Social dance. What is this? Social Latin American dances

Social dancing- many have heard this concept, and some are very familiar with it. This is the name given to a certain set of dance styles, which (unlike ballroom) involve a large share of improvisation, and are practiced mainly for entertainment rather than for participation in competitions. People go to social dancing for the sake of live communication, exchange of emotions, and vibrant self-expression.

Dancing for the community - dancing for everyone

Of course, social dancing, like any other, requires certain skills: even pure improvisation does not mean complete chaos. However, here you will not see extremely strict and complex schemes that must be memorized and executed with filigree precision. Main principle here - leading. Most social dances are paired, and the partner must, first of all, be able to competently “lead” his partner. And she, in turn, responds to his movements and helps in the dance.

Social dances include Argentine tango, salsa, bachata, Lindy hop, hustle, balboa, boogie-woogie, kizomba, zouk, merengue and many others.

Another fundamental difference between social dancing is that you can improve your skills in this area not only in classes in the hall or on stage during competitions and competitions. Social means accessible to everyone. You can dance them at any party almost all over the world, as well as in themed clubs, festivals and open airs. These dances exist due to the desire of people to communicate, enjoy it and charge each other with the energy of sincere joy. By the way, it is also beautiful - costumes and shoes for some types of social dances are sometimes as elegant as concert ballroom outfits. But you can dance in casual clothes too!

Popularity in Russia

In our country, the passion for social dancing is spreading more and more every year. And this is not without reason: there is an opinion that this trend is associated with an increase in living standards. The well-being of the population is increasing, which means there is a need for entertainment, creativity, self-expression and, ultimately, just cultural recreation. Dancing is perfectly suited to satisfy these human needs. And the more freedom they have, the more people will be drawn to the dance floor.

Russia also has its own peculiarity in the development of these areas: in our country, more representatives of the fair sex are involved in dancing and, as many people know, there are often not enough partners. And in European countries the situation, oddly enough, is the opposite. But here comes another advantage of social dancing: you don’t need permanent partner! You can dance, so to speak, with the first person you meet: the main thing is to be able to adapt each time to the style, tempo and nature of the movement of the other person. Partners can be changed and danced in turns, and this solves the problem of shortage dancing men at least within the walls of clubs and at parties.

The role of social dancing in society

According to the founders and participants of a number of projects dedicated to social dancing, their goals are not limited to training and organizing competitions. Such dances help solve such universal human problems as loneliness and difficulties of social adaptation. Also, this hobby makes it possible to popularize an active lifestyle and tolerance in society: after all, it is in a relaxed dance that partners can fully feel the support and support of each other. And in order not to experience the slightest discomfort in such a pleasant task, it is worth paying special attention correct selection.

Social dancing is almost never completely planned in advance. Often the simplicity of the choreography is compensated by the liveliness and emotional brightness of the performance. The priority here is contact between partners (if the dance is a pair), expression internal state and a sense of music.

Although many of the social dances are derived from traditional folk dances, they carry the spirit of modernity while maintaining a dose of authenticity.

Nowadays, salsa, bachata or Lindy choir is not just dancing, it is a society of people united by common interests, general mood and atmosphere, common aspirations in life. And if you still don’t do social dancing, think: maybe you should start right now?

Modern social dancing is not just a beautiful action, but also a hobby, useful exercise stress and a great way to meet people. In this collection we want to tell you about the nine most popular social dances that anyone can learn.

1. Swing

Swing originated in the southern United States in the 1920s during the popularity of jazz - it was often danced to the compositions of Louis Armstrong. At that time, there were no original musical and dance styles in America, and jazz and swing, which grew out of it, became the first manifestations of native American culture. It was first danced in Harlem, the first swing dance was called the Charleston and was performed without a partner - the dancers simply sharply kicked their legs out with their heels, which was reminiscent of traditional dances of African peoples. Little by little, the Charleston transformed directly into swing: the figures became smoother, they danced in pairs - the partner held the partner’s hands.

Dynamic and beautiful swing was danced in clubs all over the country, and almost every city had its own style. The figures and techniques of dancing changed over time, new trends gradually appeared: Lindy Hop, Bilboa, and much later - boogie-woogie and rock and roll.

