Ethnic groups of Eurasia. Population of Eurasia. Population of Eurasia: density, numbers, composition and features

POPULATION About 3/4 of the population lives in Eurasia globe. The population is about 4.8 billion people. Whole world6.8 billion Eurasia4.8 billion Africa900 million North America 400 million South America 300 million Australia and Oceania 16 million

DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION On the vast and diverse territory of the continent, the population is distributed extremely unevenly. Eurasia has some of the highest population densities in the world. One of the reasons for the high density is the long history of settlement. Thus, people settled in East and South Asia in the distant past. The rural population density here sometimes reaches people per 1 km².

DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION At the same time, a significant part of the continent is very sparsely populated. The highlands of Tibet and Gobi are almost deserted Central Asia sun-scorched deserts Arabian Peninsula. The population in North Asia is small. TIBETANS MONGOL NOMADS REINDEER HERDERS OF THE FAR NORTH

NATIONAL COMPOSITION For Germanic peoples characterized by blond hair and light skin. Romance peoples are dark-haired and swarthy. The language of the Romance peoples was formed on the basis Latin language. WHERE DO THE GERMANIC AND ROMAN PEOPLES LIVE IN WESTERN EUROPE? ICELANDIC FRENCH WOMAN

On the territory of Eurasia live peoples belonging to different races and linguistic groups. IN Eastern Europe and live in Northern Asia Slavic peoples. Their languages ​​have many common words, and there are many similarities in their culture. There are Eastern, Western and Southern Slavs. TO Eastern Slavs include Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians. To the west - Poles, Czechs and Slovaks. Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats, Slovenes are the southern Slavs. (Where do the Germanic and Romanesque peoples live in Western Europe?)

This camouflage seems to have proven itself because shamans later adopted it as a ritual to induce the focus of the hunt. First “pet”: dog. Already in the first days of mankind, 000 years ago, according to the latest genetic research, the wolf became a pet. The oldest bone results that do not clearly show a wolf, but a dog, however, are only about a thousand years old. But even so, the dog is still man's oldest "pet." Whether a man came to a dog or a dog to a man is controversial: it can be assumed that Wolfsrugel was looking for the proximity of human camps, where there were carnivorous reefs and salty and mineral-rich ashes from abandoned fires; and also that people found and raised young puppies.

Rice. 101. Japanese

The Germanic peoples are characterized by blond hair and light skin. Romance peoples are dark-haired and swarthy. The language of the Romance peoples was formed on the basis of the Latin language.

South Asia is inhabited by numerous Indian peoples. The Chinese are even larger in number.

If anything, the wolf must have been useful to humans, for example by helping them find prey - and so permanent coexistence began. Wolves are relatively easy to tame as pack animals; they live by nature in hierarchical associations and, when properly treated, organize themselves for man. Cohabitation eventually led to genetic changes in the wolf that would lead to the dog. Wolves appear to have been used as pets in the Middle East, China and North America.

Even outside Europe, the first settled cultures were established, often in connection with fishing: fishermen settled along the coast of the Indonesian island group as early as a thousand years ago. In North American Pacific coast sedentary fishermen who lived on wandering salmon and whales, lived in houses up to 35 meters long and carved magnificent totem arms. Fishermen even settled on the Arctic coast, where the natives obtained enough food for permanent settlements through whaling - adaptation to the Arctic climate is another impressive piece of human adaptation.

About 3/4 of the world's population lives in Eurasia. The population is about 4.2 billion people. (Compare it with the population of other continents. What conclusion can be drawn as a result of such a comparison?)

On the vast and diverse territory of the mainland, the population is distributed extremely unevenly. Eurasia has some of the highest population densities in the world.

But what purpose did they serve? Was there already a ghost world for humanity that was parallel to the human world and could explain such things as dreams, life and death? Were there any shamans who might have made contact with this ghost world, and have any photographs been taken of it? Were there the first forms of religion? The person plays no role.

