Scholarships and other types of financial support

Lesson 35. I. Tokmakova “Buy a dog.”
S. Mikhalkov “Important advice”

Goals of the teacher: create conditions for the development of speech skills; improve expressive reading skills and whole word reading skills; bring up careful attitude to nature, love of animals.

Lesson type: combined.

Planned educational outcomes:

Subject:the ability to read aloud meaningfully, conveying the desired intonation; find fragments of text necessary to answer the questions posed.

Personal:the ability to evaluate one’s emotional reactions to people’s actions towards animals; ideas about good and evil, general moral categories.

Metasubject(criteria for the formation/assessment of components of universal learning activities - UUD):

Cognitive: the ability to predict the content of a work by its title, keywords; establish a cause-and-effect relationship between the actions of the characters, understand symbols and signs.

Regulatory: the ability to accept and maintain a learning task, perform learning actions verbally and writing, compare your answer with the answers of your classmates, independently evaluate your knowledge.

Communicative: the ability to adequately use verbal means in the process of discussing the actions of heroes, describing their appearance, expressing one’s attitude and evaluating the statements of a partner, working in pairs.

Forms and methods of teaching: frontal, individual; explanatory and illustrative.

Educational Resources: puzzles; images of dogs; encyclopedia about animals; table with syllables; cards with key words.


I. Updating knowledge.

Place the cards with key words in order.

Using reference words, retell the story.

II. Setting the lesson goal.

Using the first letters of the names of the objects depicted, read the name of the animal about which we will read works today.

Answer:dog .

Today we will read a work about dogs. Do you have a four-legged friend at home?

What breed?

What is your dog's name?

How do you take care of your dog?

What benefits do dogs bring?

III . Studying new material.

1. Speech minuteA.

Read the tongue twister slowly, then quickly and clearly:

Elephants are smart

Elephants are quiet,

Elephants are calm and strong.

2. Practicing reading skillsI.

Read the hidden words.

Consider two hedgehogs who met under a magic tree. What kind of hedgehog speaks two-syllable words?

Which carries three-syllable words?

Make up these words.

How many words of 2 and how many of 3 syllables will hedgehogs carry on their backs?

ro-ha ka-re-ta

ro-za mo-lo-ko





3. Reading a poem by I. Tokmakova"Buy a dog."

Read the title of the poem.

Look at the illustrations. Who do you think this poem is about?

will move in - will move in

but-in-the-village – new resident

sgry-zet - will gnaw

will eat - will eat

Explain the meaning of the word “new settler”.

New settler - new resident.

Pre-prepared students expressively read I. Tokmakova’s poem.

4. Product analysisI.

In whose name is the poem written?

What does the baby dream about?

Who does the child ask to buy a dog?

How does a toddler convince his parents to buy him a dog?

What animals does he compare the puppy to?

With what intonation should these lines be read?

Read the poem expressively, observing punctuation marks. Convey the boy's desire to have a puppy as you read.

5. Reading a text about dogsus. 64 textbooks (part 2).

Read the text expressively out loud.

What new things have you learned about dogs?

What breed of dog do you like?

What else do you know about dogs?

What books about dogs have you read?

Who was the ancestor of dogs?

What breeds of dogs shown in the pictures are you familiar with?

What do you know about them?

What other dog breeds do you know?

Compare the text about dogs that you just read and the story by V. Oseeva “The Dog Barked Furiously.” Which text was written by a scientist and which by a writer?

Physical education minute

Gave a dog

No, they didn’t just give it as a gift,

On my birthday I was given

Very nice puppy!

He's still tiny...

He walks funny, funny,

Gets tangled in his paws.

My puppy will grow up -

He is true, alive, -

Only the clubfoot.

IV. Continue learning new material.

1. Reading a poem by S. Mikhalkov"Important advice."

Read the title of the work.

Look at the illustration. Who do you think this poem is about?

