The genre of fine art is portrait. tasks: to see a person in a new way, to create an artistic image, to open it for oneself and for him thereby. Presentation on the topic “varieties of portraits” What is a portrait

“Portraits of Kiprensky” - Self-portrait 1808. Characteristic features of portrait painting of the 19th century. The portrait has simplicity and integrity of concept, noble richness of colors. "Portrait of a boy Chelishchev." "Portrait of V.A. Zhukovsky." "Portrait of E.I. Chaplits." Creative biography of the artist. “Portrait of K.N. Batyushkova." “Portrait of D. Davydov” 1809

“Portrait of a teacher” - Psychological portrait of a teacher. Good, evil and no Captains on the bridge of the ship. Thus, in the development of psychological competence, the main role is given to self-improvement, professional and personal self-awareness, and the identification of one’s professional positions. Good luck to you, debutants and aces.

“Portrait in Music” - M.I. Dunaevsky. N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov. Who's howling there? Opera. Who's driving the clouds away with a broom? The Princess's theme is the Swan. "Portraits in Music." They dance. Who's moaning there? M.I. Dunaevsky. Who's there? Accent is the emphasis in music. They sing. Squirrel theme. P.I. Chaikovsky. In the dark depths of the night? draw a picture for the play "Baba Yaga".

“Russian portrait of the 18th century” - Portrait of Grigory Grigorievich Orlov. 1762-1763 Portrait of State Lady A.M. Izmailova. Rokotov showed the sublimity of the image of a young woman. An energetic turn of the head gives the portrait noble pathos. The portrait depicts a high-society beauty who knows the power of her irresistible charm. Portrait of G.R. Derzhavina. 1811.

"The Art of Portrait" - Or groups of people, Renaissance Portrait. Basic principles of development of the portrait genre. Portrait of the 20th and 21st centuries. Portrait of Peter Paul Rubens 1590 A. Durer “Self-Portrait”. What influences the development of the portrait genre? PORTRAIT 19th century. What is a portrait? G. Holbein Jr. "Portrait of Erasmus of Rotterdam." Man in the mirror of art: the portrait genre.

“Russian portrait of the 18th century 1” - The appearance of E. Naryshkina fully corresponds to the ideal of her time. F. Rokotov. Portrait of V. Novosiltseva. The artist depicts girls in theatrical and festive elation. Portraits of Smolnyanka. A. Matveev “Self-portrait with his wife.” Portrait of Nelidova. Portrait of Alexandra Struyskaya. I. Nikitin “Portrait of Chancellor G. Golovkin.”

Determine the topic of the lesson yourself…………………….. Look at this face; art he is depicted carelessly on canvas, like an echo of a thought, but Determine the topic of the lesson yourself
Look at this face; he is an artist
Carelessly depicted on canvas,
Like an echo of an unearthly thought,
Not quite dead, not quite alive;
The cold gaze does not see, but looks
And anyone who doesn’t like it will be surprised;
There are no words in the mouth, but they must be:
Such lips are born for words;
Look: the face seems to have moved away
From the linen - and a pale brow
Only because it is not scary for the eyes,
What we know: not a storm of passions
She gave him the sickly color
And that in this chest there are no feelings and no heart.
Oh God, how many people have I seen
Insignificant - before my picture,
whose soul lived less,
What does the appearance of this brow promise?
M.Yu. Lermontov.

Human facial proportions

What is a portrait?
History of the development of the portrait genre.
What types of portraits are there?
Foreshortening or turning the head in a portrait
Proportions of a person's face.

What is a portrait?

Very often we come across portraits in our
life - in galleries and exhibition halls, at home
(photos), at school (portraits of writers,
scientists, musicians), in the books that you
you are reading.
The portrait artist always strives not to
only to the transfer of external resemblance, but also to
revealing the inner world of his hero, his
moods. Looking at the portraits, we learn
what were the customs and clothes at that time?

What is a portrait?
Portrait (from French portraire - to depict)
Portrait is a genre of fine art
art, image of one person
or groups of people, transmission of external,
individual similarity, character
man and his spiritual world. Portrait
reflects the era in which he lived
depicted person.

History of development
portrait genre.
The portrait genre is known throughout the world
art since ancient times and not
has lost its meaning to this day.

1. Ancient Egypt
Hatshepsut, queen
Nofret, the prince's wife
Nifertiti wife of Pharaoh Akhenaten

3. Ancient Greece
portraits of poets,
philosophers, public
Pericles 450 BC
Socrates 3rd century BC

Gaius Julius Caesar
lifetime portrait
4. Ancient Rome.
Interest in
Marcus Aurelius 2nd century AD
Cicero 2nd century BC

5. Era
resemblance to
(Leonardo da Vinci,
Raphael, Titian)

7. Russian portrait of the 18th-19th centuries

A breakthrough in portraiture
genre in Russia
happened in Petrovskoye
Episodes appear
portraits of nobles
people imbued
lyricism and
(F.S. Rokotov, D.G. Levitsky,
V.L. Borovikovsky)

10. In the 20th century
changed to
(Picasso, Vrubel)
"Family of an acrobat with a monkey"
Pablo Picasso
"Woman with a Flower"

What types of portraits are there?

