Famous works of various types of art where at the same time. Main types and genres of art. What is art

Each person understands the meaning of art differently: some elevate and extol it, while others vomit it into the abyss of emotions. A person can do without works of art in everyday life, but emotional hunger requires knowledge of real art, which gives a feeling of happiness, joy and peace of mind. It can transport a person to the world of dreams and fantasies, which everyone expresses in various forms of art. We will look at them below.

Plastic or spatial arts


This type of creativity aims to reproduce the surrounding world and sense it visually. For the sake of this type of art, many artists abandoned a calm, well-fed life and burned at the altar of art. The works of masters became the causes of political clashes and wars. Collectors were ready to incur a curse on themselves. This is what people are willing to do for the sake of art.

  • Painting. The art of depicting reality with colors. It consists of objects depicted in a multi-colored palette on the surface. An artist can express his inner world and emotions on canvas, easel and cardboard. This genre is divided into several types: easel, monumental, miniature.
  • . The art of depicting objects with strokes and lines. On the one hand, both adults and children can do this, having only a sheet of paper, paints, and pencils. But not everything is so simple, and those who believe that graphics are publicly available are mistaken. This is a complex type that needs to be trained if you want to become masters of this craft. The artist applies strokes, lines and spots on a plane (wood, metal, buildings, cardboard, etc.), using one or two color schemes (in some cases, a larger number can be used). This genre is divided into several types: easel, computer, magazine and newspaper, book, applied and industrial.
  • Sculpture. The artist expresses his works from solid and plastic materials that have a three-dimensional form. The works captured in materials are capable of conveying the vital appearance of the objects of creation. This type is divided into several types: sculpture of small forms, monumental, easel, small plastic and monumental - decorative.

Constructive art

The master expresses his creativity in reproduction of artistic buildings that organize the spatial-objective environment around us , while not depicting anything. Divided into two genres:

  • . It is based on the life, views and ideology of society and easily adapts to changes in style in different historical periods of life. This genre is divided into several types: urban planning, landscape and architecture of volumetric structures.
  • Design. It is an aesthetic symbol of the modern world. By creating masterpieces, the designer consolidates the style of the era with his creativity. It is divided into several genres: exhibition, subject, landscape, interior design, clothing and books.

Arts and crafts

Creative works of this art have practical use in everyday life . The basis of this art are various branches of creative activity aimed at creating artistic products with utilitarian and artistic functions. Divided into several types:

  • ceramics;
  • forging;
  • glass;
  • tapestry;
  • clay toy;
  • sewing;
  • applique;
  • quilts;
  • artistic processing of leather;
  • weaving;
  • stained glass and much more.

Temporary arts

The composer expresses his spiritual beauty and picture of the world with the help of sound tones and rhythms, meaningful and organized in an orderly manner. This is the spiritual language of the material world, reproduced using musical instruments (their basis is a resonator), unconsciously grasped by the ear. Types of music can be divided according to different criteria, for example, according to the nature of performance, it is divided into types such as vocal, instrumental, chamber, solo, electronic, vocal-instrumental, choral and piano. By habitat - military, church, religious, dance and theater. But basically it is divided into two types:

  • vocal;
  • instrumental.

Most often, this type of art means only fiction, but not everything is so simple. In addition, this includes scientific, philosophical and other works that reflect the views of people. Here works are created using words and writing. They reflect the totality of branches of knowledge of a particular science or specialty. Literature is divided into such types as educational, technical, scientific, artistic, reference, memoir and documentary prose. Created in several genres:

  • folklore;
  • prose;
  • poetry.

Space-time arts

This is a combination of several types of art, such as literature, choreography, music, poetry and so on. The theater has its own views and views on displaying reality and does this with the help of dramatic action. This is a collective art, expressing its ideas with the help of actors, directors, screenwriters, stage managers, composers, costume designers and make-up artists. It consists of several types, such as drama theatre, puppet theatre, opera, ballet and pantomime.

A type of artistic creativity based on various technical methods of recording and reproducing images in motion, accompanied by sound. There are several types of this art - these are feature films, documentaries and short films.

Expression of emotions and inner experiences with the help of body movements, built into a specific work, accompanied by music. People have the opportunity to express their feelings, themes, ideas through pantomime, scenery and costume. It has its own directions and styles: ballroom dance, historical, ritual, folk, acrobatic, pop and club.

And to this day they have a huge number of loyal admirers of their talent. We will tell you about 10 great paintings that are known all over the world.