Read the words written on the board, first syllable by syllable, then as whole words:

bring up - bring up

by means – through

re-pi-tan-ny – well-mannered

vo-pi-ta-te-li – educators

Explain the meaning of words and expressions:

Through - with help.

Devoted - faithful, loving.

Hemp educators – insensitive (bad) owners.

The teacher reads a poem.

2. Product analysisI.

What is this poem about?

Which important advice does the author give?

How can you not raise a puppy?

When will a puppy not be loyal to its owner?

Read the last two lines of the poem.

Explain their meaning.

Read the poem expressively, observing punctuation marks.

V. Lesson summary. Reflection.

What works did we get acquainted with?

Why do you think many parents hesitate to buy a dog for their child?

How can a dog end up on the street?

What questions would you ask a child who dreams of a dog?

Can a child be responsible for his four-legged friend?

What character traits should a dog owner have?

What is S. Mikhalkov’s “important advice”?

What breeds of dogs do you know?

Extracurricular activities: expressive reading by heart of a poem you like; prepare a drawing about a dog.


Reference material for the teacher.

It has long been believed that the most courteous of dogs areScottish Shepherds, collAnd.

Collie got its name from black-headed sheep - collies, which have been grazed in Scotland since ancient times. Externally, collies are somewhat similar to a fox. Their muzzle is long, narrow, dry, but, of course, there is no more fox-like cunning in their eyes, complete good nature and gullibility. The collies once again proved their tenderness and gentleness in dealing with their charges in 1952, when they brought them to the reindeer-breeding state farms of Primorye to sika deer. Previously, deer were kept in pens, but they need space, the breath of the steppes and foothills. What kind of dogs have they tried to play the role of shepherds? None came up. But the collies did it. The deer quickly got used to the furry shepherds and obeyed them in everything.

The German Shepherd was brought from Germany to Russia. Much water has flown under the bridge since that time. Dog breeders have worked a lot. And as a result, a new breed of dog emerged -East European ShepherdA.

It seems there is no work that is unknown to her. She mastered many specialties. He goes on patrol with border guards, guards factories and warehouses, and long and patiently searches for traces of criminals in the labyrinth of city streets. And he helps the shepherds, serves as a shepherd: he collects stray animals, vigilantly ensures that cows or sheep do not inadvertently wander into the rye or oats and poison the crops. In a word, this dog is a jack of all trades. This is understandable: the East European Shepherd is a brave, sensitive, hardy dog ​​and distrustful of strangers.

Moscow watchdog– one of the youngest breeds. But the ancestors of this dog have an ancient and interesting history.

St. Bern'sR. Far in the Alps, at an altitude of two and a half kilometers, lies the famous Saint Bernard Pass. IN old times this pass was the only thread connecting Italy with the countries Northern Europe. Many people passed here.

But the crossing of the Alps was not a happy one for everyone. Snow avalanches and landslides, snowfalls and blizzards awaited travelers. And then disaster struck.

A long time ago, a monastery was built on the pass. The monks of this monastery bred a special breed of dogs - smart and strong, who became skilled mountain rescuers. Formidable Pass gave them its name.

And in other mountains, in the Caucasus, tireless people have long been helping peopleCaucasian Shepherd dogsAnd. No, they did not pull people out from under snow avalanches, did not look for travelers lost in the mountains - their service was different. Caucasian Shepherd Dogs have long been considered excellent shepherds.

It is difficult for a shepherd to manage sheep, even if two shepherds are always at hand. But it is even more difficult to fight the main enemies of sheep flocks - wolves. The gray robber is cunning and cunning. But when Caucasian shepherd dogs lie guard around the grazing sheep, the shepherd is calm.

Have you heard such expressions:

    Use your brain;

    The edge of the ear;

    Flapping your ears?

Explain their meanings.

Use your brain - to think, to think about something, to reflect. To insert a missing letter in a word correctly, you need to think and use your brain.

Edge of the ear - that is, to hear not completely, but partially. I heard about this story out of the blue (that is, just a little).

