Yuri Antonov is a singer for how long. Yuri Antonov: Three wives and beloved pets of the first Soviet show business millionaire. Personal life of Yuri Antonov, wife of the composer and singer

Yuri Mikhailovich Antonov. Born on February 19, 1945 in Tashkent. Soviet and Russian composer, pop singer, poet, actor. People's Artist of the Russian Federation (1997).

In the summer of 1944, his father, Mikhail Vasilyevich Antonov, an officer who fought in a separate marine brigade during the war, came to Tashkent on leave. And in the capital of Uzbekistan, his wife Natalya lived in evacuation.

After the end of the Great Patriotic War his father remained to serve in the military administration of Berlin, where his sister Zhanna was born in 1948.

After completing his service in the GDR, his father was transferred to Belarus, where he served in various military garrisons. Then the Antonov family ends up in the small Belarusian city of Molodechno, where the father is transferred to the military commissariat. In this city it begins musical activity Yuri Antonov: his mother brings him to music school, after which Yuri enters Molodechno School of Music to the class of folk instruments.

As a child, he was seriously ill with polio; according to the singer, “I couldn’t walk for about six months.” Despite illnesses in childhood, the singer was quite a hooligan, like most local boys, he learned to defend his rights in fist fights.

Labor activity starts at the age of 14, working as a choir director at a depot and receiving 60 rubles for it.

His musical taste was formed under the influence of jazz classics and The group Beatles, so Antonov soon made an attempt to create his first ensemble. Only saxophones or bass guitars were never seen in Molodechnya, so I had to imitate jazz melodies on folk instruments, Antonov went to Vilnius for sheet music.

During his student years, he organized his first musical group - a pop orchestra, which performed at the local city House of Culture.

In 1963, after graduating from music school, Yuri Antonov was assigned as a music teacher to a children's music school in Minsk, where his parents already lived at that time. Then he works as a soloist-instrumentalist at the Belarusian State Philharmonic.

In November 1964 he was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet army. After the end of the service, he returns to his native Philharmonic and works musical director ensemble "Tonika" of People's Artist of the Belarusian SSR Viktor Vuyachich. During this Minsk period of creativity, at one time the guitarist in Yuri Antonov’s band was Vladimir Mulyavin, who then came from Sverdlovsk, replacing the guitarist in the ensemble who, for family reasons, left for Moscow.

In 1969, Yuri Antonov was invited to work in the popular Leningrad VIA "Singing Guitars" as an instrumental keyboardist. In this band he becomes a vocalist for the first time. The first songs by Yu. Antonov, “Airport”, “Where is the courage?” were also performed here. to the words of the poet Albert Azizov, “O good fellows and red maidens”, “Stop, don’t shoot, soldier!” to the words of the poet Oleg Zhukov, “If you love” to the words of the poet Leonid Derbenev, but especially popular the ensemble and Yuri Antonov himself bring his song “There is no more beautiful you” to the words of Leningrad authors Irina Bezladnova (wrote the original version of the song, consisting of two verses) and Mikhail Belyakov (completed the third verse) performed by the ensemble’s soloist Evgeniy Bronevitsky, released on an EP by the Melodiya company "in 1971.

In the spring of 1970 he moved to Moscow. Works as a soloist-vocalist in the popular VIA "Good Fellows", then in the Sovremennik orchestra conducted by Anatoly Kroll (1971-1975) (former Eddie Rosner orchestra), director of the ensemble at the Moscow Music Hall, artistic director VIA "Magistral" at Moscow regional philharmonic society(1975-1977), at the All-Union Recording Company "Melodiya" (1977-1983).

In 1973, Melodiya released the first EP by Yuri Antonov and the Sovremennik orchestra with the songs “The Third Day” (lyrics by Pavel Leonidov) (on another version of the disc, instead of it, there is the song “Don’t be sad, please” (lyrics by Onegin Gadzhikasimov)) , “Well, what should we do with him?” (words by Leonid Derbenev), “At the birches and pines” (words by Igor Shaferan). In 1975, VIA “Good fellows” and Yuri Antonov at the Melodiya company recorded an EP with his songs “Why”, “No, not me”, “The current carries me”, and VIA “Magistral” (p/u Yu . Antonov) - an EP with Yu. Antonov’s songs “Why” and “Forget.”

In the repertoire VIA "Jolly Guys" the first recordings of Yuri Antonov’s songs “If you love” and “Well, what to do with him” (both to the words of L. Derbenev) (1973), “Why” (to the words of T. Sashko) (1974), “Meeting” ( to the words of V. Dunin) (1978).

Yuri Antonov's songs are heard in the repertoire of various VIAs of the 70s - early 80s: VIA "Singing Hearts" - "Indian Summer", VIA "Aquarelles" - "Red Summer", the group "Earthlings" - "Garden Ring", " If I'm wrong", "If you want to be smarter", "Believe in your dream", VIA "Red Poppies" - "Mirror". A popular pop singer in the 70s performed Yu. Antonov’s songs “I sing for you”, “How is it so”, “Our highway”, and popular singer- songs “Your Destiny”, “White Snowstorm”, “Rainbow”. Yuri Antonov's songs are already widely known, but the path to television is closed. And with the artistic councils at the Melodiya company, not everything is so simple - many of Antonov’s songs are not allowed for publication. The reason is not a member of the Composers' Union.

