Elkar dosage for 1 year old child. Elkar - instructions for use. Instructions for use of Elkar, dosage

In pediatric practice, doctors are increasingly faced with serious pathologies in newborns and preschool children. Treatment of various health disorders in children requires a fundamentally new approach that ensures safe and effective intervention. One of these innovative drugs that helps correct a number of abnormalities is “Elkar”.

Problems of newborn babies

Sometimes the birth of a baby is accompanied by a number of problems: premature birth, intrauterine injuries, asphyxia. As a rule, such pathologies negatively affect the baby’s health, so timely and competent therapy is urgently needed from the first minutes of life. One of the popular drugs that helps restore a number of functions of the child’s body is “Elkar” for children. Feedback from parents whose babies were restored to health with the help of this drug allowed them to highly evaluate the effectiveness of this drug in the treatment of childhood problems, including prematurity.

An integrated approach to restoring body functions

The process of nursing newborns who have suffered birth trauma or asphyxia requires an integrated approach and long-term systematic influence. Such babies are nursed in stages, under the close supervision of pediatric neonatologists. As a consequence of pathological childbirth, doctors record insufficient development of mental and motor functions in the baby, a sluggish sucking reflex, decreased muscle tone and, accordingly, low weight gain. All these problems can be comprehensively solved by prescribing the drug “Elkar” to children. Feedback from neonatologists caring for young patients has significantly expanded the range of problems that can be corrected with the help of this innovative tool.

The mechanism of action of the drug in eliminating problems in newborns

If it is necessary to urgently compensate for the deficiencies of the nervous system as a result of complicated childbirth, newborns need a drug that will help normalize energy metabolism. In these cases, experts prefer to prescribe Elkar to children. Reviews from doctors helped to get a clear understanding of the mechanism of action of this drug on the children's body. As a rule, premature babies suffer from malnutrition due to the fact that they have sluggish tone and a reduced sucking reflex. Their weight gain is insufficient: due to the small amount of nutrients entering the body, the child develops eating disorders.

The Elkar medication helps stimulate food reflexes and appetite, while simultaneously normalizing the metabolic processes of the child’s body. The complex mechanism of action of this drug is fully disclosed by the instructions for use for children included with the drug "Elkar". Feedback from parents suggests the versatility of this pharmaceutical product.

Composition of the drug "Elkar"

“Elkar” contains carnitine, or an amino acid, similar in pharmacological properties and structure to B vitamins. Normally, this substance is regularly produced by the body itself and is actively involved in metabolic processes. In pathologies caused by a lack of carnitine in the body, various types of disorders occur associated with the progression of energy starvation. In order to restore the necessary balance of carnitine in the body, doctors prescribe Elkar to children. Reviews from parents of young patients who used this drug for medicinal purposes point out that in addition to increasing muscle tone and endurance, children's appetite is normalized. This happens due to the fact that carnitine, which is part of this product, stimulates the production of gastric and intestinal juices, improves the quality of food absorption and the consumption of glucose entering the body.

Excess glucose, as a rule, is reserved in the liver or muscles; this process is also corrected by taking the drug "Elkar". Reviews confirm the safety of the medicine in question, even when treating babies from the first day of life.

Taking Elkar by children of the first year of life

"Elkar" is widely used in pediatric practice for the treatment of pathological conditions in children of the first year of life. A prerequisite for such therapy is the need for the pediatrician to strictly monitor the condition of the little patient during the treatment period.

First of all, this medicine is prescribed to children if pathologically small weight gain is diagnosed due to disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. As a rule, such children are physically behind their peers in development and are characterized by a decrease in general tone and symptoms of apathy. To correct this condition, doctors prescribe Elkar (drops for children); reviews confirm the effectiveness of this dosage form on a par with the tablet form. The drug is also prescribed to children who are in the so-called risk group for the development of delayed mental and physical development caused by genetic abnormalities, birth injuries and intrauterine pathologies. Also, such conditions can occur in children due to past infections and diseases.

Pediatricians, as a rule, prescribe ten drops three times a day of Elkar to children under one year of age. Reviews from parents who initially doubted the capabilities of the drug indicate high effectiveness in correcting motor activity and physical tone of the baby.

Young children and "Elkar"

To correct disorders in children of the second and third years of life, Elkar is prescribed in other dosages, while independent dose adjustment by the pediatrician is allowed, depending on the severity of the pathology. With all possible uses of the drug, its prescription must be clearly justified and appropriate.

Before prescribing Elkar, the pediatrician must collect an anamnesis of the child’s development, take into account his condition, the excitability of the nervous system, general development and determine how much additional carnitine is needed. The standard dosage of five drops three times a day of a twenty percent solution is indicated by the instructions for use included with the Elkar product (for children). Reviews from doctors allow dosage adjustments of up to ten drops if necessary.

This drug will also be indispensable during the rehabilitation period after a child has undergone surgery, since carnitine fully helps restore the baby’s energy metabolism. However, it should be remembered that this drug is used only in case of a truly existing need, despite all the positive reviews about the drug "Elkar".

For children, Komarovsky, a famous pediatrician, recommends stabilizing energy metabolism, primarily through physical activity. Only if there are confirmed painful and pathological conditions in the baby should one resort to drug therapy.

"Elkar" for preschool children

Pediatricians also prescribe carnitine to preschool children, using a 30% solution of the drug “Elkar”. Reviews (for children with various developmental problems, including the nervous system and muscle tone, this remedy helps) helped adjust the dosage: five drops twice a day. Experts recommend giving your child this drug in the morning and during the day, since taking it in the evening can cause problems with falling asleep and sleeping at night in the child. The course of treatment is usually long - about a month. In some cases, the doctor may adjust the course downward to two to three weeks.

