Lilac, lilac treatment. Lilac, medicinal properties and contraindications White lilac use in folk medicine

For many, common lilac is only a seasonal component of bouquets. But the benefits of the plant are not limited to the pleasant appearance and aroma of flowers. Many components of lilac (bark, inflorescences, leaves, buds, seeds) are used in folk medicine. Products based on it help get rid of a wide range of diseases: from colds and migraines, to various types of wounds and disorders of the cardiovascular system. Lilac contains toxic substances, but with proper dosage it will not harm the body.

Useful properties and applications

Common lilac has proven to be a multifunctional remedy in folk medicine. The bitter-tasting plant is believed to have powerful healing properties and can help with a wide range of ailments. Flowers (white and lilac), leaves, buds and shrub bark are used to make preparations. Depending on the part of the plant, its condition (fresh or dry) and the method of preparation, lilac helps with:

  • heat;
  • colds;
  • wounds and other violations of the integrity of the skin;
  • eye problems - from visual impairment to neoplasms such as stye;
  • diabetes;
  • arthritis and other joint problems;
  • migraines and other pains;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • dysfunction of the cardiovascular system;
  • malaria.

The source of beautiful bouquets turned out to be a treasure trove of medical resources. Previously, the properties of lilac were divided according to the shade of its flowers. Thus, white bushes were considered more effective in combating inflammation, and lilac ones - with chronic conditions.

Regardless of color, lilac is a poisonous plant. While not disputing its medicinal properties, experts warn that careful dosage monitoring is necessary. However, such restrictions are established when using any potent substance.


There are many recipes for preparing medicines and preventatives from lilac. Medicinal properties are attributed to the flowers of the shrub, its leaves, buds and bark. Each component can be used in various medications:

  1. 1. Decoction. Tea can also be included in this category. Decoctions are prepared from various parts of the plant. Thus, dried flowers are recommended for kidney stones. A tablespoon of raw material is boiled in 200 ml of water over low heat for 15 minutes. Then the mixture is filtered and brought to its original volume. If there are problems with the kidneys, the leaves are also brewed. Dry or fresh raw materials (2 tablespoons) are brought to a boil in a glass of water. Then the mixture is infused for 2-3 hours and filtered. It is recommended to relieve severe pain during menstruation with a teaspoon of seeds boiled in a glass of water for 15 minutes. Bark tea (a teaspoon of crushed substance per 200 ml of boiling water) is an antipyretic and diaphoretic. For diabetes, use a decoction of kidneys, boiled in a glass of water for 10 minutes. After filtering, the liquid is brought to its original volume. Tea is also recommended for malaria - a teaspoon of crushed leaves is brewed for 20 minutes in a glass of boiling water. Although the product is claimed to act as a medicine on its own, it is best not to limit the therapeutic process to it without consulting a doctor.
  2. 2. Infusion. The term includes mixtures of water and alcohol. Tinctures are also divided into means for external and internal use. So, to reduce joint pain, it is recommended to steam 30 fresh white lilac leaves in 2 cups of boiling water overnight. After straining, the mixture, diluted with 0.5 liters of water, is stored in the refrigerator. An alcohol tincture is also offered for the treatment of joints - 100 mg of fresh flowers and leaves are poured into an alcohol-containing liquid (minimum 40 degrees). The product is infused for 2 weeks in the dark. After straining, it is ready to eat. For rinsing with laryngitis, 50 g of flowers are infused in 100 ml of vodka for 7 days.
  3. 3. Ointment. Recommended for the treatment of joint problems. For the ointment, liquid is squeezed out of fresh lilac leaves, which is mixed with fat (pork) in a ratio of 1 to 4. Powder from lilac buds is combined in similar proportions with a fatty base. This drug is recommended for the treatment of sciatica.

Reception features

Each lilac product has its own dosage regimen. It must be adhered to, given the toxicity of the plant.

A decoction of dried flowers to combat kidney stones is recommended to be taken three times a day, 100 ml. An infusion of fresh leaves for joint pain, according to the description, should be drunk 1 tablespoon daily on an empty stomach for a month. Then a break of 2 weeks is taken and the course is repeated (active treatment lasts 3 months). Antidiabetic decoction is drunk a tablespoon 3 times a day.

An alcoholic tincture of flowers and leaves is used for rubbing and compresses - the latter are changed 4 times a day. It is also taken orally - 3 times a day, 30 drops (diluted in 50 ml of water) for a month. Dilute and rinse. For one part of the active substance there are 10 parts of water.

