Vzhukh - the history of the meme, where did this trend come from? Where did the expression "Carl" come from? Origin of the meme What is a meme and how is it related to the sculpture of Marguerite Van Breevort

The “Dimoon” meme became popular in August 2017, now it is being promoted everywhere, and many new memes are appearing based on it. Let's see what caused the emergence of this meme and its popularity.

Where did this meme come from?

Remember the final episode from the movie "Boomer", released in 2003?

Four bosom friends (Killa, Rama, Cat and Dimon) decided to rob a computer store. But the comrades’ idea failed. Unfortunately for them, a police patrol passed by and the guys were spotted.

The cat is holding a wounded friend in his arms and, seeing Dima running away, shouts in despair: “Dimoon!!!” After this, the song “Hello, Morricone” sounds, which became the main hit of the last decade.

Based on this episode, someone made a meme where shots from the movie “Boomer” are combined with a meme about Dmitry Medvedev (people often call him Dimon among themselves), who utters his catchphrase “You hang in here, all the best to you, good mood and health,” gets into the Boomer and drives away. The video quickly went viral.

You can take a look at it!

After this, the Dimon meme gained its popularity, and with it a huge number of new memes began to appear, the most popular ones are collected here. So the phrase “Dimoon” became a 100% meme!

Meme meaning

At first, the phrase was used in funny videos and various clips. But now the “Dimon” meme has turned into a so-called screamer.

Screamer is a media file with a surprise effect. Usually, while playing a video, something very loud suddenly appears and produces a shocking effect on the viewer. It could be a shot of a monster from a horror movie, very loud music, or someone's heart-rending scream.

On July 5, on the Geek Head channel, viewers first saw a video in which “Dimon” unexpectedly appeared. Sounds from the film "Boomer" were superimposed on footage from the thriller "Kong." Skull Island."

And here's this joke!

Since then, the popularity of the meme has only increased. The epic episode from the film “Boomer” began to appear in other films and cartoons, where the character is about to die.

And here are some more videos of Dimooon screaming:

So our communication moved to the Internet. Numerous memes have taken the place of the usual bureaucratic expressions and stable expressions of speech. Sometimes we pick up such a pattern, but we ourselves have no idea where it comes from. So now we’ll talk here, on the Internet, about the Internet. Let's talk about the origin of one of the latest popular memes - "..., Karl!"

The phrase was quite recently found everywhere, but now its use has subsided somewhat. So where did the expression "Carl" come from?

Hello from series lovers

So, who is this Karl and what did she do that his name has become so in demand as an expressive particle?

For an inexperienced viewer, knowledge of history will give ideas about some Frankish king. Who, if not Charlemagne, can conquer the world, albeit in this way? But no! The whole thing is completely different.

So, it’s time to stop tormenting the reader looking for answers and introduce him to the hero who bears this famous name. We bring to your attention the most famous series based on comics: “The Walking Dead”. In it, Carl is the name of a teenage boy left with his father in a post-apocalyptic world filled with zombies.

We are sure that those who are familiar with this serial film first-hand have never been among the ignorant. But for the rest, we will further tell you which particular scene from the series will give a comprehensive answer to the question of where the expression “Karl!” came from.

Description of the context in which the phrase appears

The search for the origins of the famous meme leads to the third season of The Walking Dead. At the end of the fourth episode, perhaps one of the most tragic in the history of the plot, a scene occurs between the main character, Sheriff Rick Grimes, and his son Carl.

For reference: the front of healthy people, which includes our heroes, was destroyed. The sheriff's wife goes into labor, after which she does not survive. Karl becomes a witness to the death, and with this news he stands before his father.

So, the scene: a silent, grief-stricken boy, a man who understands the tragedy from his eloquent son. Then the scene takes on a dramatic development: Rick Grimes is screaming and clutching his head on the ground, and Carl is still standing in a stupor, simply heartbroken. At the end of his desperate, anguished cries, the man says his son's name several times. That's how it all started.

It took some time since the scene premiered (November 2012) for the phrase to become a meme. Now you can tell your friends where the expression “Karl!” came from.

History of the development of the phrase

First the phrase "Carl!" They tried to popularize scenes of a conversation between father and son along with a video segment. But for some reason this option did not gain much popularity.

Fans then began making jokes about various themes from The Walking Dead, including putting their own humorous spin on the visual drama of the scene. It was with this spirit that a selection of the best expressions of Rick Grimes was published back in 2013. Fans took the time to select the best material, including many photos of this scene with various dialogue options.

The phrase “shot” only in 2015, when in the city of Stavropol, on Maslenitsa, local chefs intended to bake a three-meter pancake. The visitors of the holiday never saw the dish, but pieces of the failed pancake were distributed. “Damn, they handed it out to people with shovels. With shovels, Karl!” - it’s just asking from the tongue.