Many experts consider the main problem of a preschool child to be a lack of adequate nutrition due to decreased appetite. This process is also successfully corrected with the help of accumulated experience, as noted by the reviews available about the drug “Elkar”. For children, the drug is prescribed in a standard dosage for appetite, but the intake is also monitored by a doctor to avoid the development of side effects.

Side effect of treatment with Elkar

While taking carnitine-based medications, undesirable effects may occur. Information about the mechanism of these pathologies will help to understand the reviews available about taking the drug “Elkar”. This medicine is prescribed to children with caution and under the strict supervision of a pediatrician due to the high likelihood of intestinal disturbances: constipation, flatulence, abdominal pain. In some cases, a skin reaction to the drug in the form of a rash is recorded. In such cases, pediatricians, as a rule, diagnose side effects while taking Elkar and make a decision on further therapy depending on the severity of the side effect.

Sometimes parents notice an unpleasant odor from the baby’s mouth or hair while taking this medicine. In this case, experts say that the problem is in the increased dosage, which should be correctly adjusted downwards, and besides, it is important for parents to strictly observe the dosage themselves when giving Elkar to their children. Reviews from those who changed the dose correctly on time and constantly followed the recommendations of specialists indicate the disappearance of side effects already on the first day.

Contraindications for use

Like any medicine, Elkar also has a number of contraindications. First of all, the drug is not prescribed to children suffering from hypersensitivity to its components. In addition, when prescribing the drug “Elkar” for the treatment of eating disorders in children, pediatricians add enzymes to it to normalize digestion. This requirement is especially relevant if the baby suffers from a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, including a chronic one.

For some diseases of the digestive system, doctors avoid prescribing Elkar to avoid worsening the pathological process. In general, this drug is well tolerated by young patients, as evidenced by the available reviews of treatment with Elkar. For children 2 years and 3 years old, it is important to correctly determine the concentration of the drug: for two-year-old children it is advisable to use a 20% solution, and three-year-olds can take a 30% solution. The recommended amount of medication should not be neglected, since existing possible disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract may worsen.

Experience with the youngest patients

Many parents whose children were nursed by doctors using the drug “Elkar” in the maternity hospital note rapid positive dynamics in the baby’s condition, especially in cases of correction of problems of prematurity. The main problem of a prematurely born baby is the lack of energy and strength for active consumption and assimilation of food. As a consequence, there is a developmental delay, which is corrected by prescribing the drug “Elkar” for children.

A simple drug in its composition to improve metabolism and energy metabolism, Elkar is often used for purposes other than its main purpose - to reduce fat mass in the body. There is scientific evidence for this, but is it really possible to get rid of extra pounds at the same time as a drug prescribed for underweight? How to use it for this purpose?

"Elkar": instructions for use and general description of the drug

The product is traditionally produced in dark glass bottles with a volume of 25 to 100 ml, to which a measuring spoon or measuring cup can be attached. Taking into account the peculiarities of the dosage, even the smallest bottle is enough for a full course for an adult, however, this also depends on the method of use.

  • The active ingredient is carniphine, known as L-carnitine, auxiliary components are citric acid, water.
  • The main task of “Elkar” is to restore metabolic processes in the body by improving the metabolism of proteins and fats, strengthen the body and endurance in relation to physical activity, and inhibit glycolysis of anaerobic origin. In addition, the drug is an anabolic and lipolytic; endocrinologists often prescribe it as a thyroid hormone blocker, as a result of which it restores metabolism in hypertioriosis.

This spectrum of action allows Elkar to be used both in sports medicine and in neurology, endocrinology and dietetics. Moreover, the product can be used by older people, nursing women, and young children.

Most often, "Elkar" is prescribed for:

  1. Reducing the manifestations of chronic gastritis with impaired secretory function
  2. Reducing the manifestations of chronic pancreatitis
  3. Rehabilitation after injuries and surgery
  4. Increasing performance and improving concentration during psycho-emotional stress
  5. Improved endurance with increased sports regimen
  6. Elimination of hyperthyroidism
  7. Recovery from brain damage
  8. Replenishment of carnitine deficiency

As for the traditional use of the drug, its dosage depends on the reason for its use.

  • Sports medicine For adults, the following schedule is recommended: 2.5 g, which is equivalent to 1.25 ml of solution, 3 times a day. If it is necessary to recover from injuries, the dosage can be increased to 100 mg per 1 kg of net weight once. The course at increased training intensity is 55-60 days. Before the competition, treatment begins 3-4 weeks in advance.
  • At carnitine insufficiency adults need 50 mg of Elkar for each kg of weight, treatment duration is 4 months.
  • At nervous anorexia etc. insufficient body weight - 2.5-5 ml, 2 times a day, for a month.
  • Treatment gastritis And pancreatitis implies a dosage of 1.25 ml, 2 times a day, for 1-1.5 months.
  • At hyperthyroidism Prescribe 10-12 drops, up to 3 times a day, for 21 days. After a break of 2 months, the course is repeated.

Also, when referring to “Elkar”, it is important to know that:

  • The maximum concentration of the active substance is observed 2.5-3 hours after administration, the therapeutic concentration is retained for 9 hours, is excreted by the kidneys, absorbed into the liver, as well as into the muscles, but worse.
  • In rare cases, taking Elkar can cause dyspepsia, which is blocked either by taking activated charcoal or by gastric lavage. No other side effects have been recorded; cases of individual reactions cannot be excluded.

