Palmistry the line of fate bifurcates. There is an additional line nearby. Interpretation depending on duration

The Saturn line is in the center of the palm. It starts at the wrist and extends to the middle finger or Mount of Saturn. In another way, it is also called the line of fate.

If there is no branch, then the person is independent, has free will, but often cannot decide on a goal. Two lines of fate are a lucky sign; it promises good luck and the support of true friends. On the left hand the feature is more pronounced than on the right.

general characteristics

The characteristics of the Saturn line are very individual. It looks different for each person, the differences can be dramatic. Here are the main properties of the trait:

  • Direct and clear
  • Weakly expressed
  • Twisted
  • Intermittent.

Straight line

A straight line that ends on the Mount of Saturn foreshadows a measured life and happiness in old age. Such people are conservative; they do not accept sudden changes. Feel calm if life path goes according to a strictly planned plan. There are no ups and downs on their path, they do not reach the heights of glory, but they do not fall into the abyss of failure.

Weakly expressed trait

If the line of Saturn is barely visible on the palm, then the person has strong will. He determines his own destiny and does not like to rely on chance. At the same time, it is difficult for such people to decide on goals; they often change their occupation.

Saturn line on the palms. Palmistry. Sergey Serebryakov

LINE OF DESTINY No. 1, prosperity, travel and relocation (Bhagya Rekha)

Fortune telling. palmistry. line of fate. signs

Details about the line of fate. Palmistry

Failures cripple them, they lose their bearings. Much depends on interaction with other signs on the hand. When a trait is absent altogether, its owner will face ups and downs, but the results depend solely on the decisions he makes.

Twisted line

A wavy line is a sign of a wavering personality. Such people are greatly influenced by other people's opinions; they depend on loved ones. They rarely make decisions on their own and rely on the advice of others. Fate will be determined by who will be there and what influence they will have. If you are lucky enough to meet a true friend and mentor, everything will go well. Otherwise, a person will face difficult trials, temptations and failures.

dashed line

A gap in one place portends drastic changes. Perhaps you are bored with your profession, you are unhappy with your financial situation, or you want to change your environment. How the fateful decision will affect your future life depends on the state of the Saturn line in the second section. When it disappears and becomes weaker, it means the changes have not been beneficial. A clear line means the decision was made successfully.

A line consisting of separate sections is a sign of indecision. Its owner often changes his lifestyle, tries himself in different areas, it is difficult for him to make a decision in life. Happiness and peace are fickle, he is never satisfied with his own situation. An island at the point of rupture is a sign of difficult choices and doubts.

Beginning of the line of Saturn

The line of Saturn begins at the bottom of the palm. But the starting point is in different places. Here are some options:

  • Mount of Venus
  • Mount of the Moon
  • Gap between Venus and Moon
  • Center of the palm (plain of Mars)
  • Life line
  • Branch of the mind or heart.

Palmistry places great importance on where the line of fate begins. An island at the beginning is an unfavorable sign; it indicates great doubts and difficulties in choosing a path. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Launch on the Moon and Venus

The beginning of the Saturn line from the Mount of the Moon is a harbinger of an active life in which events quickly replace each other. Such people are active, but often think only about themselves. Starting on the Mount of Venus is a sign of a sensitive and emotional nature. Emotions have a decisive influence on fate, love affairs and matters of the heart. When the line crosses the life line, the personality depends too much on the parents. If the line of Saturn begins between two hills, a person is waiting for active life, he is spiritually developed and emotional at the same time.

Palm center

If the Saturn line on your hand begins with the Mars plain, expect material difficulties in your youth. It is difficult for such people to decide on a profession, life priorities. But by the age of 30-35 they get back on their feet, find a goal, and start making good money.

Life line

The trait of fate, starting from the branch of life, is a sign of lack of independence. Such people depend for a long time on their parents, who determine their path. If the life line and the Saturn branch diverge smoothly, then there are no contradictions between you and your relatives. At a certain age, you will continue on your own path with the support of your parents. Intersecting branches are a bad sign. The desires of your loved ones and yours do not coincide, you feel pressure, it creates discomfort and internal contradiction.

Branches of the mind and heart

The Saturn line, starting from the head line, indicates a difficult choice. In the first half of life, a person searches for himself, rushes between different professions, classes. He makes the final choice himself, guided by logic, common sense and experience. In the second half of his life, success awaits him.

