Summary of a conversation on getting to know a musical instrument. Scenario of musical entertainment for children of the middle group on the topic: Musical instruments. Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a general circle.

Lesson topic: introduction to musical instruments.

Objective of the lesson: continue to introduce children to musical instruments.

CORRECTIONAL: Develop students' speech during analysis musical pieces, sense of rhythm, develop vocal and choral skills. To develop students’ creative abilities, activity, and culture of thinking.

EDUCATIONAL: To form students’ knowledge of musical instruments, to continue to develop the skills of analyzing and speaking about the music they listened to, consciously selecting the appropriate words for the nature of the musical pieces.

EDUCATIONAL: To cultivate aesthetic, moral, patriotic qualities based on musical plays, interest and love for fine arts, music, literature, respect for each other and the opinions of comrades, perseverance in class.

EQUIPMENT: notebook, illustrated pages musical material, discs with recordings of musical pieces, images of notes, flowers, to display the mood, presentation, TSO.

Lesson progress

Entering the classroom. Organizational moment.


Today in the lesson we will go on a journey into the world of music, goodness and beauty.

We will get acquainted and continue to get acquainted with musical instruments.

But first, I suggest you take a close look at your desks. There are three flowers in front of you that will help us determine your mood (where white flowerBad mood, yellow flowergood mood, and a red flower is a great mood). Think and pick up the flower that best suits your mood at the beginning of the lesson. Now lower them and put them on the edge of the desk, they will be useful to us at the end of the lesson.

And the cards that show the notes will help us evaluate your work. For the correct answer you will receive a note, and at the end of the lesson we will count how many notes you received, and accordingly we will find out how you worked in the lesson. Where are 7-6 notes – you’re great, 4-5 notes are good job in a lesson, 3 notes or less - you tried.

But first, let's remember the name of this instrument (SLIDE piano). I suggest listening to the sound of a piano and imagining yourself as a pianist. To do this, you need to sit straight, we will place your hands on the desk as if it were a piano, and your fingers will run across the desk as if across the keys of a piano. (SOUNDBITE OF PIANO)

Well done, did the music sound loud or quiet?


Well done, what is the name of this instrument? (VIOLIN SLIDE)

Children: violin.

How do they play it? Show me. (CHILDREN SHOW HOW TO PLAY THE VIOLIN)

Let's get on our feet and play the violin like little beginner violinists (MUSIC. The sound of a violin).

You did an excellent job with this task too.

Now listen to the riddle. What is this?

We all love to listen

How Tamara sings with us.

And in her hands she is obedient

Six string…


So, we sit down like real guitarists and imagine that we have what instrument in our hands?

Children: guitar.


You guys are great, remember the name and manner of performance on every musical instrument that we went through. It's time to get acquainted with such a musical instrument as a triangle (SLIDE AND STORY ABOUT THE TRIANGLE) Listen to the sound of this instrument.

Guys, you worked out so well, let's remember what musical instruments you know. (IF SHOWING SLIDES WITH TOOLS IS DIFFICULT).

And now you and I will take a rest, get up from our desks and move around a little.

Physical exercise.

We clap our hands, clap, clap
(clapping overhead)
We stomp our feet, stomp, stomp
(raise our knees high)
Shaking our heads
(move your head back and forth)
We raise our hands, we lower our hands
(hands up, hands down)
We squat low and we stand up straight
(sit down and jump)
Hands down, on your side.
Unclench it into a fist
Hands up and into a fist
Unclench it to the side
Get up on your toes
Squat down and straighten up.

Breathing and articulation gymnastics(“Smelling a flower.”) gymnastics for facial expressions (short chant).

Question. Guys, what song did we learn in the last lesson?

Answer. "Two cheerful geese".

Let's remember the first verse of the song and sing.

Children perform the first verse of the song “Two Cheerful Geese”


Learning 2 verses of a song, working with the text.

Lesson summary:

Guys, our journey into the world of music, goodness and beauty has come to an end. Let's tell you the topic of our lesson together.

The topic of our lesson: Introduction to musical instruments.

Purpose of the lesson: to continue to introduce children to musical instruments.

