Milonov Lukomorye. Vitaly Milonov - Russian politician, deputy: biography


Vitaly Milonov almost never talks about his family, although he defends conservative values ​​in the city parliament. Oh him personal life You can only find out from social networks...

AND Vitaly Milonov's wife, Eva Liburkina, was born in the city of Beltsy, Moldavian SSR. In 2001 she graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of St. Petersburg State University. She is currently on maternity leave and is raising two children: her eldest daughter, Marfa, and her son, Nikolai, who was born a few months ago. Eva is a little younger than her husband - Vitaly is already 38, and she will only turn 35 this year.

It is noteworthy that the wife of the main fighter against pedophilia and homosexuality posts songs of Michael Jackson, who was reproached for such sins until his death, on her wall on the social network. She quite actively posts quotes from speeches on her page. Orthodox priests, links to interviews with my beloved husband, announcements about fundraising for sick children, photographs of children and beloved cats. By the way, pets are held in high esteem in the Milonov family - they have two cats, who are allowed almost everything. Judging by the photo, the pets communicate a lot with children.

She was also worried about the Pussy Riot trial. “The world has gone crazy,” Eva wrote. - Three fools did a huge stupidity in their lives - now everyone wants to repeat this stupidity! There is only news about fools in pantyhose! No one thought: why didn’t a single head of state stand up for these panty wearers? Because this is our business, and because, for what they did, they “beat you on the butt” in all states! And Russia, all the more, should not listen to all sorts of kick-kickers and other singers, actors and actresses.”

Her worldview is almost like her husband’s. Judging by a number of comments, she not only loving wife, but also a close associate of the deputy. This is how she writes about the opposition: “If only there was a reason! Any!!! Floods, fires, crashes, explosions (which is even better) - and our oppositionists begin to loot everything and everyone! Woe is only good for them!!! The worse the better!!! And more, more!!! They give help - poorly, insincerely, money - they take it away, things and food - they won’t deliver it, they’ll sell it off!!! And only, they are good, network hamsters, they tell us the truth!!!”

In previous years, Eva Liburkina and her husband participated in public life. Reminders of this remain on the Internet. Including, as wrote, in 2000, when Eva was the press secretary of the Young Christian Democrats organization, and Milonov was its leader, they were both taken to the 27th police department for an administrative offense.

She later worked as a receptionist for her husband. In June 2008, Eva became a member of the St. Petersburg Election Commission with the right to a decisive vote, where she was nominated by the municipal council of the Krasnenkaya Rechka municipal district (the electoral territory of Milonov and Valentina Matvienko). True, in October 2011, Vitaly Milonov introduced a resolution at a meeting of the Legislative Assembly on the early termination of her powers. He explained this by saying that he had received a certificate of candidate for deputy, and therefore his wife could not hold such a post .

Anna Afanasieva, photo

Investigators asked to send the deputy to a psychiatrist for examination. The reason for this was the statement of the St. Petersburg legislator about the transfer St. Isaac's Cathedral, which, according to the author of the complaint, may also cost Milonov criminal punishment. How the author of the law banning gay propaganda ended up in the State Duma, why they tried to punish him before and why they decided to check for adequacy - in the material.

On Sunday, February 12, Vitaly Milonov said that deputies of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg oppose the transfer of Isaac to the use of the Russian Orthodox Church just for the sake of political PR. And in general, Christians survived despite the fact that their ancestors “boiled us in cauldrons and gave us to be torn to pieces by wild beasts,” he added. The next day, Milonov’s former colleague at the St. Petersburg Legislature brought him to justice for inciting national hatred and enmity, but first sent him for a psychological and psychiatric examination.

In November 2016, it was not Milonov himself who paid a fine for extremism, but a Chuvash activist who reposted a photo of a deputy wearing a T-shirt with the banned slogan “Orthodoxy or Death.” The legislator himself was held accountable during his political career only on Twitter - by blocking his account for statements about American democratic hell.

From the Red River to the State Duma

43-year-old Vitaly Milonov, a state administrator by training, began his political career in the Northern capital in the 90s. Then he joined the Free Democratic Party of Russia, whose leadership included a politician and a human rights activist. Almost 25 years later, he is critical of them: “Unprincipled opportunists. I wouldn’t like to talk much about them: they are rather part of the harsh past of our Russia.”

After this, Milonov worked for more than five years as an assistant to a State Duma deputy - a “young padawan”, like himself as a politician in this status. First - from , the initiator of the creation of the Young Christian Democrats organization, which was later headed by Milonov, and then from . Unlike Salye and Ponomarev, the politician speaks about her with sympathy, calling her a patriot and “at heart a believer.”