If the trait of fate begins from the heart, then the determining factor will be marriage, relationships with a loved one. Often such people are lonely and not very lucky until middle age. When they find their soulmate, they decide on their priorities, begin to make a career and earn good money.

Flow and ending of the branch

The line of Saturn can go towards various hills located in the direction of the fingers. Sometimes there are branches from it in one direction or another. Palmistry believes that they are important in determining fate.

Mount of Saturn

This direction is the luckiest. It means that life will pass calmly, happiness awaits a person in old age and material well-being. Most likely he will live last years surrounded by family, with beloved children and grandchildren.

Mount of Jupiter

If a branch ends on the Mount of Jupiter, then its owner is endowed with ambitions. He strives to lead people and occupy responsible positions. In addition, he loves life in all its manifestations. Sometimes he is unrestrained, vain, and wastes money.

Hill of Apollo

The solar or Apollo hill on the hand is responsible for creativity. The line of Saturn on this hill ends in people with an artistic nature. If it is forked or crowned with a trident, success and glory await the owner. A blurred or crossed ending is a sign of failure.

Mount of Mercury

Mercury is the god of trade and thieves. People whose fate line rests on this elevation can take two paths. If their moral principles are strong, they will achieve success in commerce and finance. If they received an improper upbringing, do not have a strong life position, will break the law, become charlatans and dishonest entrepreneurs.

Signs and branches

Palmistry pays great importance signs on the lines and branches that extend from them. Any branch from the Saturn line indicates a person’s attraction to one or another sphere of life. If they go to the Mount of Venus, then feelings and emotions determine fate. The lunar hillock speaks of importance spiritual development. A twig towards the life line indicates family attachments; its owner constantly turns to his parents for advice and seeks their support.

A branch to Mercury speaks of a gravitation towards business, trade, determines high level intelligence. A twig that reaches towards the Sun is a sign of a creative personality. And Jupiter gives a person leadership qualities, love of life, responsibility. Jumpers between Saturn and the mental trait indicate that such a person is guided by the arguments of reason. If the branch reaches towards the heart line, love and marriage are important to its owner.

Here are the main signs that appear on the Saturn line and their meaning:

  • Lattice - a person will face troubles, difficulties in making decisions
  • Period - a problem that is difficult to solve
  • A point taken in a ring - the problem cannot be solved without outside help
  • Ring without a point - walking in circles, inability to find a way out
  • Island - difficulties in making decisions, danger.

It is important to determine the age at which the signs operate. The line to the branch of the head corresponds to the interval from birth to 35 years. Between the head and the heart is the period of life from 35 to 50 years. After the heart branch comes elderly age. It is important to remember that the Saturn line only determines trends. Our destiny is in our hands. Everyone has the power to change it, for the better or for the worse. the worst side depends on the correct choice.

When you first become acquainted with the science of palmistry, you can immediately understand that the line of fate is almost the most important designation on our palm. There are many definitions of the character and fate of a person by hand, because there are fortune-telling by the hands, there is by the fingers, but the most popular is fortune-telling by the hand, or rather by the palm of the hand. And those lines that we can see on the palm of each person carry their own specific imprint, a pattern of fate, which palmists can read. And they usually start reading from the line of fate, which ends at the Mount of Saturn. Because of this, the line of fate has another name - the Saturn line.

So, the fate line starts at the wrist in the middle of the base of the palm and moves up to the middle finger. First you need to find out whether it exists or not, and only then carefully decipher it. Or maybe criminals, drug addicts, homeless people don’t have it, this indicates a lack of purpose. But people who live their lives brightly may not have it, but their goals are constantly changing.


Fate line on hand

Fate line on hand

The line of fate on the hand is conventionally divided into intervals of five years. It intersects with the line of the heart and the line of the head, thereby forming a kind of square. For some people it almost touches the life line. It happens that the line of fate on the hand is located as close as possible to the Mount of Jupiter or the Sun. This, in turn, indicates that the ambition and idealism of Jupiter will be maximally manifested in the character of the individual, while in the second case the person’s talents will be clearly expressed either in literature or in one of the arts.

The line of fate on the hand can tell about some trend in the existing reality, about all kinds of talents, but this does not mean the inevitability of their manifestation. Everything depends on you, and only you can be the master of your destiny, and whether or not to germinate these talents depends only on you. Therefore, such fortune telling can be an adviser for you, and not a command. Although sometimes such talents are hidden in a person, and he is not even aware of them, a pointer will not hurt.