Tell me, what musical instruments do you know?

How do we play the piano? Violin? Guitar? Triangle?

Besides listening in class, what else did you do? ( They sang, played musical instruments, and solved riddles.)

Guys, it's time to return to our colors, they will help you know your mood at the end of the lesson. Pick up a flower that matches your mood.

Now count how many notes you received for the lesson (grading).


Lesson summary.


additional teacher

education Romashova O.N.

Tula, 2016

"Musical Instrument Store"

Lesson topic: "Musical Instruments"


- developing - development of musical and creativity, psychophysical functions (memory, attention, perception, thinking, imagination);

- educational - consolidation and generalization of knowledge about musical instruments;

- nurturing – fostering a performing culture, a culture of behavior, and tolerance.

Equipment: computer, projector with screen, board, piano.

Methodological support: cards with images of musical instruments, tape recorder, screen, children's musical instruments, items: tape recorder, telephone, clothes brush, powder, cassettes, disks, tambourine, wooden spoons, metallophone, sheet music, books about musical instruments, coloring pages with musical instruments, cream for hands, mug, tape; blanks for making noise instruments.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizational part.

Hello guys!

You probably love going to stores? (children's answers) Today we will go to an unusual music store. What do you think this store might sell? (children's answers) Look, I have a lot of different items on my table, which of them can be sold in a music store (items are laid out on the table: tape recorder, telephone, clothes brush, powder, cassettes, discs, tambourine, wooden spoons, metallophone, sheet music, books about musical instruments, coloring pages with musical instruments, hand cream, mug, tape. Task: children need to choose those products that can be sold in a music store).

Target: development of attention, thinking, memory.

Which of these items are the main ones sold in a music store? (children's answers)

Of course, these are musical instruments.

Main part.

ANDThe topic of our lesson is “Musical Instruments” . Let's repeat them (oral repetition of musical instruments)

We remembered the names of musical instruments, and now let’s remember what they look like, and our computer will help us with this, so, attention... An instrument appears on the screen, and you need to say its name.

2-3 slides. Alternate appearance of images of musical instruments.

Target: repetition of the material covered, development of memory and attention.

And we also know that each musical instrument produces its own unique, magical sound. Let's play the game "Guess what it sounds like."

Game "Guess what it sounds like."

Target: development of musical ear.

(behind the screen there are musical instruments and a recording of the sound of musical instruments, the teacher plays each of them in turn, and the children must name the musical instrument that was played)

Guys, can instruments play by themselves? (children's answers)

You know, an unpleasant thing happened in our store, a young salesman confused which bows, sticks, and hammers belong to which instruments, let's help him sort them out. Attention to the screen.

4-5 slides. "Musical Sticks" (sticks from musical instruments appear on the screen, children say the name and guess which instrument, then a musical instrument appears on the screen, checking whether the children answered correctly)

Target: development of logical thinking.

But can instruments play on their own? (children's answers)

What are people who play musical instruments called? (children's answers) Now pictures will appear on the screen depicting musicians playing certain musical instruments, you will need to say what they are called.

6-8 slides. “Who plays what?” (musicians with musical instruments appear on the screen one by one)

Target: development of memory and thinking.

And now I’ll pick up a tambourine and a maracas and also become a musician, what kind? (children's answers) And let's play a game"Guess what the ringing is"

Target: development of auditory attention, coordination of movements, orientation in space.

In a music store, instruments are always arranged in groups. We know that there are three main groups of musical instruments: strings, winds and percussion.

Exercise: I have pictures of musical instruments on the board, you need to distribute them into groups (completing the task)

Target: development of attention and logical thinking.

Now imagine that each musician picks up his own musical instrument and they all play one piece of music, then what will their team be called? (children's answers) What is the name of the person who leads the orchestra? (children's answers) Now, let's look at the screen...