Meaning of the phrase

We have already learned where, when and in what context the name Karl was pronounced, we have become familiar with the series that became the “parent” of this meme. So what does the expression “Karl!” mean?

In a scene from the series, Rick Grimes, after a woeful monologue, with particular expression repeats one of his phrases to his son, at the end calling his name. The verbal formula of the meme was formed in the following form: a statement, repetition of the most active element of the phrase with enhanced expression, the omnipresent “..., Karl!”

Frequent use of the meme formula

So we know where the expression “..., Karl!” came from. Nowadays, the most common picture is a comic book (based on a photo from the series) with a father and son, where the latter complains about something, and the father answers him. Often the father's answer says that it was worse before. Worse, Karl!

How many nostalgic moments have been captured by folk meme art in meme pictures with Rick and Carl! And how, instead of telephones, children used to take cups tied with thread, and how they put movies on to download all night, and how in the summer they went to weed potatoes in the garden instead of the sea.


So, now we know where the expression “Carl!”, one of the popular memes on the Internet, came from. It turned out that the action-packed series “The Walking Dead” is sending us such greetings. It is in the third season of the series that the search for the origins of the meme takes us, and not into history where one might think that Charlemagne, for example, is mentioned in this way. Although the popularity of the phrase is now declining, the humor inherent in it does not leave us.

We wish you a good mood and a pleasant time! Have fun, Karl!

Do you know who Homunculus Loxodontus, aka Homunculus, aka Zhdun, is? How did it appear and what caused it? No? Then let's get to know him together.

Where did the waiter come from?

This character was born, or rather, created in the provincial Dutch town of Leiden. Yes, the residents of this particular place had the opportunity to see it first. Its creator was 26-year-old Marguerite Van Brivoort, who graduated from the Utrecht Art School in 2013.

It all started in 2016 with a traditional exhibition of young artists and sculptors, which is held every year during the spring period in the Leiden Bio Science Park. This event lasts 3 months. The girl decided to take part in it and presented her creation, which she called Homunculus Loxodontus.

Outwardly, this creature resembled a huge larva with the head of an elephant seal. The figure, somewhat reminiscent of a pear, expressed humility with the current circumstances. His arms were human and were folded on his immense torso. The eyes are so huge, black, black. They made it clear to others that their owner was a very friendly creature. To make it, Margarit spent 75 kg of plaster. To make the sculpture durable and resistant to moisture, the young artist covered it with a layer of bleached wax, which she mixed with toluene. And to make Zhdun look realistic, the girl opened it with a special colored solution.

How did the Zhdun sculpture appear?

Everyone really liked this sculpture, but there wasn’t much excitement around it. At the beginning of August, the exhibition ended, and this funny creature received the “People's Choice Award.” Next, the sculpture was sent to the LUMS Children's Medical Center. There she began to decorate the entrance of this institution, meeting and seeing off its little patients.

The hospital management, in order to reduce the nervous tension of the children who were being treated there, constantly came up with something interesting. For example, pools with small fish and turtles. Zhdun has become another way to distract children from negative emotions.

What was the reason for the appearance of this unusual sculpture? And everything is quite simple. The hospital, which was located at the university in Leiden, became something of a grant for Margaret Van Breevort. The girl did not want to be in debt and promised to create an interesting sculpture for this medical institution. She thought about her idea for a very long time. And once again walking through the corridors of the hospital, she drew attention to all those sad and tired people who were languishing in a long line to the doctor, waiting for their diagnosis. The girl decided that it was an interesting idea - to express emotions, or rather, to show the humility of all these patients, with the help of sculpture. That's how this waiting character came into being.

3 days after the end of the exhibition, Margarit registered her rights as the author of this sculpture. And at the beginning of 2017, she got her first customer. A Belgian businessman wanted to have a personal Zhdun and asked the girl to make an exact copy of him.

This sculpture conceals different feelings and emotions. It can make you smile, or it can move you to tears.

What is a meme and how is it related to the sculpture of Marguerite Van Breevort?

First, let's figure out what the word meme means. So this is a Greek word and when translated it means phenomenal, unrepeatable, unique, one of a kind. This is also the name given to a unit of cultural information that passes from one person to another. At the same time, it changes and has the ability to adapt to any reality. The meme is widely used to create original photographs or pictures, to which original sayings are added. People also use it to make it more interesting to communicate on the Internet. It allows you to briefly, but at the same time very correctly and originally convey your thoughts to the person with whom you are having a conversation.