1. Ceremonial portrait

2.Chamber portrait

3. Self-portrait.
Leonardo da Vinci
Issac Levitan

4. Group portrait
Dirk Jacobs. Group portrait
Amsterdam Shooters Corporation
(Nine riflemen of the company). 1561

4. Cartoon.

"Portrait of George Washington", fragment
1 dollar bill, 1863
Van Gogh, Self-Portrait, 1889

"Cameo Gonzaga", stone carving, 3rd century BC. e.
Unknown sculptor, “Portrait of Peter the Great”,
XVIII century
Photo portrait:
Alberto "Cordo" Gutierrez, "Portrait of Che Guevara",

Foreshortening (turning the head)
Full face

Leonardo da Vinci

Human facial proportions

Defining lines: imagine your head as a ball, flattened from the sides. Ball
divided in half horizontally and vertically. The face is divided horizontally into three
equal parts: hairline, eyebrow line and nose line.
Location of parts of the face: the eyes are located between the horizontal middle
line and eyebrow line. The base of the nose is located midway between the eyebrow line
and the base of the chin. The lower lip is located midway between the base
nose and chin, and the ears occupy the space from the eyebrow line to the base

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Get acquainted with the history of the portrait Form your attitude towards the portrait Form an attitude towards what you see goals: goals: goals: objectives: analyze the literature on this topic determine the main stages of working on a portrait research methods: Theoretical experimental

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Many great minds of mankind have thought about the secrets and laws of beauty, about the nature of beauty.

Portrait (French Portrait) is an image or description of a person or group of people who exist or existed in reality, including through artistic means (painting, graphics, engravings, sculpture, photography, printing).

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Varieties of portrait

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    Types of portrait

    Self-portrait Portrait – painting, genre portrait State portrait Chamber (psychological portrait) Family portrait Historical portrait TYPES OF ARTS: painting, graphics, sculpture

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    From the history of the development of the portrait genre.

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    Ancient Egypt The first portraits were created by the Egyptians. They performed a religious and magical function: the soul of the deceased had to leave the body, and then return after the judgment of the gods to the mummy of its owner and settle in it forever. It was also necessary to maintain portrait resemblance so that the soul could find the body from which it flew out.

    Of course, huge, majestic sculptures were created to perpetuate the appearance not of ordinary people, but of pharaoh rulers, God’s viceroys on earth. One of the famous portraits of that time is that of Nefertiti (circa 1360 BC). Ordinary people were immortalized in the form of small sculptures.

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    Without any doubt, she can be called one of the most famous women of antiquity, who embodied the ideals of femininity in her imperishable image. She, revered as a living goddess by her contemporaries, cursed and forgotten by her descendants, again “reigns” in our world, recalling man’s endless struggle with time and proclaiming the unchanging ideal of beauty. Her name was Nefertiti.

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    Fayum portraits are funerary portraits created using the encaustic technique in Roman Egypt of the 1st-3rd centuries AD. e They were gravestone images made using the encaustic technique

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  • Roman sculptural portrait

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  • Revival Leonardo da Vinci "La Gioconda"

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  • Western EuropeRembrandt 1654

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  • Russia Parsuna

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    A portrait of an unknown peasant woman in Russian costume is one of the most famous works of the Russian artist Ivan Petrovich Argunov. Argunov, who himself came from the serfs of Count Sheremetev, sought to show in portraits the natural beauty and dignity of a person, regardless of his class affiliation. The image of a peasant woman in this work by the artist is conveyed with piercing truthfulness and sincere sympathy. The outfit of a peasant woman from the Moscow province (kokoshnik embroidered with gold threads, a red sundress, a thin white shirt, bright jewelry), as well as her artlessness and lack of any mannerisms, speak of the model’s peasant origins. Her soft facial features, a welcoming, barely noticeable smile and a calm pose - all emphasize the modesty, openness and kindness of a woman from the people. The portrait is distinguished by the clarity of the drawing, the severity of the forms, the thoughtful balance of colors, characteristic of classicism, which is clearly manifested in Argunov’s mature work

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    She has long passed, and those eyes are no longer there And that smile is gone that silently expressed Suffering - the shadow of love, and thoughts - the shadow of sadness, But Borovikovsky saved her beauty. So part of her soul did not fly away from us, And this look and this beauty of the body will attract indifferent offspring to her, Teaching him to love, suffer, forgive, be silent

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    Nikolai Zabolotsky PORTRAIT Love painting, poets! Only she, the only one, is given the Souls of changeable signs to transfer to the canvas. Do you remember how, from the darkness of the past, Barely wrapped in satin, From Rokotov’s portrait Struyskaya looked at us again? Her eyes are like two fogs, Half-smile, half-crying ,Her eyes are like two deceptions, Covered in the mist of failure. A combination of two mysteries, Half delight, half fear, A fit of insane tenderness, Anticipation of mortal torment. When darkness comes and a thunderstorm approaches, Her beautiful eyes flicker from the bottom of my soul.

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    Kramskoy I. “Christ in the Desert”

    “For forty days and nights, Christ withdrew into the desert from people, from the bustle of the world, in order to prepare himself in solitude and silence for his last Way of the Cross - to atone for the sins of people with his own suffering. This is how the Gospel tells. The picture “Christ in the Desert” And N. Kramskoy considered his main work. He set himself a “daring” task - to rethink the traditional view of the image of Christ. “This is my first thing. which I worked seriously, wrote with tears and blood... It was deeply suffered."

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    Conclusion: “In a good portrait, painted by a talented artist, you can see the face of the era.”

    One of the most important qualities of a portrait is the resemblance of the image to the model. However, the artist conveys not only the appearance of the person being portrayed, but also his individuality, as well as typical features that reflect a certain social environment and era. A portrait painter gets inside a person’s soul, reveals his character, feelings and views on the world.