Modern trends in lesson development suggest non-standard forms of lesson delivery. Non-standard forms and methods of conducting lessons (Kalashnikova L.P.)

Non-traditional forms and methods of conducting lessons as one of the ways to increase the cognitive activity of students

A teacher lives as long as he learns; as soon as he stops learning, the teacher in him dies.

K.D. Ushinsky

Lessons can be different: good and bad, interesting and boring, educational and useless. One lesson gives way to another, incompleteness is repeated, and dissatisfaction with the results of the work of the teacher and students accumulates. All this causes a negative attitude among students towards the lesson in particular and towards the school in general, and among the teacher towards teaching activities.

But it also happens differently. How to make a lesson so that the student looks forward to a new meeting with the teacher? And is this possible?

A lesson is a flexible form of teaching organization. It includes a variety of content according to which the necessary teaching methods and techniques are used

Traditional lessons: lessons in learning new material, consolidating knowledge, skills, testing and taking into account acquired knowledge, skills, analyzing test papers, summarizing and systematizing what has been learned, repeating a topic or section.

A non-traditional lesson is “an impromptu learning activity that has a non-traditional structure.”

Non-traditional forms of education involve:

Use of collective forms of work;

Instilling interest in the subject;

Development of skills and abilities of independent work;

Activation of student activities;

When preparing for a lesson, students themselves look for interesting material;

Formation of new relationships between teacher and students.

Target non-traditional lessons: development of new methods, forms, techniques and means of teaching, which leads to the implementation of the basic law of pedagogy - the law on the activity of learning.

Basic tasks each lesson, including non-standard ones: general cultural development; personal development; development of cognitive motives, initiative and interests of students; developing the ability to learn; development of communicative competence

Signs of a non-traditional lesson

Carries elements of a new venue.

Extra-program material is used.

Organized collective activity combined with individual work.

People from different professions are invited to organize the lesson.

The emotional uplift of students is achieved through the design of the classroom and the use of ICT.

Creative tasks are carried out.

Self-analysis is carried out during the preparation for the lesson, during the lesson and after it.

A temporary initiative group of students is created to prepare a lesson.

The lesson is planned in advance.

The most common types of non-standard lessons

“Immersion” lessons

Lessons - business games

Lessons - press conferences


KVN lessons

Dramatic lessons

Computer lessons

Lessons with group forms of work

Lessons of mutual learning of students

Creativity lessons

Lessons - auctions

Lessons taught by students

Test lessons

Lessons - doubts

Lessons - creative countdowns

Lessons - formulas


Binary lessons

Lessons - generalizations

Fantasy lessons


Lessons - “courts”

Lessons in Searching for Truth

Lessons-lectures “Paradoxes”


Lessons - dialogues

Lessons “Investigations are conducted by experts”

Lessons - role-playing games


Integrated Lessons


Lessons - “circuit training”

Interdisciplinary lessons

Lessons - excursions

Lessons - games “Field of Miracles”

Classification of non-traditional lessons

Types of lessons and forms

Lessons in the formation of new knowledge

Skills and Skills Lessons

Lessons on repetition and generalization of knowledge, consolidation of skills

Lessons on testing and recording knowledge and skills

Combined lessons

Lectures, expedition lessons, travel lessons, research lessons, dramatization lessons, educational conferences, integrated workshop lessons, essays, dialogue lessons, lessons with role-playing, business games, extracurricular reading seminars, repeating and generalizing debates, games: KVN , "What? Where? When?”, “Field of Miracles”, “Happy Accident”, theatrical (lesson-court), lessons-consultations, lessons-competitions, lessons-competitions, test quizzes, competitions, lessons-auctions, lesson-public review of knowledge, defense creative works, projects, creative reports

Tips for a teacher preparing a lesson in a non-traditional form

Use as many motivational factors as possible preparatory stage, and during the lesson.

Don't allow any excesses.

The lesson must be complete.

Reward students according to their contributions to the lesson.

Try to maintain rapport with the class throughout the lesson.

The key to the success of your non-traditional lesson is advance, clearly planned preparation, thinking through the forms and methods of its delivery.

Evaluate not only the results of training, education and development, but also the picture of communication - the emotional tone of the lesson: communication between the teacher and students, students with each other.


Promotes the development of initiative and communication skills

Involves an independent search for means and methods of solving problems related to real situations

It eradicates the negative phenomena of traditional learning and, most importantly, brings joy.

Non-traditional lesson forms are used primarily to increase efficiency educational process by intensifying student activity in the classroom.


For students - transition to another psychological condition, this is a different style of communication, positive emotions, feeling yourself in a new capacity means new responsibilities and responsibilities.

For a teacher, this means independence and a completely different attitude towards one’s work. Non-traditional lesson forms are an opportunity to develop your Creative skills And personal qualities, evaluate the role of knowledge and see its application in practice, feel the interconnection of different sciences.

Parental Involvement

Of no small importance when using non-traditional forms of education is the participation of parents in the educational process. Experience convinces us that children’s cognitive activity and interest increase significantly if the organization educational activities parents are involved. It is important for a teacher to organize joint activities parents and children. Children may be given homework assignments that involve obtaining information from their parents and grandparents.

Non-traditional lessons are best conducted as final lessons. To successfully prepare a lesson, the teacher must know the subject and methodology well, and approach the work creatively. Interest in the work is also aroused by the unusual form of conducting the lesson, which removes the traditional nature of the lesson and enlivens the thought. Non-traditional forms of lessons are an opportunity to develop your creative abilities and personal qualities, evaluate the role of knowledge and see their application in practice, and experience the interconnection of different sciences. .

But when choosing non-standard lessons, moderation is needed. Students get used to in unusual ways work, lose interest. The place of non-traditional lessons in the overall system should be determined by the teacher himself, depending on the specific situation, the conditions of the content of the material and the individual characteristics of the teacher himself.

The success of non-traditional lessons depends on individual pedagogical conditions:

The relationship between the content of non-traditional lessons and the educational material of the lesson;

The focus of the game is to develop students’ interest in the material being studied;

Formation of moral qualities in students

Non-standard forms of lessons increase the effectiveness of the lesson and help maintain stable interest in educational work and better assimilation of the program material.

Most important features modern lesson:

A friendly atmosphere is created;

Formed high level motivation;

Given great importance methods of educational work;

Special attention is paid to the development of students' skills in independent cognitive activity.


Taking into account the characteristics of students in the class: class level; students' attitude to the subject; pace of class work; attitude to different types educational activities; attitude to various forms of educational work, including non-traditional ones; general discipline students.

General rules to ensure a successful lesson:

1. Determine the place of the lesson in the topic, and the topic in the annual course, highlight the general task of the lesson.

2. View curriculum, read the standard requirements on this topic, find out what is required from the teacher for this lesson.

3. Restore the textbook material in memory, select the reference knowledge.

4. Specify the objectives of the lesson, highlight the leading task.

5. Formulate and write it down in a plan in such a way that it is accessible, understandable to students, and understood by them.

6. Determine what the student should understand and remember during the lesson, what he should know and be able to do after the lesson.

