How to find out what is under the protective layer of the lottery. Technologies for protecting lottery tickets. What a player needs to know

Millions of Russians dream of becoming owners of a large sum of money without any effort. Many people in the above category are not averse to buying a lottery ticket in order to try their luck. Unfortunately for players, the vast majority of attempts to win a prize are unsuccessful. As a result, many people begin to wonder whether it is possible to know in advance whether a ticket is a winner. The prospect of shining through the protective field of a lottery scratch card will be discussed below.

What does a player need to know?

Many people have at least once tried to find out in advance whether the purchased ticket is a winning one, using a regular flashlight. It should be noted that this attempt is doomed to failure, since lottery scratch cards are made of thick cardboard, which does not transmit light visible to the naked eye.

People who have firmly set themselves the goal of enlightening the protective field often look for alternative ways to complete the task. In particular, individuals who want to know whether a lottery scratch card is a winner sometimes try to scan the ticket using an ultrasound machine. However, the protective layer shields ultrasonic waves, preventing hidden information from being read.

The most persistent people try to illuminate a lottery ticket using x-rays. Persons in the above category should be aware that electromagnetic waves will not be able to penetrate the protective layer.

Having seemingly exhausted all available methods, most players abandon the idea of ​​​​candling a lottery ticket. However, on the Internet you can find commercial offers from people selling technology and equipment to gain access to scratch card information. In particular, sellers claim that through many punctures of the protective layer invisible to the naked eye, you can find out which areas of the field need to be opened in order to win. However, players should be aware that this method is fraudulent, and the scam will be revealed during the examination, which is a standard procedure carried out by the lottery founder before issuing large prizes to the winners.

- the activity is not just interesting, but also profitable. If you're lucky, you can win a couple of thousand by paying only 30 rubles. And sometimes some lucky ones win millions!

And this is by participating in our domestic lotteries. Recently I found a strange question on the Internet: how to find out what is under the protective layer of the lottery. At first I was surprised: there’s no point in finding out what’s there if you’ve already purchased it. But then the question really interested me. Is it possible to look under the protective layer?

  • So, the task: Given
  • : a huge number of lottery tickets; Task
  • : try to find out what is under the protective layer without erasing it;: ???


What is the protective layer of a lottery ticket? First, we need to understand what that protective layer is. Usually it is a small strip of silver color.

It would seem that everything is simple. It is necessary to illuminate the ticket, for example, using an ultrasound machine. But in reality everything is much more complicated. This method doesn't work. And it’s clear why. The thing is that this strip is made of infrared film, which is simply impossible to illuminate. That is why it is better not to use the “enlightenment” method. So what to do then and is there another way?

How to find out what is under the protective layer of the lottery? The answer is simple: you just need to carefully remove the protective film, see what you need, and stick it back.

To do this, you will need a sharp, but also thin, flat object (such an object can easily be found in any home). Carefully pry off the film and then glue it back.

But here the first difficulty arises: how can you carefully and most importantly unnoticed glue the film back? And what kind of glue should be used? Therefore, the only way out is to find exactly the same self-adhesive film (sold only on the Internet from “frequent hands!”).

That's all.

Solution to the problem: erase the layer, look, paste the strip back.

Why shouldn't you look at what's under the protective layer of your ticket? 15-03-2013 06:26

A young man from Novosibirsk was sentenced to two years in prison for large-scale lottery fraud. Together with his accomplices, he bought instant lottery tickets at post offices of the Altai Republic, erased the protective layer from them and exchanged them for winnings - the profit exceeded 5 million rubles. Experts are perplexed how Novosibirsk craftsmen managed to receive money with impunity from Russian Post offices for six months and remain unnoticed. Lottery tickets rarely become the object of fraud - at least, Novosibirsk police are not aware of such facts. About frauds with fortune - in the material of NGS.NEWS.

On March 7, the court of the Maiminsky district of the Altai Republic sentenced Okhran Mamedov, born in 1987. An unemployed resident of Novosibirsk was sentenced to 2 years and 6 months of imprisonment in a general regime correctional colony for fraud committed by an organized group of persons or on an especially large scale (Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). In December 2012, his accomplices, Novosibirsk residents Yuri Sosnin and Mansur Azimov, were convicted under the same article. Each of them will spend 4 years 6 months in prison.

