Tour the museum without leaving your home. Video tours of museums. World Digital Library

Brazilian writer and poet Paulo Coelho advised travelers: “ Avoid visiting museums. Being in a foreign city, I would be more interested in learning about the present of this city than about its past. You need to visit museums, but you must have enough time for this.” And the Polish satirist Ryszard Podlewski, once said: “ there are things you have to see to know they are not worth seeing.”

Guided by the words of famous people, we offer links to virtual tours of famous museums around the world. Having previously familiarized yourself with the exhibits on display, you will be able to decide for yourself whether it is worth going here and how much time to allocate for visiting this museum on a real trip.

Grab a cup of coffee, sit back comfortably and explore the museum's exhibitions.

Virtual tours of the world's most famous museums

Louvre– the largest and most visited museum in the world (about 10 million tourists per year). The ancient royal palace, where the art collections of French monarchs are exhibited, is located in the center of Paris, on the banks of the Senne. Its popularity means inevitable queues to enter, in which you can stand for several hours!

If you spend 10 hours exploring the entire museum, you will only be able to devote 1 second to each exhibit. Fortunately, online travelers are given the opportunity to explore the Ancient Egyptian Halls, the remains of a medieval fortress built under King Philip Augustus, and the recently restored Appalonian Gallery.

Five museums on Museum Island are part of the State Museums Association. IN Old Museum A part of the Antique Collection from the collection of ancient Greek art is on display. New Museum after opening in 2009, it hosted the exhibition of the Egyptian Museum and the collection of papyri. Many tourists come here to see the famous bust of the ancient Egyptian queen Nefertiti. The New Museum also has a prehistoric exhibition, dating back to the Stone Age and other very ancient eras.

Undoubtedly, virtual travel cannot and should not replace real travel with all its gamut of vivid sensations and impressions. But they help us see any corner of the earth for free, even if you yourself will never be able to visit there. In addition, this is a very convenient way to receive a lot of useful information in advance and plan your future trips.

You can fly in the stratosphere over the entire planet or over the roofs of Paris and St. Petersburg, look into the halls of the British Museum or the Kremlin treasury, find yourself among the mountains and waterfalls of Iceland or in the amazing underwater world of the Galapagos Islands... Stop dreaming, there are no more barriers in front of you!

1. Panoramas

Just as poets describe the world with poems, artists with paintings, composers with music, so the website describes the world with picturesque panoramas.

Tens of thousands of photographs from all corners of the earth are collected here, and not only ours - there are even panoramas of other planets from one interesting rover. Here you will enjoy virtually traveling around the capital of Nepal, Kathmandu, or exploring the panorama of London, which was filmed in such high resolution that you can see the faces of people in the windows of houses.

2. Google Photo Tours

Of course, the ability to view streets on GoogleStreetView maps will not surprise anyone for a long time. But not everyone may know that the participants in this project are also passionate about creating photo tours and entire virtual trips.

These photo tours give you the opportunity to walk around Taj Mahal, look at Dubai from the world's tallest 800-meter skyscraper Burj Khalifa, over the whole of Paris from one of three observation decks Eiffel Tower or be transported to Mexico to the pyramids Chichen Itza. There are also unusual journeys, for example, a descent into a salt mine similar to an underground palace in Wieliczka (Poland)) or diving into the real underwater world in dozens of different places, for example, Galapagos Islands.

To travel around Russia, take a look at (Google services are used) - this is an understandable and accessible service for those who often go on business trips, love to travel, or are just about to hit the road. Regardless of your goal, Rusmap will make the trip as pleasant and comfortable as possible.

The “panorama” option allows you to take a virtual walk through the cities of Russia. Perhaps such an online journey will be the impetus for taking a real one.

3. Google Street View app

When I travel, I often use the Street View app. It is available for Android and iPhone. The application allows you to view many panoramas located on the world map.

There are panoramas of users and panoramas of Google itself. The service is developing rapidly and the number of panoramas is increasing before our eyes.