Modern swing is characterized by very fast and smooth kicking, high plasticity and emotionality. The partner plays a “leading” role; he directs the movements of the partner, who is required to be sensitive and able to adapt to the partner. The dance is based mainly on improvisation - freedom of movement is not limited by practically anything except jazz musical rhythm. The swing is usually rehearsed only before competitions.

There is a swing school in almost every major city in the world. Exist international competitions, where the so-called “ballroom swing” is most often performed. It is characterized by clear, smooth, interconnected movements and a vibrant dance composition, as in the video below.

2. Argentine tango

Argentine tango first appeared in Argentina and Uruguay in the late 19th century. Oddly enough, it was danced in brothels and gambling establishments, where men spent their time searching for affordable entertainment, women and dubious romance.

The morals of that time were quite strict, so decent women could not even allow their partner to put his hand on their back - this was already considered reprehensible. Therefore, prostitutes were the first to dance tango. Tango was characterized by close embraces, intertwining legs, grabbing, stroking and flirtatious glances, all of which contained an overt hint of obscenity. Of course, women did not dance for free, and soon men began to get together and practice on their own.

Tango gained widespread popularity almost half a century after its inception. The young men taught dance, although less explicit, to their girlfriends and relatives. From Latin America, tango came to Europe, where it acquired its modern form.

Nowadays, dance is characterized by passion, close contact between partners, and fast movements. The main role is assigned to the woman - all complex figures such as throwing out legs, turns and steps fall to her lot, the partner for the most part only supports. Argentine tango is popular all over the world. There are a huge number of styles, the most common of which are milonga, salon and liso. Very important role improvisation plays a role in this dance. However, at international competitions held in all parts of the world, it is considered that a truly beautiful and professional dance must be rehearsed.

3. Viennese Waltz

Contrary to its name, the Viennese waltz did not appear in Vienna, but in Germany, and a very long time ago - the first mention of it dates back to the 12th century. It is believed that it was then that Bavarian peasants began to dance a similar dance. Later, the fashion moved to France - the appearance of the waltz was described in the Parisian newspaper La Patrie in 1559. Beautiful dance very soon gained popularity among the aristocracy - there are engravings and paintings depicting couples dancing the Viennese waltz, the most famous of which shows the young Queen of England Elizabeth I flying above the floor in the arms of the Earl of Lancaster.

The main difference between the Viennese waltz and the classical one is that it is somewhat more dynamic and is performed to faster, albeit smoother, music. Like all waltzes, this dance is performed in three quarters, that is, there are three steps per measure. The man plays the leading role - he serves as support and support for his partner, whose back is slightly tilted back in the shape during the dance. Viennese Waltz- the dance is smooth, without sharp turns and tilts - it creates the feeling that the dancing couple seems to be soaring above the ground.

The dance is not so easy to perform, at least to learn how to dance it beautifully, you will need long training and good plastic. The Viennese Waltz is one of the five dances in the European program, which says a lot.

4. Zouk

Zouk originated in the Caribbean in the 1980s. The word “zouk” is translated from the French Creole language as “party” - initially zouk was danced at parties and discos. As dance developed, numerous schools opened and new directions emerged. The music to which the zouk is danced can include African, Brazilian motifs, elements of flamenco and other musical styles. Zouk gained the greatest popularity in French-speaking countries.

Unlike most Latin American dances, zouk does not have overt eroticism and sharp dynamic movements; it is performed to slow “dramatic” music, the dancers move smoothly and very plastically. Zouk is characterized by tenderness, humility, slight sadness and sensuality. In principle, dancing it is quite simple, no special preparation is required, and anyone can take part in the competition by simply submitting an application. Of course, a couple of “masters” who practice zouk professionally will benefit, but this area is also accessible to beginners.

5. Merengue

Merengue, both music and dance, originates from the Dominican Republic. The ancestor of the merengue is considered to be the tumba dance, which is not encountered so often - it is very complex and is not suitable for the main purpose of social dancing - entertainment and communication. A relatively simple merengue, which does not require memorizing and reproducing complex figures, quickly fell in love with young people and soon penetrated most Dominican parties. Now merengue is most popular in Latin America and the USA. Most of the performers live there.

