Engineering networks of a private house. Design of engineering systems. Design of engineering systems for a country house - stages of work

It is difficult to imagine modern man without a comfortable environment around him. When building a country house, you should remember that engineering Communication- cold and hot water supply, ventilation, gas supply, sewerage, heating, electricity supply cannot be left to last. They must be taken care of in advance, otherwise the construction of a house will turn into complete alterations, which will lead to significant financial costs and loss of precious time.

This is not a cheap undertaking, the purchase of equipment and its installation is about 15-20% of the cost of building a house.
Based on this, first of all (at the stage of developing an architectural project), you should order the development of an appropriate project so that engineering systems work flawlessly during long-term operation.

It’s good when, when developing a project, utility networks will be considered in different options to find the most suitable and economically justified. The project for utility networks must be agreed upon with all interested organizations, and the design organization that completed the project has the appropriate license for this type of activity. The designed utility networks must also not violate the requirements of current regulatory documents and orders of local government authorities. Engineering systems they should also be correctly mounted and linked together. In addition, it is necessary to think about how to hide utility lines into the structure of the house as much as possible. For example, all ventilation ducts and pipelines, electrical wiring should be recessed into the walls at the stage of their construction, otherwise it will be necessary to install hanging systems, reducing the usable area of ​​​​the premises. Network engineering

hot water supply and heating in the house primarily depend on the type of boiler or water heater chosen.
Water supply utilities can be connected from a public water supply or from a well or well. The pump is the main element for supplying water. The power and type of pump (submersible or centrifugal) is selected based on calculations made, which take into account the depth of the aquifer, the distance to the consumer and the required pressure created. To maintain constant pressure, water supply systems use water supply stations operating in automatic mode.
In order for engineering systems to operate reliably and for a long time, it is necessary to invite highly qualified specialists who will install communications, commissioning work and provide warranty service for the equipment.

A modern country house is unthinkable without the effective functioning of engineering systems. Comfortable conditions mean reliable water, gas and electricity supply, as well as high-quality heating and sewerage. In addition, in order to create conditions in the house that meet hygienic requirements, it is necessary to take care of the organization of the ventilation system. The organization that develops the engineering communications project must have a license for this type of activity.

Sewer network design - choosing the type of system

When developing a project for engineering communications of a country house, one of the most important parts is given to the design of external sewer networks. In this case, the volume of wastewater that the system will discharge daily is calculated. In addition, the average performance of the drainage system is also calculated. By analyzing the data obtained, engineers determine the optimal capacity of the sewer storage tank, as well as what type of sewer system should be used (septic tank or station providing autonomous biological treatment).

When developing a project for the external sewage system of a house, the average volume of storm drainage in the region must be taken into account. When determining the volume of a sewer storage tank, experts proceed from the fact that it is more rational to exceed this indicator, since if the indicator is underestimated, measures will have to be taken in the future to redo the system for disposing of contaminated wastewater.

A separate part of the sewer network project is devoted to the development of a project for laying sewer communications inside the house, which includes the placement of plumbing equipment.

Water supply project – autonomous water supply systems

If it is possible to connect the house to a centralized water supply, the development of a house project with utilities is simplified, since the task is to develop the location of the pipeline system and coordinate this part of the project with the authority (Vodokanal) responsible for supplying water to the population.

In the standard design of an autonomous water supply system at home, it is currently planned to install the following special equipment:

  • a pump that will draw water from the well,
  • block providing water purification,
  • hydraulic accumulator,
  • external water supply network pipeline system,
  • pipeline system of the internal water supply network.

Engineering and technical documentation of the water supply system is presented in the form of diagrams, which provide detailed information on how hot and cold water will be supplied to consumers.

Types of work when designing a gas supply for a house

Work on the design of gas supply utilities for a house is carried out in several stages:

  • At the beginning of work on a project to provide access to the main gas pipeline, specialists from the design organization must inspect the facility, determine its features, calculate the planned gas consumption for the year and the consumption limit.
  • At the next stage, pipes are laid through which gas will flow to the house and the gas pressure at the entrance to the customer’s house is determined.
  • The features of laying an external gas supply network are determined, which will ensure the connection of the house with the gas main.
  • Development of a design for gas control units that provide the ability to reduce gas pressure at the inlet.
  • Development of a gas purification system (installation of filters).
  • Drawing up drawings.
  • Obtaining approval from the gas company to which you plan to connect.

