How to draw Russian nature with a pencil step by step. Let's draw nature. Examples of work in aerial perspective

Drawing nature, so different and changeable, is not easy. The article will help you draw winter, summer, and sea landscapes with a simple pencil.

Many people love to be in nature, admire it, and be charged with its energy. To positive emotions The benefits of communicating with nature last longer; you can try learning to draw landscapes - images of nature. To do this, you need to master the initial skills, and then you can diversify your drawings, because nature itself is so diverse!

How to draw a beautiful landscape with a pencil step by step for beginners?

First you need to decide what will be depicted in the landscape. You can draw:

  • seashore, river or ocean
  • ravine
  • lonely tree
  • road going into the distance
  • exotic island with palm trees
  • nature in different times of the year

This is how you can draw it pond surrounded by trees:

  1. It is best to start by separating the horizon line, this will make it easier to distribute objects in the drawing.
  2. The pond is outlined with uneven, winding lines.
  3. Around the pond, lines are marked where several trees will be located. In the pond itself, you can mark with circles what will later turn into swimming ducks.
  4. We “strengthen” the banks of the pond by painting parallel lines original.
  5. In the foreground, grass like reeds is drawn, and the trees are detailed. Let them have trunks of different widths and heights; in some places the trunks will be broken or uneven.
  6. The stage of detailing has begun: ducks are drawn, a slight swell is drawn on the water, the grass should be thicker, as well as the branches on the trees.
  7. Let the clouds be visible in the background.
  8. The last stage will be shading and shading.
Pencil pond: stage 1.

Pencil pond: stage 2.

Pencil pond: stage 3.

Pencil pond: stage 4.

Landscape in pencil: pond.

A river crossing a forest.

  1. As always, the drawing begins with defining the horizon line. Vertically according to the drawing, accordingly, you need to draw the winding lines of the river banks.
  2. According to the idea, the river will be surrounded by a forest, that is, trunks of different volumes and heights are drawn. And, before drawing the trunks, you should take into account that they are located on a hill in relation to the river.
  3. We add tree crowns so that they create a dense forest cover; we strengthen the banks of the river, shade the trunks.
  4. It is more interesting to draw a river with rapids. With the help of shading, a current appears on the river.

Landscape with a river in pencil: stage 1.

Landscape with a river in pencil: stage 2.

Landscape with a river in pencil: stage 3.

Landscape with a river in pencil.

Mountain Lake

  1. A sketch of the lake and the surrounding mountains and hills is made.
  2. Between the lines of the lake and the lines of the mountains a strip is left on which you can place vegetation or a couple of small houses.
  3. Fuzzy outlines of vegetation and houses reflected in the water are made.
  4. With the help of denser shading, mountains and hills stand out, while on the surface of a lake, let the shading be barely noticeable.

Landscape with a mountain lake: stage 1.

Landscape with a mountain lake: stage 2.

Landscape with a mountain lake: stage 3.

Landscape with a mountain lake.

Island in the ocean.

Many people dream of visiting such an island in the ocean, which they saw in pictures - immense blue water around, yellow sand on land in the middle of it, palm trees creating shadow. For now we are trying to draw such a landscape with a pencil.

  1. The horizon line will cross the sheet almost in half. In the middle we will mark the place of the island; for now it will look like a pancake or flatbread.
  2. Clouds are indicated above the island. You can draw wavy clouds.
  3. There will be palm tree trunks on the island. Palm trees can be drawn densely, or just three or five, as desired.
  4. You need to draw grass under the palm trees.
  5. Now you can move on to the water surface. It is better to draw it with elongated lines of different lengths.

Island in the ocean: stage 1.

Island in the ocean: stage 2.

Island in the ocean: stage 3.

Island in the ocean.

Lonely sailboat at sunset

It’s not difficult to draw the surface of the sea and the setting sun, and a sailboat too, and the landscape will turn out beautiful.

  1. The horizon line is drawn first of all; the contours of the sailboat are indicated on it, because it is sailing somewhere in the distance.
  2. The sailboat looks like a triangle, but it is better to shade the sails.
  3. The circle of the sun close to the horizon will mean that the sun is about to set.
  4. The final touch is to make the water come alive by drawing small waves.

IMPORTANT: The sailboat must be reflected in the water!