Clusters of white, purple, lilac colors can be seen near every house in central Russia. Every spring we inhale the aroma and admire the beauty of flowering lilac bushes, not suspecting that it also has medicinal properties that traditional medicine recommends. The most common medicine made from flowers and leaves is lilac tincture, which helps cope with various ailments.

Let's find out what white lilac helps with, what medicinal properties it has and why traditional medicine recommends turning to it.

Healing properties of flowers and leaves of the plant

In May, it is impossible to pass by clusters of purple, white, dark lilacs; your hand just reaches out to break an armful of fragrant lush inflorescences. Don't rush to do this. The smell, in the literal and figurative sense of the word, “makes your head spin,” and if you place a vase with white lilacs in the room, then within a few minutes you can feel a deterioration in your health. Blood pressure may increase, heart rate may increase, arrhythmia, headache and other symptoms of hydrocyanic acid poisoning will appear.

Therefore, it is better not to keep such bouquets in the house.

Traditional medicine recommends using lilac tincture to treat malaria, febrile conditions, renal colic, epilepsy, pneumonia, influenza and ARVI. The flower preparation normalizes the menstrual cycle and controls blood sugar.

Lilac tea normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, alleviates the condition of patients with bronchial asthma and helps with osteomyelitis.

She can cope with heel spurs, cure arthritis, gout, calm the nerves, relieve coughing and help with tuberculosis.

We prepare the tincture ourselves

To prepare the medicine you will need leaves and flowers. Many people believe that flowers of white, purple and lilac of other colors have the same properties, but it is difficult to judge whether this is true or not. Traditional medicine recommends giving preference to white lilac.

Raw materials must be collected away from places where pollutants are released (exhaust pipes of industrial enterprises), highways and large cities. It is better to do this in dry, sunny weather.

Recipe 1.

Lilac tincture with vodka is made quickly. The flowers are poured into a half-liter jar up to the neck and filled with alcohol or high-quality vodka. The mixture stands in a dark place for three weeks, after which it is taken out and strained.

Recipe 2.

If there are no flowers, the flowering season is over; traditional medicine recommends making a tincture on the leaves. The medicinal properties of the leaves, thanks to the components they contain, in particular syringin, are not inferior to the effect of the flowers, therefore, the properties of the medicine will be the same.

The drug can be made on dry leaves, its medicinal properties will be the same.

For lilac tincture to have a positive effect, it must be taken correctly.

  • The alcohol or vodka preparation is taken half an hour before meals, three times a day for three months, thirty drops.
  • Externally, an alcohol tincture of flowers is effective for joint pain, salt deposits, as a wound healing agent, for bruises and microcracks in the skin, and for gout.

It seems that it could be simpler than treatment with such a healing remedy, but each herbal medicine, including lilac tincture, has its own contraindications:

  • The tincture is not recommended for women with amenorrhea (frequently missed periods).
  • Contraindicated for constipation caused by atony of the stomach and intestines.
  • Contraindications include glomerulonephritis and other severe kidney diseases.
  • Do not use by people with allergic reactions, pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Even if you do not have these contraindications, consult your doctor before starting treatment.

These are the unique properties that white lilac has: by recommending its tincture, traditional medicine helps get rid of ailments that are not amenable to traditional treatment. If you follow the recommendations and monitor your well-being, you will see the effect and will be grateful to folk wisdom.

But a bouquet placed in a small room for an aesthetic or supposedly medicinal purpose (aromatherapy) can have a negative effect on the body, causing headaches, dizziness, nausea, and so on.

This means that even the most healing plant can have the opposite effect if used incorrectly. Tincture of lilac flowers with vodka is one of the most popular and effective recipes used by the people. And it is about this, in particular - about its proper preparation and use, that we will now talk about.

Composition and properties of lilac

The range of substances that were identified in the flowers of this shrub during laboratory testing is extremely wide.

They contain vitamins, minerals, essential oils, phenoglycosides, phytoncides, farnesin, sinigrin, resins, and so on. The healing effects of common lilac are easily explained by its unique biochemical composition.

Note! Scientific medicine is very skeptical about products made from lilac, which are based on alternative medicine recipes. This is due to the high content of syringin glycoside in lilac flowers, which, when it breaks down, forms hydrocyanic acid, which is a rather toxic substance. Therefore, the decision regarding the use of this or that recipe remains solely with you, and the responsibility for the result of the treatment lies with you.

