How to learn to skate on skis. Cross-country skiing - skating and classic skiing techniques. The benefits of skiing and lessons for beginners with video

Skating skiing is becoming more and more popular. Such unique movements on the slopes allow one to develop enormous speeds, and the introduction of modern, high-quality equipment has made such skating safe for the athlete. When getting acquainted with skating, every little thing is important, so it is necessary to talk about all the nuances of this technique, as well as How to quickly learn this skating technique.

General information about skating

Skating itself entered the Olympic program back in 1988, and since then it has been gaining an increasing number of fans. Since such a skiing movement places more stress on the ankle joint, skating boots are made higher, with reliable fixation of the entire leg, and especially the heel.

Also skating skis shorter than for classical movement, they do not have a rounded end, and are almost completely straight. The whole point of movement is that the skier pushes off with the inside of one of the skis, completely transferring his weight to the other. As a result, it appears that a person on skis moves like a speed skater, hence the name of the style.

A person who has a good command of the classic style of skiing can easily master skating techniques, but it can be difficult for an absolute beginner. Here it is important to choose the right equipment not only, but also the slope where the training will take place.

Options for skating

As the new style gained popularity, more and more new ways of riding appeared. So, what options for skating skiing now exist and are considered popular?

  • Half-skate move involves pushing off with arms and legs at the same time, and at the same time one leg always slides with a stop, while the other goes freely.
  • Skating move, which involves skating without pushing off with your hands. The arms themselves can move with or without a swing.
  • Double-step skating It is considered very difficult, because the sliding occurs on the left leg while pushing off with the right hand. Then it always begins after pushing off the right foot and lifting the stick from the support.
  • Simultaneous one-step skating move It is considered one of the most difficult, because it requires perfect coordination of movements. Here you need to constantly straighten the leg that performs the push, accompanied by a tilt of the torso.
  • Alternating skate move Must be used on very steep slopes. The essence of the movement consists of two sliding steps, in which the skier alternately pushes off with his hands.

Some athletes master only part of the skating movement options, while others begin to study each of them. And yet, in order to competently learn such a movement, you need to know special exercises, as well as practice on a special ski surface.

The main feature of thin plastic skating skis is that they are very slippery. That is why, in the first stages of learning, you should not choose surfaces with too much slope.

That is, for the first skating lessons the slide won't work. Since the skis slide so much, on a hill a person will be focused not on learning, but on how to maintain balance.

To learn skating on skis, it is best to choose wide and flat area, well rolled and with a slight slope. It is also very important that the snow surface is not too icy. The skier will rely on the edge of the ski when moving, so the top layer of snow should be slightly stirred up. Otherwise, the athlete will simply lack a normal point of support.

Exercises for teaching skating technique

To ensure that the training itself takes place without injury and at the fastest possible speed, professionals have developed special exercises that are now very widely used.

Learning to skate on skis usually begins no skis and no poles. A person must imagine how skis will slide when moving or jumping, having mastered this technique in theory. After this, you can move on to practice. The exercises themselves depend on the option of skating movement that was chosen.

Yes, when moving half-skate move, first master the imitation on site. The person slightly tilts his torso forward, brings his arms to the level of his head, after which he brings the swing leg forward and to the side, and then returns it back. This exercise should be repeated for both legs, after which you can begin the movement.

When moving with a half-skate move, the leg that performs the function of the supporting leg must bend, pushing off is carried out with the second leg. After this, the exercise ends with active abduction of the hip and knee joints.

When you need to learn the most difficult things one-step move, the first exercise is imitation. A similar imitation with a specific stance, in which the sliding is transferred to the supporting ski, will help you master the move itself. The imitation takes place on 2 counts from the starting position.

The next exercise is in motion. What needs to be done for him? It is necessary to push off with the leg that serves as the supporting leg, moving it to the side; it would be ideal if the abduction occurs at a slight angle. You should try to immediately swing your other leg forward and to the side, transferring the weight of your entire body to it.

When pushing off sliding stop, you need to master one more exercise. Here, when moving from a small slope, you need to push off as much as possible with your feet from the inner edge, transferring your body weight first to one ski, then to the other.

At overcoming a hollow climb, you need to move in a herringbone pattern, actively pushing off from the edge with your ski.

Learning to turn passes on a flat platform while moving in a circle, first in one direction, and then in the opposite direction.

Skating is considered a little more difficult than the classic one, so it will take longer to master. It is very important to use the advice given by professionals.