Besides, we don’t know anything - what myths did people believe, what spirits did they call? But those who look at the images from the Stone Age caves of Lascaux or Altamira are still moved by them. Cultural diversity of humanity. Even if there are many different characteristics between people, such as skin color, facial features and other physical characteristics, cultural diversity goes far beyond this. This has become the basis of human success: adaptation to a wide variety of habitats. But humanity's cultural diversity is increasingly being lost.

Rice. 102. Village in high mountain Nepal

One of the reasons for the high density is the long history of settlement. Thus, people settled in East and South Asia in the distant past. The rural population density here sometimes reaches 1000-1500 people per 1 km2. In Western Europe, the most populated area is the coastal part of the Atlantic Ocean. this part of Eurasia - a large number of urban population. At the same time, a significant part of the continent is very sparsely populated. The highlands of Tibet and Gobi in Central Asia and the sun-scorched deserts of the Arabian Peninsula are almost deserted. The population in North Asia is small.

Indigenous peoples are those who lived before conquest, colonization or state funds in the most famous area: the Yanomani in Brazil, the Bushmen in Africa, the Aborigines in Australia or the Papuan tribes in Indonesia - are often seen as backwards, the edge is compressed; especially if they fill an area where mineral deposits are located or major projects are planned.

Like biodiversity, this is a great danger: diversity is the basis for adaptation to changing environmental conditions. If, for example, the fossil fuels on which industrial agriculture is based are running out, knowledge of traditional land management methods may become very relevant. Or another, current example: thousands of years ago, the natives of the Amazon region managed to make fertile soils there with charcoal; today this technology is discussed as one of the hopes for combating climate change.

Countries. The modern countries of Europe and Asia were formed in different ways. In Europe in ancient times, there were states - Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. In the Middle Ages, as a result of the endless struggle of feudal lords, states were created and disintegrated. The political map was unusually variegated. Therefore, even now there are many small and large states. The peoples of these countries have many common interests; for centuries they have exchanged material and spiritual values ​​with each other. These countries still cooperate closely with each other.

But the indigenous people of the Amazon, who generally refuse contact with any whites after bad experiences, are increasingly driven away by the search for gold, lumberjacking, soybean and sugar cane farming, the settlement of landless peasants or Christian missionaries, or the loss of their culture.

In the tropics, as well as in Africa, temperature changes during the cold and warm phases were much lower than in higher latitudes, but the cold times were drier. In warmer periods, the rain returned, after a few hundred years the savannas became green again, and even the sugars are shown cave drawings from today's show in the Libyan Sahara. In Africa, the grave was probably invented during ice age, the pointed stick was sometimes weighed with a stone disk, which helped to dig for roots and tubers - and was also suitable for planting seedlings; it is therefore considered the main precursor to agriculture, and by some historians one of the most important inventions humanity.

  1. The peoples of which language groups inhabit Eurasia?
  2. Show on the map the most populated parts of the continent.
  3. Which areas are sparsely populated? Why?
  4. By what criteria can the countries of Eurasia be grouped?

The peoples of Eurasia make up almost three-quarters of the world's total population. The mainland is home to a large number of different ethnic groups, which differ in appearance, mentality, culture and language.

A thousand years ago, man manipulated his environment. In Western Europe, a warming climate a thousand years ago caused open grasslands to be replaced by forests; development characterized by the presence of pollen deposits in sediments. But the large animal herds disappeared, and they followed the tundra vegetation to the north. They used both possibilities. In the north they were able to maintain their previous way of life, in warmer regions everything was different: forest animals did not live in large herds, as before the cattle breeders; and even if the invention of the arrow and bow helped in hunting in the forest, securing enough food became more difficult.

Each people of Eurasia belongs to a specific language family, which, in turn, is divided into groups. The speech of each people in the family is similar and comes from one common proto-language. Languages ​​in the same group sometimes differ only in pronunciation or spelling.