"Elkar": instructions for use in children

Among metabolic drugs, Elkar is perhaps the rare remedy that can be used even by nursing mothers and young children at any age, although up to 3 years of age it is recommended to take it with caution and calculate the dosage together with a doctor. True, if adults sometimes use the drug to change body weight during weight loss or mass gain, then in children everything is somewhat different. How and why should children use it?

  • Main recommendation To use "Elkara" at children prematurity And asphyxia, as well as birth trauma, and, as a result of these nuances, a weakened sucking reflex, unexpressed muscle tone, and lack of weight gain.
  • By adolescents under 18 years of age, Elkar can be used to increase body weight in case of anorexia, including nervosa, normalize speed and endurance, reduce the severity of post-training syndrome, and reduce the proportion of fat in the body.

In addition to these direct recommendations, the use of the drug is also allowed during periods of increased psycho-emotional and physical stress, as well as in cases of frequent fatigue and loss of performance. The dosage depends not only on the age of the child, but also on the orientation of the Elkar.

  • For children over 3 years old, it is recommended to add 3-5 drops (1 for each year of life) to the liquid, give 2-3 times a day, between meals. Since the drug in no way has an irritating effect on the mucous membrane, it can be used even on an empty stomach.
  • Children over 6 years old are prescribed 1.5-2 drops per year of life, so the dosage is 9-16 drops. The frequency of administration is also 2-3 times a day, the time of administration does not matter.
  • Children over 12 years of age are allowed an adult dose of Elkar, unless the body's sensitivity is increased: from 13 to 20 drops, 3 times a day.
  • The course of treatment may vary in duration, but the traditional period is 30 days. If the drug is taken to improve growth (if it is delayed), the course is reduced to 20 days, but the dosage, regardless of age, is 10-12 drops of single use. However, in this case, after a break of 14 days, the course is repeated twice more.
  • Separately, it should be mentioned that in case of carnitine deficiency in the body, a total dosage of 2 to 5 drops per kg of body weight is set, which is usually calculated for children under 3 years of age.
  • Children who are in a sports regime (with increased physical and mental stress) can be prescribed "Elkar" in a dosage of 1 ml, 3 times a day, for 6-8 weeks.

"Elkar": instructions for use for weight loss

The reason why the drug suddenly aroused interest among women from a nutritional point of view is its main active ingredient - L-carnitine is now actively used in various food supplements aimed at weight loss. It not only has the ability to improve metabolism, but also reduce the proportion of fat mass, instead increasing muscle mass. Elkar contains a chemical analogue of this substance.

  • In order to lose weight, the drug must be drunk before meals, 20-30 minutes before, dissolving in a small amount of warm water. The further choice of foods for the diet does not depend in any way on Elkar.
  • The dosage for an adult should not exceed 2 tsp, frequency of administration - 2 times a day, occasionally - 3 times a day. Course duration is 21-30 days.
  • Due to the peculiarities of its chemical composition and effects, “Elkar” implies the presence of physical activity in the schedule, since the broken down fat must leave the body: otherwise it will settle on the vascular walls.

Official medicine claims that weight loss with Elkar has been proven only in cases of thyroid dysfunction: when thyroid hormone levels are restored, hormonal fat deposits are eliminated. In other cases, no guarantees are given.

"Elkar": reviews of the drug

If the instructions for use are fully followed, reviews of Elkar from consumers sound positive, but the same cannot be said regarding non-traditional ways of using it.

  • Sofia: I don’t know how people try to lose weight with Elkar: in my opinion, it’s simply impossible! The drug causes a hellish feeling of hunger. I’m hyperbolic, but instead of 3 meals in my daily regimen there are now 5, and I often want either meat or fish, because I simply can’t get enough of the rest. I started taking Elkar when I signed up for the gym, so as not to “break down” there during my first workout. Of course, there was no effect on the respiratory system, but the muscles did not hurt as much as expected. In a month of taking “Elkar” and visiting the gym, I lost 4.7 kg, but weight loss was clearly influenced by training, but “Elkar” had an effect on their tolerance.
  • Tatiana: This drug was recommended by an obstetrician: my son was premature and was very underweight, which really scared me. Despite my mother’s warnings, I decided to resort to treatment. Over the course of a month's treatment, the child's appetite improved, his overall activity increased, and he gradually began to gain weight, but he is still far from reaching the desired parameters. I didn't notice any side effects that I was afraid of.
  • Julia: I just joined the fitness room, but there is no effect as such - the weight is still there, although I don’t feel sorry for myself, and the nutrition is adjusted to the program. The coach suggested taking a metabolic drug, the choice fell on Elkar. Shifts began already by the middle of the 2nd week - the weight finally began to fall. In 1.5 months I greatly improved my figure, then took a break for 3 months. Now I take a reduced dose only on training days.
  • Yana: I gave my baby (1 year and 2 months) “Elkar” after an illness - in 3 days we almost returned to our previous activity, it was as if our appetite had never disappeared, the child was cheerful and cheerful. The course was only 10 days, but that was enough for us. Moreover, a month later there was a flu epidemic in the city, I was afraid for my daughter, but the virus passed by.

Despite the fact that “Elkar” is dispensed from pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription, and the reviews in most cases are positive, not counting rare allergic reactions due to the individual sensitivity of the body, it is recommended to start taking the drug only after a conversation with a specialist, or with smaller doses than this is indicated in the instructions.

Modern ecology, severe pregnancy of the mother and other factors lead to the fact that some babies begin to have health problems from the first days of life. In these cases, experts often prescribe “Elkar” for newborns - a fortified drug that has a beneficial effect on the baby’s body.

