What to read to a 10 year old girl. How to instill in children a love of sports and a healthy lifestyle. Adventure and fantasy

Ecology of knowledge. Children: I am in 6th grade. We have 30 people in our class, 25 of whom do not read. And in many ways this is the fault of adults. From personal experience, I know that parents give their children (my age) “The Three Musketeers,” books about Indians, Jules Verne, and many other books that they remember from childhood. And they are indignant that children are not interested in this.

I'm in the 6th grade. We have 30 people in our class, 25 of whom do not read. And in many ways this is the fault of adults. From personal experience, I know that parents give their children (my age) “The Three Musketeers,” books about Indians, Jules Verne, and many other books that they remember from childhood.And they are indignant that children are not interested in this.

But these books are unlikely to interest teenagers. Sorry, but they are boring. They can be quite easily put off until tomorrow or for a week, and it doesn’t really matter what happens next. And some are simply given a certain number of pages per day, and the child quickly tries to get rid of them in order to sit down at the computer or watch the TV.

Parents are also sure that modern books are all superficial, disposable and it’s almost a shame to read them. Actually they are wrong. In recent years, many books have appeared that are much more fascinating and at the same time just as valuable from a literary point of view as those that parents remember from their childhood. And such books are published that have been known and loved in the world for many years, but they have only appeared here now.

I will not become clever and recommend modern books that have received awards from critics and librarians. I want to recommend books that I vouch for. Which pull you in and don’t let go until the last page. I specifically did not include science fiction in my list, because a person will come to this genre on his own, but starting with science fiction, he can become fixated on it, and nothing else will be interesting to him.

So, a list of books that have a better chance of becoming interesting to a person aged 10-12 than those recommended by a parent or (unfortunately) the district librarian.

Anders Jacobsson, Søren Ohlsson "Bert's Diary"
The book funny tells about eleven-year-old Bert, who describes his problems and experiences in his diary.

Stephen and Lucy Hawking "George and the Secrets of the Universe" (and sequels)

A book about a boy George and his friends who, with the help of a supercomputer, learn the secrets of space; it is written in an easy and simple way about complex topics)

Timo Parvela "Ella in First Class" (and sequel)
Ella and her friends find themselves in funny situations on every page, and it’s impossible not to laugh while reading it.

Klaus Hagerup "Marcus and Diana" (and sequels)
Marcus is a shy teenager who constantly falls in love and finds himself in difficult, awkward situations.

Marie-Aude Murail “Oh, boy!”
A more serious book about the relationships of completely different people, whom fate brought together to save each other in a difficult period of life for them.

Katherine Paterson "The Magnificent Gilly Hopkins"
A story about a difficult girl who is outwardly a fighter, a liar, a thief, but inside she is vulnerable, kind, dreaming of a Home in which she will be truly loved.

Terence Blacker "I bet it's a boy"
The main character is forced to move to a new school under the guise of a girl, where he constantly finds himself in difficult and at the same time funny situations.

Jacqueline Wilson - all books (easy reading for girls)
Her books are life-affirming, modern, telling about teenage girls, their problems and solutions.

Karen Harutyunyants “I plus everything”
A book about the life of eleven-year-old Gosha, full of bright events.

Andrey Zhvalevsky, Evgenia Pasternak “Time is always good”
Olya - a girl from the future ends up in the past, Vitya - a boy from the past, ends up in her time, at first everything seems terrible and incomprehensible to them, but they will cope with everything and understand that time is always good.

Valery Voskoboynikov “Everything will be alright”
A bright, funny book about the boy Volodya and his friends, about the joys, problems and adventures that happen to them and around them.

Stanislav Vostokov “Trees make the wind”
A very funny book about six-year-old children who think about the meaning of life, about adding poetry according to the method of Chinese poet-monks, and about why lumps are added to semolina porridge...

Zhvalevsky, Mytko “No harm will come to you here”
A very funny book, every page makes you happy. It is not recommended to read on the subway (outbursts of hysterical laughter are possible).