  • To prevent skiing from causing unnecessary injuries and damage, you need to choose the right high boots with increased rigidity and choose the right skis.
  • It is better not to overestimate your abilities, and at first ride on flat surfaces, and not on large slopes.
  • For skating, good balance is of great importance, so it can be developed using gymnastic exercises, for example, swallow.
  • Since the skis are very slippery, it will be difficult to put them on at first. That is why it is better to stick a stick into the snow when putting on skis, so that the athlete always has a reliable point of support.
  • The best way to learn skating is to practice and master all the principles and nuances. After the first exercises on coordination, turns and descents, skating will not seem so difficult.

Educational film on skating technique

And now we invite you to watch a training video on skating skiing techniques. He will definitely help you in your studies.

Second part of the educational film


Strictly speaking, just to walk a hundred meters along the ski track, you don’t need to go into any technical details. Absolutely everyone can do this! But for speed, a full-fledged workout that benefits your figure, and genuine pleasure - there are some things that are important to understand and work out.

This applies to both styles of movement - the good old classics and the “skate”. Here are the technical nuances that will make your skating more smooth and comfortable.


How does it affect the figure?

It strengthens not only the lower part of the body (hips and buttocks get a load, as in lunges), but also the upper part - shoulders, back, arms, especially triceps.

Classic stepless move It is better to try on a gentle slope or on a plain. Squat down slightly as if you were about to jump forward. Swing your sticks and, straightening your knees, spring forward, like a cat on the hunt. If you do everything correctly, the poles will land on their own at the right moment and you will get... of course, not a jump, but a beautiful, sweeping movement. Immediately - go like this - push with your poles again and try to ride further.

Classic one-step practiced on the plain (especially if the ski track is self-trodden, and not from under the Buran) and on gentle slopes. The movements here are the same as in the previous step. The only difference is that you push not only with sticks, but at the same time with one leg. To do this, place your foot on your toe and push with it, as if running, down into the ground. If the ski “shoots”, sliding uselessly, it means that you made a movement not down, but back.

Classic alternating needed for climbing. The same move familiar from school, when the right leg and left hand alternately step forward, then the left leg and right hand. Having pushed off with one foot, try to slide on the other as far as possible: push - slide, push - slide.

Technical details

For a ski trip, choose trousers in which you can lunge without any problems: these are the movements that make a classic while moving, and too tight, tight trousers or jeans will get in the way.

In classic walking, as in walking, it is important to place your foot on your heel and gently roll onto your toes. The best way to feel this is while climbing a not too steep hill - without skis and not on the snow, but on the ground.

To feel how to push with your toes and specifically downwards, and not backwards, try jogging a few steps without skis on the toes of your boots.

If you can’t slide far in a one-step move, try leaning harder on the stick while pushing.

Don't bring the poles too far forward. Hold them vertically or slightly tilted away from you: the paws are closer to you, the arms are farther away. Ideally, the sharp tip is inserted 3-5 cm in front of the toe of the fastener. In a different position, you won’t be able to push properly, and your wrist may get hurt.

When pushing with the stick, relax your hand so that you feel it: just a little more, and it will slip out of your fingers. But don't give it up completely. I don’t recommend dragging it behind you, as in Nordic walking. Snow is treacherous, and the foot of a winter pole is wider than that of a summer pole; it will easily catch on and turn you towards the forest in front, towards the ski track with your back.

Skating move

How does it affect the figure?

Strengthens the muscles of the inner thigh (problematic for many women) and the lateral thigh - helps get rid of "breeches" » . And, of course, it trains almost the entire muscle corset.

Steps: how to move correctly

Skating move “under one leg” good for driving uphill or when you need to accelerate a lot. The supporting leg slides forward and sideways: you draw a “Christmas tree” in the snow. Place your foot at such an angle that you can move forward while maintaining a stable position. Tilt your body towards the supporting ski, as if you are thinking about whether to lie down on it, stretch your arms with poles forward - you will get something like a “swallow”, only simpler, because you don’t need to raise the second, pushing leg particularly high. Push with your sticks and one leg at the same time: kick the snow down and to the side, like a pony. To do this, turn the ski slightly onto the inner edge, edge it like a skier before a turn. Don't be alarmed: in fact, performing all these movements is much easier than describing them in detail.