Most languages ​​were formed territorially. This explains the fact that different peoples of Eurasia have almost the same or similar speech. There is a hypothesis that ancient people developed their speech by listening to the sounds of wildlife in the area, and therefore some languages ​​are very similar to the sounds that animals make.

Villages such as settlements, cave paintings and Venesfiguren no longer exist from this time. In addition to hunting, plant-based nutrition played a role again big role; The forests provide tubers, mushrooms, nuts and other fruits. They also had the advantage that they could be preserved well, so that reserves could be created in bad times.

As forests became denser, people returned to vacancies, preferring to inhabit river and lake banks or swamps, where hunting was easier and supplemented by fishing. The region has been east of the Mediterranean Sea since the beginning of the Ice Age, 000 years ago, when westerly winds brought so much rain into the country that, in the area of ​​modern Israel, Palestine, Jordan and Syria, loose forests of oak and pistachio grew on fertile grasslands in which grazing gazelles. Grass seeds in the spring, gazelles in the summer, and acorns and pistachios in the fall provided a plentiful and balanced diet.

Classification of the languages ​​of the peoples of Eurasia

To date, 7 language families have been recorded, which unite all the languages ​​and dialects of the peoples living on the mainland. Each of these families is divided into linguistic groups of the peoples of Eurasia. There are 17 of them.

All languages ​​are divided into:

1. Indo-European family:

  • Slavic group (Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Polish, Czech and Bulgarian);
  • Germanic group (English, German, Norwegian and Swedish);
  • Baltic group (Lithuanian and Latvian);
  • Romanesque group (Spanish, Portuguese, French and Italian);
  • Celtic group (Irish);
  • Greek group (Greek);
  • Iranian group (Tajik, Afghan and Ossetian);
  • Indo-Aryan group (Hindustani and Nepali);
  • Armenian group (Armenian);

2.Kartvelian family (Georgian).

But acorns in particular required complex preparation - the bitter substances had to be washed off. The women who were responsible for their training became increasingly tied to the household. The importance of grass to the diet was demonstrated by the mortar, millstones and pickles that were found in the Natufian settlements. However, a sedentary attitude can also be a disaster: a mobile former person may respond to changes in their environment by simply moving to where their pursuit was conducted.

This issue has been and remains passionately debated both inside and outside Russia. Europe is often equated with the West. Isn’t it obvious that in Russia today “Eurasia” is built as a counter-model? "Eurasia" is talking again since the end of the Soviet Union. Whether the adequate use of methodological concepts from the twenties to globalization, the increasing interweaving of modern communications and economic networks and the associated decomposition of boundaries between West and East is highly questionable.

3. Afro-Asian family:

  • Semitic group (Arabic);

4. Ural-Yukogir family:

  • Finno-Ugric group (Hungarian, Estonian and Finnish);

5. Altai family:

  • Turkic group (Turkish, Kazakh and Kyrgyz);
  • Mongolian group (Mongolian and Buryat);
  • Japanese group (Japanese);
  • Korean group (Korean);

6. Sino-Tibetan family (Chinese);

Demanding Russian hegemony in Asia will lead to an “economic and political deadlock.” The two poles of economic growth of an enlarged Europe and East Asia can be reconnected to the benefit of Russia and Central Asia. According to political scientists, development has begun, some are even talking about a new “Silk Road”. Intercity trade is carried out from Russia, Central Asian countries to Turkey, Iran and China. Sinologist Helwig Schmidt-Glinzer emphasizes the importance of Eurasia for cultural-historical discourse: “Today we know that Europe is needed not only for the Mediterranean, but also for Central Asia.”

7. North Caucasian family:

  • Abkhaz-Adyghe group (Abkhaz and Adyghe);
  • Nakh-Dagestan group (Chechen).

How did the languages ​​of the peoples of Eurasia develop?

The most ancient civilizations were created and developed on the Eurasian continent: India, China and Mesopotamia. They gave development to all other peoples, their states, culture, traditions and speech.