Merengue is performed to fiery dynamic music, where the main accompanying instrument is the accordion. The contact of partners in the dance is minimal - both men and women dance it “solo”, rarely touching and mainly with their hands. Close physical contact is not typical for merengue - both partners commit a large number of movements: rotation of the body, movement of the shoulders at a stunningly fast pace, circular movements of the hips.

Merengue is quite easy to learn on your own - the dance is characterized by improvisation, and you only need to be able to withstand the frantic rhythm. As with all other dances on our list, merengue competitions are held for everyone. Of course, it will be difficult to get into international competitions as a participant, but at amateur competitions it is quite possible to have fun and learn something from others dancing couples.

6. Reggaeton

Reggaeton first appeared in Puerto Rico. Based on the name, the basics musical direction and dance originate from reggae music. Over time, very little remains of classic reggae in reggaeton, but you can hear echoes of techno music, rap, bomba, plena and hip-hop.

This dance is relatively young - it was first danced in the 1990s at discos and parties. The main thing in reggaeton is a strong rhythmic beat; moving to this dynamic, fiery music is extremely easy. This dance also has no obligatory figures, but is characterized by very fast rotation of the hips and stomach and movements of the shoulders at an incredibly fast pace, and these movements are performed by both partners. Another feature of reggaeton is its provocativeness - obvious sexual overtones, challenge, and passion are noticeable in the movements of the partners.

Reggaeton is especially popular in Argentina, where it even hosts and broadcasts friendly competitions.

7. Hustle

Hustle is another disco dance style. It first appeared in Europe and America in the 1960s and immediately gained popularity among young people because it did not require special preparation, was simple to perform, and at the same time beautiful and romantic. Almost any music is suitable for hustle - you just need to feel the rhythm a little, and you can whirl with your partner. The dance appeared in the USSR in the late 1980s. By the way, it is he who is shown in the film “The Beloved Woman of Mechanic Gavrilov.”

In hustle, unlike many of the above dances, there is nothing provocative. His movements are simply six-count steps, inside and outside single turns and not too much contact between his partners. Despite the fact that the hustle was originally a social dance and was invented as a way to have fun and get to know each other, it is currently used in sports competitions. There are many in Hustle different directions, but the most interesting is the jack-n-jill hustle: a couple in competition goes out onto the floor and dances an impromptu dance to music unknown to them. The dancer's level is determined by one of five classes - to get the next one, you must participate in competitions and win prizes.

8. Irish set dances

Irish set dancing originated in the 18th century. The cheerful Irish liked the classic French quadrille, which perfectly suited their folk melodies. Quadrille mixed with Irish dances like the reel, hornpipe and jig, and the result was something unimaginable. Over the next two centuries it was danced everywhere: at village festivals, weddings, and in pubs. Gradually, set dances replaced even traditional Irish ceilidhs.

The most amazing thing is that the movements are mainly done only with the legs: all kinds of turns and jumps, sliding steps, sweeps and rapid throws of the legs. At the same time, the body remains calm and hardly moves, and the hands, as a rule, lie on the belt. Irish dancing is a mixture of pride, hot temperament and mischief.

Nowadays set Irish dancing is no longer so popular - you are unlikely to see them at discos - the music is not the same. But there are many championships held around the world, the largest of which are the All-Ireland Championship, the British Championship, the National American Championship and the World Championship. Everything you need to learn Irish dance- the ability to maintain rhythm and breathe correctly.

9. Rumba

Rumba was invented, oddly enough, by African slaves who lived in Latin America. During the years of slavery, their own culture was closely intertwined with the culture of the Spanish invaders. The word "rumbo" means "fun" in Spanish. Initially, the dance was really dynamic, the music was similar to the famous melody “Cucaracha”. But over time, rumba was divided into two directions - rumba itself and cha-cha-cha.