Zhdun has become another meme on social networks. By the way, the sculpture of a strange creature got its name on the Internet. But, as it turns out, all this is for a reason and has a very deep subtext. It’s worth remembering at least the queues from the times of the Soviet Union. People stood for several hours waiting to get what they wanted. And at the same time, their faces had a characteristic expression - depressing sadness and defiance in their eyes. Zhdun conveys all this very accurately. His deep black eyes, full of sadness and sadness, are about to cry from endless anticipation. Nowadays, queues are also not a rare occurrence: at the train station for tickets, on the street for the bus, in the hospital for a voucher to see a doctor for an appointment, etc.

Meme Zhdun in different life situations or how a sculpture of a strange creature became popular

Many users of the World Wide Web have noticed that the potential of this unusual sculpture has not yet been fully revealed. They began to add funny inscriptions to the image of Zhdun, thus reflecting stereotypes about workers in different professions. Particularly popular is the meme in which Zhdun plays the role of an accountant, who does not understand anything about computer programs or the computer itself. Here he is a symbol of complete bewilderment, misunderstanding, puzzlement and confusion. There are a lot of interesting memes featuring this amazing creature. Let's look at some of them.

So, Zhdun in the role of conductor. The main attributes are: a bag hanging over the chest and tickets. The catchphrase is something like “we’ll pass on the fare, otherwise I’ll get up from my seat in a moment...”.

Zhdun in the role of a patient who comes to see a doctor and timidly asks: “...what’s wrong with me?”

The meme about the mother-in-law has also gained considerable popularity. This marvelous creation of the young artist got used to her role well and, folding her hands on her rather large belly, so modestly and drawlingly: “Well, son-in-law, I’ll live with you for a couple of weeks...”.

Zhdun with particular success got used to the role of a watchman who doesn’t need anything else in life, if only his shift would end quickly.

Also, this giant larva with huge black eyes acted as a user who clicked something somewhere and everything suddenly disappeared somewhere. Or in the role of a glutton who opened the refrigerator door and doesn’t remember anything else.

Having tried himself in the role of a conductor, accountant, user, patient, etc., having sat in many different queues - both to the doctor, and for tickets, and much more, Zhdun moved on to the paintings of the classics. He sat down on the bank in the role of Alyonushka and pretended to be Boyarina Morozova. Particularly successful was the masterpiece in which Zhdun acted as the Mona Lisa and thus the result was not “La Gioconda”, but “Zhdukonda”.

Themes of satire and tragedy are also touched upon. For example, this wonderful larva acts as a Ukrainian with a European Union flag, who sits and waits for a visa-free regime at the airport. This is how the people's reaction to the empty promises of politicians is expressed. Or the same airport, the same Zhdun, but already in a turban. This is how Donald Trump's ban on the entry of refugees into America is ridiculed.

Another popular meme is in which a pensioner sits in front of his TV screen and waits for his pension to be increased someday.

Zhdun is credited with the speech cliches of aunts with an incomprehensible age category, who just want to give you their free and, moreover, completely useless advice: “And I treated it with milk thistle.” Or those who are always looking for a way to reduce their weight, like: “Do you know a way to lose weight quickly?”

But the most important calling of this cute creature with a trunk was politics. After all, there is nothing more to expect from her. And people can only resign themselves and wait for a miracle.

So we got acquainted with the interesting creation of the young Dutch artist Marguerite Van Brivoort, whom Internet users named Zhdun. And now, if someone asks you who it is and how it appeared, then you will say with great confidence that this cute creature resembles a huge larva with the head of an elephant seal. It is very friendly and by taking part in all sorts of memes, it can easily lift everyone's spirits.

If a meme combines a cute cat and a witty phrase, success is guaranteed. Therefore, one should not be surprised at the speed at which the expression “I have paws” has spread to the people. But it’s still interesting to figure out where it came from.

Despite the fact that for the first time a picture with a cat and the inscription “I have paws” appeared less than a year ago, it is no longer possible to say for certain when, where and for what reason this happened for the first time. Just like the name of the author, so the joke can well be considered a folk one.

All that network investigators have been able to prove so far is that the story of the “fingered” cat began in January 2017 in one of the public pages. The first picture that was adorned with the words “I have paws” was a photograph of a cat doctor unsuccessfully trying to open a first aid kit.

The meme immediately attracted the attention of netizens; they readily liked it. But full glory fell on the helpless animal only in the summer. The picture was seen, appreciated and posted on the mega-popular public page “Eaglet”. It seems that after that publication of the unfortunate cat, everyone who was not too lazy reposted it on their page. Well, except for those with paws, of course.

Know your heroes

Unlike the author of the paws meme, its main character is very well known. According to some resources, it was a cat who previously lived in one of the communal apartments in the city of Kurgan. It is not clear why this sweet creature did not please the neighbor of his owners, but he began to seek the eviction of the animal in all possible and impossible ways. And in the end he even sued him.