10. “Out of the Lake”, Georgia O'Keeffe

New York in the early 20th century inspired Georgia to create many of her works, including Out of the Lake. Gentle play of waves, small ripples - this is how she saw Lake George.

9. “The Persistence of Memory”, Salvador Dali

This painting is one of the artist's most famous works. It was painted in 1931 and today can be seen in the Museum of Modern Art in New York. It is noteworthy that Dali used pieces of a broken pocket watch to create this masterpiece.

8. “Dream”, Pablo Picasso

Picasso undoubtedly became a pioneer in such a direction of modern art as cubism. Pablo is considered the most famous artist of the twentieth century.

7. “Garden Corner at Montgeron”, Claude Monet

Monet is known as a representative of classical impressionism. This painting was painted on the corner of a garden in Montgeron in 1877. Here Monet captured the constantly changing nature of color and light.

6. "Cafe Terrace at Night", Vincent van Gogh

In his unique style of deep perspective and soft colors, the Dutch painter depicted a cafe in Arles (France) in 1877. Now it bears the name of van Gogh.

The painting is a rather simple portrait of a girl in a turban. The lack of background is due to the fact that the viewer's attention is focused on the girl's pearl earring.

4. “The Luncheon of the Rowers”, Pierre Auguste Renoir

Renoir managed to convey the atmosphere of carefree fun of the middle class in France at the end of the 19th century. A truly lively painting depicts Renoir's friends enjoying their holiday on a balcony on the banks of the Seine.

In 1907, Viennese artist Gustav Klimt painted a painting of a loving couple surrounded by gold ornaments sharing a moment of tender passion: a perfect kiss.

2. "Starry Night", Vincent van Gogh

Today it is one of the most recognizable paintings. It depicts two completely different states: the serenity of a church spire and the wild colors of the night sky.

Undoubtedly, the most famous painting in the world is the Mona Lisa. The painting belongs to the French government and is exhibited in the Louvre. The smile with which the woman looks from the portrait at the viewer is called “mysterious.” If the painting were sold, it would become the most expensive in the entire history of art, or even in the entire history of mankind.

Sculpture and symphony, painting and story, film and palace, performance and dance - all these are works of various types of art.

Arts are classified according to different criteria. Fine Arts show external reality in artistic images, non-fine arts express the inner world. Non-fine arts: music, dance and literature, as well as architecture. There are also mixed (synthetic) types of arts: cinema, theater, ballet, circus, etc.
Within each art form there are divisions called genres in accordance with the themes and objects of the image. This is what we will talk to you about today.

Kinds of art

Fine arts


Perhaps this is one of the most widespread forms of art. The very first works of painting date back to ancient times; they were discovered on the walls of caves of ancient people.
Monumental painting, which developed in the form of mosaics And frescoes(painting on wet plaster).

St Nicholas. Fresco of Dionysius. Ferapontov Monastery
Easel painting– these are paintings of different genres, painted on canvas (cardboard, paper) most often with oil paints.

Genres of painting

In modern painting there are the following genres: portrait, historical, mythological, battle, everyday, landscape, still life, animalistic genre.
Portrait genre reflects the external and internal appearance of a person or group of people. This genre is widespread not only in painting, but also in sculpture, graphics, etc. The main task of the portrait genre is to convey external resemblance and reveal the inner world, the essence of a person’s character.

I. Kramskoy “Portrait of Sofia Ivanovna Kramskoy”
Historical genre(depiction of historical events and characters). Of course, genres in painting are often intertwined, because... when depicting, for example, some historical event, the artist has to turn to the portrait genre, etc.
Mythological genre– illustration of myths and legends of different peoples.

S. Botticelli “Birth of Venus”
Battle genre- an image of battles, military exploits, military operations, glorifying battles, the triumph of victory. The battle genre can also include elements of other genres - domestic, portrait, landscape, animal, still life.

V. Vasnetsov “After the massacre of Igor Svyatoslavich with the Polovtsians”
Everyday genre– depiction of scenes from a person’s everyday, personal life.

A. Venetsianov “On the arable land”
Scenery– depiction of nature, the environment, views of the countryside, cities, historical monuments, etc.

And Savrasov “The rooks have arrived”
Marina- seascape.
Still life(translated from French - “dead nature”) - an image of household items, labor, creativity, flowers, fruits, dead game, caught fish, placed in a real everyday environment.
Animalistic genre– image of animals.