Properties of "Elkar"

The medicine provides the small body with an additional source of energy. It contains levocarnitine. This substance is necessary for the complete breakdown of fats, as a result of which energy is released. In addition, carnitine supplies fatty acids to cells and has the ability to combine with toxins and remove them from the body with urine. The excipients of the medicine are water and sorbic acid.

While taking Elkar, children experience:

  • influx of vitality;
  • good appetite;
  • improvement of metabolism;
  • strengthening immunity.

Despite the positive properties of the drug, it should not be given to children without good reason. In most children, carnitine is produced by the body in sufficient quantities for full energy metabolism. "Elkar" will be beneficial when the baby's need for carnitine increases sharply. The prerequisites for this are metabolic disorders, malfunctions of internal organs, low hemoglobin and protein in the blood.

In what cases is the drug prescribed?

Most often, doctors prescribe the medicine in the form of a liquid 20% solution to newborns and children under 3 years of age. For older children, the drug is available in a 30% solution. When buying Elkar, carefully study the insert. Instructions for use for these two solutions are different. A medicine with a higher concentration is taken in a lower dosage.

Doctors prescribe the drug to children in certain cases.

  1. For asphyxia, which occurs from the entanglement of the baby’s umbilical cord neck, or after a birth injury. "Elkar" for newborns stabilizes brain function and minimizes damage to the nervous system.
  2. If the baby has poor appetite associated with a sluggish sucking reflex. Taking the drug normalizes appetite by improving food reflexes.
  3. When babies are born prematurely and are underweight, Elkar helps them gain weight.
  4. If the baby has a metabolic disorder. The drug stabilizes metabolism.

This treatment is effective in the presence of skin diseases. Normalization of metabolic processes will remove the symptoms of psoriasis, seborrheic eczema and other skin diseases.

"Elkar" for newborns is also prescribed to increase the body's defenses against persistent colds and viral diseases. It quickly strengthens the immune system and improves the general condition of the child.

The medicine is indispensable when the baby is undergoing surgery, and after the operation. "Elkar" allows a small organism to recover faster because it improves the synthesis of red blood cells and makes them more viable. Thanks to this, blood loss, which is inevitable during any operation, is compensated. In addition, the drug thins the blood, thereby reducing the possibility of blood clots.

For older children, Elkar is prescribed to stabilize mental activity. This helps them better learn the material at school, concentrate and be less tired in class.

Dosage of the drug for children

The drug can be given to a child only as prescribed by a pediatrician. The doctor individually determines the treatment regimen based on tests and examination of the small patient. The instructions allow you to take the medicine from the first day of life and instructs you to do this 30 minutes before meals.

The dosage for children of 20% Elkar is as follows:

  • For infants 1 month of life, 4-10 drops twice a day are recommended;
  • babies under 1 year - 10 drops twice a day;
  • children from 1 to 6 years old - 14 drops 2-3 times a day;
  • Schoolchildren under 12 years of age should be given the drug one quarter of a measuring spoon, which is included in the package with the medicine.

"Elkar" is a medicinal liquid of transparent color with a neutral odor. Newborns should dilute the drug in a small amount of water and give it to drink from a spoon. When children begin to introduce complementary foods, the medicine can be diluted with apple juice or jelly.

Be sure to maintain a 30-minute interval before eating, because during this time “Elkar” is completely absorbed from the stomach into the blood and begins to act. During therapy, constantly consult with your pediatrician and tell him about all changes in the baby’s behavior and well-being. This is necessary to prevent side effects, which in rare cases may occur.

Typically, treatment continues for a month, unless the doctor considers it advisable to continue taking Elkar. Positive dynamics can be noticed already in the second week of regular treatment.

Side effects and contraindications

The instructions state that, apart from individual intolerance, Elkar has no other contraindications. In newborns, an allergic reaction can begin to any unfamiliar drug.

If after the first use no negative symptoms are noticed within 24 hours, this does not mean that you can calm down and stop observing the baby’s further reaction to the medicine. Side effects may occur at any time and must be identified immediately.

  1. Pay attention to the appearance of increased tone in the baby, excessive excitability or, conversely, a depressed state and apathy.
  2. Abdominal pain, digestive system disorders and, in rare cases, loss of appetite may occur.
  3. If you notice that your baby's urine has acquired a specific smell, this is a signal that you need to reduce the dose of the medicine.

If you see at least one of the above symptoms, immediately go to see a pediatrician. You may need to discontinue the drug, prescribe another treatment, or simply adjust the daily dose of Elkar. Only a doctor can make a decision about this, so do not delay your visit to a specialist.

Storage conditions and price

In pharmacies you can buy the medicine in the form of a solution, which is in bottles made of dark glass or plastic. The bottle is enclosed in a cardboard package along with a measuring spoon. There are also detailed instructions for the drug.

When purchasing, pay attention to the shelf life, which for Elkar is 3 years from the date of manufacture. Once the drug is uncorked, store it in a dark place and try to keep the temperature between 8 and 15 °C. The shelf life of opened medicine is no more than 2 months.

The price of the drug depends on the size of the bottle and varies in different pharmacies from 330 to 460 rubles. Among the analogues, we can note “L-carnitine”, which is available in the form of syrup for children. It costs about 250 rubles and is allowed from the first month of life. Good reviews are left about the drug "Levocarnil". This is a special powder that needs to be diluted with water and taken according to the instructions.

Never replace Elkar for newborns with another medicine yourself. This can negatively affect the baby's health. The doctor prescribes a certain drug based on the individual characteristics of the child and his medical history. Therefore, first get a detailed consultation with your pediatrician and buy a new drug only with his permission.

