once cases when the “death of an artist” was a falsification and a lie deliberately spread by journalists. But when condolences come from the government, it is impossible to deny what happened. After all, Mikhail Zadornov is not a mythical character who can be reborn from the ashes.

The death of Mikhail Zadornov was confirmed by his relatives, publishing a statement in “Live Diaries” and on the social network “Vkontakte”. They reported that the satirist died on November 10 at 9.15 am. The relatives also asked to show respect for the memory of the deceased and not to show him off " dirty laundry", highlighting negative sides his biography. Zadornov always tried to protect his personal life from outside interference, not allowing the press to delve into his family affairs.

“The most harmful thing is life. Everyone dies from it.” - Mikhail Zadornov.

As the online newspaper learned, “ false mirror", last night, November 9, 2017, after long illness The famous satirist, writer, playwright and actor, Mikhail Zadornov, has left us.

The 69-year-old artist was born on July 21 in Jurmala (Latvia) and, according to his stories, already appeared on stage in the second grade.

- Played a turnip. And he pulled himself out so elegantly that they shouted to me: “Encore”, “Bravo”, they say, pull him out again! - Zadornov said in one of his interviews.

Mikhail made his debut on television in 1982 with the monologue “A Student’s Letter Home” and two years later, when Zadornov read his story “The Ninth Car”, popularity came to him.

Until October 2016, when Zadornov learned that he had brain cancer, he was active as an artist, published more than 10 books, and was the author and host of famous TV shows such as “Full House,” “Laughing Panorama,” and “Satirical Forecast.” “, “Daughters and mothers.” Zadornov’s stories and miniatures were read from the stage by many famous artists, and his solo concerts were regularly broadcast on TV.

One of the facts remembered by all Russians was Zadornov’s New Year’s address on December 31, 1999, to the residents of the country instead of the head of state or announcer.

He became a “creative father”, bringing to big stage Maxim Galkin, and in December 2009 in Riga he opened a free public library named after his father, Nikolai Zadornov.

Yesterday Mikhail Zadornov passed away. According to tradition, great actors are escorted to last way applause. We dedicate our applause to the extraordinary personality of the great Russian actor, his multifaceted talent and the legacy he left behind.

Michial Zadornov - author of lyrical and satirical stories, humoresques, essays, travel notes and plays, quotes from which have long gone among the people and live their own lives. In memory of the departed artist, we publish our favorite quotes.

Mikhail Zadornov's favorite joke topic was national characteristics Russian people:

- It’s easier for us to invent an all-terrain vehicle than to repair roads.

- Only our man can stand on the river bank in admiration and swear at the sunny path.

- The dream of Russian doctors is that the poor never get sick, and the rich never get well.

- If you want to always be in good mood, learn to enjoy the little things, say, your salary. It's a small thing, but nice.

- I don’t understand how our doctors learn from the dead, but treat the living.

- Only in Russia can people fighting together beat someone who wants to separate them.

- Only a Russian person, if he is allowed to do whatever he wants, will do nothing at all.

- Only our people can write “No comments” in the comments.

Zadornov often borrowed his humorous sketches from the life of Russian families:

- They lived happily and for a long time until they met each other!

- With age, women console themselves with cosmetics, and men with a sense of humor.

- The word “marriage” is very accurately divided into two words: “for” and “courage.” This means that those who have been married for a long time should be given a medal “For Courage”.

- A person’s age is divided into three stages: “Childhood. Youth and... “You look great!” There is indeed a fourth stage - a very sad one - “You are holding up just fine!” I really want to stay longer in the third age.

- Real health after fifty is when every day it hurts in a different place.

- How could you call the weaker sex, which takes so much strength?

Also in his monologues, Mikhail Zadornov liked to ridicule Russian officials:

- I think in the State Russian Duma must pass the following law. To prevent officials from taking bribes, increase their salaries to the average monthly amount of bribes. And so that no one offers them these bribes, all other people will be deprived of their salaries.

- Did you know that officials love to watch the surf from the shore: rollback after rollback!

- They were allowed to call coffee “it”, because up there they can’t remember that coffee is “he”. Well, if coffee is “it”, then Fursenko is “it” too...