In 1980, Yuri Antonov and a rock band "Araks" prepared an LP split, which, however, was not approved by the artistic council for publication by the Melodiya company. Then the singer published songs of his own performance from this album on several EPs, the release of which was much easier to negotiate; later these songs were included in the 1983 album “The Roof of Your House”, and the remaining songs, performed by the soloists of “Araks”, were released in 1987 year on the giant disk by Yu. Antonov From sadness to joy.

Yuri Antonov - The roof of your house

Collaboration with the Araks group in 1979-1981 brought Antonov all-Union fame. Three EPs with the songs "Anastasia" (lyrics by Leonid Fadeev), "Mirror" (lyrics by Mikhail Tanich), "Golden Staircase" (lyrics by M. Vickers), "To You" (lyrics by Lev Oshanin), " I remember" (words by Leonid Fadeev), "Don't forget" (words by Mikhail Tanich), "My wealth" (words by Igor Kokhanovsky), "Life", "Road to the Sea", "Twenty Years Later", as well as two records - EP with the songs “Poppies”, “Sea”, “That’s How It Happens”, “The Roof of Your House”, “Native Places”, “Our Highway”, recorded with other musicians, sold over 20 million copies, making it one of the most popular artists in USSR.

In 1982-1983 he became the best singer of the USSR in the “Sound Track” hit parade. The Odessa Film Studio invites the composer to include many of these songs in the film “Take Care of Women” (1981), in which songs performed by the author and specially written for the film - “Take care of women” (words by L. Fadeev), “Life” (words by O. Zhukov), “Everything has its time” (words by I. Reznik). Subsequently, Yu. Antonov also wrote songs for the films “Before We Part” (1984), “Beauty Salon” (1985), “Order” (1987), “Predators” (1991), music for the film “Fools Die on Fridays” "(1990).

In 1981, in the finals of the All-Union competition for young performers “Golden Tuning Fork”, according to the results of a vote of television viewers, first place was taken by the aspiring singer Katya Semyonova with Antonov’s song “Ah, Spring”.

First big album Yuri Antonov released it in 1981 in Yugoslavia by Jugoton. Subsequently, his records were released in other countries. socialist community- in the GDR, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Cuba.

In 1983, Yuri Antonov became a soloist of the Chechen-Ingush Philharmonic, where he worked for three years and becomes friends with Makhmud Esambaev. In the same year he was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

Works closely with VIA " Blue bird» , participates in joint tours. The result of the collaboration is the giant disc Blue Bird at the Luzhniki Sports Palace with songs by Yuri Antonov performed by the ensemble “White Motor Ship”, “I’m coming to meet you halfway”, “Colored sounds”, “Take care of women” and others.

Yuri Antonov - White motor ship

The Melodiya company releases Yuri Antonov's first giant disc, The Roof of Your House, with songs that were released a little earlier on Antonov's five minions with Araks and another instrumental ensemble. In the same year, together with the poet Mikhail Plyatskovsky, Yuri Antonov, the first and second parts of the children's musical about the grasshopper Kuzy were written - The Adventures of the Grasshopper Kuzy and the New Adventures of the Grasshopper Kuzy (2 giant discs), including a very famous song of which “The roof of your house.” With her, Yu. Antonov for the first time reached the final of the television festival “Song of the Year” (1983).

IN television program CT "Wider Circle" in 1983 Yuri Antonov presents his new song“Wider Circle” with lyrics by Leonid Fadeev, which became the title song of the TV festival for many years. This song was performed by VIA “Blue Bird”.

In 1984, the singer, after much persuasion from his friend, film director Alexander Kosarev, starred in his film “Before We Part” in the role of the artist Ryzhikov. Helps Kosarev in filming - according to eyewitnesses, he is a co-author of many of the lines of the characters in this film. In the same year, for the second time, she reached the finals of the “Song of the Year” television festival with the song “Bullfinches” based on poems by M. Dudin, written for the 40th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

With the instrumental group organized in 1982 by Yuri Antonov "Airbus" in 1984-85, the next two giant artist’s discs were recorded at the Melodiya company - Believe in the dream and The long-awaited plane (the arrangements of this album were made by Vadim Golutvin) with new songs “On Kashtanova Street”, “My youth is leaving”, “I I don’t regret anything”, “My path is simple”, “Give me your hand”, “On the High Bank”, “Glass Night”, “My Darling”, “Vacation” and others.

He works at the largest concert venues in the country: Kyiv - 20 concerts at the Sports Palace, Rostov-on-Don - 12 concerts at the Sports Palace, Moscow - 8 concerts at the Luzhniki Sports Palace, 28 concerts at the Sports Complex named after. Lenin in Leningrad, 14 thousand spectators attended each concert.

Yuri Antonov - On the high bank

In 1985-1986 he travels to Finland, where the company Polarvox Music records and releases the giant disc My Favorite Songs with thirteen previously written songs and the EP Yuri with three also previously written songs, but in completely different arrangements and translated into English language. The new English-language lyrics of these songs are in no way connected with the main, Russian-language versions of the text: the song “The Roof of Your House” becomes “Look at Their Faces”, the song “Vacation” becomes “I Send to You My Love”, the song “And life goes on as usual” "becomes "Ridin" into the Darkness" (English texts by E. Kaartamo).