7. Determine what educational material to tell students, in what volume, what interesting facts to tell students.

8. Select the content of the lesson in accordance with its task, the most effective ways formation of new ZUN.

9. Think about what and how should be written on the board and in students’ notebooks.

10. Write down the intended course of the lesson in the lesson plan, imagining the lesson as a holistic phenomenon.

Questionnaire “Teacher’s Activity Style”

1. If the class is not in order

1) my reaction depends on the situation

2) I don't pay attention to it

3) I can’t start the lesson

2. I consider it my duty to make a remark if a child disrupts order in a public place

1) depending on the situation

2) no

3) yes

3. I prefer to work under the guidance of a person who

1) offers room for creativity

2)Does not interfere with my work

3)Gives clear instructions

4. During the lesson I stick to the plan.

1) depending on the situation

2) I prefer improvisation

3) always

5. When I see a student behaving defiantly towards me

1) I prefer to sort things out

2) I ignore this fact

3) I pay him with the same coin

6. If a student expresses a point of view that I cannot accept, I

1) trying to accept his point of view

2) I move the conversation to another topic

3) I try to correct him, explain to him his mistake

7. In my opinion, the most important thing in a school community is

1) work creatively

2) absence of conflicts

3) labor discipline

8. I believe that a teacher can raise his voice at a student.

1) no, this is unacceptable

2) find it difficult to answer

3) if the student deserves it

9. Unforeseen situations in class

1) can be used effectively

2) better to ignore

3) only interfere with the educational process

10.My students treat me with sympathy

1) no

2) when how

3) I don't know

If you have more than 1, then this indicates the democratic style of the teacher. The teacher provides students with the opportunity to make their own decisions, listens to their opinions, encourages independent judgment, and takes into account not only academic performance, but also the personal qualities of students. Basic methods of influence: encouragement, advice, request. The teacher has satisfaction with his profession, flexibility, a high degree of acceptance of himself and others, openness and naturalness in communication, a friendly attitude that contributes to the effectiveness of teaching

The predominance of answer option 2 indicates the features of the teacher’s permissive style of activity. Such a teacher avoids making decisions, transferring the initiative to students, colleagues, and parents. Organizes and controls the activities of students without a system; in difficult pedagogical situations, he shows indecision and hesitation, experiencing a feeling of certain dependence on students. Many of these teachers are characterized by low self-esteem, a feeling of anxiety and uncertainty in their professionalism, and dissatisfaction with their work.

The predominance of option 3 indicates authoritarian tendencies in the activities of the teacher. The teacher uses his rights, as a rule, without taking into account the opinions of the children and the specific situation. The main methods of influence are orders and instructions. Such a teacher is characterized by dissatisfaction with the work of many students, although he may have a reputation as a strong teacher. But in his lessons the children feel uncomfortable. A significant part of them do not show activity and independence.

Analyze your achievements and mistakes. Discover your potential. Give up hope on prescription methods, on other people's notes, on reproducing ready-made lessons. Treat the process of preparing for lessons not as punishment, but as a source of your professional growth, intellectual, spiritual and creative strength. I wish you creative success!

municipal budgetary educational institution
"Secondary school No. 153"

Nomination: “Panorama of teaching experience”

Topic: “Non-standard forms and methods of conducting lessons,
as one of the ways to increase the cognitive activity of students"

Novosibirsk - 2013

Non-standard forms and methods of conducting lessons as one of the ways to increase the cognitive activity of students.

The main form of educational work in primary school, as is known, is the lesson. It is during the lessons that students acquire knowledge and acquire the skills to use it in practical educational work. The lesson lays the foundations for the formation of each student as an individual, a citizen, and an active participant in the life of the state. (Slide 1)
IN modern conditions With the rapid development of primary school, the work of a teacher is complex and varied. How much does he need to know and be able to teach children without coercion, develop in them a sustainable interest in knowledge and the need to independently search for it, structure lessons so that each child is busy, works with passion, so that an atmosphere of cooperation reigns, and at the same time deep assimilation of educational material would be ensured.
An important role in the acquisition of deep and lasting knowledge by students is played by the organization of educational activities of schoolchildren in the classroom, right choice teacher methods, techniques and teaching aids.
(Slide 2) Traditional forms: Lesson is the main organizational form learning at school. It is not only an important organizational, but also, above all, a pedagogical unit of the learning and education process. In the lesson, the principles, methods and means of teaching receive real concretization and find their correct solution and are put into practice.
(Slide 3) Non-standard forms: When talking about organizing the learning process, we must not forget about non-standard forms of organizing children’s educational and cognitive activities in the lesson itself. How to interest children in studying subjects, make lessons beloved and exciting?
(Slide 4) Relevance of the problem: This problem becomes especially relevant in grades 1-4. Studying is work, and the work is not easy. A child from an early age must understand that everything is achieved through work and that work is not easy. At the same time, the teacher must make sure that difficult academic work brings satisfaction and joy to the student, and arouses the desire to learn new things again and again.
(Slide 5) Problem: As a rule, all children go to school with great desire, they are interested in everything. But a certain period of time passes and this interest in learning gradually fades away; some students do not want to study at all.
(Slide 6) Cause of the problem: Children are curious. Attention drops when students are presented with knowledge they already know. If the educational material contains little or almost no new information, then a state of “saturation” is quickly reached: students are distracted from what is happening in class and exhibit so-called motor restlessness. Therefore, educators should constantly be aware of the “curiosity effect.”
(Slide 7) Way to solve the problem: Non-standard forms of lessons increase the effectiveness of the lesson and help maintain stable interest in educational work and better assimilation of the program material.
(Slide 8) Promotion form cognitive interest:A non-standard lesson is an impromptu educational session that has a non-traditional structure.
(Slide9) Building knowledge, skills and abilities: Non-traditional lessons in primary school still occupy a significant place. This is due to the age characteristics of younger schoolchildren, the game basis of these lessons, and the originality of their implementation.
(Slide 10) Winning form: It presents not only game moments, original presentation of the material, students’ engagement not only in preparing lessons, but also in conducting the lessons themselves through various forms of collective and group work. The tasks that children receive in non-traditional lessons help them live in an atmosphere of creative exploration.
(Slide 11) Types of use: Non-traditional can also be Organizing time, and the course of the lesson, and the physical minute. It depends on the professionalism and creative talent of the teacher. (Slide 12)

Signs of a non-traditional lesson:
* Carries elements of the new, the external framework and venues change.
* Extracurricular material is used, collective activities are organized in combination with individual ones.
* People of different professions are involved in organizing the lesson. (Slide 13)

Lesson elements:
* Emotional upliftment of students through the design of the office, blackboard, music, and the use of video.
* Organization and implementation of creative tasks.
* An initiative group of students to prepare a lesson.
* Mandatory lesson planning in advance.
* Students' creativity should be aimed at their development.

Types of non-standard lesson forms. (Slide 14)
Holiday lesson: (Slide15,16,17)
— A very interesting and fruitful form of conducting lessons is a holiday lesson. This form of lesson expands students' knowledge about the traditions and customs that exist in countries and develops students' communication abilities, allowing them to participate in various situations of intercultural communication.
Video lesson: (Slide 18,19)
— Activates the mental and speech activity of students, develops their interest, serves to better assimilate the material being studied, and also deepens knowledge of the material, since the process of memorization occurs.
Integrated lesson: (Slide 20,21,22)
— The main goals of integration are: improving communication and cognitive skills aimed at systematizing and deepening knowledge, expanding the general educational horizons of students and the desire to master knowledge beyond the compulsory programs. Interdisciplinary integration systematizes and generalizes students in related academic subjects.
Lesson – excursion: (Slide 23,24,25,26)
- They have a huge educational influence on children. The perception of the beauty of nature, with which they constantly come into contact, the feeling of its harmony, influence the development of aesthetic feelings, positive emotions, kindness, and a responsive attitude towards all living things. While completing joint tasks, students learn to cooperate with each other.
Lesson - essay (Slide 27,28,29)
— A modern approach to studying a subject involves not only obtaining some amount of knowledge on the topic, but also developing your own position, your own attitude to what you read. The form of the lesson develops mental functions students, logical and analytical thinking and, importantly, the ability to think.
Lesson - performance: (Slide 30,31,32)
— An effective and productive form of teaching is a lesson-performance. The use of works of art in lessons improves students' pronunciation skills and ensures the creation of communicative, cognitive and aesthetic motivation. Creative work in preparation for the lesson helps develop children's language communication skills and reveals their individual creative abilities.
Lesson - fairy tale: (Slide 33,34,35)
— These lessons are usually used to summarize and systematize students’ knowledge. At such a lesson there are goodies and negative. A fairy tale must have a beginning, a climax and a denouement. Used as a tie problematic issue, an unusual situation. At the climax stage, i.e. plot development, where there is a struggle good and evil, introduce unusual new information about the heroes of the fairy tale, disputes, jokes, overcoming difficulties. During this stage of the lesson, children unnoticed by themselves answer the teacher’s questions about the past material and learn new additional material on the topic of the lesson. The lesson ends with a fairy tale ending, the victory of good over evil, knowledge over ignorance. The lesson ends with general joy and satisfaction.
Lesson - concert: (Slide 36,37,38,39)
– Promotes aesthetic and moral education schoolchildren, more fully reveals the creative abilities of each student. Thanks to singing in the lesson, a favorable psychological climate, fatigue is reduced, language activity is activated. In many cases, such a lesson also serves as a release, reducing tension and restoring the students’ working capacity.