Trubetskoy on the example of Russia. Is there a Russian culture for which we intend to work? They testify to meetings with local residents last generations, as well as reports from foreign observers. With a better will, we cannot join the new proletarian-Russian culture, and the values ​​that we create will not be included in them.

These values ​​belonged to the pre-revolutionary European-Russian culture, which still survives as a remnant of its life, but in general, however, is already dedicated to death as a result of lack of continuity, and they are their swan. By turning Eurasians to the East, we deliberately create a contrast with Europe, which is the result medieval history Russia and, according to Eurasians, turns out to be irreconcilable. In this context, Trubecca considered Russians to be non-European peoples because they mixed with Turkic peoples Eurasia.

The development of the language did not stop, and people settled, exploring new lands, inventing new words and expressions. This is how language groups appeared, and then families. Each people of Eurasia developed the existing speech in its own way. People living in different places began to call the same things by different names. This is how dialects appeared, which then became full-fledged national languages. Linguists divided all languages ​​into families and groups for easier learning.

Miller. Miller was an ethnographer and linguist specializing in the Caucasus who was interested in Indo-European linguistics, especially Indo-Iranian studies. Florovsky. In the same year, Trubetskoy’s main book, “Europe and Humanity,” appeared.

Fyodor Polyakov, publisher of Trubecca's works, rightly says that it was a heterogeneous circle, which was distinguished by its “passion for the eccentric.” This eccentricity is also found in Trubecca's work. He lacked a cast ideology. Of course, Trubecca is obsessed with the history of history, many things are also wrong, but he talks about the absolutism of culture, instead of talking about the equivalence of all cultures. Trubetskoy refused to do European culture value base global history. He rightly denied the marginalization of Russia by European historical sciences, which put Russian culture and history at the extreme edge of Europe.

Indo-European language family

The largest language family in the world is the Indo-European family. These languages ​​are spoken by many peoples of Eurasia.

This language family owes its popularity to its conquerors and pioneers. Indo-European languages ​​were born in Eurasia, and it is considered the birthplace of all humanity, along with Africa. People explored new territories and captured the indigenous peoples of other continents, then imposed their culture and language on them. Each people of Eurasia at that time tried to subjugate more territories and people. Many scientists associate such a wide spread of Spanish, English and Russian with historical events.

Against this background, Trubetskoy created a “community of fate” between Russians and eastern peoples. Moreover, the East, i.e. the east seems to him to be the best alternative to Europe, “Romano-Germanic culture.” East is located in Trubetskoy with positive characteristics religiosity, emotionality and collectivism, while Europe with the negative attributes of secularism, rationality and individualism. Thus, Trubecca speaks of a positive "Orientalization" of Russia, while Europe is associated with Russia and the backwardness of the East.

With Russia's turn to the East, this seems to be overestimated. The disruptions of the First World War and the October Revolution were seen by Trubetskoy as a civilizational crisis, whose cause he saw in nationalism. Trubetskoy has a chauvinistic and cosmopolitan side. He rejects both chauvinisms because it advocates hierarchy among peoples, cosmopolitanism because it advocates a single human culture in which all differences between cultures are equalized. On the other hand, Trubecca advocates the equivalence of all cultures, criticizing the idealization of European culture.

How are Chinese and Japanese languages ​​different?

A common mistake many people make is to assume Chinese and Japanese languages similar or almost the same. It's not just that these two languages ​​are in different languages y families. People living in Japan and China are completely different, although they belong to the same race. Each of these countries is a separate people of Eurasia, with its own culture and language.

If the hieroglyphs themselves that are used to write in these countries are quite difficult to distinguish, this does not mean that the languages ​​are the same. Their first difference is that the Japanese write vertically, and the Chinese write horizontally.

To the ear, Japanese speech is much rougher than Chinese. Chinese filled soft sounds. Japanese speech is harsher. More deep study will show that the words in these languages ​​are different, as well as grammar and other rules.

