The married woman cheated. Do all men cheat on their wives? Reasons why ladies cheat most often

Both men and women are prone to infidelity. However, different reasons push them to cheat. Representatives of the stronger sex crave novelty of sensations; each new partner seems more interesting to them than the previous one; and women violate their marital duty because their husbands do not pay attention to them, do not admire them, do not give flowers, do not give compliments...

Both men and women are prone to infidelity. However, different reasons push them to cheat. Representatives of the stronger sex crave novelty of sensations; each new partner seems more interesting to them than the previous one; and women violate their marital duty because their husbands do not pay attention to them, do not admire them, do not give flowers, do not give compliments...

Gray hair in the beard...

The portal conducted a survey on the topic of what are the reasons for cheating and how they affect family life. Judging by the results of this survey, men cheat more often than women (28% of the stronger sex versus 17% of the weaker). Most often people over 40 years of age go for this (32%). The presence of children in the family does not stop lovers of affairs on the side: those with offspring cheat twice as much as those without children (26% versus 13%). As income increases, the desire to go “to the left” also increases.

Do good spouses exist? Fortunately, yes. The survey revealed that the strength of family relationships is still highly valued by our fellow citizens. 70% of married women have never cheated on their husbands. Among men this figure is 53%. Young spouses under the age of 23 are most sensitive to the concept of fidelity. Here are typical answers from people who remain faithful in marriage: “I love my husband/wife very much, I don’t plan to cheat,” “We have been living together in love and harmony for more than twenty years, we want to preserve our feelings.”

Why do men cheat?

Representatives of the stronger sex admit that they are looking for relationships on the side, mainly due to dissatisfaction with family sexual relationships. The reason for going “to the left” is most often the desire for new impressions and sensations. Unfaithful husbands justify their desire to taste “strawberries” with physiological and psychological characteristics inherent to the stronger sex: “I’m a man, a male!”, “Everyone does this, I’m no exception.” It's no secret that men are attracted to everything new. They are designed this way, because their natural task is to fertilize, to place their genes. Therefore, the new woman excites them more than the old one.

By the way, representatives of the stronger sex perceive the fact of betrayal much more painfully than women. This is explained by the fact that each of them wants to be sure that he is providing and protecting his offspring. This instinct is genetically fixed in men. In nature, the same thing happens: males do not favor strangers, drive them out of their territory, and do not allow them to approach their females.

The famous sexologist, psychotherapist, candidate of medical sciences Alexander Poleev divides men who enter into extramarital affairs into three groups.

Representatives of the first group breed cupids 2-3 times a year. Novels last relatively short time, from two to five months. The man carefully keeps secrets and hides his affair from his wife. And if she reveals herself, it is not his fault. After the end of the affair, the spouse remains faithful to his other half for quite a long time. However, he remains on friendly terms with his former “shuram-muram” partner.

Representatives of the second group do not have long-term affairs. They are content with one-time sexual contacts that happen on business trips, at parties, corporate events, on vacation - wherever the situation is favorable. A wife almost never finds out about her husband’s “cute pranks,” unless he inadvertently reveals himself.

Finally, the third group unites the most malicious cheaters. They have affairs on the side throughout their lives - from the first years of marriage to the end. They never openly tell their wife about this, but they don’t really keep secrets either. The duration of their romances varies greatly: with some they date for a couple of weeks, with others for a year, with others for three. It is characteristic that they have practically no breaks between successive connections: as soon as one ends, another soon begins.

By the way, an interesting detail. The partners of inveterate cheaters do not correspond to their social status; on the contrary, they are always below them on the social ladder - these are saleswomen in a stall, couriers. (Whereas in ordinary romances, men choose partners from approximately the same social circle).

Another characteristic nuance. In these relationships there is no emotional uplift, passion, or love. This is simply a sexual relationship that is purely carnal in nature. A man does not have the desire to spend a lot of time with his partner, for example, to go on vacation with her, on weekends, to go to the theater, etc. He does not even always spend the night with her. Here relationships are built according to a different scheme: you come, enjoy yourself and leave. By the way, such a connection is most often broken by the mistress, dissatisfied with the superficial consumer nature of the relationship.

