Why dream of a broken mirror in a dream. Broken mirror: why do you dream about this negative image?

If you dreamed of a mirror, be sure to open the dream book. A mirror in a dream can mean quite a few different events in all areas of life.

Why do we dream about this reflective glass, which is often attributed magical properties?

Look into it

If you dreamed that you were admiring your reflection, then luck will soon smile on you. And if you don’t like the reflection, then you should pay more attention to your loved ones.

Trying on new clothes in the fitting room means rejoicing in the success of your friends. Applying makeup and looking in the mirror means preparing for an important meeting or negotiation.

  • Not seeing your reflection means great love.
  • Making faces in front of the mirror means a long trip with a close friend.
  • Seeing someone else’s reflection instead of your own means overcoming an obstacle.
  • Taking a close look at yourself is a good advice from a wise person.
  • Watching it at night means a joyful event in your personal life.

To see your reflection moving away in a dream means waiting for news from relatives. And if, on the contrary, it is approaching, then you need to take a break from everyday worries.

  • Not recognizing yourself in the mirror means a disagreement with colleagues or an argument with your superiors.
  • In the reflection you dream of people behind your back - for a grand holiday.
  • A dream in which a mirror distorts your reflection means an interesting journey.
  • Seeing yourself small means quickly achieving your goal.
  • The reflection waves its hand at you - for a romantic date with a handsome young man.

Looking into dirty glass means scolding yourself for the mistakes you have made. And to see yourself naked is to be confident that you are right. If you dream of animals instead of your reflection, expect a gift from a stranger. And looking in the mirror and seeing a bird means enjoying freedom and independence.

Broken or damaged

The question that most often arises is why you dream of a mirror if you see it broken. The dream book interprets such mirrors differently. But basically these interpretations mean pleasant events in life.

For example, if you saw it under your feet, you will soon receive a lucrative offer. And if a broken mirror hangs on the wall, then you will be offered a new, profitable job.

  • Looking into it means concluding an important, profitable contract.
  • Finding it on the street means meeting an interesting, worthy person.
  • Dreaming of broken mirrors in a funhouse means a happy marriage.
  • In a powder compact - to a love adventure in an unfamiliar place.
  • Receiving a broken mirror as a gift means success in work or a well-deserved bonus.

If in a dream you are not surprised that the mirror is damaged, then in reality you consider yourself a very smart person. And if it annoys you, then you have the ability to look at problems with humor.

Seeing your broken mirror in the hands of a friend means yearning for him. And if your work colleague is holding it, then you can safely trust him.

  • A broken mirror in an old house means slow but persistent progress towards the goal.
  • Seeing him on TV means a sharp remark from your boss.
  • Looking at a broken reflection while getting your hair cut means harmony in family relationships.
  • Cutting yourself on fragments means a desire to be alone.
  • A small crack on the surface means a big, bright feeling.

If you dreamed that fragments were lying on your bed, then several representatives of the opposite sex are in love with you. And seeing a broken mirror under the bed means you are faced with a serious choice.

Sweeping up the fragments with a broom means defending your opinion. And collecting them by hand means dreaming of a trip to a distant, exotic country.

Shattered into a thousand pieces

As the dream book says, breaking mirrors in a dream is not a terrible sign at all. On the contrary, if you did this in your dream, then expect pleasant events in life. Why do you dream of breaking a mirror?

If you break your mirror, then in your environment there is a man who is madly in love with you. And if it was someone else’s, then you should try to hide your negative attitude towards some people.

To crash at a party means to earn the respect of an influential person. And to do this in a public place is to start new, promising relationships.

  • Breaking a mirror and blaming yourself for it means a sharp turn in life.
  • If your favorite mirror breaks, it means relaxing in a romantic place.
  • Stepping on it means making an important decision.
  • Throwing it on the floor means resolving old issues.
  • Breaking it into two parts means moving up the career ladder.

According to the dream book, a mirror that you broke by accident speaks of your creative abilities. And if you did this on purpose, then soon you will be able to prove yourself at work.