Slavic languages

Slavic languages ​​are a language group of the Indo-European family. These languages ​​are very similar. Speakers of Slavic languages ​​can often understand each other almost without difficulty, while speaking different languages. This is especially true for Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian speech.

Slavic languages ​​began to develop with the appearance of the first Slavic tribes. Each tribe used its own dialect. The greater the distance between them, the more differences appeared in speech.

All Slavic languages ​​are divided into eastern, western and southern. This division occurs territorially, just like the division of tribes.

Of other representatives of the Indo-European language family The closest to the Slavic group is the Baltic group. Many scientists explain this by the long communication between representatives of these tribes.

Peoples living on the continent

In fact, there are a lot of peoples living on the mainland, but if we generalize, they can be roughly divided according to race into 2 groups: Caucasian and Mongoloid. And these groups, in turn, are divided into subgroups.

Caucasian race, consisting of the following groups:

  • Slavic;
  • Baltic;
  • Germanic;
  • Greek;
  • Armenian;
  • Finno-Ugric.

Mongoloid race:

  • Turkic;
  • Mongolian;
  • Korean;
  • Japanese;
  • Chukotka-Kamchatka;
  • Sino-Tibetan.

Of course, much more people live in Eurasia ethnic groups and tribes.

Peoples of Eurasia: countries

It is perhaps impossible to list all the countries of the continent within the framework of a single article, because there are about 99 of them! But it is worth mentioning the largest of them. Probably everyone knows that the most large state on the mainland is Russia. It is impossible not to mention India and China, countries with the highest population density.

As for the smallest states, they are mainly located on western territories mainland. For example, the Vatican is considered a unique state entity. The list of dwarf countries includes Liechtenstein, Andorra, Luxembourg and Monaco. The smallest countries in Asia are Brunei, Maldives and Bahrain.

Eurasia is considered the most colorful continent on the planet, of course! Its territory occupies 3/4 of the world's population with different colors skin, own culture and traditions.

The peoples of Eurasia make up almost three-quarters of the world's total population. The mainland is home to a large number of different ethnic groups, which differ appearance, mentality, culture and language.

Each people of Eurasia belongs to a specific language family, which, in turn, is divided into groups. The speech of each people in the family is similar and comes from one common proto-language. Languages ​​in the same group sometimes differ only in pronunciation or spelling.

Most languages ​​were formed territorially. This explains the fact that different peoples Eurasians have almost the same or similar speech. There is a hypothesis that ancient people developed their speech by listening to the sounds of wildlife in the area, and therefore some languages ​​are very similar to the sounds that animals make.

Classification of the languages ​​of the peoples of Eurasia

To date, 7 language families have been recorded, which unite all the languages ​​and dialects of the peoples living on the mainland. Each of these families is divided into linguistic groups of the peoples of Eurasia. There are 17 of them.

All languages ​​are divided into:

1. Indo-European family:

  • Slavic group (Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Polish, Czech and Bulgarian);
  • Germanic group (English, German, Norwegian and Swedish);
  • Baltic group (Lithuanian and Latvian);
  • Romanesque group (Spanish, Portuguese, French and Italian);
  • Celtic group (Irish);
  • Greek group (Greek);
  • Iranian group (Tajik, Afghan and Ossetian);
  • Indo-Aryan group (Hindustani and Nepali);
  • Armenian group (Armenian);

2.Kartvelian family (Georgian).

3. Afro-Asian family:

  • Semitic group (Arabic);

4. Ural-Yukogir family:

  • Finno-Ugric group (Hungarian, Estonian and Finnish);

5. Altai family:

  • Turkic group (Turkish, Kazakh and Kyrgyz);
  • Mongolian group (Mongolian and Buryat);
  • Japanese group (Japanese);
  • Korean group (Korean);

6. Sino-Tibetan family (Chinese);

7. North Caucasian family:

  • Abkhaz-Adyghe group (Abkhaz and Adyghe);
  • Nakh-Dagestan group (Chechen).