Malicious cheaters are hidden sadists. They will never directly tell their wife that they have another woman. But they tell her about this in other ways: they carefully look after themselves, dress well, sometimes they bring home some gifts from their mistress and say that they were “given at work.” In words they deny their infidelity in every possible way. But on a non-verbal level they make it clear to the wife what is really happening. At the same time, they are caring husbands, provide for their family with dignity, and pay attention to the child.

What drives women to cheat?

Representatives of the fairer sex are driven, first of all, by dissatisfaction with the family situation, conflicts, and the inattention of their spouse. They are pushed to cheat by rudeness, indifference, disrespect from their husbands and, as a result, the desire for revenge: “I paid him back in the same coin,” “I took revenge for his jealousy, endless accusations and suspicions.”

Women have another motive, and it manifests itself more often than men. Often they cheat because they met a new love that captured them so much that they lost their heads. In men, this motive is less common.

It is inherent in every woman that she should be seductive and excite members of the opposite sex (after all, her genetic task is to give birth and continue the race). If the husband stops complimenting his wife, then she “withers” and begins to doubt her attractiveness, sex appeal and feminine irresistibility. This leads to the fact that she begins to look for confirmation of this on the side. Female infidelity is always a sign of despair.

Women need compliments, attention, each of them wants to feel not only a wife and mother, but, first of all, a Queen - desirable, dizzying. Thus, she is looking not so much for a new relationship (which is typical for men), but for a better one.

How to reduce the risk of cheating: advice from professionals

With whom do men and women cheat most often? “Future lovers meet mainly at their place of work,” says Candidate of Philosophy, sociologist Anatoly Zaitsev. - It is there that 28% of husbands and 31% of wives find their mistresses and lovers. But often on vacation: 20% of men and 34% of women. On business trips - 10% men and 2% women. There are also some adventures in the place of residence: 4% of husbands have neighbor lovers and 10% of wives have neighbor lovers.”

Experts believe that there are a number of rules to reduce the risk of betrayal. Sexologist, psychotherapist, candidate of medical sciences Alexander Poleev reminds: “Remember that your husbands, no matter how domestic they are, are inherently interested in new women. Do not keep your husband in a state of sexual dissatisfaction, even if you are sure that he hardly needs sex. If you yourself, due to habit, have somewhat lost interest in intimate life, then imitate it, take the initiative yourself. Sexual intimacy with a 35-40 year old husband should be at least twice a week. Don't leave him alone for long. Do not go on long business trips or spend vacations separately. You are convinced that for three weeks of your absence he will lie on the couch and watch Eurosport. In fact, most men experience a “ninth day panic” and begin to frantically search for a partner for sex. And God forbid, if he meets a “hunter of married people” - then your family life will end!”

He is echoed by Candidate of Philosophy, sociologist Anatoly Zaitsev: “A long-term absence of a partner (a business trip, one of the spouses going to a resort, illness) pushes 11% of husbands and 9% of wives to cheat. Among other motives, I would mention an attempt to test one’s sexual capabilities, to make sure of one’s own attractiveness (10% of husbands and 6% of wives). Cheating under the influence of random circumstances: alcohol, partying in a group: 12% of men, 5% of women.

There is another important factor: the lifestyle of the parents. It greatly affects the relationship between spouses. If both parents cheated, then the probability that their son or daughter will also not be faithful reaches up to 80%.”

Inna Kriksunova, for

It is generally accepted that men are more prone to infidelity in relationships than women. But many unions collapse due to infidelity on the part of their wives. The reasons for this can be very diverse - both purely physical and emotional. The motives for the spouse’s betrayal should be understood in order to understand whether there is a possibility of saving further relationships and family. In some situations, trying to save a marriage is impossible.

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Why do wives cheat?

Not all women are faithful to their men. Some of them have connections on the side, but hide them. Sometimes this indicates a desire to save the marriage or a fear of finally breaking off a long-term relationship with a spouse.

