The smallest people on earth. The smallest man in history

The smallest person who ever lived on the planet was a resident of Nepal named Chandra Bahadur Dangi. No one would have known about him if not for chance.

One day, in a remote village, a lumberjack saw an incredibly small man. He was very surprised by the tiny growth of the dwarf, so he decided to tell journalists about him.

Dungy died in 2015 at the age of 76. His height was less than 55 cm and his weight was only 14.5 kg.

The smallest man in the world

Chandra Bahadur Dangi was born in 1939 in Nepal. He lived all the time with his older brother's family in a village that did not even have electricity.

Due to his extremely small stature, Dungy was very difficult to find for himself. suitable job. He sold napkins and belts for carrying loads at the market, and thus earned his living.

In addition, Chandra helped shepherds graze herds of cattle. As a rule, Dangi ate rice, fruits and vegetables. He ate meat infrequently and in small quantities.

According to the smallest man, he remembers his parents very vaguely. But he had 2 sisters and 6 brothers. Interestingly, the brothers’ height was also small and did not exceed 120 cm, which gives reason to think about the complexity.

Unfortunately, none of our hero’s relatives can say at what age Danga stopped growing.

Health status

Surprisingly, in my entire life, the most small man I never sought help from doctors or went to hospitals. His relatives claim that he did not suffer from serious illnesses and was not injured.

Immediately before officially recording the record as the smallest person, Chandru was carefully examined by doctors, who also did not reveal any health problems.

Dungy himself claims that sometimes he gets a fever. To get rid of it, he dilutes turmeric in water and drinks the liquid. After a couple of days, the fever completely disappears.

According to doctors, such an abnormally short stature is a consequence of a dwarf disease that formed in his mother’s womb.

Chandra Danga Records

In 2012, in Kathmandu, employees of the Guinness Book of Records carried out corresponding measurements of Dangi’s growth. As a result, he set 2 new records:

  1. The smallest person on the planet. Previously, the record belonged to the Filipino Junri Baluinga with a height of 59.9 cm.
  2. The smallest person in the entire history of the Guinness Book. Before Chandra, this title belonged to the Indian Gul Mohammed, with a height of 57 cm.

Moreover, since Dungy managed to live to 76 years, he also became the longest-living record holder among all known dwarfs.

When the Chadra, in addition to the titles received, was awarded monetary reward, he wanted to spend these funds on travel to see the world.

Interesting facts about the smallest man

  • Only at the age of 67 did Dangi manage to travel outside his native village for the first time.
  • Chandra's height is smaller than the size of the newspaper on the pages of which his achievement was reported.
  • While eating, he sat not on a chair, but directly on the tabletop.
  • One day Dunga was asked why he had not previously claimed the title of the smallest man in the world. Surprisingly, it turned out that neither he nor his family had ever heard of the Guinness Book.
  • Despite his short stature, Chandra's head is of the correct size.
  • Shortly before his death, he wanted to establish a charitable foundation to help fellow villagers and poor people from his country.
  • With his disproportionate body structure, Dungy could fully walk and even climb stairs.
  • Like everyone else, in his youth he wanted to get married, but due to his short stature he was never able to find a wife.

Photo of the world's smallest man

At all times, with the permission of Mother Nature, people were born who, from birth, were destined to be physiologically different from everyone around them. Thus, history knows the appearance of people with highly developed physical strength, which was unthinkable for an ordinary person. However, strength is strength, but traditionally people whose height remained almost the same as at the time of birth attract close attention to themselves. In this article we will look at the smallest inhabitants of our planet and show their photographs.

Currently, the title of the smallest man in the world still unofficially belongs to 72-year-old Chandra Bahadur Dangi, a resident of a remote mountain village in Nepal. His height is only 56 cm. Representatives worldwide famous Book Guinness I plan to meet with the dwarf in the very near future in order to officially record this. Plus, he can simultaneously receive the title of the oldest dwarf on the planet - not many people, due to physical circumstances, live to such a respectable age.