Development of a heating system project for a country house

When designing a heating system for a country house, the task of creating a heating system for the house, which must be optimally efficient, is always set. When drawing up a competent heating system project, a specialized company, as a rule, offers different options that are considered the most effective in specific conditions.

If it is possible to connect to the main gas pipeline, then the connection diagram will be designed for connection to it. If there is no gas line, then it is necessary to determine what type of fuel is supposed to be used to ensure the functioning of the heating system.

The project indicates all special equipment and the places where it will be located. If you plan to install a universal boiler, you can use different types of fuel. However, experts recommend installing specialized heating boilers that are designed to operate on a specific type of fuel (for example, solid fuel, liquid fuel boilers).

Currently popular are boilers that heat air and transfer it through pipes. Such devices operate on solid fuel (wood, briquettes). Experts note that this is highly efficient equipment.

To create a heating system in a house, a heated floor system can also be used. But to create an effective heating system in a country house using heated floors, it will be necessary to ensure the sealing of the junction of windows to window openings, as well as to carry out measures for thermal insulation of all rooms.

Ventilation design - ensuring a normal air environment

– this is one of the most important systems, the normal functioning of which ensures the condition of the air environment in accordance with hygienic requirements. When drawing up a ventilation project, the type that will allow this system to function with the greatest efficiency is determined. Therefore, a particularly important part of the design of this system is the selection of special equipment. An accurate calculation of the air distribution network must be carried out, an accurate diagram of the ventilation system and specifications for the equipment must be drawn up.

Thus, the communications project for a private house is an obligatory part of the house’s design documentation, which must be developed by specialists and undergo all necessary approvals before construction begins.

Video - Engineering communications for a country house

You will receive a complete specification of equipment and materials, recommendations for a heating boiler, water heater and other engineering equipment. This section of project documentation will help you save your time and money, and you will always be aware of what is happening if you carefully study the project documentation.

What is included in the engineering systems project

The engineering systems project is divided into 3 sections:

  1. Internal water supply and sewerage project
  2. Internal power supply project

Water supply and sewerage project

In the water supply and sewerage project you will find all the necessary diagrams for installing a water heater, distribution manifold of the water supply system, sewerage system, as well as specifications of equipment and materials.

The equipment will be selected individually for your home; the design of the house, the material from which the house is built and climatic conditions will play a role in this. There are many rules and regulations for these sections that we comply with. By building a house according to such a project, you will receive comfort and long-lasting use of water supply and sewerage.

Composition of the Internal water supply and sewerage project:

  1. Explanatory note
  2. Axonometric diagram of the water supply system
  3. Water supply system (plans for all possible floors)
  4. Schematic diagram of connecting a water heater to a hot water supply system
  5. Schematic diagram of the distribution manifold of the water supply system
  6. Axonometric diagram of the sewerage system
  7. Sewage system (plans for all possible floors)

Internal heating and natural ventilation project

The internal heating and natural ventilation project contains all the necessary diagrams, plans and specifications for the installation of a heating collector, radiators, heated floors, boiler room, and ventilation ducts. You will receive a calculation of the heat loss of the enclosing structures.

The main task of designers is to make your home warm, to calculate the design of heating systems for reasons of efficiency, reliability and durability. And also provide ventilation for rooms with high humidity, such as a toilet, bathroom, kitchen.

Composition of the Internal heating and natural ventilation project:

  1. List of the main set of working drawings
  2. Explanatory note
  3. Axonometric diagram of the supply and return piping system of the heating system
  4. Floor plans with networks for supply and return piping of the heating system
  5. Schematic diagram of the distribution system manifold
  6. "Warm floor." Typical underfloor heating design
  7. Thermal diagram of the boiler room
  8. Schematic diagram of the distribution manifold of the system
  9. Floor plans with VK system (ventilation ducts)
  10. Specification of equipment and materials

House internal power supply project

The final section of engineering systems is house internal power supply project. In this project you will receive all the diagrams and specifications for the lighting network, socket network, and floor heating power supply plan, if required.

Further, the design of power supply includes calculation of the working lighting panel, calculation of the emergency lighting panel, information and diagram for grounding the house and lightning protection. In this project, the designer will calculate the total electrical load on your line, taking into account all your needs and wishes for electrical equipment and household appliances in your future home. You will know exactly how many kilowatts your site will need. The risk of load on the internal power supply system will be prevented, since in the project all loads are calculated and the cable cross-section is selected according to them.

