Coaches are balanced. Everything about the show “Weighted and Happy People. Members of the black team of the program “Weighted and Happy People”

What woman doesn't dream of ideal figure and the admiring glances of men? Finalist Vesta Romanova managed to lose 50 kilograms and find happiness in personal life. But what’s interesting: even before participating in the project, she was not deprived of the attention of the stronger sex. the site talked to Vesta and found out why she at one time weighed almost 130 kilograms, why all women need to photograph themselves naked in the mirror, and whether it is possible to lose excess weight with the snap of a finger.

Just yesterday this smiling, stylish girl c unusual name I couldn’t tie my sneakers without feeling dizzy, I didn’t want to leave the house unless absolutely necessary, and I lived by the “food-work-food-home-food” principle. Today, only memories remain of that sad life.

29-year-old Vesta Romanova took part in last year (the second season of which has already started on STS) and reached the very final, losing money prize 3 million rubles to 30-year-old Pyotr Vasiliev. However, the girl, despite everything, considers herself a winner. Today Vesta looks great and successfully combines work and family.

Having been in the hands of professionals, the ex-“weighted” one now willingly shares her acquired knowledge with those who need it. Romanova develops nutrition programs, helps find the right motivation and simply energizes her fans. good mood. Although the project made a star out of the blonde, she still remains simple, a modest person who has no secrets from anyone. And if we’re going to share our story, then without any embellishments or cuts. IN exclusive interview website Vesta Romanova told how wonderful life “light” turned out to be.

. Why did you collect so much?

As my psychologist says, everything happened because of my personal life. And not because of her absence, but on the contrary: I tried to protect myself from relationships that, as a rule, did not end well.

“I ate and gained weight in order to completely protect myself from communicating with men, not to attract their attention. Which, by the way, I never succeeded in.”

Even when I weighed 123 kilograms, I was in great demand among the stronger sex. And the further it goes, the worse it gets.

V.R.: When I was at school, we didn’t have the concept of “fat” at all. My classmates and I were very active: we didn’t sit in front of computers or TVs, but, on the contrary, spent all our time outside. I was an ordinary girl in body, but not fat. I did a lot of sports, so I didn’t gain weight. The problems started when I broke up with my boyfriend after seven years of relationship.

I felt great even with a weight of 110 kilograms. Only at the moment when the scales showed the number 120 did I begin to experience discomfort. It was hard for me to walk, turn, bend over. The worst thing is that I got lazy and didn’t want to do anything at all. Probably, the brain is also swollen with fat.

“I came to work and just sat there all day. I was constantly eating and surfing the Internet. Then she returned home, ate again and went to bed. The state of an amoeba... Or a frog that sits in its swamp, croaks, and doesn’t need anything else in this life.”

website: When did you come to the conclusion that it was time to change?

V.R.: One day it became completely unbearable. I bent over to tie my shoes and my blood pressure suddenly rose. My face was filled with blood, my head was spinning, I couldn’t get up... Then I realized that I needed to pull myself together and do something.

V.R.: Yes, just a couple of days later I accidentally came across a casting announcement for a new reality show about weight loss. I submitted my application form and forgot about it, because I was sure that only people of their own were accepted into such projects. Surprisingly, I was invited to come to the casting, where I talked with a psychologist. After this there was silence, which lasted more than a month. Just before the start of the filming process, I was informed that I was in the project.

website: All this time before filming began, did you try to lose weight on your own?

V.R.:"Oh yeah (laughs)... From time to time, like any normal woman, I was overcome by the desire to lose excess weight. And I immediately went for the “miracle pills,” mistakenly believing that this would help me lose weight, and quickly.”

I probably tried every possible diet and pill on myself. Now I understand that miracles do not happen. Unfortunately, you always get rid of extra pounds very slowly. It is a pity that many do not believe and continue to persistently search quick ways part with the hated fat.

website: What was and is now your main motivation to keep fit?

V.R.: Mirror! In general, as it turned out, many fat people They don’t look at themselves in the mirror, they are afraid to take pictures and post their pictures on social networks. You know, such a good principle of defense: “I don’t see, that means it doesn’t exist.”

“That’s why a sober look at yourself from the outside, or even better, a photo of yourself naked in the mirror can help you lose weight. After all, every woman strives to be beautiful.”

website: Are you upset that you didn’t win in the final of the show and 3 million rubles went to someone else?