Sunset: stage 1.

Sunset: stage 2.

Sunset: stage 3.

Landscape with sunset.

VIDEO: How to draw a landscape with trees with a pencil?

How to draw a summer nature landscape with a pencil step by step?

If you want to draw a summer landscape, then those described above may well be suitable. And, as an option, you can suggest drawing a landscape with a summer house and a garden, where many people go in the summer to relax or tinker in the garden.

  1. The horizon line is indicated, above it the sun and clouds.
  2. In the foreground, on one side of the sheet, we will place the trunks of future trees, and on the other, a house.
  3. The house is drawn from two rectangles, and a roof is placed on top.
  4. From the schematically indicated elements of the drawing, you can now move on to detailing. The crowns of the trees need to be made lush, because it’s summer. On the house you can draw a pipe on the roof, a door, windows, including an attic window. At the same time, all unnecessary lines are slowly erased so that they do not distract from the main picture.
  5. A fence is drawn from the house, and grass is made under it with strokes. You can also draw simple flowers.
  6. Finally, you can draw a path to the house and some other details that will be nice to depict.

Summer landscape: stage 1.

Summer landscape: stage 2.

Summer landscape: stage 3.

Summer landscape: stage 4.

Summer landscape: stage 5.

Summer landscape: stage 6.

Summer landscape: stage 7.

Summer landscape: stage 8.

Summer landscape: stage 9.

Summer landscape.

How to draw a winter nature landscape with a pencil step by step?

The easiest way for beginners to draw is winter and snow on the hills. This can be done with smooth, uncomplicated lines.

  1. Since winter is often associated with the New Year, and New Year with Christmas trees, let there be Christmas trees against the backdrop of snow-covered hills. Moreover, drawing them is not difficult for beginners.
  2. You can draw several clouds over the hills.
  3. The detailing stage includes drawing Christmas trees and strokes on the snow, indicating its fragility and uneven surface.

Winter landscape: stage 1.

Winter landscape: stage 2.

Winter landscape: stage 3.

Winter landscape: stage 4.

Winter landscape.

VIDEO: Drawing a winter landscape with a pencil

How to paint a natural landscape with paints step by step?

It is more difficult to draw with paints than with a pencil, but nothing is impossible.

  1. Using blue watercolor paint let's draw the sky. Let's draw lines down from the sky using the same blue paint, this will be a river.
  2. Our clouds will be purple or crimson, and the hills will be yellow. It is worth drawing in yellow and foreground drawing.
  3. An interesting combination of colors is already appearing, which can often be observed in nature. Let's diversify it by adding Orange color on the banks of the river and slightly shading the sky.
  4. You can draw several circles on the river, creating the effect that the water is playing. Also, with the help of additional layers of paint, you can highlight the yellow surface in the foreground.
  5. If desired, you can add trees to the landscape using green spheres and brown trunks. In addition, trees can be made directly with fruit.

Landscape with paints: stage 1. Picture to draw: park.

VIDEO: Sea p landscape Pencil drawing

Although the Lord caused many problems (not counting illness, crime, hunger, poverty, wars, corruption and Russian pop music), he still managed to create a good atmosphere of life on our planet. Land and water are often capricious, arranging mass sacrifices. But in some places it turned out quite well, you can even take a bunch of cute photos. But we can dig even deeper. In this lesson you will learn how to draw nature using a simple pencil. After that, you can take your drawing tools and safely go to a cozy place to create an indescribable masterpiece. Nature - symbolic name for everything that the eyes see. The only exceptions can be considered plastic or reality TV, the rest refers to one formal organism that controls life and has some strange plan for the production and provision of its vital functions. Like an ordinary stern boss, nature easily removes any office plankton, sometimes entire species, and, like any girl, loves whims and antics. The last critical days of this lady ended with the birth of Hitler, Hussein and Justin Bieber, which had a tremendous impact on the state of the planet as a whole. It may seem that nature is evil and impeccable, but in fact it doesn’t care just as much as a dog cares about the ethnic origin of the fleas in its fur. Suddenly it turns out that nature needs help, and some people firmly believe in this, while at the same time they cannot even protect themselves from the local punks. If it suddenly turns out that you are nature itself, then here are your privileges:

  • You are beautiful because you are the very concept of existence.
  • You exist, although you will never really understand it.
  • You own all the valuable metals on the planet, which means there is a shortage Money don't suffer.
  • Your portraits hang in almost every house on every wall.
  • There is no need to worry that you made a mistake, your mistake will either end up in a freak circus or in the red book.
  • You can always have fireworks from volcanoes.
  • You put a bolt on the theory of relativity, since you can be in all places at the same time.
  • You can cure cancer, but no one will believe you.

