Kefir dough for khachapuri. Step-by-step recipe for making khachapuri with cheese on kefir. Khachapuri with cheese from yeast dough cooked in the oven

Hello dear readers. A huge variety of delicious, delicious dishes, ease of preparation, benefits for the body - all this, and more, is said about Georgian cuisine! One of the main dishes that can be prepared and eaten daily is khachapuri. It has a rich culinary history, as this dish has been prepared since ancient times in special ovens. Now, it can be noted that this delicacy has become international. Not everyone will remember where it “comes from”, and not everyone knows the traditional recipe for khachapuri with cheese in a frying pan. But there are many other delicious and varied recipes that can be prepared at home.

What is this - khachapuri?

The simplest and, as many cooks are sure, traditional recipe for this masterpiece is a combination of dough and cheese.

At the same time, there should be approximately twice as much of the second as the first. The latter, as a rule, is fresh.

Cheese for filling

A wide variety of cheese can be used: sheep (traditionally), cow, cottage cheese, suluguni cheese, mozzarella and so on. It can be absolutely fresh or aged for a certain period of time. It is usually finely ground (grated).

Other culinary ingredients are also used in it, for example: eggs, herbs.

Most often, the dish is prepared either over coals, or on the stove (over low-intensity fire) and even in a frying pan. There are dozens, if not hundreds, of technologies for preparing this culinary masterpiece, popular all over the world.

After all, in almost every village they prepare it somehow differently: differently, not the same as in the neighboring one. A little later we will give you the most popular and famous of them, which you can use quite successfully even on your own at home.

You will agree that it has a very interesting, although quite common for the Georgian language, name.

What does the name of the flatbread mean?

For our person, it would not be amiss to explain that it comes from two words: “khacho”, which literally means “cheese”, and “puri” - this is “bread”. The result is something like: “cheese bread” or “bread with cheese.”

It can be located either inside the dough, in the form of a kind of filling, or on top (and the dough itself is formed in the form of a boat or envelope).

Undoubtedly, this simple, at first glance, cheese flatbread has become a real national treasure and a source of pride for the whole country - Georgia.

And, it is worth noting, it is with her that many inhabitants of the planet associate Georgians. And they went even further, legitimizing, so to speak, copyright in it for themselves.

Thus, in 2011, the national institute, the Center for Intellectual Property, presented the government with a bill that provided for the protection of many national dishes (this includes the one we are considering today), at the level of their trade names. Based on this, no country in the world can produce (bake) it if the recipe uses a cooking technology (including ingredients) that is different from that presented in the document developed by the institute!

Another thing is no less interesting and entertaining: in Georgia, as well as near its borders, in neighboring countries, the surname Khachapuridze is very common, which, as historians say, has a direct connection with the favorite national dish.

Khachapuri with cheese in a frying pan - a delicious and quick recipe using kefir

Ingredients for the dough:

  • Flour - 300 grams
  • Kefir - 250 ml.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Soda - 1/2 teaspoon

Filling ingredients:

  • Cheese cheese – 250 grams
  • Mozzarella – 250 grams
  • Dill - about 50 grams

50 grams of butter for greasing flatbreads with cheese


1. I pour kefir into a bowl, add salt, sugar and soda. I mix everything until the soda dissolves.

2. Gradually add flour and mix the dough.

3. Sprinkle the table with flour and knead the dough on the table. I transfer the finished dough into a bowl and let it “rest” for 10 minutes.

4. Meanwhile, prepare the filling. For this I use feta cheese and mozzarella. I rub two types of cheese on a coarse grater, add finely chopped dill to the filling and mix.

5. This amount of dough makes 4 flatbreads. I divide the dough into 4 parts.

6. I often roll each one into a thin cake. Place 100 grams of filling in the center, seal the flatbread with cheese and roll out to the diameter of your frying pan.

You can watch everything in the video clip, in which I show and tell you in detail how to cook khachapuri with cheese in a frying pan, and share a quick recipe using kefir.

7. Fry the flatbreads on both sides for 2-3 minutes. I grease each side with butter.

It is better to serve the flatbreads warm or hot.

Khachapuri with yeast in the oven

The ingredients you will need are: yeast dough and slightly salted cheese. These are the main ones. There will also be additional ones:


  • Oils (sunflower and butter, 35 and 55 milliliters, respectively)
  • White from one chicken egg
  • Salt and sugar (about 12-13 grams of each)
  • Dry baker's yeast - 10 g
  • Milk (goat or cow, other) and warm drinking water - 340-360 milliliters each
  • Imeretian cheese – 210 gr

Flour should be taken in an amount of 1000 g.