V.R.: And I won! She defeated herself. My achievement cannot be measured by money. On the project I was able to lose 40 kilograms, and after the end of the show another 12. The main thing is that I managed to overcome myself and refuse bad habits and tune in new life. And money... You can always earn it if you have the desire.

website: What weight are you now and do you plan to continue losing weight?

V.R.: On this moment I weigh 70 kilograms, and this is my ideal weight, I feel very comfortable at it. Soon I plan to do a light drying session so that my body will finally gain definition. After all, this was quite problematic before.

Now I have also started to follow a sleep schedule: I go to bed and wake up at the same time. By the way, I also eat by the hour. In general, I have become more disciplined, I am not late for meetings, as I was before. I also completely gave up alcohol.

Timur Bikbulatov received 2.5 million rubles as the person who lost the most weight. During the 16 weeks of the project, he lost 54 kg. Participation in a show about weight loss radically changed Timur not only externally, but also internally. He spoke about the show, relationships with the participants and how he managed to overcome the “fat man psychology” in an interview with AiF-Kazan.

Non-random accidents

Daria Khodik, AiF-Kazan: Timur, how did you get involved in this project?

Timur Bikbulatov: One day I was visiting my best friend Artyom Filippov, and the first season of “Weighted People” was on TV. And Artem drew attention to the program and said that it would be nice for me to get on this show. I say it’s not bad, of course, but there’s casting, how many thousands of people dream of getting in, and it’s generally unclear whether there will be a second season. Several months pass, a normal working day, and suddenly Artem calls: “You have a few hours to come to such and such an address. But he doesn't say why. “Dude, I’m at work,” I tell him. “Have I ever let you down or deceived you at least once in my life? If I were you, I would go.” There was great intrigue. I arrived... to the Kazan office of STS. I managed to do it literally at the last moment. We filled out the form, had our picture taken and sent the data to Moscow. A few days later I received a letter by e-mail with a request to come to the second stage of casting in the capital. Here the project psychologists talked to us. Then they called me and informed me that I had passed the second stage, after which all I had to do was undergo a medical examination and take tests. And already on August 24th was the first day of filming in Gorky Park.

The show “Weighted People” is the Russian analogue of the world famous reality project The Biggest Loser. 18 participants from all over Russia suffering from excess weight, get a chance not only to radically change their life by getting rid of annoying kilograms, but also to compete for 3 million rubles. Under the guidance of trainers and nutritionists, participants go through physical tests, diets and competitions. The host of the project is Yulia Kovalchuk, the trainers are Denis Seminikhin and Irina Turchinskaya.

- Didn’t it bother you that the whole country would see you?

At the start of the project, Timur weighed 148 kg. Photo: STS PR service

No, I decided that accidents in our lives are not accidental. So I arrived at the casting: there was a door in front of me. You can not open it and come to terms with your condition, or use this chance. Of course, the desire to change myself outweighed. Moreover, at that time I was in a state another attempt lose weight. At the start of the project, I weighed 148 kg, and back in May (2015) I weighed 164 kilograms. My son influenced me. Once he dropped the phrase: “You can’t lose weight.” These words really resonated with me. I decided to prove that I can.

-Have you always suffered from obesity?

Since childhood. One of the company was fat. As a 14-15 year old teenager, I was engaged in freestyle wrestling and even then competed in the weight category of over 83 kilograms (now, by the way, I weigh 84). Of course, there were attempts to lose weight that led nowhere. The weight went away and came back with more. Eventually I stopped trying to lose weight on my own. Since I was 27, I have been counting down my life, although it would seem that it should have been the other way around. Fatigue appeared from everything, some actions, movements. My knees and back began to hurt, sports injuries began to get worse. There were problems communicating with the opposite sex.

Burned bridges

- How did your family react to the fact that you would be out of life for several months?

When I realized that I would end up in the project, I quit work (I was engaged in construction), dismissed all the workers so that nothing remained that connected me with my past life. I had to sacrifice a lot, but I don’t regret anything. After the project, many people from past life They stopped communicating with me and, on the contrary, many new friends appeared. As the project psychologist told us, many people communicate with fat people and even pretend to be friends in order to assert themselves on a subconscious level at their expense. And as soon as a person changes, gets into shape, they break off the relationship.