The dance is characterized by smooth, erotic movements and wide steps of both partners. Rumba is considered a ballroom dance. The main thing here is emotional content, light eroticism and drama. The music is slow and smooth. Sometimes the rumba is even danced at weddings as the first dance of the spouses. Latin America- the dance symbolizes family responsibilities and reverent love.

Of course, you can’t dance rumba at discos either, but this dance is popular everywhere modern world. It belongs to ballroom dancing and is one of the five standard Latin American ballroom dancing programs.

Social dancing is an excellent alternative to “jumping” discos and clubs where incomprehensible music is blaring. Of course, everyone is free to choose. But for fans of improvisation and democracy, social dancing is exactly what you need. These are “street” dances that have migrated to the floor. This is a fairly popular form of healthy pastime. Such classes do not require special training. People of any age can practice dancing. There would be desire and enthusiasm.

Social dances include:

  • Sultry salsa;
  • Sensual Argentine tango;
  • Stylish swing;
  • Bachata;
  • Irish dances;
  • Hustle.

What it is?

Each of these styles combines the traditions of the countries in which they were invented and successfully took root. As a rule, social dances do not have clearly defined and memorized movements. Partners demonstrate some skills that cause admiring glances and shock from those watching. At social dance “parties” you quite often meet successful, wealthy people. They are attracted by powerful psychological release after a hard day at work.

The joy of activity

Scientists say that when dancing, a person produces a huge amount of joy hormones - endorphins. It is believed that the feeling of flight and lightness makes people dance for many years and attend classes regularly. Regular visitors to clubs where social dance classes are held note that bright and intense styles do not take away strength at all, on the contrary, they give vigor and help to rise to unrealistic heights.

What attracts people to social dancing?

During dance lessons, it is customary to change partners more than once during the evening. This allows people who regularly attend such events to get to know each other better and find common ground. Of course, everyone decides for themselves whether to continue the relationship outside the dance hall. Quite often, durable and happy marriages between partners engaged in social dancing. Don’t think that clubs are some kind of nest of debauchery. It's a delusion. They do dancing married couples, people of science and religion. Of course, everything depends on internal upbringing. But this applies to any area of ​​life.

The most important thing that attracts people who are interested in social dancing is a healthy pastime and the opportunity to break away from their usual circle. In such clubs it is not customary to ask each other about the type of activity. Here everyone is on an equal footing. Therefore, it is completely normal that when the janitor and the financial director dance tango, the salsa movements are repeated by the student and the teacher. This is a place where the status of an individual is determined only by the ability to dance. Anyone busy person I want to see the world from a different perspective. Social dancing provides such a chance. Catch him!

Dance is not just a set of movements. This is a kind of game whose rules are dictated by music. The rhythm of the composition creates the mood and tells you how to move. Dancing man truly happy, because he knows how to express his emotions and share them with others.

Perhaps someone now sighed sadly and regretted that he could not dance. No problem! Social dancing will come to the rescue. What is it, where is it taught, and is it possible to start practicing if you have never danced in your life? “EasyPolezno” will tell you.

What dances are called social?

Social dances are pair dances that have main goal communication and interaction with a partner. You probably already guessed that the language of communication here is movement.

This type of dance came to us from America, where social dance, or “descended”, as they are called for short in Russia, became widespread since the 20s-30s of the last century. The emergence of this trend was due to the fact that young people were engaged in ballroom dancing It became boring, because achieving mastery required a lot of time and effort. In addition, young people did not want to limit their freedom to a certain set of movements, so they began to be attracted to ethnic Latin American and African dances, which allow improvisation and do not require precise movements.

Young people gathered at dance parties, where there was a lot of communication and fun. The warm atmosphere was conducive to relaxation; no one monitored the correct movements of neighboring couples, because the main goal was relaxation, making new acquaintances and enjoying the movement.

Social dance is directed not outward, but inward; it is performed not for the audience, but for oneself.

Where to begin?