What to do with these ingredients?

1. Take water and milk and mix. Separately pour about 100 milliliters of the mixture, adding sugar to it, then yeast. Wait about 15 minutes. Next, add flour, add butter (butter) and add the remaining mixture of water and milk. Pour in vegetable oil. When the dough rises, settle it, then wait until it rises again, and settle (mix) again. Then let it rise a little and you can divide it into portions.

2. Grind the cheese on a medium grater and add the white of a chicken egg to it, the rest of the butter and form it all into small balls.

3. Roll out each portion so that its radius is about 16 centimeters. After that, put the filling in the center of each circle. The thickness should not exceed 0.5 centimeters.

4. Transfer to the other side and roll out again. Place on a pre-greased baking dish and bake at about 250 degrees until done.

Another recipe for khachapuri with kefir

You can use almost any cheese for it: Adyghe, Suluguni, feta cheese, homemade cottage cheese, hard varieties, and so on.


  • Flour - 2.5 cups
  • Kefir - one glass
  • Salt and sugar - 1 teaspoon each
  • Baking soda - half a teaspoon
  • Sunflower oil - one tablespoon

Butter - in the amount necessary to grease ready-made baked goods!


  • Suluguni (any other type - 280 grams)
  • Chicken egg
  • Garlic clove, greens

The cooking process

1. Mix flour with soda.

2. Egg, kefir, salt, sugar and sunflower oil are mixed thoroughly.

3. This mixture is mixed with the one obtained as a result of the manipulations in step 1. The dough is prepared.

4. All products necessary to form the filling are combined.

5. Form the cakes, pulling up the edges, add the filling, connect the edges and flatten them a little. Bake in a frying pan until golden brown. Have a nice day!

If you want to try delicious real khachapuri, then go to Georgia, or order it in a restaurant. Well, at least cook it at home. But, do not buy it in stores where this masterpiece is sold in the form of baked goods. It has almost nothing in common with real khachapuri.

Different recipes involve cooking in a frying pan, on a grill, and even on a skewer. You can improvise by greasing the finished product with oil, sprinkling with herbs, brushing with egg yolk, and so on.

Everything is in your hands and the matter is limited, by and large, only by your imagination. And don’t forget to try penovani, kubdari, lobiani with beans, acharuli and meghruli. Have a nice and useful time!

The region of origin of khachapuri can be determined by test

Yes, that's exactly it! The thing is that in the east of the country they mainly use wheat flour, but in the west, for example, they use corn flour.

But, in principle, to create this amazing and, without exaggeration, incredible dish, any flour from any cereal and more will do.

Also, the place of origin of a particular species can be determined by its name and shape. Actually, dishes with different names are prepared using different methods.

Racha and Svaneti are regions of the country with which certain religious beliefs of the local population are associated. They have a close relationship with the sun. Therefore, khachapuri, the recipes of which originated here, is almost absolutely even in shape.

Some chefs, including Georgian ones, claim that true khachapuri has an almost ideally equal (same) ratio of cheese to dough.

Others, in turn, insist that the first should be twice as much. Which one of them is right after all? At first glance, you might think it's the latter. After all, most classic recipes (don’t forget that they differ in different regions of the country, and even in different localities) are based on proportions of approximately 1/2 (dough and cheese, respectively).

However, many classic recipes also have one-to-one proportions. And they are also historically approved. This means that in this dispute, as in many others, there are no winners: both are right.

Varieties of khachapuri

Imeruli. We can say that this dish is not very popular in its homeland - in Georgia. But in the CIS countries, including the former ones, for some reason, it is, on the contrary, the most in demand.

Perhaps the Georgians did not want to give out their most valuable recipes to foreigners for a long time and kept them secret.

To properly bake a dish using this method, you will need a special clay dish - a “ketsi” frying pan. But if you don’t have it, it doesn’t matter, use a regular one. Moreover, you are unlikely to find a traditional Georgian stove.

Benefits and potential harm

Naturally, Georgian cuisine, and few people have any doubts about this, is tasty and healthy at the same time. This dish was no exception!

Its calorie content: about 310 kcal per 100 grams of product. Depends on the specific type.