In the mid-1980s he began working at the Mosconcert as a soloist-vocalist. At the Luzhniki Stadium at the closing ceremony of the Games good will» Yuri Antonov performs a song specially written for this, “The World Depends on Us” to the words of V. Sautkin.

In 1987, the Melodiya company released another giant disc of the artist From Sadness to Joy with three of his new songs, as well as compositions from the unreleased album “Alarm Bell”, recorded in 1980 by the Araks group with soloists Anatoly Aleshin and Sergei Belikov. In the same year, the USSR Central Television came out musical film“About You and About Me”, which is a collection of video clips for songs by Yuri Antonov from the albums The Long-awaited Airplane (already in the author’s arrangements, and not in Golutvin’s arrangements) and “From Sorrow to Joy”, as well as for the songs “Running Around”, “ Lanes of Arbat”, “The World Depends on Us”, which at that time had not yet been released on albums.

In the same year, a scandal occurred, after which Yuri Antonov was removed from almost all television broadcasts for two years: at one of his concerts in the city of Kuibyshev, the artist allowed himself incorrect statements about regional-level leaders, as a result of which the artist’s next concert was disrupted by them, which subsequently began persecution of Antonov in the Soviet media.

In 1988, Yuri Antonov, in collaboration with the poet Mikhail Plyatskovsky, wrote the third and fourth parts of the children's musical about the grasshopper Kuzya - Grasshopper Kuzya is wanted and Grasshopper Kuzya on the planet Tuami (2 giant disks). With the song “Don’t pick the flowers” ​​from this musical, in the same year he reached the finals of the “Song of the Year” television festival for the third time.

In the 1990s and 2000s he toured a lot, performing mainly hits written during the Soviet years.

He reached the finals of the TV festival “Song of the Year” in 1997-2002 and 2010 with his songs of previous years “Heavy Rains”, “But in life everything is fleeting”, “This crossroads”, “Mailbox”.

On February 19, 2001, the presentation of the album “There is no more beautiful you” took place with songs recorded in 1995 together with the Mikhail Finberg Orchestra at the celebration of the 50th anniversary of Yuri Antonov and the 30th anniversary of his creative activity. It included, along with popular ones, relatively little-known songs of the singer “Royal in Hiroshima”, “White Snowstorm”, “Your Destiny”, “No, Not Me”, “About Good Fellows and Red Maidens”, “I Sing for You”, “How can this be?”

Musical groups led by Yuri Antonov held good school many famous musicians and performers: Arkady Ukupnik, Anatoly Aleshin, Vladimir Matetsky, Evgeny Margulis, Victor Zinchuk, Vadim Golutvin, Mikhail Fainzilberg, Katya Semyonova and others.

He tried to promote the singer Svetlana Almazova, wrote and helped her release the album “ Sweet Honey"(2000), but the project did not take off; the songs performed by Almazova were not taken to the radio; according to Antonov’s fans, the new songs were too inferior to the previous ones. Since then, Antonov has stopped releasing new songs.

He is the Chairman of the Board of the United Council for Aesthetic and moral education employees of the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In 1999 he was awarded a prize from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as well as the National music award"Ovation" in the "Living Legend" category.

In 2008, 2012, 2014 and 2015 he was a special guest of the international music festival"Legends of Retro FM".

July 31, 2009 at the festival of young performers " New wave» took place in Jurmala creative evening Yuri Antonov. Stars took part in the concert Russian stage who performed his songs. On March 14, 2010, a large anniversary concert, dedicated to the singer’s 65th birthday. In 2009-2011 and 2013, he was a member of the jury of the New Wave competition.

In the fall of 2013 and spring of 2014, the anniversary tour “About You and About Me” was held on the Russia-1 channel. In June 2014, Antonov was a member of the jury of the Five Stars competition and performed as part of the competition. At the beginning of 2015, he took part in the project “ Main stage"and became a member of the jury. On November 21, 2015, he took part in the 20th Golden Gramophone award with the song “Road to the Sea”, took part in annual festival“Eeeh have fun 2015!”

Adheres to monarchist views. Participated in the 1999 State Duma elections. Later he stated that he was completely indifferent to politics.

In June 2008, Yuri Antonov took part in a rally at Pushkin Square in Moscow in defense of homeless animals.

Yuri Antonov. Interview

Yuri Antonov's height: 179 centimeters.

Personal life Yuri Antonov:

Was officially married three times. Has two children.

All ex-wives live abroad: one in America, the second in Croatia, the third in France.

The actor categorically refuses to talk about his personal life. It is known that he entered into his first marriage in 1976; his wife’s name was Anastasia, who subsequently emigrated to the United States. At that moment, Yuri Antonov was at the peak of his popularity in the USSR and did not dare to leave for America.

The second wife, Miroslava, lives in the Croatian city of Zagreb.

The third wife - Anna, Russian - lives in Paris.