Albert Likhanov - that's all, if anyone hasn't read it
His books are about eternal themes - good and evil, courage and cowardice, hopes, dreams, actions that bring pain to someone, happiness to someone, about the difficult choice of one’s life path)

Christina Nestlinger "Fly, Maybug"
Spring 1945, a German family in Vienna, a family that hates war, Hitler, trying to survive when the Nazis fled and the Russians came...

Haitani Kenjiro "The Look of the Rabbit"
A very emotional book about a young teacher who is trying to find all the good in every student in her difficult class, to teach children and adults kindness, friendship and tolerance.

David Amond "Skellig"
Skellig is a charismatic, tired angel. Michael is a teenager who moves with his parents and newborn sister to a new house. Mina is his new, unusual friend. Their stories intertwine and they save each other.

Pennak "Like a novel"
It contains the whole truth about why teenagers don’t read.

P.S. I know that I should advise reading classic, time-tested books, but these tips will not help anyone. To enjoy Dubrovsky, you must love to read, and in order to love reading, you must start with fascinating books that you won’t be able to tear yourself away from the computer or TV. Then, when a person gets into reading, he will become interested in deeper literature. And it is very difficult to interest 10-12 year olds, so I chose those books that can help with this. published

Good afternoon, dear readers! Today I suggest choosing books for children aged 9-10 years. It seems like they are still children, but with their own unusual reasoning, thoughts, and desires.

What should they find for themselves in the literature they read? What are they interested in? What is the classification of book products? Let's do this: first I will tell you what I managed to find, and then you will recommend something of your own. Agreed? Then let's get started!

Vanity and impatience are the main characteristics of a nine-year-old child. What qualities does your child have at this age? But boys and girls have their own characteristics. The male sex tends to be distracted; they do not catch the information being said. You can't call them particularly attentive. In short, they grasp what interests them and what they are good at. The rest of the information is more difficult.

Therefore, as for printed publications, you need to choose exclusively together. The student must also participate directly in this by choosing a topic. Look for a compromise: let him first read what interests him, and then what he needs. You can’t put pressure, you’ll discourage all desire.

For girls: it's a little easier here. They are more diligent and attentive. There is basically no need to force them to read. Although the themes also need to be selected to suit the characteristics of the little princess. How are you doing with this?

Of course, I described the general standards. After all, it happens when the fair half of humanity is actively interested in sports topics. They have more gentlemen as friends than girls. What should I do? Dear parents, probably the main rule that must be followed from the birth of the baby is to find a compromise. This also applies to very adult children, who have already spent more than a dozen years!


Since both princes and princesses may be interested in completely different topics, I recommend a general classification. I repeat, it all depends on the characteristics of the child: wow, 9 years old, this is already a personality!

  1. Fairy tales. They still remain, don’t be surprised. They just take a slightly different turn than before. They have a lot of instructive moments and meaning.
  2. Stories and novellas. They are closer to the truth, there are also sad ones that you need to think about. And there are funny ones: well, distraction is also useful!
  3. Cognitive.
  4. Poetry.
  5. Adventure.

Fairy tales

How would you characterize, for example, the fairy tale “The Snow Queen”? Surely we have already drawn an analogy with publications for earlier ages. The text has lengthened, yes. And what else? Certainly! The plot has become more twisted, a greater role is given to human relationships. While reading, the child begins to empathize with the characters, imagining himself in their place. Here are some editions:

  • "Black Chicken or Underground Inhabitants" Pogorelsky A.
  • "Bambi" Felix Salten. In my opinion, a very good story about a fawn. One of the popular Disney characters.
  • "Peter Pan" James Barry.
  • "The Canterville Ghost" Oscar Wilde.
  • "Urfin Juice" A. Volkov.