Timur with his family. Photo: From personal archive

- With whom did you have the warmest relationship on the project?

I treated everyone involved well. It takes a lot of strength to undress and show your “ugliness” to the whole of Russia, understanding that you will be cited as a bad example. This also needs to be overcome. They are all great, they strong people. I treated everyone well, but I had the warmest relationship with Sasha Podolenyuk from Chelyabinsk, with Yan (Samokhvalov) at first, and at the end of the project Alena Zaretskaya greatly surprised me. This only person, who supported me very much. When I returned, I was greeted negatively, and Alena said: “You don’t deserve this.” And this explains my action, when at the pre-final weigh-in I gave her the kilogram I earned at the competition (more precisely, minus a kilogram. - Author's note).

With the show finalists and coaches. Photo: Press service of STS TV channel

The turning point came when the team voted against you, the captain of the blue team. The audience never understood why this happened.

There were several moments when I contrasted my opinion with the team's. When I became captain, I was forced to think not only about myself, I had a goal: I wanted to bring the main team of the blue team to individual competition. For example, I tried to study before arriving film crew. I wanted to set an example not with words, but with actions. But apparently not everyone understood this.

- How did you build your life after you left the project and until the moment you returned?

I dropped out of the filming process, but not from the project itself. I had the opportunity to compete for the second prize (500 thousand rubles). Several times a week I talked with coach Denis Semenikhin, various training programs were selected for me. Plus I experimented with different loads myself. I read it various literature, listened to coaches, talked to sports doctors. I have chosen a program for myself, adapted to my everyday life, which will allow me to study in such a way that I do not lose muscle mass, but fatty. I didn't know that I would return. Sport not only leads to improvement physical activity, but also to improve blood supply to brain cells and improve mental health. He helps me become strong in every way.

Timur was helped by his coach Denis Seminikhin. Photo: STS PR service

- How did you take the news that you were returning to the project and were you disappointed by the team’s reaction?

It was a pleasant shock. They asked me: “Well, have you already unpacked your suitcases?” I assumed that I would not be welcome. Although I didn’t expect such a reaction from everyone who stayed there. Well, that gave me strength.

The team also reacted negatively to your return because you spent time at home, and they haven’t seen their families for a long time...

It’s more difficult at home; you have to artificially create conditions for yourself. There are temptations everywhere - you need to buy cottage cheese, and to do this you need to pass by the department with baked goods that smell. And after the show, all the receptors, sense of smell, sense of smell became more acute. Every time I had to control myself when driving past the same McDonald's. During the project we were physically deprived of such an opportunity. I don't think it was easier for me.

- What moments do you remember most?

Loads and moments associated with food, especially in the first two weeks. I couldn't adapt. What was my diet like at home? Bread, meat, pasta. There were no vegetables, I didn’t recognize greens, I didn’t consider zucchini and eggplants as food. And then I came to all this “straw” and it turned out that it wouldn’t work without it. There has been a shift in the concept of “normal” food.

I remember the buggy competition (the participant had to pull a car weighing more than half a ton). It was terrible; Ian was still sitting in the buggy, weighing 170 kilograms. I remember at 4-5 weeks I really wanted to talk to my family and see them.

Do not be shy!

- You received 2.5 million rubles for winning the competition, what will you spend it on?

I'm going to buy exercise equipment for myself. Now I’m working out outdoors with a group, forcing them to fight their inhibitions. I’m preparing a joint program with a fitness center; we want to launch group classes for overweight people. I want to connect my life with this, promote sports, healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition. 80% of fat people sit at home and don’t want to go to the gym. But you don’t need to be ashamed of mistakes or clumsy movements. You should be ashamed of your inaction.

- How has your life changed after the show? Are they being attacked on social networks?

They are attacking. A lot of people ask me: describe your diet, how much you ate and how you trained. I’ll say right away: this mode is not suitable for ordinary life. At the end of the project, we ate 600-800 calories a day, whereas in normal life breakfast should be 600 calories. But we still need to perform other functions, and all this requires energy. The body needs to be taught to convert fat into energy. And the body needs to learn for a long time to part with fat. After emergency weight loss, the problem of maintaining weight arises. The body is accustomed to bad things, and it strives back to its old weight in giant leaps. The smoother we arrive at the result, the more more likely that the body can adapt.