Graphic arts

The name of this type of fine art comes from the Greek word grapho - I write, I draw.
Graphics primarily include drawing and engraving, in which the design is created mainly using a line on a sheet of paper or a cutter on a solid material, from which the image is imprinted onto a sheet of paper.

Types of graphics

Engraving- a design is applied to the flat surface of the material, which is then covered with paint and stamped on paper. The number of impressions varies depending on the engraving technique and material. The main materials for engraving are metal (copper, zinc, steel), wood (boxwood, palm, pear, cherry, etc.), linoleum, cardboard, plastic, plexiglass. The engraving board is processed by mechanical means, steel tools or acid etching.
Printmaking– a print from an engraving board (engraving, lithography, silk-screen printing, monotype), which is an easel work of artistic graphics. The print is printed from a board that the artist himself engraved; often he also makes the impressions. Such works are usually signed, author's copies and are considered originals. Prints are available in black and white and color.
Book graphics- design of the book, its decorative design, illustrations.
Industrial graphics – creation of product labels, brand names, publishing marks, packaging, advertising publications, forms and envelopes. It comes into contact with advertising and is included in the design system.
Bookplate- a sign indicating the owner of the book. The bookplate is attached to the inside of a book binding or cover. Book signs are engraved on wood, copper, linoleum, zincographic or lithographic methods.

Bookplate of Greta Garbo

Poster- an image designed for general attention, created for propaganda or educational purposes.
Linocut- engraving on linoleum.
Lithography– type of engraving: drawing a picture on a stone and making an impression from it.
Woodcut– wood engraving.

Katsushika Hokusai "The Great Wave off Kanagawa", woodcut
Etching– type of engraving on metal, engraving method and impression obtained by this method.
Computer graphics– images are compiled on a computer and shown dynamically or statically. When creating this type of graphics, it is possible to see how the image is formed at all stages and make unlimited adjustments.


This type of art also originated in ancient times. Many images of animals sculpted from clay or carved from stone have been found, quite accurately conveying their appearance. Many female figurines have been preserved that embody the powerful feminine principle. Perhaps these are primitive images of goddesses. Ancient sculptors exaggerated their fertile powers, depicting them with powerful hips, and archaeologists call them “Venuses.”

Venus of Willendorf, about 23 thousand years BC. e., Central Europe
Sculpture is divided into round, freely placed in space, and relief, in which three-dimensional images are located on a plane.
As in painting, in sculpture there are easel and monumental forms. Monumental sculpture designed for streets and squares, such a monument is created for a long time, so it is usually made of bronze, marble, granite. Easel sculpture– these are portraits or small genre groups made of wood, plaster and other materials.

Monument to the postman. Nizhny Novgorod

Arts and crafts

The creators of works of decorative and applied art set themselves two goals: to create a thing that is necessary for everyday life, but this thing at the same time must have certain artistic qualities. Everyday objects should not only serve a person practically, but also decorate life, delight the eye with the perfection of shapes and colors.
Of course, now many works of decorative and applied art have mainly aesthetic significance, but this was not always the case.

Main types of decorative and applied arts

Batik– hand painting on fabric

Work using the hot batik technique (using wax)

Lace making
Carpet weaving
Quilling- the art of making flat or three-dimensional compositions from long and narrow strips of paper twisted into spirals.

Quilling technique
Jewelry Art
Lacquer miniature

Palekh lacquer miniature
Artistic painting on wood
Artistic painting on metal

Zhostovo tray
Artistic carving
Artistic processing of leather

Artistic painting on ceramics

Artistic metal processing
Pyrography(burning on wood, leather, fabric, etc.)
Working with glass

Upper half of a window at Canterbury Cathedral, UK

Photographic art

The art of artistic photography. The genres are basically the same as in painting.


Images on walls or other surfaces. Graffiti refers to any type of street painting on walls, on which you can find everything from simple written words to elaborate drawings.



Drawn stories, stories in pictures. Comics combine the features of such art forms as literature and fine art.

Artist Winsor McCay "Little Sammy Sneezes"

Non-fine arts


Architecture– the art of designing and constructing buildings. Architectural structures can exist in the form of individual buildings or in the form of ensembles. But sometimes ensembles develop historically: buildings built at different times form a single whole. An example is Moscow's Red Square.
Architecture allows us to judge the technical achievements and artistic styles of different eras. The Egyptian pyramids, built about 5 thousand years ago, and the temples of Ancient Greece and Rome have survived to this day. Any city in any country is famous for its architectural structures.