Palmistry and the fate line are inextricably linked, since in terms of importance it ranks second after the life line. Such a line can talk about the ups and downs at different stages of life, about the dangers that can happen. In general, if you are interested in palmistry, then the fate line will be incredibly interesting to you in any person.

If the fate line is visible deep and clear, then this means great external influence. That is, a person does not try to take control of his life, but rather goes with the flow and is completely dependent on external circumstances. If it is not expressed so clearly, then the person achieves everything himself, and does not wait for manna from heaven. It happens that the line of fate begins in the center of the palm and moves towards Saturn, this will tell the story of an ambitious person and a self-sufficient person who takes control of his life and creates his destiny with his own hands.

The line of fate and its meaning can change throughout life. And this line of fate can form a very different picture, but its meaning lies in the presentation of the prepared fate of a person, important dates and events in life and how he will move through it. Maybe the line after the middle of its duration becomes less and less clear and visible, then by calculating by segments what life span it is, you can determine after what years you will have stability and constancy. If such a disappearing line moves towards the Mount of Saturn, then this will speak of a carefree and prosperous old age.

Sometimes the line of fate can be torn, for example, at the line of the mind, then this will be a sign of a careless personality, loving pranks and freedom; if the line turns into a broken one, consisting of several lines, then it will be more likely to observe indecision or lack of will in a person’s life

If you need to convert different events on the fate line to a temporary value, then this can be done using the following method. The first segment often goes to the line of the head, and this symbolizes the first twenty years of life's journey. The continuation from the head line to the heart line is another two tens, and then to the end of the line the rest of the period can be calculated.

Sometimes you can see that the line of fate bifurcates, breaks off and ends with a fork. This always speaks of the fact that a person has a choice in life. When the direction and course of the rest of his life will depend on his next step and decision. At a certain time, a person will stand at a crossroads, and this can mean very dramatic changes. A person can change his field of activity or retrain. And you can see how the line of fate bifurcates, that is, to which particular tubercle the branch goes, in such a new sphere a person will appear. After all, each tubercle has its own name and meaning.

Most important the line of fate plays on right hand. After all, on the left you can only view what was given at birth, and for the most part the past. On the right hand you can read how a person manages his given resources and what direction in life he sets for himself. If on the left you can read a person’s desires, then on the right you can only read facts and events. Therefore, they often look at the line of fate on the right hand, since it is more of a practical part and implementation. And not possibilities and theory.


Of course, a person is very interested in finding out fate from the lines of the hand, because if only the line of fate can create such tossing and contradictions, which speaks of deciphering all the lines. This is probably comparable to reading an exciting adventure book in which you yourself are the main character. However, finding out fate by the lines of the hand, becoming familiar with the existing vector of life, does not mean making it so in reality. After all, the interestingness of the book in the future will depend only on your actions. The future changes every minute, with every step we take we enter some version of reality. And creating this reality is no less interesting than reading its messages on your hand!



In classic palmistry manuals, the line of Saturn (Figure 5-45), as a rule, is called the line of fate and says that everything in this life is predetermined, that our future has long been scheduled day by day. Modern palmists reject this interpretation, believing that a person himself creates his own future. The Saturn line shows the direction of a person’s life, chosen by him, and records the influences that change his personality. This may be due to societal influences, genetic changes, family conditions, or personal choice.

When I was young, I often tormented myself with the eternal question: what role does fate play in our lives? (Such thoughts came especially often on sleepless nights between sunset and dawn.) Is she really blind, indifferent and unchanging, as if computer program, or can it be changed, made to have mercy on us? And if so, what if you can change it at your discretion? In the end, I decided that there really was no difference. We are all given the right to choose, and if there is some kind of universal plan, then it is better for us not to know about it. Buddha said 2500 years ago: there are so many things happening around us that only an all-knowing entity can determine which thing gives birth to a flash of light in one eye of one peacock feather.

Being very far from an all-knowing entity, I do not load my mind with such questions. I think fate has made a non-aggression pact with me: I don't bother her - she doesn't bother me.

Ideally, the Saturn line originates at the wrist and extends all the way to the middle finger. However, since the ideal is very rare, the Saturn line can begin anywhere, always ending at the middle finger. If the line you find extends towards the ring finger, it is the Apollo line. If it goes to the little finger, then this is the line of Mercury. Both of these lines will be discussed below, but for now let's stay on topic.