Composition of the internal power supply project:

  1. Total information
  2. Explanatory note
  3. House power supply diagram
  4. Lighting network plans for all floors
  5. Electrical plan for underfloor heating (if required)
  6. Calculation of the working lighting panel for all floors
  7. Emergency lighting panel calculation
  8. Grounding
  9. Potential control circuit
  10. Lightning protection

You can clearly see what our work looks like by downloading an example of each project.

When designing a brick house for permanent residence, it is very important to competently and wisely approach the issue of equipping it with engineering systems, since even the best house is unsuitable for housing without electricity, water supply and sewerage.

The energy supply system of a house is, without exaggeration, the most important engineering system of a house. In the worst case, water supply and sewerage can be replaced with a well and a characteristic plank structure in the yard, but without electricity it is completely impossible to live in a house. It should be said right away that it is best to entrust the implementation of electrical work to a specialized organization that has permission and a license for these types of activities, since only in this case there are guaranteed to be no problems with the acceptance of the house's power supply system for operation by regulatory authorities. It should be taken into account that the results of electrical installation work are carefully monitored by authorized structures.

But if the desire to independently master the difficult science of electrical installation has not disappeared, then you should start by studying the PUE (Electrical Installation Rules). This is a fairly extensive set of documents, which describes in detail all the stages and features of electrical work. Next, you must contact the local energy supply authorities and obtain technical conditions (TU) for connecting the new house to the area’s energy system. All further actions depend on the contents of this document. Of course, each specific case has its own characteristics, but most often electrical work includes several mandatory components.

First, electricity is supplied from the power line to the house. For this purpose, it is allowed to use only self-supporting insulated wire (SIP). The line is supplied by air line. To install a cable line (i.e. underground), permission from the local administration to carry out excavation work and a certificate stating that there are no other communications in the area where the cable runs are required. If these documents are available, then a trench 70 cm deep is dug, a sand cushion is poured into it, on which the cable is laid. On top it is covered with a layer of brick, flat slate or specially treated boards. Then the warning tape “Caution, cable!” is laid down. and another layer of sand is poured. And only after this the cable line is covered with a layer of soil.

Read also: Thermostats for heating radiators: advantages, design, types, principle of operation and installation

The second block of electrical installation work is the installation of an input machine and an electricity meter at the entrance to the house, which are subsequently sealed by local authorities for the supervision of energy consumption.

The third block is the installation of circuit breakers. When installing circuit breakers, you should separate consumers as much as possible, that is, install several circuit breakers for different groups of electrical appliances (for example, one circuit breaker for sockets, one for lighting, etc.). All rooms with an increased risk of electric shock should be equipped with residual current devices (RCDs). For a bathroom you need an RCD with a leakage current of 10 mA, for a kitchen, boiler room, etc. – 30 mA.

The fourth block of work includes installation of electrical wiring, switches, sockets and lamps.

It is allowed to do both open (in boxes) and hidden. Open wiring is easier to install, it is easy to add new lines to it, for example, when increasing the number of electrical appliances in a certain room, but from an aesthetic point of view it loses somewhat. Hidden wiring is placed in the grooves of the walls and covered with a layer of plaster. Thus, only switches and sockets remain on the wall surface. Wiring lines are laid with double-insulated copper cable, for socket lines - with a cross-section of 2.5 square meters. mm, for lighting – 1.5 (for example, VVGng 3X2.5 or NYM 2.5 Sockets are installed with a grounding contact. In rooms with high humidity, luminaires with a moisture protection level of at least IP54 are installed.

Read also: To conclude the topic of electrical work, it is worth saying that all of the above is not a sequence of installation work, but simply a list of them. The sequence may vary depending on the situation.

Plastic drainage well: device, types, installation stages

Electrical engineering is not the only thing you need to master when developing and installing engineering systems for a private home with your own hands. You can make a house truly comfortable and convenient for year-round living only by equipping it with sewerage and water supply systems. Installation of external networks is a separate extensive topic, so we will focus only on the internal wiring of sewer and water pipes. The regulatory document that you should carefully read before starting work is SNiP 2.04.01-85.

Branches from plumbing fixtures are laid above the floor, in the floor or along the wall in its lower part, depending on the type of plumbing fixture. Turns of branch lines must be made smoothly - at an angle of more than 90 degrees. The pipe sockets are directed against the flow.

For risers, pipes of the largest diameter are used, that is, a minimum diameter of 110 mm. Branch pipes are connected to the riser using tees or crosses at angles of 45, 60 and 90 degrees. Technological hatches (so-called “inspections”) are installed on risers and individual sections of branch pipelines for cleaning.