Palace Square in St. Petersburg


In the broadest sense of the word: the totality of any written texts.
Types of literature: fiction, documentary prose, memoirs, scientific and popular science, reference, educational, technical.

Genres of literature

A literary work can be classified as a particular genre according to various criteria: by form (short story, ode, opus, essay, story, play, short story, novel, sketch, epic, epos, essay), by content (comedy, farce, vaudeville , sideshow, sketch, parody, sitcom, comedy of characters, tragedy, drama), by gender.
Epic kind: fable, epic, ballad, myth, short story, story, short story, novel, epic novel, fairy tale, epic.
Lyrical gender: ode, message, stanzas, elegy, epigram.
Lyric-epic genus: ballad, poem.
Dramatic gender: drama, comedy, tragedy.


Music- this is art, the means of embodying artistic images for which are sound and silence, organized in a special way in time. But in general, it is impossible to give one exhaustively precise definition of the concept “music”. This is a special type of creative activity, including a craft and profession.
The type and stylistic variety of music is great.
Classic (or serious)– professional musical compositions born in the culture of Europe mainly from the New Age (the turn of the 16th-17th centuries) and in the Middle Ages;
Popular– predominantly song and dance musical genres.
Extra-European (non-European)– music of those peoples (East) whose culture differs from the culture of Western European civilization.
Ethnic (folk)– folklore musical works of different peoples, emphasizing the identity of an ethnic group, nation, tribe.
Variety (easy)– music of an entertaining nature, intended for relaxation.
Jazz– performing traditions of American blacks reinterpreted by Europeans, based on a synthesis of African and European musical elements.
Rock– music of small vocal and instrumental groups of young people, characterized by the obligatory presence of percussion and electric musical instruments, primarily guitars.
Avant-garde (experimental)- direction in professional composing in the 20th century.
Alternative– new musical compositions or performances (sound presentations, “performances”), fundamentally different from all types of music known today.
Types of music can also be determined by the function it performs: military, church, religious, theater, dance, film music, etc.
Or by the nature of the performance: vocal, instrumental, chamber, vocal-instrumental, choral, solo, electronic, piano, etc.

Each type of music has its own genres. Let's take an example genres of instrumental music.
Instrumental music- This is music performed on instruments, without the participation of the human voice. Instrumental music can be symphonic or chamber music.
Chamber music– compositions intended for performance in small spaces, for home, “room” music playing. Chamber music has great potential for conveying lyrical emotions and subtle mental states of a person. The genres of chamber music include: sonatas, quartets, plays, quintets, etc.
Sonata– one of the main genres of instrumental chamber music. Usually consists of 3 (4) parts.
Etude– a musical piece designed to improve technical skills in playing an instrument.
Nocturne(French “night”) is a genre of a small one-part melodious lyrical piece for piano.
Prelude(Latin for “introduction”) – a short instrumental piece. Improvisational introduction to the main piece. But it can also be an independent work.

Quartet– a piece of music for 4 performers.
Within each type of music, their own styles and trends can arise and develop, distinguished by stable and characteristic structural and aesthetic features: classicism, romanticism, impressionism, expressionism, neoclassicism, serialism, avant-garde, etc.


Choreography is the art of dance.

Spectacular (mixed or synthetic) arts


A spectacular form of art, which is a synthesis of various arts: literature, music, choreography, vocals, visual arts and others.

Puppet show
Types of theaters: drama, opera, ballet, puppet theater, pantomime theater, etc. The art of theater has been known for a long time: theater was born from the most ancient ritual festivals, which in allegorical form reproduced natural phenomena or labor processes.


An art form in which poetry and dramatic art, vocal and instrumental music, facial expressions, dancing, painting, scenery and costumes are fused into a single whole.

Teatro alla Scala (Milan)


This type of art of small forms is predominantly popular and entertaining. Variety includes the following directions: singing, dancing, circus on stage, illusionism, conversational genre, clowning.


A type of entertainment art, according to the laws of which an entertaining performance is built. The content of modern circus performances is the demonstration of magic tricks, pantomime, clowning, reprise, demonstration of exceptional abilities, often associated with risk (physical strength, acrobatics, balancing act), trained animals.

Film art

A type of entertainment art, which is also a synthesis of the arts: literature, theater, dance, fine arts (scenery), etc.


Type of performing arts; a performance whose content is embodied in musical and choreographic images. The basis of a classical ballet performance is a certain plot, a dramatic concept. In the 20th century a plotless ballet appeared, the dramaturgy of which was based on the development inherent in the music.