Eldest daughter Lyudmila lives with her mother abroad, and younger son Mikhail (born 1996) lives in Moscow.

In the fall of 2011, he moved from his dacha in Novo-Peredelkino to a three-story mansion with columns in the style of Russian classicism in the Gribovo cottage community, 15 km west of Moscow. He has many animals at home, in particular, he has sheltered about fifty stray cats. “I also have peacocks, rabbits, Indonesian ducks, and guinea fowl,” he said.

Scandals involving Yuri Antonov

On January 16, 2010, an incident occurred on a special highway near Barvikha near Moscow, as a result of which Antonov spent several hours in the police station. According to the musician, he was hit by an employee of the second department of the traffic police. According to the policeman himself, Antonov himself flared up when his car was stopped and asked to show documents.

On November 4, 2011, at a gas station in the town of Vidnoye near Moscow, Antonov got into a verbal altercation with biker Ishutin, who created a queue at the gas station. The musician allegedly brandished an object that looked like a pistol, for which he was hit in the face. Subsequently, Ishutin was sentenced to a fine of 30,000 rubles, and the case was later returned for review. On February 3, 2014, Antonov filed a claim against Ishutin for 1.5 million rubles as compensation for moral damages and legal costs. According to the court decision, Ishutin was obliged to pay Antonov compensation in the amount of 230,000 rubles.

Discography of Yuri Antonov:

1970, EP - VIA “Singing Guitars” (one of the songs is “You are not more beautiful”) (Melody);
1970, LP - “To everyone who loves a song” (one of the songs is “You are not more beautiful” performed by VIA “Singing Guitars”) (Melody);
1971, LP - Gyulli Chokheli (one of the songs is “Song, Guitar and Me”) (Melody);
1973, EP - Yuri Antonov and the Sovremennik Orchestra (Melody) (“Don’t be sad, please”, “Well, what should we do with him?”, “At the birches and pines”);
1973, EP - Yuri Antonov and the Sovremennik Orchestra (Melody) (“The Third Day”, “What to Do with Him?”, “At the Birches and Pines”);
1973, minion - VIA “Jolly Fellows” (songs “If you love”, “Well, what should we do with him?”) (Melody);
1973, EP - VIA “Good Fellows” (one of the songs is “About Good Fellows”) (Melody);
1973, LP - VIA “Singing Hearts” (one of the songs is “If you love”) (Melody);
1973, minion - Lev Leshchenko (songs “Your Destiny”, “White Snowstorm”) (Melody);
1974, EP - VIA “Watercolors” (one of the songs is “Red Summer”) (Melody);
1974, LP - VIA “Jolly Fellows” (one of the songs is “Why”) (Melody);
1974, EP - Yuri Antonov and VIA “Magistral” (songs “Our Highway”, “Forget”) (Melody);
1975, EP - Yuri Antonov and VIA “Good fellows” (songs “Forget”, “No, not me”) (Melody);
1975, EP - “Yuri Antonov Sings” (“Why”, “No, Not Me”, “The Current Carries Me”) (Melody);
1975, minion - Valery Obodzinsky (songs “I sing for you”, “How can this be”) (Melody);
1975, EP - “Stereostrada” (one of the songs “Yesterday (Mailbox)”) (Melody);
1977, LP - “Indian Summer. Songs on the station I. Kokhanovsky" (songs "Indian Summer", "Garden Ring", "It's the Fall of the Leaves", "Without You") (Melody);
1978, LP - VIA “Jolly Fellows” (one of the songs is “Meeting”) (Melody);
1978, EP - VIA “Good Fellows” and VIA “Leisya Song” (one of the songs is “Yesterday (Mailbox)”) (Melody);
1978, EP - VIA “Red Poppies” (one of the songs is “Mirror”) (Melody);
1979, EP - Yuri Antonov with the group “Araks” (“Golden Staircase”, “To You”, “Mirror”, “Anastasia”) (Melody);
1980, EP - Yuri Antonov with the group “Araks” (“I Remember”, “Don’t Forget”, “My Wealth”) (Melody);
1981, minion - group “Araks” (“Why would you?”, “Everything as before”) (Melody);
1982, film - group “Araks”, “Concert at the Leningrad Sports and Concert Complex” (“Don’t forget”, “Why would you?”, “Alarm Bell”);
1982, EP - Yuri Antonov with the group “Araks” (“Life”, “Road to the Sea”, “20 Years Later”) (Melody);
1982, minion - Yuri Antonov (“Poppies”, “Sea”, “That’s how it happens”) (Melody);
1982, EP - Yuri Antonov (“Our Highway”, “The Roof of Your House”, “Native Places”) (Melody);
1982, EP - VIA “Earthlings” (one of the songs is “Believe in a Dream”) (Melody);
1981, LP - Yuri Antonov (Jugoton, Yugoslavia);
1983, film - VIA “Blue Bird”, “Concert 02/15/1983” (“Life”, “That’s how it happens”, “I’m sorry, of course”);
1983, LP - VIA "Blue Bird". “Blue Bird at the Sports Palace in Luzhniki” (“White Ship”, “It will heal before the wedding”, “Take care of women”, “I am coming to meet you”, “Colored sounds”, “Wild horses”, “Moscow”, “With you” good for me") (Melody);
1983, LP - Yuri Antonov. “The Roof of Your House” (11 songs performed by the author) (Melody);
1983, LP - “The Adventures of the Grasshopper Kuzi” (Melody);
1983, LP - “New Adventures of the Grasshopper Kuzi” (Melody);
1985, LP - Yuri Antonov. “Believe in a dream” (9 songs performed by the author) (Melody);
1985, LP - Yuri Antonov. “My favorite songs” (Polarvox Music, Finland);
1986, minion - Yuri Antonov. “Yuri” (Polarvox Music, Finland);
1986, LP - Yuri Antonov. “The Long-Awaited Airplane” (9 songs performed by the author, arranged by V. Golutvin) (Melody);
1987, LP - Yuri Antonov. “From sadness to joy” (3 songs performed by the author, 7 songs performed by the group “Araks”) (Melody);
1988, LP - “The grasshopper Kuzya is wanted” (Melody);
1989, LP - “Grasshopper Kuzya on the planet Tuami” (Melody);
1990, LP (45 vol.) - “Moonlight Path” (6 songs performed by the author) (Metadigital);
1990, CD - “Moonlight Path” (Melody);
1991, CD - “Mirror” (Distronics Ltd.);
1993, CD - “The Current Carries Me” (Z-Records);
1994, CD - “Music and songs from films. Yu. Antonov" (RDM);
1994, CD - “Moonlight Path” (Z-Records);
1996, CD - “Songs for Children” (Z-Records);
1996, CD - “Mirror” (Z-Records);
1998, 2CD - “From Sadness to Joy”;
2001, CD - “You are no more beautiful. 50/30" (Fiam-Disk);
2008, CD - “You are no more beautiful. 50/30" (Recording company "Nikitin")