Married women cheat on their husbands for the following reasons:

  1. 1. Falling in love with another man. Many cheat in marriage and do not leave immediately because they are afraid of changes in their personal lives. If family life has been going on for several years, then women feel fear about their future. Some people don’t know how to confess to their once loved one that they have been unfaithful, so as not to offend their feelings, so they put off the confession for some time.
  2. 2. Sexual dissatisfaction. A very common reason for cheating on the part of married women. If the marriage between the spouses was concluded a long time ago, then there is a high probability that the intimate life has begun to become boring and seem more boring than at the beginning of the relationship. Then the girl is looking for variety on the side.
  3. 3. The desire to feel attractive or young. This problem can occur in both mature women and very young women. If a young man somehow makes a girl feel complex, does not see sexuality in her, or stops considering her attractive, then she compensates for this with other relationships. Older women who have been married for decades may begin to feel old and less sexy, which prompts them to look for lovers, often younger ones.

It is imperative to find out the reason for the girl’s infidelity if you have doubts about divorce. A man who wants to save his family should make sure that the reason for the betrayal is based on physiological factors, and not on feelings for another person.

It is worth understanding that each girl’s relationship with a man develops individually. In some situations, the reasons may be non-standard. For example, sometimes wives look for a sexual partner to take revenge on their husbands for his betrayal with his mistress. Others try to compensate for their complexes.

To understand the reasons for your spouse’s infidelity, if the fact has already become clear, it is worth discussing the problem directly. It is necessary to calmly talk about what does not suit the lady in marriage. The conversation will help you figure out whether it makes sense to continue maintaining the relationship or whether a breakup is inevitable.

Causes of a woman's sexual dissatisfaction

Despite the fact that each individual situation in a woman’s life is individual, the reason for betrayal is often either falling in love with another man or sexual dissatisfaction. There are several factors influencing a woman’s behavior:

  • The husband stopped paying attention to his wife. If the amount of sex has decreased, then the lady will look for it on the side. A girl may hint at a lack of intimacy and take the initiative herself, but if her husband does not react, then there is a high probability of betrayal.
  • The quality of sex has decreased. A girl may not be satisfied with the duration of sexual intercourse, the actions of her husband, or his attitude towards intimacy.
  • Sex life has become boring or boring. This is especially true for older women.
  • A man does not want to satisfy his beloved. Many young people are accustomed to enjoying sex, but not giving it to their women. Some are ready to put up with this, while others will find a way to compensate for dissatisfaction on the side. A selfish attitude towards your partner in sexual life will affect your future marriage.
  • The partner lacks variety in sex. Sometimes it happens that a girl wants to make sexual intimacy brighter, add something new, but a man is not interested. Then the wife can try to find a guy who is willing to share her wishes.

Intimate relationships in marriage are very important for both men and women. To avoid misunderstandings, you should be clear about everything. Very often this can help spouses get rid of potential betrayals on both sides.

What should a man do to prevent his wife from cheating on him?

It is worth trying to maintain interest in each other. It is important for a girl that her husband does not lose sexual and emotional attraction to her.

Some tips will help you maintain attraction to each other throughout a long-term relationship:

  • You should compliment your wife. You should always pay attention to the fact that your spouse is well dressed or has changed something in her appearance for the better.
  • You cannot focus on your wife’s shortcomings, especially in a rude manner. A guy can make a lady feel complex and develop a dislike for her body.
  • It is important to admit your feelings and remind your wife that she is loved and desired. Ladies often cheat because they don’t feel needed by their husbands.
  • It is also necessary to pay attention to trust in marriage. Spouses should not be afraid to talk about something directly and discuss everything together. This applies to both the sexual side of life and its other areas.

It is important for a man to remember that he often forms his own attitude towards himself. If you always treat a girl with love and respect, then she will begin to value marriage and will not want to cheat. And if you provoke quarrels and scandals out of nowhere, then the wife will look for a relationship with her lover.

Jealousy is a typical male trait. The presence of a rival vying for a lady has irritated the male since primitive times. Even if it’s just a passing glance from a random passer-by, not to mention innocent flirting. Living with a pathological jealous person is a real test for a girl. Prohibitions, restrictions, constant mistrust, reproaches, insults turn family life into walking through a minefield.

The wife has to be constantly on guard so as not to provoke another outburst of her husband’s jealousy. An attempt to show independence causes uncontrollable anger in a jealous person.