If your doctor prescribed Elkar for you, don’t worry. This is a high-quality, proven drug that has proven itself well. Side effects from it are rare, so trust your pediatrician and strictly follow his recommendations.

Elkar is a vitamin preparation that takes an active part in metabolism, has a lipolytic effect, and also normalizes gastric secretion.

The main active component of the Elkar solution, levocarnitine, is a natural organic compound, which in its chemical structure is related to B vitamins. It affects cell metabolism by facilitating the process of transfer of certain fatty acids to mitochondria, where they undergo oxidation and release energy.

By improving metabolic processes in cells, the drug has several positive therapeutic effects.

Clinical and pharmacological group

A drug that improves metabolism and energy supply to tissues.

Terms of sale from pharmacies

You can buy without a doctor's prescription.


How much does Elkar cost in pharmacies? The average price is 370 rubles.

Composition and release form

Elkar solution contains the compound as the main active ingredient levocarnitine (carnifit). Its content in 1 ml of solution is 300 mg. The drug also contains auxiliary components, which include:

  • Propyl parahydroxybenzoate.
  • Methyl parahydroxybenzoate.
  • Citric acid monohydrate.
  • Purified water.

The solution is in a 50 ml bottle. The cardboard pack contains one bottle of oral solution and an annotation.

Pharmacological effect

Elkar contains levocarnitine (carnifit, L-carnitine) - a natural substance that is related to B vitamins. It is found in the body of a healthy child and takes part in the process of breaking down proteins, fats and carbohydrates that come with food. Their chemical “destruction” leads to the release of a sufficient amount of energy, which is spent on the needs of the brain, muscles and other internal organs.

The main biological functions of L-carnitine include:

  • normalization of metabolism in the body;
  • strengthening the work of digestive enzymes;
  • activation of fat breakdown with the release of 38.9 kJ of energy for each gram of substance;
  • increasing the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) - a universal source of energy for all biochemical processes in the human body;
  • stimulation of protein and carbohydrate metabolism.

Another function of the drug is it Helps normalize body weight: overweight children become slim in a short time, and thin children quickly gain several kilograms. Children with a normal metabolism adapt better to physical and mental stress and tolerate stress more easily: levocarnitine increases the saturation of brain tissue with oxygen, improves the ability to remember and concentrate. Additional energy helps children cope with serious illnesses and recover faster from them.

But there are cases when the production of your own levocarnitine is disrupted. The fact is that for the synthesis of the substance in the liver and kidneys, sufficient content is required:

  • vitamins B3, B6, B9, B12, C;
  • gland;
  • amino acids methionine and lysine;
  • enzymes that control the rate of a chemical reaction.

A lack of any of these elements leads to a decrease in the content of L-carnitine in the body. Self-generated energy becomes insufficient for the baby, and he urgently needs to get it from the outside. Then Elkar comes to the rescue, replenishing the lack of carnifit and starting energy exchange processes.

Indications for use

  • for the treatment of diseases of the pancreas and liver, digestive disorders, dermatological diseases, hyperthyroidism (mild form);
  • in conditions accompanied by carnitine deficiency in the body;
  • in conditions provoked by increased psycho-emotional and physical stress;
  • with increased fatigue and decreased performance (in particular, in older people);
  • in the rehabilitation period after surgery, injuries and previous somatic diseases;
  • patients suffering from anorexia nervosa syndrome.

The drug is used to treat brain lesions accompanied by neurological symptoms.

Elkar is prescribed for growth vitamin deficiency, which is caused by diseases associated with metabolic disorders in muscle tissue, mitochondrial diseases or myocardial diseases, accompanied by electrical or mechanical dysfunction of the heart.

For patients with heart disease, taking the drug can increase tolerance to physical activity. In elderly patients, Elkar slows down the aging process of the brain, improves concentration and higher mental functions.

L-carnitine is also indicated for athletes to increase endurance and efficiency during training, increase strength and speed, improve coordination of movements, reduce adipose tissue and more quickly build muscle mass.

In addition, in sports medicine the drug is prescribed to prevent and reduce the severity of symptoms of post-training syndrome, as well as to accelerate the regeneration of muscles damaged due to injury.

The drug can also be prescribed to children born prematurely, as well as to children during the period of active growth. During treatment, the child’s appetite improves, body weight normalizes, and the development of skeletal muscles normalizes.

In acute hypoxic conditions (for example, ischemic stroke, acute cerebral hypoxia or transient ischemic attack); acute, subacute and rehabilitation period of circulatory disorders in the brain; DEP, brain lesions of various origins, after surgical interventions; patients on hemodialysis with a deficiency of levocarnitine in their body; for ischemic disease, hypoperfusion caused by cardiogenic shock, and other pathological processes in the myocardium, Elkar can be prescribed intravenously.


Contraindications to the use of Elkar are hypersensitivity and intolerance to the components of the drug, increased levels of carnitine in the body, and severe diseases of the digestive system.

The drug is prescribed with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding, in children under 3 years of age.

Dosage and method of administration

As indicated in the instructions for use, Elkar is taken orally 30 minutes before meals, further diluted with liquid.

For children the drug is prescribed as an additive to sweet dishes (jelly, compote, juices).

  1. Children under 3 years of age The dosage regimen is set individually. Children from 3 to 6 years old– in a single dose of 100 mg (5 drops) 2-3 times/day, daily dose – 200-300 mg (11-16 drops). The course of treatment is 1 month. Children aged 6 to 12 years prescribed in a single dose of 200-300 mg (11-16 drops) 2-3 times/day, daily dose – 400-900 mg (22-48 drops). The course of treatment is at least 1 month.
  2. For growth retardation - 250 mg (13 drops) 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 20 days. The course of treatment is repeated after a 1-2 month break or prescribed for 3 months without a break.