The Saturn line is one of the most changeable; it can change its length and direction within two weeks! Among other things, some people have a couple of Saturn lines, others have them barely noticeable, and others have no line at all. Because of this variability, detecting the Saturn line can be difficult and requires practice. Nevertheless, its analysis is an exciting and full of surprises activity.

Don't have a Saturn line?

On this occasion, books of palmistry published in a charming Victorian era, which were very popular in secular circles, say that if a person does not have a destiny line, it means that he is emotionally broken, doomed to constant failures and setbacks. Here is another example of a persistent myth, akin to the fact that the life line shows how many years a person will live. My practice shows that people without the Saturn line are organized, disciplined individuals who have built their own destiny. When they hear the word “rock,” they usually laugh, saying that a person must forge his own happiness. They believe that successes and failures in the future are a consequence of right or wrong decisions in the past.

Short line of Saturn

The reason for the small size of the Saturn line rarely lies in its location on the human palm. When it stretches near the wrist (Figure 5-46), its owner is a real truant who likes to get away from work early. If the short line of Saturn is at the top of the palm (Figure 5-47) and originates near the lines of the head and heart, this indicates a hidden talent that will manifest itself in subsequent years. Such people try to find themselves in different roles; they often change jobs and places of residence, until they finally find something that suits them in all respects. The advantage of such migrations is that when success comes to them, they will enjoy it doubly: in their favorite home, at their favorite job. By the way, many owners of a short line of Saturn, located at the top of the palm, go back to school by the age of forty, however, as teachers, head teachers and directors.

Sometimes the Saturn line ends before it reaches the middle finger (Figure 5-48). This indicates either that a person does not think about his safety and is ready to wander alone along dark streets, or that he does not think about his future, because others have already taken care of him. Perhaps such people own large bank accounts or have some ideas about how to successfully retire. In some cases, such a line indicates big success in his younger years. In this case, these people sincerely believe that they have done their job, so they do not want to overwork themselves for the rest of their lives. Be that as it may, every person has a sea of ​​possibilities and options for the future. The Saturn line will change its length and shape if its owner changes his outlook on life.

Long line of Saturn

The long line of Saturn begins at the wrist, extends across the entire palm, and ends at the base of the middle finger (Figure 5-49). It indicates a person with objective self-esteem who carefully preserves family traditions, but at the same time bringing something new into them. When they are late for work, such people do not jump on tram steps; they do not allow others to lead them down the wrong path. This is a typical characteristic of the long line of Saturn, which you can read in any book on palmistry.

I’ll add on my own that since the line starts at the wrist itself and stretches evenly across the entire palm, such people with early age have a feeling self-esteem. Quite often, while still playing in the sandbox, they develop qualities that will be useful to them in life. later life. If possible, they continue the family business, creating and encouraging continuity. A similar configuration of the Saturn line is characteristic of conservative individuals.

Many beginnings of Saturn's lines

Ending steadily at the base of the middle finger, the Saturn line can begin anywhere. Here are just a couple of examples.


When the Saturn line originates at the edge of the palm (Figure 5-50), it indicates a person who likes to challenge society and march outside the ranks. Having a different mindset, such people feel different from those around them. For example, being an equal member of the family, they feel lonely on this planet, because the interests and views of their household members hardly coincide with their own. The feeling of isolation will haunt them until people with a rebellious Saturn line realize that it is wonderful to have a different outlook on life.

This type of Saturn line, originating in the Neptune region, speaks of a rich inner world. (Neptune is the area of ​​the palm at the junction of the rib and wrist.) Its owners are subject to the strong influence of mystical forces, the existence of which they may not even suspect. Motivation for actions, which differs from the motivation of other people, has its pros and cons. Such a person exposes hypocrisy, asks frank questions that leave his interlocutor confused, and constantly tests the strength of established norms of social behavior.


When the Saturn line grows out of the Venus line (Figure 5-51), such people first of all think about the satisfaction of others. This is a consequence of the powerful influence of family and society in early years, forcing him or her to develop a certain manner of behavior. Typically, with age, such people become more independent. There can be no doubt about this if the line of Saturn moves sharply away from the line of Venus when it turns towards the thumb.