Filmography of Yuri Antonov:

1981 - Where will he go! - cameo
1983 - Unfamiliar song - song performer
- Ryzhikov, artist
1987 - Farewell, Zamoskvoretsk punks... - episode

Yuri Antonov's songs in cinema:

1981 - Take care of women
1983 - Unfamiliar song
1984 - Before we part
1985 - Beauty salon
1987 - Order
1991 - Predators

Works of Yuri Antonov as a composer:

1981 - Take care of women
1983 - Unfamiliar song
1984 - Before we part
1985 - Beauty salon
1987 - Order
1988 - The Adventures of Sadko the Bear (animated)
1990 - Fools Die on Fridays
1990 - The Adventures of the Grasshopper Kuzi (first story) (animated)
1991 - The Adventures of the Grasshopper Kuzi (second story) (animated, songs used)
1991 - Predators

Dubbing of cartoons by Yuri Antonov:

1990 - The Adventures of the Grasshopper Kuzi (story one)
1991 - The Adventures of the Grasshopper Kuzi (second story)

This outstanding man appears before us in different guises. He is both an actor, performer and composer. People's Artist not only of the modern Russian Federation, but also of the USSR. Yu. Antonov, this is a whole era of our stage. He raised a whole galaxy of young romantics with his songs. Being, to the core, a Russian person, at the most hard times Russia, he did not abandon his homeland, following the example of many artists and pop singers, but stayed at home. With his art he helped to survive troubled times to many young Russians.

The beginning of life and biography of the maestro

Born during the difficult times of the Patriotic War in Tashkent, on February 19, 1945, Yu. Antonov personifies all the tragic post-war life our people and formation younger generation. Born into a military family, the poet and his family had to take a sip of traveling army life, when the father is sent to serve in the capital of Germany, in one of the military units. After a rather short period, the father was transferred to the town of Molodechko, Republic of Belarus, where the family settled for many years.

The favorite of many showed interest in music in school years. His mother sent him to a local music school. Upon graduation, the artist entered the school in Molodechko. In 1963, the musician graduated from this musical institution and moved to Minsk, where his family had moved by that time.

Stellar career of Yuri Antonov

Upon moving to the Belarusian capital, the singer entered the Minsk Philharmonic as a soloist, but service in Soviet army changed the composer's plans, and after demobilization he settled in Leningrad. In the city on Niva, Yuri is part of the popular ensemble “Singing Guitars” as a keyboard player, but soon becomes the lead singer of the group, begins to write and perform his songs, which bring him his first success. After that, creative life twisted Yuri Antonov, the maestro’s biography was closely intertwined with the country’s famous vocal and instrumental ensembles: “Good fellows”, “Jolly fellows”, “Araks”, “Earthlings”. All these popular groups songs of the poet and composer Antonov were performed at that time, including already star singer Lev Leshchenko.

It was while performing with the Araks ensemble that the maestro achieved his popularity. The release of his albums begins. His songs are starting to appear in films. In 1982, in Yugoslavia, the most significant album of the poet-musician appears. However, the artist continues to be active creative search. So, since 1983, he has been working at the Chechen Philharmonic, where he closely meets the world celebrity Mahmud Esambaev, which helped Yuri find his own style of writing and playing his songs. Being versatile creative personality, the singer tries to try on the role of a film artist and in 1988 he starred in a film, but still the main field of the singer-composer remains the stage.