Now take a pencil in your hands and try to draw Mother Nature step by step.

How to draw nature with a pencil step by step

Step one. We immediately highlight with lines a small pond with banks, and on the banks we will draw several trees with the same lines. A few circles in the water will serve to transform them into ducks.
Step two. Below we draw tall grass, the circles slowly turn into birds. We carefully outline the edges of the banks with a thick line.
Step three. In this step, turn your attention to the background beyond the horizon line. Let's draw some clouds there.
Step four. Now draw small waves and shadows on the water, make the grass thicker, and shade the background.
Step five. Sketch the rest of the missing places on the trees and ground, and then carefully finish the drawing by shading the ducks.
See more similar lessons on drawing landscapes.

It's hard to imagine that just two centuries ago domestic artists did not depict the beauty of Russian nature. Aivazovsky, Shishkin, Savrasov, Levitan and many others outstanding artists showed everyone how beautiful our nature is. Today we will learn how to draw a landscape with a pencil step by step.

Autumn, autumn, the forest has cooled down and dropped its leaves...

How to draw a landscape with a pencil step by step for beginners? This question is asked by many people who have decided to try their hand at fine arts. Looking at the paintings of outstanding world artists, we think: what kind of daub is depicted on them? But in fact, it is a masterpiece that costs not a single million dollars or is kept in the Louvre and the Hermitage.

You can depict any landscapes - city, park, rural, autumn, winter, beach. But it is beauty that is especially popular autumn nature. How much can be conveyed by playing with colors or shadows! When it's pouring rain outside, the birds have flown to warmer climes, and nature is hibernating, it's time to pick up a pencil and start painting a picture. We'll start by learning how to draw an autumn landscape with a pencil step by step. Materials needed:

  • simple pencil;
  • paper.

  1. How to draw a landscape with a pencil step by step? Autumn is a wonderful time, a delight from the eyes. In order to convey its beauty, we will use only a pencil. By adjusting the pressure on the rod, we will create an authentic and natural picture.
  2. First, let's draw a straight horizon line, which will be located at the top of the sheet.
  3. The bottom line should be slanted towards the lower right corner of the sheet. This will be a conditional guideline.
  4. Photo 1
  5. We will depict trees in the foreground. Let's draw two winding lines.
  6. Let's use our imagination and draw an original landscape against the background of the river.
  7. On the left side we denote the river bank with winding lines.
  8. Similarly, draw winding lines on the right side.
  9. Photo 4
  10. Any landscape must be depicted believably. To prevent our trees from hanging in the air, we will draw a bend, which will be a mound.
  11. It is important to pay attention even to the smallest details, so a couple of dried grass bushes won't hurt.
  12. In autumn, nature radically changes its appearance. There are no leaves on the trees anymore. Using thicker lines we will draw the trunks, branches and visible part of the rhizomes of the trees.
  13. You can change the color and thickness of the lines by pressing. But it is better to use pencils of varying softness.
  14. A gusty cold wind tries to tear off the last leaves from the tree branches, but some still managed to hold on. Let's draw several leaves on the tree in any order.
  15. Our autumn landscape will be against the backdrop of the river. Reed thickets will add credibility to the picture. They are very simple to draw - a stem and a filled oblong oval.
  16. The drawing should be three-dimensional, so we will shade the strokes on the ground.
  17. Play with contrasts. Shadows should have a smooth transition.
  18. On the opposite bank of the river there is a forest. We will not draw it clearly, but will shade and shade it.
  19. Autumn is the time when nature goes to sleep. We need to emphasize this in our landscape. Using chaotic pencil strokes we will draw the measured flow of the river.
  20. Use your imagination. This is your creation, and it depends only on you what it will be: funny or gloomy, believable or parody.
  21. Here we also need to play with contrasts, so let’s blend the pencil over the entire surface of the river.
  22. Lead clouds hung over the earth. Let's draw clouds in the form of different circles, make them dark and heavy with the help of shading and shading.
  23. Since school, we know that many birds go to warm countries for the winter. Let's complement our landscape with a crane wedge.
  24. To make the landscape bright and perfect, let’s draw a cobweb among the branches. Hidden inside is an inhabitant of the forest - a small spider.
  25. Let's take an eraser and highlight some areas of the landscape.
  26. Such highlights will highlight the autumn mood.

