How much does it cost to overhaul an Mi 8 helicopter? Russia will create a base for repairing military helicopters in Vietnam. Amphibians to the rescue

Aircraft repair is one of the stages of the life cycle, caused by wear, aging and damage to equipment during operation, including work to restore the performance and service life of the products themselves and/or their components and assemblies. Repair determines the duration and quality of operation. In our helicopter industry, repair not only plays an important role due to the differences in the flight technical operation of helicopters and airplanes (use conditions, modes, loading cycles, etc.), but also, due to national characteristics, has acquired exaggerated forms for a number of reasons.

Firstly, the high durability and safety of Soviet technology in the most unfavorable conditions made it possible to significantly expand the boundaries of operation. Who would have thought that the service life of our turntables would be close to the half-century mark?!

Secondly, the planned preventative strategy for the operation and repair of equipment according to its resource (when repairs must be carried out regardless of the technical condition of the equipment, “don’t do it, but write it down”) led to the performance of “unnecessary” work. The duration of operation, along with small overhaul resources, has generated significant volumes and high intensity of repairs and, accordingly, items of equipment repair costs and income that cannot be ignored.

Thirdly, the low intensity of use of civilian equipment and the sharp reduction in army aviation of the Armed Forces after the collapse of the Warsaw Pact led to a huge release of equipment. The excess of cheap equipment played a cruel joke on us. During the division of the Soviet fleet, dozens of helicopters were bought for next to nothing. Just ten to fifteen years ago, you could buy the largest Mi-26T helicopter for one and a half million dollars (the amount a helicopter earns in two months), not to mention the price of the “eight” (Mi-8/17) or “kashki” (Ka-32). Why buy a new one when you can buy a used one, repair it and fly.

Fourthly, the powerful Soviet repair system inherited (only one of the leading enterprises over the 30 years of its existence repaired an entire army - 6,000 helicopters), finding itself without a load, was ready to work for any money. Today our repair companies offer repairs for 20% of the cost of a new helicopter. Who will buy a new one? Nobody!

Fifthly, in the troubled 1990s, the most complex technological processes were lost. As a result, a number of units could not be produced, so we are forced to endlessly repair them.

The crash and subsequent division of the helicopter power led to serious cataclysms and upheavals throughout the helicopter industry and, as a result, a change in course: from production to repair, or more precisely, “cheap” repair. The instant enrichment of some and the corruption of others gave rise to the emergence of a circle of new Russian masters who vaguely understand the process of exploitation itself. Many still have not understood why routine maintenance or repairs are performed. For any equipment failure, for example, engine surge, there is only one answer: “How much should I give the crew to fly?”

It is not surprising that the owners who live “on one contract” were not going to buy new helicopters; at best, they could be persuaded to “cheap” repairs. As a result, those who were particularly active and enterprising rushed to search for a “cheap” renovation fund. In the shortest possible time, “hand-to-hand” repairs and recycling “cleaned up” all airfields, ATI warehouses, landfills and caches, which in Soviet times could not be removed for decades. They took everything. Both damaged and undamaged helicopters, fallen and expired engines, gearboxes and units with expired preservation periods, without forms and passports. Trade in repair funds has turned into a profitable business, into which manufacturing plants have become involved. Entire departments and teams traveled throughout the former Soviet Union and far abroad. Repair from restoration technologies turned into a bulkhead (disassembled and reassembled), when one tail shaft was assembled from three...

The rich inheritance of the former Union and the low solvency of the population “corrupted” the helicopter industry. “Everyone who is not too lazy” began to do repairs. Over time, a motley palette of enterprises has formed, which divide the repair “pie” among themselves.

Repair company






St. Petersburg, Russian Federation



Mi-6/6A, Mi-10K, Mi-26T

Novosibirsk, Russian Federation


Mi-8T/MT/MTV-1, Mi-2

Engels, RF

OJSC "Omsk GA Plant"


Omsk, Russian Federation

JSC "UTair-Engineering" (plant 36)

Mi-8T/MT/AMT/MTV-1, Mi-2

Tyumen, Russian Federation

OJSC "MAZ No. 73 GA"


Magadan, Russian Federation



Khabarovsk, Russian Federation

FSUE "150 ARZ"

Mi-8T/MT/MTV-1, Ka-32



Mi-8T/MTV-1, Mi-24

Chita, Russian Federation

Gorelovo, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation


p/o Chernoe, Moscow region.

CJSC "KVZ-Remservice"


Kazan, Russian Federation



Ulan-Ude, Russian Federation

JSC Rostvertol

Mi-26, Mi-2, Mi-24

Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation

OJSC OKB "Rostov-Mil"

Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation

Arsenyev Aviation Company "Progress"

Mi-24, Ka-50/52

Arsenyev, RF


Kumertau, Russian Federation


Mi-8T/MTV-1, Ka-28/29/32

Pushkin, St. Petersburg, RF

Ka-27/29/32, Mi-8

Vozdvizhenka, Ussuriysk, Russian Federation

SE "Orsha ARZ"


Orsha, Belarus

OJSC "558 ARZ"


Baranovichi, Belarus


Sevastopol, Ukraine

Konotop ARZ

Mi-17/24/35/26, Mi-2

Konotop, Ukraine


Chirchik, Kazakhstan

JSC "ARZ No. 405"


Almaty, Kazakhstan



Kaunas, Lithuania


Mi-8T/Mi-17/17-1V, Mi-2

Prague, Czech Republic



Airfright Aviation Ltd.


Sharjah, UAE

Helicopteros del Sur company


Lima, Peru


OJSC "Klimov"

St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

TV3-117, TV2-117, GTD-350

Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation


Khabarovsk, Russian Federation

TV3-117, TV2-117

Gatchina, Russian Federation

FSUE "150 ARZ"

Kaliningrad, Russian Federation

Aramil (Ekaterinburg), Russian Federation

JSC "Motor Sich"

TV3-117, D-136

Zaporozhye, Ukraine

Lugansk ARZ

Lugansk, Ukraine

Main gearboxes

Red October

St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

Reducer PM

Perm, Russian Federation

The structure retained the MGA repair enterprises and a powerful military layer from the ARZ MO, which grew out of former repair shops and began to earn good money from repairs, which could not go unnoticed. With the loss of orders, serial factories, as well as enterprises of the former Soviet republics and socialist countries, actively joined the fight for repairs. In general, a heterogeneous repair system has emerged with its past achievements and current problems (one of these “time bombs” was laid in Ukraine, where, after the “divorce,” a powerful repair base for helicopters and engines remained).