After the murder of Starovoytova, Milonov became an assistant to the senator, then a deputy of the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly. Before Milonov himself was elected to the Legislative Assembly of the Northern capital, he worked as a deputy of the Dachnoye municipal formation and the head of the administration of the Krasnenkaya Rechka district.

Despite all the ambiguity of the initiatives and statements for which Milonov became famous while working in the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly, he not only received the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree, but also easily found himself back in the State Duma. And this time - in the role of a deputy. The tireless legislator and fighter for purity of morals went through the preliminary voting procedure, after which he became a party candidate in the Duma elections. United Russia considered it natural that a bright party member would defeat an opponent with extensive experience in the State Duma apparatus. Milonov’s fame in the city played into Milonov’s hands, explained the secretary of the United Russia General Council: “There is nothing surprising in Milonov’s victory, since the boundaries of district 218 include the territories from which Milonov is elected to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg.”

LGBT aspen stake and no sex before marriage

Milonov did not limit himself to the scale of the city in his legislative initiatives. In 2012, his proposed law banning gay propaganda was adopted at the city level, and a year later a similar document appeared at the federal level. Representatives of sexual minorities and their defenders, including world stars, for example, suffered from Milonov more than once. “I heard that at the concerts of this tour she pulled off her leggings - we don’t need that here,” the parliamentarian said. He criticized the singer for LGBT propaganda. Milonov decided to insure himself in advance against the performance of the Austrian singer Tom Neuwirth, known under the pseudonym, and sent a proposal to the Minister of Culture to ban his (her) tour.

In general, the lawmaker believes, “a stake needs to be driven into this whole LGBT activism.” “There has become too much of it. They undeservedly attract a lot of attention to themselves,” he said, commenting on the idea of ​​holding a gay pride parade on Airborne Forces Day.

The ban on gay propaganda is only one step towards consolidating traditional values ​​in a number of Milonov’s proposals concerning the personal lives of Russians. Repeatedly his attention was attracted by the reality show “Dom-2”. He even volunteered to personally teach it to the participants moral lesson. “I am sure that after talking with me many of them will become normal Orthodox hipsters. Our Savior Christ, too, did not come to kings, but to alcoholics and prostitutes,” Milonov. The parliamentarian also considered the Western cult series “Game of Thrones” to be harmful to traditional values, where every tenth character, in his opinion, is a “sexual deviant.” True, the deputy has not seen a single episode of the TV show.

Milonov tried to fight immorality both on a small scale - by introducing a ban on walking around St. Petersburg in shorts and swimsuits, and on a large scale - by proposing to ban sexual intercourse before marriage.

Having become a State Duma deputy, Milonov lowered the temperature a little: on the eve of Valentine's Day, he called for a ban on only erotic media. By the way, the politician also proposed to ban the holiday of all lovers, celebrated today, like Halloween.

United Russia also calls on its colleagues to maintain moral principles. In December, he introduced a bill to the lower house of parliament that would prohibit alcoholics and drug addicts from entering the civil service. On plenary sessions State Duma Milonov carefully monitors the speeches of those present and notices their mistakes: he pointed out to the TV presenter that it is not appropriate to call husbands and fiancés partners. Milonov also has a radical proposal for deputies: to make changes to the regulations prohibiting “talking for half a day.”

Emotional outbursts with parliamentary status

Milonov's sharp attacks and unexpected initiatives do not always go unanswered. In the fall of 2014, then still the head of the St. Petersburg office, she prepared a lawsuit against her colleague demanding that he be brought to civil and criminal liability, including for extremism and insulting the authorities. Shortly before this, Milonov demanded that Dmitrieva voluntarily surrender her mandate as a State Duma deputy and leave politics altogether, since the head of the St. Petersburg Spravorossov is allegedly a representative of the “fifth column” and is engaged in “creating hysteria” around the topic of gubernatorial elections.

Local representatives of United Russia called the accusations unfounded. The details of the consideration of the claim were not separately reported, and Dmitrieva has now left both the State Duma and the A Just Russia party.

Industry organizations and businesses do not enter into conflict with Milonov, but only delicately express bewilderment. As, for example, in connection with the deputy’s idea to develop rules of conduct for Russians abroad. “In the case of our citizens, this is excessive work, and it would make sense to do something more useful,” said the director of ATOR

The party treats the politician’s fervor almost calmly; they explain his words as private opinions and try not to stir up problems. “As for Vitaly Milonov’s emotional outburst, this is exclusively his personal initiative,” United Russia said after he called on the former Socialist-Revolutionary to join the party of the Duma majority. “If he has his own pocket party, he can invite it there.”