One, two, three, we use strokes

How to draw a landscape with a pencil step by step for children? There is nothing simpler than shading. If the child still cannot decide on the shape and place the figures correctly on a piece of paper, help him draw an original landscape using strokes. You will need a set of pencils of varying degrees of softness.

Necessary materials:

  • a set of simple pencils;
  • paper;
  • eraser.

Step-by-step description of the creative process:

Drawing autumn with colored pencils

Master class on drawing. Landscape “Native spaces”

Kokorina Elena Yurievna, teacher visual arts, Municipal Educational Establishment Slavninskaya Secondary comprehensive school, Tver region, Torzhok district.

Purpose of work: The master class is intended for middle and older children school age, art teachers and educators additional education. Can also be used in classes with children younger age, if you offer them a ready-made rendering.
The drawing can be used to decorate the interior, or be used as a gift, as well as for participation in competitions and exhibitions.

Target: performance autumn landscape colored pencils on the theme “Native spaces”
- draw an autumn landscape with colored pencils;
- promote development creative imagination children, developing the ability to convey their observations and experiences in drawings;
- to develop the ability to see beauty in the phenomena of reality in the surrounding world of the native land;
- cultivate interest in landscape painting and to the drawing process itself.

For work we will need: album sheet, a set of colored pencils, a black gel pen or a simple pencil.

...If you see a river in the picture,
Or spruce and white frost, or garden and clouds,
Or a snowy plain, or a field and a hut,
The picture must be called - scenery.

A landscape painting allows the artist to express his attitude to the world in a broad sense, to the natural world that surrounds us. Nature brings people together and often gives them similar moods, thoughts and experiences.
How beautiful are the beloved spaces,
The blue distance is calling,
The rustle of grass and birch trees are dear to me,
Keeps the memory with tenderness in the heart!
(Oleg Mandrakov)

Our beautiful nature often changes her outfits.
I love you, my native expanses,
the greenery of the forest and the smell of the fields,
blue lakes, majestic mountains,
the many faces of my Russia.
And the dawn among the curly birches,
and the sunset by the blue river,
the noise of acacias and tired maples.
I’m happy to live on the sidelines of my native land.
Spring waters spill,
Or the golden leaf fall swirls.
All the quirks of nature are good,
I enjoy any weather.
(Alexey Luchinin)

Golden autumn is joyful, lushly harvested, rich in harvest, they love it for its generosity, for the richness of fields, gardens, for clear days of azure-blue skies, for the beauty of forests painted with gold and crimson paint.
Today I propose to draw an autumn landscape with colored pencils. The main characters of our landscape will be the birches on the river bank, and the church in the background.
First, let's make a sketch of the main plot of the future picture. You can use a simple pencil, but I took a black gel pen.

We begin to tint the sky and river with a blue pencil. We place the strokes horizontally.

Using a darker blue pencil, changing the direction, we apply a second layer of shading.

We introduce a purple pencil into the sky and the river, and at the same time we paint over the trunks of the birch trees.

Using a yellow pencil, we begin to draw the crown of the birch tree. We place the strokes horizontally.

Let's paint the ground under the birch tree, the nearest hill on the opposite bank and two trees in front of the church with yellow.

Use a brown pencil to shade the leaves in the crown of the birches. We put short strokes in different directions. We lightly introduce the same color into the river under the birch and under the trees near the church.

Enter green color into the crown of a birch tree.

We paint over the distant hill with a burgundy-brown pencil and introduce this color into the river under the birch tree.

Using a dark green pencil we draw the foliage of the bushes, tall grass along the river bank and paint over the foreground of the bank where the birches grow.

Draw blades of grass with a brown pencil. We place the hatching in different directions - this creates the feeling of swaying grass. We also emphasize the tops of the hills with shading.

We also put light brown shading behind the birches.