Lesson - research: (Slide 40,41)
Topic “Adjective”
Lessons with group forms of work: 2nd grade and 4th grade (Slide 42)
Lesson - competition: (Slide 43)
Lessons on creativity and imagination: (Slide 44,45,46,4)
Technology class lesson in 2nd "B" grade
Technology lesson in 4th grade “Postcard for March 8”
Technology lesson in 3rd grade
Lesson - tournament: (Slide 47)
Knight tournament 4th grade
Lesson – press conferences: (Slide 48)
The world around us in grade 2 “Connection between living and inanimate nature”
Lesson - quiz in 4th grade (Slide 49)
“Love and know your native land.”
Lesson on the environment in 1st grade “Healthy eating” (Slide 50)
A lesson in mutual control among 6-year-olds (Slide 51)
Lesson - competition: (Slide 52)
Battle of the choirs 2nd grade and 3rd grade competitive lesson dedicated to February 23
Lesson taught by children: (Slide 53)
3rd class env. world "Summer work in agriculture",
4th grade art lesson,
1st grade “Indoor plants”,
Grade 2 “Main members of sentences”
Lesson - comparisons in 2nd grade on the topic “Stress” (Slide 54)
Entertaining physical exercises: (Slide 55)
Chemical science lesson dedicated to the end of the 2011-2-12 academic year (Slide 56)

Federal State Educational Standard of NOO 2nd generation: (Slide 57)
- IN last years interest in non-standard lessons in primary school has increased significantly. This is due to various transformations taking place in our country, which have created certain conditions for restructuring processes in the field of education and require the creation of new types of lessons, the active introduction into lessons of various pedagogical methods and ways of developing interest in children of primary school age, original programs and textbooks.
Conclusions: (Slide 58,59,60)
— Organizing a non-traditional lesson involves creating conditions for schoolchildren to master the techniques of mental activity. Mastering them not only provides a new level of assimilation, but also gives significant changes in mental development.
— Non-traditional forms of conducting lessons make it possible not only to raise students’ interest in the subject being studied, but also to develop their creative independence and teach them how to work with various sources of knowledge.
— Such forms of conducting classes “remove” the traditional nature of the lesson and enliven ideas. However, too often resorting to such forms of organizing the educational process is inappropriate, since non-traditional lessons can quickly become traditional, which will ultimately lead to a decrease in students' interest in the subject.

Of course, no one is demanding the abolition of the traditional lesson as the main form of teaching and raising children. It's about about the use of non-standard, original techniques in various types of educational activities that activate all students, increase interest in classes and at the same time ensure speed of memorization, understanding and assimilation of educational material, taking into account, of course, the age and abilities of the students.

— N.V. Babkina, The use of educational games and exercises in the educational process. // Primary school. – 1998. – No. 4.//
— N.I. Vyunov, Psychological readiness of a child to study at school. – M.:
Academic project., 2003., 256 p.
— E.E. Guguchkina, Non-standard lessons in elementary school. – Publishing house "Teacher" 2000
— S.V. Kulnevich, Non-traditional lessons in elementary school. – Publishing house “Teacher” 2005

Forms of lesson organization

The birth of any lesson begins with the awareness and correct, clear definition of its ultimate goal - what the teacher wants to achieve; then establishing the means - what will help the teacher achieve the goal, and then determining the method - how the teacher will act so that the goal is achieved.

A lesson is a form of organizing learning, a living and harmonious part pedagogical process. Any lesson should fit organically into the teacher’s work system and carry out some specific part of the overall teaching objectives. At the same time, it must be distinguished by integrity and completeness, perform specific tasks and produce real results. Both traditional, classical, and non-traditional lessons must be a concrete embodiment and expression of a particular methodological concept. And at the same time, a lesson is an indicator of the productivity of the teacher and students. Of course, the degree of activity in the lesson largely depends on the student himself.

Consideration of the goals and objectives of training sessions, the typology and structure of the lesson and the pedagogical requirements for it, the characteristics of the composition of students helps to understand the importance, necessity and complexity of choosing ways to improve the organization of training.

Currently, teachers and scientists agree: traditional forms of education are outdated; in order to capture the attention of modern students, they must first of all surprise and interest them.

Recently, lessons in problem-based and developmental learning, various forms of organizing group, collective and individual work have begun to be widely used. Precisely those forms that develop cognitive activity, initiative, and creativity.

The lesson form is the format in which the entire lesson is structured.

The new standards require non-standard lessons.

Such lessons are one of the important teaching tools, because... They form a stable interest in learning in students, relieve stress, help develop learning skills, and have an emotional impact on children, thanks to which they develop stronger, deeper knowledge. Conducting such lessons also testifies to teachers’ attempts to go beyond the template in building the methodological structure of the lesson. And this is their positive side. But it is impossible to build the entire learning process from such lessons: by their very essence, they are good as a release, as a holiday for students. They need to find a place in the work of every teacher, as they enrich his experience in the varied construction of the methodological structure of the lesson.

Teachers have developed many methodological techniques, innovations, and innovative approaches to conducting various forms of classes.

Lessons are distinguished according to the form of organization:

    Conversation, lecture, survey, test lesson (assessment defense), consultation lesson, discussion, theoretical and practical lesson.

Non-traditional forms of lesson organization:

2. Lessons in the form of competitions and games: travel, competition, tournament, relay race (linguistic battle), duel, KVN, business game, role-playing game, crossword, quiz, etc.

3. Lessons based on forms, genres and methods of work known in social practice: research, invention, commentary, brainstorming, interview, reportage, review.

4. Lessons based on non-traditional organization of educational material: lesson of wisdom, revelation

5. Lessons that resemble public forms of communication: press conference, auction, benefit performance, rally, regulated discussion, panorama, TV show, teleconference, report, dialogue, “living newspaper”, oral journal.

6. Lessons based on fantasy: fairy tale lesson, surprise lesson

7. Lessons based on imitation of the activities of institutions and organizations: court, investigation, circus,

8. Traditional forms of extracurricular activities carried over into the lesson: KVN, “experts conduct the investigation,” matinee, performance, concert, dramatization work of art, debate, “gatherings”, “club of experts”.

9. Integrated lessons.


In the form of a conversation, it is useful to conduct both a survey and an explanation of new material at the first stage of training. Feature This form of lesson is that students take an active part in it - answer questions, draw independent conclusions from demonstration experiments, and explain phenomena. At the beginning of the lesson, it is advisable to conduct a review in the form of a conversation in order to test the students’ knowledge and restore the picture of the material covered in order to move on to subsequent questions. You need to carefully select questions and anticipate possible answers to them. The conversation should be lively and relaxed.