The prosecutor's office of Gorno-Altaisk reported that the young people, having entered into a criminal conspiracy, went to the Altai Republic, where in just three months, from April to June 2011, they earned 5 million 18 thousand rubles. on lottery fraud. At Russian Post offices in Gorno-Altaisk and Mayma, they bought instant lottery tickets and then brought them back with combinations of numbers that would result in a serious win.

Okhran Mamedov, who appeared in court later than his comrades because he was on the federal wanted list, received his winnings on 1,515 tickets at the post office in the village of Maima.

Mamedov himself has not admitted his guilt and can still appeal the verdict, which has not yet entered into legal force. In December 2012, his accomplices Sosnin and Azimov tried to appeal the decision to the Supreme Court of the Altai Republic, but their verdict remained unchanged.

Assistant Prosecutor of the Altai Republic Larisa Shestak refused to explain the essence of the scheme by which the scammers acted, citing the fact that resourceful young people may have equally enterprising followers. From a message from the administration of the Maiminsky district it is known that criminals have found a way to quietly remove the protective layer from tickets and return it back.

The young people chose three types of instant lottery tickets for fraud: “All-Russian Housing Lottery”, “All-Russian Social Lottery” and “All-Russian Subsidy Lottery”, which are sold at Russian Post offices.

Each ticket has a field with two columns and two “floor” cells, covered with a protective film. In each column, only one cell promises a win - a number is hidden in it. The player begins to erase the film, starting from the first “floor” - it promises a minimum amount of 50 rubles - and gradually rises higher. If the player stumbles upon a failed cell, the winnings are lost. If you get to the top, you can get 20,000, 50,000 or 100,000 rubles. The maximum win is an apartment.

The state prosecutor of the prosecutor's office of the village of Maima, Irina Pidoprigora, said that the scammers took money - the prospect of winning real estate did not attract them.

Employees of the Russian Post suspected fraud when they realized that the same young people too often came to claim winnings, presenting tickets where the cells with amounts were open almost to the upper “floors,” Ms. Shestak said. Postal employees initially puzzled their own security service, but their checks showed nothing. Then the lucky tickets were handed over to the police - they ordered an examination, which proved the fact of illegal influence. Altai police established operational surveillance of the mail and detained the Novosibirsk residents.

“No charges were brought against Russian Post employees, and the version that [the fraudsters] were helped at the post office did not appear in the case file,” added Ms. Pidoprigora. According to her, the fact of external influence on lottery tickets was confirmed during the trial.

Printing experts doubted that the protective film could be unnoticed and returned to its original location. “The protective film does not come off like a sticker, even under the influence of chemicals,” an employee of a Moscow company that produces lottery tickets shared on condition of anonymity. “A special solution is applied under the scratch layer, which has an adhesive base and does not allow the film to be removed without damage.”

According to the expert, if the film was really removed, the sellers could not help but suspect it, because the rules of the game have a clause obliging them to refuse to pay out the winnings if there is even the “smallest dot” on the field.

ZAO Sibpro (a Novosibirsk printing company) complained that lottery organizers, before paying out winnings, often neglect their own rules - they do not send the ticket for examination. The Altai tour of lottery scammers from Novosibirsk left police officers perplexed - the economic security department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the NSO could not recall such cases. Anton Surnin, an employee of the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the NSO, assured that lotteries do not give rise to fraud - Novosibirsk police have not encountered frauds similar to the Altai one over the past 10 years. - Lottery hacker - NGS.NEWS

WereVolk 15-03-2013 08:25

We used to have cards like this to pay for the Internet. I was too lazy to get my nails dirty and litter, tearing off the protective layer as it should be. I took a Swiss knife and carefully cut it all off. Then, if desired, you could stick it back on.

Pulse 15-03-2013 09:25

quote: Originally posted by WereVolk:

I took a Swiss knife and carefully cut it all off. Then, if desired, you could stick it back on.

The card was laminated, but the ticket was not. So it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to remove the protective layer from the ticket...

Veter_k 15-03-2013 09:55

They didn’t return the protective layer, but most likely found a way to interrupt the numbers underneath it.