Over the course of a year, Timur lost 80 kg. Photo: From personal archive

- After such weight loss, stretch marks may appear, excess skin. How to solve this aesthetic problem?

Well, I'm not a girl to pay attention to this. There are many different means up to plastic surgery. Of course, there is an aesthetic problem, but it is insignificant compared to what I experience and how I live now.

- After the victory, you continued to lose weight. Now you weigh 84 kilograms, haven’t you already lost too much weight?

After the victory, when I weighed 94 kilograms, I came home, took off my T-shirt and said to myself: “I’m not satisfied.” When I reached 85, I changed my training program and started doing more strength exercises to replace fat with muscle.

About life after the show

- Do you communicate with the participants after the show?

Yes, I communicate with Ian (Samokhvalov - Author's note) periodically. I have a very warm relationship with Alena Zaretskaya, and with Yasha (Yakov Povarenkin from Izhevsk), who took second place. I would like to compete with him in the final. He continues to lose weight and is also promoting healthy image life. This project simply « plowed » . Overweight people often suffer from consumerism. They cannot afford good clothes, but they can afford any food. These consumer moments are completely gone for me.

Now Timur himself teaches others the right way of life. Photo: From personal archive

- What hobbies have come into your life?

Besides “sports addiction”, I want to return to auto racing. I am drawn to extreme sports - ATVs, motorcycles. My dream is to go to Sochi and repeat the jump from 200 meters. I want bright emotions not from things, but from actions (Timur’s Instagram).

Timur dreams of repeating the jump he accomplished on the project. Photo: From personal archive

Before that, my wife and I tried to have a child for three years, and as soon as the team kicked me out of the project, we succeeded. Now we are expecting our third child (the couple has two sons, 14 and 9 years old. - Author's note). See how much things have changed?

IN Lately People increasingly began to monitor their health, and the problem of excess weight is acutely on the medical agenda. "Weighted and happy people” is a program in which people lose weight by competing. On Ukrainian TV there is an analogue called Zvazhenі and Shchaslivi, which airs on the STB channel.

According to the rules of the project, the show participants are divided into 2 teams and begin training work. Under the supervision of a team of specialists, people undergo physical tests, go on diets and are weighed at the end of each week. The team that loses the most weight wins the midterm challenge. And the person who lost less weight than the other members of his group leaves the project.

At the next stages, people are already working out individually to lose weight. overweight. 2 of those who lost the least weight are nominated for elimination and, based on the results of voting, one of them leaves the show.

The winner of the program is the one who has lost the most excess weight from the initial number on the scale. The main prize of the transfer is 3 million rubles.

About the new 4th season of the reality show “Weighted People”

The project is expected in the new season big changes. The place of Yulia Kovalchuk, who was the host of the program for several seasons in a row, will now be taken by Anfisa Chekhova. A woman knows firsthand how to lose weight and at the same time gain more and more good shape. Fitness instructors in the person of Natalya Lugovskikh, Sergei Parkhomenko and Sergei Badyuk will help the participants of the program sculpt their bodies, and the name of the latter was kept secret. Specialists are ready to fight fat and excess weight and, together with the participants, will strive for new forms.

The show is useful public importance, because the problem of excess weight is a scourge modern world. Watch episodes of the program “Weighted and Happy People” and get valuable advice, you can on our website - website!

more on the topic

On Russian television The 3rd season of the television project “Weighted People” (STS) has begun. This is analog American project"The Biggest Loser" In the story, overweight people lose weight under the supervision of doctors and other specialists. The participant who loses the most excess weight receives a prize of 3 million rubles.

The project was launched on our STS channel after it had already been successful in other countries. For example, in Ukraine there were as many as 6 seasons - the project is very popular and is called “Weighted and Happy.”

But recently an emergency happened. At the end of January 2017, a 44-year-old participant in “Weighted and Happy” died. IN in social networks They are actively discussing the cause of death of the ex-participant of the television project. It turned out that this was the third death former heroes reality show "Weighted and Happy". Despite the fact that they are allowed to compete after a thorough medical examination, and professionals monitor their exercise and diet, the question arose: did their weight loss in the TV project provoke the death of people?