Master's maturity

The difficult nineties turned out to be dramatic for the singer. His songs and creativity were forgotten for the sake of newly-minted pop artists for one day. It was during this period that the leading star performers fade into the shadows, but time puts everything in its place. And the audience again demanded real artists on stage. This is how we returned from oblivion:




It was during this period that the maestro systematized his songs and released three audio cassettes in a new arrangement:

- "Mirror";

- “Moonwalk”;

- “The current carries me.”

In 1995, he became a member of the Union of Composers, but this only increased the number of his envious people and enemies. Hatred went off scale in July 1996, when his recording studio in Maroseyka was blown up at night. During this period, the poet closely converges with political party The LDPR met with its leader V.F. Zhirinovsky, but the maestro was of little interest in his political career, and he did not run for deputy, and soon withdrew himself from the elections altogether.

The active maturity of singer and composer Yuri Antonov is fully embodied in his albums, as follows:

In 1983, his first album “The Roof of Your House” was released;

1985 was marked for the poet by the release of the collection “Believe in a Dream”;

“Mirror” was published in 1993;

Then the “Moon Path” appears;

Again, “The Current Carries Me” was written during this period;

2003 completes this stellar cycle with the collection “You Are No More Beautiful.”

Thanks to extraordinary talent the composer himself, and the breadth of his soul, his Star Trek found such stars as Ukupnik, Margulis and Zinchuk.

It was for his love and devotion to the stage that Yuri was elected 3 times to the jury of the international song competition“New Wave”, and once was invited to evaluate the song festival “Five Stars”.

Personal life of Yuri Antonov, wife of the composer and singer

The maestro is not inclined to talk about his personal life, much less allow someone to delve into it and look for gossip. He was married three times, and all three times were unsuccessful for the poet. In the end he was left alone, firm conviction a confirmed bachelor. Fate seemed to be playing an evil joke on the singer. He did not want to leave Russia, but all his companions were eager and went abroad for permanent residence. The first wife, Nastya, fled to New York, the next, Miroslava, settled in Zagreb. The last one, Anya, lives in the capital of France with her daughter Lyudochka. The poet’s son Mikhail, from his third marriage, follows his father’s example and lives in the capital of the Russian Federation. If you pay close attention, you can see that Yuri Antonov himself, his personal life, his children, are taboo for journalists. The expression in which the author revealed his attitude towards marriage is very well known. “If a man brings money into a house, then there cannot be two heads in it. You need to respect the man and adapt to him. And if this doesn’t happen, then the family ends.” Such a phrase turned out to be most suitable for the poet and was taken by him as life credo. Although if you look a little closer, the maestro repeated GOD’s commandment.

For a long time, the composer lived in a country mansion in Peredelkino. He loves animals very much and keeps quite a lot of them. However, in 2011, the maestro moved to another of his luxurious mansions in the village of Gribovo, where he spends all his time.

Periodically, the maestro appears in public performing one of his songs, travels abroad quite a lot and writes his masterpieces.

Pop singer, composer.

Honored Artist of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (1983),
Honored Artist Russian Federation (18.03.1993),
People's Artist of the Russian Federation (04/16/1997).

In 1964 he graduated from a music school in Belarus with a degree in vocalist and instrumentalist. Then he worked at the Belarusian Philharmonic, and from 1969 - in the group “Singing Guitars”.

In 1971 he moved to Moscow. He worked at Rosconcert - at the Moscow Music Hall and in the Sovremennik orchestra conducted by Anatoly Kroll (1971-1975), at the Moscow Regional Philharmonic as artistic director of the VIA Magistral (1975-1977), at the All-Union recording company Melodiya (1977 -1983), where he released several albums.

By the 2000s, Yu. Antonov released about 20 records and CDs total circulation more than 48 million copies. In those years, he tried to promote singer Svetlana Almazova, wrote and helped her release the album “Sweet Honey” (2000), but the project did not take off. Since then he has stopped releasing new songs. Release of 4 albums ("Road to the Sea", "Heavy Rains", "Life" and " Best songs") has been postponed indefinitely.

prizes and awards

Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (January 17, 2005) - for great contribution to development musical art and many years of creative activity
Knight of the Order of Honor (2010).
Order of Francis Skaryna (July 9, 2010) - for his contribution to strengthening friendship between the peoples of Belarus and Russia

Such famous performer, as Yuri Antonov does not need to be introduced, because not a single generation has grown up on his songs. The musician recently celebrated his 70th birthday, but, unfortunately, the singer celebrated his anniversary alone, like all his birthdays over the past 30 years. He often admits to his friends that he misses his family terribly; he doesn’t feel like himself without it. happy man. So why such a person, experienced in love, was left alone, we will find out in our article: Yuri Antonov - biography, personal life, his children and wives.

Yuri Antonov: biography

Yuri Antonov was born a few months before the day of victory in the Patriotic War, in Tashkent. Yuri's father, a military naval officer, was transferred to service in Germany after the war, where he took his entire family. After Germany came Belarus and after changing several more garrisons, the family of the future maestro settled in the small town of Molodechno. Yuri begins his musical studies at a music school, then at a music college. At the age of 14, Antonov was already earning his first money; he led the choir at the depot. During his studies, he founded his own pop orchestra, with which he organized concerts at the local House of Culture.