Let's start with the potential harm. In principle, it is practically absent. The main thing is not to abuse it, especially for those who are trying to follow a diet or have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Benefit: contains many vitamins and minerals. It improves the condition of the musculoskeletal system, the appearance of the skin, contributes to the overall strengthening of the body, and also pampers the taste buds, which is also important!

And finally: Georgians themselves say that you should never eat this delicacy with a fork and knife. Only with your hands. It’s tastier, more aromatic, and more enjoyable this way!

Many housewives mistakenly think that khachapuri is a very complex, intricate dish that cannot be brought to life without a special oven. In fact, there are many simplified recipes for such a treat. You can even cook khachapuri in a frying pan.

Ingredients: 0.7 cups of low-fat sour cream and thick kefir, 130 g of butter, 300-320 g of high-grade flour, ½ teaspoon of baking soda and fine salt, 230 g of hard cheese and 90 g of feta cheese.

Khachapuri with cheese was, is and will be the most favorite delicacy of millions of people.

  1. Kefir is combined with sour cream. A couple of large spoons of the latter are left for the filling. All dry ingredients, except flour, are immediately poured here.
  2. Melted butter (110 g) is poured in.
  3. Flour is gradually added through a sieve.
  4. As a result, the dough should be very soft and tender. The oil in the composition will prevent it from sticking to your fingers.
  5. For the filling, combine two types of crushed cheese, the remaining butter and sour cream. You can salt the mass.
  6. The dough is divided into 4 parts, each of which is rolled out and filled with filling. The flatbread is collected from the edges to the middle and pinched. In this case, you need to expel the air from inside.
  7. Next, the cake is carefully flattened by hand. The main thing is not to tear it.

All that remains is to fry the khachapuri with cheese in a frying pan without adding oil until golden brown.

A simple version of pita bread

Ingredients: 3 sheets of lavash, 160 g each of hard and Adyghe cheese, 2 large eggs, a full glass of full-fat kefir, 2 large pinches of salt.

  1. Kefir is lightly beaten with salt and eggs.
  2. Two circles are cut out of pita bread according to the size of the mold. Its trimmings are randomly torn into pieces and immersed in the egg mixture.
  3. The whole sheet is placed in the mold. Its edges are trimmed.
  4. Grated cheese is poured on top and one of the cut out circles is placed.
  5. Again there is grated cheese and small cubes of the Adyghe variety.
  6. Next, pieces of pita bread soaked in the egg mixture are distributed. And again there are two types of cheese.
  7. The base is covered with a second round piece, filled with the remaining egg mixture and sprinkled with grated cheese.

Prepare khachapuri from lavash for about half an hour in a well-heated oven until golden brown.

Khachapuri with kefir

Ingredients: large egg, 620 g of cheese and the same amount of flour (the latter may require a little more during the kneading process), half a liter of kefir, small. a spoonful of granulated sugar, soda and coarse salt, 2 large spoons of vegetable oil and a pack of butter.

Khachapuri can feed the whole family and guests.
  1. The flour is poured with kefir, into which all remaining bulk components are pre-dissolved.
  2. Egg and vegetable oil are also added here.
  3. The cheese is coarsely grated and mixed with softened butter (butter). This will be the filling for the baked goods.
  4. The flour base is divided into several portions, each of which is rolled out thinly and filled with cheese mass. The edges rise from the top and are fastened in the middle. Next, the workpieces are carefully flattened. The dough should not tear during the process.

Khachapuri is baked with kefir in a dry frying pan under a lid until golden brown.

With cottage cheese

Ingredients: a cut glass of milk of any fat content, the same amount of high-grade flour, 320 g of coarse-grained cottage cheese, table salt, a large egg, 40 g of butter.

  1. The chicken egg is beaten well.
  2. Milk is poured into the resulting mass. The beating is repeated.
  3. All that remains is to add the flour, previously sifted several times. After this, the beating is repeated again. Add salt to taste.
  4. The dough is used to form a filling with a flatbread of salted coarse-grained cottage cheese.

Khachapuri is fried in a frying pan greased with butter or ghee.

Lazy khachapuri with cheese - quick and tasty

Ingredients: 120 g thick sour cream, a pinch of salt, 2 large eggs, 4 tbsp. spoons of high-grade flour, 230-250 g of semi-hard or hard cheese, 0.3 teaspoons of baking powder, a mixture of peppers, a variety of fresh herbs.