Story No. 1

Evgenia Mostovenko (in the photo above she is before and after losing weight) came to the “Weighted and Happy” project in 2013. She was 40 years old at the time. The woman weighed 130 kg and was 170 cm tall. She gained a lot of weight after taking hormonal medications. After 5 weeks, she left the show, having lost 10 kg. At home, Mostovenko continued to lose weight - at the control weigh-in in the reality show, she weighed 94 kg. Total: 36 kg lost in 9 months.

The woman decided to participate in the project in order to give birth to a child for her husband, who was 8 years younger than her. The doctors said: for this you need to lose weight. Another incentive for Evgenia to come on television was the desire to help her daughter lose weight: in this season of the project they lost weight in pairs. Zhenya wanted to become an example and company for her Alexandra.

Mostovenko said that after losing weight, her health improved, her legs stopped hurting, and she was able to skate and ride her favorite bicycle.

Evgenia with her daughter. Photo: VKontakte.

— Mom is hypertensive. But the pressure only increased when she was nervous,” said Alexandra Mostovenko.

In January 2017, Evgenia’s blood pressure jumped at work, the woman lost consciousness, and a few days later Mostovenko died in intensive care. The diagnosis is cerebrovascular disease (develops against the background of hypertension, causes a violation cerebral circulation); stroke.

Zhenya Mostovenko failed to give birth to a second child, but she and her husband collected documents for adoption...

Story No. 2

Ilya Yakovlev lost 48 kg. Photo: VKontakte.

32-year-old Ilya Yakovlev also died of a stroke. He, like Evgenia Mostovenko, was a participant in the 3rd season of “Weighted and Happy.”

In 2013, the guy reached the final of the television project: he entered the show weighing 147 kg, lost 48 kg, and began to weigh 99 kg. Ilya passed away in 2015.

Before the “Weighted and Happy” project, Ilya weighed 147 kg. Photo: VKontakte.

Yakovlev came to the TV project with the hope of losing weight (he gained weight due to sedentary work and a sedentary lifestyle) and, thanks to this, meeting his soulmate.

All dreams came true: a guy from Donetsk lost weight and fell in love with participant Natasha on the project. A year later the couple got married.

It is worth noting that at the beginning Ilya Yakovlev was even considered lazy on Weighted and Happy. The reason is that he did not strive to lose weight quickly, he refused heavy loads, deciding to lose a few kilograms a month. The man was afraid of harming his health.

Story No. 3

Igor Pashinsky. Photo: VKontakte.

52-year-old Igor Pashinsky died of a heart attack. The man came into the 5th season of the television project with a weight of 193 kg (height is 176 cm) and lost 37 kg in 13 weeks. After participating in the show, he continued to lose weight at home - in a month and a half he lost another 14 kg.

Pashinsky decided to lose weight with the help of specialists on television, since he was unable to lose weight on his own. And due to health problems, including obesity, he was afraid of becoming disabled. The man worked in the police, took part in eliminating the consequences of the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and when he returned, he began to get sick often. Igor had type 2 diabetes.

After participating in “Weighted and Happy,” Pashinsky began to feel better. “He stopped being afraid of people and hiding from them,” said his wife Galina Pashinskaya. — The weight led to the fact that he practically did not work anywhere for two years. He was removed from the bank: what kind of guard is he who doesn’t get through the door.”

Pashinsky’s wife said that she had not seen her husband so happy for a long time. But a month and a half after returning from filming, Igor passed away - a massive heart attack, coronary heart disease. Galina Pashinskaya said that the doctors admitted to her: if her husband had not gone to the project and lost weight, he would not have lived this time.

They took care of Igor on the project: they exempted him from competitions and gave him light workloads.

Rostov resident Oksana Leonova spent 13 weeks on the project of the STS channel “Weighted People” and lost 38 kg. Oksana told Woman’s Day how she lived two years after the broadcast and what it cost her to reach her current weight. Perhaps her experience and fighting spirit will help to current participants.

Oksana came to the project weighing 118 kg

What did the project give you, what new things did you discover?

Most importantly, I finally felt that the possibilities of my body were limitless. How? My personal training with Irina Turchinskaya lasted 1 hour 40 minutes and almost all this time I walked on a treadmill with an incline of 20 degrees! And before that I had a main training session that lasted four hours. You see, in ordinary life we ​​often feel sorry for ourselves and do not reach the point where we can say: “I did everything I could”! I had such a moment, which I am very happy about. I am proud of this victory over myself. I came to the project weighing 118 kg, and left with 80 kg.