From this example it is clear that the further the line of Saturn deviates from the region of Venus, the less influence his family and society have on a person. And this is not surprising, because it is generally accepted that Venus personifies family and society, and Neptune is the wild, primitive, instinctive part of our personality. This is one of the reasons why the Saturn line is so changeable: it is influenced by two powerful poles, where each is trying to pull the person’s consciousness to its side. All our lives we oscillate between the safety of conformism and the primitive savagery of human nature. Two forces are fighting for control of our consciousness, and the consequences of this struggle are reflected in the line of Saturn.


Sometimes it happens that the Saturn line has two, three or more beginnings (Figure 5-52), showing many false paths that a person will take before finding the path that suits him. These people try on a bunch of hats until they find the size that suits them. Their youth will be spent in constant quests: they will stand out from the crowd, move from one social group to another, change your interests every week, etc., etc. As a rule, having entered into adult life, they will try a bunch of jobs before they settle in one place for a long time.

Each branch points to disunited parts of one personality, broken due to the influence of family, society and the subconscious of the person himself. All these influences converged at one point in one human life, mixed together and produced an incredible mixture that amazed other people.

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The line of Saturn includes everything that from birth is perceived as an unconsciously pressing and captivating cause.

With the fate line, it is important to pay attention to where it begins on the hand. This can be at four points, namely:

a) near the life line,

b) on the plain of Mars,

c) at the wrist (rassettas),

d) at the Hill of the Moon.

If the line of fate begins at the line of life, then it takes part in the life of the corresponding circumstances and promises, depending on whether it is well or poorly outlined, a happy or unhappy life.

If it begins on the plain of Mars, the more it moves towards the center thumb- the more painful life it means; but if it is beautifully shaped, it also shows benefits and honors in the service (Fig. 75 d).

Where the rascetta became the beginning of the line of Saturn and rises directly to the hill of the same name, then this is good sign, if only it does not go too far beyond the Mount of Saturn.

If the line of Saturn begins at the Mount of the Moon and then goes straight to the Mount of Saturn, then it means that Lucky case, which owes its cause to the disposition of the spirit, because the Moon is a sign of variability and whimsicality.

The line of Saturn can end in various places.

If the line of fate cuts deep into the finger of Saturn (Fig. 71 l), then this is a sign of a melancholic temperament and a sad, ill-fated fate.

If the line of fate is curved and ends on the hill of Jupiter (Fig. 81 b), then this foreshadows misfortune in the fatherland and happiness in a foreign land. At the same time, ending on the mount of Jupiter means the influence of ambition on thoughts and actions.

The Saturn line, which goes straight and ends on the Mount of Saturn (Fig. 80 d), indicates quick and unexpected happiness. If, as a continuation of this line of Saturn, more dashes appear on Saturn’s finger (Fig. 80e), then this means happiness in agriculture, mining, etc.

If the line of Saturn ends at the main line (Fig. 78 e), then this portends happiness in natural research.

If the line of Saturn ends on the Mount of Apollo, then this indicates a desire for literature and art. Its ending on the hill of Mercury reveals the ability for commercial affairs, on the hill of Mars - ardor, lust for power and coquetry.

If only she heads towards one of the hills without reaching it, then this again has a different meaning. Its direction to the Mount of Mercury means success in business or fame due to eloquence; direction to the Mount of Apollo - success in the arts or wealth; direction to the Mount of Jupiter - happiness and ambitious aspirations.

If the line of Saturn is cut in a triangle (Fig. 80 f), then this means a danger threatening life.

A winding, interrupted, repeatedly cut line of fate (Fig. 79 d) predicts fever and stomach pain.

Crossing the straight line of Saturn in four or five different places indicates captivity. The bifurcation of the line of fate (Fig. 78 f) foreshadows long-term captivity.

Interruptions in the Saturn line represent misfortune and torment in life. This should be attributed to heart adventures, mediocre or directly, if the fate line is interrupted at the heart line. And to the circumstances of the mind and soul, if the Saturn line is interrupted at the head line.

If the line of Saturn, interrupted, crosses the plain of Mars, then this foreshadows concerns about food, generally concerns about moral or physical properties. If the line of fate doubles and at the same time intertwines, then this foreshadows troubles and illnesses due to an overly voluptuous life. If the straight line of fate is doubled throughout its entire length, then it means that you have an unusually happy fate.

The difference in the meaning of this line on the left and right hand is of great importance.

Let's explore this in a specific case. Let's assume that the line of fate begins at the Mount of Venus.