After college, Yuri Antonov teaches at one of the music schools in Minsk, and also gets a job at the Philharmonic. In 1964, his time came to repay his debt to his homeland, he went to serve, and after the army he returned to the Philharmonic as the leader of the Tonika ensemble.

Yuri Antonov and music

The launching pad for the artist’s popularity was the Leningrad ensemble “Singing Guitars,” where Antonov was invited as a keyboard player. Thanks to the team, Yuri was able to prove himself as a vocalist and songwriter. His composition “If You Love” became a real hit of that time.

After “Singing Guitars” came the “Good Fellows” group, then the “Sovremennik” orchestra and the “Magistral” ensemble and his first record. But the composer's first album was released outside the Soviet Union; in 1982 it was released by the Yugoslav company Jugaton. In 1983, the singer left for the Chechen-Ingush Republic, where he worked with the Blue Bird ensemble and choreographer Makhmud Esambaev. Later, the singer organized his own ensemble, Airbus, with which he gave many concerts and delighted his fans with the release of two major albums. In 1986, he left for Finland, where he recorded an English-language opus; upon his return, he was appointed soloist of the Mosconcert.

In 1987, at one of the concerts in Kuibyshev, Antonov spoke poorly about local authorities. This became the reason for the media and government apparatus to organize real persecution against the musician. His new album was able to come out only in 1990, after Soviet Union fell apart.

Today the singer no longer pleases with his songs, but he can often be seen at competitions such as “New Wave”, “Main Stage”, where the composer is invited as a jury.

Yuri Antonov: biography, personal life, his children

The singer’s personal life is still of interest to many. In particular, many fans of the musician are trying to find photos of their wives and children. Little is known about the singer’s personal life, since the maestro himself does not want to share details and secrets.

It is known that for its stormy life he managed to walk down the aisle three times. But every marriage ended in divorce, although the singer himself does not consider any of his unions to be unsuccessful. The first Antonova Anastasia always dreamed of going to live abroad. Being her husband, the singer helped his wife and her family emigrate to the USA, but the musician himself, at the peak of his fame, did not dare to leave the country. Anastasia still lives in America - New York.

The second wife was Mila Babanovich. Her Yugoslav roots helped the singer in his financial matters. Having received permission to travel abroad, Antonov began to resell musical instruments, which brought him good profits. Now the second Antonova lives in Croatia. Little is known about the musician’s third wife. Her name is Anna, she is Russian, and now lives in the capital of France.

Photos of the singer’s wives and children are difficult to find on the Internet, as is information about their personal lives. We can only say that Antonov has two children. The eldest daughter Lyudmila lives abroad, and the youngest son Mikhail remains to live in Moscow.

The composer himself now lives in his large mansion in the village of Gribovo, 15 km from Moscow. He has many animals, including fifty stray cats that the singer sheltered. Probably, these cute creatures are trying to brighten up his loneliness, because only now the musician was able to realize that there is nothing higher than family. This is how we ended up with an article about a singer like Yuri Antonov - biography, personal life, his children - interesting, but for some reason sad.

Soviet composer, singer, performer. People's Artist of Russia.

Yuri Antonov. Biography

Yuri Mikhailovich Antonov born on February 19, 1945 in Tashkent, where his mother Natalya Mikhailovna was evacuated. Father Mikhail Vasilyevich Antonov served in the infantry during the Great Patriotic War and remained in the army after the war. His wife was a housewife and raised two children. Younger sister Yuri Mikhailovich Zhanna was born in 1948 in East Berlin.

Because of military service The heads of the Antonov family often moved: from Uzbekistan to Germany, and from there to Belarus. The family settled in the Belarusian town of Molodechno, where Yuri Antonov He studied not only at a regular school, but also at a music school, his specialization was the accordion. After school, Antonov entered a music school, but instead of a career as a teacher, he was attracted to the stage. He showed organizational skills and created the first group, which performed at the local House of Culture.

After graduating from college in 1963 Yuri Antonov received an assignment to the Minsk music school, but he accepted another invitation and became a soloist accordionist of the Belarusian State Philharmonic.

After serving in the army, Antonov begins working with the famous Belarusian singer Vuyachic in the ensemble " Tonic».

In 1969 Yuri Antonov becomes a keyboard player for VIA based in Leningrad " Singing guitars" During this period, he begins to compose songs and sing them. In 1971, his song “There is no more beautiful you” was released on a Melodiya record and became Antonov’s first hit.

After this, Yuri Antonov moves to Moscow and begins performing with the group “ Good fellows", but soon becomes a soloist in the orchestra " Contemporary", led by a jazzman Anatoly Kroll.

On the initiative of Rosconcert Yuri Antonov organizes his own group " Highway", in 1975 they released their first record. Antonov not only sings his own songs, but also gives them to others musical groups. In the 1970s VIA " Funny boys» perform “If you love”, “Well, what to do with him”, “Why”, “Meeting”; VIA " Singing Hearts" - "Indian Summer", VIA " Watercolors" - "Red Summer", " Earthlings" - "Garden Ring", "If I'm wrong", "If you want to be smarter", "Believe in your dream." Lev Leshchenko sings the songs “Your Destiny”, “White Snowstorm”, “Rainbow”.