And yet, the party members did not send Milonov to establish international contacts, just in case. Last fall, he was not included in the list of United Russia candidates for the Russian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly (PACE). Although the danger was small: the Duma members still do not plan to work in PACE.

However, there is hope that the deputy will become a sedate lawmaker. After St. Petersburg parliamentarian Kovalev demanded that Milonov be checked by a psychiatrist, the moral fighter promised to choose his expressions more carefully. “Probably, thanks to this, I will be able to express myself even more carefully, although much more carefully,” Milonov told

If he fulfills his promise, the politician who moved to the State Duma will find a worthy replacement. While Kovalev and Milonov were bickering on the pages of the media, the St. Petersburg deputy proposed to legalize sorcerers and magicians, and at the same time promised his colleagues real stars from the sky - for high-quality lawmaking.

Name: Milonov Vitaly Valentinovich. Date of birth: January 23, 1974. Place of birth: Leningrad, USSR.


One of the most famous and odious deputies of the State Duma of the 7th convocation was born in Leningrad, in the family of a naval officer. Valentin Nikolaevich served in the Northern Fleet.

The mother of the future politician, Tatyana Evgenievna, was a teacher primary classes. Vitaly Valentinovich has an older brother. The difference between the children is significant - 13 years, the mother gave birth to her second son when she was 37. The parents of the youngest offspring loved and spoiled him.

My brother had an exotic hobby that turned into a profession. He became a serpentologist and worked in a zoo. And as a child, he often brought his charges to communal apartment. If they escaped, the residents experienced very unpleasant moments, climbing onto stools until the young biologist drove the snakes back into place.

When Vitaly grew up, he was not interested in exotics, but he keeps a dog, several cats and even a rabbit.


Vitaly Milonov did not shine at school; he only got C grades. After graduation, he was going to the Navy technical school, like his father. However, my health did not allow it. Poor academic performance did not allow me to enter Leningradsky state university– Milonov wanted to study at the philology department.

However, Milonov eventually received his higher education, and not just anywhere, but at the North-Western Academy civil service under the President of the Russian Federation, having mastered the specialty “state and municipal government" This happened in 2006, when the politician was already 32 years old. However, as they say evil tongues, at that time, almost all officials who had not yet bothered with a higher education diploma were strongly recommended to, at the very least, obtain additional knowledge.

But Milonov received not only secular, but also spiritual education. According to media reports, he graduated from St. Tikhon's Orthodox University and also entered the St. Petersburg Theological Academy of the Russian Orthodox Church. However, he was unable to finish it - apparently, active legislative activity got in the way. In the summer of 2017, a seminarian and part-time State Duma deputy was expelled because he missed a session. They didn’t let me go in the State Duma. Milonov promised to continue his studies at one of the educational institutions, located in Moscow, but whether he did this is unknown.

However, given some of Milonov’s features, maybe it’s for the better.

Education - alternative version

The portrait, it would seem, is clear - until 2006, Milonov was a dropout without higher education, but with active life position. However, the website dedicated to the elections to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg in 1998 provides completely different information. According to the publication, in 1994, when Milonov was only 20 years old, he graduated from Hawaii Pacific University with a degree in politics and economics, and a year later he graduated from the Robert Schumann Institute in Hungary. The student completed an internship in parliaments and government administrations of a number of countries Western Europe and Asia-Pacific region

Two buildings of the first educational institution are located in Honolulu and Hawaii Loa, the second university is in Budapest. How Milonov managed to study in different parts of the world at the same time is unclear. In addition, according to the same biography, from 1991 to 1997 he served as secretary for International relations Christian Democratic Union, and from 1993 to 1995 he was an assistant to State Duma deputy Vitaly Savitsky.

Is Milonov hiding from the public a great discovery worthy Nobel Prize- how to be in three places at the same time, perhaps the young activist somewhat embellished reality in order to please voters. The second version is supported by the fact that later in Milonov’s biographies his studies in Europe and the USA do not appear.

Christian Democrat

Now it’s hard to believe that Vitaly Milonov was not only not born Orthodox, but also began his journey in Christianity not with the Russian Orthodox Church. At the age of 17, he gained faith in God and became a Baptist. Then Protestants, inspired by the religious freedom that had come to the country, actively preached wherever possible.

The young man, who did not enter the university, almost immediately found himself in politics. In 1991, before reaching adulthood, he joined the ranks of activists of the Free Democratic Party of Russia. In one of his interviews, Milonov also said that he worked as a freelance district police inspector.