The wide range and imbalance have led to the fact that repairs vary greatly in volume, depth and, accordingly, price and quality. How can, for example, compare the repair of the D-136 engine at the Ukrainian Motor Sich and the Russian Aramil? One is a manufacturer, the other is a repair plant of the Ministry of Defense, but the first is abroad, and the second is our own.

The structure and total scope of repairs of helicopters and engines can only be estimated approximately. 1,400 helicopters of the RF Civil Aviation fleet underwent 7,050 repairs (5 repairs per helicopter), including Mi-8T/MTV/AMT/171/172 - 70.3%, Mi-2 - 22%, Ka-26 - 7, 1%, Ka-32 - 0.3%, Mi-26 - 0.2%. In order to fly half a million hours in a year (the flight time of helicopters of the states parties to the Agreement on Civil Aviation and the Use of Airspace in 2008 was just over 570,000 hours), it will be necessary to repair at least 350 helicopters and 700 engines (excluding service life and early termination of operation) .

The main problem of repair is the problem of quality - quality that determines flight safety. I will give two, in my opinion, typical examples of the relationship between the quality of repairs and accident rates.

The first is that after repairing the NV Mi-26 bushing, two (!) consecutive dangerous failures occurred when the blade did not lock into position when switched off. Can you imagine the impact of the giant's blade on the tail boom? Only thanks to the competent actions of the crew did everything end safely.

The second example is a dozen (what is known) “repair” tail rotors - “doubles”, the destruction of the blade of one of which caused the crash of the UTair Mi-8 in Liberia. And no system of quality control and certification, neither the state nor the operator, has become an insurmountable obstacle for the “repair experts.”

The position of the authorities is of decisive importance in ensuring quality and preventing counterfeit spare parts and gray repairs. The role of the state is not in personal participation in the repair process through permits/prohibitions, licenses and certificates, redistribution of technologies and repair kits, but in creating mechanisms for managing (self-government) processes. The levers of such a mechanism should be openness (“the people must know”), the transition to civilized repairs based on technical condition (transforming the system of extortion into a system of innovations in quality), the involvement of a developer who, hiding behind beautiful statements and promises, has not eliminated dangerous design flaws for decades and defects leading to serious consequences.

Let's look at some of the main repair trends using the example of one of the main repair enterprises in the Russian Federation - the Novosibirsk Aircraft Repair Plant (NARP). The volumes and dynamics of changes in repair products, in comparison with the production of the Kazan Helicopter Plant (KVZ), are presented in the figure.

It can be seen how, with an increase in turnaround time and resources, there has been a tendency to reduce repair volumes. At the same time, we must not forget that the share of government orders does not exceed 10% of the total volume of commercial products. There is a slowdown in repairs. According to the heads of repair enterprises, one of the reasons hindering development is the age of the workers, the second is the narrow specialization of production.

Looking at the diagrams of the age and education of workers, we can say that the rejuvenation of workers has not led to professional growth, and therefore quality. Regarding productivity and wages, a comparison of NARZ and KVZ reveals an interesting picture.

The dynamics of production and repair are multidirectional (production is up, repair is down). Against this background, the transfer of repair technologies to operating organizations is beginning to gain momentum. First, contracts were signed for the repair of helicopters on the customer’s territory (Pakistan, Peru...). Then, starting in 2005, for ground equipment to carry out repair work abroad and create service centers. In the same year, work began on the creation of a helicopter MRO service center (SC) in Khartoum (Sudan). Currently, the center is certified to perform all forms of maintenance, overhaul and overhaul of Mi-8, Mi-17, Mi-17-1V and Mi-171 helicopters and has already begun repairing three Mi-8/17 helicopters. The geography of the SC is gradually expanding: Venezuela (Mi-17, Mi-35, Mi-26), Mexico (Veracruz, Mi-17), next in line: Angola, Bangladesh, Yemen, Peru and others. A service center has opened in the UAE. Two more are in Latin America. There are plans to create SCs in the countries of the Middle East, Iraq and Afghanistan. The issue of a regional SC in South Africa is being explored.

According to the management of Russian Helicopters, the number of service centers abroad is planned to be increased to 23. The statements that these centers will be engaged in modifying and re-equipping models with the latest technology are hard to believe (just visit Sudan), but the repairs are really becoming broader: functionally and geographically. Functionally - the scope of repairs extends to operational support, service maintenance, training, supply of spare parts, training aids and simulators. Geographically, an international system of repair, modernization, training and support for the operation of Russian helicopters is beginning to take shape (new, promising Western methods, technologies, repair and training tools are being introduced).

Finally, the new international helicopter integration (training, repair and modernization of Russian-made helicopters in the interests of NATO), aimed at compensating for the lack of helicopter resources of the alliance, brought together new players. The United States and Ukraine have already been training Iraqi helicopter pilots on the Mi-8/17. Ukraine is ready to join any international initiative in order to occupy production capacity and personnel potential. Recently, along with France and the UK. it became a member of the Multinational Helicopter Initiative Fund Compact. On October 26 in Bratislava, the defense ministers of the nine NATO member countries of the Czech Republic, Albania, Hungary, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey and the United Kingdom signed a letter of intent for the HIP helicopters (NATO designation Mi-8). Through the hands of former Soviet citizens, the Czech Republic has become the main international specialist in the operation of G8s. Israel is at the center of modernization. Our Soviet personnel, who did not find worthy use within their own walls, are now repairing the helicopters of our friends and opponents. Who repaired Georgian helicopters? Graduates of Soviet universities! The fact that international integration is taking shape without us is detrimental for both sides. On the one hand, isolation did no one any good. On the other hand, in pursuit of cheap contracts, NATO and UN members are faced with a “trap” of senseless accidents and catastrophes and serious problems with supporting the operation of such different types of equipment (retraining, logistics...).

So, a powerful, unloaded, heterogeneous repair system, with an ineffective product quality management system, is gradually changing. It's changing for the better. However, the speed and depth of change depends not only on the members of the English club. Our repair system is somewhat reminiscent of a big, good old ship that is trying to turn around in a small bay in order to break out into operational space, but the capabilities and skills on the bridge are clearly not enough. "All hands on deck"!

In July, OmskSpottingClub went on an excursion to the Omsk Civil Aviation Plant... Everyone who went to the airport on bus 60 passed by a helicopter on a pedestal and an administrative building with the abbreviation "OZGA". Of course, we, as aviation enthusiasts, could not ignore this airline... We wrote a letter and soon received permission from the management to visit.

1. On February 5, 1945, on the basis of the production facilities of aircraft repair base No. 406 in Aktyubinsk, “Omsk Aviation Repair Workshops No. 41 of the West Siberian Civil Air Fleet Directorate” (ARM-41 ZSU Civil Air Fleet) was created. From 1945 to 1956, the workshops carried out major overhauls of 1,235 Po-2 aircraft and 2,008 M-11 aircraft engines.