Flapping your ears - listening to something, not understanding the content of what was heard. Everyone listened to the fairy tale and you, but you were thinking about something else, so you didn’t understand what the fairy tale was about. (that is, listened)

I want to ask you today not to flap your ears, listen and hear me out of the corner of your ear and use your brain.

Now let's get ready to read.

1. Breathing exercises:

a) inhale, exhale: a, o, y, i, e, i;

b) inhale, as you exhale, count the numbers in order to 5, 10, 15;

II. Exercises for intonation:


Frosty winter morning

At dawn the birch trees ring.

Ø “We crawl through the words like snails (turtles), singing the vowels;

Ø Reading tongue twisters with different intonations (fun and sad)

Ø “We fly according to a sentence, like birds (or run according to a sentence) - read at a fast pace

For what literary country Are you and I traveling? (Laughter)

What works live in this country? (funny, humorous, cheerful, amusing)

Why do we read them? (to learn something, to cultivate good qualities)

We have already discussed such actions and behavior as: idle chatter, boasting, the ability to take responsibility for one’s actions, attitude towards animals, curiosity, stubbornness.

His fables and poems
Everyone knows
You won't read this anywhere,
Only in Mikhalkov's books

Before you is an exhibition of books by S. Mikhalkov. These books are in school library and after the lesson you can take any book, write it down in the library and replenish your reader's diaries works of this author.

Let's find out from S. Mikhalkov how his works were born, where did he get the subjects for them? Read it yourself and find the answer to this question.

(Independent reading biography of S. Mikhalkov, study. allowance p. 98-99)

How were S. Mikhalkov’s works born? (from observations of children's behavior)

In what mood did he watch them? (with a kind smile)

What advice is given to children in this article? (laugh and don’t forget to draw conclusions)

Let's determine the topic of our lesson. (Creativity of S. Mikhalkov) (write on the board)

What are we going to do? Phrases will help us with this. We will…

Item the work of (whom?)…..

laugh and don’t forget to do (what?)…

Today we will have not just a reading lesson, but a jury trial lesson.

What happens in court? (Answers)

For what can a person be judged? (for his actions)

Tell me, who is conducting the trial? (judge).

Who are the jurors?

Jurors- non-professional judges participating in trial. Lay jurors from among ordinary people make a verdict (decision): whether the defendant is guilty or innocent of committing a crime.

Well, we will judge for behavior.

Let's distribute the roles. I am the judge, you are the jurors.


A case called “FOMA” is being heard today. The defendant is Thomas. SIT DOWN!

Gentlemen of the jury, you have to make a verdict: to judge or not to judge Thomas.

The first piece of evidence available in this case is the audio recording. To understand the materials on the “case”, explain the meaning of some words.

Vocabulary work.

An alley is a small, usually narrow street connecting two other, parallel streets.

Galoshes are short rubber shoes.

Congo - river in Central Africa

Africa is the hottest continent on Earth

Alligator - crocodile

The pioneer squad is a group of boys and girls united by common interests.

Listen carefully and tell us for what behavior we will judge the main character.



The goals of the teacher’s activities: to create conditions for the development of speech skills; improve expressive reading skills and whole word reading skills; cultivate respect for nature and love for animals.

Lesson type: combined.

Planned educational outcomes:

Personal: the ability to evaluate one’s emotional reactions to people’s actions towards animals; ideas about good and evil, general moral categories.

Meta-subject (criteria for the formation/assessment of components of universal learning activities - UUD):

Cognitive: the ability to predict the content of a work by its title, keywords; establish a cause-and-effect relationship between the actions of the characters, understand symbols and signs.

Regulatory: the ability to accept and maintain a learning task, perform learning activities orally and in writing, compare your answer with the answers of classmates, independently evaluate your knowledge.

Communicative: the ability to adequately use verbal means in the process of discussing the actions of heroes, describing their appearance, expressing one’s attitude and evaluating the statements of a partner, working in pairs.

Forms and methods of teaching: frontal, individual; explanatory and illustrative.