Slide 9 (picture of an orchestra) What instruments do the musicians play in this orchestra? (children's answers)

And we know a song called"In our orchestra" music T. Popatenko, lyrics. M. Lapisova. Let's perform it, but first, just like musicians tune their instruments before a performance, we must tune our instrument - the voice - so that it sounds beautiful. Let's remember the song “Trumpet” (performance of the song)

Now you can sing the song (song performance"In our orchestra" )

What instruments participated in our orchestra? (children's answers)

Today we talk a lot about musical instruments. But they didn’t say the most important thing: who makes them? (children's answers)

This is a very difficult, painstaking work - to create a musical instrument so that it sounds beautiful and enchants listeners with its sound. To become a master of making musical instruments you need to study a lot, maybe some of you will become famous master. In the meantime, we will try to create a simple musical instrument. Want to try it? (children's answers)

(making noise instruments from Kinder surprise boxes and filling: beans, millet, rice, etc.)

Target: development of musical, creative abilities, sense of rhythm.

What kind of musical instruments did we get: noise or melodic? (children's answers) So, we created an orchestra of noise instruments. Let's play them (playing musical instruments according to a certain rhythm)

The final part.

Our instruments are tired, they go to their places, and the music store closes. And our lesson is coming to an end.

Let's remember what musical instruments we saw in the music store today? (children's answers) What main groups are musical instruments divided into (children's answers) What is the name of a group of musicians performing one piece of music? (children's answers) Thank you everyone! Goodbye!

Abstract directly educational activities
"Introduction to wind musical instruments"

From a music project
"What do we know about musical instruments"

Ganicheva Tatyana Avenirovna,
musical director of MBDOU No. 25,

Samuseva Yulia Nikolaevna,
teacher of MBDOU No. 25,

1. Shape elementary representations about wind musical instruments.
2. Develop perception of music.
3. Introduce students to classical music through the study of symphony orchestra instruments.

Children enter the hall and perform the greeting “Hello” by M. Yu. Kartushina.
Educator: Take one card each, now we will play with you.

Game "Musical Instruments", Ukrainian people melody
Part 1 – children with musical instrument cards run in a circle.
Part 2 - springs, hands with a card right - left, circling.
At the end of the music, the children take turns (to whom the teacher points) name the instrument and which group of the symphony orchestra it belongs to.

The children sit down at the piano.
Musical director: Look how unusual the bird is (blows on a whistle). What is this, guys? The whistle is a folk wind instrument. Why brass? Because they blow into it! What does the shepherd boy play? (show illustration). That's right, on a pipe or pipe. Listen.

Performed on audio recording "Flute Concerto No. 1" V.A. Mozart.

Musical director: What does a musical instrument sound like? The sound is light, graceful, whistling. This is played by a flute (illustration).
The flute is a wind instrument, very similar to a pipe.
Today we will introduce you to the wind instruments of a symphony orchestra. Name the groups of instruments that you already know? (Poster - instruments of a symphony orchestra).
Children name instruments.
Musical director: First of all, know that there are 2 groups of wind instruments, depending on the material from which these instruments are made. From wood - (children say: wooden), from copper (children say: copper) wind instruments.
The group of woodwind instruments includes: flute, bassoon, clarinet and oboe (showing cards).
The flute has the most high voice. The flute is a woodwind instrument, but now it is most often made of metal, sometimes plastic and glass. Listen to the flute.
On the screen there is a slide - a flute (from musical presentation"Wind instruments").

Corrective exercise "Connect the dots"(flute outline).

Musical director: The oboe has a lower voice than the flute. Oboe’s voice is a little nasal (like that of a person who speaks “in his nose”) (slide – oboe). Listen.

Performed on audio recording "Concerto for oboe and orchestra in E flat major" V. Bellini.

Game « Musical pictures» (find the oboe silhouette in the picture) photo.

Musical director: The clarinet (poster) has a soft, warm, gentle timbre (voice). Can sing both high and low (slide – clarinet). Listen.

Performed on audio recording "Concerto No. 1 for clarinet and orchestra" Weber.

Show “symphony orchestra instruments” on the poster.
Musical director: Bassoon is a woodwind instrument with the lowest voice (sound timbre), plays bass parts in an orchestra (slide - bassoon). Listen.

Performed on audio recording "Bassoon Solo", Petr Stoyanov.

Game "Labyrinth"(draw along the lines leading to the woodwind instruments).