Skate “for both feet”- for plains, descents and gentle ascents. It’s easier to ride this way than the previous move. Here you need to push with sticks under each leg, and in order not to get tired, try to glide longer with each effort. Looks very impressive! Other skiers will look after you with admiration.

Technical subtleties and secrets

To feel more confident on the “skate”, do the “swallow” at home more often. When you lean towards one ski and lift the other, your body takes a position close to it, only more comfortable: your leg is not so high.

The narrower the “V” you draw on your skating stroke, the better. On climbs, you can spread your skis at a wider angle.

Place your feet closer to each other. And don’t be afraid that you’ll step on the back of one ski on another: while one foot is sliding, the other is in the air. And even if they meet and slightly bump, you will not press the support ski and will not fall.

Make sure that the poles are not folded into a “house” (handle to handle). You can move them left and right, tilt them, but parallel to each other.

For “skating” it is better to buy longer poles: for classics they are selected 25-30 cm less than height, for skating - 15-20 cm less than height. The taller the person, the greater the difference between height and sticks.

And most importantly, having figured out the technique and, perhaps, rehearsed something step by step, try... to forget about it. Relax and allow your body to move freely. Cross-country skiing is a natural exercise for him; he will understand what to do without the help of his head.

Skate skiing style is becoming popular and safe for the modern athlete. Maintaining the correctness of such a peculiar movement contributes to the development of maximum speed. The modern use of high-quality technologies helps to take into account all the important details even when becoming familiar with ski style techniques. Next, we will look at the main types of skating on skis.

Progress in improving equipment gave further development to the sport. With the advent of modern skis and boots with reliable fastenings, athletes received reliable side support. This feature provides maximum unloading of the upper body.

Types of skating arose relatively recently. The main feature is the active participation of the lower extremities during slipping. The basis here is the skier’s level of training and the features of the route.

Boots for this ski style play an important role; they should have the greatest height, tight fit around the circumference of the limb, in the heel area.

History of the move

The skating ski style was first seen in the 1988 Olympic program. He won a large number of fans.

The perfect execution of the exercise brought victory to the Swedish athlete Svan Gunda. Helped the athlete become the youngest legend of the Olympic championship. Svan Gunde has won prizes many times, receiving exclusively gold awards, thanks to the use of this ski style. This presentation formed the basis of a historically famous sport.

Skating skiing technique and basic methods of movement

To master the technique, you need to accurately perform single-support sliding. Determine the correct body balance. You need to stand up straight, tilt your body forward until you lose balance, then the lower limb moves back to fix the body. Remember this situation.

In all external features, the method is similar to ice skating. Pushing off from the surface at the desired angle, a step is taken towards the inner edge of one of the skis, then a similar action is performed by the second. Having professional skiing skills, you can easily learn this type of walking. Now the main classification includes the following running styles:

  • half-ridge;
  • skating without poles;
  • two-step;
  • one-step;
  • alternating two-step.

Half-skate move

One of the simplest. It consists of a precise push with the lower and upper extremities at once, influencing the supporting one, the second one takes a sliding position, ready to enter. It is most possible to perform a half-skate move on a flat track with small mountain descents and ascents. To glide comfortably and perform this type of movement, a correct ski track is required.


Similar to ice skating, only without using the upper limbs. However, the movement can be supplemented by hand waves. The basis of the method is riding with a sliding step while simultaneously pushing off with the lower limbs. To ride this way, the route with obstacles is preferable.

Skating in two steps

The challenging movement further contributes to the development of endurance. If the movement is from the left lower limb, then the push-off is performed by the right upper limb, and vice versa, lifting off the snow embankment with the right leg completely uses the left hand. This type is characterized by large ascent, descent, and revolutions.

Skating into a simultaneous step

The secret of this style is considered to be well-developed coordination. Rules for execution: movement of the lower limbs with the body tilted forward, due to the formation of a powerful push. The forward movement of the skier is helped by pushing off with poles. Moving with a skate is simultaneously performed in intervals of steep climbs.

Alternating skating

Alternating skating and walking helps to overcome mountainous sections of sports trails. Performing 2 sliding steps simultaneously using ski poles will help you cope even with difficult weather conditions. The style is successfully used on the slopes when the snow has already been compacted. Slipping occurs at low speed. The stroke cycle consists of 2 sliding steps, where push-off with the hands is required alternately.

The correct execution of the element depends on the level of skill and the angle of elevation. The cause of incorrect movement technique is considered to be the disorderly overlap of the upper and lower limbs.