Educational resources: puzzles; images of dogs; encyclopedia about animals; table with syllables; cards with key words.

Lesson script

I. Updating knowledge.

– Arrange the cards with key words in order.

– Using supporting words, retell the story.

II. Setting the lesson goal.

– Using the first letters of the names of the objects depicted, read the name of the animal about which we will read works today.

Answer: dog.

– Today we will read a work about dogs. Do you have a four-legged friend at home?

– What breed?

- What is your dog's name?

– How do you take care of your dog?

– What benefits do dogs bring?

III. Learning new material.

1. Speech minute.

– Read the tongue twister slowly, then quickly and clearly:

Elephants are smart

Elephants are quiet,

Elephants are calm and strong.

2. Practicing reading skills.

– Read the hidden words.

– Consider two hedgehogs who met under a magic tree. What kind of hedgehog speaks two-syllable words?

– Which one carries three-syllable words?

- Make up these words.

– How many words of 2 and how many of 3 syllables will hedgehogs carry away on their backs?

ro-ha ka-re-ta

ro-za mo-lo-ko





3. Reading the poem by I. Tokmakova “Buy a dog.”

– Read the title of the poem.

– Look at the illustrations. Who do you think this poem is about?

will move in - will move in

no-vo-sel – new settler

gnaw-zet - gnaw

eat - will eat

– Explain the meaning of the word “new settler.”

Novosel - new resident.

Pre-prepared students expressively read I. Tokmakova’s poem.

4. Analysis of the work.

– In whose name was the poem written?

– What does the baby dream about?

– Who does the child ask to buy a dog?

– How does a child convince his parents to buy him a dog?

– What animals does he compare the puppy to?

– Read the poem expressively, observing punctuation marks. Convey the boy's desire to have a puppy as you read.

5. Reading the text about dogs on p. 64 textbooks (part 2).

– Read the text expressively out loud.

– What new have you learned about dogs?

– What breed of dog do you like?

– What else do you know about dogs?

– What books about dogs have you read?

– Who was the ancestor of dogs?

– What breeds of dogs shown in the pictures are you familiar with?

– What do you know about them?

– What other dog breeds do you know?

– Compare the text about dogs that you just read and the story by V. Oseeva “The Dog Barked Furiously.” Which text was written by a scientist and which by a writer?

Physical education minute


No, they didn’t just give it as a gift,

On my birthday I was given

Very nice puppy!

He's still tiny...

He walks funny, funny,

Gets tangled in his paws.

My puppy will grow up -

He is true, alive, -

Only the clubfoot.

IV. Continue learning new material.

1. Reading the poem “Important Advice” by S. Mikhalkov.

– Read the title of the work.

– Look at the illustration. Who do you think this poem is about?

– Read the words written on the board, first syllable by syllable, then as whole words:

educate - educate

by means - by means

educated - educated

vo-pi-ta-te-li – educators

– Explain the meaning of words and expressions:

Through - with help.

Devoted – faithful, loving.

Hemp caregivers are insensitive (bad) owners.

The teacher reads a poem.

2. Analysis of the work.

– What is this poem about?

– How can you not raise a puppy?

– When will a puppy not be loyal to its owner?

– Read the last two lines of the poem.

– Explain their meaning.

– Read the poem expressively, observing punctuation marks.

V. Lesson summary. Reflection.

– What works did we get acquainted with?

– Why do you think many parents hesitate to buy a dog for their child?

– How can a dog end up on the street?

– What questions would you ask a child who dreams of a dog?

– Can a child be responsible for his four-legged friend?

– What character traits should a dog owner have?

– What is S. Mikhalkov’s “important advice”?

– What breeds of dogs do you know?

Extracurricular activities: expressive reading by heart of a poem you like; prepare a drawing about a dog.


Reference material for teachers.

It has long been believed that the most courteous of dogs are Scottish Shepherds and Collies.