In 1956, ARM-41 mastered and began repairing a new type of aircraft - the Yak-12 and AI-14 R engines. From 1956 to 1969, 695 Yak-12 aircraft and 1931 AI-14 R engines were overhauled. In 1960 - mastered the repair of the Mi-4 helicopter. From 1961 to 1985, the company carried out major overhauls on 2,638 Mi-4 helicopters.

2. In 1969, by order of the Ministry of Civil Aviation, the aviation workshops were renamed Plant No. 41 of Civil Aviation. At the end of the 60s, the plant mastered the repair of Mi-8 helicopters (T, P, PS). In 1994, the repair of Mi-8 MTV-1 helicopters was mastered. In total, since 1969, more than 5,000 Mi-8 helicopters of various modifications have been repaired. The Mi-8 is currently the main type of aircraft undergoing repairs at the plant. A monument to this helicopter is installed in front of the plant. In February 2015, the Omsk Civil Aviation Plant celebrated its 70th anniversary of its organization.

3. Monument to Mi-8. Mi-8 - RA-22217 - OmskAvia (AirUnion) /1976/

4. After a short excursion about the history of the plant, we went to inspect the workshops, flight test station and finished products site. Helicopter disassembly shop before repair. During our visit there was a car here that I knew well from my native Kazakhstan

5. As far as I understand from the tail boom, this is the Mil Mi-8AMT (Mi-171/Mi-172) - UP-MI705 - Kazakhstan - Ministry of Emergency Situations (Kazaviaspas) /2006/


7. The next workshop was represented by various sections for disassembling units and repairing the swashplate


9. Finished cases

10. Carts for storing blades and a crane device for loading them

11. In the next workshop we were met by four more helicopters in the process of assembly after repair. Another “Kazakhstani” - Mi-8MT - UP-MI818 - East Kazakhstan AP (KGKP AP East Kazakhstan region), met in Ust-Kamenogorsk

12. Climb higher on an airplane stepladder

13. Our guest from St. Petersburg and ex-Omsk tramracer

14. And this helicopter was filmed at the air show in Novosibirsk at the Mochishche airfield in 2014. Mi-8T(TV) - RA-22586 -
Eltsovka /1979/



17. Mi-8T(TV) - RA-24294 - Nordstar (Taimyr) /1988/

18. Colleagues driver_gazelle And rodik_spotter

19. Components are waiting for their time

20. Painting shop. The livery of the finished helicopter is painted during night shifts.

21. When all processes are completed - the helicopter is ready, it is towed to the flight test station. Mi-8T(TV) - RA-24138 - Nordstar (Taimyr) /1988/

22. A tanker on a MAZ base and an APU installation on a Ural base (I just recently filmed these at the Sokol military airfield)

23. Helicopters are apparently in progress

24. Local tractors


26. Decommissioned aircraft


28. Most of the planes of Tomskavia airlines are parked here, now bankrupt, awaiting their fate and that of other airlines. Among those spotted are RA-22848, 22590, 24570, 24656, 24661, 22205, 24843, 24644, 22646, 22644, 24211, 24242, 24674, 24582, 22672, 24742, , 22243, 25360, 24737.

29. One of the representatives - orange - RA-24644 - Tomsk Avia /1981/

30. Sinenky - Mi-8P(S) - RA-22243 - Tomsk Avia /1976/

31. The road along the "turntables" leads to two sites - the takeoff and landing and the dynamic one. where helicopter systems, its power, payload capacity are tested... This is what it looks like. The helicopter is hooked with special cables and the indicators are measured.

32. alexey_raptor at work

34. Takeoff and landing area. All flights are coordinated with the Omsk Regional Air Traffic Center at Omsk Airport.

35. One of the wheels can be fixed on the turntable, as a result of which the helicopter can be easily rotated...

36. This is what takeoff from the site looks like... Mi-8T (TV) - RA-25556 - AeroBratsk (Bratskoe AP) /1983/

37. Another look at the row of “bears”

38. Mi-8MT - RA-25510 - Nordstar (Taimyr) /1991/ - almost ready for delivery to customers.

39. We visited this board with kind permission. The cabin is practically a new car!

40. Salon

41. Nearby is a plane that flew from the OLTKGA airfield named after. Lyapidevsky in Kalachinsk - apparently they will repaint it in the new college livery, and repair it if necessary - 8AMT (Mi-171/Mi-172) - RA-22434 - Omsk LTK GA /2009/

42. And a small sample of helicopters undergoing repairs at OZGA. Mi-8MT - RA-25738 - Aviashelf /1992/

43. Mi-8MT - EY-25149 - Tajikistan Airlines /1990/. Other aircraft from Asia - China, Kazakhstan, and Middle Eastern countries - also came for repairs.

44. Mi-8MT - RA-24712 - SKOL /1984/

45. Mi-8T(TV) - RA-24436 - Sibaviatrans - SIAT (AirUnion) /1986/

46. ​​Mi-8T(TV) - RA-24689 - Turukhan /1981/

47. Mi-8MT - RA-25502 - UTair - Helicopter services (Nefteyugansk OJSC) /1991/ - worked for the UN mission in Western Sahara

48. In the winter they once filmed this bright one - Mi-8T (TV) - RA-24468 - AviaPANKH /1986/

We express our gratitude to the management of the Omsk Civil Aviation Plant for the invitation and excursion!

Taken from max_sky in The second life of helicopters: Blog tour to the Omsk Civil Aviation Plant

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The Russian enterprise “Russian Helicopters” continues to deepen cooperation with the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in the field of repair and maintenance of helicopters.

On the basis of the Vietnamese-Russian enterprise HELITECHCO, repair services for helicopters such as Mi-8 and Mi-17 for military purposes are being discussed.

At the meeting of the Russian-Vietnamese intergovernmental commission on military-technical cooperation, measures were planned to improve the after-sales service system for the above helicopters.

Multi-purpose transport and landing helicopter Mi-26 >>

Russian Helicopters will carry out a technical audit of HELITECHCO for compliance with the requirements for enterprises performing maintenance and repair of Mi-8 helicopters. If assessed positively, this will allow the continuation of repair work on Russian-made civil helicopters in Vietnam.

In addition, the possibility of organizing, on the basis of the HELITECHCO joint venture, the repair of Mi-8/17 military helicopters operated by the Ministry of Defense of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, providing for the retrofitting of the enterprise and training of engineering and technical workers, will be considered.

The joint Vietnamese-Russian repair company HELITECHCO began its activities in 1994. Over the entire period, it has repaired more than 80 civil helicopters from government and commercial operators from Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, India, Australia, Sri Lanka and New Zealand.