The purpose of the lesson-lecture is to introduce students to new material, to give them the most complete and structural understanding of the issue under consideration. A lecture, as a type of organization of educational activities, is also usually divided into types. Thus, there is an introductory lecture, a lecture-discussion based on the question-answer principle, or a visual lecture using visual aids or video materials.
Practical lesson

Practical lesson is one of modern forms training at school, aimed at consolidating theoretical knowledge and is expressed in the application of acquired skills and abilities in practice. The value of such classes, first of all, is to identify the correct understanding of previously obtained information and, if necessary, make the necessary amendments and corrections.


Research is seen as a means of enhancing the learning process. Children are involved in interesting search and research activities. As a result, the cognitive need and the need for creative activity develop, and the level of independence in searching for and assimilating new knowledge increases.

Lesson - game occupies an important place in the educational process, as it not only contributes to the development of cognitive interests and the activation of students’ activities, but also performs a number of other functions:

1) a game properly organized taking into account the specifics of the material trains memory, helps students develop speech skills;

2) the game stimulates the mental activity of students, develops attention and cognitive interest in the subject;

3) the game is one of the methods for overcoming the passivity of students;

4) as part of a team, each student is responsible for the entire team, everyone is interested in best result team, everyone strives to complete the task as quickly and successfully as possible. Thus, competition helps to enhance the performance of all students.

The game can be used when studying any topic, you just need to introduce an element of competition into the lesson or invite participants to take on some role. Guys can act as journalists, actors, writers, researchers and even sellers.

Test lesson.

A test lesson is one of the forms of organizing control of students’ knowledge, abilities, skills. The main goal of such a lesson is to diagnose the level of mastery of the material. It is carried out at the final stage of studying the topic. The test performs not only a controlling function, but also its main purpose - to systematize and summarize the material on a topic or section, to clarify knowledge on basic issues. For credit, you can use final lessons, lessons of general repetition or lessons of control and testing of knowledge, skills and abilities


If the material being studied is based on what was well learned earlier, is not difficult and is well presented in the textbook, textbooks, the teacher can hold a conference on a relevant topic and organize a discussion among students. The discussion must be prepared in advance, for which the teacher determines for students the topics of reports and the main directions of independent work. The role of the teacher is to comment on the debate among schoolchildren and sum up the results of the discussion. This form of educational organization is designed for students who have developed skills in working with literature. A discussion is a dispute, a verbal competition in which everyone defends their opinion.

Discussion as a form of democratic communication has advantages over other forms: it allows you to organize live communication, involve all or most participants in the discussion of the issue, involves the tension of thought that arises in thought, in clashes of different points of view, stimulates speech activity and independent judgment.


In addition to a lesson of the appropriate type, consolidation and improvement of knowledge can be carried out at a seminar, final conference, or excursion. A seminar as a form of educational organization combines conversation and discussion among students. The seminar lesson is characterized by the following features: self-study students of material on a given topic and discussion in a paired lesson of the results of their cognitive activity. In preparation for such lessons, children learn to work independently with literature, select material, prepare messages, and during the lessons themselves - to speak, debate, and defend their opinions.

Using various forms of lesson organization, creating a situation of success, a friendly atmosphere in the lesson, modern methods works make the lesson interesting and raise creatively thinking students.


If a student at school has not learned to create anything himself,

then in life he will always only imitate,

copy, since there are few like them,

who, having learned to copy,

knew how to do it on their own

application of this information.
L. Tolstoy

The importance of the problem - the development of students' creative abilities - is due, in my opinion, to two main reasons. The first of them is a drop in interest in learning. Six-year-old children who come to school for the first time have sparkling eyes. Most of them expect something new, unusual, and interesting from studying. Children look trustingly at the teacher, they are full of desire to make more and more new discoveries with him. Unfortunately, by the end of primary school, some children lose interest in learning; but still, the majority of fifth-graders are still open to the teacher, they still have a strong motivation to learn. But by the end of ten years of study, as various psychological surveys show, from 20 to 40 percent of students retain interest in learning. How can we explain this drop in interest in learning? There is a contradiction here between increasing complexity and saturation school curriculum, the constantly increasing level of requirements and the ability of students to master the entire volume of information offered to him. Unable to cope with such loads, children simply stop studying and get used to the role of incapable, unpromising, lagging behind. The second reason is that even those students who seem to be successfully completing the program are lost as soon as they find themselves in a non-standard learning situation, demonstrating their complete inability to solve productive problems.

Non-standard, original, non-traditional lesson - what does this mean? It is not easy to give a definition, but everyone can distinguish a non-traditional lesson from a traditional one. In a typical lesson, students know what to expect from each stage. During the lesson, they are very surprised when the teacher draws on information from other subjects. During the explanation, students are in the mood to listen to the teacher (or pretend to listen), so they perceive with surprise and interest the information presented in a non-standard form (game, lottery, KVN, “Field of Miracles”, fairy tales, etc.)

Non-standard lessons cannot be repeated every day, because the teaching function of the lesson, which consists precisely in developing a habit for a particular type of activity, is lost. Thus, it cannot be said that standard lessons are bad and non-standard ones are good. The teacher must have an arsenal of constructing both lessons.

Every teacher faces the main task - to give solid and deep knowledge of the subject to each student, to show children their inner resources, to instill in them a desire to learn, a desire to learn new things, to teach children to think critically, to test their knowledge, to prove. In addition to traditional types of lessons, we also have non-traditional or non-standard lessons, that is, lessons that have a non-standard structure. A non-standard lesson is an improvisation of educational material.

The organization of non-traditional developmental education involves creating conditions for schoolchildren to master the techniques of mental activity.

Today the main objective secondary school - to promote mental, moral, emotional and physical development personality.

All the most important things in the educational process for a student happen in the classroom. A modern lesson is, first of all, a lesson in which the teacher uses all the capabilities of the student, his active mental growth, deep and meaningful assimilation of knowledge, to form his moral foundations.

One of the ways to generate interest in an academic subject is the rational organization of the learning process, that is, the use of forms and techniques that stimulate the independence and activity of students at all stages of learning, the use mind games(puzzles, crosswords, riddles, etc.). Entertaining in the classroom is not an end in itself, but serves the purposes of developmental education. Stimulates cognitive interest. In these lessons, students most fully realize their abilities and creative independence. Non-standard lessons develop memory, thinking, imagination, independence, initiative and will of children, bring excitement and elements of entertainment into the lesson, and increase interest in knowledge. The teacher is obliged to make serious work entertaining and productive. Game tasks must completely coincide with educational ones. Non-standard lessons should be adapted taking into account the age of the children.

1. A non-standard lesson is the path to success in learning.

Relevance and significance of the topic. New standards require a non-standard approach to teaching schoolchildren. The search for new forms and methods of organizing education and upbringing of schoolchildren in our time is not only a natural, but also necessary phenomenon. At school, a special place is occupied by such forms of classes that ensure the active participation of each student in the lesson, increase the authority of knowledge and individual responsibility of schoolchildren for the results of educational work. This can be successfully solved through the technology of non-standard forms of training and education. A non-standard approach to education is the key to giving each student an equal chance to achieve certain heights in light of the transition to new federal state educational standards for primary general education. The goal of a non-standard approach to learning is to provide each student with conditions for development in the process of mastering the content of education; the introduction of developmental, personality-oriented learning technologies, gaming, communication technologies, the use of group forms of work in the classroom, work in pairs of permanent and rotating staff.