Lazy khachapuri is perfect for breakfast.
  1. The cheese is coarsely grated and combined with sour cream. If the latter is not at hand, it can be replaced with full-fat kefir (70 ml).
  2. Raw eggs are also driven in here, salt to taste, a mixture of peppers, and finely chopped herbs are added.
  3. All that remains is to add the sifted flour and baking powder.
  4. After thorough mixing, the mass is laid out in an oiled frying pan. When the cake is fried on one side, you need to turn it over to the other.

All that remains is to cut the lazy khachapuri with cheese into portions and serve hot.

With minced meat

Ingredients: 380 g high-grade flour, 5 large spoons of clean water, 320 g of any minced meat, fresh garlic to taste, 2 large eggs, ½ teaspoon of coarse salt, 120 g of butter, 3 onions, 2-3 teaspoons of sugar sand, 110 ml of fat milk, 3 large spoons of refined oil, 9 g of instant yeast, 1 large spoon of dry adjika.

  1. All dry ingredients are sifted into a bowl (except adjika). Grated butter (90 g) is added to them and ground with the bulk mixture into fine crumbs.
  2. Raw eggs are driven in here one by one.
  3. Cold milk is poured into the rest of the products in a thin stream. At the end, refined oil is combined.
  4. The mixture is well kneaded and kept away from drafts for half an hour under a towel.
  5. For the filling, mix minced meat and chopped onion with garlic. Dry adjika and salt to taste are also poured here. Add cold water and the remaining grated butter. The minced meat is mixed well.
This is the perfect dish when you don't have much time, but you need to cook a lot and it's delicious!
  1. Flour is combined with protein, vegetable oil and salt.
  2. After mixing, sour cream is added to the mixture.
  3. The dough is kneaded by hand, wrapped in film and left for half an hour.
  4. The cheese is coarsely grated, combined with the yolk and butter.
  5. All that remains is to form the dough into flat cakes with the filling from the previous step.

Khachapuri is fried in a frying pan without oil on both sides.

Khachapuri recipes

khachapuri with kefir

50 minutes

255 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

What do we know about khachapuri? This is a classic dish of Georgian cuisine, which consists of yeast-free dough and cheese filling. There are many types of khachapuri. Each region and even each village has its own version of the recipe for this pastry. The dough for khachapuri can be puff pastry or prepared using matsoni. This is the Caucasian equivalent of our kefir, although there is an opinion that the homeland of kefir is also the Caucasus. Khachapuri can be closed or with open filling. In some regions, this pastry is prepared in the shape of a boat and filled with egg. Cooking methods also vary. Khachapuri can be fried in a frying pan or baked in the oven.

Kitchen appliances: baking dish, any container for dough, spoon, knife, silicone brush and cutting board.


How to choose ingredients

  • The classic filling for khachapuri is Imeretian cheese. Sometimes suluguni is added. When choosing cheese, do not forget to look at the expiration date.
  • The fat content of kefir does not matter. But pay attention to its composition and freshness.
  • Flour must be of the highest quality. Give preference to wheat flour.
  • Choose onions and parsley by type. They should be green in color without yellowness or dubious spots.

Step-by-step recipe for khachapuri with kefir in the oven

  1. Sift 400-450 g of flour. I’ll say right away that you get 2 khachapuri. If you want to make one flatbread, then divide all the ingredients by 2.

  2. Add 0.5 tbsp. l. salt, 2 tbsp. l. sugar and 1 tsp. baking soda.

  3. Mix dry ingredients.

  4. Add 0.5 liters of kefir and mix gently.

  5. Then add 50 g of vegetable oil and mix until smooth. The dough should look like pancakes.

  6. Now you need to let the dough rest, and at this time make the filling. Cut 200 g of cheese into small cubes.

  7. Finely chop the greens and mix with cheese.

  8. Grease a baking dish with vegetable oil.

  9. Now place a quarter of the dough on the bottom of the pan and distribute it evenly.

  10. Take half of the filling and place it on the dough.

  11. Press down the filling with your hand so that it sinks a little into the dough. This is necessary so that the filling does not show through the top layer of dough.

  12. Now add a third of the remaining dough and spread it out to cover the filling.

    If it is a little visible, it's okay, it won't harm the dish.
  13. Place the baking dish in the oven preheated to 220 degrees. Baking time is from 20 to 30 minutes.

  14. The finished baked goods are not very brown; the dough turns out pale and slightly browned. Therefore, carefully monitor the readiness so as not to dry out the khachapuri.