Stories and novellas

The concept of honor and courage will be given by reading the correct story. What books should I read from this genre? I found the most popular ones. See for yourself:

  • "All about... Stories about animals" Seton-Thompson E.
  • "Tales of War" collection. Works of famous authors: Kassil L., Oseeva V. and others. Quite a suitable piece for 9-10 year olds.
  • “About Babaka Kostochkina” Nikolskaya A. One of those stories that you read in one breath! A sea of ​​laughter and kindness! This is a must have in your arsenal for growing children.
  • "Knight on Skates" Usacheva E. Miracles for the New Year! Do you believe in them? It seems to me that adults have lost this gift because they no longer pay attention to such writings. And it’s perfect for kids! Don't deprive them of their faith in miracles.
  • “When I grow up, I will become a hockey player” Mikhail Sanadze. It is precisely at the age of 9 that boys begin to actively get involved in various sports. This work is about hockey. How great it will be to introduce your child to useful things through artistic characters!

I think each essay is worthy of a place on the bookshelf of a fastidious student. And any of these can be given as a gift. How do you think? Oh! By the way, about gifts: the best option is a series of educational books based on real events. However, not only in real ones... Agree, a child should recognize this world in all its colors! How many unknown animals and plants live in it! Yes millions! Let me tell you better with specific examples.


  • "The Way of the Little Kangaroo" Gerald Durrell. On the one hand, a story, on the other - educational stories based on real cases! The author's travels to Australia, New Zealand and Malaya, this is where he meets many interesting animals! The writer has a lot of similar publications. Be sure to read it with your little ones!
  • "Guinness Book of Records". By the age of 9 - 10, children have an excellent memory, and they remember unusual things very well. For their overall development, it’s time to introduce them to unusual records known to the whole world!
  • “I'm exploring the world. State" Eidelman T.
  • "On Guard of Rus'" Tikhomirov O. A wonderful publication about the attempts of foreign invaders to enslave us.
  • “Come back to us, Maclay!” Oleg Orlov. Yes, yes, the same Miklouho-Maclay, the people's favorite and traveler! Unusual illustrations will give you the opportunity to imagine and develop an interest in reading.
  • "Illustrated atlas. Dinosaurs".

By the way, I remember now: in our childhood there was no Internet, but there were books and crossword puzzles! Remember spending time with your parents doing this exciting activity? By the way, it’s also educational. Moreover, writing develops and brings the family together!


Perhaps the child will not be interested in poems for independent reading. But it is still necessary to convince people to learn at least a couple of lines. Moreover, at school this will have to be done without fail. I would like to recommend the following collections:

  • "Poetry" Pushkin A.S.
  • "Poetry" Yesenin Sergey.
  • "Funny lines" Gurkova I.V.

Adventure and fantasy

Kids also like it, regardless of gender. Well, that’s how kids are designed, that they get used to the roles of characters. Of course, the book is different from the book, it may be that there is nothing good in it except the title. As always, the filling is important. You agree with me? So try to read for yourself first what the story is about. If it is not possible in full, find at least a brief summary on the Internet. Well, let's get down to the list itself:

  • "Time is always good" Andrey Zhvalevsky. How many works have been devoted to time travel! And this is one of the best, dedicated to children. Schoolchildren will be able to compare which time is better: where they play in the yard or where computer games thrive?
  • "Treasure Island" Robert Louis Stevenson.
  • "The Big Book of Dunno" Nikolay Nosov. Remember these funny little people? Adventure, fantasy, and fairy tales are intertwined here. Colorful stories will delight kids!
  • "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen" Rudolf Raspe. Adventure and unprecedented stories of the most truthful person on the planet!
  • "The Hobbit or There and Back Again" Tolkien John Ronald Rouen. A fantastic story, a backstory about that very Lord of the Rings.
  • "Adventures of Tom Sawyer" Mark Twain.
  • "The Mystery of the Pram" Victor Dragunsky.

As you can see, I indicated more serious works, and those that can not only captivate, but also make a child laugh. The choice is your child!