The smallest person in the world today is 18-year-old resident of the Philippines Junry Balaving - his height is 59.93 cm. The young man received an official certificate on the day he came of age.

Edward Nino Hernandez was considered the smallest person in the world in 2010 - with a height of 70 cm, he weighs 10 kg, respectively. The growth processes of his body stopped at the age of 2 years - and doctors still cannot find out the visible reasons for this fact and have not even helped him. It is worth noting that the remaining 4 brothers are of normal height - thus, the variant of a hereditary mutation in itself disappears. You can see what Edward Hernandez looks like in the photo below:

In October 2010, upon reaching the age of 18, Tapa Magar Kagendra submitted an official application to the Guinness Book of Records to receive the title. Height and weight respectively are 67 cm and only 4.5 kg. It is noteworthy that every year there are more than enough people who want to bear such an unusual title.

This is Jyoti Amge - only 62.8 centimeters. Unlike the case of Ajay Kumar, she goes to classes at a regular school - her classmates communicate and treat her as an equal.

Ajay Kumar is an actor, a little over 76 cm. He constantly takes part in the filming of various films and television series - his track record includes 18 films. Despite his tiny size, Ajay always strives to bring all his plans to life. For example, he always wanted to marry a tall woman: he is currently legally married to a girl named Gayatri, who is almost 2 times taller than him.

It is quite obvious that his life as a child was always hard - he constantly became the object of ridicule and jokes that certainly concerned him physiological characteristics. So, as a little boy, his parents wanted to get him to study at a private school - but the director only laughed at Ajay, saying that he was out of the question of any study, since he could even climb up the stairs on his own. This circumstance not only did not stop the boy, but also gave him a new incentive for life - he seriously intends to conquer the cinema Olympus of the Hollywood hills.

The smallest bodybuilder today is Aditya Romeo Dev - his height is a “record” 80 cm. Weight is 9 kg. At the same time, he lifts 1.5 kg dumbbells, which does not at all prevent him from wearing the proud title of a bodybuilder. 21-year-old Aditya does not know what an inferiority complex is due to his dwarf stature - he lives a normal full life. At the same time, he has very good body proportions.

Currently, Gul Mohammed is considered the smallest person in history who has ever lived on our planet - his height was 57 cm and his weight was 17 kg. In 1997, he passed away - doctors believe that smoking was the cause of his premature death. And today you can find out without any problems using simple methods.

People with disabilities such as dwarfism and gigantism suffer from chronic pain and their whole life is a struggle.

Currently he is the owner of the shortest stature. The record was officially recorded on June 12, 2011. Junri was born on June 12, 1993, so he received the title of record holder on his eighteenth birthday. The boy stopped growing when he was only one year old.

Jyoti Amji (India) - 63 cm

The smallest woman in the world may be known to you from her participation in the series " American history horror: freak show." In addition, she starred in documentaries and took part in reality shows on television. Jyoti was born in 1993. Her short stature caused by achondroplasia. The reason is a mutation in the growth hormone receptor gene; a satisfactory treatment for this hereditary pathology has not yet been found. By the way, the star of the series “Game of Thrones” Peter Dinklage has the same disease.

Madge Bester (South Africa) - 65 cm

Madge was born in 1963 and for a long time was considered the smallest woman in the world (until her record was broken). The reason for her small stature is osteogenesis imperfecta, the “crystal man” disease. This disease is characterized by increased bone fragility. That's why Madge gets around in a stroller. The “crystal man” disease was inherited from her mother, whose height was 70 cm.

Khagendra Thapa Magar (Nepal) - 67 cm

Khagendra was born in 1992 and was nicknamed Little Buddha in his home village. At birth he weighed only 600 grams, and now weighs 5.5 kg. It was filmed about him documentary, so Khagendra got used to everyone's attention and worship. Hagendra suffers from primordial dwarfism. People with this pathology rarely live past the age of thirty.