By repeatedly working on yourself correctly, you will be able to master any skating movement. The basis of practical training in walking is the study of preliminary exercises.

Where and how to learn skating?

Before going out on the track for the first time, familiarize yourself with the basics of theory, read a description of the equipment, or watch a video. When watching, pay attention to the behavior of the athletes.

A good method of pronouncing movements. There is no need to be embarrassed by the first disobedience of the muscles of the limbs. Over time, the body will be able to catch the correct movements on its own, everything will start to work out and you will be able to ski like a pro.

For training and further training, flat, wide terrain is suitable. Modern skis are mainly made of plastic, which are equipped with a sliding function and do not require special lubrication.

Traditionally, the first training sessions take place without sports ski equipment. This type of technique is used by trainers everywhere. The main task of the future athlete is to understand how notched skis glide in practice.

For beginners, it is better to start riding on a loose surface.

Taking off and running steps are easier to master this way. But it must be remembered that each individual type of skating movement during training has its own nuances.

When learning a similar skiing style, they first push off with their supporting limb, slowly moving to the side. The second leg comes out in front of the body, also goes to the side, taking all the weight. To quickly ascend or descend, use a herringbone walk with active pushing off with sticks.

If you want to learn this ski style, then the following recommendations will come in handy:

  1. Having chosen such a sport, you need to choose the right equipment.
  2. When training, remember the basic safety rules.
  3. It is necessary to increase the duration of training gradually, without increasing the load too much, otherwise there is a high risk of injury, for example, a sprain or tear of the leg muscles.
  4. Daily work on yourself will give you the opportunity to achieve the required results.
  5. For comfortable learning and further training, choose skis that are shorter than standard ones. It is desirable that the ends are rounded. In terms of quality, skis must have increased rigidity; the weight of the athlete is taken into account here.
  6. The length of the poles is twenty to thirty centimeters shorter than usual; purchase only durable, lightweight sports equipment. When choosing sticks, you do not need to adhere to any rules; the selection is made individually.

Due to the fact that during speed skating skiing the leg joints have to experience enormous loads, especially in the foot area, for this type of movement you will only need to purchase boots with high sides. In this case, it is possible to securely fix the leg and heel.

It is also necessary to take into account that it is possible to switch to the skating style of movement with good physical training, and also a lot of patience, since the planned result will not be achieved immediately.

Exercises for mastering skating

As a rule, the first few classes are held without sports equipment. This is done in order to be able to distinguish between theoretical and practical techniques. Comparing the structure of this method with other classical moves, it is possible to find a number of characteristic factors:

  1. Maintaining balance is considered the foundation. Slippery skis move apart, at first resisting braking. The simplest exercises, for example, the “swallow”, will help you cope with a complex task.
  2. To effectively push off when running, apply the forces of your total body weight at ninety degrees to the direction of movement of the ski.
  3. You need to push off with a sliding ski at an angle to the direction of movement.
  4. Try to simulate a one-step move. Complex technology will require effort. Imagine that one of your limbs is sliding through the snow, all the muscles are involved. Such work on site creates stress and tension.
  5. Training designed for full mobility is effective, requiring careful control of the transfer of the center of gravity to the limb that has become the support. Alternately, a spring movement is performed on a slight bend.
It is almost impossible to learn skiing in this style on your own. Initial lessons with an instructor will help you avoid serious mistakes and prevent injuries.

In the end, it should be noted that this style is considered rather purely professional, so beginners are better off starting with something simple. You should approach its study only after you have learned all the basics of skiing. Otherwise, it will be necessary to spend more time learning training exercises specifically designed for the skating ski style, and there is also a high risk of injury during practical training due to neglect of the basics.

As a professional sport or as an amateur hobby, it began to gain momentum again. Many cities today can make more than one offer for individual ski lessons or offer classes in groups with the same level of training for all students.

You can master the methods and techniques of skiing in various ways, including on your own, by studying the technique in theory and applying it on slopes of varying levels of difficulty, ranging from less to more. At the moment, one of the relatively new and most applicable techniques is skating skiing. You can learn about how, where and who uses this method of walking from this article.

What is it?