Collie got its name from black-headed sheep - collies, which have been grazed in Scotland since ancient times. Externally, collies are somewhat similar to a fox. Their muzzle is long, narrow, dry, but, of course, there is no more fox-like cunning in their eyes, complete good nature and gullibility. The collies once again proved their tenderness and gentleness in dealing with their charges in 1952, when they brought them to the reindeer-breeding state farms of Primorye to sika deer. Previously, deer were kept in pens, but they need space, the breath of the steppes and foothills. What kind of dogs have they tried to play the role of shepherds? None came up. But the collies did it. The deer quickly got used to the furry shepherds and obeyed them in everything.

The German Shepherd was brought from Germany to Russia. Much water has flown under the bridge since that time. Dog breeders have worked a lot. And as a result, a new breed of dog emerged - the East European Shepherd.

It seems there is no work that is unknown to her. She mastered many specialties. He goes on patrol with border guards, guards factories and warehouses, and long and patiently searches for traces of criminals in the labyrinth of city streets. And he helps the shepherds, serves as a shepherd: he collects stray animals, vigilantly ensures that cows or sheep do not inadvertently wander into the rye or oats and poison the crops. In a word, this dog is a jack of all trades. This is understandable: the East European Shepherd is a brave, sensitive, hardy dog ​​and distrustful of strangers.

The Moscow Watchdog is one of the youngest breeds. But the ancestors of this dog have an ancient and interesting history.

Saint Bernard Far in the Alps, at an altitude of two and a half kilometers, lies the famous Saint Bernard Pass. In ancient times, this pass was the only thread connecting Italy with the countries of Northern Europe. Many people passed here.

But the crossing of the Alps was not a happy one for everyone. Snow avalanches and landslides, snowfalls and blizzards awaited travelers. And then disaster struck.

A long time ago, a monastery was built on the pass. The monks of this monastery bred a special breed of dogs - smart and strong, who became skilled mountain rescuers. Formidable Pass gave them its name.

And in other mountains, in the Caucasus, tireless Caucasian Shepherd dogs have long been helping people. No, they did not pull people out from under snow avalanches, did not look for travelers lost in the mountains - their service was different. Caucasian Shepherd Dogs have long been considered excellent shepherds.

It is difficult for a shepherd to manage sheep, even if two shepherds are always at hand. But it is even more difficult to fight the main enemies of sheep flocks - wolves. The gray robber is cunning and cunning. But when Caucasian shepherd dogs lie guard around the grazing sheep, the shepherd is calm.

“Pedagogical Council” - Stages of preparation and implementation pedagogical council. Goals of the pedagogical council. Pedagogical Council. City theoretical seminar for deputy directors for water management educational institutions. Goals of the pedagogical council: Regulatory: Monitoring the implementation of the decisions of the pedagogical council. I. Theoretical: Determining the topic, drawing up a plan for diagnostic and practical activities for the teachers' council.

“Oster Bad Advice” - Even just one will make such a person feel bad.). “Bad advice” by G. Oster. Get ready to read aloud. M. Gorky at the drama department. Pour the milk carefully - a stain will appear. 4. There is a reliable way to drive your dad crazy forever. During a conversation, you eat half as much candy. And a mug of milk. Schedule of lessons.

“S. Mikhalkov lesson” - And today we have a guest. Now the time has come to say goodbye. And we have running water. Good neighbors, Happy friends. Who lies on 3 pillows in front of the table with food? "Graft". "Calligraphy". And I couldn’t have lunch. "Trezor". They say he got away from hands. From what hands, tell me,?! “Uncle Styopa is a policeman.” "My puppy."

“S.V. Mikhalkov” - Purpose: Literary reading. Lonely. Mikhalkov. Puppy. .…………….. Eyes. …………….. Lesson topic: “A dog is a constant friend to a person.” “S.V. Mikhalkov “My Puppy”. Caress. ..…………… Pantry jug, swarm of bees, skewed cheek lying flat. Sergey Vladimirovich. topic of the lesson: “S.V. Mikhalkov “My Puppy”. Kslgadjow-ka znbawn bee-fine red-coated cheeks lie on the plastic.