How did the languages ​​of the peoples of Eurasia develop?

The most ancient civilizations were created and developed on the Eurasian continent: India, China and Mesopotamia. They gave development to all other peoples, their states, culture, traditions and speech.

It did not stop, but people settled, exploring new lands, inventing new words and expressions. This is how language groups appeared, and then families. Each people of Eurasia developed the existing speech in its own way. People living in different places began to call the same things by different names. This is how dialects appeared, which then turned into full-fledged languages. Linguists divided all languages ​​into families and groups for easier study.

Indo-European language family

The largest language family in the world is the Indo-European family. These languages ​​are spoken by many peoples of Eurasia.

This language family owes its popularity to its conquerors and pioneers. Indo-European languages ​​were born in Eurasia, and it is considered the birthplace of all humanity, along with Africa. People explored new territories and captured the indigenous peoples of other continents, then imposed their culture and language on them. Each people of Eurasia at that time tried to subjugate more territories and people. Many scientists associate such a wide spread of Spanish, English and Russian with historical events.

How are Chinese and Japanese languages ​​different?

A common mistake many people make is to think that Chinese and Japanese are similar or almost the same. These two languages ​​are in different language families for a reason. People living in Japan and China are completely different, although they belong to the same race. Each of these countries is a separate people of Eurasia, with its own culture and language.

If the hieroglyphs themselves that are used to write in these countries are quite difficult to distinguish, this does not mean that the languages ​​are the same. Their first difference is that the Japanese write vertically, and the Chinese write horizontally.

To the ear, Japanese speech is much rougher than Chinese. The Chinese language is filled with soft sounds. Japanese speech is harsher. A deeper study will show that the words in these languages ​​are different, as well as grammar and other rules.

Slavic languages

Slavic languages ​​- language group Indo-European family. These languages ​​are very similar. Speakers of Slavic languages ​​can often understand each other almost without difficulty, while speaking different languages. This is especially true for Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian speech.

They began to develop with the advent of the first Slavic tribes. Each tribe used its own dialect. The greater the distance between them, the more differences appeared in speech.

All Slavic languages ​​are divided into eastern, western and southern. This division occurs territorially, just like the division of tribes.

Of the other representatives of the Indo-European language family, the closest to the Slavic is the Baltic group. Many scientists explain this by the long communication between representatives of these tribes.

Peoples living on the continent

In fact, there are a lot of peoples living on the mainland, but if we generalize, they can be conditionally divided by race into 2 groups: Caucasian and Mongoloid. And these groups, in turn, are divided into subgroups.

Caucasian race, consisting of the following groups:

  • Slavic;
  • Baltic;
  • Germanic;
  • Greek;
  • Armenian;
  • Finno-Ugric.

Mongoloid race:

  • Turkic;
  • Mongolian;
  • Korean;
  • Japanese;
  • Chukotka-Kamchatka;
  • Sino-Tibetan.

Of course, there are many more ethnic groups and tribes living in Eurasia.

Peoples of Eurasia: countries

It is perhaps impossible to list all the countries of the continent within the framework of a single article, because there are about 99 of them! But it is worth mentioning the largest of them. Probably everyone knows that the largest state on the mainland is Russia. It is impossible not to mention India and China, countries with the highest population density.

As for the smallest states, they are mainly located in the western territories of the mainland. For example, unique public education considered the Vatican. The list of dwarf countries includes Liechtenstein, Andorra, Luxembourg and Monaco. The smallest countries in Asia are Brunei, Maldives and Bahrain.

Eurasia is considered the most colorful continent on the planet, of course! Its territory occupies 3/4 of the world's population with different skin colors, their own culture and traditions.

Eurasia is the largest continent on the planet, with an area of ​​about 54 million square meters. km. Thanks to such an impressive area, the continent has become home to five billion people - that’s 2/3 of all the inhabitants of the Earth. We will find out what is the peculiarity of the population of Eurasia, what peoples live on the mainland, what are their similarities and main differences.