Breaking a huge mirror means falling in love with a person older than yourself. And if it is small, then be prepared to make a decision at lightning speed.

  • Breaking an antique mirror is the wise advice of a professional.
  • Hearing the cracking of glass is a long-awaited victory.
  • Throwing a stone at him means a luxurious feast with loved ones.
  • Breaking a car mirror means traveling to interesting places.
  • Hitting the glass with a hammer or an ax means creating a masterpiece.

If you dream of people breaking mirrors, get ready for a big celebration. And watching how your best friend or girlfriend breaks it means dreaming about moving to a new place of residence.

Breaking a mirror in a hairdresser means hoping for help from loved ones. And doing this in a sauna means finishing what you started.

If you dreamed about something else

When you dream of mirrors in which the reflection is double, it means that it is difficult for you to decide what to do in the future. And if nothing is visible in them, then your best friend will help you make a decision.

Watching someone admire their reflection means loving your partner deeply. And if the other person is not happy with what he sees in the mirror, then beware of deception or betrayal.

  • Wipe with a rag - to a pleasant guest in your home.
  • Hanging on the wall means a joyful event in the family.
  • Buying is a reward for quality work done.
  • Drawing on a mirror surface means taking on additional obligations.
  • Carrying a large mirror means a noisy holiday.

If you dreamed that you were removing all the mirrors in the house, be careful - perhaps someone wants to break up your family. And putting a small mirror in a drawer means resisting a strong temptation.

Give your mirror to your boss - rejoice at your achievements. And giving it to your best friend means going on an exciting journey in an unfamiliar company.

  • Talking to your reflection is a celebration in your soul.
  • Having sex in front of a mirror means an unexpected meeting with old acquaintances.
  • Seeing a deceased person in the reflection brings pleasant memories.
  • Losing a mirror means a valuable find.
  • Stealing it means success in all areas of life.

Seeing a child playing with a mirror in a dream means looking good in new clothes. And if the baby laughs while looking at it, then it’s time for you to change your style.

An animal in front of the mirror is a sign that many people like you. A parrot talking to its reflection means that significant changes will soon come in your personal life.

Having figured out what a mirror means in a dream, you can better understand your feelings and find out what events you will experience. Author: Vera Drobnaya

A broken mirror is a bad sign. Such a dream promises a person a series of misfortunes, disappointments, illnesses, sad news and bad luck. The scale of the disaster depends on the size of the broken mirror and the number of fragments. To correctly interpret a dream, you should remember the smallest details of the dream: the location of the unpleasant incident, the actions of the sleeping person, his emotions and other details of the night’s dream.

Interpretation in various dream books

Why do you dream about a broken mirror?

  • Freud's interpreter: the collapse of all the dreamer's expectations and hopes. Collecting glass shards with your hands means learning about terrible secrets that will shock a sleeping person.
  • Miller's dream book: to see one's reflection in a large broken reflective surface - the plan will never come true; the dreamer's plans will be interrupted by a sudden illness or a sad incident with one of his family members. If you dreamed of a huge mirror that broke for no apparent reason, it means the imminent death of your closest relative. For young ladies, a crack on a mirror surface promises an unhappy marriage and betrayal of a lover. Seeing the reflection of animals means misfortunes and losses are coming. Breaking a mirror on purpose means dooming yourself to mental and physical suffering.
  • Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus: betrayal of a loved one is expected. If a married lady accidentally drops her pocket mirror, this means misunderstanding and alienation with her husband, and betrayal is possible. If someone breaks it, and the dreamer removes and throws out the fragments, the woman will seriously suffer from other people’s intrigues, gossip and deceit, and her reputation will be ruined.
  • Vanga's dream book: in the dreamer's life there will be a lot of tears, pain and disappointments.
  • Interpreter Tsvetkova: to the betrayal of a loved one and large material losses. Breaking a huge mirror and seeing your full-length reflection in a damaged reflective surface is the beginning of a serious illness.
  • Ivanov's dream book: seeing yourself naked in a cracked mirror means a fatal illness.
  • Foreteller of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima: a cracked mirror in the car means an unpleasant accident on the road, it is better not to drive in the near future. Seeing thousands of tiny fragments in an apartment means changes are coming that will negatively affect all areas of a sleeping person’s life.
  • Gypsy: breaking mirrors means betraying a loved one. To see someone breaking them - expect betrayal and deception on the part of close relatives.