Dosages for adults slightly different:

  1. For adults with prolonged physical and psycho-emotional stress, the drug is prescribed in a dose of 750 mg (1/2 measuring spoon or 2.5 ml) 3 times a day to 2.25 g (1.5 measuring spoon or 7.5 ml) 2-3 times a day.
  2. For anorexia nervosa, as well as during the rehabilitation period after illnesses and surgical interventions and injuries - 1.5 g (1 scoop or 5 ml) 2 times a day. The course of treatment is for 1-2 months.
  3. In complex therapy of chronic gastritis and chronic pancreatitis with reduced secretory function, the drug is prescribed 375 mg (1/4 scoop or 1.25 ml) 2 times a day. The course of treatment is for 1-1.5 months.
  4. For the treatment of skin diseases - 750 mg (1/2 scoop or 2.5 ml). The course of treatment is for 2-4 weeks.
  5. For mild hyperthyroidism, the drug is prescribed 250 mg (13 drops) 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 20 days. The course of treatment is repeated after a 1-2 month break or used for 3 months without a break.
  6. For brain lesions of vascular, toxic and traumatic origin - 750 mg (1/2 scoop or 2.5 ml)/day. The course of treatment is for 3-5 days. If necessary, a repeat course is prescribed after 12-14 days.
  7. For diseases accompanied by a lack of carnitine (primary and secondary carnitine deficiency), the drug is prescribed in a dose of up to 50-100 mg/kg (2-5 drops/kg) of body weight. Frequency of administration – 2-3 times/day. The course of treatment is for 3-4 months.

For adults in sports medicine and during intense training, 2.5 g is prescribed 1-3 times a day (daily dose 2.5-7.5 g); in case of use for medicinal purposes - 70-100 mg/kg/day (5-7.5 g/day). Reception courses: 3-4 weeks in the pre-competition period, during the training process - up to 6-8 weeks.

Adverse reactions

In general, the solution for oral (inside) use Elkar is well tolerated. Sometimes, while taking it, several negative reactions may develop, which include:

  1. Pain in the stomach (gastralgia).
  2. Dyspeptic symptoms in the form of nausea, unstable stool, bloating.
  3. The appearance of muscle pain (myasthenia gravis), which may occur in patients with a concomitant increase in urea concentrations (uremia).
  4. Allergic reactions - skin rash accompanied by itching, urticaria, reminiscent of a nettle burn, angioedema with an increase in peripheral tissues (mainly in the face and external genitalia) in volume due to the release of the liquid part of the blood from the vessels into the intercellular substance.

If negative pathological reactions develop after starting to take Elkar solution, you should contact a medical specialist who will determine the possibility and advisability of its further use.

Overdose symptoms

With proper dosing of the drug, there is no risk of overdose. If a child accidentally drinks a large amount of medicine, you should induce vomiting as soon as possible by pressing on the root of the tongue. After this, it is recommended to administer enterosorbents and provide medical care in a hospital setting.

Special instructions

Treatment of children under 3 years of age should be carried out under medical supervision.

The drug does not affect the performance of potentially hazardous activities that require special attention and speed of psychomotor reactions (driving a car and other vehicles, working with moving mechanisms, working as a dispatcher and operator, etc.)

Compatibility with other drugs

With simultaneous use of GCS, they promote the accumulation of carnitine in tissues (except the liver), anabolic agents enhance the effect of the drug.

Thank you

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!


Solution for oral use.
5 ml of solution contains L-carnitine – 1 g.
Auxiliary components: sorbic acid, water;
One bottle contains 0.05 or 0.1 liters of the drug.


Elkar– a medicine for normalizing metabolic processes in the body.
Levocarnitine is a natural substance similar in structure to B-group vitamins. During the metabolic process, it performs the function of transporting aliphatic acids (including palmitic acid) through cell membranes into mitochondria, where these acids are broken down to form adenosine triphosphate and coenzyme A.
Elkar corrects protein and fat metabolism, stimulates the production and enzymatic action of gastric and intestinal juices, promotes more efficient absorption of food, normalizes body weight and reduces the concentration of fat in muscle tissue. Increases physical endurance, inhibits the synthesis of ketoacids and anaerobic glycolysis, prevents lactic acidosis, promotes more efficient use of glycogen and increases its reserves in the liver and muscles.
Stimulates anabolism and lipolysis in the body, restores normal metabolism with increased thyroid function, being a partial thyroxine antagonist.


Diseases and pathological conditions characterized by loss of appetite, loss of body weight, and exhaustion.

Main indications for use of Elkar:

  • anorexia nervosa;
  • as an additional agent in the treatment of encephalopathy;
  • chronic gastritis, accompanied by impaired secretion of gastric juice;
  • chronic inflammation of the pancreas, accompanied by impaired secretion of pancreatic juice;
  • high physical activity (to increase performance, reduce fatigue, more effective sports training);
  • as an additional remedy in the treatment of skin pathologies (psoriasis, seborrheic eczematitis, focal lesions of connective tissue, chronic lupus erythematosus);
  • mild forms of hyperthyroidism;
  • primary levocarnitine deficiency syndrome: chronic muscle weakness, cardiopathy with fat accumulation;
  • secondary levocarnitine deficiency syndrome: pathologies of impaired transfer and breakdown of aliphatic acids; organic aciduria; mitochondrial pathologies: mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, cardiomyopathies;
  • hereditary pathologies accompanied by mitochondrial deficiency: Marfan syndrome, skin hyperelasticity, benign contractural arachnodactyly, Bourneville disease, some types of progressive muscle dystrophies;
In pediatric practice:
  • malnutrition, decreased muscle tone, sudden loss of strength in newborns; consequences of birth trauma and oxygen starvation;
  • slow growth;
  • weakening of the sucking reflex;
  • recovery period after serious illnesses and surgical operations;
  • insufficient body weight in persons under 16 years of age.