- A draft of a new law has been submitted - “Thou shalt not kill or steal.” In the third reading, the deputies approved it, but began to develop amendments: no matter how much you steal...

Well, the most famous topic, which made Zadornov famous, these are, of course, his jokes about America:

- The most short joke about America: McDonald's is a restaurant.

- Americans adore me and will adore me until I say something good about them.

- How do you feel about frost? different peoples in different countries.
+10 (degrees) - Americans are chilling, Russians are planting cucumbers.
+2 — Italians’ cars won’t start, Russians drive with the windows open... They watch cucumbers grow.
0 (degrees) - In France, water freezes, in Russia it thickens.
-5 — In Canada, the heating is turned on. Russians in last time They go on a picnic and dig up cucumbers.
-25 — Doesn’t work in Europe public transport! Russians stop eating ice cream on the street... They switch to popsicles so that their hands don’t get cold. They snack on cucumbers.
-40 — Finnish special forces are evacuating Santa Claus from Lapland, in Russia they are preparing felt boots for possible frosts. Curl cucumbers for the winter.
-113 — Life on earth stops. The Russians Bad mood... The ethyl alcohol is frozen, you have to lick the cucumbers.
-273 — Absolute zero. Atomic movement stops. The Russians swear, “Well, damn it!” Cold! The tongue freezes... To cucumbers.”

Diana Egorova
PHOTO: Globallookpress

A friend of the late Mikhail Zadornov, Vladimir Kachan, whom he spoke about more than once in interviews and in his books, told reporters about how the satirist courageously fought against oncology. The writer himself and his relatives tried not to share such information with the public, not wanting to attract unnecessary attention to their problems. According to rumors, a few months before his death, Zadornov turned to a famous healer.

Vladimir Kachan confirmed that the satirist really tried unconventional methods treatments, but was disappointed in them. A famous healer came to Zadornov and managed to help Philip Yankovsky. According to rumors, the specialist even advised Mikhail Gorbachev. But he was unable to find an approach to Mikhail Nikolaevich.

“We decided that such treatment would not bring harm to Zadornov. As they say, trying is not torture. The healer came to the hospital, made passes over Misha’s head with his hands, and talked about his famous patients. At some point, Zadornov could not stand it and whispered: “Listen, I think he’s driving!”.. I hoped to the end. If Misha hasn’t lost his ability to joke, then we’ll get through it. But... the miracle did not happen,” shared the writer’s friend.

Kachan also remembered how his friend’s illness began. According to the artist, the development of a serious illness was provoked by a head injury received by Zadornov while skiing in the Alps. Maxim Galkin and other friends were vacationing with him then. When Mikhail Nikolaevich suddenly disappeared, his friends were seriously worried. The satirist was found only three hours later. Right part Zadornov's face became swollen, and he had to go to a Swiss hospital.

Having learned about terrible diagnosis, Mikhail Nikolaevich went to Germany to see a famous surgeon who performed an operation on him. The writer was promised that everything would be fine. However, three months later, a new tumor began to grow. “She turned off parts of the body in parts: her legs, arms stopped obeying... Only her brain worked until the last moment,” said Kachan.

Zadornov’s loved ones believed until the end that he would be able to overcome the disease. The writer showed those around him a cheerful mood. Both of the satirist’s favorite women – ex-wife Velta and current chosen one Elena – were on duty near his bed, replacing each other.

“The common grief united them. Misha left hard. Only those closest to him, literally a few people, knew about this. The rest were informed that he had gone to Riga for treatment. They said this so that no one would bother him. In fact, in recent weeks my friend was fading away in a rehabilitation center near Moscow,” recalls Kachan.

Maxim Galkin visited an old acquaintance and shared news with them. During one of his last visits, Zadornov was already completely weak. The TV presenter, who considered Mikhail Nikolaevich his friend, understood that he had very little time left.

“At the very end, Misha experienced severe pain and suffered a lot. (...) For the last few weeks, Zadornov has been in a coma. I brought a priest I knew, whom I had difficulty persuading to administer unction. Other priests did not agree, remembering that Misha liked to call himself a pagan. Father Andrei also refused at first,” said a friend of the writer.