Today, HELITECHCO is the only aircraft repair enterprise in Southeast Asia, the repairs of which are supported by the developer of the legendary Mi helicopters - the Moscow Helicopter Plant named after. M.L. Mile.

Helicopter plant "Progress" >>

In addition to developing cooperation in the field of repair of military helicopters, representatives The Vietnamese Ministry of Defense also showed interest in Ansat helicopters for training purposes.

This is a light twin-engine gas turbine multi-purpose helicopter for 7-9 seats, developed by the Kazan Helicopter Plant design bureau using a single-rotor design with a tail rotor. The first prototype of the helicopter was assembled in the spring of 1997, the first flight was made in 1999. In 2011, the certification process for the civilian version of the helicopter began. In August 2013, a type certificate was received from the Aviation Register of the Interstate Aviation Committee.

The helicopter is used by the Russian Aerospace Forces for pilot training, as well as by the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations. The power plant consists of two Pratt & Whitney PW-207K turboshaft engines of 630 hp each. every. There are plans to replace the helicopter engines with domestic VK-800V produced by JSC Klimov, which should become the base engine for promising Russian light helicopters, as well as in a turboprop version for manned and unmanned aircraft platforms.

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Specialists from JSC 356 Aircraft Repair Plant of the Russian Helicopters holding company (part of the Rostec State Corporation) completed the overhaul of four Mi-8MT helicopters intended for delivery to one of the African countries, in accordance with previously concluded contracts.

The helicopters have passed the necessary factory tests and are ready for delivery to the customer. The Russian holding will also provide the repaired helicopters with the necessary aviation equipment. In addition, in the near future the plant intends to expand cooperation with foreign partners. It is expected that next year the company's facilities will repair helicopters from Eastern Europe and the CIS countries.

"The Russian Helicopters holding company sets itself the task of providing customers with first-class service and constantly improving the after-sales service system for helicopter equipment. JSC 356 ARZ specializes in the repair of Mi-8/17 helicopters and always fulfills its obligations with high quality and on time. In recent years For 5 years, the plant’s specialists have repaired more than 300 aircraft,” said Alexander Mikheev, General Director of the Russian Helicopters holding company.

Currently, the total number of helicopters of the Mi-8/17 family in the countries of the African continent is more than 700 units. The abundance of equipment contributed to the opening of a helicopter maintenance and repair center in the Republic of Sudan in 2009, and in 2013, a service technical center for Mi-8/17 helicopters in Johannesburg (South Africa).

The popularity of helicopters of the Mi-8/17 family is determined by the specifics of the region: Africa’s poorly developed road infrastructure creates a large capacity for the helicopter market, while the reliability and ease of operation, price-quality ratio of Russian helicopters make them attractive to operators.

Mi-8/17 helicopters are designed to operate in any climatic conditions, as they can be used in a wide range of conditions and temperatures (from -50 to +50 degrees Celsius). A large cargo compartment, ease of loading and unloading, ease of maintenance and versatility make the helicopter indispensable for the African market.

JSC "Russian Helicopters"(part of the Rostec State Corporation) is one of the world leaders in the helicopter industry, the only developer and manufacturer of helicopters in Russia. The holding was formed in 2007. The head office is located in Moscow. The holding includes five helicopter factories, two design bureaus, as well as enterprises for the production and maintenance of components, aircraft repair plants and a service company providing after-sales support in Russia and abroad. Buyers of the holding's products are the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, other government customers, Gazprom Avia and UTair airlines, large Russian and foreign companies. In 2015, the revenue of Russian Helicopters according to IFRS increased by 29.5% and amounted to 220.0 billion rubles, the volume of deliveries amounted to 212 helicopters.

Rostec State Corporation is a Russian corporation created in 2007 to promote the development, production and export of high-tech industrial products for civil and military purposes. It includes more than 700 organizations, of which 9 holding companies are currently formed in the military-industrial complex and 6 in civilian industries, as well as 32 direct management organizations. Rostec's portfolio includes such well-known brands as AVTOVAZ, KAMAZ, Kalashnikov Concern, Russian Helicopters, VSMPO-AVISMA, etc. Rostec organizations are located in 60 constituent entities of the Russian Federation and supply products to markets in more than 70 countries. Rostec's consolidated revenue in 2015 reached 1 trillion 140 billion rubles. The average salary for the Corporation in 2015 was 41,000 rubles, the Corporation's tax payments to budgets of all levels exceeded 160 billion rubles. According to Rostec's new strategy, the Corporation's main task is to ensure Russia's technological advantage in highly competitive global markets. The planned volume of investment for development until 2025 is 4.3 trillion rubles.


The Mi-8 helicopter was developed in the early 1960s. OKB im. M.L. Mil (now OJSC "Moscow Helicopter Plant named after M.L. Mil") in cooperation with other enterprises, and the program for its creation became the largest in the world of helicopter manufacturing.
The Mi-8 helicopter is designed to transport passengers, luggage, cargo and mail in hard-to-reach areas, as well as to carry out special aviation work in various sectors of the national economy.
In terms of weight category, the Mi-8 helicopter belongs to class 1 helicopters.
The helicopter is designed using a single-rotor design with a five-bladed main rotor and a three-bladed tail rotor. The helicopter is equipped with two TV2-117AG turboprop engines with a take-off power of 110 kW each, which makes it possible to land the helicopter if one of the engines fails.
The helicopter is operated in two main versions: the passenger Mi-8P and the transport Mi-8T.
The passenger version of the helicopter is designed for interregional and local transportation of passengers, luggage, mail and small-sized cargo. It is designed to carry 28 passengers. The transport option provides for the transportation of cargo weighing up to 4000 kg or 24 service passengers. At the request of the customer, the passenger cabin of the helicopter can be equipped with an increased comfort cabin for 11 or 7 passengers.
A helicopter with external cargo sling transports large cargo weighing up to 3000 kg outside the fuselage.
The ferry version of the helicopter is necessary to perform flights with an increased range (from 620 to 1035 km). In this case, one or two additional fuel tanks are installed in the helicopter’s cargo cabin due to the commercial load:
Existing versions of the helicopter are equipped with an electric winch, which allows, using an onboard boom, to lift (lower) loads weighing up to 150 kg on board the helicopter, and also, if a pulley is available, to pull loads weighing up to 2600 kg into the cargo cabin.
The helicopter crew consists of two pilots and a flight mechanic.
In total, about more than 11,000 helicopters (approximately 7,300 in Kazan and 3,800 in Ulan-Ude) of the Mi-8 (Mi-17) type were built in more than 150 modifications, which are operated in 70 countries around the world. The first currently produces mainly modifications of the Mi-17-1V in various configurations and designs (up to 90-95% are exported), and the second produces modifications of the Mi-8AMT (Mi-171) and MI-8ATMSh (Mi -171Ш).
Mi-8 - the basic model of the helicopter; Mi-8P - passenger (28 passengers) helicopter with TV2-117A engines (2x1500 hp); Mi-8T - transport and landing helicopter with TVZ-117A engines (24 paratroopers, in service since 1968); Mi-8TV - transport and landing helicopter with reinforced weapons (unmanned aerial weapons, ATGM "Phalanx"); Mi-8MT (Mi-17) - modernized transport and landing helicopter (1980) with a TVZ-117MT engine (2x1900 hp); Mi-18 – modified Mi-8T with a cabin increased by 1 m (1982, 38 soldiers or cargo weighing up to 6.5 tons); Mi-8MTV-1 (-2, -3, -5) - multi-purpose modifications for use in transport and landing, combat (with NAR units, bombs and small arms), search and rescue (PSS, Mi-8PS, Mi -8SPA) and sanitary options;