Individual intolerance.

Directions for use and dosage

Elkar is taken orally half an hour before meals, diluted with liquid.

For adults for anorexia nervosa – 2 grams (2 tsp) 2 times a day. Course duration is 30-60 days.
To increase appetite and weight gain for persons suffering from chronic gastritis with impaired secretion of gastric juice, and chronic inflammation of the pancreas with impaired secretion of pancreatic juice - a one-time dose of 0.5 g 2 times a day. Course duration is 30-45 days.
For slow growth and hyperthyroidism - a single dose of 0.25 g 2-3 times a day. Duration of use – 3 weeks. The course is resumed after an interval of 40-60 days. The maximum duration of the course is 90 days.
For skin diseases – 1 gram 2 times a day. Course duration is 15-30 days.
For prolonged physical activity - 1-2 g (1-2 tsp) 2-3 times a day.
In case of primary and secondary deficiency of levocarnitine, the dose is calculated from the ratio of 0.05-0.1 g per 1 kg of weight. The daily dose is divided into 2-3 times. The duration of treatment is 80-120 days.
In case of insufficient blood supply, intoxication and brain injury - 0.5-1 g per day for 3-5 days. The time interval between courses is 2 weeks.

Newborns– half an hour before feeding in a single dose of 30-75 mg, 2 times a day. Before use, 3 ml of Elkar solution is mixed with 0.2 l of 5% glucose solution. The resulting mixture is used 10-20 ml 2 times a day half an hour before feeding. It can be given to children from the 1st day of life, or on the fifth day to newborns with birth trauma, or those who have suffered oxygen starvation. Treatment duration is 15-45 days (in hospital and at home).

Children under one year old– 0.075 g 3 times a day;
Children 1-6 years old - 0.1 g 2-3 times a day. The medication can be mixed with sweet drinks (jelly, juices). The duration of the course is 30 days.

Children 6-12 years old– 0.2-0.3 g 2-3 times a day. The duration of the course is 30 days.

Side effects

From the gastrointestinal tract : cramping pain in the stomach, dyspepsia.
Other: possible allergic manifestations, myasthenia gravis (in persons suffering from uremia).

Special instructions

If you feel pain in the area between the chest and navel, you need to reduce the dosage.

Drug interactions

With the concomitant use of glucocorticoids, they stimulate the accumulation of levocarnitine in tissues (with the exception of the liver).
Anabolic drugs enhance the effect of Elkar.

Storage conditions

Store Elkar in a dark place, out of reach of children, at a temperature of 15-25 degrees.
Shelf life – 3 years.


Tatyana, 42 years old, Smolensk
For some reason they say that Elkar is a remedy used only to restore metabolism in children. In fact, Elkar has a much wider spectrum of action. I always keep it in my medicine cabinet at home. In our family, everyone takes it periodically, and for different purposes.

The body gets energy from carbohydrates and fats. The efficient production of energy from fats is due to the coordinated activity of a number of enzymes and transporters. One of the key stages of this process is the breakdown of fats. That is, in fact, the conversion of fat into energy. An indispensable participant in this process is levocarnitine, which serves as the main component of the drug Elkar. I take Elkar if I want to lose some weight, or when I feel a loss of energy and have a lot to do. I drink it half an hour before breakfast every day for 25-30 days. After just 5-7 days I feel the result: there is no more loss of strength, excess fat is gradually disappearing. A truly wonderful product, I recommend it to everyone.

Irina, 27 years old, Moscow
When my daughter turned one year old, she began to eat poorly. She refused almost all foods, breast milk was no longer enough for her, and the only foods she accepted were fruits. The pediatrician prescribed us Elkar, 30-40 mg 2 times a day for 25-30 days. I bought it with a prescription at the pharmacy. I opened it - a clear, odorless liquid, somehow I wasn’t impressed. Without much enthusiasm I started giving it to my daughter. After half a month, the child’s appetite gradually improved, and a month later (at the end of the course) she was already eating in normal portions. This is how Elkar helped us, our body weight began to increase, and our daughter developed a healthy interest in food. At the same time, of course, we did not give up breastfeeding. In a word, a miracle drug.

Galina, 34 years old, Kyiv
My son is interested in sports. He trains every day for 4-5 hours, and this is after school. He gets very tired. In the evening he simply falls on the bed, exhausted. Then headaches appeared. The sports doctor recommended taking a course of Elkar. We bought it, opened it - like ordinary water. It is not clear what these 2 ml of water per day will do. But already on the fourth day the boy noticed that he was less tired, his health and mood improved, and his headaches disappeared. But we did not abuse this drug; after all, it is chemistry, and who knows what else it affects.

Anna, 28 years old, Uzhgorod
Our child was born at 7 months, we had serious problems with weight gain (problems with the sucking reflex, milk was poorly absorbed, the baby did not even have enough strength to suckle at the breast.) The doctor prescribed Elkar from the second week after birth. After 15 days of taking the drug, the boy became much more energetic, the sucking reflex normalized, and began to gain weight. In general, I don’t know what we would do without this drug.
However, there is a small minus - the smell is not very pleasant. Although it seems that this does not cause any inconvenience to the baby - he drinks without whims.