AAG 15-03-2013 10:54

Aviator31 15-03-2013 11:05

quote: criminals have found a way to quietly remove the protective layer from tickets and return it back

sleight of hand and no fraud..(C)
ticket protection means did not provide ticket protection... claims must be made against the organizer of this very lottery... otherwise you can completely discourage people from buying already unpopular lotteries...

rawmeathhunter 15-03-2013 11:30

Yes, they were probably just applying a new “protective layer”. I think the technology there is not so cosmic.

Pulse 15-03-2013 11:43

quote: Originally posted by AAG:

In this case, for some reason I am completely on the side of the “hacker”

I hope he didn’t tell the investigators all the technology. Although...
Yuri Sosnin and Mansur Azimov. Each of them will spend 4 years 6 months in prison.

Security Mamedov born in 1987 sentenced to 2 years 6 months imprisonment

Most likely he made a deal with the investigation.

Kill_Maker 15-03-2013 15:53

I just don’t understand what their fault is
there are no words about how they outwitted and what the deception was
only about the fact that we won a lot

so what's the fault?

rawmeathhunter 15-03-2013 15:57

quote: Originally posted by Kill_Maker:

how they outwitted not words

if you tell it, a lot of lotteries of this type will fail. everyone will run for the winnings.

IDS 15-03-2013 20:27

quote: so what's the fault?

It can be assumed that they collected statistics on the passage of radiation through a cell (X-ray, for example) and could know exactly where it is empty and where it is dense. By the way, I need to try it. I’ll try it on Monday and post the results here.

linkor9000 17-03-2013 19:38

the link says
“From a message from the Maiminsky district administration, it is known that criminals have found a way to quietly remove the protective layer from tickets and return it back.”
Next, they probably identified an “empty” cell and erased it.

Militarist 18-03-2013 03:54

I have a slightly different assumption, a simpler one.
We freeze the ticket in the freezer, then take it out into the light of day; the condensation on the surface of the erasable layer should not lie evenly due to the different heat capacity of the ticket itself and the paint with the symbol under this layer.

Kill_Maker 18-03-2013 12:05

in general, everyone who spoke here about methods for determining winnings in this lottery should be put on hold!)) because there’s no point in inventing here!

Shakra 19-03-2013 12:10

It was in Yekaterinburg a couple of years ago. This means the technology has already been developed.

jacker2000 19-03-2013 15:03

I played this washer game... I almost got to the top level)) Most likely they swapped it for their ticket and did it like that. We bought a ticket...were erasing the bastards. and went home.. at home they learned what order they needed to wash in and applied a new layer. When they arrived at the post office, they took another ticket.. they went aside and exchanged it for their own, and washed it in the right order)

IDS 19-03-2013 23:53

"and applied a new layer"

Another question arose: in theory, the ticket should be sent for examination. So here’s a question - and not “e...boot” it on the way? And the post office employees won’t pocket it?

Shakra 20-03-2013 12:52

quote: Originally posted by IDS:

Do you think it's that easy to apply?

Well, now they’ll sit, share their experiences, and learn new things. The one who walks will master the road!

Helgi1991 20-03-2013 08:03

Write more!)) I want to win the lottery)

gray76 23-03-2013 17:21

As for layer-by-layer tomography, this is interesting, if you run a ticket through a computer tomograph (a radiologist I know works on CT scans). Who knows the rules of the lottery, please share how you can win? What if we make an ultrasound with a linear sensor?

TIR 23-03-2013 19:20

Don't be stupid - CT does not have such resolution this time. Secondly, the paint density is insufficient. It seems you are SIGNIFICANTLY overestimating the capabilities of the tomograph. Have you even seen any pictures from it?

TIR 23-03-2013 19:23

I'm also excited about the ultrasound. What else - MRI, hadron collider?

gray76 23-03-2013 19:58

In CT machines, the thickness of the slice plays a role (a step of 1 cm is already low resolution), if you find a device with a small step (1 mm), then you can try experimenting, the only thing that needs to be taken into account is the negligible thickness of the dye under the protective layer (I think several hundred and maybe thousands of molecules) to which the sensors may simply not respond. Here it would be more reasonable to use a linear ultrasonic sensor that responds to different densities in the protective and coloring layers, the main thing is that the protective layer is permeable to the same ultrasonics and a miniature ultrasonic flaw detector would be useful, which is used, for example, for troubleshooting electronic boards.