The design of the Mi-8 helicopter (Fig. 1) consists of the following main parts and systems: fuselage, takeoff and landing devices, air system, power plant, transmission, main and tail rotors, anti-icing system, helicopter control system, hydraulic system, heating or air conditioning systems, devices for external load suspension, rigging and mooring, household, aviation and radio-electronic equipment.

Rice. 1 General view of the MI-8 helicopter
The helicopter fuselage includes the nose and central parts, tail and end booms. In the bow there is a cockpit, where instrument panels, electric consoles, pilot seats, and command controls are installed. The forward part of the fuselage is separated from the central part by docking frame No. 5N, in the wall of which there is a doorway.
At the front, on the wall of frame No. 5N, there are shelves for radio and electrical equipment, at the rear there are containers for batteries, a box and an electric winch control panel.
Above the cargo compartment there are engines, a fan, a main gearbox with a swashplate and a main rotor, a hydraulic panel and a consumable fuel tank.
Shock absorbers and struts for the main and front landing gear, and external fuel tanks are attached to the fuselage components from the outside. A kerosene heater is located in front of the right outboard fuel tank. The cargo compartment ends in a rear compartment with cargo doors. In the upper part of the rear compartment there is a radio compartment in which panels are installed for units of aviation and radio-electronic equipment. There is a hatch to exit from the cargo compartment to the radio compartment and tail boom. Cargo doors cover the rear opening of the cargo compartment, through which cargo is loaded and unloaded.
A tail boom is attached to the central part of the fuselage, to the components of which are attached a tail support and an uncontrolled stabilizer. At the bottom of the tail boom there are two radio altimeter antennas, inside in the upper part there is a transmission tail shaft. An end beam is attached to the tail boom, inside of which an intermediate gearbox is installed and the end part of the transmission tail shaft passes through. A tail gearbox is attached to the end beam on top, on the shaft of which a tail rotor is mounted.
The helicopter is equipped with a three-post landing gear that is not retractable in flight. Each landing gear is equipped with liquid-gas shock absorbers. The wheels of the front strut are self-orienting, the wheels of the main struts are equipped with braking devices, for the control of which the helicopter is equipped with an air system.
The power plant consists of two TV2-117AG engines and systems that ensure their operation.
To transmit power from the engines to the main and tail rotors, as well as to drive a number of system units, a transmission is installed on the helicopter, consisting of main, intermediate and tail gearboxes, a tail shaft, a fan drive shaft and a main rotor brake. Each engine and main gearbox has its own autonomous oil system, made according to a direct single-circuit closed circuit with forced oil circulation. To cool engine oil coolers and the main gearbox, starter-generators, alternators, air compressor and hydraulic pumps, the helicopter is equipped with a cooling system consisting of a high-pressure fan and air ducts. To protect engine compressor blades from premature wear, dust protection devices are installed in front of the engines.
The engines, main gearbox, fan and panel with hydraulic units are covered by a common hood. With the hood lids open, free access to the power plant, transmission and hydraulic system units is provided. In this case, the open covers of the engine hood and main gearbox are working platforms for performing maintenance of helicopter systems. The helicopter is equipped with fire protection equipment. Longitudinal and transverse fire partitions divide the engine compartment into three compartments: the left engine, the right engine, etc. main gearbox. The fire protection system provides for automatic and forced activation of fire extinguishers and the supply of fire extinguishing agent to the required compartment
The helicopter has a main rotor consisting of a hub and five blades. The hub has spaced horizontal, vertical and axial hinges and is equipped with hydraulic dampers, swing compensators, centrifugal blade overhang limiters and a vibration damper. The all-metal construction blades have a visual spar damage alarm system and an electrothermal anti-icing device. The tail rotor is a pusher, variable pitch in flight, and consists of a cardan-type hub and three all-metal blades equipped with an electrothermal anti-icing device.
The helicopter control is dual, consisting of longitudinal-transverse control, directional control, combined pitch-throttle control and main rotor brake control. In addition, separate control is provided for changing the power of the engines and stopping them. Changing the overall pitch of the main rotor and longitudinal-transverse control of the helicopter are carried out using a swashplate mounted above the main gearbox.
To facilitate control, the system of longitudinal, transverse, directional control and collective pitch control includes irreversible hydraulic boosters, for powering them, as well as for powering the hydraulic cylinder for unlocking the clutch of the STEP - GAS handle and the hydraulic stop for the longitudinal control, the helicopter has a main and backup hydraulic systems. To increase flight safety, the helicopter is equipped with a four-channel autopilot AP-34B, which ensures stabilization of the helicopter in flight in roll, heading, pitch and altitude. The main flight parameters are recorded by the SARPP-12DM system.