Despite this, many recipes based on which are prepared from the color of the common lilac were used extremely widely for a variety of ailments in the past, and continue to do so now.

They have the following basic properties:


As you know, with sweat the body not only loses moisture or cools down, but also removes dozens of various toxic substances. In this regard, lilac flowers will have a positive effect.


This is indeed true: the substances contained in the flower of the plant can very effectively tame pain of various etiologies. This property was widely used back in the days when there were no powerful pharmaceutical painkillers.


By using lilac products internally or externally, you can protect yourself from infection, suppuration in places of cuts, the formation of abscesses, and so on. The antiseptic effect of lilac is quite pronounced.


For wet and dry coughs, lilac has a positive effect on the respiratory system, simultaneously thinning mucus (if necessary) and promoting its elimination.

Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial

These properties are widely used in the treatment of many colds in adults, practically guaranteeing the fastest possible recovery and restoration of strength.

Lilac harvest time and raw material procurement

As a rule, folk recipes use shrub flowers, which concentrate most of the substances beneficial to the human body. Since it is the common lilac that is most often used in alternative medicine, it is customary to use purple flowers.

Collection and preparation of raw materials. This stage is extremely important, since a high-quality useful product can only be prepared from high-quality raw materials. Lilac flowers are harvested in the very phase of their budding.

How it's done: The branches with lilac inflorescences are carefully cut with a garden knife or pruning shears, then they are tied into small bunches (3-5 branches each) and hung in a dry, well-ventilated and dust-free place.

They dry from one to two weeks, depending on the conditions that have their influence at a given time. The shelf life of finished dry raw materials (in glass containers with lids or in special bags) is 1.5-2 years.

It is traditionally believed that lilac flowers are more beneficial. However, since they contain more syringin glycoside, white flowers are sometimes used.

Lilac tincture with vodka - uses that heal

It is the alcohol (vodka) tincture that is the most popular lilac remedy, used both internally and externally. It effectively helps to resist the appearance of, or get rid of, a number of certain ailments. Before using the product, you should buy it or prepare it yourself.

The second is more recommended, as it allows you to subsequently use a quality product. But a tincture purchased by hand cannot guarantee this, since you never know: by whom exactly, under what conditions and using what technology the product was prepared, as well as where the raw materials for it were collected.

By the way, regarding the collection of raw materials! Never use flowers that grew near highways, factories, etc. to prepare home remedies. That is, raw materials must be collected exclusively in environmentally friendly areas.

How to prepare the tincture. To do this, you will need the flowers of the bush, as well as (if possible) its leaves. Next is the recipe, which is one of the most popular and, at the same time, effective and safe.

Flowers should be placed in a glass jar. Their weight (directly the weight of the raw materials itself) is 95-100 grams.

Pour the raw material with 900 milliliters of alcohol, store-bought vodka, or homemade moonshine. After this, tightly cover the jar with a regular nylon lid, placing it in a dark and relatively cool place for a period of about 9-11 days.

After it expires, there is no need to strain the product. But, it is already ready for use externally or internally.

I should store it under the same conditions in which it was prepared. Shelf life: up to 1 year.

What does this alcohol tincture treat?

It will be useful in a number of cases:

For kidney diseases, including kidney stones.

For cough and pulmonary tuberculosis.

As an effective antipyretic.

In case of malaria infection.

For ailments associated with impaired functioning of the cardiovascular system.

For headaches, migraines.

For injuries, especially bruises.

For disorders in the central and peripheral nervous systems.

For fungal, viral, bacterial (both acute and chronic types, ailments).

For arthritis and gout, as well as polyarthritis, rheumatism and even osteochondrosis.

By the way, for problems with the musculoskeletal system (in particular, joints), tincture of lilac flowers is really one of the best folk remedies, which can compete even with traditional pharmaceutical modern drugs sold in pharmacies.

The use of tincture in different cases may differ. This way you can achieve the most pronounced positive effect. Let's look at the most common cases (through the prism of variations of the above home recipe).

For kidney diseases. The ratio of the main ingredients changes. So, for 1 liter of vodka or alcohol you should take 50 grams of raw materials. Next, prepare everything according to the recipe already given above. This folk medicine should be used 18-20 drops 2-3 times a day immediately before meals. Course: 2-3 weeks.