According to statistics, 20% of men commit crimes out of jealousy, which is not always justified. But how true is the common stereotype that all women cheat?

How justified is our jealousy? Sociologist Anatoly Zaitsev has been studying the problems of female infidelity for many years and argues that the first step to adultery is erotic dreams, unrealized sexual fantasies. According to his surveys, 25.5% of young ladies are mentally unfaithful to their legal spouse every day. The indicator of those who periodically indulge in such fantasies reaches 55.9%.

How often do women cheat in real life?

General statistics on women's infidelity indicate 41% of unfaithful wives.

For the sake of objectivity, we will also consider alternative statistics offered by the site According to his surveys, 54% were unfaithful to their partners. Of these, 79% had intimate relations with married people. 21% admitted to a single incident of adultery. 17% did this twice and 63% of unreliable wives had affairs with outside partners more than twice.

Reasons why ladies cheat most often

  1. Fading of feelings. Falling in love passes, passion has disappeared, and everyday life and the accompanying boredom drives them crazy, pushing 19.9% ​​to rash actions, including casual relationships.
  2. The desire to introduce novelty and diversify life. 19.1% of respondents admitted to such a motive.
  3. Sexual dissatisfaction. 12.5% ​​of women cheat more often due to unfulfilled erotic fantasies.
  4. Retaliatory revenge on her husband. Resentment and disappointment from the betrayal of a loved one make 10.3% want to respond in a mirror way.
  5. Increase self-esteem. In an attempt to assert themselves and test their own attractiveness to the opposite sex, 6% cheat
  6. Alcohol intoxication, a coincidence of random factors, and an impulsive impulse of passion push 5% of the girls surveyed into the arms of others.

What pushes women to cheat?

Do women cheat if the marriage is successful, there is a caring husband, children, and a comfortable family atmosphere has been created? What is the percentage of infidelity among happy wives? Let us list the factors influencing the likelihood of adultery occurring. Their structure was first introduced by the American psychologist Carol Botwin.

According to the proposed classification, statistics of female infidelity depend on:

  • the girl’s awareness of the adultery of at least one parent;
  • having extensive sexual experience before marriage;
  • received higher education than her spouse;
  • significant career growth, successful, financially independent;
  • admits the thought of divorce, hinted to you about the likelihood of a breakup;
  • marriage lasts more than five years;
  • recently had a serious loss, such as the death of a father or mother;
  • takes sexual initiative more often than a partner;
  • does not condemn the infidelity of her friends, tries to justify their actions;
  • has insufficient communication with her spouse.

The listed factors are not a mandatory indicator of a representative of the fairer sex’s propensity for adultery, but they increase this likelihood.

Forty-five - baba berry again?

At what age and how many women cheat according to statistics? At what age and how many girls are prone to adultery?

The famous saying has scientific confirmation. Research by British scientists indicates an increased risk of breaking a marriage vow among young ladies over 40. The statistics were based on data from a British dating site called IllicitEncounters, where married women over 40 registered.

An interesting pattern was noted. A heightened desire to find partners on the side was noted among girls 29 years old and women 49 and 59 years old, which is explained by periods of crisis, reflection, and revaluation of values.

Statistics on female infidelity, published by the IllicitEncounters portal, show that among the main reasons, the surveyed audience of the site named the following:

  1. Sexual unfulfillment in intimate relationships with spouse - 76%
  2. Desire to change sexual partner, boredom - 46%
  3. Increased feelings for a former lover - 28%
  4. Desire for diversity and change - 22%

It should be noted that the survey was conducted among married young ladies known to be prone to adultery, so its results are not entirely representative.

Data from surveys of Russian representatives of the fairer sex indicate that 25% are cheaters. Almost 70% of them seek solace in married men, and 12% have connections with neighbors or close friends.

From a scientific point of view...

What are the scientific grounds for the emergence of a relationship on the side of the fairer sex? As we know, the main task of a female is to give birth to healthy offspring, ensure their survival, and adaptation to the conditions of the outside world. The male helps her in this, so he must meet specific criteria: to be a good producer and a reliable breadwinner for the family.