The appearance of skating in the field of skiing is a relatively new phenomenon. In addition to this option, there are also classic and free. Skating is characterized by the active participation of the legs in the skating process, which distinguishes it from the classical one. A special feature of this technique is the pushing of the skis at a certain angle from the track in relation to the direction of movement. Visually, this maneuver resembles ice skating. In connection with this fact, the name of this technique arose. There are several varieties of this type of skiing. The technique of skating skiing may differ in certain nuances of execution depending on the route, the level of training of the person skiing, or the convenience of performing one or another option.

The emergence of a new method of skiing was due to progress in the development of ski equipment. The development of more modern skis, ski boots and improvements in the attachment of one to the other has allowed athletes and amateurs in this area to place lateral emphasis on the foot. This fact contributed to the development of a new skiing technique, which began to use the legs more and reduce the load on the arms compared to the classic version.

When using a method such as skating on skis, the execution technique can have four varieties and can be used in different situations.

Where is this technique relevant?

The scope of application of this method of skiing on the slopes has changed significantly over the past few decades. The initial significance of skating was limited only to training exercises for athletes to master movement on turns and other difficult sections of the track. After the invention of new elements of ski equipment, such a move changed its meaning from a regular exercise to a separate technique, applicable both in professional competitions and on amateur slopes of ski resorts.

The technique of skating skiing is available for use by any person who feels comfortable and confident in its implementation. A professional athlete can use elements of this method or some of its variations as part of freestyle skating in all competitions that allow this style of movement in situations where it is convenient for him and gives him a speed advantage. There are currently no separate professional competitions in skating technique.

When passing complex routes and their sections, the skating technique on skis gives a special advantage. Errors may occur while executing it. Therefore, it is important to know about this and hone your skills.

History of origin

About a hundred years ago, skating was used as a regular exercise for training skiers and was not considered as a separate technique. The reason for this state of affairs was the inconvenient fixation of the ski boot to the ski itself.

After the advent of innovations in skier equipment, which occurred in the 70s of the 20th century, this technique became more convenient, and its use helped to develop greater speed of movement. Training programs for competitions held over the next few decades were revised. The technique of skating on skis began to have different implementation options.

At the moment, this method of movement on the ski slope or its elements take place only in free skiing. The skating stroke can be presented in the form of one-step, two-step, half-skate or alternating. You can also highlight the technique of movement without the use of sticks, that is, practically without using your hands, as a separate option for movement. Each of these options is designed for specific routes and their elements. Combining several subtypes of skating and alternating it with the classic one on one track makes it possible to increase the efficiency of its completion.

In this regard, learning various skiing techniques from early childhood gives good results in the future. For amateurs, using several skating options makes the process more interesting and exciting, and also helps to train more muscles.

Execution Rules

Any skating move on skis, the technique of which is performed without errors, must obey the following rules:

  • The need to use inertia and your own weight, and not just physical strength.
  • One leg is the supporting leg, the other is the pushing leg.
  • The center of mass should always be located above the supporting leg.
  • During the push-off process, the center of mass is moved slightly forward in relation to the boot of the supporting leg, then the body is leveled and slightly rotated towards the direction of the pushing-off leg.
  • For high efficiency in using your weight and inertia, you need to select poles of a length calculated by the formula: skier’s height minus 20 centimeters. Higher sticks do not allow the above rules to be effectively applied in practice.

One-step move

There are different types of skating skiing techniques. Simultaneous one-step move is one of them. Performing one full cycle of such a move involves two steps. They are performed as follows:

  • Initially, one of the legs is pushed off;
  • simultaneously with the push-off of the leg, push-off occurs with both hands;
  • after which the supporting leg slides.

Performing all these movements is considered to be performing one full stroke cycle. A skier can perform up to 50 such cycles in one minute. This requires high physical fitness.

This technique is excellent for developing high speed when moving up, on a flat section of the route, or on small gentle slopes. This move is an excellent option for the skier to move in situations where it is necessary to accelerate the speed or achieve acceleration.

This technique of skating skiing uphill for each cycle helps a person overcome 4-10 meters. When the athlete moves on a flat section of the track, this number increases to 6-15 meters, provided that this method of skiing is performed without errors. Running should take no more than one or two seconds. When skiing, you should also follow the basic rules of skating, which have already been outlined above.

Two-step move

There are a variety of skating techniques on skis. The simultaneous two-step move is another of its variations. Its implementation is a little similar to the previous method. The only difference is that in this situation both skis, and, accordingly, both legs are at a certain angle to the direction of movement of the skier. Performing one cycle of such a move still takes no more than one or two seconds. In one minute, a trained person can perform from 30 to 70 such cycles.