For cardiovascular diseases. 500 milliliters of alcohol per half-liter, tightly compacted jar of lilac. Prepare according to the same recipe. Use 1 teaspoon for pain in the heart area, washing down the medicine with water.

For coughs of various etiologies. 40 grams of lilac flowers (white), preferably fresh, pour a liter of alcohol “in glass” and leave for 15 days in a dark place with a low air temperature. The finished product should be diluted with warm unsweetened tea: 20 milliliters per 200-250 milliliters of tea. Drink just before bed. Course: up to one week.

For migraines and headaches of other etiologies. Classic tincture recipe, external use. You will need cotton wool or clean gauze, which you simply need to soak in the tincture, squeeze out a little and wipe your forehead and temples. Use as needed.

Throat diseases, including sore throat. A classic recipe for preparing vodka tincture is used, one and a half tablespoons of which are diluted in 90 milliliters of warm drinking water.

Then, gargle with this solution every 4 hours until the desired effect is achieved. Along with this method of treating the throat, you can use a sore throat, which also has excellent results for sore throats.

For dermatovenerological problems (do not use on mucous membranes!), as well as for bruises and small cuts. Apply externally. Tincture - prepared according to the classic (very first) recipe. It is necessary to apply lotions to the affected areas of the body 6 times a day. The average course is about one week.

Lilac tincture with vodka and alcohol - use for joints

For healing the musculoskeletal system and, in particular, joints, tincture is one of the best options. It helps perfectly at night, used as a “rub”.

For osteochondrosis, arthrosis and arthritis

Here, rubbing with tincture prepared according to the classic recipe is used. To enhance the effect, you can add a few tablespoons of bee honey. Rub the affected areas 1-2 times a day. Course - up to 1 month.

After rubbing, do not expose the body to hypothermia. It’s better to immediately wrap yourself in a woolen blanket. The same applies to the cases given below.

Rheumatism and discomfort, pain in the lumbar spine

Pour a glass of lilac (its flowers) with 450 milliliters of vodka. Infuse the product for 11 days, after which, without straining, it can be used by rubbing the sore spots 2 times a day.

Gout and salt deposition in joints

Classic recipe for vodka liqueur. Take it orally, immediately before meals, 25 drops, diluting them in half a glass of drinking water, three times a day. Course: 2.5-3 months.

For varicose veins

Fill a jar (0.5 liters) with lilac flowers, or with leaves. Pour vodka and leave for a month and a half. After this, strain. Wet the affected areas of the body 1-2 times a day without rubbing.

This treatment method is quite effective. It can be used as an additional drug, along with pharmaceuticals, and also as a main one.

Tincture of white lilac flowers - recipe with vodka or alcohol

White lilac is not used so often, but it also has extraordinary positive effects. In principle, we can state the fact that they are almost identical to those observed when using folk remedies from lilac flowers of the bush.

And the not so significant popularity of products made specifically from white lilac can be explained by the fact that it is not as widespread as common lilac. Among other things, white flowers are especially good for helping with heel spurs.

To prepare the remedies, you should take 100 grams of fresh, just picked flowers and pour 1 liter of vodka (alcohol, moonshine) over them. Leave in a cool, dark place for about 12 days. After that you can use it. Shake the jar before each use.

Apply 3-4 times a day, making lotions for 20-30 minutes. At the same time, you can use the infusion orally: 20 drops 2 times a day before meals. This will help significantly enhance the positive effect.

Contraindications to the use of lilac tincture

We should not forget that even the safest remedy has its contraindications and warnings for use. The same applies to lilacs.

Take lilac tincture orally only after consulting a doctor.


  1. Children's age up to 16 years! Can be used externally starting from 5 years of age, after prior consultation with a pediatrician.
  1. Individual intolerance.
  1. Acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  1. Glomerulonephritis.
  1. Amenorrhea.
  1. Kidney failure (chronic).
  1. Atonic constipation.

In any case, before you start using this or that product prepared on the basis of white, and even more so purple, lilac, it is better to consult a general practitioner or pediatrician (if we are talking about a child). Be healthy!

When used correctly, lilac reveals its healing properties. There are many types of lilac bushes, but for the preparation of medicinal tinctures and decoctions, raw materials of two varieties of plants are used: common and white lilac. Alcohol tincture of lilac is an effective remedy that is used in the complex treatment of cardiovascular diseases, rheumatism, cough, varicose veins, thoracic osteochondrosis, bruises and dermatological ailments.