All animals want to survive, but only the strongest and most resilient survive the competition. If it is not possible to give birth to healthy, strong offspring, the female looks for an alternative, or rather, another partner who can provide for the needs of her and the babies. In this sense, adultery is a necessary condition for the survival of the species. You can't argue with the laws of nature.

What percentage of women give birth to children not from their legal spouse? Research conducted about ten years ago in European countries shocked the world. According to genetic testing, 11% of children were not born from their legal fathers. The biological parents turned out to be completely different men.

Contrary to talk about polygamy, the fair half of humanity more often leaves the family for a new hobby than men.

Scientifically speaking, a breakup occurs in 50% of cases. Among men, this figure is much lower; only 5% of respondents leave their family for a new passion. Experts say that 70% of marriages were dissolved at the initiative of the spouse.

The phenomenon is explained simply - girls are more emotional and impulsive. If they feel a lack of affection, care, attention from their own husband, they tend to mentally idealize the new chosen one and denigrate the previous relationship. Perhaps later she will regret her decision, but for now she is acting at the behest of her heart, not her mind.

Psychological characteristics

The reasons for the infidelity of the fairer sex do not lie in the plane of simple satisfaction of physiological needs. When choosing a potential beau, a girl is looking for an “improved version” that does not have the disadvantages that her husband has. She constantly compares her new hobby and her husband in order to make sure that she has chosen the right partner. This is a kind of psychological substitution, the unrealization of her as an individual in family relationships.

The listed features do not apply to “currency” wives and kept women. Mercantile interest in marriage discards sentimentality. For such a cold-blooded “predator,” a guy is a potential victim who satisfies the financial or sexual interests of his wife. He often himself does not realize what role his beloved wife has assigned him in family relationships. Such girls are less likely to violate the bonds of Hymen, reasoning rationally that such experiments are unprofitable for them and can have negative consequences.

By registering their relationship, the happy bride and groom swear eternal love and fidelity to each other. Probably, in an ideal world, all spouses would live a long and happy life without infidelity and betrayal, but in reality, many have to put up with the fact that the husband or wife walks “to the left.”

Male infidelity is no longer considered something unusual; society often justifies it, although, of course, few will be able to live with such a husband. For a long time, female infidelity was perceived as something out of the ordinary.

However, times are changing, and the number of women cheating on their husbands is increasing. According to statistics from family psychologists, approximately half of all women cheat on their husbands, while according to official statistics, only about 25% of the fair half of humanity admit to being unfaithful to their spouses. Why do wives cheat?

Psychology and nature of female infidelity

Despite the fact that both husbands and wives cheat, the reasons that push them to this rash act are completely different. Let's analyze and figure out how male infidelity differs from female infidelity.

Psychology of betrayal by a woman

Why do men cheat? Psychologists, especially those who support the teachings of S. Freud, believe that the strong half of humanity cannot exist without adultery, since they obey the call of nature and try to impregnate as many individuals of the opposite sex as possible.

Women have no such need. The main thing for her is to choose the best father for her child in order to give birth to healthy offspring. Therefore, a girl rarely strives to increase the number of men, but it is important for her that her chosen one is the best.

This is the crux of the problem. A girl can fall in love, and her chosen one seems to her the embodiment of masculinity. She comes up with a hero for herself, who embodies all the best qualities of a man: strength, activity, reliability, passion, and so on. But then she realizes that she was wrong.

There are no ideal people. However, she strives to find one, and it does not matter that others consider her husband the best. It's not easy to please a woman. If the family does not have enough money, she dreams of a wealthy person. The one who bathes in luxury complains that her husband pays little attention to her.

And it’s always like this: the one who is close seems boring and not what he should be, and the one who is not with her seems the best. After some time, she finds herself in the same bed with him. Most likely, new disappointment awaits her, but for a while she believes that she has met the love of her life.

But there may be other reasons for cheating. We'll talk about this later.

The main differences between male and female infidelity

We have figured out how male infidelity differs from female infidelity, but to summarize, we will outline the main differences point by point:

  1. Love. To cheat on his wife, a husband does not have to fall in love with his new partner. Women cheat on men only if they have some feelings for their lover. There must be at least sympathy.
  2. Choosing a partner. A man is ready to seduce any girl if she seems attractive to him. Girls will look closely at their partner. First they have to make sure that it is really suitable for them.
  3. Relationship development. If a husband finds a mistress, he does not think about divorce. In the case of a wife's betrayal, everything is much more serious. He believes that someday he will be together with his lover, and can easily leave his family.