The full cycle of performing a simultaneous two-step move includes taking two sliding steps with different feet and one pushing off with the hands, that is, pushing off the track with sticks.

The use of such a move is advisable when moving up hills of small or medium steepness. This method is also often used when running on flat sections of the route. Recently, the described technique of skating skiing has become the most popular and applicable both among athletes and among advanced amateurs. This option is rarely used when driving downhill, but sometimes its use in such a situation is advisable.

The length of one complete cycle performed by a simultaneous two-step skating stroke can vary from 3.5 to 8.5 meters. This is slightly less than in the previous version of skiing, but the number of such cycles per minute of skiing increases noticeably. It is this fact that can give the skier a speed advantage, which is one of the reasons for the increased popularity of this subtype of skating technique.

Alternate stroke

It also includes the technique of skating on skis and an alternating option for moving on the ski slope. This subspecies is significantly different from the previous two. Its peculiarity lies mainly in the execution of two sliding steps and two alternating pushing movements with the hands. Due to this, the name of the technique arises.

Due to the push-off with the hands after each sliding step, the speed of movement decreases in relation to the one-step and two-step options. The length of each such passage does not exceed 5 meters. One complete phase of alternating stroke takes a professional skier no more than a second. This technique is used when climbing steep hills. It is advisable to use alternating skating even in not very good gliding conditions, as well as on soft ski tracks. It means a well-flexing ski that softens uneven terrain and makes mistakes in any technique less noticeable. The use of such skis is typical for beginners or when skiing on a slope with soft snow.

Technique without using sticks

To maintain a high speed of movement or develop it, there is another method of skating on skis - skating without pushing off with your hands. It has two subtypes, both of which do not involve sticks. This technique is used on flat areas where good conditions for sliding are created, or on flat sections of the ski slope. Visually, this option is even more reminiscent of the movements of a speed skater. The use of poles, that is, pushing off with hands in such a situation, only slows down the skier and does not allow achieving maximum speed of movement.

When performing such a move, the skier takes only two sliding steps. At the same time, his body is always at an angle of about 45 degrees. This position of the body makes it possible to reduce wind resistance.

The skating technique on skis without poles is divided into movements with and without swings. In the first version, swinging your arms allows you to develop higher speed. The skier performs active movements with his arms, first forward and then backward, combining them with footwork. During such movements, the sticks are at an angle and directed backwards with rings.

In the second version of skiing without poles, the arms are folded in front of the chest in such a way as to press the poles to the body. They are in a horizontal position with the rings backwards, as in the previous version. Skiers often keep them under their arms. This situation is characterized by lower energy consumption due to the passive work of the hands.

Half-skate move

A subtype that is effective in developing high speed and widely used is the skating technique on skis - the half-skate stroke. It has a number of differences from all previous options for traveling on a snowy track. It is mainly used on gentle or flat parts of the ski road for skiing. It is often used when moving down, that is, on slopes of slight steepness. Completing one full cycle takes the skier no more than one second. Often, two complete phases can be completed in this time.

The cycle consists of a set of the following movements:

  1. The center of mass of the human body is initially located in relation to the heel of the leg on which the support is performed, slightly behind and to the side. Next, the supporting leg slides.
  2. Simultaneously with the movement of the leg on which the support was initially made, the skier straightens and moves his arms back.
  3. Next, the second leg swings up and to the side, and a sliding step is performed.
  4. When completing a sliding step on a practically straightened supporting leg, this technique of skating skiing is assumed - half-skating. At the same time, place the poles on the snow for further pushing after this. The body should lean forward a little.
  5. The swing leg, which should be slightly bent at the knee joint, lunges forward and slightly to the side, placing the ski track at a slight angle to the direction of movement of the skier.
  6. At this moment, the heels should be crossed, and the supporting leg should begin to bend at the knee, preparing to slide.

During the execution of one cycle, the right and left alternately become the supporting legs, and the fly legs, respectively, become the left and right at this moment.


To master all the above techniques, you need systematic practice on the ski slopes, as well as regular exercises with movements that imitate the running of a skier. There are exercises for such an option as skating technique on skis. The most common and applicable are the following movements and body positions:

  1. Transferring the entire weight from one leg to the other with alternate bending of the legs at the knee joints. The arms are not used during this movement. They are behind you.
  2. The same transfer of support from one leg to the other. Arms extended forward. The sticks are located perpendicular to the surface.
  3. On a flat track, alternate free sliding steps are performed with either the right or left foot. For two sliding steps - one push-off with hands.
  4. Performing an alternating sliding step with either the right or left foot, but with two push-offs with sticks after each step.
  5. Alternate combination of all skating techniques on a flat track.
  6. Performing a one-step move with pushing off with your hands on flat sections of the track.