A non-standard lesson is an extraordinary approach to teaching academic disciplines. Non-standard lessons are always holidays, when everyone has the opportunity to express themselves in an atmosphere of success and the class becomes a creative team. In my work, I use non-standard forms of teaching and education that contribute to the development of students’ interest in the subject being studied, as well as their creative independence, a favorable climate, and orient students towards communication. The organization of such lessons leads students to the need creative assessment the phenomena being studied, i.e. contributes to the development of a certain positive attitude towards the educational process. The use of non-traditional forms of lessons in teaching simultaneously ensures not only the effective achievement of practical, general educational and developmental goals, but also contains significant opportunities for challenging and further maintaining the motivation of students. These lessons include a wide variety of forms and methods, especially such as problem-based learning, search activity, intersubject and intrasubject connections, reference signals, notes; relieves tension, revitalizes thinking, excites and increases interest in the subject as a whole.

Targetthese lessons are extremely simple: revive the boring, captivate with creativity, interest in the ordinary, because... interest is the catalyst for all learning activities.

1.2. Creative principles of non-standard lessons.

1. Refusal from a template in organizing a lesson, from routine and formalism in conducting.

2. Maximum involvement of class students in active activities during the lesson.

3. Not entertainment, but fun and passion as the basis for the emotional tone of the lesson.

4. Support for alternativeness, plurality of opinions.

5. Development of the communication function in the lesson as a condition for ensuring mutual understanding, motivation to action, and a feeling of emotional satisfaction.

6. “Hidden” (pedagogically appropriate) differentiation of students according to educational capabilities, interests, abilities and inclinations.

7. Using assessment as a formative (and not just a resultant) tool.

Groups of principles set the general direction for pedagogical creativity, focusing on very specific learning activities. In addition to the principles, it is necessary to highlight as very significant: periods of preparation and conduct of non-standard lessons.

1.3. Preparation periods and conducting non-standard lessons.


Both the teacher and students take an active part in it. If, when preparing for a traditional lesson, only the teacher performs such activities (writing a summary plan, making visual aids, handouts, supplies, etc.), then in the second case, students are also involved to a large extent. They are divided into groups (teams, crews), receive or collect certain tasks that must be completed before the lesson: preparing messages on the topic of the upcoming lesson, composing questions, crosswords, quizzes, preparing necessary didactic material, etc.

2. THE LESSON ACTUALLY (there are 3 main stages):

First stage.

It is a prerequisite for the formation and development of the motivational sphere of students: problems are posed, the degree of readiness to solve them, to find ways to achieve the goals of the lesson is determined. Situations are outlined, participation in which will allow solving cognitive, developmental and educational tasks. The development of the motivational sphere is carried out more effectively the more effectively the preparatory period is carried out: the quality of students’ performance of preliminary tasks affects their interest in the upcoming work. When conducting a lesson, the teacher takes into account the students’ attitude to the original form of the lesson; their level of preparedness; age and psychological characteristics.

Second phase.

Communication of new material, formation of students’ knowledge in various “non-standard” forms of organizing their mental activity.

Third stage.

It is dedicated to the formation of skills and abilities. Control is usually not allocated in time, but “dissolves” in each of the previous stages. During the period of analysis of these lessons, it is advisable to evaluate both the results of teaching, education, and development of students, and the picture of communication - the emotional tone of the lesson: not only in the communication of the teacher with students, but also in the communication of students with each other, as well as individual work groups. It is obvious that the particulars considered are only guidelines, outlines for pedagogical creativity. But they help to get started by establishing some “footholds.” A more detailed acquaintance with the unusual teaching methods and lessons that we have distributed in accordance with the well-known classification will allow you to choose more and more new grounds for educational activities.

1.4. Development of a non-standard lesson.

A non-standard lesson is a “magic crystal”, the edges of which reflect all the components of the applied teaching system. Such a lesson embodies the structural elements of the educational program: meaning, goals, objectives, fundamental educational objects and problems, types of student activities, expected results, forms of reflection and evaluation of results.

Creating an unusual lesson is “creativity squared”, since the teacher develops a system of conditions for the upcoming creativity of students. The main questions at the lesson development stage are the following: What exactly will the students create during the lesson in the direction of the topic being studied? How to ensure this process?

When designing a lesson, the following are taken into account: the educational program, the level of students’ preparation, the availability of methodological tools, the specifics of the existing conditions, the type of lesson, as well as forms and methods that will help students create the necessary educational product and achieve the main goals. The key role at this stage is composed or selected tasks for students.

After designing a lesson, its implementation occurs, which is also a creative process, since the lesson is not a simple reproduction of the intended plan. The level of creativity of children also depends on the creativity of the teacher. This means that during a lesson, the teacher is also a creator, and not a simple executor of his plan.

Let's consider the stages and features of drawing up a lesson plan focused on the creative activity of students.

1.5. Non-standard lesson plan.

A lesson plan is a tool for a teacher to implement his educational program. Therefore, lesson planning begins with planning a series of lessons on one topic (section). The teacher thinks through several interconnected lessons, provides an approximate breakdown by goals, topics, dominant activities, and expected results. The main educational results of students are formulated, which are highlighted in the general program of classes in the subject and are realistic to achieve within the framework of the section being studied.

1.6 Requirements for a non-standard lesson.

When designing a lesson, it is necessary to comply with the conditions and rules of its organization, as well as the requirements for it.

Conditions mean the presence of factors without which the normal organization of a lesson is impossible. Analysis of the educational process allows us to distinguish two groups of conditions: socio-pedagogical and psychological-didactic. In the group of socio-pedagogical ones, the presence of four most important conditions can be noted:

1) a qualified, creatively working teacher;

2) a group of students with a correctly formed value orientation;

3) necessary funds training;

4) trusting relationships between students and teachers, based on mutual respect.

In the psychological-didactic group, the following conditions can be specified:

1) the level of student learning that meets the program requirements;

2) the presence of a mandatory level, formed by the motive of study and work;

3) compliance with didactic principles and rules for organizing the educational process;

4) application active forms and teaching methods.

The entire set of requirements for the educational process ultimately comes down to compliance with the didactic principles of teaching:

* educational and developmental training;

* scientific character;

* connections between theory and practice, learning and life;

* visibility;

* accessibility;

* systematic and consistent;

* independence and activity of students in learning;

* consciousness and strength of assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities;

* purposefulness and motivation of learning;

* individual and differentiated approach to students.

In addition to the basic rules arising from didactic principles, when preparing a non-standard lesson, the teacher is also guided by special rules for organizing the lesson, based on the logic of the learning process, principles of teaching and principles of teaching. In this case you should:

Determine the general didactic goal of a creative lesson, including educational, educational and developmental components;

Clarify the type of lesson and prepare the content of the educational material, determining its volume and complexity in accordance with the goal and capabilities of the students;

Identify and detail the didactic objectives of the lesson, the consistent solution of which will lead to the achievement of all goals;

Choose the most effective combination of teaching methods and techniques in accordance with the goals, the content of the educational material, the level of students trained and didactic objectives;

Determine the structure of the lesson corresponding to the goals and objectives, content and teaching methods;

Strive to solve the set didactic tasks in the lesson itself and not transfer them to homework.

When they talk about the requirements for a lesson, as usual, they reduce them to the obligation to comply with the entire set of rules noted above. However, we note that the most significant requirements for a non-standard lesson are its focus; rational construction of lesson content; reasonable choice of means, methods and techniques of teaching; variety of forms of organizing students' educational activities.

1. 7. Comparative analysis of traditional and non-standard lesson planning.

traditional lesson

non-standard lesson

The purpose of the lesson:

a) for the teacher: give new material

b) for the student: to acquire new knowledge

The purpose of the lesson:

a) for the teacher: organize productive activity students

b) for the student: create creative products

Types of activities in the lesson:

a) for the teacher: explanation new topic, consolidation of the material covered

b) for the student: listening to new material, memorizing, comprehending, consolidating new material

Types of activities in the lesson:

a) for the teacher: organizing creative activities

b) for the student: research of a new object, analysis of phenomena, etc.