Tell us, what stories does your student like? Perhaps he has already read something from my list? Share your tips and comments! And I invite you to subscribe to blog updates. Stay up to date with interesting things! All the best!

Hello! The list for children 9-10 years old is not very long, but we are just in the process, so it will be updated, check back periodically;))) And I will put the link on the blog panel so that you can quickly find it;)

1) Dinka. V. Oseeva. I adored this book as a child, but I haven’t bought it for my daughter yet, I don’t like modern editions, I’m trying to find a second-hand book ;)

2) On the island of Saltkroka. A. Lindgren.
3)Waffle heart. Tonya Glimmerdahl. Maria Parr

4) Listen to my heart. Bianca Pitzorno
5) Secret garden. F. Burnett
6) Pollyanna. Elinor Porter
7)The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Mark Twain.
Here I note that the child read Tom Sawyer in one fell swoop, with Huck things go much more slowly. But he says that he also likes Huck’s adventures. By the way, I remember that it was the same for me ;) On the one hand, it would have been readable at the age of 11-12, but modern children at the age of 12 will probably no longer be interested...
8) Treasure Island. R.Stevenson
9)George and the secrets of the Universe. George and the Treasures of the Universe. George and the Big Bang. S. Hawking. L. Hawking

10) The Hobbit, or there and back. J. Tolkien. There are many publications, here are some very beautiful pictures

I have already said that it is difficult for me to evaluate books in the fantasy genre, especially to determine what age they are. But my child has already read it and liked it;))) So maybe from the age of 9 you can already read;)
11) "Tim Thaler, or Sold Laughter" by James Crews
12)My grandfather was a cherry. A. Nanetti.

13) Dunno on the Moon. N. Nosov. Yes Yes exactly. The adventures of Dunno are in the list for 5-6 year olds, Dunno in the Sunny City for 7-8, and on the Moon in this list;)

14) The Adventures of Captain Vrungel. A. Nekrasov.
15) Adventure Electronics. E. Veltistov.

16) Books by Vladislav Krapivin.
17) How the marabou sings. M.Moskvina

18) Three with a minus, or Incident at 5 A. I. Pivovarova

19) Stories and stories by Radiy Pogodin.
20) Clean Dor. And other stories by Yuri Koval.

21) Stories about war. L. Kassil, Radiy Pogodin, V. Oseeva and others.

22) Conduit and Schwambrania. Lev Kassil

23) King Matt I. Janusz Korczak.

24) Alice in Wonderland. Alice in the Wonderland. L. Carroll. I even find it difficult to choose a book for the picture. Everyone has their own Alice;))) we also have such an interesting publication;)

25) Legends and myths of Ancient Greece.

26) Adventures of a prehistoric boy. D" Ervilly

27) About Babaka Kostochkina. A. Nikolskaya.

28)Beauty 5 "B". I. Antonova

29) Time is always good. A. Zhvalevsky, E. Pasternak

30) Let's run away from here. A. Zhvalevsky, E. Pasternak

31) Knight on skates. E. Usacheva

32) Adventures of zero. Mathematical trilogy: Three days in Dwarfism. Black Mask from Al-Jebra. Nulik the sailor. V. Levshin.

33) Anya from Green Gables. Lucy Montgomery.

34) When I grow up, I will become a hockey player. M.Sanadze. To be honest, I don’t know whether it’s on this list or on. Maybe the boys' mothers can tell me where it's better;)

35) Crystal key. T. Kryukova.

36) Nina is the girl of the Sixth Moon. Mooney Witcher. I read this book myself and decided to move it here from. It's too early for first graders ;)

37) Omelette with sugar. Adventures of a family from Cherbourg. And other books in this series. J-F Arou-Vigneault.
38) Grunt virus. Turn the cat up loud. S. Makhotin

39) Land of white elephants. O. Popova, L. Nikolskaya

40) Trilogy Master of Scattered Sciences. V. Levshin.

41) Penderwicks. Penderwicks on Gardem Street. Ginny Birdsell.