Eurasia is the largest continent on Earth

The most impressive part on the world map is occupied by the continent of Eurasia, consisting of two parts of the world: Europe and Asia. It is washed on all sides by the waters of all four oceans, and its area covers 1/3 of the entire earth's landmass.

Eurasia is the cradle of many ancient civilizations, which originated thousands of years ago in India, China, Mesopotamia, and in the Mediterranean region. They played a big role in the history of the development of the entire human race, leaving descendants a rich cultural heritage.

Rice. 1. Ancient civilizations.

Currently, Eurasia is characterized by the following features:

  • the population of the mainland accounts for 70% of the population of the entire globe;
  • the population of Eurasia is represented by all three main races (Caucasian, Mongoloid, Negroid);
  • Eurasia is the birthplace of the three most widespread world religions (Christianity, Islam, Buddhism);
  • ethnic composition has great variety;
  • The vast majority of the mainland's population lives in large cities.

Population density

The population of the Eurasian continent is unevenly distributed. The main criterion for placing people is geographical features:

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  • Most comfortable conditions Regions with a mild climate and fertile soils are suitable for life. These include the south and southeast of Asia, the western, southern and central regions of Europe. So, most high performance belong to Monaco (18 thousand people/sq. km).

Monaco is a tiny state located in the south of Europe. The Principality is famous throughout the world high level the lives of its citizens, an almost complete absence of crime and a rich history.

Rice. 2. Principality of Monaco.

  • The northern part of the continent, located close to the Arctic Circle, is of little use for economic activity and life in general. This region is one of the most sparsely populated in Eurasia. For example, in Iceland the population density is only 3 people/sq. km, in Finland - 16 people/sq. km.
  • The interior parts of the continent, where mountains and sultry deserts are located, are not distinguished by a high population. Some of them are almost completely deserted (Tibet and the Gobi Desert). It is in this region that the state with the lowest indicators is located - Mongolia, where there are only two people per square kilometer.

Racial composition

Representatives of all three races live in Eurasia: Caucasoid, Negroid and Mongoloid.

In the European part of the continent, in South-East Asia and the Hindustan Peninsula is traditionally inhabited by Caucasians. The southern representatives of this race have dark skin, dark hair and eyes. The northern branch, on the other hand, is famous for its light hair, eyes and skin.

The Negroid race is not common in Eurasia, but it still exists. The vast majority of its representatives live in Sri Lanka and Hindustan. Negroids are distinguished from other races by their very dark skin, wide lips and flattened noses, and dark curly hair.

Asia belongs to the Mongoloids. Their distinctive feature are slanted narrow eyes, dark skin, dark hair and eyes.

Rice. 3. Mongoloids

Eurasian countries

There are 92 states located on the territory of Eurasia (99 states if you count the unrecognized ones). This is a real record - no continent can boast of so many diverse countries.

The largest area is occupied by Russia, the size of which is twice the size of the entire continent - Australia. In terms of population, the palm is occupied by China, which is only slightly ahead of India. Only these two states live 1/3 of all the inhabitants of the Earth.

The smallest state is the Vatican, whose area is only 0.44 square meters. km. This is an enclave state - a state located inside another country. In this case, the Vatican is surrounded on all sides by Italy. The population of this dwarf state is just over eight hundred people.

What have we learned?

When studying the topic “Population of Eurasia,” we found out that the most large continent The planet is also the leader in terms of the number of people living on it. Representatives of three races live on its territory, preaching the most popular religions. We found that population distribution largely depends on geographical factors.

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Population of Eurasia - what is its total size? How is it distributed across the mainland? What nationalities inhabit it? You will receive answers to these and many other questions in our article.

Population of Eurasia: general theses

Eurasia is the largest continent on the planet both in terms of area and number of inhabitants. Structurally, it is divided into two parts of the world: Europe and Asia, which differ from each other in almost all demographic indicators. It is Eurasia that many scientists consider the ancestral home of all humanity: the civilizations that originated here played a significant role in the history of the world.