Using a black pencil we make a drawing on the trunks of birch trees.

We introduce black strokes into the crown of birches.

Using a green pencil, we make a net shading in the background, behind the birch trees, and paint over the black background.

Making burgundy stains.

We insert a red pencil into the foliage of the bushes.

We decorate the church and the trees in front of it.

We color the river: use a light blue pencil to make horizontal and vertical strokes. We paint the space unevenly to create the feeling of water movement.

In the background, behind the birches, we will draw the spruce trees with a black pencil.

Now we paint over the entire crown of the birch trees with broad strokes yellow pencil. And we introduce the same color into the river.

I'll take a pencil and draw a forest,
I will draw fields and a river snake.
So that there is peace and tranquility on this Earth... (Terenty Travnik)

The drawing is ready, but at the very beginning, for the sketch, I used a helium pen. In some places in the drawing the drawing line comes to the fore. I suggest smoothing out these transitions. To do this, using the same black pen, we emphasize with shading the pattern on the trunks of the birch trees and the conspicuous line of the river.

Drawing a landscape in watercolors step by step for children from 5 years old. Master class with step-by-step photos

Master class on painting with watercolors from 5 years old "Landscape". Introduction to watercolor paints

Author: Natalya Aleksandrovna Ermakova, teacher, Municipal Budgetary educational institution additional education for children "Children's art school named after A. A. Bolshakov", the city of Velikiye Luki, Pskov region.
Description: The master class is intended for children from 5 years old and their parents, educators, and additional education teachers.
Purpose: interior decoration, gift, drawing for exhibitions and competitions.
Target: creating a landscape using watercolor technique.
-introduce children to the profession of an artist, give them an idea of ​​fine art and painting;
- teach how to work with watercolors: wetting the paints before painting, diluting with water to obtain different shades of the same color, thoroughly washing the brush.
-learn to work with color when creating a landscape using watercolor technique;
- practice working with different numbers of brushes;
- to develop an interest in fine arts.

I have a pencil
Multi-colored gouache,
Watercolor, palette, brush
And a thick sheet of paper,
And also a tripod easel,
Because I...(artist)
Hello, dear guests! An artist is a wonderful profession. All he has to do is take paper, brushes, and paints. There was nothing on paper, but the first lines appeared: one, another - the picture was ready.
An artist can draw anything: a house, a forest, people, animals. And the artist paints pictures. And he writes according to his own plan, like a writer
An artist is a person who knows how to see beauty in the ordinary, remembers his impressions and knows how to express his thoughts and fantasies on paper, in stone or in other materials.

The artist knows how to create new worlds in his paintings and drawings, unprecedented beauties and strange animals, and sometimes something completely new; the colors in the drawings turn into fireworks of colors and shades, they evoke incredible joyful emotions.
The first artists appeared in the Stone Age. The role of canvas or paper was then played by the walls of stone caves and various kinds of household items of ancient people, and artists used coal and mineral dyes as paints. The work of the artist was closely connected with the production of paints, and people considered this a magical effect. Much later, people began to paint icons, portraits, still lifes, landscapes - and they began to call all this the world of fine art (the art of capturing images).

So, artists are people who practice fine art, there are many various directions in this profession:
-An artist is an artist in the broad sense of the word (he can do everything)
-An artist is a person who practices fine art.
-Graphic artist - deals with graphics (drawings with pencil, charcoal, felt-tip pens)
-Photo artist - engaged in photo art

- Painter - engages in painting.
Painting is the art of depicting objects with paints. One of the types of fine art associated with the transmission of visual images through the application of paints to a rigid or flexible surface. The name came from two words “live” (living) and “write” (draw) - so it turns out to write like a living thing, and artists who paint began to be called painters.

IN art gallery
There are very, very many of them.
On this sea we see
And over there is the road.
Oil, watercolor
Artists' creations. (Paintings)
There are many different directions (topics for drawing) in painting, let's look at some of them:
If you see what's in the picture
Is anyone looking at us?
Or a prince in an old cloak,
Or a steeplejack in a robe,

Pilot or ballerina,
Or Kolka, your neighbor,
Required picture
It's called a portrait.

If you see in the picture
Cup of coffee on the table
Or fruit drink in a large decanter,
Or a rose in crystal,
Or a bronze vase,
Or a pear, or a cake,
Or all items at once,
Know that this is a still life.

