When did house 2 come out? Where the first multi-storey buildings appeared. The biggest prize in modern television

And why did the show turn into a bunch of abominations over time? Dom-2 was a program that sought to show people beautiful love stories and reveal the mechanism of this feeling. The attempt, however, failed due to the shade of yellowness that the mass press usually suffers from.

When did the first releases take place and how long has Dom-2 been running?

The show is based on realistic subtext, i.e. everything we see on the screen is pure improvisation and life as it is. In any case, that was the idea.

In May 2004, the pilot episode of the program was launched. It was a huge success due to the lack of similar content on TV. People who grew up in a regime of totalitarianism and prohibition, due to emotional taboos, fell in love with the program from the first viewing. Of course, the show was designed for the female half of the audience.

How long has Dom-2 been running? As of 2016, the show's experience is 12 years. However, we can challenge this deadline because...

Dom-2 is just a follower, not an original idea

A year earlier, that is, in 2003, a reality show called House was launched on the TNT channel. This is a kind of progenitor of House-2. However, the purpose of the first transfer was clearly defined - 12 couples built 1 house, after completion of construction only one married couple received the keys to it. The show lasted 4 months.

However, the editors of the TNT television channel decided that a lot of money could be made in this format (i.e., simulating real life), and therefore a supposedly new House was launched, called House-2.

The goal of the project formally remained the same - to build a house and give it to the couple who reaches the finals. However, construction was delayed, and the settings were adjusted. I wonder why?

Now the project actively shows viewers how “relationships should be built”: fights, swearing, tears, materialistic women and hysterical men, numerous betrayals and the lack of even nominal respect between “lovers.”

So, if we take into account the very first gear, then the answer to the question “how long does Dom-2 take?” will sound different - 13 years.

House-2 in numbers: convicted, dead

13 years is like a small life, during this time the lives of some participants in the show have changed dramatically. Someone got married, someone ended up in prison, and someone died.


  • Alexey Adeev (fraud) was detained while filming the program. He was wanted before he even came on the show. One of the spectators identified him. And we will omit the question of why people on the federal wanted list get on TV shows without any hindrance. Let’s also forget that after serving time in a pre-trial detention center, Adeev returned to the project. However, a little later he was imprisoned again.
  • The following were convicted for drugs: Vyacheslav Popov, Elena Berkova, Mikhail Podorov.
  • The following were brought to justice for fraud: Rustam Solntsev, Gennady Dzhikia, Anastasia Dashko, Mikhail Terekhin and a number of other participants.


  • Kristina Kalinina - her heart gave out, there are suggestions that this happened because of the stress that the girl received while filming the show;
  • Vladimir Grechishnikov – oncology;
  • Oksana Aplekaeva – killed, reasons unknown;
  • “Kesha”, in the world of Alexander Kornev, died in an accident;
  • Andrey Kadetov – killed, reasons unknown.

Was there love?

During its existence (13 years as of 2016), Dom-2 has become famous for its scandalousness, excessive frankness and highly concentrated hypocrisy of its participants. Behind happy couples there are often deceivers who are afraid of being thrown out of the project, and therefore play at love.

However, there was also sincerity on the show. Couples who decided to get married:

  • Evgenia Feofilaktova and Anton Gusev;
  • Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov;
  • Natalia Varvina and Alexey Mikhailovsky;
  • Aliana Ustinenko and Alexander Gobozov;
  • Rita Agibalova and Pavel Marceau;
  • Liber Kpadonu and Evgeniy Rudnev;
  • Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov.

P.S. The article - how many years has House 2 been running, was published in the section -.

Many people are concerned with the question: why did the show “House 2” become one of the longest-running shows on domestic television? We answer: it’s all about his scandalousness. If initially the participants of the program sought to show the viewer beautiful love stories, then after some time the ratings of the reality show jumped to the skies due to violent passions, non-literary expressions and constant fights between the characters.

So how many years has “House 2” been on? Let's find out now.