Then, either in 1993 or 1994, Milonov became an assistant to State Duma deputy Vitaly Savitsky. He headed the Russian Union of Christian Democrats, and Milonov, in turn, combined assistance to the people’s representative with chairmanship of public organization“Young Christian Democrats”, created under the Russian Christian Democratic Union.

The first stage in Milonov’s political career ended tragically - Vitaly Savitsky, during the election campaign for the State Duma of the second convocation in December 1995, died in a car accident.

Taken as a betrayal

In 1997, Milonov joined Galina Starovoytova’s team. She liked the young man, she even recommended nominating him for the elections to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg from the Northern Capital association.

However, Milonov did not receive a deputy mandate that time. Two weeks before the elections scheduled for December 6, 1998, Galina Starovoitova was killed in the entrance of her own house. And her protégé, before the second round of elections to the Legislative Assembly, withdrew his candidacy in favor of his rival, Vadim Tyulpanov, who represented a bloc of supporters of the then governor of St. Petersburg, Vladimir Yakovlev. Tulipov passed, and Milonov subsequently became his assistant.

Milonov's former associates perceived his departure to Tyulpanov as a betrayal of the memory of the murdered Galina Starovoytova.

Then, in 1998, Milonov converted to Orthodoxy, as if putting an end to the previous period of his life associated with political and religious protest. Now he is a member of United Russia and serves as a sexton in one of the churches of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Deputy of different levels

Milonov became Vadim Tyulpanov's assistant in 1999. And in 2004, he finally received the first deputy mandate in his life - the municipal council of the Dachnoye municipal formation.

In 2005, Vitaly Valentinovich headed the local administration of the Krasnenkaya Rechka municipality. There he remained for two years. However, Milonov’s practical activities did not seem to attract much attention.

In March 2007, he was first elected as a deputy of the legislative assembly of St. Petersburg of the fourth convocation on the list of United Russia. At first he headed the permanent commission for the organization state power, local government and administrative-territorial structure and was a member of the budget and financial committee. In December 2009, he became chairman of the Legislation Committee.

Vitaly Milonov's first four years in the Legislative Assembly were not marked with anything special. Milonov became famous throughout the country in 2011, when he was again elected to the parliament of St. Petersburg.

Shouldn't we ban the rainbow?

In 2011, St. Petersburg adopted a law on administrative liability for promoting homosexuality and pedophilia among minors. Milonov's bill caused a wave of discussions.

It was not only representatives of LBGT organizations who opposed the legislative initiative. Grigory Yavlinsky sharply criticized the initiative - in his opinion, the concept of propaganda is not disclosed in the law, and if we're talking about about calls to commit acts of a sexual nature against children and adolescents, then there is already a criminal article for this. “And the deputies are actually proposing to replace the punishment with just a fine of 1 thousand rubles, which simply frees the hands of criminals,” the politician noted.

Among the supporters of the bill, perhaps the most prominent was LDPR deputy Elena Babich. “On City Day, the face of Peter the Great and a bright rainbow hang throughout St. Petersburg. What's a rainbow when it's a global symbol for gays? And all over our city kindergarten“Rainbow”, pharmacy “Raduga”,” the deputy was indignant.

It didn’t come to the point of banning rainbows in the city on the Neva. However, the law was passed with difficulty. Representatives of the parties “Yabloko”, “A Just Russia” and even the LDPR voted against (Milonov, commenting on the position of the liberal democratic party, hinted that it was the leader - they say, at one time Vladimir Zhirinovsky appeared in a gay club, and “some The LDPR has a skeleton in its closet on this topic”).

The law perplexed not only Russian human rights activists, but also representatives European countries and the USA. Their reaction was sharply negative. But the Russian senators liked it. Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko responded with approval to the decision of the St. Petersburg deputies.

On June 11, 2013, a law prohibiting “propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations among minors” was adopted by the State Duma.


One of the authors of the federal bill, Elena Mizulina, specifically explained that if a child independently seeks information about non-traditional relationships because he needs it, this is not considered propaganda. Also, the existence of the Internet project “Children-404”, which united teenagers with non-traditional sexual orientation who anonymously share their stories and experiences.

However, since October 2013, Milonov has contacted the relevant authorities several times with a demand to close the Internet project “Children-404” and bring its founder, Elena Klimova, to justice. His efforts were partially crowned with success - on January 23, 2015, the Dzerzhinsky court of Nizhny Tagil imposed an administrative penalty on Elena in the form of a fine of 50 thousand rubles (a year earlier, the court did not find any administrative offense in her actions).