Unusual stories

If a bride breaks a mirror at a wedding in a night dream, her beloved will choose another one. The dreamer will have a very hard time experiencing the breakup with her lover. Some stranger broke a mirror at the wedding ceremony, and the bride decided to throw it away - the wedding will not take place in real life due to the interference of strangers in the dreamer’s personal relationships.

Dream interpretation broken mirror

The mirror is a symbol of truth. It reflects divine intelligence. What is reflected in it is the embodied, short-term world, people’s knowledge about themselves.

What does a mirror mean in a dream?

Dreams with this glossy sphere have a dual meaning. Just as when we are reflected in mirrors, we seem to be outside of ourselves, as if we are split into two. What predictions should you expect if you see a broken mirror in a dream?

Mirror shards

Broken mirrors warn of future failures and hard times.

You can understand the message of dreams more clearly by remembering fragments of the plot and the emotional feeling of the dreamer. Why do you dream of a broken mirror from the point of view of recognized soothsayers?

Miller's Dream Book

Looking into a broken mirror

If in a dream you looked into a broken mirror, it means you will soon be faced with a situation where your expectations will not be met. The reason for this will be someone's illness.

I dreamed of a cracked mirror - a harbinger of the sudden death of some relative.

If there was a reflection of animals in it, this is a sign of future losses and disappointments.

For an unmarried woman, a damaged dressing table portends insincere friendships or an unhappy marriage.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

If in your dreams you break a mirror yourself, this is a harbinger of your suffering due to the dishonorable act of your lover.

If you dreamed of a dressing table with a cloudy or damaged surface, this warns of the likelihood that you may become a victim of intrigue and slander. Try to be attentive and not succumb to the provocations of ill-wishers.

Vanga's Dream Book

Only suffering and tears, troubles and great misfortunes are foreshadowed by broken mirrors in a dream.

Holding fragments in your hands in a dream

Freud's Dream Book

The image of broken mirrors in dreams predicts the collapse of your hopes.

Holding shards of broken glossy glass in your hands means that the dreamer will discover some secret that will be very shocking to him.

Sending broken mirrors

Broken mirrors warn against deception and betrayal. Therefore, knowing the message of a similar plot, we can at least somehow protect ourselves from troubles by taking timely measures. What information on this matter can we glean from modern dream books?

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

A break in a relationship due to infidelity is foreshadowed by a dream in which you saw a broken trellis. Moreover, due to the betrayal of a lover, the dreamer will suffer financial losses.

Seeing your full-length reflection in it foreshadows the onset of the disease.

Dream Interpretation of Ivanov

The interpretation of dreams by the poet and prose writer Ivanov, where he dreamed of a small mirror that broke, connects their forecasts with sad news.

Seeing yourself naked, reflected in a broken dressing table, warns of ill health.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Break the mirror yourself in a dream

Followers of the teachings of Nostradamus predict that split dressing tables in dreams are harbingers of sudden changes in the dreamer’s life that will knock him out of his usual rhythm.

Dream Interpretation of Shuvalov

The esotericist gives an interpretation of the plot in which the dreamer himself breaks the mirror. This dream is a reflection of his dissatisfaction with his social status.

If you dreamed of a split dressing table

In dreams, mirrors very clearly convey the reflection of something. They contain reflections of objects, bringing some changes, showing a different reality. They often cause anxiety because of their ability to show without embellishment what awaits in the future, causing a desire to interpret what is visible and wonder whether we like it. We will understand why we dream of a broken mirror by deciphering individual fragments:

  • reflections in fragments;
  • mirrors in other people's rooms;
  • roadside find;
  • room of laughter

The interpretation of the plot, where you dreamed of holding fragments in your hands and seeing your reflection smiling, is a harbinger of events that will initially frighten you. However, soon you will understand all the advantages of the current situation and successfully take advantage of it

If, looking at the fragments, you saw sadness on your face in the reflection, then you are destined for disappointment and sadness.