Lin Yu Chi (PRC) - 67.5 cm

Born in 1972 in Taipei (Taiwan). The reason for his small stature is osteogenesis imperfecta. Lin Yu Chi is an active member of the association for "crystal people" - writing articles and participating in events aimed at raising awareness and helping those who suffer from the same illness. The name of his disease Lin, chained to wheelchair, I found out only at the age of twenty; before that, doctors did not make an accurate diagnosis.

Bridgette Jordan (USA) - 68.5 cm

Bridgette is the smallest woman in the United States. She was born in 1989 and also has a brother, Brad, who is also very short (96.5 cm). Brother and sister suffer from the same disease - microcephalic osteodysplastic primordial dwarfism of the second type. This is one of the very rare types of dwarfism. Bridgette is approaching her thirtieth birthday, which is usually the last time for such people. She loves dancing and was even on the cheerleading team in college.

Eduard Nino Hernandez (Colombia) - 70 cm

Born in 1986. Lives in Bogota and makes his living as a dancer and TV show actor. When he was measured for the Book of Records, he weighed only 10 kg.

And now the tallest in the world:

Bao Xishun (PRC) - 2 m 36 cm

Bao Xishun is one of the most famous names on this list. A Mongolian shepherd from the Chinese province of Inner Mongolia in 2005 - 2007 was recognized by the Guinness Book of Records as the tallest living person (later his title was given to the Turk Kesen). Bao Xishun was born in 1951 and developed normally until the age of 16, and then suddenly began to grow abnormally. On December 13, 2006, Xishun, thanks to the length of his arms (1.06 m), saved two dolphins, managing to pull foreign bodies out of their stomachs.

Nasir Soomro (Pakistan) - 2 m 39 cm

Nasir is one of the tallest people in Pakistan. It is known that he has to earn a living by hard work. physical labor. And at one time he was called the tallest unmarried man in the world.

Asadallah Khan (India) - 2 m 41 cm

Asadallah Khan was born in 1988 and was previously considered the tallest man in India (now Dharmendra Pratap Singh holds this title).

Zhang Juncai (PRC) - 2 m 42 cm

Zhang Juncai was born in 1966. He is not a public person, so little is known about him. This is the most A tall man in China, which was officially recorded in November 2010 when it was measured on a Japanese TV show. He refused to take measurements for the Guinness Book of Records.

Brahim Takiolah (Morocco) - 2 m 46 cm

Brahim was born in 1987. He grew up, but as he grew older, his growth did not stop and soon reached 2 m 46 cm. This man has the largest feet in the world. His condition is attributed to acromegaly. This is a disease associated with dysfunction of the anterior pituitary gland. Accompanied by enlargement of the feet, hands, and facial part of the skull - forehead, nose, jaw. When Brahim was 18 years old, he grew a full meter in one year. Brahim graduated from the university, and in 2006 he came to Paris for treatment. The tumor that was causing the unstoppable growth was removed, and the hormone levels returned to normal. This allows you to at least not grow further. As a result, Brahim settled in Paris, and makes a living by taking pictures with visitors to the Saint Paul amusement park.

Morteza Merzad (Iran) - 2 m 46 cm

This man, suffering from acromegaly, is unique - after all, despite his severe pathology, he competes for his country at the Paralympic Games. He is a sit-down volleyball player and serves as an outside hitter. He has Golden medal for winning the Paralympics in 2016.

Dharmendra Pratap Singh (India) - 2 m 46 cm

Another very tall person suffering from acromegaly. Among other things, the pituitary tumor in his case also puts pressure on the optic nerve, hence poor vision and frequent headaches. Singh was born in 1983, in a very poor family, and his parents did not have the money to perform an expensive operation on the boy. Despite all life's difficulties, this heroic man received a degree in literature. And still forced to work part-time at some circus performances and take pictures with onlookers.

Sultan Kösen (Türkiye) - 2 m 51 cm

Sultan Kösen was recognized as the tallest man currently alive. The record was officially recorded on September 17, 2009 in the Guinness Book. Sultan was born in 1982 and both his parents were of normal height. The boy's pituitary gland was affected by a tumor that caused him to grow so quickly that soon he could only walk on crutches and stopped attending school. In 2010, Sultan underwent a course of radiation therapy using the Gamma Knife radiosurgical machine, and this helped: by 2012, his growth finally stopped. Today Sultan Kösen works at the Magic Circus of Samoa and tours around the world.