On September 21, 2015, Roskomnadzor blocked the group “Children-404. LGBT teenagers" in social network"VKontakte". The administration of the social network complied with the decision of the supervisory authority. A new page was subsequently created.


Bills that caused the widest public outcry and severe criticism followed with enviable regularity. They said that from the moment Milonov came to the city parliament, scandalous initiatives belonged to him in 99 percent out of a hundred.

“Now, after high-profile laws, it’s not comme il faut to propose gray initiatives,” Milonov once said. And he was quite successful in maintaining attention to himself. According to the law banning gay propaganda, he tried to prosecute Rammstein, Madonna and Lady Gaga, which was unsuccessful, but gave the case additional resonance - even those who were not interested in the bill itself started talking about Milonov.

“Sexton Vitalik,” as Milonov’s colleagues in the Legislative Assembly nicknamed him, wore a T-shirt “Orthodoxy or Death” and demanded to ban smoking hookahs, teach Darwin’s theory in schools, conduct sex education classes and provide free abortions. He proposed creating a moral police in the city on the Neva from Cossacks and believers, giving embryos civil rights and checking public calls for childfree for extremism.

Putin and the church are a priority

In 2012, a whole campaign unfolded in St. Petersburg. The initiative group demanded that Milonov be deprived of his deputy mandate so that the city would not be disgraced.

“The image of the capital of homophobia and obscurantism, which has recently begun to be assigned to St. Petersburg, causes obvious harm to the city’s reputation and degrades the feeling self-esteem Petersburgers, for whom the European title of St. Petersburg is the foundation of their love for their native city,” explained Daniil Grachev, one of the initiators of collecting signatures on the website “”.

Residents of the district from which Milonov was elected also demanded the deputy’s resignation “due to loss of voter confidence,” arguing that the people’s representative does not protect their interests and, in particular, lobbies the interests of the developer of the microdistrict.

An open letter asking to remove Vitaly Milonov from the Legislative Assembly collected signatures of stars national stage and sports, including Dima Bilan, Philip Kirkorov, Evgeni Plushenko, Yana Rudkovskaya, Nikolai Baskov and Valeria.

Milonov himself then said that he would leave the city parliament only if Putin or the church asked him to, clearly defining his priorities. He left only four years later - to the federal parliament. Milonov became a deputy State Duma VII convocation from the party " United Russia» in the 218 Southern single-mandate electoral district of St. Petersburg.

Married to Eva

Milonov met his wife in 1996. Eva Aleksandrovna Liburkina was born in 1977. I met my future husband while studying at Leningrad State University. The girl was an activist in the Young Christian Democrats movement, which was headed by Milonov.

It is also known that in 2008-2011 Liburkina was a member of the St. Petersburg Election Commission with a decisive vote. However, now Eva Alexandrovna has no time for her career - there are five children in the family, three of them adopted.

Their own daughter, Marta, was born in 2009, son Nikolai in 2012. And then little Peter, Evdokia and Ilya appeared in the family. At first the couple wanted to limit themselves to one child, but in the end they took three.

The law of Dima Yakovlev prompted Milonov to adopt him. Oddly enough, the politician known for his ultra-conservative views not only has nothing to do with him, but also does not approve of him too much, calling him very cruel. But the law, in his opinion, stopped the conveyor belt of selling children from orphanages.

Milonov claims that his adopted children and the adopted children of his friends were given false diagnoses in order to give them up for adoption under this pretext foreign citizens. There was a certain adoption agency where foreigners were charged 20 thousand dollars per child, and agency specialists, in turn, paid money to orphanage employees “to discharge the child with the correct diagnosis.”

Milonov learned about the existence of the system by accident, when it turned out that the diagnosis of “hepatitis C” made to one of his sons was false. And he reacted - “many heads rolled.” However, when asked by a journalist why there was no federal scandal and arrests of the perpetrators, he replied that he did not think it was necessary to talk about this publicly.

Almost a second home

A fierce patriot, Milonov vacations in Cyprus every year. Journalists write that this is almost his second homeland, and this is true. Milonov is a member of the parish of one of the Cypriot churches, is well acquainted with the local metropolitan and for many years “closely”, according to in my own words, associated with the Cypriot Church.

The media write that the father of Milonov’s wife, Alexander Liburkin, purchased the villa on the island. It’s not very clear what income he used to earn - he’s a simple employee in municipal formation"Little Red River" Milonov himself reacted simply - there is a declaration, and look at the property there. Who I stay with is none of your business, I have the right to privacy.