The most common reasons for female infidelity

We figured out what the nature of female infidelity is, its psychology. However, many girls do not live by obeying only their instincts. Still, a person knows how to control his behavior, especially if he received the right upbringing.

Why does a woman cheat? Why is she ready to forget her moral principles and then suffer from remorse?

Psychologists identify many reasons that can lead to betrayal:

  1. Revenge. The husband cheated, and the wife decided to take revenge on him in a similar way. Or she’s already tired of arguing with her husband, she doesn’t like the way he behaves with her, so she decided to take such revenge.
  2. Disappointment. The girl was used to her chosen one paying her a lot of attention. He tried to win her, so he was caring, gentle, and after he achieved what he wanted, he stopped noticing her.
  3. Incompatibility in bed. The temperaments of spouses may be different. If the wife is passionate, loving, and her husband does not need frequent sex, she may think about going “to the left.”
  4. I want to be desired. Every girl would like to remain the most loved and desired. If she is not appreciated in marriage, she will find someone who will admire her.
  5. Craving for new sensations. Living together often destroys feelings. The wife managed to study her husband; she knows all his habits. And she wants something new in life, something that will make her days unforgettable. She needs new emotions, but she cannot get them in marriage.

  1. Hasty marriage. The girl got married early. And now she needs to cook for her husband, take care of the household, children, and at this time her friends are running around on dates. And she also wants the same carefree life.
  2. The desire to get the “forbidden fruit”. The girl could have her own moral principles, but the person changes, reconsiders his views on life. And she can already afford to cheat, since this is the taboo that she would like to break.
  3. She wants to be modern. If all her friends and acquaintances are running “to the left,” she reads articles, watches programs that do not condemn such behavior, the wife cheats on her husband because she does not want to be a “black sheep” among her circle.

We have listed some reasons for female infidelity, but this, of course, is not all. There are a lot of them. And every family has its own story, every girl has her own motives, it would be difficult to sort it all out, since it is impossible to subordinate feelings to some strict logic.

How to prevent a woman from cheating?

If a woman finds another man, it will be difficult to correct the situation. She will not want to stay with her husband if the relationship on her side has become serious. And not every man is able to accept a wife who has been in the arms of another.

Therefore, you should not go to extremes, it is better to work on relationships in marriage, to prevent betrayal, since an attempt to return to your old life may be unsuccessful. These tips are simple, they may seem banal to some, but it’s not for nothing that they say that everything ingenious is simple.

  1. Don't forget to make time for your wife. Yes, after work I want to spend time in front of the computer or TV. You may have a thousand things and hobbies of your own, but put some of them aside and spend time with your spouse.
  2. Become the person closest to her. If your spouse can talk to you about everything that worries her, share her experiences and feelings, she will not have the desire to look for someone on the side. Here it is also important to respect the woman, her interests, otherwise she will find someone else who will understand her or pretend to understand her.
  3. Let off some steam. This advice may seem strange, since for many it is a family without quarrels and scandals that seems ideal. But psychologists warn that then there is a high probability that the spouses are indifferent to each other. Therefore, there must be conflicts, air out grievances. Then they won't ruin your relationship.

  1. Discuss your intimate life. If you live together, then you no longer have secrets from each other, so you can easily talk about your intimate life. Ask your wife if everything suits her.
  2. Don't forget mutual respect. Try to respect her feelings, don't do things she doesn't like. But ask her to make concessions to you and listen to your opinion.
  3. Fight routine. If you have been living together for a long time, there is a desire to let everything take its course and live as you have to. But it’s still worth sometimes arranging pleasant surprises and organizing events for your family to make your life more interesting.
  4. Don't be jealous. If a woman constantly hears her husband reproaching her for cheating, although there is no reason for this, then sooner or later she will cheat on him. She will decide that it is pointless to prove anything to you and it is easier to behave the way you expect from her.

Remember that for a woman, cheating on her spouse is not just a fun adventure, but most often a serious stressful situation. A woman does not cheat immediately; usually she decides to take this step not under the influence of suddenly surging feelings or desires, but after prolonged experiences and worries.