Musical director: The most loud group V symphony orchestra- brass instruments. Today I will just introduce you to them (poster). Which instrument are you familiar with? That's right, it's a pipe.
The trumpet is an instrument with a high, clear sound. Trumpets come in different sizes, each with its own timbre (voice).
Horn (horn) - its sound can be soft, maybe creaky. She is not alone in the orchestra (from 2 to 8).
Trombone - often performs not a melody, but a bass accompaniment. Only the trombone has a special retractable part, with the help of which the sound of the instrument changes (show).
Tuba is the most deep voice like a double bass string instruments. The timbre of the tuba is harsh and massive.

Musical director: Remember, we watched the fairy tale “The Musical House”. Let today in our musical house Only wind instruments will settle.

Game “Find the card of the given instrument and place it in the window of the tower”(children do one at a time at will, the rest of the children check the correctness of the task and help).

Musical director: Listen.

Performed "Oblivion" A. Piazzolla (Spanish Veronica Kozhukharova (saxophone) and Moscow Symphony Orchestra).

Musical director: This is the sound of a saxophone. It has a melodious vibrating sound. The saxophone is one of the woodwind instruments, although it is made of metal. This instrument is only sometimes included in the symphony orchestra. More often it sounds in jazz and on the stage.
Musical director: We had a wonderful time together. Did you like it? Which symphony orchestra group did we meet today? What wind instrument did you like? (Children answer one at a time at will). We have prepared cards for you with a riddle that you will try to solve with your mom or dad and draw the answer (on the back there is a silhouette with dots). Please come to me, I want to thank you and say goodbye (the children close their eyes, the music director strokes their heads).

Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten general developmental type No. 28 “Stork” Podolsk

Summary of the main educational activities in musical education in preparatory
to school group

Topic: Introduction to musical instruments«
Sounding Bowstring.

Performed by the music director of MDOU No. 28 “Stork”
Musina Irina Mikhailovna

Podolsk 2016

Little Piper, Drum and
Sounding Bowstring.

Target : Introducing children to the history of musical instruments.

Tasks :

    Introduce children to various groups of instruments;

    Introduce the sound;

    Arouse interest in further study of the history of music and musical instruments

    Bring joy and pleasure from being introduced to the art of music.

Music hall equipment: computer, projector with screen, two exhibition tables with musical instruments arranged in groups. Recorder, drum, violin.

Progress of the lesson

(Slide 1) Children enter the hall to the music, look at the exhibition with instruments, and sit down on chairs. The chairs are arranged in a semicircle in front of the screen.

MR: (singing) Hello guys!

Children: (singing) Hello!

MR: Today we have an unusual activity. Today I want to introduce you to my friends, and I really want you to become friends with them. Do you want it? (Yes) Well then...

(Slide 2) Once upon a time, long ago, when none of you were alive (slide 3), yes, by the way, your parents weren’t there either (slide 4), and grandparents too (slide 5). There were no cars (slide 6), airplanes (slide 7), computers (slide 8) and the Internet (slide 9), there wasn’t even a metro or tram (slide 10). In general, there was nothing but very beautiful nature, wild animals and humans (slide 11). So one day, (slide 12) one man went hunting (because he ate what he got on the hunt or raised himself) to a fast river. But... forgetting about hunger, he stopped when he heard wonderful sounds. His "dinner" has long since run away (slide 13), and he still stood, mesmerized by this mysterious sound that came from nowhere.

(Slide 14) That there was an incredible sound of the wind entangled in the reeds. The reeds produced real melodies. Only people didn’t know how such wonderful music came out.

The man cut one reed and blew into it like the wind. (Slide 15) (I play the reed flute). AND… oh, miracle! Here it is, music! And Little PIPE (that’s what he called her), as soon as she was born, she immediately began to have fun and play in every way. (I play the reed flute). The man was glad that he managed to tame the wind so well, and he did it so well.

But Little Piper was bored alone, and she played a sad melody. (I play a sad melody on a reed flute) It was raining outside ...(Slide 16). And then the man heard thunder. They were heard far, far away, and the man decided that he needed to try to tame the thunder. But how to do this? He found an animal skin and pulled it over old tree stump and hit it with his hand. (I pick up the drum). (Slide 17) And then from under his hands a sound flew out, exactly like that very thunder.