  • Show all

    The healing properties of lilac

    In medicine, common lilac is more often used. To prepare tinctures, extracts, and ointments, all parts of the lilac bush are used: roots, leaves, bark, flowers. The inflorescences of the bush can be brewed as tea and drunk for feverish conditions, digestive system disorders, stomach ulcers, and whooping cough. The decoction is taken for colds, flowers infused with kerosene are applied to the affected area for joint diseases, and used as a rub. Brewed lilac leaves are used to wash festering wounds and make compresses for headaches.

    For the treatment of dermatological diseases in children over five years old, alcohol tincture of lilac is used as an external remedy. Lilac flowers are not just beauty and aroma, but also a storehouse of useful components, such as:

    • minerals;
    • vitamins;
    • phytoncides;
    • essential oils;
    • syringin;
    • resins, etc.

    Thanks to this biochemical composition, lilac is used both in traditional pharmacology and folk medicine. Alcohol tinctures are used against many diseases, as they have many medicinal properties:

    • sweatshops;
    • diuretics;
    • painkillers;
    • antiseptic;
    • expectorants;
    • anti-inflammatory;
    • antimicrobial.

    Recipe for making tincture

    Lilac tincture can be purchased at a pharmacy or made yourself. If you follow the rules for collecting and preparing raw materials, follow the preparation technology, you will get a high-quality medicinal product. Raw materials must be collected during the flowering period of the plant, in dry weather. It is necessary that the collection site be located far from factories, in environmentally friendly areas.

    To prepare the tincture according to the classic recipe, you will need the following ingredients:

    • lilac flowers – 100 g;
    • vodka or medical alcohol – 900 ml.

    The prepared plant material should be poured into a glass container (ordinary jar or bottle), and vodka should be poured into it. Close the container and leave for 9-12 days in a place protected from sunlight. The resulting alcohol composition must be filtered through cheesecloth. The tincture can be used as a medicine for internal use, as well as in the form of lotions and compresses.

    To treat diseases, the tincture is prepared in different quantitative ratios of the main and auxiliary ingredients:

    You must store your own lilac medicine in a dark room. Store for one year out of the reach of children.

    Indications for use

    Ready-made flower tincture treats the following diseases and painful conditions:

    • renal, the drug is used for stones in the renal pelvis;
    • tuberculosis, pneumonia: dilutes sputum, helps remove it from the respiratory system;
    • malaria, colds, fever: will lower body temperature, have a diaphoretic effect;
    • colds and other inflammatory processes;
    • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
    • headaches, migraines;
    • injuries, bruises;
    • disorders of the nervous system, has a calming effect;
    • fungal, bacterial, viral, ringworm;
    • heel spurs;
    • arthritis, gout, rheumatism, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis.

    Directions for use and dosage

    The dosage and method of administration depend on the disease. To obtain the fastest healing effect, it is necessary to follow the dosage of the drug and the treatment regimen, which may differ for different conditions of the body:

    1. 1. If you have kidney disease, take 20 drops before meals three times a day for three weeks.
    2. 2. For heart attacks and pain, take a teaspoon orally three times a day.
    3. 3. When coughing, take 20 ml of tincture per glass of warm unsweetened tea before bed for one week.
    4. 4. For headaches, apply externally if necessary. To do this, you need to soak a piece of cotton wool in the tincture, lightly massage your temples and wipe your forehead. In about five minutes the pain will subside.
    5. 5. For infectious diseases, including sore throat. You need to add one and a half tbsp to half a glass of warm boiled water. l. drug. You need to gargle with the resulting solution 4 times after eating for 5 days.
    6. 6. For laryngitis, rinsing the larynx with a solution prepared in the following ratio will be effective: 1 tbsp per 100 ml of warm water. l. alcohol The product should be used before bedtime and after meals.
    7. 7. For dermatitis (not on mucous membranes), for bruises and shallow cuts, it is necessary to apply lotions 4 times a day and treat the affected areas on the body. Continue the course for a week.
    8. 8. To get rid of ringworm, you need to lubricate the skin areas affected by the fungus with the tincture. The treatment course is 7 days.

    For the treatment of the musculoskeletal system

    Lilac tincture is one of the best remedies used in folk medicine for the treatment of bone and joint diseases. The tincture has anti-inflammatory properties.