42) Tales of an old house. Asya Kravchenko.
43) A series of books about Molly Moon. Molly Moon and the Magic Book of Hypnosis. Molly Moon stops time and others. Georgia Bing.

44) Three girls: the story of one apartment. Elena Vereiskaya.

45) Life and adventures of an Oddball. Vladimir Zheleznikov

46) Knights of Birch Street. Yu. Tretyakov

47) The road goes into the distance. Alexandra Brushtein.

48) Series Brutal Detective: In the Wolf's Lair, Predator's Right, Claws of Wrath. Anna Starobinets.
49) It somehow turned out stupid. Sergey Wolf
50) From the archive of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, the most confusing in the world. E.Konigsburg.

Every parent is interested in their child. And the older he gets, the more problems his parents may have. But it is worth remembering that with age, children can become more secretive and not talkative. Sometimes that's good. But not always. For example, in the case of parents, this becomes a real problem.

What are the main mistakes of parents? It is impossible to find a person who has never made mistakes. What mistakes do parents make most often, and how to recognize their mistakes?

Many parents ask questions about how to teach a child to be independent, since such a nuance is a pillar of the educational process. The best and most lasting effect will come if you explain to him the idea and purpose of what is happening. The child must understand what is happening, connect events with causes, and draw his own conclusions. This means the inevitable passage of the ill-fated “why” stage, when the child is interested in the reasons for literally everything that catches his eye. But at the same time, there is a very useful instillation of the habit of getting to the bottom of the real reason for everything that happens.

Most often, a diet for teenagers is needed to lose excess weight. Obesity threatens many teenagers today much more often than before. This is due to an increase in the volume of food consumed, a large number of too fatty, unhealthy foods on the menu.

From a psychological point of view, fear is a negative emotion. Occurs in cases of danger to human life and health, both physical and mental. Fears may arise as a result of the negative impact of social factors on the human psyche.

Modern literature for children is largely different from the books their parents or grandparents read. Many of them nowadays prefer to watch the TV on, but cartoons and anime will never replace books for children 9-10 years old. The list of literature that develops children's consciousness and curiosity is simply huge. It includes works by Russians, Soviets and whose plots give children the opportunity to dream and create.

Soviet children's literature: Valentina Oseeva and Alexander Volkov

Before that, he tried himself in different fields: he was a sailor, traveled a lot and wrote down stories of experienced sea “wolves”. These notes later formed the basis of his humorous story “The Adventures of Captain Vrungel.”

This incredibly funny book was loved not only by Soviet children; today's elementary school students read it with pleasure. It tells about the participation of Captain Vrungel, his student sailor Lom and the sharper from Calais Fuchs in the international regatta on the yacht “Trouble”. The numerous obstacles that the main characters had to go through and which they overcame with flying colors are described with such a sense of humor that even adults love to re-read this work.

Similar books for children aged 9-10 years (the list contains many works by authors from different countries) teach that any adversity can be overcome if you do not lose your presence of mind.

Writers of England: Lewis Carroll and P. L. Travers

Great Britain has given the world a large number of children's writers, whose works are read not only by children, but also by their parents. For example, Lewis Carroll, professor of mathematics at Oxford University, who wrote books such as Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass.

Published in 1865, the fairy tale about a girl who falls through a rabbit hole into an unusual world inhabited by strange creatures is a constant favorite among children and adults. This work, written in the absurd genre, influenced the development of children's literature in the fantasy style. Alice's subsequent adventures on the other side of the mirror are also full of mathematical and philosophical jokes, and the works themselves remain so popular that films and cartoons are still made based on them.

She is known not only in her native England, but throughout the world thanks to a series of books about Mary Poppins, the nanny who appeared in the Banks family with the east wind. The magic that surrounds the young woman has a positive effect on the children she looks after. These authors and their works are included in the list of the best for children.

J.M. Barry

The next great writer from England, whom the whole world knows, is J. M. Barrie, author of the Peter Pan books.