(Slide 18) The little pipe and the DRUM - that's what the man called this instrument - began to play together very happily. How great it is to be friends!

(Slide 19) Once, while on a regular hunt, a man, having released an arrow, heard the sound of a vibrating bowstring. Her vibration surprised and amazed him so much, as if it looked into the innermost corners of his soul. He wanted to repeat this sound, and he began to use the bow for hunting as a musical instrument. (Slide 20) Then he pulled on the bow several strings (as he called the bowstring) of varying lengths and thicknesses. The result was an instrument that he called LYRA. (Slide 21)

Years, decades, centuries and eras passed. (Slide 22) Little Piper, Lyra and them true friend The drummers walked together through time, accompanying the person along this path. (Slide 23) The man loved music very much, and every time he tried to decorate his life with it.

(Slide 24) People used Little Piper everywhere - he was happy and sad with her, worked and rested. (Slide 25) Over time, the Little Piper had sisters and brothers. (Slides 26, 27, 28) U different nations these were a variety of whistles, pipes, nozzles, pity pipes, horns, bagpipes and flutes. (Slide 29) But this unusual instrument is called an alpine horn. Its length reaches 5 meters! Listen to how it sounds.

(Slide 30) Let's go out on the carpet and play. Stand in a circle. You have heard that sounds are loud and... (quiet), high and... (low), long and... (short). Now we will walk in a circle to the music and repeat after me a certain sequence of movements. Be careful! (After the game, the children sit on chairs)

(Slides 31 - 37) The Sounding Bowstring Lyra was joined by her relatives: gusli, harp, cymbals, lute, guitar and our Russian balalaika. (Slide 38) But the man wanted to prolong the sound of the little Lyre, and he came up with the Bow - a special stick-cane with a stretched hair. Horse hair was best suited for this. With its help, the string vibrated and sounded for as long as the length of the bow was sufficient. (Slides 39, 40) Man called such instruments Viols. They became the beauty's older sisters (slide 41) VIOLIN – the most capricious and most beautiful instrument created by man. (I play the violin"AVE MARIA"Bach-Gounod)

(Slide 42) Ancient musical instruments have changed greatly: the Little Piper has transformed into a whole family of wind instruments led by the Queen Flute (slides 43 - 46). Our old friend Drummer (slide 47) also acquired many relatives: these were various tambourines, tambourines, tom-toms, cymbals, timpani, xylophones, metallophones and many, many others. The sounding bow string became the progenitor of two huge families at once (slides 48, 49)– plucked string and bowed string musical instruments. (Slide 50) Another family of string instruments is keyboard (percussion, plucked, wind) instruments - harpsichords, pianos, accordions, etc.

(Slides 51, 52) They are all still friends with each other and with the person. They learned to sound together in a folk and symphony orchestra, in the ancient folk and classical manner, in modern and pop music. (Slide 53) I play the violin S. Joplin “Variety Artist”

(Slides 54 - 56) People are still inventing more and more new forms of musical instruments, but they are all direct descendants of Little Piper, her friend Drummer and their friend Little Sounding Bowstring.

Guys, our journey today to the amazing land of music and its faithful servants - musical instruments has come to an end. What instruments were unfamiliar to you? (children's answers), which of them do you remember most? (children's answers), what families do the instruments you named belong to? (children's answers). Well done guys! Did you like our magical journey? (children's answers) And I really liked it too. You listened to me very carefully and took an active part in our conversation. Let's take another look at our exhibition of musical instruments and say goodbye for a while.

(Singing)"Goodbye, children!"

Children: (singing)"Goodbye!"

Children leave the music room to the music.

Purpose of the lesson:

Didactic material: Images of a piano and harpsichord, portraits of composers (J.S. Bach, F. Chopin), audio (video) recordings of works.