I myself observed the fascinating process of creating a panorama using special equipment. But each of you will be able to add your own panoramas using your smartphone and obeying the commands of the application.

4. Yandex panoramas

The Yandex company is also actively developing its mapping service, and on its maps you can take a bird's eye view of the cities of Russia and the world. For example, fly over Palace Square in St. Petersburg or over the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir.

Yandex maps are perhaps more visual than Google; there is a mode for viewing a panorama and a map at the same time.

5. Air Pano

The amazing project of another Russian team, Air Pano, is a rare case of professional enthusiasts creating products at a level that was previously only achievable by wealthy Internet corporations. Spherical aerial panoramas, or rather entire air excursions Air Pano, will easily give both Google and Yandex a run for their money in terms of the beauty and quality of the footage.

Filming is carried out from literally everything that can fly: from airplanes and hot air balloons to airships and radio-controlled drones. Now the site has about 2000 panoramas from the most picturesque corners of the world. Here you can visit the island of Java on the Bromo volcano or see the Kremlin from the air from different angles, admire the northern lights in Iceland or admire one of the islands of Hawaii, visit Petra in Jordan and even look inside the famous Treasury.

In addition, when viewing a panorama, you can switch to another camera by simply clicking on the helicopter symbol.

The panoramas are not only colorful, but also educational. Many are marked with the names of visible objects.

6. Youtube 360 ​​video files

360-degree video provides even greater immersion and full presence. You can easily look to the right or left, for example, when passing the palaces on a boat in Venice.

You can search for 360 degree videos on Youtube, but you can also search on Air Pano.

7. Video travel on Vimeo

You will be surprised what miracles a good photographer can create using the time lapse technique (slow motion). This is a great way to show even familiar places in a completely new light and inspire travel.

Excellent collections of such videos are collected on Hundreds of videos give you the opportunity to visit the most beautiful places on the planet. You can admire the golden pagodas of mysterious Myanmar, the northern beauty of Norwegian sunsets, romantic views of the famous Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco or other stunning shots from around the world.

Another global Google project is dedicated to art. It’s called: Art Project. Behind the modest name lies an incredible exhibition - tens of thousands of paintings from the best museums in the world. Moreover, each was filmed in such high resolution that you can, for example, examine in detail every stroke of Van Gogh’s “Starry Night” or look into the eyes of the noblewoman Morozova Surikov.

Many museums kindly allowed us to film not only their exhibitions, but also their premises. And now you can, without getting up from your chair, stroll through the halls of the Hermitage or the Doge's Palace in Venice, or visit the Museum of the Acropolis of Athens.

If you are a creative person, then such virtual excursions will save your time and money, and you will receive no less aesthetic pleasure from works of art.

9. Webcam on the ISS

Are you fascinated by the unknown expanses of the Universe? Then watch live broadcasts from a webcam on the International Space Station. You will have the feeling that the camera is somewhere very close, and not 400 km from the surface of the planet.

The image changes slowly but surely throughout the day and you can see for yourself that our blue planet is in perfect order. However, it should be noted that the video is only available when there is a signal with the Earth, otherwise you will only see a splash screen. Sometimes on video you can see the life of astronauts and their spacewalks.

P.S. Did you enjoy virtually walking around the world? Will such virtual excursions help you prepare for visiting some interesting places on your real travels? Do you have video panoramas in your collection that will take your breath away? Share with us your impressions and findings in the comments to this article...

And also, don’t forget to tell your friends about this new opportunity to explore the world.

How virtual tours of museums are conducted, and why such a service is needed.

Many people would like to regularly visit interesting objects and galleries, but not everyone has enough time and opportunity for this (especially if we are talking about museums in another country or city).

Online excursions come to the rescue, allowing you to get acquainted with the exhibits without leaving the place.


The essence of the concept

Typically, these are presented on the main website of a museum or gallery, and are technically implemented in the form.

