Project of a house for two owners. Project of a house for two owners with separate entrances. Projects of duplex houses

A wooden house with two entrances is convenient and practical. The first entrance is made the front entrance and is located on the main side of the facade. The second one is optional.

As a rule, the second entrance leads to the courtyard and passes through a vestibule, utility room or storage room. It can also connect the main room with a terrace, veranda, summer kitchen or other extension. Two entrances are included in the project for a bathhouse with a veranda or a summer kitchen for a large country cottage with a steam room and shower room inside the house.

Two entrances - a rational solution for a two-family house

Related families often choose to build one large country cottage. Two separate entrances would be an excellent solution for such a project.

A house for two families is divided into halves, and a plan is developed for each so that they do not contradict each other. At the same time, the premises can be completely separate from each other or there will be common rooms in the house.

Advantages of two-family houses:

  • Cohabitation with separation, no interference with individual life;
  • Saving land area. In addition to the house, the site will also accommodate a bathhouse or gazebo;
  • Common walls and communications, a single foundation and roof reduce construction and finishing costs by an average of 40% compared to the construction of a separate house.

Projects “MARISRUB”

The MariSrub company offers wooden houses for both two and one family. The architect will develop a functional and aesthetically attractive project, taking into account the characteristics of the land and soil, and the wishes of the client.

We suggest choosing a ready-made option, which the specialist will make changes to. Or we will carry out an individual project. Creating a sketch when ordering construction is free!

“MariSrub” will perform a full range of work, which includes:

  • creation of a standard or individual project;
  • selection and production of lumber;
  • construction of the foundation;
  • assembly and installation of a log house on site;
  • roof installation;
  • conducting communications;
  • finishing after shrinkage of the house.

Work on the project takes place together with an architect and an expert in the field of wooden house construction. They monitor the rationality and reliability of the designs of each element of the building.

“MariSrub” offers a step-by-step payment system, which allows you not to pay the amount in a single payment. We work with credit programs. The cost of construction includes building materials!

For many Russians, the current issue today is the division of a plot of land and a private residential house (for two owners) located on this plot. This issue is truly complex, complicated by many nuances from the point of view of current legislation. After all, according to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, most real estate is not divided at all. And land plots are no exception.

If we talk about a house for 2 owners, then there are some subtleties. Some buildings can be divided, while others simply cannot be divided in kind. Each situation is considered individually. And most likely, those who decide on such a section cannot do without the help of an experienced lawyer specializing in this area of ​​law.

Table of contents:

How to divide a house into 2 owners

However, even without formalizing the division, any property may well be in shared ownership or co-ownership. This means that it can be legally divided. But you need to act consistently, strictly following the instructions:

  1. First, legal advice.
  2. Then complete the necessary documents.
  3. Afterwards, the allocation of the share of each of the owners in a specific amount.
  4. Then approval of the project (for 2 inputs).

The land on which the house is located is not touched - the actual division of the plot will take place according to the “scenario” for dividing the house.

Legal side of the matter

Any real estate can belong to several owners at once. This is a legal fact. But when arranging separate entrances of one building, it is shared rather than joint ownership that is considered. Otherwise the project will not be approved.

Quite often, a house is divided between two owners by ex-spouses after a divorce. This is how they distribute property acquired during marriage. And this is the most common example when a property has 2 owners.

The Family Code of the Russian Federation provides that ex-husband and wife divide property strictly equally, unless, of course, they provide otherwise in a marriage contract or simply a personal agreement.

That is, in the “classic” version, each of the former spouses gets exactly half of the house and, accordingly, half of the land plot under this house. At the same time, real estate objects do not end their existence; they still retain the same address and cadastral numbers. if a house has 2 owners (regardless of the reasons), each of them is issued a separate certificate of ownership of the house. And a separate certificate of ownership of the land under this house.

Difficulties of natural division of the house

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation establishes standards for determining the share of each owner of a particular property. And being divided by law, such shares must be documented. In the future, this approach guarantees any of the owners (more precisely, co-owners) the right to independently and at their own discretion dispose of their share in real estate.

But this is theoretical, and in theory everything is simpler than in practice. After all, members of the same family (or former members of the same family, which is even worse) often find themselves in the status of “co-owners”. And there may be conflicts between them that cannot be resolved peacefully, no matter how hard you try.

In addition, any division of property entails certain administrative consequences. As noted above, such property has one address and one cadastral number. How can “sworn” neighbors resolve issues of, say, registering new residents, major repairs and repairs of communications, planning and redevelopment? Through more and more new conflicts and disputes?