On the right hand it means an amorous nature.

On the left is a person who will not stop at any means to satisfy his passion.

If it begins at the Mount of the Moon, then this means: on the right - long life, on the left hand - the desire for a long life. If together on both hands - a happy occasion, which owes its reason to a good mood.

A cross on the line of Saturn at the height of the hill of the same name means misfortune, captivity and even danger to life.

Forks and bifurcations on the Saturn line, moving outward, portend happiness.

The method of measuring the line of fate, which is modern times is considered generally accepted, as we have already shown; here we will outline an even more ancient method (Fig. 71). According to this method, the point of intersection with the line of the stomach or Mercury means a period of time up to 25 years; the point of its intersection with the head line gives the 50th year of life; the point of intersection with the happiness line is the 75th year of life. If the line continues, then its end point means the 90th year of life, and in the middle of this segment is the 80th year of life.

When determining the points of life, we should not be misled by the frequent interruption or movement of this line.

Did you know that a newborn baby has more lines and folds on his body than an adult? And on the hands as well. This has always puzzled scientists who believed that the lines on the palms are a reflection of character and destiny. The above fact does not fit with babies, who, when they come into this world, are as clean as a sheet of paper. Be that as it may, each person has individual, special and unique lines of fate. Palmistry, the science that studies them, categorically states: there are no identical palms, just as there are no two identical destinies.

Line of fate

This is exactly what we will talk about. After all, as palmistry states, the line of life and fate are the main grooves on the palm. Moreover, the second is a complement to the first. It denotes the life path of an individual, his needs, self-realization, career, plans. From it you can learn a lot of interesting things about a person: what changes and problems await him, as well as where to look for success and recognition.

Palmistry attaches great importance to the design on the palm. The line of fate, a photo or drawing of which can be seen on the pages of any specialized publication, is located vertically on the hand. It starts at the wrist and ends at the middle finger. Oddly enough, there are people who completely lack it. If such a phenomenon is observed in you, it means that there are no specific goals in your life, aspirations and intentions are dormant in the embryo. A person without a destiny line does not develop, he does not know how to dream and plan. Instead, he goes with the flow. If he finds a goal in life and begins to actively move towards it, then a line gradually appears for him.


Palmistry gives it a special place on its pages with explanations. Photos in which the fate line is deep are signed in the book as follows: “Such a person is strong-willed and character. He knows his abilities and knows how to make the most of them.” If it is torn, this indicates a change of profession. A line fragmented into small segments foreshadows an unstable life, constant difficulties and troubles, while an intermittent line characterizes the individual as absent-minded, indecisive and fickle, betraying his ideals and principles.

The curved line of fate promises major changes. Smooth and continuous speaks of a difficult life. The years passed are oppressive, their weight is constantly felt. When you see a double line, it means that the owner of such a hand can achieve success in several areas of life. For example, his hobby is so important to him that he develops in this field as actively as in his career. If the line is wavy, then the person’s path is just as winding. There are no clear actions, he often changes the rules of the game and is an unreliable person.

How is the beginning of the line related to childhood?

Palmistry cannot do without a detailed description of the line of fate - it is so important in the life of every person. Many experts call it a sign of luck and good fortune: that is, the brighter, clearer and more correctly it is spelled out, the more chances a person has to achieve unprecedented heights. It serves as a kind of guide. Take a look at your hands: the pattern on your left and right palm can be completely different. For example, if on the first line of fate you can clearly see it, but on the second it is not visible, change something urgently. After all left hand- what is destined, right - the influence of our actions on fate.

Experts also say that a person’s childhood can be characterized by the starting zone of the “fateful” contour. When it is connected to the life line at the wrist, this indicates that strong influence the child was influenced by the family. And vice versa: a vertical starting far from this position speaks of independence in childhood. Such a start may mean that a person did not feel a connection with his parents, flew out of the family nest early, or was raised in an orphanage.

Where might the line of fate begin?

Different interpretations of its start are given by the professional publication “Palmistry” with explanations. The line of fate that begins on the Mount of Venus, according to experts, is a sign of a successful politician or a person who has the makings of becoming one. He may also be a good speaker or civil servant. By the way, the Mount of Venus is located near the base of the thumb. But the beginning of the vertical at another tubercle - the Moon, which is located further, at the wrist, opposite the little finger, means that he had a lonely childhood. There were quarrels and conflicts in the family; no time was given to the baby. This person is also a travel enthusiast. Sometimes even a vagabond who loves to wander the world in search of happiness.