Social dance, as we have already noted, is a pair dance. However, this does not mean that you need to come to class with a partner. The first thing you need to do is gather your thoughts, cast aside all doubts and come to a dance studio class. They definitely won’t leave you there without a partner.
Learning to dance is not difficult. You just need to learn the basic steps and a couple of movements, the rest is a matter of improvisation. The main thing is consistency and regularity of classes. At your first training session, it may seem like nothing is working, especially if you compare yourself to experienced dancers. However, already the second or third time you will “catch the wave” and be able to relax, enjoying the movement.

4 Interesting Facts About Social Dancing

To better understand the essence of the descendant, it is worth revealing in more detail some of its interesting features.

Where to go to dance

Social dance clubs are opening in all major cities. However, residents of small towns also have the opportunity to try the new kind recreation. You can start dancing came down:

  • Group classes in the studio. This best option, since lessons with a specialist in a group provide invaluable experience in dancing with new people.
  • In individual lessons. Their cost is higher, but this training option is also available and is gaining popularity.
  • At home, watching videos on the Internet or on DVD. The advantage of this form of training is that you don’t have to go or travel anywhere. This is also suitable for those who are embarrassed to dance in front of other people. But there are also disadvantages: no one evaluates your progress from the outside and points out possible mistakes. And most importantly: you are deprived of communication, and this is no less important component came down worse than the dance itself.

No matter how you begin to learn social dancing, learning the basic movements will take from a week to a month, depending on your diligence.
And then the fun begins! In a city where there is at least one studio, dance parties of certain types of dance are definitely held. The most common of them are Latin American. At such parties you can relax, dance to your heart's content and relieve stress for the benefit of your body.

Popular social dance styles

The dance styles of the descendants are very diverse, but the most common among them are the following styles:

How social dancing is useful from a psychological point of view

Social dancing is not just about entertainment - it is actively used to solve some psychological problems:

  • help to gain self-confidence;
  • allow you to establish communication, including with the opposite sex;
  • promote personal growth;
  • relieve stress;
  • develop initiative and creativity.

If you want to relax, meet new people, get in shape or forget about your problems, take up social dancing. Life will definitely begin to play with new colors!

Dancing is not the most obvious item on the list of men's hobbies, but nevertheless, this activity, combining sports and communication, is gaining more and more fans around the world every year. Dancing helps you stay in good shape, improves your posture and coordination of movements, and also opens the way to themed parties and new acquaintances. For all this, it is absolutely not necessary to exhaust yourself with training and hone your skills for years - modern popular trends, united common name“social dancing”, open to everyone, all you need is knowledge of the basic movements and, of course, desire.

Today we will talk about the most common types of social dancing and where, how and with whom you can join them.

What is social dancing

The expression “social dancing” came into Russian as a translation from English (“social dance”), and often its meaning remains not entirely clear. In fact, it simply means all types of dances that are not a sports discipline, are available to everyone, but still have certain rules and accepted movements, unlike, for example, dancing in a nightclub.

Social dancing is a great hobby

As a rule, social dances are performed in pairs, and the partner's task is to choose a sequence of movements and direct the partner, who, in turn, must follow him. Often the process involves an exchange of partners. IN modern dance there are no ready-made schemes: the set of movements is always improvisation. Of course, it is advisable that both partners know at least basic steps, but the main thing is the willingness to listen and adapt to each other. Any dance is a kind of dialogue, which ideally should leave exclusively positive emotions.

Popular types of social dances

Nowadays, there are a large number of popular dance styles: from sensual Latin American to groovy Irish, as well as various modern variations of European and American dances. The choice is limited only by your taste, and, of course, by what clubs are in your city. Let's look at a few of the most common styles.

Argentine tango

Famous sensual dance tango appeared in late XIX centuries in Argentina and Uruguay and then gained popularity throughout the world. Today there are various variations of this trend, but if your goal is not professional tournaments, but a new type of leisure, look for “Argentine tango.”

In this dance, more attention is given to the partner: it is the girl who performs various spectacular movements such as throwing out legs, turns and steps. At the same time, the partner moves less, his task is to guide and support. Tango involves fairly close contact, passion and some sharpness of movements. This dance looks very impressive from the outside, even if the partners are just beginning to comprehend its features.