2.1.General information:
The main rotor hub is the main unit of the main rotor; is intended for fastening the blades, transmitting torque from the main gearbox shaft to the blades, as well as for receiving and transmitting aerodynamic forces arising on the main rotor blades to the fuselage. There are the following types of V. n. c.: articulated, elastic and rigid.
In the design of a hinged bushing, the blades are fastened to the bushing body by means of horizontal, vertical and axial hinges.
Horizontal hinges (HS) provide the possibility of flapping movement of the blades. Vertical hinges allow the blades to oscillate in the plane of rotation (these oscillations arise under the influence of variable drag forces and Coriolis forces that appear when the blade oscillates relative to the horizontal hinge). Thanks to the articulation of the blades with the hub body, the alternating stresses in the main rotor elements are significantly reduced and the moments of aerodynamic forces transmitted from the rotor to the helicopter fuselage are reduced.
Axial hinges (OSH) V. n. V. designed to change the installation angles of the blades. In order to reduce the overhang (bending) of the blades and create the necessary gaps between the blades and the tail boom of the helicopter with a non-rotating main rotor and at a low rotor rotation speed, the V.N. V. centrifugal overhang limiters were introduced.
All joints that use rolling bearings are equipped with lubrication and sealing systems. In the axial hinges, plate and wire torsion bars made of high-strength stainless steel are used as elements that absorb the centrifugal forces of the blades. There are so-called elastomeric V. n. c., in the hinges of which cylindrical, conical or spherical elastomeric bearings are used. These bearings are made of layers of steel and layers of elastomer vulcanized to them. The absence of rubbing metal parts reduces wear on components. Design of V. n. V. simplified, eliminates the need to use torsion bars, reduces maintenance time, and increases design reliability. In hinged V. n. designs. V. In order to prevent the phenomenon of “ground resonance”, vibrations of the blades relative to the vertical hinges are damped using dampers. which, depending on the working element used, are divided into friction, hydraulic, spring-hydraulic and elastomeric.
Hinged V. n. V. depending on the design, they can be of three types: with spaced horizontal hinges (the axes of the horizontal hinges are at some distance from the axis of the main rotor), with combined horizontal hinges (the axes of the horizontal hinges intersect on the axis of the rotor), with combined horizontal and vertical hinges (axes both hinges intersect at one point, located at a certain distance from the axis of the rotor).
The elastic bushing can be made with an elastic element in only one vertical or horizontal hinge or in both hinges at once. Housing elastic V. n. V. It is usually made from composite materials. Behind the axial hinge, which can be made according to the scheme with rolling bearings and a torsion bar or with elastomeric bearings, there is an external elastic part of the bushing, which ensures the flapping movements of the blade. On a main rotor with such a bushing, control efficiency can be significantly increased compared to a hinged rotor. in., which helps to increase the maneuverability of the helicopter.
A rigid hub has a strong center, a body (usually made of titanium alloy) attached to a rigid drive shaft, and axial joints, to the bodies of which blades made of composite materials are attached through combs. In a main rotor with such a hub, the blade performs oscillatory motion in the plane of thrust and rotation not by turning at the hinges, but due to large deformations of the blade or its thinner butt section. These deformations are also acceptable due to the high strength of composite materials. Such a screw with a rigid sleeve can be considered similar to a screw with a hinged sleeve, which has a large spacing of horizontal hinges (10-35% of the radius of the screw).
Helicopter with rigid V. n. V. has good handling characteristics. An important advantage of rigid V. n. V. is its simplicity (the absence of highly loaded bearings in the hinges, dampers and centrifugal blade overhang limiters), which makes it easier and cheaper to manufacture the propeller and maintain it in operation.

2.2 Design of the NV Bushing:

The main components of the NV Bushing: the bushing body, five units of horizontal, vertical, axial hinges, five hydraulic dampers of vertical hinges with a compensation system, five centrifugal blade overhang limiters, parts for installing the fastening on the NV shaft.

Rice. 2. General view of the main rotor hub.

The bushing body is made of high-strength alloy steel. In the center of the housing there is a hole with involute splines, with which it is connected to the splines of the NV shaft of the main gearbox. Centering of the bushing body on the shaft is carried out using two conical rings (upper and lower), for which there are two conical surfaces in the central bore of the body.
The lower ring is split, the upper one consists of two half rings. In the upper part of the body there is a flange to which the reservoir of hydraulic dampers of the vertical hinges is attached with studs, and in the lower part there is a hole for the fixing pin of the bracket for the swash plate supply. The swashplate is designed to change the magnitude and direction of the NV thrust; it consists of a slider guide, a slider, a bracket, an internal cardan, blade turning rods, longitudinal and transverse control rockers, a collective pitch lever and a plate driver. The brackets are attached to the housing eyes using the GSh pins. These compounds form GS VNV. In each eye of the housing, the outer rings of two needle bearings are installed, which are secured with nuts. Two bronze washers are installed between the rings, which perceive the axial forces that arise when the blade oscillates around the main shaft axis, when the blades deviate from a straight line perpendicular to the main shaft axis.
A thrust ring is installed between the bronze washers and the inner rings of the needle bearings. The inner rings of the needle bearings are installed on the main shaft pin and tightened between the eyes of the bracket using a nut.
The GSh pin has eyes for attaching a hydraulic damper. The internal cavity of the GS is sealed with reinforced rubber cuffs and O-rings. To limit the rotation of the blade around the main shaft axis, there are special stops on the bushing body and brackets. The bracket is a box-section part, at the ends of which there are lugs for connection with the body and the OSh axle. The axes of the lugs are located at right angles to each other.
At the bottom of the bracket there are two eyes into which the finger of the TsOSL pawl is installed. The bottom stops on the bracket consist of centrifugal and permanent overhang stops. The TsOSL mechanism consists of a counterweight, pins, rods, springs and pawls. Centrifugal limiters are limiters for the overhang of the blades when the engines are not running on the ground, as well as when the airspeed is less than 108 rpm. During normal operation of the NV in flight, the blades, making a flapping movement, do not reach the stops due to the presence of a large centrifugal force acting on the blade, which is a natural regulator of the flapping and holds the blades close to the plane of rotation of the hub, allowing them to make small amplitude flapping movements.

Rice. 3. Centrifugal blade overhang limiter:
1-counterweight; 2-finger; 3-spring; 4-thrust; 5-finger; 6-dog

The mechanism of the centrifugal overhang limiter (Fig. 3) consists of a counterweight-1, fingers-2 and 5, rod-4, spring-3 and pawl-6. When the rotor is untwisted and the rotation speed increases, the centrifugal force acting on the counterweight 1 begins to turn the counterweight and the pawl 6. When the rotation speed reaches 108 rpm, the stop of the limiter pawl will move down so much that during the flapping movement of the blade it will no longer limit its downward swing. When the main rotor rotation speed is more than 108 rpm, the downward flapping movements of the blades are limited by constant bracket stops, which allow the blades to deflect downward at an angle of 40 (+-10/90)
With a decrease in the rotor rotation speed to less than 108 rpm (due to a decrease in the centrifugal force of the counterweight), the reverse movement of the mechanism parts begins and at a rotation speed of 95 rpm or less, spring 3 will set the counterweight 1 and pawl 6 to their original position, at which the overhang of the blades is limited an angle of 1°40".
As mentioned above, according to the method of attaching the blade to the bushing and the bushing to the shaft of the gearbox that rotates the propeller, rotors can be divided into hinged (with spaced hinges); with a common horizontal hinge and rigid fastening of the blades.
A bushing with spaced main shafts does not intersect with the axis of rotation of the main shaft; three schemes can be distinguished for them:
Ⅰdiagram: GSh – VSh - OS: a=o, - .Perpendicular to the axis of the GSh.
This bushing has a number of disadvantages:
-in cruising modes, the blade deviates, in the plane of rotation its chord becomes not parallel to the main shaft axis, therefore, during flapping movements, the pitch spontaneously changes, which causes the blade to tilt to the stops.
- in cruising modes, the resulting force R transmitted to the propeller blade is not perpendicular to the propeller shaft axis, which causes unequal loading of the bracket eyes and propeller bearings, and this leads to their unequal wear.