It consists of many panoramas, similar to other similar services. You can “move around” using the arrows on the screen, and thus inspect all the available rooms.

Advice: The design format may vary slightly among different establishments. But, often, it is quite simple, and the control of “movements” quickly becomes intuitive. Typically, there are arrows on the screen that indicate possible directions of movement.

They are created by developers on the initiative of the owners. They allow you to get acquainted with exhibitions and collections, and are also able to stimulate the viewer’s interest in actually visiting.


You can take a tour of some of the Louvre's rooms by going here. Not all exhibits are presented on the site, and there are no temporary exhibitions or displays. But you can visit the following:

  • Egyptian archaeology;
  • Medieval Louvre (dedicated to the heritage of the time when the building was the palace of French kings);
  • Apollo Gallery.

To view the hall, you need to select the one you are interested in on the page that opens via the link.

Under its description, click on the Launch Virtual Tour button, and in the window that opens, hover over the exhibits and click on them.

Below the main window there is a field with a description and a map on which you can select exhibitions of interest.

In order to take an online tour of the Hermitage, you must follow the link. The application was created on the same engine as , so it is quite convenient and familiar to use.

The window can be expanded to full screen.

The tour starts in the central gallery; in order to “go” to the neighboring ones, click left on the image of the doors.

There is an image of a compass in the lower right corner of the main tour window. With it, you can change the direction of the camera by moving it left and right.

Next to the compass there are buttons with the numbers 0 and 1 - they indicate the floors of the palace museum.

It is in many ways similar to Tretyakovskaya. Works of art belonging to a private collector are also on display here for inspection.

Virtual access is available to almost all premises. On the main page of the site, which opens via the link, there is a diagram of the premises. Select what you want and click on it.

An online panorama of the selected room will open in a new window. You can control camera movements in the standard way - by moving the mouse while holding down the left button.

There is also a menu at the bottom of the screen for controlling movement using buttons.

In the upper right corner of the screen there is a field that, when clicked, opens a full list of rooms available for inspection. You can select the one you are interested in.

Art always inspires. It reminds us of the diversity of the world and its beauty. It’s a pity that we often don’t have enough time and money to visit museums where masterpieces of past centuries await. How to visit the most famous museums in the world without queuing and without tickets? How to visit the Louvre, Prado and Hermitage in one weekend?

How can you catch a tour in order to get a good look at the skull of a Neanderthal or the painting on an ancient Greek vase? How to show your child paintings by famous artists? There is only one answer to all questions - go on a virtual tour. Incredible Google Art Project, offers such tours to the best museums.

"Starry Night" Vincent Van Gogh

One of the most famous and visited museums in the world. In it you can see not only works of our time, but also the originals of “Starry Night” by Vincent van Gogh and “Hope II” by Gustav Klimt. The virtual tour offers unusual exhibits of our time: original costumes, photographs, posters, sculptures and psychogeographic paintings by Mark Bradford.

Hans Holbein "The Ambassadors"

You can definitely spend the whole day here! The museum contains paintings from the 13th to 20th centuries. We recommend checking out “The Madonna of the Rocks” by Leonardo da Vinci, “Venus and Mars” by Sandro Botticelli and “Allegory of Prudence” by Titian. These and other masterpieces are available in a virtual exhibition.

"At the Conservatory" Edouard Manet

The German museum contains 19th-century paintings in the styles of classicism, romanticism, impressionism and early modernism. The paintings by Edouard Manet “At the Conservatory”, Gustave Courbet’s “The Wave” and Caspar David Friedrich’s “Monk by the Sea” deserve special attention. You can walk around the entire museum complex. True, some paintings remained without signatures.

"Battle of Aboukir" Antoine-Jean Gros

A place where everyone will feel royal grandeur. With the help of the Art Project, you can not only look at famous paintings (“The Death of Marat” by Jacques Louis David, “The Meeting of Eleazar with Rebekah” by Paolo Veronese, “Hercules Supports Victory” by Jean Jouvenet), but also trace how one of the most luxurious palaces in history. The virtual tour also offers a walk through a realistic park.