Therefore, if you sort out the relationship in time and make her remember the feelings that she had for you, you can prevent betrayal and all its negative consequences.

What to do if your wife cheated?

What to do if there was betrayal, should you forgive your spouse or not? It’s difficult to answer this question; it all depends on the specific situation, on the marriage relationship. Perhaps this betrayal, although painful for both spouses, will become a turning point in their lives.

If you are no longer in a relationship and have lost your feelings, then breaking up may be the best way out. But, even if you have made such a decision, it is still worth forgiving a woman in order to free yourself from resentment and hatred, let go of this relationship and move on.

According to statistics, about 40% of men are ready to forgive betrayal (for women this percentage is higher - 70%). But for those who decide to maintain a relationship, it is important to understand that they will not be the same as before. You will have to build them again so that the situation does not repeat itself.

And, if you have already decided to be in a place again, forget about what happened to you, never reproach your spouse, do not blame her, otherwise all your attempts to build new trusting relationships will be unsuccessful.

Video: reasons and signs of female infidelity and can it be forgiven?

It’s strange to ask how often wives cheat, but this is reality and sometimes you have to face a similar problem. Female representatives can always be unfaithful. And what will influence how often a woman cheats? There are several ways to explain everything:

  • A man does not satisfy a woman as a true protector, a reliable soul mate. In a word, when a woman does not accept a man for a man and is looking for a more worthy replacement. In this case, to the question of whether wives often cheat, there is only one answer to be said - quite often.
  • A wife can cheat on a man if she simply doesn't have enough variety. In the case when everything happens consciously, a wife can cheat on her loved one quite often with a male representative.
  • Sometimes there are rare betrayals, sometimes even just one. This is in a situation where a woman simply did not want to, but on a impulse of feelings still made a fatal mistake and cheated on her beloved man.

Cheating Frequency Analysis

In general, how often do wives cheat on their husbands? It is worth saying that a certain trend has already developed. Female representatives quite often become guilty and betray their beloved husbands, who, in turn, are ready to do anything for the sake of their loved ones.

What is unfortunate is that today misunderstandings and betrayals occur very often. If we answer the question of how often wives cheat, statistics show that in reality, sometimes female representatives become unfaithful almost every day. Each is unique in its own way; it is impossible to speak holistically about what is happening. You just need to understand the fact that everyone behaves differently in family life.

The statistics are probably divided into two large parts. One of them is those women who have been faithful to their man for decades. The other half are women who consistently leave for others to complete their task.

Why do they change? Analyze this question, often it comes to trying to take revenge on your husband for something. Some wives simply take revenge for cheating on them. This happens, there is no future in such families. Sometimes betrayal is just some kind of defensive reaction.

And yet, how often do wives cheat on their husbands? Is there any specific data? The following list can be given:

  1. There are very faithful girls who do not cheat on their husbands. By the way, they are worthy of respect and praise, because not everyone can remain faithful for many years.
  2. Other women cheat 1-2 times a month, maybe every six months, but they do it all because they simply don’t have enough variety in their lives. There is a type of girls and women who are missing one man and need a lot more to get everything they want.
  3. Treason that cannot be called intentional. Usually they happen once and are not repeated. So you even need to think about whether to call this a natural betrayal.
  4. Stable infidelity as a way of life. There are such girls, they cheat on their husbands for various reasons. Most often they just want to experience something new and different.

And now there’s another question: how often do wives cheat during the daytime? With what stability does this happen? If we consider the issue as a whole, it should be noted that quite often betrayals take place during the day. All so that the man does not guess anything. You can’t “go to your friends” or “to the store” in the middle of the night. While the husband is at work, the wife is with her lover. Thus, the bulk most likely change during the daytime. It is quite safe and convenient for some.

If we talk about nights, then this also happens, but less often. If you manage to convince your husband that you have gone to see your friends, nighttime infidelity is quite likely. Well, or the situation when the husband is on a business trip does not force him to face any difficulties at all.