According to the declaration, Milonov earned more than 2.8 million rubles in 2016. His wife brought almost 38 thousand rubles to the family piggy bank. Milonov doesn’t even have his own apartment - only two large ones are listed in the document land plots and some unfinished object. The Milonovs have two cars and two motorcycles. The family uses an apartment of 42 meters (and how do they all fit in it?)

Milonov innocently complains to journalists that raising children is difficult not only morally, but also financially. The golden times of the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly are over. There the deputy met once a week and kept the entire salary for himself, without worrying about his assistants - they received 50-60 rubles. But in Moscow you have to share. And they sit in the State Duma for three whole days, sometimes until ten in the evening. How to raise children in such conditions?

And you won’t get support from your colleagues - I once told the Minister of Labor and Social Protection Maxim Topilin that a mother of many children is entitled to experience, and he responded - your decision was to have many children. “How does one even turn the tongue, so to speak?” Milonov is indignant. But for some reason he does not propose any bill on this matter.

Obscurantist or PR man?

Most of Milonov’s extravagant legislative initiatives are met with hostility by both society and his colleagues in the deputy corps. They are called delusional, and Milonov himself is called an obscurantist, a homophobe, a clown. Quite regularly, MPs’ statements are asked to be checked for extremism.

Here's the last one loud proposal no one appreciated it. In 2017, Milonov proposed prohibiting children under 14 years of age from using social networks, registering there only with a passport - no fictitious names! – and take other prohibitive measures to protect the younger generation from the pernicious influence of the Internet. When two attacks on schools occurred at the beginning of 2018, the deputy took advantage of the situation and proposed new option, allowing children to use social networks, but only with the permission of parents and guardians.

Milonov was once again accused of incompetence, populism, and the desire to limit freedom. And in self-PR - because, as many believe, Milonov is simply making a name for himself, using any convenient news channels and hot topics.

One way or another, Milonov continues his legislative activities in the State Duma, every now and then exciting his fellow citizens with new initiatives.

Vitaly Valentinovich Milonov is a deputy from the United Russia faction of the Legislative Assembly (LEA) of St. Petersburg, chairman of the legislation committee.

During his activity in the political arena, Milonov gained fame thanks to his extraordinary, but not always unambiguous, arguments, provocative statements, loud theses and active, often extravagant, lawmaking.

The most resonant and caused heated debate was the law on “administrative liability for the promotion of homosexuality and pedophilia,” according to which the parliamentarian tried to accuse Lady Gaga, Madonna and Rammstein of the offense. After the adoption of this sensational document in 2012, foreign media called for a boycott of Northern Palmyra as a place for tourism, and some performers refused to visit it with concert performances (as a sign of protest).

Childhood and youth of Vitaly Milonov

The future politician was born on January 23, 1974 in the city on the Neva in the family of a teacher and a naval officer. His father, Valentin Nikolaevich, served in the Northern Fleet, his mother, Tatyana Evgenievna, taught at primary school one of the city's educational institutions. Vitaly was a late child, born to his mother at the age of 37. His parents loved and spoiled him.

At school, Milonov did not perform well; he studied mostly to "threes". Upon graduation, I decided to follow in my father’s footsteps and enter the Military Engineering Technical School. However, the young man was unable to do this due to health reasons. The intention to continue education at the philology department of a local state university also failed due to poor academic performance. young man.

The beginning of Vitaly Milonov's political activity

After unsuccessful admission At Leningrad State University, Vitaly became interested in politics, began attending numerous rallies and already in 1991 joined the Free Democratic Party of Russia. At the same time, the young man joined the community of Evangelical Christian Baptists and spread this doctrine, approaching passers-by on the street.

The active young man was noticed by Vitaly Savitsky, co-chairman of the Russian Christian Democratic Union party and Duma deputy from the Russia's Choice party. In 1994, he made Milonov his assistant. In addition, Vitaly headed the Young Christian Democrats society.

After tragic death Savitsky in December 1995, Vitaly’s idol was the leader of the democratic movement of St. Petersburg, Galina Starovoitova. Since 1997, Milonov began working in her team. In 1998, Galina Vasilievna proposed his candidacy for the Legislative Council of the Northern capital.

The elections were scheduled for December 6. But this time the young politician failed to get into the St. Petersburg parliament. A couple of weeks before the elections, on November 20, Galina Starovoitova was killed in the entrance of her own house. And her assistant, Vitaly, abandoned the fight for a deputy mandate in favor of the rival of the Democrats, Vadim Tyulpanov, a candidate from the party in power, subsequently becoming his assistant. Former party comrades regarded his action as a betrayal of the memory of the murdered human rights activist.