The shortest and tallest man in the world met in London on the occasion of a photo shoot for the Guinness Book of Records. The photograph of Sultan Kösen, the tallest man in the world, next to Chandra Bahadur Dangi, the shortest man in the world, looks very touching.


1. 30-year-old Sultan Kösen from Turkey, as the tallest man in the world, whose height is 251 cm, was included in the Guinness Book of Records. (Photo: FACUNDO ARRIZABALAGA/ PAP/EPA).
2. Thanks to doctors, the tallest man in the world has finally stopped growing. The constant growth was caused by acromegaly disease - a tumor of the pituitary gland, which is responsible for the production of growth hormone.

After treatment at the University of Virginia Medical Center in the US, where he took a new drug that helps control the secretion of this hormone, Sultan will no longer grow. (Photo: FACUNDO ARRIZABALAGA/ PAP/EPA).

3. Chandra Bahadur Dangi from Nepal, whose height is 54.9 centimeters, was recognized as the smallest man in the world and included in the Guinness Book of Records.

The reason for Chandra's short stature has not yet been clarified. All other members of his family are of normal height. (Photo: FACUNDO ARRIZABALAGA/ PAP/EPA).

4. Chandra Bahadur Dangi's weight is small, considering his height, about 14.5 kilograms.

According to Chandra, he has never taken medication or been to a doctor. Chandra has never been sad about his growth; in general, he is a great optimist in life. Thanks to his fame, he had the opportunity to travel, which he took advantage of, despite his age, and he is already 75 years old. (Photo: FACUNDO ARRIZABALAGA/ PAP/EPA).

5. Sultan Kösen holds another Guinness record - the owner of the largest palm, the length of which is 27.5 centimeters. (Photo: FACUNDO ARRIZABALAGA/ PAP/EPA).

People in the world are all different in height. Nature never ceases to surprise us. The reasons that a person is born very small or stops growing after some time can be both genetic changes in the body and the consequences of serious diseases, such as pituitary dwarfism and osteogenesis imperfecta. The shortest people in the world will be discussed in our article.

10. Hi Ping-Ping, height 74 cm

He Pingping, originally from China, lived only 21 years. He died in March 2010. The height of one of the smallest people in the world was 74 cm. He suffered from osteogenesis imperfecta, a disease in which bones become more brittle. Such people are called “fragile” or “crystal”. Usually the disease is inherited, but sometimes it can be caused by an individual mutation in the body. Hi Ping Ping's health problems were further complicated by the fact that he smoked a lot. He died of heart complications. Arriving in Italy to film the show Lo show dei record, Hi Ping-Ping felt unwell, but the doctors could not help him.

9. Hatiche Kocaman, height 71 cm

One of the shortest people on the planet is 21-year-old Hatice Kocaman from Turkey. Her height is 71 centimeters and her weight is 6.8 kilograms. At birth, doctors diagnosed her with dwarfism (dwarfism). Hatiche was born weighing 1.64 kilograms. The girl's closest relatives are of average height. Doctors do not know what caused Hatiche's disease, which caused her to stop growing at age 4. As for mental abilities, they correspond to her biological age. Like most of the world's smallest people, she suffers from many diseases. She was diagnosed with hip dysplasia. In addition, the girl suffers from severe pain in back. Local doctors can’t help her, because they don’t have enough experience to operate on a tiny patient. Khatiche graduated from a specialized school, but did not find a job in her specialty. She continues to live with her parents.

8. Edward Nino Hernandez, height 70 cm

Edward Nino Hernandez, originally from Colombia, held the title of the shortest man in the world for three years. His height is 70 cm and his weight is 10 kilograms. He lives in Bogota and is very popular in Colombia. Edward dancing Latin American dances and acts in films. He is proud of his uniqueness and feels quite happy. It is noteworthy that younger brother Edward "outgrew" him by only 23 centimeters.