All these exercises will help you get comfortable on easy ski slopes, as well as on moderately difficult slopes. Learning to hold your torso correctly and shift your center of mass is one of the main tasks when learning to ski with any skating stroke.

Common Mistakes

The skating technique on skis should minimize or eliminate errors altogether. Improper execution of this method of movement may not give the expected result or contribute to injury. It is extremely dangerous to make mistakes in skiing technique on slopes, turns or climbs. On flat areas and with soft skis, the athlete’s shortcomings become less noticeable.

Skating equipment becomes ineffective or its effectiveness is significantly reduced in the following cases:

  • if you lean forward too low when performing sliding steps, your own body does not fully load on the ski track;
  • if the body is tilted too low during repulsion, a reaction such as turning the body to the side may occur;
  • placing the support track not under you, but a little back also leads to a small loading of the ski track with its own weight.

There are other mistakes in the process of skating skiing, but all of them, one way or another, are associated with two points. The first of them is a low inclination of the body, which, to the general misconception, does not bring the development of speed. The tilt should not exceed 45 degrees. In this case, the technique is effective. The second mistake is that the leg at the moment of repulsion is not under itself, but slightly behind, that is, before it intersects with the vertical axis of the body. Both of these errors lead to either skidding in different directions or to incomplete loading of the ski with its own weight. To run fast on skis, you need to use, in addition to muscle mass, your own weight with momentum.

For recreational skiers, developing maximum speed is sometimes not a priority, and therefore mistakes may not seem so bad. Throwing your body to the side can lead to loss of balance and a fall, which is dangerous.

The technique of skating skiing, performed according to all the above rules and methods, taking into account errors, can be accessible to both professionals and amateurs on slopes of varying difficulty.

The technique of skating skiing is considered relatively new in comparison with the classic and free style. To master this method you need to spend from 1 to 3 months. But the result is worth the effort. Effective and fast movement on the ski track will be a reward for perseverance and patience.

The technique was first used in competitions in 1981. Paul Siitonen, a 40-year-old athlete, was able to win competitions with its help. It began to gain popularity with its inclusion in the program of the Olympic Games in 1988. The name of the technique appeared due to the visual similarity of the leg movements with movements during skating. Execution tactics:

  1. One leg, at the beginning of the movement, pushes off with the inside of the ski from the surface of the ground.
  2. The weight of the entire body is transferred to the other leg.
  3. Repetition of previous points. Alternately for each leg.

When performing, the load on the ankle joint is increased. Therefore, its use is undesirable for a child. As long as cartilage and joints continue to grow, the likelihood of injury is higher. Until adolescence, it is better to choose other methods of skiing.

The move method requires special equipment. The skis are short, straight, without a curve at the end. The boots on them are higher, the joint and heel are fixed more firmly. Thanks to this device, running speed increases and joint safety is maintained.

Skating skiing technique

The modern design of skating is complemented by many varieties. They differ according to the following criteria:

  • final speed;
  • preliminary preparation;
  • load on the body.

Each type of technique has its own characteristics.

  1. Half-horse. Alternating swings of the arms are made with the elbow bent. When the left leg takes the stance, the right hand is in front of the body. And vice versa. At the moment when repulsion occurs with one limb, the other is in an abducted position, behind the body. Through training, a skill is acquired that allows the second leg to prepare at this moment to accept the weight of the entire body, multiplied by speed. The ride is comfortable for a flat track. A ski track is required for ease of gliding.
  2. Skate. The movements are similar to those needed to move on blades on ice. Hands are involved in the process only to maintain balance. The speed is higher than when using other types. It is used on a relatively flat track; it is possible to have a slide and a rise on it. Economical in terms of energy consumption. It is easier for the athlete to breathe. Oxygen is consumed more efficiently. The disadvantage is the high load on the legs.
  3. Two-step. The sticks are held parallel to each other, perpendicular to the ground. Elbows spread to the side. A push with sticks is made from the ground and a transition from the support of one leg to the other. At the moment of pushing, it is important to bring the poles out in front of you as quickly as possible. Thus, additional acceleration will be transferred to the sliding. When performed correctly, the body will have a short period of rest during the impulse movement. Riding in this manner is applicable everywhere: on the plain, on slopes with ascent/descent. Oxygen consumption is economical. This option is not suitable for beginners.
  4. Simultaneous step. Designed for routes with steep terrain. Requires a high degree of concentration and a trained vestibular apparatus. The latter is responsible for the ability to maintain balance.
  5. Alternating (single-step). Preferred on mountainous sections or on difficult sections of the route. 2 sliding steps are taken while pushing off with sticks. Each hand takes on 2 pushes. The most ergonomic option when the skier is tired of walking.