Methodical recommendations: The lesson can be held either in the first or second half of the day. Lesson time is 20 minutes. The main method for achieving the goal of the lesson is verbal, i.e. conversation with children. The practical method is no less important: demonstration of illustrations (slides, videos), visual examination of an instrument (piano), listening to works, conveying impressions in dance improvisation. To consolidate the material, a final conversation with the children and a brief repetition of what has been covered in the next 2-3 lessons is necessary.

Progress of the lesson

Musical director: Today we'll talk about a family of instruments, one of which you know well.

What is the name of the instrument I play?
(Children's answer).

Musical director: That's right, this instrument is called a piano.

Did you know that the piano has an older brother? This brother's name is piano, which means "royal" in French. Look carefully. How are these brother instruments similar?

The teacher shows images of a piano and grand piano. Older children look for similarities on their own. The teacher makes a comparison for the kids.

Musical director: Both the piano and the grand piano have keys that the musician presses. Look: white keys are in a row, black keys alternate: two-three-skip, two-three-skip. All these keys make up the keyboard. Let's see what kind of keyboards the piano and grand piano have. That's right, they are the same.

Both upright and grand pianos have pedals that the pianist presses with his feet. Let's hear what pedals are for.

Visual demonstration.

The right pedal lengthens the sound. Even if you press a key and remove your hand, the instrument will still sound. Let's listen to what happens to the sound when we press the left pedal. That's right, the sound of the instrument becomes quieter.

What is the difference between a piano and a grand piano? The piano is a large instrument, it has a powerful sound and therefore the piano is played concert halls, such as the Philharmonic and the Chapel. The piano is smaller, it does not sound as bright, but it can be placed in the apartment.

How does the sound of a grand piano and upright piano appear? The pianist presses a key. The key is connected to a hammer, which strikes the string. There are many strings fixed inside the instrument. They are of different lengths and thickness. The lowest sounds have the thickest strings. The higher the sound, the thinner the string. Let's see how this happens.

Children, together with the teacher, examine the structure of the piano.

Musical director: And now I will show you another tool.

The teacher shows a picture of a harpsichord.

This is the grandfather of the piano - harpsichord. Look how similar they are. Let's see how they differ?

The teacher shows a picture of a tool. Older children look for similarities on their own. The teacher makes a comparison for the kids.

Musical director: The harpsichord has two keyboards. It is very beautifully decorated, there are no pedals and the size of the harpsichord is much smaller than that of a grand piano. Why do you think it was necessary to invent a piano if musicians already had such a beautiful instrument as the harpsichord?
(Answer from older children).

Musical director: The harpsichord is a wonderful instrument. Many beautiful works written for him. But it has one peculiarity: its volume is always the same. Listen: I can play the piano quietly, or I can play it very loudly.

Visual demonstration.

Therefore, the piano and grand piano are called piano (“forte” - loud, “piano” - quiet). But on the harpsichord, no matter how hard I try, the sound volume will be the same.

The teacher shows a portrait of J.S. Bach

He was a very serious composer, and he composed very serious music. We'll listen to the Prelude. It's more of an exercise piece. Bach wrote it for his children when they were learning to play the instrument. Sit down comfortably, now you will hear the voice of grandfather the harpsichord.

Prelude in C major sounds. HTC volume 1

Musical director: Did you like the harpsichord? Now let's listen to a piece performed on the piano. This piece was composed by Polish composer Frederic Chopin.

The teacher shows a portrait of F. Chopin

This composer wrote a great many beautiful works for piano. He himself was a virtuoso pianist. We will listen to a nocturne. “Nocturne” means “night”. Imagine: summer quiet night, the window is open to the garden. Chopin is sitting in a chair. He is thinking about something and this music is playing in his head. Sit back and listen to what Nocturne tells us.

Sounds Nocturne No. 1, opus 9

Musical director: Did you like the piano voice? And the nocturne? Now tell me what mood Chopin was in when he composed this Nocturne? (Children’s answers).

Musical director: Let's remember what tools we met today? What are the names of the piano and grand piano? Why? How are they different from a harpsichord? What composers did we listen to?
(Children's answers).

Musical director: Now I want to offer you a dance improvisation to the music of Chopin. Listen carefully to the music, and try to convey the mood and character of the piece with your movements.

Dance improvisation. Nocturne No. 2, opus 9.