The structure of the lesson is strictly according to the developed plan, without deviations.

The structure of the lesson is situational, a departure from what was planned.

The approach to the topic of the lesson is one point of view on the problem being studied set out in the textbook.

The approach to the topic of the lesson is the variety of points of view of specialists on the problem being studied.

Control - students' reproduction of the studied topic.

Control - presentation and defense by students of a creative product on a given topic.

The final stage of the lesson is summing up, consolidating the topic studied.

The final stage of the lesson is reflection, awareness of one’s own activities.

2. The need for non-standard lessons in elementary school

Non-standard lessons in primary school are an important means of teaching, as they form a stable interest in learning among schoolchildren, relieve fatigue, help develop skills in the educational process, and have emotional impact on schoolchildren, thanks to which they develop deeper and more durable knowledge. Non-standard lessons in elementary school are always interesting when all schoolchildren are active, when everyone has the opportunity to express themselves in a successful atmosphere and the class becomes a creative team. They include all kinds various forms and methods: search activity, problem-based learning, inter-subject and intra-subject connections, notes, reference signals, etc. Extraordinary games allow you to relieve stress, with their help, thinking is enlivened, and interest in classes in general increases.

A lesson, which in its structure is repeated many times and performs mental operations, dulls attention, becomes boring, causes a negative impact on emotions, and reduces the efficiency of the work process. It follows from this that it is necessary to break the monotony, dilute boredom with bright, unusual events that would be imprinted in memory for a long time and could positively influence the learning process.

Non-standard lessons in elementary school are necessary for the education of a moral personality. The student must always see before him examples of a creative attitude to work, then he himself will perceive creativity all the time and he will no longer have the thought of imagining a different style of activity. The variety of atypical lessons allows you to apply them to different activities and all stages of education. And the use of new technologies in the learning process - computerization of schools, equipping schools with projectors - will make it possible to come up with new interesting lessons.

They are better absorbed and are especially good to use in general and introductory lessons. You should not always use them, because although they are interesting, in some ways they may be less useful and informative.

Non-standard lessons differ from traditional ones by an additional fantasy element, which helps to arouse interest and desire for mental activity, to independently search for solutions to examples and problems. This is especially important for elementary school students.

More often, such lessons are generalizing, consolidating, they summarize the material covered. A large volume is presented in a playful and entertaining form, which does not cause much tension and fatigue for students during the lesson. The teacher has the right to make adjustments in the lesson: make changes, additions, reductions. When a large amount of material is offered, the teacher has plenty to choose from and what to put together for his class team, taking into account the level of preparation of the students. Sometimes additional material is provided at the end of a lesson or in an appendix that the teacher can introduce into the lesson or use in other lessons.

Non-standard lessons are, as a rule, holiday lessons, although they are lessons in generalizing and systematizing a huge amount of material. Therefore, you can sometimes prepare for them in advance by giving children certain homework. When conducting non-standard lessons, be guided by the principle “with children and for children,” setting one of the main goals to educate students in an atmosphere of kindness, creativity, and joy. Too often resorting to such forms of organizing the educational process is inappropriate, as this can lead to a loss of sustainable interest in the academic subject and the learning process. A non-traditional lesson should be preceded by careful preparation and, first of all, the development of a system of specific educational and educational goals.

When choosing forms of non-traditional lessons, the teacher must take into account the characteristics of his character and temperament, the level of preparedness and the specific characteristics of the class as a whole and individual students. Each teacher in his work must use what he considers possible and necessary for him: you can use the entire lesson, or you can take individual fragments from them, you can supplement them with computer presentations, because every teacher is a creative person who cares about the strong knowledge skills of his students .

Non-standard lessons perform several functions:

Develop and support schoolchildren’s interest in learning, help realize their inclinations and capabilities;

Allows you to combine various types of group and collective educational work of students;

Develop students' creative abilities;

Promote a better understanding and comprehension of the material being studied;

They are a good remedy for information overload;

Develops the child as a person in the best way;

There is a warmer mutual understanding between students and teacher.

3. Classification of non-standard lessons in elementary school.

It is better to conduct non-traditional lessons as final ones when generalizing and consolidating the knowledge and skills of students. Some of them (travel, integrated, collective lesson, lecture) can be used when learning new material. However, too frequent recourse to such forms of organizing the educational process is inappropriate because the unconventional can quickly become traditional, which will ultimately lead to a decline in students’ interest in the subject and their studies. Therefore, lessons are held no more than 2-3 times a quarter, and it is advisable to put these lessons last on the schedule, because children are distracted by play, which can interfere with the next lessons.

Not only the teacher, but also the whole class, and sometimes parents, prepare for this type of lesson in advance. Children can make visual aids, prepare reports and messages on additional literature, decorate an office, invite and meet guests, etc.

The most common types of non-traditional lessons:

1. Lessons like KVN.

2. The lesson is a fairy tale.

3. Lessons - competitions.

4. Lessons with group forms of work.

5. Lesson is a game.

6. Lessons-tests.

7. Lessons-competitions.

8. Integrated lessons.

9. Lessons-excursions.

10. Lesson-seminar, etc.

Collective activities in the classroom. Collective types of work make the lesson more interesting, lively, instill in students a conscious attitude to educational work, provide the opportunity to repeat the material many times, help the teacher explain, consolidate and constantly monitor the knowledge, skills and abilities of students with minimal time.

One of the collective types of work is a quiz. It is carried out in any group and requires a long preparation. Such lessons are held as holidays, because... Every student wants to choose a question that cannot be answered immediately. But if no one can answer the question, then the child must answer himself. The number of questions must be determined in advance. Questions should not be repeated. If they are weak, then no mark is given, but you need to thank the child for his participation. This does not discourage children, especially weaker ones, so all students take an active part. Depending on the level of preparedness of the class, the questions can be either easy or difficult. Difficult questions support the work of thought. Each class receives at least ten questions that would carry information and awaken in students a desire to think and compare facts. But the interest of students, their passion for working on quizzes pays off all the effort and time spent.

Quizzes can also be conducted during surveys homework, when fixing the topic within 3-5 minutes, forms such as “What? Where? When?”, “Happy Accident”, “Field of Miracles”, as well as staging, illustrations, and applications can be used.


It is held in the form of competitions between teams. The stages of the lesson are tasks for teams: warm-up, practical tasks, captains' duel.

At the beginning of the lesson, each team chooses a name (preferably based on the topic of the lesson) and a team captain. The jury (parents, administration) is invited. Questions and tasks in content are informative, educational, and problematic in nature, and in form they can be entertaining, comic, or playful.

Quiz lesson

Students work individually rather than in teams.

A quiz lesson and a KVN lesson are conducted with the aim of repeating educational material.

Lesson-fairy tale

This type of non-traditional lesson is carried out when generalizing any topic. The lesson is conducted on fairy tales of any writers, in Russian folk tales or the teacher composes a new fairy tale. As in any fairy tale, such a lesson should have positive and negative characters. A fairy tale must have a denouement: a problematic issue, an unusual situation, a riddle, the appearance of a fairy tale hero in an unusual costume. Next comes the climax, the development of the plot, where the struggle between good and evil, unusual new information about the heroes of the fairy tale, disputes, overcoming difficulties, etc. are obligatory. During this stage of the lesson, children unnoticed by themselves answer the teacher’s questions about the past material and learn new additional material on the topic of the lesson. The fairy tale lesson ends with a denouement of the victory of good over evil, knowledge over ignorance. The lesson ends with general joy and satisfaction; The lesson is summarized and marks are given.

Test lesson in elementary school.