Each type of technique requires practice in slow motion. This makes it easier to learn how to ski step by step.

Where is the best place to learn skating?

It is better to turn to a professional to learn the technique. The current public education curriculum does not provide students with advanced skills. Therefore, it is better to send the child to the section under the supervision of a coach.

You can master the necessary skills yourself. If the skier has experience skiing using other techniques. The main advantage is the habit of physical activity. But the learning process can be easier for a beginner. To make it easier to take your first steps, you should use simple tips:

  1. It is recommended to get on skis for the first time with special equipment. This way, the result will be achieved faster.
  2. The route for testing must be smooth: without holes, sharp protrusions, ice, or steep hills. When space allows maneuvers, the improvement of thrusts will occur without hindrance. The number of errors will be reduced.
  3. Wearing the right clothes will allow you to move faster. Jeans, warm jackets, outerwear below the buttocks slow down the movement.
There are a number of training techniques that you can master on your own.

Exercises for teaching skating technique

You need to start learning with a simple exercise: repeating movements that improvise a skating move. Skis and poles are not needed in this case. Further training should be based on the student’s personal physical data:

  • "Martin". Classic for all sports. The athlete takes a standing position. Leans away from it with his body forward. At the same time, both arms and one leg are extended parallel to the floor. The ability to perform the exercise is assessed by the duration of maintaining balance over a long time.
  • On the move. Pushing off with the supporting leg, previously moved to the side at a slight angle. The other leg is simultaneously swung forward and to the side. The main weight of the body is transferred to it.
  • Sliding stop. Used when driving from relatively small slopes. Maximum push-off is performed with the legs. You need to use the inside of the ski. The transfer of body weight is also organized from one leg to the other. They take turns becoming support.
  • Turn. It is done in a circular open area. First you need to move clockwise and then counterclockwise.

It will take some time to improve the technique. Don't expect instant results.

You need to start skiing gradually. The main conditions: a minimum of haste and the desire to achieve results. Rubber bands without skis are required. Regular stretching, joint development, jogging for cardiac stimulation. Without this, skiing is dangerous.

Experienced athletes often tell beginners how to properly skate ski or prepare for it. 5 most common tips:

  1. Choose the right skis and poles.
  2. Conduct short workouts that alternately load all muscle groups.
  3. Allow yourself regular rest between workouts.
  4. Master the technique step by step.
  5. Follow the mentor's recommendations.

When changing direction of movement, correct positioning of the skis is important. There are several options for making turns:

  • Plow. The simplest, safest and slowest. The feet are pointing toes towards each other. First, braking is performed on the inner side surface of one of the skis. Then the second one joins. The legs are pre-bent at the knees. One of them stands on its edge.
  • On parallel skis. Used on slopes. The center of gravity of the body shifts to the side. You need to start by turning the plow. Gradually the skis become edged.
  • By stepping over. The fastest way. The speed increases further. Transferring body weight to the leg outside the turn. Tilt the body towards the center of rotation. Place the unloaded inner leg forward and to the side, transferring the weight of the whole body. Substitute the freed limb, bent at the knee.

Basic mistakes of newbies

Progress in learning skating can be hampered by fear of braking. But there are 2 most common mistakes:

  1. Excessively low slope. Thus, the body weight does not rest entirely on the skis when moving in a sliding step. When pushed, the body may turn around. The optimal tilt does not exceed 45 degrees.
  2. Displacement of the supporting leg. If it moves back without reaching the vertical axis of the body, skidding appears on turns and speed is lost due to insufficient load on the ski.

Other errors may appear during the learning process. They need to be corrected gradually. Slow progress in sports is normal. The main result of learning to skate on skis will be the opportunity to have a good time. But it is also about sporting achievements, expanding your social circle and the health of your soul and body.