To avoid this state of affairs, many seek to register their own share in real estate as a real premises, and this can be done:

  • by concluding a special agreement on the exploitation of a residential building and the land underneath it;
  • or by allocating a share in the house and land in kind.

That is, in the “classic” version, each of the former spouses gets exactly half of the house and, accordingly, half of the land plot under this house. At the same time, real estate objects do not end their existence; they still retain the same address and cadastral numbers. Each of the above options has its own pros and cons. But most importantly, they cannot always be translated into reality.

About redevelopment: dividing the house into two families

Most private residential buildings, standing separately on a plot of land, have only one entrance according to the project. And inside they cannot simply be taken and divided into 2 parts isolated from each other. Therefore, if you decide to register separate shares in real estate, redevelopment will be required. And any redevelopment of the building must be approved by a variety of authorities.

In general, any redevelopment in Russia is a complex and slow procedure in terms of approval. By law, the owner is obliged to coordinate and approve any redevelopment that concerns load-bearing house structures. And obtain written permission to conduct it. And even when the project is approved and the planning is completed, the matter cannot be considered completed. You will also need to submit a special application to the local government to create a commission, and it will visit the home after the redevelopment and check whether everything complies with existing standards and legal requirements. And most importantly, it recorded that there were no discrepancies with the original approved redevelopment project. And finally, I prepared and handed over to the owner a permit to put the renovated building into operation.

That is, in the “classic” version, each of the former spouses gets exactly half of the house and, accordingly, half of the land plot under this house. At the same time, real estate objects do not end their existence; they still retain the same address and cadastral numbers. It may be that there will be no need to obtain permission for redevelopment, creating two entrances to what was once one house. If such a solution does not structurally disturb the structure and does not require internal alteration.

Nuances of independent design

Of course, the most correct decision is to leave the redevelopment of an existing house project in the hands of professionals. They will choose the fastest, most inexpensive and painless way to design a second entrance and “divide” the living space. For example, quite often for such a “bifurcated” cottage (one or two or three floors) two separate entrances are provided next to each other. Or the once rear entrance is beautifully “played out” as the “second main one”.

If a house has to be divided at the planning stage or under construction, you can change the location and purpose of rooms, utility and utility rooms. And then the design/construction will proceed taking into account the changes that have occurred and with the goal that each owner will receive an equal number of premises, usable area, etc. Specialists will begin construction (or continue it) only when all the nuances have been agreed upon between the future co-owners of the property.

If one of the owners has the appropriate knowledge, skills and experience, independent design is allowed - on special paper or in a special computer program.

Professional design

If you entrust the design of a house with two entrances to a professional architect with experience in implementing such solutions, the building will be as functional as possible. The specialist will take into account all the wishes of customers and, if possible, optimize the project. He will compare the plans with the expected financial investments and the reality of the implementation of the plans, in principle. In addition, there is a high probability of reducing the wait for construction to be completed, because a professional work project (from scratch or remodeling) will be approved much faster than a home-made one. Due to the significantly smaller number of flaws and violations.

It is more convenient to contact experienced architects because you can:

  • in general, create a project for two inputs, as they say, “from scratch”;
  • purchase one of the ready-made projects.

If you contact a professional architectural studio, your future home will be shown in all its glory - from all sides, inside and out, in natural shades, etc.

Even by purchasing a ready-made plan from such organizations, customers have the opportunity to adjust the internal space of the building (if the technical characteristics of the building allow, which architects warn clients about in advance). And of course, from such a company you can easily order design/planning services for two separate passages in an existing residential private house.

An experienced lawyer with appropriate qualifications can help you find such an architectural bureau and prepare all the necessary documentation. And it is better to turn to his help as early as possible if the owners want to significantly save on wasted time, their own nerves and unnecessary expenses.

This section presents houses for 2 families with separate entrances - twin houses.

The peculiarity of cottages for 2 owners with different entrances is that this is a two-apartment house whose design is either symmetrical in both halves, then it can be classified as a townhouse project for 2 families. Usually such a house is for 2 owners with different entrances. Or it can be with two halves of different sizes, for example, when placing two generations of the same family of parents and children in a house.

A two-family house is usually two-story, with the standard arrangement of the 1st floor being a guest floor, and the second floor housing a bedroom.

You can order a free estimate of the cost of building any twinhouse.