What was the most difficult thing for you?

Perhaps the most difficult thing was and remains running! I won't be a Kenyan runner (laughs). It was also very difficult to “lose” friends. It’s impossible to get used to the fact that every week someone leaves the project.

How has your life changed after the project?

Yes, I have new job, new image life. I used to work in the catering industry, and now I am the administrator of an aesthetic medicine center. But most of all I like the new feeling of myself. At 39 years old, I fell in love with myself and accepted myself for who I am, and I regard this as a big breakthrough in my own consciousness. Just so you understand, fat people don't like themselves. I hated myself, and my body responded in kind. All changes occur first in the head. That's why working with psychologists was so important to me.

After returning from the project, did you continue to lose weight?

I was absolutely happy with my new image, and I actively enjoyed the new me. Over the course of these years, I alternated between losing weight and gaining weight, but by exactly three kilograms. Still, sometimes I indulged myself and seasonal fluctuations took over. But in the summer of 2016, the body suffered a hormonal imbalance, and the weight began to increase. I immediately turned to an endocrinologist, who found the reason for my weight gain. I am currently undergoing therapy with a doctor. Comprehensive efforts (diet, sports and hormonal therapy) are beginning to bear fruit. According to doctors, I will be back to normal in eight months. But the most important thing is that after this period I want to consolidate the result of 75 kg! My life experience taught me that it doesn’t matter how many times you fall, the main thing is how many times you were able to get up and move on towards your goal. Now I get up and move on.

How much do you weigh now?

91 kilograms, but the weight changes downwards weekly.

What do you like most about the new figure?

The opportunity to choose things in the store, rather than having them sewed to special order!

How do you keep fit? Sports nutrition?

First of all, I stick to proper nutrition. I haven’t fried anything for a long time, I don’t eat flour, fatty foods, potatoes, pasta, very salty foods, mayonnaise (it was the hardest thing to give up) and anything that contains sugar. I completely gave up processed foods, fast food and carbonated drinks. I hardly drink alcohol. What do I eat? All first courses, but without potatoes and with meat broth as the second course. As a side dish I like stewed cabbage or buckwheat without salt and low-fat fermented milk products. This is just enough to maintain weight. Well, to lose weight, you need to add exercise and not eat five hours before bedtime.

How many times a week do you exercise?

I was lucky: a gym was recently opened near my house. Now I have the opportunity to train every free minute. Lately I’ve been working out mostly at home – planks, abs, exercises with dumbbells, but that’s not enough for me now. I'm now at the stage where I need to study more intensively.

How many times a day do you eat?

As our nutritionist Yulia Bastrygina said: “If you want to lose weight, eat five times a day. If you want to lose a lot of weight, eat seven times a day!” I have a golden mean, I eat six times a day. Moreover, kefir at night also counts as a meal.

Do you allow yourself days when you can eat everything? How often?

When I really want it, sometimes I allow myself a piece of dark chocolate. Apparently, it really brings happiness, and it’s hard to give it up. Another prohibited item I can afford is a glass of red wine. But the next day should be a fasting day. I am not drawn to cakes, pies, kebabs.

Favorite recipe?

I learned about this salad during the project. Add 80-100 g of baked meat or boiled shrimp to the lettuce leaves. Refueling ready dish a mixture of lemon juice and olive oil. For added spice, you can add a mixture of spices and, if desired, a handful of pine nuts. Both tasty and healthy! I recommend. I also love broccoli soup. Throw cabbage, carrots and onions through a blender into boiling water, add two processed cheeses and salt to taste. After 15 minutes the soup is ready. This is delicious!

If you are 20 years old and you are not satisfied with the reflection in the mirror, go to the gym or just go outside now. Move, don't waste time! If you are 30 and you understand that it is time to change something, change now! Don't wait another month, a year... Start now! Not even tomorrow, but today. Consider that this day has come when it’s time to start changing your life for the better. If you are 40 and your appearance is depressing, then you should have started yesterday. And one more piece of advice for everyone. If you really make every effort, and the result is not what you expected, turn to professionals and listen to their opinion. In matters of health, personal experience I was convinced that if weight loss was to be significant, then only under medical supervision should one get rid of the hated kilograms. The reasons may be different, but the cure is the same for everyone - sports, proper nutrition and self-love. Be sure to believe in yourself and your strength!