Rice. 5. NV bushing with spaced main shafts (1st scheme):

Ⅱscheme: GSh – VSh - OS: a≠o, - not perpendicular to the axis of the GSh.
The magnitude of the mainshaft displacement is selected such that in cruising modes the blade deviates relative to the high-pressure hinge so that the chord of the blade becomes parallel to the mainshaft axis. Then, during swing movements, it moves parallel to itself and this does not cause a spontaneous change in step. The resulting force R equally loads the eyes and bearings of the main shaft, but this will only be in cruising modes; in other modes, the bushing has the same disadvantages as in diagram 1. In addition, it is more difficult to manufacture.

Rice. 6. NV bushing with spaced main shafts (2nd scheme).

Ⅲ scheme: VSh - OSh - GSh or VSh - OSh - GSh. For the bushings of this design, the GSh and VSh have swapped places. The bushings do not have the disadvantages inherent in the first two schemes, since the chord of the blade here is always parallel to the main shaft axis. There is no loss of stability of the swing movements, and the bearings are always loaded equally in all modes, but the VS bearings are not loaded equally here.
For a bushing with combined main shafts, the axis intersects with the axis of rotation of the main shaft. The blades are attached to the hub via a universal joint. Such bushings are less durable, so they are used on light helicopters.

Rice. 7. NV bushing with spaced main shafts (3rd scheme):

The articulated bushing has a body with lugs sitting on the splines of the shaft, GSh, VSh, connected by a trunnion bracket OSh, to which the blade is attached. A nut is screwed onto the shaft, which holds the bushing through a centering ring.

Rice. 8. HB articulated bushing:
1-centering ring; 2-nut; 3-GSh; 4-VSh; 5-trunnion; 6-blade; 7-OSH;
8-bracket; 9-body; 10-shaft

The articulated bushing has three hinges: GSh; VSH; OSH. Thanks to the presence of hinges, the blade can perform three types of rotational movements: flywheel (relative to the main shaft, swing angle β), oscillations in the plane of rotation of the propeller (relative to the main shaft, angle θ), change in the installation angle, i.e., blade pitch (relative to the main shaft, angle φ).
The main propellers prevent the helicopter from tipping over relative to the longitudinal axis in oblique flow modes around the air intake and relieve the blades from bending moments in their root parts. The main shaft is formed by the lug of the bushing body, which houses two support needle bearings. The internal cavity of the pin is filled with lubricant, which enters the bearing track through the holes. The needle bearing contains 43 needles measuring 6.5-60 mm. The outer races of the bearings are secured with nuts that are screwed from the ends into the eye holes of the bushing body and have reinforced rubber cuffs. There are two thrust rings between the outer races. The finger is connected through an eyelet to the hydraulic damper body. The coupling nut is screwed onto the pin and secured with a plate lock. To prevent oil leakage through the seals when the pressure inside the joint increases, a pressure compensator with a finger diaphragm is installed in the filler hole, the internal cavity of which is exposed to the atmosphere. Loads during flapping movements of the blade in the vertical plane are perceived by needle bearings, axial loads from the bracket eyes are transmitted through chrome rings. Oil from the cavity in the housing of the HB bushing is supplied to lubricate the needle bearings.

Rice. 9. Horizontal hinge:
1-sleeve body; 2-hull eye; 3-finger; 4-eye bracket; 5-bearing

The VH, formed by the eyes of the bracket and the head part of the axial hinge trunnion, provides unloading of the blade in the root part of the blade from the bending moment acting in the plane of rotation. A pressure compensator with a finger diaphragm is installed in the top cover on the finger, and a drain plug is installed on the bottom of the finger. Oil from the inner cavity of the pin flows to the rubbing parts of the bearings, through the radial holes and inner races of the bearings. To remove air plugs from the oil cavity under pressure, a grease nipple and a control valve are installed on the stops of the head part of the OSh axle.
OSH allows you to change the blade installation angles. The OS consists of a trunnion, a thrust nut, two support ball bearings, a nut, a housing, and eyes to which the blade is attached. Inside the housing there is an adjusting ring and disc springs. On the body there is a filler plug on top, a magnetic plug and a control cup on the bottom; the blade rotation lever is attached to the side surface, and the blade mounting comb is attached to the outer end surface. Radial loads when changing the installation angles of the blades are absorbed by ball bearings, the centrifugal force of the blade is transmitted through a double-row roller thrust bearing to the OS trunnion and then through the VSh, bracket, GS to the NV bushing body.

Rice. 10. Axial joint:
1-axle; 2.8-nut; 3.7 ball bearing; 4.6-spacer sleeve;
5-roller bearing;9-housing;10-eyes


The enterprise JSC SPARK began its history on June 4, 1931, it was then that by Order No. 364 of the Head of the UKGVF, the aviation repair enterprises of Leningrad were reorganized into the Aviation Repair Base of the Civil Air Fleet.
Currently, the company offers its services for the repair of the following types of helicopters:

Overhaul of Mi-8/Mi-17 helicopters of all series and modifications and their components.
- Overhaul of Ka-27 helicopters of all series and modifications and their components.
- Overhaul of Ka-32T and Ka-32S helicopters and their components.
Also, the company SPARK OJSC offers its services for extending the assigned resources of the supporting system units, control and transmission.
SPARK OJSC has the right to extend the assigned resources for the following units of the MI-8MTV (AMT) helicopter:
- main rotor hub 8-1930-000 ser.02., produced after 01/01/1987;
- tail rotor bushing 246-3914-000 ser.01;
- swashplate 8-1950-000;
- intermediate gearbox 8A-1515-000;
- tail gearbox 246-1517-000;
- tail shaft 8A-1516-000.
Extension of the assigned life of the main rotor hub 8-1930-000ser.02. and swashplate 8-1950-000, according to decision No. 24.2.5-1000GA dated 08.28.2003 DPLGGVS and TRGAMT of Russia, is carried out within the assigned resource of 5000 hours with a time between repairs of 1500 hours and a service life between repairs of 8 years.
Extension of the assigned resource for the intermediate gearbox 8A-1515-000; tail gearbox 246-1517-000; tail shaft 8A-1516-000 and tail rotor hub 246-3914-000 gray. 01, is carried out in accordance with decision No. 24.2.5 - 1659 GA dated December 17, 2003 of the DPLGGVS and TRGAMT of Russia.
Extension of the assigned life of the tail transmission units (intermediate gearbox 8A-1515-000; tail gearbox 246-1517-000; tail shaft 8A-1516-000) of Mi-8MTV-1, Mi-8AMT helicopters and their modifications when they perform transport work is carried out within the designated resource of 4500 hours with a TBO resource of 1500 hours and a TBO service life of 6 years, tail rotor hub 246-3914-000ser. 01 Mi-8MTV-1, Mi-8AMT helicopters and their modifications within the assigned resource of 5000 hours with a turnaround time of 1000 hours and a service life between overhauls of 7 years.
Representatives of GosNIIGA and OJSC Moscow Helicopter Plant im. M.L. Mile."
Also, SPARK OJSC, in accordance with bulletins, instructions and decisions of the industry, organizes work to assess the technical condition of aircraft products in order to increase the calendar service life and (or) resources:
helicopter airframe Mi-8/Mi-17 (all modifications);
TV3-117 engine;
TV2-117 engine;
auxiliary power unit AI-9(V);
main gearbox VR-14;
main gearbox VR-8A;
rotor blades;
tail rotor blades.
Specialists from GosNIIGA, OJSC Moscow Helicopter Plant named after. M.L. Mil", OJSC "Klimov", OJSC "Perm Motor Plant", OJSC "Reductor-PM", ZMKB "Progress", OJSC "Motor Sich", etc.
The enterprise carries out comprehensive work to extend the resources and service life of helicopters and their components. Together with OJSC Moscow Helicopter Plant named after. M.L. Mil" and research institutes of OJSC "SPARK" carry out endurance testing programs for the airframe, transmission units and the helicopter's load-bearing system.
For all this, the enterprise has the material base in the conditions necessary for this; the area of ​​the enterprise is more than 2 hectares. For all types of work offered, there are specialized premises, hangars, stands, special equipment and special vehicles.
Let us dwell in more detail on the area for repairing the main rotor hub; the room provided for this type of work has an area of ​​450 square meters. The site staff consists of the following numbers:
The work shift is headed by a foreman (1 person)
Foreman (1 person selected from among the workers)
Workers (5 people)
The shift works on a schedule of 5 through 2 with a normalized working day until 17-15 and a lunch break.
Now directly organize the production process and describe jobs.
As you know, a rationally organized workplace provides working conditions, the correct structure of the work process, eliminates unnecessary and inconvenient movements, reduces time spent, improves the use of equipment, improves the quality of work performed, and ensures the safety of equipment.
In order to ensure this, the organization of labor involves the implementation of a set of measures:
1. development of a list of works and operations of the main production and establishment of the sequence of their implementation;
2. selection, professional training and placement of personnel, clear definition of the responsibilities of each employee;
3. organization and equipment of workplaces, ensuring the effective fulfillment of production tasks by each employee;
4. introduction of the most rational techniques and methods for performing work;
5. creation of the necessary sanitary and production and living conditions that ensure occupational hygiene and safety, regulation of work and rest regimes for workers;
6. establishing labor standards and their remuneration, choosing forms of moral and material stimulation of labor productivity growth;
The production site for the repair of load-bearing bushings undoubtedly meets all these requirements. According to the governing documents, the site is certified and has a passport that displays all the necessary aspects relating to the production process as a whole.

Table 1
Information about the production personnel of the site.
No. Last name, First name, Patronymic Year of birth Education Rank No. of the certificate for the right to repair aircraft equipment No. of the certificate of completion of the technical and technical training Code of instr. stamps Master's notes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

"_____" ____________________________2010

Table 1 shows the appearance of the passport page, showing the level of technical training of the personnel, there is a column for complaints from the foreman, information about the date of the last PTC, which allows the inspection or certification body to independently assess the qualifications and hierarchy of the site team.
Table 2 shows a passport page presenting a list of documents in force at a given site, which helps staff in their work evaluate additions to previously issued documents, the date of changes, and a complete list of what may be needed in their work.

Table 2
List of technological documents in force in this area.
No. Name of technological document CIFR Date of implementation Implemented sheets of changes to technological documents, technical. Instructions, Additions
1 2 3 4 5

The title of the third table indicates the page of the passport, which contains a list of those nomenclature documents that site workers must directly know and comply with all points of these documents. Responsibility for implementation rests with the site foreman and supervision of the leading technologist.

Table 3
List of orders, instructions and bulletins to be carried out at this site.
No. Name of the document Date of implementation Place of storage of the document Notes
1 2 3 4 5

Site foreman________________ Leading technologist_________
"___" ________2010 "___" ________2010

As mentioned above, the main rotor hub repair section fully meets all the requirements of labor legislation, fire safety standards, information about this and documentation on this topic is included in the next page of the passport, shown in Table 4.

Table 4
List of instructions to NGOs, Occupational Health, Safety and Fire Regulations in force at the site.
Item No. Document name CODE Notes
1 2 3 4

Site foreman________________ Leading technologist_________
"___" ________2010 "___" ________2010

Also, the passport displays all the equipment (Table 5), which is convenient for taking inventory and delineating the responsibilities of workers for their jobs.

Table 5
List of site equipment.
No. Name of equipment No. of operational passport/inventory No. Last name of the responsible person Notes
1 2 3 4 5

Site foreman________________ Leading technologist_________
"___" ________2010 "___" ________2010

The site passport (Table 6) must have a page on which the quality control or OGT inspector can leave a record of violations identified during the inspection when extending the validity period of the passport or check compliance with previously left comments; the inspector can familiarize himself with the validity period of the passport or the last extension on next page of the site passport (Table 7).

Table 6
Comments on the implementation of technologies, technical culture and condition of the site.
Item No. Comments of inspection persons: foreman, quality control foreman, HS engineer, etc. Signature, position, date. Execution according to comments. Signature, position, date.
1 2 3

Table 7
Information on verification and renewal of the production site passport.
Passport renewal note DATE Position Signature
1 2 3 4
The site passport has been checked and supplemented. Validity period extended Until "__"________20__.

On the last page of the passport, the inspector often makes sure that the declared number of sheets coincides with the actual number, whether there are stickers or not, the state of the passport, the conditions of its storage, from which he can draw a conclusion about the state of humidity during working hours at the site. The technologist, the Head of the Quality Control Department and the Chief Engineer put their signatures when producing a passport or when replacing it with a new one. The appearance of the last page is shown schematically (Table 8).