Initially, the author of this show, Valery Komissarov, saw his brainchild as a romantic and exciting program. In the first “House”, married couples created their own home, in which all the vicissitudes took place. In the end, the most resilient family had to remain. Literally from the first broadcasts, the program became one of the most popular in the post-Soviet space.

After the dizzying success of the first part, the creators decided to make a sequel. However, there were significant changes in the script of the new version. Now young people met, fell in love, and began relationships directly during the construction of housing.

New faces regularly appear on the perimeter and make their own adjustments to the lives of local residents. Some of the newcomers do not stay long, but their places are immediately filled by others, and so on in a circle.

We cannot claim that the script for each episode of “House 2” is written in advance. During the existence of the project, the viewer could observe both sincere feelings and leaving the program for the sake of a quiet family life.

When did House 2 premiere?

Russian viewers first saw “House 2” in the spring of 2004 on the TNT channel, that is, it has not left the screens for 13 years.

The brightest participants

During the existence of the project, the viewer saw dozens of participants. However, some were remembered for a long time, while others were immediately forgotten. Let's now look at those who remember us the most.

In first place, undoubtedly, is Olga Buzova, who managed to be both a participant and presenter of “House 2”, and is now a popular TV presenter and singer.

Alena Vodonaeva also deserves special mention. The girl was famous for her romances with Stepan Menshchikov, Anton Potapovich and May Abrikosov. And even after leaving the program, she did not disappear from television screens. Like Buzova, Alena tried to become a TV presenter and singer, but with much less success.

Victoria Bonya is an equally notable personality. Her creativity and artistry will be remembered by the viewer for a long time.

We can’t help but mention the participant with the warm name Sun. Today she is a fairly well-known DJ. In addition, Olga Nikolaeva has her own event agency and helps people make their celebration unforgettable.

Project leaders

Talking about such a global project, we cannot help but remember the presenters. After all, they are the ones who make the show even brighter and more noticeable.

In the first years, “House 2” was led by the tandem of Ksenia Sobchak and Ksenia Borodina. Also leading the reality show at different times were Olga Buzova, Vlad Kadoni, Olga Orlova, Andrei Cherkasov, Katya Zhuzha and Ekaterina Starikova.

Insula (lat. Insula - literally translated as island) - in Ancient Roman architecture - a multi-storey residential building with rooms and apartments intended for rent. Appeared no earlier than the 3rd century BC. e. They usually had from three to five floors; there are references to eight-story insulas. They constituted the massive construction of ancient Roman cities. Both the poor and wealthy sections of the Roman population lived in the insula.

Insulae were built using the usual rubble masonry method for Ancient Rome. During the Republic, small, irregularly shaped tuff blocks held together with cement were used as building material. Later, insulas began to be built from brick. The roofs were made of tiles.

The first floor of the insula was usually occupied by galleries with small shops. From there there was an entrance to a light courtyard around which the rooms were arranged. Usually a separate staircase led to each apartment or room: by dismantling it, the owner could block the tenant in his room until he paid off the rent. The first floors of insulas were usually rented by wealthy citizens: such apartments had high ceilings (up to 3.5 m) and wide windows protected by thick shutters: mica and glass were rarely used because of their high cost. Apartments from the third floor onwards were usually intended for poorer tenants: the windows were small and the ceilings were so low that residents had to stoop to walk in them. Wooden mezzanines were often added.

There was no central heating: heat in the rooms was provided by individual water boilers. There was usually no sewerage in insulae: in Rome, sewage was carried into dung heaps or simply thrown out of the windows; water was taken from nearby springs or fountains. In other cities there was a latrine on the ground floor, as, for example, excavations at Ostia showed.

According to sources, the rent in the insulas was quite high. Already during the Republic, the annual rent for an apartment on the fifth floor was about 2,000 sesterces. Apartments on the 2nd and 3rd floors cost from 3,000 sesterces or more. With that kind of money you could buy a whole house in Italy. On the upper floors, 2 or 3 families often lived in one room.