Shakra 23-03-2013 23:43

It’s too complicated; a maximum of a thousand people across the country have access to MRI. And they don’t need lesson learned accomplices.
All these methods are born in the camps. And the available reagents include acrylic, fats, paints, and varnishes. The old protection is completely erased. The new one is simply drawn on top. During the examination it is determined that the bank employee does not. The greed of lottery organizers. All these losses are included in the cost of circulation and they are paid by honest citizens, read: suckers. It is their fate to pay for everything and always. And I don’t feel sorry for anyone. Those who play the lottery are stupid rednecks. They hope to do nothing and get rich. Whoever organizes, well, cannibals who profit from the stupidity and ignorance of people certainly shouldn’t be pitied. Crooks steal, sometimes the police catch you, everything is fine.

linkor9000 24-03-2013 09:01

quote: The new one is simply drawn on top

Varnish with aluminum powder. Quite.

TIR 25-03-2013 13:17

Shakra - what does MRI have to do with it? You've probably heard about this somewhere, but what is it, at least approximately?

Shakra 25-03-2013 15:07

gray76 25-03-2013 18:13

Shakra, the handsome guy, gave the ignoramus a good beating, but this TIR is partly right, because during MRI an isotope must be injected into the body, but it is unknown how to do this with a piece of cardboard (soak it in a solution). By the way, colleague, what hospital do you work in, it would be possible to cooperate against the dark forces

gray76 25-03-2013 18:19

If you are considering the option of a portable thickness gauge (these are used to measure the thickness of car paintwork, they are available and inexpensive), the only thing is that the substrate must be made of metal (which is allowed by placing the object under study between two thin planes, the back of which is metal) and the tip of the sensor should be thin 1-2 mm.

gray76 26-03-2013 13:34

TIR-ear, my golden one, MRI is performed not according to programs but according to protocols, to be more precise, for patients of different body densities and age categories). And I am a medical orderly-rifleman in the MB OUP in Krasnoe Selo.

TIR 26-03-2013 13:58

Ugh. Tough. MRI with eyes for orderlies - works according to the protocol. Have you heard of Peter Mansfield in your village?

In our lives, you and I often come across protected documents. These are identity documents, notary papers, securities and finally, money. But few people think about the fact that lottery tickets sold at kiosks and other places of distribution, and sometimes simply from hand at the metro, also have protection. Protection refers to watermarks and other methods of protection. These are the ones I want to talk about.

Naturally, we will talk about lottery tickets that comply with the Federal Law on Lotteries.

When producing tickets, the manufacturer must be guided by the requirements for security printing products of level "B", which of course does not make them money, but the level of protection is not much lower.

For the production of tickets, paper with a half-tone watermark and security fibers is used. Tickets for instant and draw lotteries are printed on this paper.

The following elements are used to protect lottery tickets:

  • UV luminescent paints
  • grid with built-in raster inscription or, as an option, guilloche grid
  • microtext
  • high way numbering

Tickets for instant lotteries, where winning combinations have already been applied, are printed on special paper with chemical protection. The winning information is applied using a special UV-reactive ink that is coated with a washable coating. The coating, in turn, protects winning information from being seen through.

In addition, the manufacturer of the lottery ticket must have a license to manufacture this type of product, issued by the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.

All manufacturing methods are prescribed in the orders of the Ministry of Finance and are mandatory. Thus, when purchasing a lottery ticket, you can be sure of its security. Naturally, all this applies only to lottery tickets conducted by the state or companies that have permission from the Russian Ministry of Finance. If the ticket or the place where it is sold seems suspicious to you, then it is better to refuse such a purchase.

Completed projects for the production of lottery tickets

When the printing house has only 5 days to print more than 40,000 lottery tickets, and only a few hours remain before the circulation is delivered to the train, only professionals can cope with such a task. Effecton company has its own know-how!