Projects of two-family houses

Who doesn’t dream of having their own house in the middle of nature? And how often the obstacle to realizing a dream is finances, or rather, the lack of them! In this case, a good solution would be to consider projects of houses for 2 families. A project for 2 families is good because, with significant savings, you get almost all the advantages of a detached cottage plus your relatives or friends will live next to it, behind the wall. Often a house project for 2 families, with parents and children living nearby, is the only opportunity for young families to live, albeit under the wing of their parents, but still as their own separate family. A cottage for 2 families, the projects of which you can find on our website, is an excellent option for young families. On the one hand, they are independent and live separately, on the other, the older generation is always nearby, they can sit with their grandchildren and give useful advice, if necessary. And it’s easier for young people who have chosen a house project for 2 families: if necessary, they can care for their parents practically without leaving home.

Projects of houses for 2 owners

Projects of houses for 2 owners, if these owners are relatives, are also an opportunity to get a large plot of land on which you can build a swimming pool, a children’s playground, and let alone a gazebo with a barbecue.

Often, projects of cottages for two families are ordered by bosom friends who grew up in the same yard. In this case, a house for 2 families (projects) with different entrances is the realization of a kind of childhood dream: never to be separated from friends and at the same time endlessly visit each other, fortunately, projects of houses for two families with two entrances provide such an opportunity.

Projects of two-family houses are, as a rule, projects of houses with two entrances. This is very convenient for both the developer and the owner. For the developer - because a project for 2 families makes it possible to build actually two houses on one plot, while connecting to communication systems will cost the same as connecting a cottage with one owner. The owner enjoys all the benefits of a detached cottage at a lower cost and with increased safety, because in cottage villages the houses are located far from each other, but here the neighbor is right next door, behind the wall.

Two-family house project with different areas.

Projects of cottages for 2 families are two- and three-story houses, with a symmetrical entrance and under a common roof. In the projects of houses for 2 families, the principle of functionality is implemented - nothing superfluous, everything is clear, strict and in its place. Projects of houses for 2 families, photos of which you can find on the Internet, attract people who are not ready to overpay for non-functional decorative elements and too expensive materials. Projects of houses for 2 families with different entrances allow you to combine in one project the attractiveness of a separate building and the convenience of having neighbors, whom, as a rule, in this case you choose yourself. House designs for 2 owners are convenient, practical and relatively inexpensive. An interesting project of houses for 2 families, a photo of which you can see below, is presented in our article. And you can find even more projects of houses for 2 families with different entrances on our website.

Of course, while the design of a house for 2 families is not entirely common in our country, but in the West such forms of home ownership are very common, and one should not confuse one house divided in the middle by a partition (due to different life circumstances) and the original design of a house for two families with two entrances. Projects of houses with two entrances are initially planned as two independent buildings with a common wall.

Projects of houses for 2 families - with two entrances

Of course, the designs of two-family houses with two entrances also have disadvantages. Firstly, you still have neighbors behind the wall. As we said above, this can be an absolute advantage, especially when it is assumed that by implementing a house project for 2 families, parents and children live together. What if the neighbors were chosen randomly? And behind the wall live people you don’t quite like, with screaming children or pets? On the other hand, in an apartment building such neighbors may have a whole entrance, but in a house for 2 families, projects with different entrances, there is only one neighbor.

In addition, designers and developers took into account the needs of car owners. Projects of two-family cottages with a garage are becoming increasingly popular.

Townhouse project for 2 families

The design of a house for 2 families means not only symmetry, but also similarity in layout. As a rule, on the ground floor there is a garage and a utility room, a hall and a kitchen-dining room. On the second there are bedrooms and bathrooms, and on the third (if there is one) there are guest rooms. Of course, at the request of the owners, the layout can be changed. In any case, the projects of two-family cottages with a garage provide space for 1-2 cars, but if desired, the number of parking spaces can be increased.

Projects of cottages for 2 families, photos of which can be easily found on the Internet, are amazing in their variety and can be made in different styles and from different materials. Thus, designs of houses for 2 families made of foam blocks are distinguished by strength, frost resistance, and resistance to deformation. Walls made of this material breathe, creating an ideal microclimate in a 2-family cottage, the projects of which you can find on the Internet. In addition, projects of houses for 2 families made of foam blocks are relatively low in cost. Therefore, think and decide for yourself, study the projects of cottages for 2 families, look at the photos and make the choice yourself. Remember that projects of two-family houses with two entrances will cost you much less than projects of detached cottages.

Two-family house project - Blocked house

Houses for two owners are also called blocked houses. They can also be for three families or more, since they consist of blocks without side windows with an adjacent wall. A blocked house can be attached to another block, thereby creating a long blocked house for 2 families or more. Such a house is already called a townhouse - a semi-detached house.

In our catalog you will even find projects of duplexes made of aerated concrete for narrow areas. All projects of two-family houses with a boiler room, living room, dining room, several bathrooms and bedrooms on the second floor and projects of blocked houses.