“Senior School Council” - “My Beast” Holiday. Our motto: Who, if not us? We grew our own vegetables! “From the ecology of the soul to the ecology of the universe” (march of the parks). The Red Cross thanks you. We enjoy cooking and hosting concerts. The trouble in Beslan became our trouble too! When, if not now? Christmas story for babies. Traditions have developed at the Lyceum,

"Presentation Tips" - Fonts. What audience is the presentation intended for? Background. For the background, choose cooler tones (blue or green). Amount of information. To determine the main purpose of the presentation, you need to find out: Use of color. Methods of highlighting information. Tips for drafting. What does the presentation object represent?

Letskikh L.A.
teacher primary classes,
MAOU secondary school No. 21, Kungur
Lesson literary reading in 1st grade on the topic: “I. Tokmakova “Buy
dog." S. Mikhalkov “Important advice.”
Lesson 35. I. TOKMAKOVA “BUY A DOG.”
The goals of the teacher’s activities: to create conditions for the development of speech
skills; improve expressive reading and reading skills
whole words; cultivate respect for nature, love for
Lesson type: combined.
Planned educational outcomes:
SUBJECTS: the ability to meaningfully read aloud, conveying the necessary
intonation; find fragments of text needed to answer questions
questions posed.
PERSONAL: the ability to assess one’s emotional reactions to
actions of people towards animals; ideas about good and evil,
general moral categories.
M e t a d u c t i c e (criteria for the formation/evaluation of components
universal educational actions - UUD):
Cognitive: the ability to predict the content of a work based on its
title, keywords; establish causation
between the actions of the heroes, understand symbols, signs.
Regulatory: the ability to accept and maintain a learning task, carry out
educational activities in oral and written form, compare your answer with
answers from classmates, independently evaluate your knowledge.
Communicative: the ability to adequately use speech means in
in the process of discussing the actions of the characters, describing their appearance, expressing
your attitude and evaluate your partner’s statements while working in pairs.
Forms and methods of teaching:
explanatory and illustrative.
Educational resources: puzzles; images of dogs; encyclopedia about
animals; table with syllables; cards with key words.
Lesson scenario
I. Updating knowledge.
– Name the author of the story “The Dog Barked Furiously.”

– Arrange the cards with key words in order.
– Using supporting words, retell the story.
II. Setting the lesson goal.
– Using the first letters of the names of the objects depicted, read the name
animal about which we will read works today.
Answer: dog.
– Today we will read a work about dogs. Do you have at home
four-legged friend?
– What breed?
- What is your dog's name?
– How do you take care of your dog?
– What benefits do dogs bring?
III. Learning new material.
1. Speech minute.


slowly, then quickly and clearly:
Elephants are smart
Elephants are quiet,
Elephants are calm and strong.

ch t h e n i .
– Read the hidden words.
- Look at the two hedgehogs
who met under the magic
What kind of hedgehog is carrying
two-syllable words?
– Which one carries three-syllable words?
- Make up these words.
– How many words are from 2 and how many are from 3
syllables will be carried away on the backs of hedgehogs?
horns carriage

rose milk
3. Reading the poem by I. Tokmakova “Buy a dog.”
– Read the title of the poem.
– Who is its author?
– Look at the illustrations. Who do you think this poem is about?

in words:
will move in - will move in
new settler - new settler
gnaw - gnaw
eat - will eat
– Explain the meaning of the word “new settler.”
Novosel - new resident.
Pre-prepared students expressively read I.’s poem.
4. Analysis of the product.
– In whose name was the poem written?
– What does the baby dream about?
– Who does the child ask to buy a dog?
How does a child convince his parents to buy him a dog?
– What animals does he compare the puppy to?
– With what intonation should these lines be read?