Seeing a stranger in shards

Forecasts of a dream where your lover looked in pieces indicate that you can be sure that a period of quarrels and misunderstandings between you is coming. At this time, it is very important not to succumb to the provocations of your loved one, and not to be aggressive in response to them.

Did you happen to see how a stranger looked in pieces? This is a reflection of the inattentive, and sometimes unfair, attitude of the sleeping person towards his relatives . The message of the dream is to change the way you communicate with loved ones, to be critical of your actions.

The interpretation of a dream in which you entered a room and saw this piece of toilette broken on the wall promises an offer for a higher-paying and promising position. If you dreamed that you stood for a long time and looked at it - expect a lucrative contract.

If you dreamed that you sewed up fragments of a mirror on the street, this means that you will soon meet a worthy and interesting person with whom you will share your fate.

An unexpectedly life-affirming interpretation of a dream where you saw yourself in a funhouse with broken mirrors. This dream promises you a happy and comfortable life.

Did it break fortunately or not for good?

Rituals with mirrors in dreams

The mirror cracked during fortune telling

In life, sometimes there are rituals when something is broken for good luck. This item is usually a glass, or less often a mirror. What predictions do dreams bring, where do such stories emerge?

  • Have you ever had a dream where the bride breaks a dressing table into fragments and then looks at herself in them? This is a warning that her chosen one will prefer another girl, and there will be no talk of imminent marriage.
  • Did you have to see how, during fortune telling, a dressing table fell from the wall and broke, and the flame of a candle was reflected in the fragments? This is an omen of the implementation of a new idea. You will not have even a shadow of doubt about the unsuccessful implementation. Although there were some shortcomings. But they resolved themselves.
  • Seeing your reflection in many fragments after such a ritual means a change of place of work. However, it will not be possible to settle into the new team.
  • If the dressing table cracked during a session of spiritualism in a dream, this is a prediction that the deceased relative took with him some secret, the disclosure of which was very important for the dreamer. Try to find some other people close to this person. Perhaps the deceased told them about her.
  • If, during fortune telling in a dream, the sleeper saw the reflection of his betrothed in the dressing table, and it cracked, this is a call to break off relations with his current lover. This relationship has no future.

Even among ancient peoples, a mirror was considered a door to a parallel world. Magic was associated with this item; fortune-telling and divination were performed with its help. Even in the modern world, its shiny surface attracts people who are passionate about mysticism, and a broken mirror is perceived as a very bad omen.

Many esotericists advise collecting the fragments with a special cloth and then burning them away from home. In general, in reality you need to be careful with mirrors. But what if the mysterious object was broken in a dream? On this page you can find out why you dream of a broken mirror and the details associated with this phenomenon.

What does the dream portend?

Who broke the mirror?

When interpreting dreams of such content, it is important to remember who exactly broke the mysterious object? So this was:

  • The dreamer himself- such an image portends heavy losses and a whole series of failures for a person. Moreover, the more cracks appear on the surface of the mirror and the more fragments formed, the more troubles will fall on your head.
  • Someone from your family- a dream foreshadowing trouble in your home and family circle. , quarrels and sadness - all this will live in your family for a long time.
  • A person you don't know- you will soon have serious problems, although this will not be your fault. The culprit will be some person you don’t know well, but he won’t do it on purpose either.
  • If the mirror bursts on its own, it is a complex symbol that generally foreshadows life changes. The details depend on the gender, age and type of activity of the dreamer.