7. Bridget Jordan, height 69 cm

Bridgette Jordan is one of the smallest women in the world. Her height is 69 cm. And her brother Brad's height is 96 cm. Together they are known as the shortest relatives in the world. The reason for their short stature is incurable disease pituitary dwarfism, or dwarfism. Bridget's tiny size hasn't stopped her - she leads an active lifestyle and goes to college with her brother. The girl loves dancing and music and is on the support team of the local basketball club.

6. Khagendra Thapa Magar, height 67 cm

Nepalese Khagendra Thapa Magar with a height of 67 cm and a weight of 5.5 kg is one of the most short people in the world. At birth, he weighed only 600 grams and easily fit in one palm. Doctors could not determine the reason for such a short stature. At the same time, parents and brother Khagendras are of normal height. One of the smallest people on the planet is not too worried about his unusual appearance and is optimistic about the future. He is becoming more and more popular: now the young man plays the role of ambassador good will government of Nepal. In addition, Khagendra Thapa Magar is part of dance group and occasionally tours with her. IN free time he helps his father, the owner of a fruit shop. Unfortunately, an unknown illness has negatively affected mental abilities the smallest person in the world - the adult Khagendra Thapa Magar speaks and reasons like a child.

5. Stacey Herald, height 66 cm

American Stacey Herald is known not only as one of the shortest women in the world, but also for becoming the mother of three children. Her height stopped at 66 cm due to osteogenesis imperfecta. Despite her tiny size and illness, she married a man of average height, Will Herald. The couple dreamed of big family, although doctors strongly urged Stacy to give up her desire to have children, since pregnancy and childbirth could cause irreparable harm to her. Stacey didn’t listen to anyone and now she and Will are raising two girls and a boy. Unfortunately, the eldest of the daughters inherited her mother's disease.

4. Madge Bester, height 65 cm

Madge Bester, a native of Africa, has a height of 65 cm. She, like Hi Ping Ping, suffers from osteogenesis imperfecta. Due to illness, one of the smallest women in the world is forced to move around wheelchair. Madge's mother, whose height was 70 cm, also suffered from the same disease.

3. Jyoti Amji, height 62.8 cm

Jyoti Amji, originally from India, is the shortest female representative. Her height is 62.8 cm. The reason for the girl’s short stature is achondroplasia, an incurable disease that disrupts the growth of bone tissue. Once in the Guinness Book of Records, she got the opportunity to travel and visited Japan and Italy. Today Jyoti Amji actively acts in films and participates in television shows. She gained fame as an actress after participating in the 4th season of the popular TV series American Horror Story, in which she played a participant in a traveling circus. The girl plans to continue her career in Bollywood, where her exotic appearance will be in demand and receive higher education.

2. Junri Baluing, height 55.8 cm

The second shortest person on Earth is a native of the Philippines, Junry Baluing. His height is 55.8 cm. He was born in a poor large family. At two years old, his parents noticed that he had stopped growing. Doctors for a long time thought that this was a consequence of the child’s frequent illnesses, until they came to the conclusion that Junri Balwing would no longer grow. Now the little record holder is fully cared for by his parents - he himself can only move with the help of support.

1. Chandra Bahadur Dangi, height 54.6 cm

Nepalese Chandra Bahadur Dangi was recognized as the shortest man on Earth. His height was 54.6 cm and his weight was 12 kg. He became an absolute record holder, since such a small growth was recorded for the first time. The Nepalese was 73 years old when they learned about its existence quite by accident. Chandra comes from a remote village and has never sought medical help in his entire life. Despite his height, he was cheerful and active person and dreamed of travel. Chandra Bahadur Dangi was a weaver by profession. Having gained fame as the shortest man in the world, he was able to visit other countries, as he dreamed of. In September 2015, a Nepalese man was hospitalized on one of the Samoan islands with a diagnosis of pneumonia. He died in the hospital.