  15. Do the same with the remaining dough and filling. You will get 2 delicious khachapuri flatbreads.


  • Flour - 2.5 - 3 cups
  • Kefir - 250 ml
  • Imeritinsky cheese - 400 gr (can be replaced with suluguni)
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt, sugar - 1 teaspoon each
  • Soda - ½ teaspoon

Cooking time - 40-50 minutes

Output - 6 pcs.

Caucasian cuisine is hearty, tasty and varied. There are several types of khachapuri alone, with the most common being Adjarian, Megrelian and Imeretian. Flatbreads from Imereti are the simplest in composition and quick to prepare. To be convinced of this, it is enough to prepare them at home according to the proposed recipe.

How to cook khachapuri in Imeretian style - recipe with photos step by step in a frying pan

Next, you will learn how to fry these cheese cakes in a frying pan or in the oven. Don't worry, both types of roasting are correct. And in general, the recipe of these products is very flexible to any changes, allowing you to replace products at your discretion: make yeast or unleavened dough, vary the composition of the fillings.

Classic Georgian flatbreads are mixed with matsoni, which can easily be replaced with kefir. They also prepare real Georgian khachapuri with Imeretian cheese, but the recipe with photos will show how you can bake delicious flatbreads with the equally popular suluguni cheese. If desired, you can make an assorted filling for the khachapuri by adding equal proportions of feta cheese and mozzarella to the traditional suluguni.

Prepare all the necessary components, measuring the required quantity.

First of all, let's start kneading the dough.

Lightly beat the egg with a fork. Add sugar and salt to it.

Using a whisk, thoroughly dissolve them in the egg.

Pour vegetable oil into a bowl.

Add medium or high fat kefir. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.

Add soda. Stir it into the mass.

The interaction of soda and kefir occurs instantly in the form of a slight hiss and bubbles appearing.

Lastly, sift the flour into the bowl. It is enough to add 2.5 cups, and leave the rest for adding when rolling.

Knead all ingredients into a smooth, homogeneous dough. Form it into a ball and leave it to rest for 50-60 minutes.

While the dough is rising, prepare the filling. Grate suluguni or other types of cheese on a fine grater. It is better not to use large pieces of cheese so that they do not break through the tortillas later.

Knead the rested dough well with your hands.

Divide the mass into 4-6 equal parts. When baking khachapuri in a frying pan, be guided by the size of the dish.

Sprinkle the table with flour and roll out each flatbread on it into a small circle.

Place 65-70 grams of cheese filling in the center of the workpiece.

Then you need to carefully pinch the edges of the khachapuri so that all the cheese remains in the middle. This can be done in 2 ways.

“Envelope” method

Pin 2 opposite edges of the cake together in the center.

Then connect the second opposite sides in the same way.

Press the junction firmly onto the base of the dough.

“Bag” method

Gather the edge of the entire flatbread with an accordion, pulling the dough towards the center.

The dough collected in a “wave” should form into a small “bag”.

Gently flatten the seam onto the cake.

Place the resulting product with a seam on the table. Use a rolling pin to give it a round shape. Turn the cake over and gently roll the rolling pin over the dough again.

Place raw khachapuri in a hot, dry frying pan. If the cake swells during frying, make a small puncture with a skewer to let the air out.

Fry the tortilla for 2.5-3 minutes, and then turn it over to the other side. In between changing khachapuri, do not forget to wipe the pan from flour, otherwise it will burn.

Place hot tortillas on a flat plate. Grease each khachapuri with a small piece of butter.

Warm Imeretian-style khachapuri can be either an independent dish or an excellent addition to kharcho, chicken chakhokhbili, and shish kebab.

There are no recipes for khachapuri dough right now. The dough for khachapuri is mixed with kefir, yogurt, or milk.. And there are a huge number of filling options for these dough products.

The very name of this dish is translated from Georgian as “dough and cottage cheese.” Traditionally, khachapuri is made with cottage cheese, but progress in cooking does not stand still, and now meat, cheese, potatoes, and fish are used as fillings.

There are many options for preparing this dish. Khachapuri can be fried in a frying pan. Then you will get round-shaped khachapuri, more like flatbreads. Fried in a frying pan, they turn out delicious, and their preparation does not take much time. Such khachapuri will delight your loved ones with its original taste and indescribable aroma, and absolutely anyone can prepare them, because no special culinary skills are required to prepare them.

They can also be cooked in the oven. There will be no need to fry each tortilla separately. The oven is a very convenient option. Khachapuri in the oven turns out fluffy, beautiful and very appetizing. Of course, their appearance largely depends on how well your oven bakes.