Yana, 32 years old, Omsk
Elkar was prescribed to me by a neurologist for muscle hypertonicity in a child. But after 20 days she canceled it herself, because... no results were observed. We took a course of massage, and a stone was lifted from my soul - the baby became normal. And to consolidate the result, they began to give him Elkar. Just 8 days later the problems returned - the head is arched, the head is pulled into the shoulders. Perhaps the remedy is not strong enough for us... In addition, it is inconvenient to take. You need to drink half an hour before meals, and for a three-month-old baby this is a big problem. Either the child started screaming, or they had to be woken up to give him this solution to drink - and again the whims and screams from lack of sleep. I started writing much more often - apparently it has a diuretic effect. And what happened to the baby during the course! He was clearly overexcited - he was awake for 4-5 hours, when normally it was 1.5-2 hours. It was obvious that he couldn't sleep. Instead of deep sleep, he simply dozed. At the same time, in his sleep he whined all the time, and I had to sit next to him all the time and make sure that if something happened, he would give him a pacifier. The baby's appetite also did not increase.

A suspicion crept in - what kind of drug is this? There is obvious harm from it, no positive changes. Maybe doctors are simply promoting a medicine that is beneficial to them, without thinking about the health of the children. After this, you don’t want to trust doctors at all.

Elizaveta, 35 years old, St. Petersburg
At first, I was skeptical about the advice of our pediatrician when he prescribed Elkar. In general, I prefer not to stuff kids with any chemicals without a good reason. And so the neurologist told us that the baby’s muscles were not strong enough, and a course of special therapy was needed (massage, physiotherapy, Elkar). Massage and exercise will undoubtedly not harm the baby, but I had my doubts about taking some medication unknown to me. After studying the instructions and consulting with the attending physician, I still agreed to give Elkar to the baby. As a result, the child clearly became more energetic, and very quickly, and began to walk better (he is only one year old). I really don’t know what worked more – exercise, massage or the drug. But I’m sure of one thing: if you get treatment, it’s comprehensive, and then improvements will definitely come.

Victoria, 23 years old, Moscow
My daughter ate very poorly from the first day of her life. And during pregnancy I didn’t eat very well. All pregnant women have a voracious appetite, but I tried to eat through force - it just didn’t work. As a result, before pregnancy I weighed 65 kg, and during childbirth - 52. At birth, my daughter weighed 2700 and did not want to eat, she ate only a third of the normal portion. We visited all the doctors and the tests were normal. I asked to be prescribed something to improve my appetite. They recommended Elkar, they said that it was just for the appetite, but it did not give any effect, the baby did not eat anymore. Over time, children eat more and more, and my daughter still ate a third of the normal portion. We are now 1 year old. She loves everything, but she is very thin. We drank Elkar again, but to no avail - my appetite did not increase at all. Now she seems to be eating a little better, but she is so energetic that she weighs only 8 kg a year. I sleep and see when she will start gaining weight, but Elkar did not help at all, and the doctors do not prescribe anything else for her appetite.

Elena, 37 years old, Vladivostok
When my first-born was 6 months old, a neurologist prescribed Elkar in complex therapy for excitability. We started drinking Elkar, drank it for 3 days, and I noticed that the baby began to burp more often. Once I stopped drinking, the regurgitation became much less frequent. The eldest son was no longer given this drug. But it turned out that this is far from the worst thing that can happen from Elkar. The youngest daughter did not recover from neonatal jaundice for a long time, more than a month. The attending physician prescribed two medications for us to choose from. I decided to buy Elkar because... it was safer in composition and characteristics (unfortunately, it contains a preservative - sorbic acid). I started giving the baby one drop 30 minutes before meals. After 2 days, blisters appeared on my face, albeit a little. We went to a neurologist, I asked if it might be from Elkar. She said no. She added that in 40 days we have gained very little weight, so we need to drink Elkar, 10 drops per dose. On the same day I gave my daughter 5 drops. The next day, the entire upper part of the child’s body up to the chest was covered with blisters. We went to an allergist and a pediatrician and convinced them that it was definitely from Elkar. They told me to cancel the therapy immediately, as if I hadn’t thought of it myself. After 6 days, the blisters began to go away, but have not yet completely disappeared. This is how Elkar caused a severe allergy in my daughter. Having read about sorbic acid on a medical website, I learned that it is an allergen. But it was too late, my daughter became allergic, and her sleep clearly worsened.

Tatyana, 31 years old, Minsk
This is not to say that my child eats poorly - he eats a normal portion for his age. But the attending physician claims that he is still underweight, and every time he prescribes a course of Elkar. We drank it for about 40 days, but I did not observe any effect (neither deterioration nor improvement). My son didn’t eat anymore; he also gained weight, as always. In short, I changed pediatrician - it’s unclear why I would forcefully feed a child, maybe he has such a constitution. It seems to me that she simply has her own profit from the sale of certain drugs.

Angelina, 25 years old, Moscow
At the age of 2, my son suffered from a sore throat. During the examination, the cardiologist discovered that he had a heart rhythm disorder. We spent three weeks in the hospital and underwent a number of examinations. Fortunately for me, no defects were found during the ultrasound examination. In the end, we came to the conclusion that it was vegetative-vascular dystonia (who doesn’t suffer from it now?). The child’s pulse was 87 per minute, while the normal one was 110. The attending physician prescribed Elkar. We took the course and were examined by a doctor. With each examination, the cardiogram showed improvements. At the last examination (then he was already 3.5 years old), the cardiogram showed normal, and the cardiologist said that if after 6 months everything remains normal, he can calm down. True, Elkar did not help with appetite - we are gaining weight slowly...

Before use, you should consult a specialist.