Career development of Vitaly Milonov

At the age of 30, Vitaly became a deputy of the municipal council of the Dachnoye municipal district. And in 2005, he took up the duties of head of the administration of the Krasnenkaya Rechka municipality.

In 2006, the young politician graduated from the North-Western Academy of Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation. Later he entered the Moscow Orthodox St. Tikhon's University for the Humanities. correspondence form training.

In 2007, Vitaly was elected to the St. Petersburg Legislative Council, where he served as chairman of the commission on the structure of state power, local self-government and administrative-territorial structure.

Successfully moving through career ladder, since 2009 Milonov has been the chairman of the committee on legislation, in 2011 he was again elected to the Legislative Assembly hometown. It should be noted that the election campaign for the election of deputies to the regional Legislative Assembly was accompanied by a number of political scandals, disputes regarding possible hidden campaigning, bribery of citizens and other violations of the election process.

Deputy Vitaly Milonov on the ban on homosexuality

Today, Milonov, a member of the St. Petersburg parliament, is a representative of the Legislative Assembly for relations with religious associations, a member of the parish council of the Cathedral of St. Peter, Metropolitan of Moscow, and a participant in services to God, reading and singing prayers.

Political activities of Vitaly Milonov

Initiatives of the United Russia deputy together with positive reviews Colleagues also provoked sharply negative comments and criticism from people and public figures.

Milonov was the initiator of a law banning hookah smoking, which was allegedly comparable to drug use. He also argued that studying Charles Darwin's theories was harmful. Among the well-known initiatives of the parliamentarian is a bill, recognized as “crazy,” proposing the provision of a human embryo civil rights, a demand to ban the MTV Russia channel (for allegedly immorality), the Yuventa medical center, which deals with the prevention of sexual behavior disorders in adolescents, accusing it of popularizing homosexuality.

He had similar complaints about Britten’s opera based on Shakespeare’s play “The Dream of summer night", which he called for to be inspected for the presence of scenes of propaganda of non-traditional relationships, drugs, and pedophilia.

Milonov, who received the nickname “Sexton Vitalik” in the city parliament, spoke out against the candidacy of Alexander Sokurov for awarding him the title of Honorary Citizen because of the “blasphemous” film he created, in the politician’s opinion, “Fust,” for which the outstanding director was awarded the Palme d’Or branches" of the Cannes Film Festival.

Vitaly Valentinovich also spoke out against illegal migrants and Eurovision, for the creation of “RussiaVision”, for restrictions on the places of rallies and meetings, for sanctions against the authors of illegal accounts on the Internet.

It is worth recalling Milonov’s initiatives regarding the organization of a morality police in the Northern capital, the need for Russian special services to check the operation of the fingerprint scanner on iPhone smartphone 5s. It can also be noted that the draft law “On quality and safety”, which received the approval of deputies of the Legislative Assembly, food products", the idea of ​​applying penalties for non-compliance with the procedure for providing a range of housing and communal services.

Vitaly Milonov: “Orthodoxy or death!”

The politician became the first and only deputy of the Legislative Assembly, whose resignation many townspeople are seeking. The reason for this, according to the public, was a number of “absurd initiatives and delusional antics” of Milonov.

The latest proposals from a member of the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly - on the need to introduce certificates for the right to ride bicycles, administrative penalties for walking with a naked torso or in beachwear, a ban on the television series "Game of Thrones" - continued the main vector of the politician's activity, becoming the subject of controversy and discussion in society .

In particular, Milonov's idea of ​​labeling the works of Western authors in order to protect Russians from alien ideology was approved by the Russian Orthodox Church, but ridiculed and rejected in the creative community.

We can also recall Milonov’s initiative to canonize during his lifetime the biker “Surgeon,” who, in his opinion, makes a great contribution to the revival of the greatness of the Russian Federation. At the end of June 2015, more than eight hundred Russians signed the corresponding petition to Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', on the Internet.

In one of the interviews, the flamboyant deputy admitted that he was depressed by the understanding that Russia is being ruined not by the West or the United States, but by the “dull gray mass” that welcomes Putin, but, at the same time, nullifies any good initiatives.

Personal life of Vitaly Milonov

Vitaly Milonov is married to Eva Alexandrovna Liburkina. They met in 1996, when the girl was studying at Leningrad State University and was an active participant in the Young Christian Democrats society, headed by her future husband. Vitaly Milonov with his wife and eldest daughter Martha

Vitaly Valentinovich owns two foreign languages– English and Norwegian.

For outstanding services Milonov was awarded state awards– medals of St. Apostle Peter, II degree and “For strengthening the military community.” The Parliament of the Northern capital presented Milonov with the Badge of Honor “For special contribution in the development of St. Petersburg" (2014).