Projects of two-family houses

A separate house with a plot of land undoubtedly has a number of advantages. You are free to choose your leisure time, your car and the cars of your guests will always have a parking space, and the landscape outside the windows will be exactly what you need. But taking the decisive step and moving from an ordinary apartment to a private house is not always easy, for psychological reasons.

An excellent solution that combines group living and privacy are ready-made designs of two-family houses with two exits that have gained popularity. Ready-made duplex house designs for 2 families are significantly cheaper to build than two separately built cottages. It will allow you and especially your children, for whom communication with peers is a vital necessity, to spend bright and fruitful leisure time.

Let's see why houses for two families are so good. First of all, this is the price. You save on almost everything: communications are designed and installed for two consumers at once and a common foundation is built. In addition, one of the walls running between the two sections is also common. Two-family house project involves a common roof and attic space. As you can see, there are a lot of advantages.

If your family members prefer active recreation, a common home can become a permanent area for joint games and other forms of leisure. The Russian tradition of visiting has never been so easy to do, because your neighbors are literally behind the wall. And all this without the depressing overcrowding from which residents of high-rise buildings suffer so much.

A duplex for two families can be an ideal solution even if your family is large and includes several generations at once. On the one hand, parents will always be close to their children, older people will be under supervision, and there will be someone to leave the children with. But at the same time, there is no need to run a common household with all the resulting family troubles from the category of jokes about son-in-law and mother-in-law.

At the same time, despite the fact that the project is common, everyone can arrange their home the way they want. And this applies not only to the exterior and interior decoration; you can even choose the interior layout at your discretion. But as for utility rooms, they can be made common if desired. We are talking, for example, about a garage for several cars at once.

An additional advantage of a house for two owners is that you can save land area. After all, the construction of two standard houses will require almost twice the area, taking into account all building codes and regulations. A two-family house on a small plot can be placed rationally, while freeing up space for a playground, green spaces or a gazebo.

The finished project of a two-family house can be very different - both in terms of price and in terms of the architectural fantasies of the future owners. Therefore, when choosing a project, you should first of all decide on the level of autonomy. Will both halves have separate entrances and attics, or will both families have shared ones? Will they have a common pool, for example? Do you need a special layout in each part or will a classic mirror arrangement of both halves suit you? By answering these questions, you will get the home of your dreams.

Country house for two families This is a reasonable and modern way to change your life without losing the usual comfort of life.

Houses for two owners are very different, just like those designed for one owner. These are structures with attic and basement floors, a garage for one or more cars, a terrace, a greenhouse and even a swimming pool. Purchasing individual or standard house designs of this format is an ideal option for those who want to live with their parents under the same roof, but at the same time have their own kitchen and bathrooms. In this case, your loved ones will always be able to support you, look after your children, help with the housework, and the reasons for quarrels and mutual insults will be minimized, since everyone will have space for their personal life.

The project of a house for 2 families is also quite an economical option. Judge for yourself - if during the construction of an ordinary cottage all costs fall solely on your shoulders, then when choosing the building described, part of the costs will be divided in half between the future owners. This, for example, concerns the supply of communications to the house and their subsequent use, since, as a rule, there is only one riser in the building. In addition, wall material is saved, finishing and insulation are cheaper. It is known, in particular, that a square meter in a building for two owners costs on average 20-30 percent less.

This house is worth choosing if...

You have a small area. Land today remains the most expensive resource, and house designs designed for 2 owners make it possible to combine two small plots into one acceptable size. At the same time, you will have more space for flower beds, beds or a gazebo with a barbecue, since there is no need to build a fence between the plots and maintain a distance from it when building a cottage.

You have good friends or relatives with whom you are ready to live literally through the wall. But here you should think twice, because you will not only have to work closely with these people while creating a project for a house for 2 families, but also spend your leisure time together and solve everyday problems for many years.

Designing a house - where to start

First of all, you and your future neighbors will have to determine the degree of autonomy of both parts of the house. So, these can be separate entrances, different garages, separate attics. Sometimes, with different entrances, the design of a house for 2 families provides for a common garage, swimming pool, gym, etc. It is important to choose the type of layout. The easiest way is to prefer a mirror layout, but it is also possible to create radically different rooms. But when choosing a façade finish, it is necessary to come to a common denominator, because here the unity of style must be observed.

Another important point is that you and your future neighbors need to decide whether you will purchase ready-made documentation or order its architectural design on an individual basis. A ready-made house project for 2 families is cheaper and more practical. But an individual one leaves a huge scope for creativity, however, its creation will take a lot of time and will force you to carefully think through all the nuances of your future home down to the smallest detail.