Vladimir Kachan recently learned that Zadornov had written a will, the magazine reports "Caravan of Stories". last will The satirical book is due to be published this spring.

Today the press reported that satirist Mikhail Zadornov has died. According to journalists, he died at the age of 70. According to some reports, Mikhail Nikolaevich spent his last months in a closed sanatorium in the Moscow region.

Later, correspondents contacted TV presenter Regina Dubovitskaya and artist Roman Kartsev, who confirmed the information about Zadornov’s death. Media representatives report that the satirist will be buried in Latvia next to his parents.

Fans of Mikhail Nikolaevich offer condolences to his family and friends in in social networks. Many people can't believe it sudden departure from life. Connoisseurs of Zadornov’s work hoped until the very end that he would be able to overcome his serious illness. “It’s a pity,” “I loved him very much,” “How could that be,” “I’m sorry,” they comment on social networks.

Later, Zadornov’s relatives confirmed information about his death on official page on social networks. They also expressed gratitude to all caring people who wrote words of support.

“Today, November 10, 2017, at 9.15 am, our loved one and loved one. We thank everyone who supported him during a difficult period of his life. According to Mikhail's wishes, he will be buried in Latvia, where he was born. We will inform you about the date and time later. You all know about Mikhail’s ironic attitude towards publicity. He always protected his and our lives from the annoying interference of others. We ask you to respect his desire not to create a fuss around his death,” the satirist’s relatives shared.

Mikhail Zadornov was born on July 21, 1948 in Jurmala. The first works of the satirical writer were published in 1974. Mikhail Nikolaevich's debut on the TV screen took place in the 80s. Then Zadornov gave a monologue “A Student’s Letter Home.”

At the beginning of 2016, the satirist was diagnosed with brain cancer. The writer tried not to comment on his struggle with a serious illness. Those close to Mikhail Nikolaevich also refrained from communicating with the press. In October 2017, the man broke his long silence and addressed the public to stop the spread of speculation about his condition. The comedian claimed that the treatment in Germany was successful.

“The German doctors did not give up on me at all. The first results in rehabilitation were achieved in Germany. I continue traditional treatment and am very grateful to the doctors of the Moscow clinic where I am now. They are doing everything possible and impossible so that I recover quickly,” the satirist reported.

A few days ago, information appeared in the media that Mikhail Zadornov had changed his religion. The rector of the temple reported this Life-Giving Trinity on the Sparrow Hills in Moscow, Archpriest Andrei Novikov. He emphasized that he was sharing information with the consent of the satirist’s close relatives.

“Dear fathers, brothers and sisters! Today, at the request of family and friends, Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov received unction. Two months ago, Mikhail Nikolaevich brought repentance to God in the sacrament of Confession in the Kazan Cathedral in Moscow. He passes through this most difficult period of his life as having reconciled himself with the Holy Church Orthodox Christian“Novikov wrote on his Facebook page.

At the end of last year, the comedian underwent surgery. Relatives of Mikhail Nikolaevich said that a brain biopsy improved his condition.

The famous Russian satirist Mikhail Zadornov has died. According to media reports, the artist died from an incurable disease from which he had been suffering for several years. On October 22, he was hospitalized in one of the Moscow clinics immediately after a concert held at the Meredian center. Why Mikhail Zadornov died, the details of the disease and his biography are now being actively discussed among journalists and numerous fans of the national favorite. At the time of his death he was 69 years old.

How did the artist die?

For many, it is not news that Zadornov has been suffering from a serious illness for several years: a brain tumor. The neoplasm turned out to be malignant.

The man was prescribed a long and rather difficult course of chemotherapy and other cancer treatment methods. After he underwent only part of the procedures, the artist refused treatment.

This news upset many of his fans and loved ones. But Zadornov commented on his decision by saying that due to difficult and lengthy treatment, he had to completely give up concert activities, and, most importantly, communication with his family.

Mikhail Zadornov died of a brain tumor

The artist refused to comment on his illness to the press. It is known that in 2016, right during a concert, he had an epileptic attack, after which he decided to suspend any performances. Then, on his VKontakte page, Mikhail addressed fans with a short message about his illness.

Since then, the artist has stopped any concert activity. For the purpose of treatment, Zadornov went to Europe for some time, but soon returned to Russia in order to be able to spend as much time as possible with his loved ones.