Before you start preparing this dish, you need to choose the right ingredients. The fresher they are, the better for both baking and health. It is better to cook khachapuri with kefir, since with yogurt they will be too filling and high in calories. It is better to take kefir with a fat content of 2.5%.

It needs to be as fresh as possible. We also immediately decide on the type of khachapuri we will prepare. There are Imeretian khachapuri, they are similar to a regular pie with cheese. Megrelian ones are similar to Imeretian ones, but they have much more cheese, and it is not only inside, but also outside.

Adjarian ones are made in the shape of a boat filled with an egg with liquid yolk, cheese and butter. They are also made from puff pastry. Achma, habizgins - all these are different recipes for the same dish in different countries.

The entire preparation of khachapuri will not take you more than an hour. The dough is easy and simple to prepare, and all the necessary products can be found in your refrigerator or in the store. There is no need to wait for the dough to rise. The most common and most recognizable form of this dish today is the cheese envelope. Such envelopes are very convenient to bake in the oven, it saves a lot of time. And the ease of preparation and indescribable taste will delight both the housewife and household members.

Khachapuri recipe with cheese

Real khachapuri dough is kneaded with matsoni. Matsoni is a fermented milk drink common in the Caucasus. Made from sour milk.

But since it is difficult to find, it can be replaced with kefir. Different chefs recommend adding different amounts of flour to the dough. Any housewife can easily determine the required amount of flour by eye. The dough should end up soft and pliable.

To prepare this simple dish we will need:

  • flour - look at consistency;
  • kefir - 2 glasses;
  • hard cheese - 300 grams;
  • egg - 3 pieces;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt and sugar - 1 teaspoon each;
  • garlic - 4 cloves, if it is hot, then 3 cloves;
  • soda - 1 teaspoon.

In a separate deep cup you need to mix kefir, salt, sugar, soda. Mix thoroughly, you can even beat until foamy. To prepare the dough, you need to use slightly heated kefir, so the dough will be more elastic and tender. After this, you need to gradually add flour and knead the dough. You need just enough flour to make the dough soft, but not liquid. At the end of kneading, add sunflower oil and knead slightly. For now, you can put the dough aside and start preparing the filling for the khachapuri.

The cheese must be grated on a coarse grater, and the garlic must be chopped under pressure. Break the eggs into a cup, add the already chopped ingredients, mix thoroughly. You can add greens to taste, but this is not for everyone. In the end, the volume of filling should be the same as the amount of dough.

The dough and filling must be divided into 10 equal parts. Each piece of dough must be rolled out, a piece of filling placed in the center, smoothed over the dough layer and molded into an envelope or triangle. This must be done with all pieces of dough and filling. Since they should be baked in the oven, it must first be preheated to 200 degrees.

In the meantime, place the finished products on a greased baking sheet. After that, brush them with beaten egg to obtain a golden crust and place in a preheated oven for 20 minutes. You need to carefully monitor the dough while cooking. Everyone's oven is different, and baking times will vary slightly.

You can serve the dish either hot or cooled, simply placing them on a large platter. The recipe for khachapuri with cheese is suitable for a family feast or a holiday table. Guests and household members will be satisfied with this delicious dish.

Basic principles of preparing khachapuri

This dish first appeared in Georgia. Khachapuri is a flatbread with cheese inside. For the first time, such flat cakes began to be baked in the Middle Ages in mountain villages. From those times to the present day, this dish has undergone many changes in form and composition of the filling. Each region and nationality left its mark on the recipe. Only the basic principles of preparing this pastry remained unchanged.

The dough for this baking should be pliable and soft. If it is similar to dumpling dough, then the baked goods will turn out tough and not tasty. Quick khachapuri made from puff pastry is also very popular now. This is a kind of interpretation of this dish. The dough should be equal in volume to the filling. Only then can you achieve the ideal taste of this dish. But if there is more filling, then the khachapuri will only benefit in taste.

It is better to take hard cheese for the filling; it should melt well. Such cheeses include suluguni and mozzarella, but you can also use cheaper cheeses, for example, take Russian cheese, gouda, cheddar. If the cheese is not salty enough, then it is better to add salt to the filling, since salt is a flavor enhancer; without it, this dish will not be the same as it was intended.

If you follow these rules, the khachapuri will turn out tender, tasty, simply melting in your mouth, and it will not matter whether they are cooked in a frying pan or in the oven.