    So, the dreamer:

  • Young man or girl- a positive sign foreshadowing entry into adulthood and imminent marriage.
  • Married man (married woman)- a harbinger of quarrels between spouses and even the possibility of divorce.
  • Elderly man- the dream prophesies a difficult and even death.
  • working man– problems at work, delayed wages, or deception on the part of superiors.
  • Businessman, leader– failure of a planned project (business, transaction).


If you saw your reflection in a broken mirror, which was bright and smiling at you, this promises the dreamer drastic life changes. At first they will confuse the sleeper and even shock him, but then he will be able to orient himself and benefit from his situation.

I dreamed that your reflection was sad and dull - sorrows, disappointments and troubles await you.

Seeing your significant other's face in a broken mirror - a sign of misunderstanding between the dreamer and his loved one, which can provoke a quarrel. In this case, they should be patient and treat each other with care. There was a stranger’s face in the mirror - a dream hinting to a person about his wrong attitude towards his family. The dreamer should learn to appreciate loved ones and devote more time to them, because there is nothing more important in the world.

There was no reflection in the mirror - a symbol foreshadowing emptiness and the collapse of the sleeper’s hopes. He peers in vain into the fog of the future, all hopes of seeing something bright and joyful there are in vain. Monsters were visible in the mirror - in reality, the dreamer is leading an increasingly immoral life, which begins to make him related to evil spirits. If he doesn't change, the consequences could be dire.


Large fragments of a broken mirror symbolize the disappointments and unrealistic hopes of the sleeper. If, looking at them in a dream, you experienced feelings of shame and annoyance, such a dream means that you will soon be very disappointed with your loved ones.

Small fragments are considered a good symbol - he prophesies to the dreamer positive life changes s. Standing on a pile of small fragments will take a little longer and you will receive a lucrative offer at work.

Hold them in your hands - a sign of some doubt that is currently tormenting the dreamer. However, this will not last long, and he will definitely understand the right path. Seeing them in the hands of a friend means that soon you will meet and have a pleasant time with this person.

Your colleague held the fragments - you can completely rely on him in difficult times and do not expect a stab in the back.

You picked up the fragments with your hands from the floor - you feel tormented by your own guilt. To make it go away, make peace with the people you offended. You swept them away with a broom - in reality you will have some kind of dispute with the people around you, in which you will need to show firmness.

A dream in which you see a broken mirror will undoubtedly cause fear in the dreamer. After all, in real life it is considered a bad sign, foreshadowing trouble. In order to understand why you dream of a broken mirror, you need to remember everything that happened in the dream, down to the smallest detail. Only then will the dream book give an accurate answer.

A dream in which you see a broken mirror will undoubtedly cause fear in the dreamer

Seeing a broken mirror in a dream is not always bad. Depending on the events developing in dreams and the actions taken, the interpretation can be very diverse:

  • to see him - soon troubles are expected in the house;
  • falls to the floor - one of the dreamer’s relatives will suffer a serious illness;
  • look at your image in fragments - a difficult period is expected in the family, accompanied by conflicts:
  • to see an image in a mirror that breaks - the owner of the dreams will have health problems;
  • I dream of loved ones breaking a mirror - they will have problems due to the fault of the sleeping person.

It is worth noting that dreams in which the dreamer himself breaks a mirror do not promise anything bad. The vision in this case is considered a warning sign. It is possible that in real life a person has envious people and can deal with them without much effort. Betrayal by a loved one is also possible. This is what will cause strong feelings and destruction of hopes about a future relationship with him.

Mirror in the dream book (video)

Seeing a broken mirror in a dream according to Miller's dream book

A whole range of meanings for such dreams are presented in Miller’s dream book. Here, too, details and circumstances play a special role:

  • fragments under your feet - you will receive a tempting job-related offer;
  • hanging on the wall - there will be an opportunity to move to a new job, better paid and promising;
  • looking at it for a long time means concluding a lucrative contract;
  • to find on the street - a new acquaintance with a good person;
  • fragments in a powder compact - a romantic adventure;
  • in the laughter room - a happy family life;
  • cracked - one of the relatives will die suddenly;
  • to see in it a reflection of an animal - serious losses and many disappointments are expected;
  • damaged dressing table - insincere friendship.