Performs not only a control function, but is also the main purpose of summarizing the material on a topic or section, clarifying knowledge on basic issues.

For credit, you can use final lessons, general repetition lessons, or control lessons to test skills. The calendar and thematic plan pre-determines the topics on which the test will be taken.

The preparatory part is provided in the first introductory lesson on the topic. The teacher analyzes the requirements of the program on the topic, the final result, the objectives of the test lesson, and determines questions and assignments. The teacher introduces the topic and date of the test lesson, its place and significance in the study of a new topic; informs about the requirements that will be presented at the test, about questions and assignments of various difficulties.

Lesson-seminar in elementary school.

It is characterized, first of all, by two interrelated features: independent study by schoolchildren of the software process and discussion in class of the results of their cognitive activity. On them, schoolchildren learn to speak with spontaneous messages, debate, and defend their opinions. Seminars improve the development of cognitive and research skills of schoolchildren and enhance the culture of communication.

A lesson-seminar in elementary school can be distinguished by educational tasks, sources of understanding information, forms of their implementation, etc. As practice shows, non-standard lessons in elementary school acquire common seminars - detailed conversations, seminar-reports, abstracts, creative tasks, commented reading, seminar-problem solving, seminar-debate, seminar-conference.

Integrated lesson.

The idea of ​​integration has recently become the subject of intensive theoretical and practical research in connection with the emerging processes of differentiation in education. Its current stage is characterized by both an empirical focus - the development and implementation of integrated lessons by teachers, and a theoretical one - the creation and improvement of integrated courses, in some cases combining many subjects, the study of which is provided for in the curriculum educational institutions. Integration makes it possible, on the one hand, to show students the “world as a whole”, overcoming disunity scientific knowledge in disciplines, and on the other hand, use the educational time freed up at this expense for the full implementation of profile differentiation in training.

In other words, from a practical point of view, integration involves strengthening interdisciplinary connections, reducing student overload, expanding the scope of information students receive, and reinforcing learning motivation. The methodological basis of the integrated approach to learning is the formation of knowledge about the world around us and its patterns as a whole, as well as the establishment of intra-subject and inter-subject connections in mastering the fundamentals of science. In this regard, an integrated lesson is called any lesson with its own structure if knowledge, skills and results of analysis of the material being studied by methods of other sciences and other academic subjects are involved in its implementation. It is no coincidence that integrated lessons are also called interdisciplinary lessons, and the forms of their implementation are very different: seminars, conferences, travel, etc.

A Lesson in Open Minds

Objective: learn to argue, prove your point of view, with the help of evidence, to come to the truth.

The main skills that develop in this case: the ability to listen and hear, the ability to clearly and distinctly express one’s thoughts: the ability to combine the individual and the collective.

For example, in a literary reading lesson, after reading a work, children sit in a circle to discuss the main character of the work. Each student, before expressing his point of view, must repeat the point of view of the previous student, using the memo.

1. I think...

2. I agree (agree) with ... because

3. I disagree (disagree) with...

4. I think...


The lesson is conducted in the form of an imaginary journey. The stages of the lesson are stops along the route. The guide (instructor) can be a teacher or a previously prepared student. Students are given a route sheet, then children choose transport, equipment, clothing - everything they need for the trip.

The lesson is a game.

This type of lesson can be conducted in the form of games “WHAT? Where? When?”, “Smart Men and Women”, “The Smartest”, “Tic Tac Toe”, etc. The educational task of these lessons is to generalize and systematize students’ knowledge. The first three games are played by analogy with the TV shows of the same name. The game “Tic-Tac-Toe” is played like this: the class is divided into teams: “Cross” and “Toe” are chosen by the jury or invited. For example, “Crosses” go first according to the lot and choose any competition. The teacher names a task or question for this competition. Both teams complete the task, the jury evaluates, cage playing field closes with an "X" or "O" depending on who wins. The winning team makes the next move. After completing all the tasks of the game lesson, the jury counts the number of “X” and “O”; names the winning team. The winning team receives A's or prizes.

From pedagogical practice It has been noted that in a non-traditional form of education, the teacher’s position in the educational process and the nature of his activities, principles, and teaching methods change. The main task of the teacher is to organize a joint search for a solution to the problem that has arisen before the students. The teacher begins to act as the director of a mini-play, which is born directly in the classroom. New learning conditions require the teacher to be able to listen to everyone on every question, without rejecting any answer, to take the position of each answerer, understand the logic of his reasoning and find a way out.

Lesson - conference.

The conference lesson is also unusual for children. Its success requires genuine interest in the reports, the topics of which students choose themselves. Information and messages from students must be made in a form that would ensure accessibility of the material presented to all those present. This requires individual preparatory work with speakers. The duration of each report should not exceed 10-12 minutes. This time is quite enough to present the formulation of the problem, the main results of the experiments, and conclusions. The teacher’s task is to help the student prepare a message in accordance with the topic, to make sure that he presents good language, within the time limits. Listeners cannot perceive more than 4-5 messages in a row. You can have a lively discussion on the reports. If there are many prepared reports, they are divided into two categories: oral and poster presentations. The classroom can be decorated with appropriate posters. The teacher sums up the conference. A scientific and practical conference is one of the most complex and time-consuming forms of work. Its preparation requires significant effort and time from the teacher. But all this pays off with the deep impression that a successfully held conference leaves on students.

Lesson - excursion.

Children love travel lessons and excursions. They develop collectivism, friendship, mutual assistance, thinking, memory and horizons of children. But you need to prepare for such lessons in advance: choose the place of travel, the goal, the guide, select poems, songs, questions in advance. Children help the guide compose a story, supply him with additional material, preparing equipment. Excursion lessons can be based on simulation activities, for example, a correspondence excursion, an excursion into the past.

4. Non-standard lessons using ICT.

A modern lesson cannot be taught without the use of information and communication technologies. One of the advantages of non-traditional lessons using ICT tools is its emotional impact on students, which is aimed at forming in students a personal attitude towards what they have learned, at developing various aspects of students’ mental activity. In such lessons, children of primary school age develop the skills and desire to learn, an algorithmic style of thinking develops, knowledge and skills are laid not only in a specific academic subject, but also in mastery of ICT tools, without which further successful learning is impossible.

Presentation is a powerful means of visualization and development of cognitive interest. The use of multimedia presentations makes lessons more interesting; it includes not only vision, but also hearing, emotions, and imagination in the perception process; it helps children dive deeper into the material being studied and makes the learning process less tiring.

So, for example, when studying the topic on the surrounding world “Diversity of plants on Earth,” it is useful to ask children with the question “Do you want to learn more about the plants of our country? Let’s find information on the Internet and make a presentation together.” And during the lesson - games on this topic, the children demonstrated their presentations. Thanks to the presentations, those students who were usually not very active in the classroom began to actively express their opinions and reason.

In mathematics lessons, when conducting lessons and competitions, I use interactive whiteboard. To attract the attention and activity of students, at the beginning of the lesson I conduct an oral count with elements of the game “Write down only the answer.” I write the examples in two columns according to the options. After the children have written down their answers, they conduct a self-test or mutual test using animation on the interactive board. Students like this type of work because they act as a teacher. When performing oral calculations, I demonstrate diagrams and puzzles.

To develop interest in Russian language lessons, I use an interactive whiteboard. I offer students creative tasks that can be expressed in: writing down words, underlining spellings, highlighting parts of a word, finding the grammatical basis and minor members offers.

Literary reading lessons will be uninteresting and boring if audio is not included in their content. For example, in the lesson “Generalization by section” I invite children to listen to recordings of exemplary reading of short works. This teaches expressive reading, the ability to feel the mood, and determine the character of the characters. Reading poetry accompanied by a well-chosen soundtrack evokes a storm of emotions in the souls of little listeners, a desire to try to evoke the same feelings in others. Lessons - quizzes on fairy tales - increase the creative and intellectual potential of students, expand and consolidate acquired knowledge.