Convey the boy's desire to have a puppy as you read.
5. Reading the text about dogs on p. 64 textbooks (part 2).
– Read the text expressively out loud.
– What new have you learned about dogs?
– What breed of dog do you like?
– What else do you know about dogs?
– What books about dogs have you read?
– Who was the ancestor of dogs?
– What breeds of dogs shown in the pictures are you familiar with?
– What do you know about them?
– What other dog breeds do you know?
– Compare the text about dogs that you just read and V.’s story.
Oseyeva “The dog barked furiously.” Which text was written by a scientist, and which -
a writer?

F y s c u l t m i n u t k a
No, they didn’t just give it as a gift,
On my birthday I was given
Very nice puppy!
He's still tiny...
He walks funny, funny,
Gets tangled in his paws.
My puppy will grow up -
He is true, alive, -
Only the clubfoot.
IV. Continue learning new material.
1. Reading the poem by S. Mikhalkov “Important advice.”
– Read the title of the work.
– Who is its author?
– Look at the illustration. Who do you think this poem is about?
– Read the words written on the board, first syllable by syllable, then whole
in words:
educate - educate
through – through
educated - educated
educators - educators
– Explain the meaning of words and expressions:
Through - with help.
Devoted – faithful, loving.
Hemp caregivers are insensitive (bad) owners.
The teacher reads a poem.
2. Analysis of the product.
– What is this poem about?
– What important advice does the author give?
– How can you not raise a puppy?
– When will a puppy not be loyal to its owner?
– What does the author call bad owners?
– Read the last two lines of the poem.
– Explain their meaning.
– Read the poem expressively, observing punctuation marks.
V. Lesson summary. Reflection.
– What works did we get acquainted with?
– Why do you think many parents hesitate to buy their
a dog for a child?

– How can a dog end up on the street?
– What questions would you ask a child who dreams of a dog?
– Can a child be responsible for his four-legged friend?
– What character traits should a dog owner have?
– What is S. Mikhalkov’s “important advice”?
– What breeds of dogs do you know?
Extracurricular activities:
expressive recitation by heart
favorite poem; prepare a drawing about a dog.
Reference material for teachers.
It has long been believed that the most courteous of dogs are
S h o t l a n d s k i e o v c h a r k i , k o l l i .
Collies got their name from black-headed sheep - collies, which
ancient times graze in Scotland. Externally, collies are somewhat similar to a fox. muzzle
they are long, narrow, dry, but, of course, there is no more fox-like cunning in their eyes,
complete good nature and trustfulness. His tenderness and gentleness in handling
collies proved their wards once again in 1952, when they were brought to
reindeer herding state farms of Primorye to sika deer. Before the deer
kept in pens, but they need space, the breath of the steppes and foothills. Which
Only dogs weren’t tested for the role of shepherds! None came up. And the collie
coped. The deer quickly got used to the furry shepherds and everything
obeyed them.
The German Shepherd was brought from Germany to Russia. Much water has flown under the bridge since then
por. Dog breeders have worked a lot. And as a result there was
A new breed of dog is the EAST EUROPEAN Shepherd Dog.
It seems there is no work that is unknown to her. She mastered
many specialties. Goes on patrol with border guards, guards factories and
warehouses, long and patiently looking for traces in the labyrinth of city streets
criminals. And he helps the shepherds, serves as a shepherd: he collects
stray animals, vigilantly watches that cows or sheep do not inadvertently
wandered into rye or oats and did not poison the crops. In a word, this dog is a master
on all paws. This is understandable: the East European Shepherd is a brave dog,
sensitive, resilient and distrustful of strangers.
Moskovskaya Watchdog is one of the youngest breeds. But
The ancestors of this dog have an ancient and interesting history.
S e n b e r n a r. Far in the Alps, at an altitude of two and a half kilometers,
lies the famous St. Bernard Pass. In ancient times this pass
was the only thread connecting Italy with the countries of Northern
Europe. Many people passed here.
But the crossing of the Alps was not a happy one for everyone. Snowy
avalanches and landslides, snowfalls and blizzards awaited travelers. And then
trouble happened.