Then the story of the confrontation between an adult man and an animal attracted the attention of journalists, and photographs of the “accused” cat filled the Internet space along with the story of his difficult lot. By the way, the court ended up not being on his side and ordered the cat to leave the occupied territory. What the famous beast is doing now, whether the fame that suddenly befell him has brightened his hard life, is not known for certain. We hope that everything is fine with him, otherwise it’s difficult for him, he has little paws.

What does all this mean?

If initially the meme was just another joke about cats, today their big brothers, that is, people, also use this excuse for doing nothing. It’s enough to say “I have paws” - and everyone around understands that you can’t expect results.

The meaning that this expression acquired as it spread among Internet users can be described as “I can’t do it.” It is used in an ironic way and very often implies that one is simply too lazy to take on this or that business. This is the excuse for those who prefer to sit on social networks instead of working or in any other way benefiting society.

And the bearded meme!

Surely many social network users who were born in the last century, seeing this meme for the first time, could not shake the feeling that they had already heard this somewhere. The most meticulous ones managed to find the original source: a not-so-famous cartoon about the Tari bird. He was sometimes shown in the program “Good night, kids!”. In addition to the informative component, the cartoon conveyed the correct message that brushing your teeth is a necessity.

The main character of the story was a crocodile who neglected this procedure. As a result, his teeth naturally began to hurt. And only the small nimble tari bird was able to help the reptile, which cleaned its fangs. To justify his inaction, the crocodile then said that he himself could not do all this, because... that’s right, he has paws. I wonder why none of the Soviet children came up with this quote to excuse themselves from lessons, school duty, and other unpleasant things?

Cartoon "Tari Bird"

The story about the “pawed” cat continued. No matter how they played out the apt phrase. For this purpose, police cats were invented (“you put drugs on yourself, I have paws”), scientists (“I would do your homework for you, but I have paws”), and conquering warriors (“you really rob and burn yourself, we have paws"), and a whole squad of other lazy mustaches.

By the way, the creators of memes did not limit themselves to cats, as many of them rightly noted; other animals also have paws and lack of motivation: squirrels, bunnies, bear cubs and other cuteness.

But one day the lazy animals were replaced by furry heroes. It all started with a photograph of a cat who was “helping” its owner screw in light bulbs. “The cat who doesn’t care about the fact that he has paws, but just takes it and does it,” the caption read. And users agreed: it's really cool. The new trend was immediately picked up, and on this wave appeared a pig, for whom paws are also not a hindrance, and a pig, who forgot about the fact that he had paws and went to race on the board.

This is a confession!

The fame of the paws meme has reached the advertising departments of large companies. The Eldorado company decided to use a folk creative product. Based on the famous meme, they shot a video for Ukrainian television. It is difficult to judge how well their paws coped with this task, but it can be argued that for the popular meme this is a transition to a new level.

Eldorado advertisement on the theme “I have paws”

The popularity of the “I have paws” meme is quite simple to explain: everyone’s favorite animal plus a slogan that is suitable for all occasions. And, voila, the Russian language has become even richer, and the speech of Internet users has become more figurative.

The meme about Karl seems to have passed its peak of popularity, but continues to delight us on the Internet. Most of you have long noticed these comics about a boy with a big hat and his emotional father, but some still don't understand what it's all about. Rain decided to figure out where this meme came from and when it was picked up in Russia.

The emotional meme originates from the post-apocalyptic series “The Walking Dead” on the American TV channel AMC. The series is based on the comic book series of the same name about people trying to survive a zombie apocalypse.

The plot behind the meme is as follows: Rick Grimes (the main character of the series) realizes that his wife Laurie died in childbirth, after which he begins to cry, scream and fall to the ground. His son Karl just stands there and is silent all this time.

This meme became popular 2 years ago. After the release of the fourth episode "The Killer Inside" of the third season, a week later the excerpt was re-edited and posted on YouTube on March 13, 2013 under the title Rick Finds Out That Carl is Gay.

The meme, however, did not immediately become popular. Just in December 2013, Buzzfeed published “The 19 Best Dad Jokes From Rick Grimes.” It contained the main message of the joke.

This meme reached Russia a couple of years later, and it became especially popular in early 2015, becoming one of the most popular jokes on the Russian Internet.

Later, on April 22, Alexei Navalny and Leonid Volkov began to use this meme not only on the Internet. At a briefing by the Anti-Corruption Foundation, the Democratic Coalition intends to participate in elections to legislative assemblies in the Novosibirsk, Kostroma and Kaluga regions through public primaries.

Then Navalny and Volkov took a photo during the event next to the sign “Primaries, CARL.”