Dream of cheating wife

I often dream that my wife is cheating – what to do in such a situation? You can talk about what exactly the dream means, where your wife’s infidelity is visible. First of all, you must understand the reason. This is all because you are too worried about being cheated on. Calm down, nothing happened and there is no need to rebel. Just think less about cheating and don’t make things worse for yourself.

If you dreamed of betrayal, know that everything will actually be very good for you. But at the same time, this is also a sign for you to understand that you should not pay so much attention to this issue. You need to distract yourself, entertain yourself in some way and once again make sure that your beloved wife really loves you.

In dreams, how often do husbands cheat on their wives? Statistics show that this happens quite regularly. Many questions are asked on forums and in various networks. In a word, even this problem is very relevant, and everyone should fight it individually. Just try to think less about cheating. If this word is constantly spinning in your head, rest assured that soon you will come to one thing - you will begin to dream of infidelity on the part of your woman. And this will already begin to stress you out very much.

What kind of women cheat?

Which wives cheat most often? The question is funny, because you need to answer “unfaithful and vile.” In fact, there are women who value relationships. They will not do such an act. Those who love do not cheat, this is one of the truest truths. But those who took such a step are unlikely to sincerely love their man. From here it is worth drawing conclusions. In any case, a cheating wife is the kind of woman you shouldn’t strive for, you shouldn’t look up to.

But the question is: at what age do wives cheat more often? There is some pattern here. Representatives from 20 to 25 years old are the most unfaithful. During this period, they may experience a desire to be with another man. In a word, the younger you are, the greater the desire to experience extreme sports and get an adrenaline rush. Is this correct? No one can judge. It is also important to note that, despite the fact that older women cheat much less, there are still unique cases. But we don’t even need to talk about them.

Cheating at a corporate party

If we talk about whether wives often cheat at corporate events, it should be said that it all depends on how faithful your woman is. If she does not respect her man, does not love him and does not consider it right to remain faithful, of course, she will cheat and quite often. Especially when it comes to corporate events. No normal person would make something out of such an event that involves treason. If your wife cheats at such events, just leave her. You respect yourself, right? If yes, you should not endure humiliation. You will find yourself much better, but such a woman is not even worth living with. Do not contact her after the divorce and forget about it as something bad. Even if you lived together for 10 years, but when asked how often wives cheat at corporate events, you will answer - very often (based on observations of your wife), do not regret anything - just file for divorce.

Cheating at a corporate event is the height of betrayal. In general, cheating cannot be called something good, but still, if a holiday (a company’s birthday, for example) turns into a place where the wife turns out to be unfaithful, you should not forgive her and give her a second chance.

Think about yourself first.

Cheating on pregnant women

How often do husbands cheat on their pregnant wives? It is impossible to talk about any specific time frame. But it should be noted that the problem is relevant. There are some male representatives who are ready to betray their soulmate. And can this be called normal? Of course not. Cheating on your pregnant wife is even worse than betrayal. This is how you betray your child, who may be left without a father. If the wife finds out about everything, she will not look at anything and will not be able to forgive the cheater. Do not make such mistakes, otherwise you will greatly regret them later.

In general, how often do men cheat on their wives? If we turn again to statistics, it should be noted that almost every third one turns out to be incorrect. But the regularity is different for everyone. There are faithful men, you shouldn’t even doubt it. But there are also traitors who should be feared. The main thing is not to be considered a cheater, because it is very unworthy to cheat on your beloved wife.

If we turn to an individual case and ask how often Taurus men cheat on their wives, we must immediately say that such male representatives are very fond of being unfaithful. Not all, but most often they begin to flirt on a subconscious level.

Taurus can cheat, this is a fact, but you should not run and check your husband if he is also a Taurus. Maybe you shouldn't think about it? The less you focus on cheating, the fewer incidents there will be in your life.

The last question is who cheats more often - husband or wife. Well, there are no such statistics here, because everyone has their own attitude to this issue. There are women who cheat, and there are also those who remain faithful for decades. There are men who cannot live without betrayal. And there are those who simply remain faithful and truly love their soulmate.

What category would you consider yourself to be? If you don't cheat, be sure that happiness and luck will always accompany you through life. If infidelity is your middle name, rethink your actions, and perhaps you will understand that the meaning of life is not to cheat, but to love one single person.