The owner of the insula could evict his tenants at any time. There were frequent speculations, from which, first of all, the tenants suffered. The order in the house and the payment of rent were usually monitored by a trusted slave - insularius.

The first mention of multi-story buildings in Rome is contained in Titus Livy: on the eve of the Second Punic War, a bull, having escaped from the market, climbed the stairs to the third floor, which was considered a bad omen. It should be noted that those insulas that were built in compliance with all construction standards were reliably protected both from collapses and from the rapid spread of fire in the event of a fire. In Rome itself, according to the “Marble Plan,” there were 46 thousand insulas in Rome (for comparison, there were 1,790 mansions), but few insulas in Rome survived: the active reconstruction of the city destroyed the old ruins. Their structure can be judged from archaeological excavations in Ostia. Insulae are an example of the urban planning art of ancient Rome. In Europe, after the destruction of the Roman Empire, apartment buildings began to be built only in the late Middle Ages.

Man's first house

Today it is simply impossible to imagine people's lives without buildings and structures. No one can live without housing. Any person, no matter what level of cultural development he is at, has one or another home - from luxury apartments to an abandoned basement. I wonder who was the first to come up with the idea of ​​building houses, and what was the very first house like?

Man Cave

Many are inclined to think that the very first home for man, albeit primitive, was a cave.

Not certainly in that way. The dark and damp caves were unsuitable for life. If people climbed there, it was in some special emergency cases - an attack by some primitive animal or severe cold, wind and rain. Of course, these were far from the most beautiful houses in the world. The caves were also used for religious rituals.

Weatherproof shelters

So the very first houses were not caves. Naturally, these unusual houses have not survived to this day, but it is possible to “reconstruct” their appearance if you get acquainted with the buildings of today’s tribes, whose life is as close as possible to primitive times.

So, living in a warm climate, people built not houses, but so-called wind barriers. The materials for construction were branches, tree bark, and grass. Such a shelter could only provide shelter from bad weather, but did not save from danger.

Lifestyle change

And only when people changed their nomadic lifestyle to a sedentary one, the very first houses appeared. They were huts and huts woven from thin branches. And those who could not sit still, but still liked to roam, learned to build portable dwellings such as tents. Here's how they were built: they built a “frame” from strong and large bones of animals, for example, mammoths. This “frame” was hung with the skins of killed animals in cold weather and tree bark in warm weather. This “house” was, as they would now call it, portable, that is, portable.

The television project "HOUSE" began on July 1 and ended on November 1, 2003. The program format was purchased from the English television company Zeal. The project featured 90 prime-time episodes, 14 special events on every weekend. THIS WAS THE FIRST REALITY SHOW IN RUSSIA.

According to the terms of the project, 12 married couples from all regions of Russia built a house together, but only one of them received the keys. From the fifth week, couples left the construction site one by one by decision of the general “family” council, and the audience chose the winners from the two remaining couples.

Requirements for participating couples: newlyweds who have already submitted an application to the registry office and are preparing for the wedding within a month, or a husband and wife who do not have their own home. The personalities of the spouses and the scope of their activities are very diverse: from a housewife to a business woman, from a military man to an accountant; as well as everyone who agrees to take a 3-month vacation and receive a super prize - a house in Moscow, built with their own hands and according to their own design.

The couples were helped in the construction by real professionals - architects, interior designers, foremen, builders, landscape designers.

The cash equivalent of the prize is 8 million rubles (250 thousand dollars). At that time, it was the largest prize fund among all existing money shows on Russian television.

The first host of “House 1” was Nikolai Baskov, then he was replaced by Svetlana Khorkina, and the final show was hosted by Dmitry Nagiyev. The winners were Renata and Alexey Pichkalev from Perm. The family gave up the house in the Moscow region and received the winnings in cash. The Pichkalevs reported that they intend to invest money in business and charity.