Together with the group " Airbus» Yuri Antonov records the hits “On Kashtanova Street”, “I’m coming to meet you”, “White Ship” in the “Melodiya” studio.

Antonov’s fame not only as a composer, but also as a performer comes from his work in 1979-1981 with the group “ Araks" Together they record the songs “Anastasia”, “Mirror”, “Golden Staircase”, “To You”, “I Remember”, “Don’t Forget”, “My Wealth”, “Life”, “Road to the Sea”, “Twenty Years Later” ", "Sea", "That's how it happens." The records sell more than 20 million copies and are successfully sold not only in the USSR, but also in the countries of the socialist camp.

In 1982-1983 Yuri Antonov – best singer USSR according to the "Sound Track" version.

In 1983, Yuri Antonov became a soloist of the Chechen-Ingush Philharmonic and began working with VIA " Blue bird" Together with the poet Mikhail Plyatskovsky he wrote the children's musical “The Adventures of Kuzi the Grasshopper,” including the hit song “The Roof of Your House.”

In the same year, Antonov appeared on television: he performed “The Roof of Your House” in the finale of “Song of the Year”, and in the program “Wider Circle” he performed the song of the same name together with “Blue Bird”.

Together with the group " Airbus» Antonov releases the records “Believe in a Dream” and “The Long-Awaited Airplane” on Melodiya. He gives many concerts, performs at the most large venues- in the Sports Palaces.

In Leningrad, Antonov gave 28 concerts in 15 days.

In 1986 Yuri Antonov performs at the Luzhniki Stadium during the closing ceremony of the Goodwill Games and sings the song “The World Depends on Us.”

In 1987, Melodiya released Antonov’s record “From Sorrow to Joy.”

The tour is suddenly interrupted due to a scandal caused by criticism of officials. But Antonov continues to work and records new parts of the musical about the grasshopper Kuza, and also returns to the stage of “Songs of the Year” with the composition “Don’t pick the flowers.”

In 1995, at a concert in honor of his 50th anniversary Yuri Antonov recorded the album “There is no more beautiful you”, the disc was released in 2001.

The total circulation of records and discs with songs by Yuri Antonov is estimated at 47 million copies.

In 1997, Yuri Antonov was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation. In 1999 he received the Ovation Award in the Living Legend category.

Since 2009 Yuri Antonov is a member of the jury music competition"New wave ".

In 2013, Antonov went on the “About You and About Me” tour in honor of the 50th anniversary of his creative activity.

At the beginning of 2015, rumors appeared on the Internet that Yuri Antonov had signed a contract with Channel One: he would take the place of Alexander Gradsky and become one of the mentors of the show “The Voice,” season 4. Usually the artist refuses to participate in any television projects, but in this case he decided to change his principles.

In February 2015, the music show “ Main stage", and Yuri Antonov was invited to the project as a jury member. Together with Zhanna Rozhdestvenskaya, Walter Afanasieff and Sergei Chigrakov famous singer and the composer evaluated the performances of the participants. Being a member of the jury, as Antonov admits, is not easy: you have to take responsibility for the fate of young artists, because the vote of each jury member determines whether they can stay in the project and get the right to go on the main stage of Russia or leave the TV show and return home.

Antonov’s anniversary happened during the project: People's Artist Russia turned 70 on February 19, 2015. Participants of the show Main stage» congratulated the luminary national stage Happy anniversary.

The artist himself believes that 70 years is not such a long time: “On the one hand, this is a period of memories of past years. On the other hand, now I have no time to relax: I’m on the jury music show"Main Stage" I’m tired, of course: filming from 10 am to 11 pm, I even take a pillow to rest on the sofa in the studio. But I like the competition itself. There are a lot of talented young people."

A new album is scheduled for release in April 2015 Yuri Antonov And big concert in Luzhniki.

"My creative activity did not stop and does not stop. I have a lot of ideas and a great desire to work. I don’t know exactly what contributes to this. Probably genes,” said Yuri Antonov on the eve of his 70th birthday.

Yuri Antonov in cinema

At the invitation of the Odessa Film Studio, Antonov wrote music for the film “ Take care of women" His songs also appeared in the films " Beauty saloon", "Before we part", " Order», « Unfamiliar song», « Predators», « Fools die on Fridays».

In 1984, Yuri Antonov starred in an episode of the film “Before We Separate.”

The musician lives in a mansion in the village of Gribovo near Moscow. Several cats and dogs live in Antonov's house. In 2008, he participated in a rally in Moscow in defense of the rights of homeless animals.

In 1999, Antonov ran for the State Duma.

In 2011, the musician had a conflict at a gas station with a biker, who was subsequently convicted of assault.

Personal life of Yuri Antonov

Antonov was married three times, now divorced. His first wife Anastasia now lives in the USA. She persuaded Antonov to leave for the States, but he refused. Second, Miroslava, lives in Croatia, and she succeeded take him to Yugoslavia, although not for long. The singer's third wife, Anna, lives in France.

IN last marriage Antonov gave birth to a daughter Lyudmila and son Michael.