    An alcoholic drug is often prescribed instead of modern medications for the following ailments:

    1. 1. Osteochondrosis, arthrosis, arthritis: twice a day you need to rub painful areas or apply as a compress for two hours. The course is a month. You need to take 30 drops orally three times before meals. The duration of treatment lasts 2-3 months.
    2. 2. Rheumatism, pain in the lumbar back: take 30 ml of the medicine three times a day. The course of treatment lasts two months, rub painful areas of the body or use as compresses.
    3. 3. Joint disease: the tincture should be used externally for compresses and rubbing. At the same time, you can take the medicine orally three times a day before meals, 25 drops. The course is three months.
    4. 4. Varicose veins of the legs: apply as compresses to problem areas of the lower extremities, do not rub. This method is very effective and can be used as a primary treatment.

    White lilac: home remedy

    The raw materials of white lilac are used less often in folk medicine than common lilac. But in terms of the set of biological substances they are the same.

    To make a tincture, you need to take fresh white lilac raw materials and add vodka or medical alcohol in a ratio of 100 g per 1 liter.

    White lilac tincture is especially good for treating heel spurs, a disease characterized by pain in the heel area. When treating the described illness you need:

    • apply for half an hour in the form of lotions;
    • Take the tincture before meals 2 times a day, 20 drops, to enhance the therapeutic effect.

    The following recipe will help with coughing: pour 30 g of raw material into 1000 ml of vodka. Insist for two weeks. Filter. Take 30 ml of tincture orally before bedtime, wash down with warm tea.

    Contraindications for use

    If you have or do not have chronic diseases, before taking the alcohol tincture, you must undergo an examination, consult a doctor and adhere to the prescribed dosage.

    • There are restrictions on the internal use of lilac folk remedies:
    • age up to 16 years;
    • chronic stomach diseases;
    • diseases of the digestive system in the acute phase;
    • individual intolerance;
    • glomerular nephritis;
    • amenorrhea (absence of menstruation for some time);
    • chronic kidney failure;

    constipation caused by weakness of the smooth muscles of the small intestine (atonic).

It is important to remember that lilac contains hydrocyanic acid, a very toxic substance, poisoning with which can lead to death. It is called the fox's tail and a symbol of the Russian estate. It is one of the first to bloom - in the spring, in May, with whole clusters of purple, white, lilac flowers. Its intoxicating aroma spreads far throughout the area, and rarely does anyone not be tempted to pick up a whole armful of these luxurious flowers on the way home to put in a vase at home. And it’s completely in vain, because that very smell can literally turn your head and raise your blood pressure, causing a severe migraine. We know so little about the ubiquitous lilac, which can serve as a cure for many diseases, but can also turn into poison, since it contains hydrocyanic acid, a poison.

In folk medicine, I use lilac tincture with alcohol: the use of this home remedy helps get rid of a number of ailments.

Lilac tincture recipe

  • Before you can find a use for lilac tincture, you need to be able to prepare it. It is recommended to collect medicinal raw materials (flowers and leaves) from lilacs, which grow far from highways and industrial plants. This should be done in dry weather. There is still no consensus on which color of lilac is the most beneficial. Some recipes indicate this indicator, some ask you to make the choice yourself. And yet, most researchers believe that it is better to give preference to white flowers.

Place fresh lilac flowers (leaves) (100 g) in a liter glass jar, fill with alcohol to the very top (1 liter). Close with a regular lid and place in any dark place for 10 days. Strain through quarter-folded gauze and take as directed. Homemade lilac tincture with vodka is prepared according to exactly the same recipe. Sometimes, depending on the disease, more or less alcohol is taken.

In fact, there are many more recipes, but this one is considered a classic of the genre, as they say: this tincture is useful for treating various diseases. Lilac has been used in folk medicine since time immemorial: the medicinal properties of this shrub are confirmed by modern research.

Beneficial properties of lilac tincture with alcohol

To prepare the tincture, take lilac leaves or flowers: the medicinal properties of both are the same and help in the treatment of various diseases. When properly prepared and used correctly, lilac tincture:

  • treats inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, alleviates the condition in the presence of stones in the renal pelvis;
  • used as an antipyretic and diaphoretic for colds, febrile conditions, malaria;
  • used to treat bruises and wounds;
  • helps with arthritis, gout, polyarthritis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis: lilac tincture for arthrosis is one of the best remedies;
  • relieves heel spurs;
  • treats nervous disorders;
  • has antifungal properties;
  • helps with laryngitis;
  • used for ringworm;
  • relieves migraines;
  • used for cardiovascular diseases;
  • An excellent antitussive and antituberculosis agent.