The use of design and research activities in the lesson of the surrounding world allows you to develop a child’s active independent thinking and teach him not just to remember and reproduce the knowledge that school gives him, but to be able to apply it in practice. When selecting a project topic, I focus on the interests and needs of students, their capabilities and personal significance of the upcoming work, and the practical significance of the result of working on the project.

One of the forms of cognitive activity is a game that promotes the development and strengthening of interest in mathematics. In order to arouse interest in counting, I use the following role-playing games in various versions: “Fishing”, circular examples, “Who is faster”, “Find the mistake”, “Coded answer”, “Mathematical dominoes”, “Collect a card”, “Relay race” "

The game form of lessons can be used at various stages of the lesson. Determining the place of a didactic game in the structure of a lesson and the combination of game and teaching elements largely depend on the teacher’s correct understanding of the functions didactic games and their classifications. First of all, collective games in the classroom should be divided according to the didactic objectives of the lesson. These are, first of all, educational, controlling, and generalizing games.

5. Conclusion.

All non-standard lessons are interesting and carry a great emotional charge, although these lessons are preceded by a lot of painstaking work.

A non-standard lesson can rightfully be considered a real lesson. Children actively participate in the lesson, think creatively, do not wait for the end of the lesson, and do not keep track of time. The lesson brings them great joy of learning. The big advantage of non-traditional lessons is that they encourage weak students to take part, think about tasks, and instill in them confidence and a desire for active participation and learning. Thanks to non-traditional types of learning, students learn program material faster and better.

The use of non-traditional forms of lessons is a powerful incentive in learning; it is a diverse and strong motivation. Through such lessons, cognitive interest is aroused much more actively and quickly, because a person by nature likes to play, another reason is that there are much more motives in the game than in ordinary educational activities.

From everything it is clear that non-standard education has many advantages and should increasingly be introduced into schools.

Thus, we can conclude that the effectiveness of the educational process largely depends on the teacher’s ability to correctly organize a lesson and wisely choose one or another form of conducting a lesson.

Non-traditional forms of conducting lessons make it possible not only to raise students’ interest in the subject being studied, but also to develop their creative independence and teach them how to work with various sources of knowledge. All the proposed techniques and forms of work were born gradually over many years of work, some of them were borrowed from the work experience of other teachers, some from books and teaching aids. The development of new, productive educational technologies deserves the closest attention, since without updating teaching methods, as well as without updating its content, it is impossible to solve the problems facing the modern school today. A lesson can be stunningly unconventional and completely traditional, excitingly exciting and measuredly calm. That's not what's important. It is important that the form highlights and does not overshadow the content.


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Research Article

Pedagogy and didactics

Typology and structure of the lesson. Various forms of conducting a lesson in a modern school. Designing a lesson on a subject as a pedagogical task. Technology for preparing and conducting a lesson. There are several approaches to classifying lessons, each of which distinguishes...

Typology and structure of the lesson. Various forms of teaching a lesson in a modern school. Designing a lesson on a subject as a pedagogical task. Technology for preparing and conducting a lesson.

There are several approaches to classifying lessons, each of which has certain signs:

1) for didactic purposes (I. T. Ogorodnikov, I. N. Kazantsev);

3) the main stages of the educational process (S. V. Ivanov);

4) didactic tasks that are solved in class (N. M. Yakovlev, A. M. Sokhor);

5) teaching methods (I. N. Borisov), etc.

The greatest support was given to the classification of lessons according to two criteria: didactic goals and the place of lessons in the overall system. The following are distinguished: types of lessons:

1. Lesson on learning new material(lecture, explanation by the teacher with the involvement of students in the discussion of individual issues, heuristic conversation, independent work with a textbook, setting up and conducting experiments, etc.);

2. Lesson on improving knowledge, skills and abilities(lessons of independent work, lesson laboratory work, lesson of practical work, lesson excursion, lesson seminar);

3. Lesson of generalization and systematization(problem discussions, lessons seminars, lessons in solving creative problems);

4. Combined lesson;

5. Lessons of control, correction of knowledge, abilities, skills(oral questioning, written questioning, dictations, presentations, solving problems and examples, etc., tests, workshops, self-tests, exams, etc.).

Lesson structure the relationship of lesson elements in their specific sequence and relationship with each other. The type of lesson is determined by the presence and sequence of structural parts. Originates from Kamensky and Herbartclassic four-tier lesson structure, based on formal stages (levels) of education:

1) preparation for mastering new knowledge;

2) mastering new knowledge and skills;

3) their consolidation and systematization;

4) application in practice.

A combined lesson corresponds to this structure.

Stages of a combined lesson:

  • organization of work (1 2 min);
  • repetition of what has been learned (updating knowledge) (10 12 min);
  • learning new material, developing new skills (20 25 min);
  • consolidation, systematization, application of knowledge (5 8 min);
  • homework assignment (2 3 min).

In a modern school there are manyforms of lesson organization.

1. When frontal trainingthe teacher manages the educational cognitive activity the entire class working on a single task.

2. Group forms are divided into link, brigade, cooperative-group and differential-group.

3. Individual workstudents are carried out within the framework of both frontal and group forms (completing independent tasks).

Due to the decrease in schoolchildren’s interest in classes, non-standard lessons were introduced, i.e. Impromptu training sessions with a non-standard structure. Among the forms of conducting such lessons can be identified: “immersion” lessons, business games, press conferences, creative reports, competitions, such as KVN, competitions, theatrical, binary, computer, fantasy, “courts”, the search for truth, “paradoxes”, concerts , auctions, etc.

The formula for lesson effectiveness consists of two parts: careful preparation and mastery of delivery.

Design this is the final stage of lesson preparation. The result is the creation of a program for managing the cognitive activity of students.Control programthis is a short and specific, freely drawn up document in which the teacher records important aspects of process management for him: who and when to ask, where to introduce a problem, how to proceed to the next stage of the lesson, what scheme to build the process in case of pre-foreseen difficulties, etc. .d.

There are preliminary and immediate preparation teachers to the learning process.

Preliminary preparationstudying at a university and the whole life of a teacher.

Direct preparationdrawing up promisingeducational and thematic plans, which involve dividing the curriculum of a subject into topics indicating the form of organization of training, date, and serial number.

Immediately before conducting a lesson in any form, the teacher draws up a plan or outline of the lesson.

Stages Preparing the teacher for the lesson:

1. Diagnostics this is a “clarification” of all the circumstances of the lesson: the capabilities of students, the motives of their activities and behavior, requests and inclinations, interests and abilities, the required level of training, the nature of the educational material, its features and practical significance, the structure of the lesson, as well as an analysis of all time spent in the educational process.

2. Forecastingaimed at assessing various options for conducting a future lesson and selecting the optimal one. Modern forecasting technology makes it possible to derive a quantitative indicator of the effectiveness of a lesson as follows: the amount of knowledge (skills) is taken as 100%; the influence of interfering factors reduces this indicator. The amount of loss is subtracted from the ideal result and determines the real indicator of the effectiveness of the lesson. If the indicator is satisfactory, proceed to planning.

3. Design (planning)

The plan should reflect the following points:

  • date of the lesson and its number according to the thematic plan;
    • title of the topic, class in which the lesson is taught;
    • goals and objectives of education, upbringing, development of schoolchildren;
    • structure indicating the sequence of its stages and the approximate distribution of time among the stages;
    • content of educational material;
    • methods and techniques of the teacher in each part of the lesson;
    • educational equipment necessary for conducting the lesson;
    • homework assignment.


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