If you see in the picture
A river is drawn
Or spruce and white frost,
Or a garden and clouds,
Or a snowy plain
Or a field and a hut,
Required picture
It's called landscape

The artist creates his paintings and drawings using various paints - gouache, watercolor and many other paints. A true artist first of all always gets to know his paints, studies their properties, colors and shades. Conducts experiments on mixing paints and obtaining new colors, diluting them with water or painting thickly and richly. Today we will get acquainted with watercolors, what kind of paints are these?
Their name is related to water because "Aqua" means "water". When you dissolve them with water and start painting, you create the effect of lightness, airiness, and subtle color transitions. Before painting, be sure to moisten the paint with water. Dip the brush in clean water and shake off the drops onto the paint without touching them with the bristles of the brush.
Before you start painting, you need to try out the paints. Each color is tested on paper, we put paint on the brush and draw small specks of the color of each paint. And you can immediately see which paint is transparent and which is strong and saturated. Very important feature watercolor paints, the more you dilute them with water, the more transparent they will appear, and if you add less water, the colors will be more saturated. After trying each color, you need to wash your brush so as not to stain the paint. Watercolor paint is clear, transparent and loves cleanliness. After we have become acquainted with all the colors, we can conduct mixing experiments different colors, two, or even three. Remember which paint is friends with which, or vice versa, their friendship ends badly and turns out to be a dirty puddle.
Three colors, three colors, three colors
Guys, isn't this enough?
Where can we get green and orange?
What if we mix paints in pairs?
From blue and red (this one)
We will get the color ... (purple).
And we will mix blue and yellow.
What color do we get? (green)
And red plus yellow is no secret to everyone,
Of course they will give it to us... (orange color).
This exercise to get acquainted with colors is carried out before the main task; children happily respond and conduct experiments with color. This exercise can be done on a separate piece of paper, but it is better to have a “cheat sheet” album, where children will do exercises to get acquainted with color and learn various painting techniques every time.

Materials and tools:
-sheet of A3 paper (for landscape)
- A4 sheet for testing colors (or album)
- brushes of three sizes (large, medium, thin)
-simple pencil, eraser (for the youngest children - you can use it to draw a horizon line)
-a glass for water
-cloth for brushes

Progress of the master class:

I see a land hitherto unknown.
The land around is well maintained and beautiful...
But to me, my soul, it’s so lovely here!
So broad is the beauty of my Russia!
Today we will draw a landscape for kids good role plays showing the future drawing and examining it - what is depicted on it.

The landscape begins with the border of sky and earth - this is the horizon line, where they meet each other. Draw a horizon line with the tip of the brush, then begin to paint the sky from the very top of the sheet in a horizontal direction. I always draw together with the kids, a new technique, a new detail of the work, and the children then repeat this in their drawing.

Brush strokes should be large, smooth, use the largest brush. The paint must be diluted well with water, and try to create an even, plain background.

Then from the horizon line we draw the earth, the field (green color). The brush must be washed thoroughly after each color. Paint the surface horizontally with a large brush, green with a lot of water added.

Now take a medium-sized brush and paint with its tip. The paint color is emerald - we paint the hills, the paint is bright and rich.

Using a clean brush and water, blur the emerald lines of the hills, from the emerald color to the main green. So that there is a smooth transition from color to color. The work proceeds with the addition large quantity water, almost on a damp background (that’s why the work shines). Excess water can be removed by dabbing with a cloth.

We leave the field to dry and return to working on the sky. We put red paint on the brush and draw a rich stripe above the horizon line.

Wash the brush, use a clean brush with water to draw a line along bottom edge red stripe, blur it.

Add orange in the same way and yellow colors.

Now we draw blades of grass using vertical small strokes; the further they are from us, the smaller they are.

Then wash the brush, squeeze it out and lightly smear the blades of grass, as if rubbing them with a brush. Draw a red sun.

By slapping the leaf with a brush we draw bushes.

Along the horizon we draw a line saturated with blue - a forest in the distance. And with a thin brush, a blade of grass in the foreground of the drawing.

With a thin brush we make vertical blue lines, where the forest is, these are trees.

Let's highlight the forest in the distance with a thin black line (thin brush), and draw branches on the bushes.