As palmistry describes, the line of fate, photographs of which you can see in this article, sometimes rises directly to the Mount of the Sun - near the ring finger. In this case, the person is destined happy life. He will be lucky, he may even gain unprecedented power and wealth. This also applies to those individuals who have a slight branch towards the tubercle of the Sun.

A few more meanings

It happens that the line of fate begins in the middle of the palm. This is usually observed in a person who had a difficult childhood and an anxious youth full of worries. If the vertical goes straight further, life will get better. Subsequent events will be quite good, life periods will develop normally. Sometimes the fate line originates near the segment responsible for the mind; it is located in the middle of the hand, above the life line. This predicts success and the realization of aspirations, the fulfillment of desires for the owner of such a palm, but at a more mature age.

When the fateful line begins near the heart line, which crosses the palm horizontally near the base of the phalanges, then get ready to wait a long time for your moment of glory. Most likely, you will have to put in a lot of effort to achieve heights in life. Sometimes you can find in the palm of your hand additional branches. Here is what palmistry thinks about this: the line of fate bifurcates in some cases. Moreover, if one of its branches begins at the Mount of the Moon, and the other in the area of ​​Venus, most likely you are a sensual person. Romanticism will manifest itself throughout a person’s life.

Unfavorable signs

Very interesting science- palmistry. She interprets the lines of fate on the hand depending on their shape, location and combination with other elements of the pattern on the palm. In this case, experts call an unfavorable sign a vertical that goes up and rests on middle finger. This means the following: having reached certain peaks, a person will one day “fall into the abyss.” When the vertical suddenly stops at the heart line, expect trouble. Most likely, the person’s fate was smooth and good. But after an ardent feeling, passion, everything will go awry. Attachment will destroy life, as the lover will completely lose control over his actions.

An ending near the mental horizontal line of fate is considered an unfavorable sign. Palmistry states: the owner of such a palm can make the wrong decision, which can change his life for the worse. You should carefully analyze your future actions, plans and steps so as not to doom yourself to unnecessary problems and troubles.

End of the line

A lot of useful information also gives the end of the line of fate: palmistry attributes to this area responsibility for a person’s talents and professional abilities. If the vertical line breaks under the index finger, we have a potential philosopher, lawyer or politician. Such a person loves formal receptions, high society And good manners. When the line ends in the area of ​​the middle finger, this means that the individual is engaged in classical activities. He can become a good doctor or teacher.

It happens that the line rests on ring finger. The owner of such a hand is creative person. He is drawn to art, loves to draw, sculpt or compose. When the vertical reaches the little finger, pay attention to the oratorical qualities. Develop your talent, because you will turn out good public figure, diplomat, psychologist, journalist. In a word, a representative of a profession where it is necessary to be able to win over an opponent to one’s side, to convince, or simply to speak beautifully and correctly.

Special signs

Palmistry also explains various stars, circles and squares to the common man. The line of fate, the signs on which can take on different shapes, requires detailed study, because any anomaly suggests approaching adversity and obstacles along the way. For example, breaks indicate a change in profession. A person is able to radically change his activity or go abroad to take a new position there. It also indicates that life can be started from a completely clean slate.

Squares on the fate line symbolize protection. Perhaps in a difficult situation, a strong, friendly hand will support or even protect you from troubles. Triangle is a sign of monotony and boredom, which burdens daily life. Islets are unfavorable. They portend financial problems, bankruptcy, poverty. But the star on the line is a sign of fatality, often indicating a catastrophe, accident and death of a person.


Often found with other horizontal and vertical paths is the line of fate in the palm. Palmistry warns: you need to study the entire hand in order to determine what awaits you in the near and distant future. In this case, the so-called intersections are of great importance. For example, if the lines of fate and reason collide, this portends career stability and promotion. But the intersection with the heart horizontal is a symbol of determination. The owner of the palm always has a well-developed strategy that will certainly lead him to victory. If there are many forks at the end of the line, expect wealth and success.

As you can see, palmistry determines the meaning of the fate line according to various schemes, using all kinds of signs. Any sign present on the hand is taken into account. Our palms are a whole “road map”, where both main and secondary “highways” intersect. Therefore, even the smallest detail can radically change the interpretation of the line of fate.