Another popular movement, swing, originated in the United States in the 1920s, during the heyday of jazz. Gradually, it acquired various subspecies: Lindy Hop, Boogie-Woogie, etc. This is a fairly fast dance, it is performed in pairs without particularly close contact: the man holds the woman by the hands or, at most, by the waist.

Swing is based on improvisation, and it can look completely different: from rhythmic steps and simple turns for beginners to complex acrobatics for professionals. However, the main thing is a positive mood. And, of course, maintaining the rhythm of the melody.


Salsa dance comes from Cuba and carries the idea of ​​freedom and flirtation. It is characterized by relaxed, “flirting” movements. At the same time, salsa is often danced in groups, and in the process there is a constant change of partners, which makes it possible to hone your skills with various strangers.

Salsa is a fairly energetic dance with constant turns, intertwining hands, and the body is constantly in motion. In general, the perfect cocktail of communication and fitness.


Bachata is a dance originally from the Dominican Republic. This direction is considered one of the most sensual and romantic: partners dance in very close contact, their movements are smooth and passionate at the same time.

From the outside, bachata seems simpler than many other varieties, but this is an illusion: the hugs, bends and waves characteristic of this dance require good knowledge of the movements and control of one’s own body. However, it’s worth it: the training will definitely pay off with the emotions that bachata gives.


Hustle is a fairly young movement that originated in the 1970s. This dance is performed to disco music and is considered one of the simplest: it is enough to master a few basic elements and be willing to improvise. However, with a certain skill, he looks very impressive and incendiary - just remember the film “Dirty Dancing”.

Hustle is a very democratic dance; among its fans you can see people of any age and any size. A good option for newbies.

How to learn to dance

So, you decided to try to start dancing and decided on the direction. The next question arises: how to master these very basic steps and everything else?

Most effective way- sign up for courses. Social dancing is a popular hobby, so many clubs and private teachers regularly recruit groups of beginners. In this case, you will take your first steps in a new business under the guidance of a professional who will correct your movements and always help with advice. In addition, group classes provide the opportunity to immediately hone the acquired skills with various partners.

If you are shy, want a more intensive program, or work a non-standard schedule, you can consider private lessons with a teacher. Of course, it costs more, but the effect will be obtained faster. On individual sessions You can go alone or in pairs.

There is also an option independent studies by video. You can buy educational DVDs or even find free lessons on the Internet: many teachers shoot videos of their classes to attract students. In this case, you can dance at home whenever and as much as you want, the only drawback is that it is more difficult to track progress and correct possible mistakes.

Finally, there's an option for search gurus special offers in the Internet. Many dance clubs and schools periodically hold open free classes. Often such lessons take place outdoors in the summer. You won't learn much in one session, of course, but it's a great way to look at different things. dance styles and make a choice.

Where can you go to dance?

Whatever wonderful courses you sign up for, this is only an intermediate step on the way to the world of social dancing. The fun begins when you master the basic movements (but remember that this requires at least 2-3 months of lessons!) and you can attend dance parties.

In winter, such parties are held in clubs, in summer - outdoors, for example, on the embankment in Gorky Park in Moscow. It makes sense to find out in advance which dance styles are popular in your city, because you will definitely want to put the acquired skills into practice.

What to do if you don't have a partner

Many people think that dancing is an activity for couples, but in fact it is an excellent hobby for those who want to meet each other. If you don't have a partner, don't worry! In 99% of cases, dance courses turn out to be more girls than men, and you will simply be paired up with someone who came without a partner. Concerning dance parties, then they are just made for new acquaintances! Without a doubt, you will also find many free girls there whom you can invite to dance. This is perceived as completely normal, the main thing is not to be intrusive if you suddenly receive a refusal, and, of course, practice a little beforehand so that your partner does not have to do everything for you.


Dance is the oldest way of spending leisure time, entertainment and flirting; a couple of centuries ago, all the most interesting things happened at balls. These days, this has evolved into social dancing, a hobby that will allow you to maintain physical fitness, learn to move better and hold yourself more freely, and will also bring many new acquaintances. Take a closer look: perhaps this particular type of leisure will become your new hobby.