Writing reviews. How to write an interesting book review – example and sample. What points need to be analyzed

Want to know what a review is? This article, the author of which is the famous scientist A.A. Tertychny, will tell you best about this. Many generations of journalists are trained in the genres of journalism from his books. In this article - detailed description the genre of review, what it is, how to write such texts. Based on the knowledge you have gained, you can try to write a review of a film, book, or game.

Word " review” is of Latin origin and translated means “viewing, reporting, rating, reviewing something.” We can say that review is a genre that is based on review(primarily critical) about a work of fiction, art, science, journalism, etc. Whatever form such a review is given, its essence is to express the reviewer’s attitude towards the work under study. The difference between a review and other newspaper genres lies primarily in the fact that the subject of a review is not the direct facts of reality on which essays, correspondence, sketches, reports, etc. are based, but information phenomena - books, brochures, performances, films, television programs .

A review, as a rule, examines one or two works and gives them an appropriate assessment, without setting itself other, more complex tasks. In the same case, when a journalist, based on a deep analysis of a work, puts forward some socially significant problems, his work will most likely not be a review, but a literary critical article or an art study (remember “What is Oblomovism?” N. Dobrolyubova, “Bazarov” D. Pisareva).

The question of what to review is of paramount importance to the author. It is clear that to cover all phenomena of cultural or scientific life the reviewer simply cannot, and this is impossible due to the limited capabilities of the media. Therefore, as a rule, the most outstanding performances, books, films are reviewed, including “scandalous” works, that is, those that offended us in some way-)