Mikhail Zadornov: photo

Many were very excited by the fact that literally before his death the satirist converted to Orthodoxy. And two months ago I confessed in the Kazan Cathedral. Let us remind you that today we know why: the cause of death is brain cancer.


Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov was born on July 21, 1948 in Riga (Latvia). It is worth noting that the boy grew up in a creative atmosphere: the father of the future satirist was a writer known not only in Latvia, but throughout the Soviet Union. For a series of his novels, Nikolai Zadornov was awarded the Stalin Prize.

While still at school, the boy became very interested in theater; he took an active part in school productions, distinguished by his bright and talented acting.

But Mikhail decided to connect his profession with a more serious industry, and in 1974 he graduated from the Aviation Institute in Moscow. Zadornov received a degree in mechanical engineering.

Mikhail Zadornov in his youth with his mother

Unlike many artists who were educated in fields unrelated to culture, he worked seriously in his position and achieved significant success in it. At the Moscow Aviation Institute, at the Department of Aerospace Technologies, Zadornov first worked as an engineer, and later as a chief engineer. During his student days, Zadornov often took part in KVN games.

Simultaneously with his main activity, Zadornov continued to work in the theater. Future artist held the position of stage director at the student theater of the Moscow Aviation Institute "Russia". Then the band actively toured many cities. Soviet Union. Short essays by the talented young man, distinguished by his sophisticated manner of expressing his thoughts in a satirical form.

Mikhail Zadornov in his youth

The future celebrity appeared on the screens in 1982 with her only monologue. But “Freshman’s Letter to Parents” was remembered by many viewers.

The fit, handsome artist in an elegant suit stood out from other satirists with his fresh approach and the realism of his monologue. But the young man became truly famous after the feuilleton “Two Ninth Cars,” which he performed in 1084. From then to 1985, he served as head of the humor department in the then famous magazine “Youth”.

During these years, Zadornov’s monologues were often performed famous satirists, including Evgeny Petrosyan. Since 190, the satirist has been a sought-after presenter in famous humorous programs such as “Full House” and “Funny Panorama.” In 1991, Zadornov became the first, and, to date, the only satirist to speak in New Year's Eve with congratulations to the people of Russia instead of the president of the country.

Zadornov was not afraid to discuss the political situation in the country on stage

It is known that Zadornov often discussed political life countries in their monologues. This applies to both internal and foreign policy Russia.

A striking example of this is Zadornov’s recent conflict with Ukraine. After the start of hostilities in Donbass, he began to speak very negatively about politics and people living in this country.

It is worth noting that the satirist mainly acted as a patriot, often discussing other countries, which often brought upon himself the general discontent of their inhabitants. Nevertheless, Zadornov constantly ridiculed the weaknesses and habits of Russians, while at the same time admiring their morals and foundations.

Mikhail Zadornov died, and the reason for his death is very sad. But he will always be considered one of the most popular satirists and artists of the USSR and Russia. It should be noted that Mikhail is the author of more than 40 books, most of which are satirical in nature. But they reveal deep political and social problems a country that Zadornov considered his homeland.

With Regina Dubovitskaya in the “Full House” program

Zadornov managed to make his mark as a good actor. In the detective series “Genius,” the artist brilliantly played himself. He managed to star in such famous paintings, like “Depression” and “I Want Your Husband.”

Personal life

Zadornov was married twice. His first wife was Velta Kalnberzina, the daughter of the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Latvian Communist Party. Velta studied in a parallel class with Mikhail high school, and then at the institute. But the young couple lived in joint marriage not for long, the relationship soon cooled down and the family broke up.

Mikhail Zadornov with his first wife Velta

The satirist’s second wife, Elena Bombina, worked as Zadornov’s administrator. Soon after the official registration of the relationship, the couple had a daughter, Elena. Now Zadornov’s widow and her daughter recall the pleasure with which Mikhail raised the child and took a direct part in her further development.

With his second wife Elena and daughter

Unfortunately, famous artist Mikhail Zadornov died, the cause of death was brain cancer. The artist died at an age when he could still write many monologues and delight the public with his wonderful performances.