“Girl with Peaches” Valentin Serov

Art lovers will not find a more complete collection of works by artists from Russia than here. Our favorites are “The Black Sea” by Ivan Aivazovsky, “The Emerald Necklace” by Viktor Borisov-Musatov, “The Lady in Blue” by Konstantin Somov and “Girl with Peaches” by Valentin Serov.

"The Hungarian Gypsy" by Amrita Sher-Gil

Want to know more about Indian art? Then choose this museum. The paintings will help you get acquainted with a completely different culture. The museum displays not only the works of Indian artists, but also paintings by Europeans that were created in India. It is worth paying attention to Amrita Sher-Gil, who is often compared to Frida Kahlo.

"Birth of Venus" by Sandro Botticelli

The most visited museum in Italy. It seems that you can watch “The Birth of Venus” by Sandro Botticelli for hours! Also in the Uffizi you can see “The Adoration of the Magi” and “The Annunciation” by Leonardo da Vinci, “Flora” by Titian, “The Musical Angel” by Rosso Fiorentino and other famous paintings.

“Van Gogh Paints Sunflowers” ​​Paul Gauguin

The number one place for all admirers of the work of the Dutch post-impressionist. By the way, the museum in Amsterdam will offer you to look not only at the paintings of Vincent van Gogh (“Sunflowers”, “The Potato Eaters”, “Bedroom in Arles”), but also at the works of his talented contemporaries (for example, Pablo Picasso and Paul Gauguin).

"Guernica" by Pablo Picasso

Not only is there an incredible art museum, but there is also a large library. We advise you to evaluate the works of the avant-garde artist Juan Gris (“Bottle of Anise del Mono”, “Open Window”, “Violin and Guitar”). The main exhibit of the museum is considered to be “Guernica” by Pablo Picasso.

A museum that will tell you almost everything about British art. It contains works from 1500 to the present day. We love popping in here to revisit John Everett Millais's Ophelia, James Whistler's Nocturne, and William Turner's The Blizzard.

The Chapel of Sainte-Chapelle is not exactly a museum, but one of the most famous and amazing monuments of Gothic architecture. Its incredibly beautiful stained glass windows tell the story of human history: a total of 1,113 scenes are depicted here. Surprisingly, many of the stained glass windows that can be seen in the Sainte-Chapelle today have been preserved since the 13th century, even surviving the French Revolution (while many of the Christian relics kept in the chapel were destroyed). An online tour gives you an idea of ​​the beauty of this place, but if you want to take a closer look at the stained glass windows, it is better to visit the chapel in person.

As part of the virtual tour, you can visit only a few halls of the main historical and archaeological museum of Britain - those located on its first floor. But many exhibits can be viewed in large format. The collection of graphics and engravings by Michelangelo deserves special attention here.

This is the number one place for all admirers of the work of the surrealist artist Salvador Dali. A virtual tour is available on the museum's website. You can only walk through some of the exhibition halls, but don’t be in a hurry to get upset: the virtual exhibition features such famous works by Dali as “Room with the Face of Mae West” and “Rainy Taxi”.

An incredible Renaissance monument. Botticelli, Perugino, and Ghirlandaio worked on the frescoes decorating the walls of the chapel. Truly legendary - the fresco “The Last Judgment” by Michelangelo. Usually there are a lot of people in the Sistine Chapel, and it is quite difficult to see all the amazing paintings. Therefore, a virtual tour is a real salvation. Enjoy!

The museum dedicated to the great writer is worth visiting for everyone! You can take a walk through the “bad apartment” No. 50 (according to the plot of “The Master and Margarita”, Woland lived in it) virtually. You will have a chance to look into Bulgakov’s office, visit the living room, and see the “communal kitchen” exhibition. The exhibits presented in the museum are digitized, so they can be examined slowly and in detail.