Among other things, lilac flowers, like its roots, leaves, and bark, have a bitter taste due to syringin, a substance that has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-fever effect. So it’s very easy to find the use of lilac in alcohol at home. If you hurt yourself - you anointed it - it went away. They coughed - they took it - they were cured. Moreover, even children are allowed to use the product externally. However, not everything is so rosy: there are a number of contraindications for treatment with lilac tincture.

Contraindications for alcohol tincture of lilac

This medicinal shrub is also a poisonous plant, so internal use of its tincture requires caution. It turns out that lilac combines beneficial properties and contraindications, and they especially relate to alcohol tincture. It is contraindicated for:

  • amenorrhea (this is a long delay in menstruation);
  • chronic renal failure;
  • atonic constipation;
  • severe stomach diseases;
  • glomerulonephritis.

In all other cases, treatment with lilac is permitted without fear. If you have chronic, protracted diseases that are under the control of a doctor, it is recommended to take a preliminary consultation with a specialist so as not to harm the body.

Treatment with lilac tincture

To activate the beneficial properties of lilac as part of the tincture, you need to know the scheme for its use. For the treatment of various diseases, variations of the basic recipe are also offered, which should not be ignored: this will enhance the effectiveness of the remedies.

  • Kidney diseases

100 grams of lilac leaves are poured with 2 liters of alcohol. Then everything follows the usual recipe. Take 20 drops before meals (you can add them to tea or drink separately) three times a day.

  • High temperature, fever, malaria

Rinse 100 grams of fresh lilac leaves with water, put in a liter jar, add 2 grams of fresh wormwood, 1 gram of eucalyptus oil. Pour vodka (1 liter), leave in a dark place under a lid for 20 days. If the temperature rises, drink 50 grams of tincture before eating. If it doesn’t help the first time, repeat three times a day.

  • Wounds, bruises, injuries, ringworm

Pour 1 glass of fresh lilac flowers into a glass jar with 500 ml of vodka, leave under a closed lid in a dark place for 2 weeks. Change lotions 5 times a day.

  • Lower back pain, rheumatism

Lilac tincture is also used for joints, spine, bones, relieving pain syndromes. Pour 1 glass of fresh lilac flowers in a glass jar with 500 ml of alcohol (or vodka), leave under the lid in a dark place for 10 days. Rub the sore areas twice a day.

  • Osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis

Grind fresh lilac leaves to make 2 tablespoons. Mix them with 300 g of juice squeezed from radish, 200 g of honey. Pour 100 ml of vodka, leave covered in a dark place for a day. Before rubbing the sore spot, the mixture should be shaken thoroughly.

  • Gout, salt deposits, rheumatism, joint arthritis

Fresh lilac flowers, without compacting, pour loosely into a half-liter glass bottle to the very top, fill with alcohol (it is better to take 40%), close, leave in a dark place for three weeks, strain. Take 30 drops orally before meals three times a day for three months.

  • Heel spur

According to the classic recipe, use the prepared infusion as compresses on the affected area, changing it three times a day. In parallel with this, 30 drops are taken orally (can be with tea) before meals, also three times a day.

  • Sore throat, laryngitis

Dilute a tablespoon of tincture prepared according to the classic recipe in 100 ml of water, gargle every three hours.

  • Migraine

Soak a cotton pad in the classic lilac tincture and rub it on your temples and forehead. The pain goes away within five minutes. In this case, tincture of lilac flowers is used as needed.

  • Heart

Fill a half-liter glass jar tightly with purple lilac flowers to the very top and compact. Pour in alcohol or vodka and leave covered for a week. Use for heart pain and attacks with a teaspoon of tincture with water.

  • Cough

Pour 30 grams of fresh white lilac flowers into a liter glass jar, fill with vodka to the very top, leave under the lid for two weeks in a dark place. Drink before bed, pouring 30 ml of tincture with a glass of hot tea.

Lilac is such a unique shrub: the use of its tincture in folk medicine helps alleviate many painful conditions that sometimes even medications cannot cope with. If everything is done correctly, the benefits of this remedy will not take long to arrive, and many of the ailments will recede.