Vitaly Milonov now

In September 2016, Vitaly Milonov won the elections to the State Duma of the 7th convocation, becoming a deputy from the Southern single-mandate district of St. Petersburg. Upon learning of the victory, the politician promised that he would defend “traditional values” to the best of his ability, in particular, he would try to ban the activities of microfinance organizations and continue the fight against the “abortion lobby.”

Milonov Vitaly Valentinovich is a politician, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg (4th and 5th convocations). He is a member of the United Russia political faction.


Vitaly Milonov was born in January 1974 (23rd) in Leningrad.

Vitaly's parents are a naval officer and a primary school teacher.


He graduated from the North-Western Academy of Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation (with a degree in “State and Municipal Administration”) in 2006. After a short period of time, Vitaly Milonov successfully entered the Orthodox St. Tikhon’s Humanitarian University (for distance learning).

In the late nineties, some media outlets published information that in 1994 Milonov studied at the University of the Pacific (Hawaii) with a degree in Politics and Economics, as well as the Robert Schaumann Institute in Budapest. However, this information was removed from world Internet resources in subsequent years.

Career ladder

Vitaly Valentinovich Milonov began his own political career in 1990-1991. At that time he became a member of the Free Democratic Party Russian Federation. In ninety-four he became an assistant to Savitsky, a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Milonov's term of service as a personal assistant is 365 days.

Start career growth Vitaly Valentinovich was marked by active social activities in the Young Christian Democrats.

In 1997, Vitaly Milonov served as the State Duma of Starovoytova. In 1998, Mrs. Starovoitova nominated Milonov for the election race to the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly. However sudden death mentor Starovoitova (she was shot on November 20, 1998) forced Milonov to withdraw his personal candidacy, thus giving the opportunity to competitor Vadim Tyulpanov to fill the vacancy in the deputy ranks of the Legislative Assembly. Vitaly Valentinovich is now - personal assistant Tulipova.

In 2004, Vitaly Milonov became a member of the Dachnoye education in the city on the Neva. In 2005, he was the head of the educational administration of Krasnenkaya Rechka in the Kirov district of the northern capital.

In 2007, Milonov again ran for the Legislative Assembly of the city on the Neva. Elected as a deputy of the 4th convocation. Quite a long period politician holds the post of chairman of the commission on the structure of state power, administrative-territorial structure and local self-government. At the same time, he was a member of the Budget and Finance Committee. In 2009, he became the head of the legislative committee.

In 2001, Milonov was elected as a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the fifth convocation. From this moment on, Vitaly Milonov’s reception office exists, information about the work schedule of which can be found on the official website of the ZS.

In parallel with the active political activity Milonov becomes a member of the parish council of the Orthodox Church of St. Peter and actively takes part in divine services, without missing a single one.

Milonov's special offers in 2011

In 2011, politician Milonov came up with a list of initiatives that, in his opinion, could improve the lives of citizens of the Russian Federation:

  1. On his initiative, a law banning hookah smoking comes into force. He explains his position by the fact that smoking hookahs is extremely harmful to health and promotes the spread of narcotic drugs.
  2. Becomes the author of a bill that provides for administrative liability for citizens who promote pedophilia and homosexuality.

What does the politician propose in 2012?

Milonov's controversial proposals in 2013

Controversial initiatives of Vitaly Milonov 2014

  1. The politician is the author legislative act on the creation of areas for walking pets in St. Petersburg.
  2. Initiates a draft law that provides for penalties for creating false personal pages (fakes) on the Internet. In this case, it is proposed to determine a fine for individuals in the amount of 5,000 rubles, for legal entities - up to 2,000,000 rubles.
  3. Deputy Vitaly Milonov is the author of the cancellation of classes in schools on Saturday; in his opinion, a six-day week for children is too much.
  4. He is trying to introduce a ban on holding beauty contests for children in the city on the Neva, explaining that such events have a negative impact on the children's psyche.

Personal life

Vitaly Milonov married Eva Liburkina in his youth. She gave birth to her husband a daughter and a son, whose names are Martha and Nikolai. Somewhat later, Vitaly Milonov and his wife Eva adopted the boy.

The year 1991 in the politician’s personal life was marked by the fact that Milonov began attending meetings of Evangelical Christians. In 1998 he joined Orthodox science. He was noticed several times in public places, wearing a T-shirt with the rather extremist inscription “Orthodoxy and Death.”

The politician is well educated, encyclopedically erudite, fluent in Norwegian and English.