A number of meanings of such dreams are presented in Miller’s dream book

According to Miller, this dream is negative specifically for the fair sex. He warns them against new relationships in the near future. It is quite possible that the new admirer pursues selfish goals, and after achieving them he will betray the woman. It is also possible that disagreements will begin in family life or among friends.

Break a mirror in a dream

Dreams in which the dreamer breaks a mirror indicate that shocking information will be received in the near future. It is possible that this will turn out to be a betrayal of a friend or relative, and accordingly the sleeper will be greatly tormented by this.

Dreams in which the dreamer breaks a mirror indicate that shocking information will be received in the near future

Material problems and meanness on the part of a loved one promise a dream in which a small mirror breaks. In the same case, if the reflection is not visible in a broken mirror, then the death of a loved one is possible soon due to an accident.

If a married woman happens to break a mirror in her dreams, then family conflicts await her, which can even lead to divorce. The presence of only small cracks indicates that problems will arise in the work area.

Seeing mirror fragments in a dream

Of particular importance are dreams in which one sees not just a broken mirror, but its fragments:

  • to see fragments - severe disappointment awaits due to the fact that hopes will not come true. It is possible that the sleeper, through his own fault, will disappoint people close to him;
  • picking up the pieces - in real life there was a quarrel with a close friend. You should admit your guilt and improve these relationships. There is every chance for the situation to be resolved;
  • many tiny fragments - positive changes are coming in life. The feeling of chronic fatigue will disappear, you will be able to get rid of the negativity that has accumulated;
  • collect the fragments with your hands - a person wants to relax and go on a trip, but soon many problems will appear and the trip will need to be postponed;
  • sweep away with a broom - the dreamer will be forced to defend his own opinion in the work team or in the circle of people close to him.

Of particular importance are dreams in which one sees not just a broken mirror, but its fragments

I dreamed of a broken mirror in a car: interpretation of a dream

A dream of broken glass in a car is considered a symbol of alarm. It is possible that the sleeper is worried about his other half, with whom he is soon going to tie the knot. It is possible that one of the lovers will feel that the partner does not experience such passionate feelings as before. This will be the main reason for the disagreement.

For a single woman, such a dream can be a warning. You should not make long trips in the near future, as they can cause serious problems. You should hit the road a little later, or use any other means of transport rather than a car.

A dream of broken glass in a car is considered a symbol of alarm.

If the owner of such dreams is a person connected by marriage, then soon serious conflicts in his family cannot be ruled out, which can lead to divorce. It is worth paying special attention to your soulmate. Any phrase or action during this period can cause a quarrel.

A broken car mirror symbolizes a trip to places that have long been forgotten. But for a more accurate interpretation, additional details are taken into account:

  • a crash is heard - a complex, highly controversial matter will be crowned with victory;
  • big - you have to meet a person much older than the dreamer:
  • small - decisions will need to be made very quickly, there simply won’t be time to think about them.


Another important point that needs to be taken into account in the process of interpreting a dream is the reflection seen. The meaning of the vision may change depending on what was seen:

  • the reflection is joyful, with a smile on its face - you should expect changes in life. Initially they will seem scary and intimidating, but after a while all the positive aspects will become noticeable;
  • a face in which sadness and fear are visible - you will have to endure a lot of disappointments and grief;
  • reflection of a lover - conflicts are expected in relationships, complete misunderstanding of each other is possible;
  • a stranger - the sleeping person does not treat his loved ones properly. He should think about how he behaves and change his own behavior towards his family.

Why do you dream about a mirror (video)

Both in a dream and in reality, a broken mirror is considered a negative symbol. In most dream books, these dreams are interpreted as harbingers of misfortune, betrayal and all sorts of problems. The sleeper is advised to be more vigilant and cautious, as unexpected problems can arise from the most unexpected quarters. Only by being careful will it be possible to avoid a lot of problems, the occurrence of which is foreshadowed by a dream.

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