Before delving into the topic of the article, five main theses (postulates) should be noted. Here they are:

  • The Eurasian continent is home to about 75% of the world's population;
  • the population of Eurasia is represented by all three races of our planet;
  • the ethnic composition of the continent's population is very diverse and motley;
  • Eurasia is home to three of the world's largest religions;
  • Most of the mainland's population (over 60%) lives in

Size and distribution of the continent's population

How many people live in Eurasia? And how are they distributed across the mainland?

The total population of Eurasia is 4.6 billion people! This, by the way, is three quarters of all the inhabitants of our planet. Moreover, it is distributed extremely unevenly across the continent. The average population density of Eurasia is about 90 people per square kilometer of area.

Vast expanses of the mainland (Siberia, the far north, the Himalayas and Tibet, the interior of the Arabian Peninsula and others) are practically uninhabited. In some areas, the population density can be as low as 1 person per square kilometer. At the same time, the entire Western Europe, the coast of Southeast Asia, the island of Great Britain, etc. For example, the population density in Singapore is 4000 people/km 2 .

Below is a map of population distribution across the mainland. The more intense the color on it, the more populated a particular region of Eurasia is.

The population of Eurasia mainly lives in cities. In percentage terms, this is about 60% of all inhabitants of the mainland. Largest cities Asia is Tokyo, Shanghai, Beijing, Delhi, Dhaka, Mumbai, Istanbul, Karachi; Europe - Moscow, London, Berlin, Paris, St. Petersburg, Kyiv, Rome.

Population and countries of Eurasia

Within the continent today there are about 90 independent states. It is impossible to give an exact number, since there is a problem of identifying the independence of a particular country. For example, can Abkhazia, Transnistria or Kosovo be considered sovereign? Each researcher has his own opinion on this matter.

Below is a list of ten Eurasians.

It is worth noting that there is only one on this list European country(Germany). Therefore, it is not difficult to guess in which part of the world the bulk of the population of Eurasia and the planet as a whole is concentrated.

Political map of Eurasia

The political map of the continent began to form a long time ago, since ancient times. At that time, powerful states already existed in Eurasia. Among them - Ancient Hellas, Rome, China, India and others.

Modern political map Eurasia is represented by nine dozen independent countries. Among them there are huge powers (such as China, Russia or India), and very tiny states (Vatican City, Andorra, San Marino), which are also called “dwarf”.

In Eurasia, there is heterogeneity in the level of economic development of countries and regions. Japan is one of the most developed countries on the continent. South Korea, Germany and Great Britain. At the same time, there are a huge number of “poor” in Asia developing countries(Vietnam, Myanmar, Bangladesh and others).

Demographic situation in Europe and Asia

Modern demographic processes are very different in Europe and in mainland Eurasia is experiencing today whole line acute problems. Moreover, in different regions they are different.

Thus, in Europe, the birth rate has decreased noticeably in recent decades. The situation in modern Europe also often characterized as the “gray-haired revolution” or the “aging of the nation.” The fact is that, against the backdrop of a decline in the birth rate, overall life expectancy here is increasing. Thus, in the age structure of the population of most European countries there is an increase in the percentage of elderly people.

At the same time, in Asian countries the birth rate remains extremely high. In some regions, natural increase rates can reach 20-30 people per 1000 inhabitants. These countries, on the contrary, are facing the problem of overpopulation and lack of resources (primarily food).


The population of Eurasia (as of early 2015) is 4.6 billion people. Most of it is concentrated in Asia, mainly on the coast of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. The population of Eurasia (over 60%) is predominantly urban. The continent's largest metropolises: Shanghai, Delhi, Tokyo, Istanbul, Dhaka, Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The populations and countries of Eurasia are extremely diverse. This continent is home to about a thousand nationalities who speak hundreds of different languages ​​and dialects. It was here that three world religions were born: Islam, Christianity and Buddhism.