Tells almost everything about contemporary art. The museum is famous not only for its exhibition, but also for its unusual building in the form of an inverted tower. Visitors first go up to the top floor, and then inspect the exhibition in a spiral and go down. Thanks to the online tour, everyone has the opportunity to repeat the route! In addition, the exhibits presented in the virtual collection can be carefully examined in all details.

Of course, virtual museums cannot replace real excursions. But such Internet forays, especially if you are with your child, will help you better understand him and plan a family vacation program. Have a pleasant and educational time!

Do you dream of showing your child the Tretyakov Gallery, the Louvre, the British Museum or the Vatican? Nothing could be easier! Thanks to the development of technology, today you can travel to world attractions without leaving your home. Just by turning on the computer, you, and at the same time your children, can find yourself in the best museums in the world or even in secret vaults. No queues or crowds - in the comfort of your own home, a virtual walk through galleries and museums will allow you to get acquainted with the best works of art and examine all the subtleties of the world's masterpieces. And sometimes he will show those exhibits that are stored in storage rooms or rooms closed to visitors.

American National Museum of Natural History in Washington DC

(Smithsonian Institution)

The Smithsonian Institution is the world's largest museum complex, which includes 16 museums and galleries. The Smithsonian Institution's collection includes more than 142 million (!) exhibits.

The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History has 126 million artifacts (meteorites, plants, stuffed animals, cultural artifacts, mineral specimens). For the convenience of visitors, all exhibition halls are grouped by theme: geology and precious stones, human origins, mammals, insects, ocean, butterflies... However, children most like the hall with dinosaurs, where there is even a Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton!

You can take a virtual tour


The Louvre is a symbol of Paris and, of course, the pride of France. The area of ​​the museum is 22 football fields at once. Within the walls of the museum are collected tens of thousands of sculptures, paintings, jewelry, samples of ceramics and decor. Minsk residents have the opportunity to view thematic online tours, but, unfortunately, the entire collection can only be viewed live.

British Museum

Today the collection of the British Museum includes more than 13 million (!) exhibits from all continents. The collection illustrates and documents the history of culture and humanity from the very beginning of civilization to the present day. The British Museum houses one of the world's largest collections of Egyptian treasures.

You can take a virtual tour

Vatican Museums

The Vatican Museums are a whole galaxy of exhibition halls and galleries, where the most venerable exhibitions are 5 centuries old. Today, guests of the museum complex can get acquainted with a stunning collection of sculptures, manuscripts, maps, paintings, household items and religious art.

You can take a virtual tour

Acropolis Museum in Athens

Within the walls of the museum are collected originals of ancient marble sculptures that stood on the surface of the earth 2,000 years before. In their place, copies are now installed at the top. Now the originals are stored in specially equipped rooms so that our descendants can see their priceless rarity. By the way, scientists have established that some exhibits date back to the archaic period (long before our era).

You can take a virtual tour

State Hermitage Museum

One of the largest art museums in the world is located in St. Petersburg. It would seem that it is not very far from Minsk, and yet for many, visiting the Hermitage remains a dream for many years. You can bring your acquaintance with three million works of art and monuments of world culture a little closer by visiting the museum virtually. While sitting at home, you can see masterpieces of painting, graphics, sculpture and applied art, archaeological finds and numismatic material.

You can take a virtual tour

State Tretyakov Gallery

The gallery was founded in 1856 by the brothers Pavel and Sergei Tretyakov. Today it is the world's largest collection of Russian painting, graphics and sculpture. Now the pride of the collection are paintings by such great Russian artists as I.E. Repin, I.I. Shishkin, V.M. Vasnetsov, I.I. Levitan, V.I. Surikov, V.A. Serov, M.A. Vrubel, N.K. Roerich, P.P. Konchalovsky and many others.

You can take a virtual tour

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