The story of Peter Pan, who never grows up, is based on the author's grief over his brother who died at the age of 9. J.M. Barrie settled the main character in the country of Neverland and gave him the ability to fly. The Lost Boys, fairies, mermaids and evil pirates live there with him. The adventures of the children from the Darling family in Neverland are so exciting that directors continue to film new versions of the play, which was first staged in 1904.

No less popular is instructive literature for children (9-10), the list of which continues with the fantasy genre that appeared in the 20th century. Today he has thousands of fans around the world, and books written in this style are in constant demand and popularity.

Clive Staples Lewis

Tolkien's close friend, the famous Irish poet and writer Clive Staples Lewis, is familiar to children from such works as The Chronicles of Narnia.

The story of four children who, by chance, ended up in the magical land of Narnia, appeals to children aged 9-10 years because here the heroes are not only their peers or animals familiar to them, but also those they might have heard about from ancient Irish legends and myths of Ancient Greece.

The liberation of Narnia from the power of the White Witch, who brought the inhabitants of the country not only many troubles, but also a hundred-year winter without Christmas and New Year, lies at the heart of the first book. Lewis wrote a series of seven novels in total, the first of which, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, was published in 1950, and the last in 1956.
Since its first publications, this series has enjoyed continued success and is among the top books for children aged 9-10 years. By 2006, it had sold over 100,000,000 copies and been translated into 41 languages.

Joanne Rowling

England gave children another famous writer - Joanne Rowling. Children all over the world know her from the Harry Potter series of novels. The story of an orphan boy growing up in his uncle's inhospitable home who later becomes a great wizard is so captivating that the book has sold over 400,000,000 copies, considered the best-selling book in history.

The Harry Potter films are just as popular, becoming the second-highest grossing film in cinema. These books for children aged 9-10 years (the list contains 7 works) have also become loved by adults, since by her example JK Rowling inspired many ordinary people to change their lives for the better. As a secretary-translator, living on a small salary, she became a writer and a multimillionaire.

Robert Louis Stevenson and Arthur Conan Doyle

“Treasure Island” is suitable for those children who dream of becoming pirates or finding treasure. This novel by English author Robert Louis Stevenson has both. The main character of the book, a boy named became the owner of a map on which the place where the famous Captain Flint hid his wealth was marked. The teenager went in search of him with Squire Trelawney and Doctor Livesey.

Their many adventures still occupy the minds of young dreamers, and the book itself has been included in the category of “best literature for children 9-10 years old” for more than 100 years.

The list continues with another English celebrity - Arthur Conan Doyle, author of stories about Sherlock Holmes. The adventures of the great detective and his faithful assistant Dr. Watson were so beloved by readers that the British made the apartment on Baker Street in London, where Sherlock Holmes allegedly lived, a museum of these literary heroes.

Mark Twain

They have been children's favorite heroes for 140 years. Their adventures, described with a great sense of humor by the American writer Mark Twain, influenced the childhood years of many people.

The main characters today are an example of the fact that even a child can influence events, show courage and ingenuity to help friends in trouble and punish people guilty of crimes. The works of Mark Twain are good literature for children 9-10 years old; the list of his books can be continued with such novels as “The Prince and the Pauper” and “A Yankee in King Arthur’s Court,” which will be no less interesting for schoolchildren.

Jules Verne

For those who dream of traveling, the best choice would be books for children 9-10 years old, the list of which is headed by the adventure novels of Jules Verne, a writer from France. His works “The Children of Captain Grant”, “The Fifteen-Year-Old Captain”, “The Mysterious Island”, “Around the World in 80 Days”, “5 Weeks in a Balloon” and others are unsurpassed masterpieces of educational fiction.

In each work of this author there is a hero who has extensive knowledge, which he shares with young readers in an unobtrusive instructive form. The works of Jules Verne are still relevant today, as he wrote about scientific achievements that only became possible in the 20th century.