My daughter Daria and I decided to do something unusual for Valentine's Day. Various valentines had already been given in first and second grade, so we decided to make a lottery. We searched the entire Internet, took some from there, invented some ourselves, and in the end we got original valentines with prizes. My classmates and teacher really liked the idea, everything went well and my daughter is happy. And since February 23 is coming soon, I decided to make a lottery for our male employees, and this is what happened. And now everything is in order.
To make a lottery you need the following materials:
matte cardboard (not glossy),
liquid soap or shower gel,
gouache of the chosen color,
figured large hole punches or figured scissors,
outlines, glitter glue (optional), a sheet of stencil paper or a ready-made stencil

I will show both processes at once: our first experience with our daughter - Valentine lotteries and a new experiment - lotteries for February 23rd. As prizes for children, they used small stationery, sweets, balls, lollipops. From experience, children don’t even care about the prize, but the process of intrigue, erasure and lo and behold...I have a prize :).
The prizes for men will be comic... something like this: a car - a small toy car, a machine gun - a children's water pistol, a title - a medal for courage, etc..., a sports complex - a candy bar, a laptop - a notepad, etc. We have men very little, so in addition to the lottery, we’ll also give away something “serious” :)

In general, we need to print on matte cardboard (or thick matte photo paper) the names of our prizes or a template for our lottery. I quickly created a template for the future lottery in Photoshop and printed it out. For Daria's school lottery, we simply printed out the names of the prizes, without color drawings.

Next, you need to design our lotteries using scissors, curly scissors or hole punches.
My daughter and I “punched” lottery valentines with the help of our favorite huge hole punches (punching diameter 5 cm) ... we got very beautiful valentines! You can cut out lotteries with scissors or curly scissors, as your imagination dictates.

I cut out the lotteries for men with curly scissors. After the lotteries are cut out, we will create a protective layer (so that it can be erased with a coin afterwards:). You need to apply a layer of paraffin to the inscription (name of the prize), then grease it with liquid soap and, after drying, apply gouache through a stencil. And now everything is in detail.

I have a self-adhesive film lying around, apparently defective... it doesn’t stick well to any surface, and if it does stick, it comes off on its own after a couple of hours. Therefore, it was decided to use this film as a stencil. The film comes off the cardboard easily. In general, film (normal) is not suitable for use as a stencil on cardboard, since it can come off later along with the cardboard layer. But just in case, I’ll tell you about our option :). You can simply use a sheet of office paper for the stencil; I’ll tell you more about that below.

We laid our blanks with inscriptions on an old sheet of paper, then removed the protective layer from the film and glued them directly onto the blanks, so that all the inscriptions were clearly visible. Since the stencil squares are larger than the lottery blanks, they stuck to the paper. It turned out very convenient, the workpieces do not move, and everything is clearly visible.

To protect our inscription we will need a candle. I use a small candle, freed from the stand. You can use a regular long candle, but for convenience it is better to cut off a small piece of the candle.

Next you need to apply a layer of paraffin to the inscription; we do this so that the paint applied further can be easily removed without damaging the inscription. It is better to apply a layer of paraffin in a circular motion with slight pressure. Please ensure that the entire inscription is covered with a layer of paraffin.

I do the same with lotteries for employees. If you can do this process without a stencil (carefully) you can directly apply it to the lottery.

Afterwards, you need to apply (on the layer with paraffin) liquid soap, just rub it with your finger. When the liquid soap dries, proceed to the next step. Liquid soap is necessary so that the paint (gouache) adheres well to the paraffin.

After the layer of liquid soap has dried, apply gouache with a wide brush (or sponge), applying two or three strokes. On the valentines we used red gouache and applied a gold layer on top. I tried to use gold gouache, but the paint is not quite dense and the inscription shows through. Red gouache is easy to apply, covers the entire inscription and does not show through. But it’s better to use silver gouache; the protective layer looks just like a lottery from a store.

For lotteries by February 23rd we apply silver gouache. I like it better when the paint is applied with a sponge; the layer is streak-free. In order for the protective layer to be smooth and beautiful, I first cut out a stencil from in the photo

Then I picked up paint with a brush and applied it to the “window”, then used a sponge to evenly distribute the paint (“smeared”). As a sponge I use a cut piece of an ordinary kitchen sponge.

It turned out very beautiful

And these are our valentines-lotteries with my daughter

At the decorating stage, you can use whatever your heart desires. We use contours and glue with glitter...we decided not to bother too much, because the lottery is a one-time lottery :)

After decoration.