Obtaining housing under the young specialist program. What benefits are available to young professionals for housing? Young Professionals Support Program: video

The state is implementing a social project to provide housing to young professionals. The main objectives of the project are to solve the problem of employment of young specialists and uniform distribution qualified personnel. The program to provide housing for young professionals is designed to cover the shortage of teaching, medical and other workers in rural areas. Regions that attract young specialists are developing subprograms at the level of the constituent entities of the Federation.

General procedure Providing assistance for the purchase of housing to citizens in need is established by the Russian Federation Regulation No. 1050 dated December 17, 2010. The resolution considers the basic requirements for applicants with a main focus on subprograms for young families. Housing program for young professionals.

The procedure for contacting a specialist to apply for participation in the program

A person who has graduated from a university is recognized as a young specialist for 3 years. To provide a subsidy, the following conditions must be met:

  • The educational institution that trained the young specialist must have a license and state accreditation. Studying at foreign universities does not provide the opportunity to participate in the program.
  • A young specialist can have any specialized university educational institution.
  • A graduate of an educational institution is required to find a job in his specialty within 3 months after graduation.
  • At the time of applying for a subsidy, the person’s age is no more than 35 years.
  • The specialist is not provided with housing. There is no real estate suitable for living and obtained for various reasons.
  • The person lives in a rural area or intends to move.
  • The specialist must register as a person in need with the housing department of the municipal administration.

Important! After receiving a subsidy that allowed them to purchase housing, the young specialist must work in rural areas for at least 5 years.

Recognition of a young specialist in need of housing

Before applying for participation in the program, you will need to confirm your need for housing. A person must not own residential real estate or live in conditions that do not correspond to normal size, sanitary conditions, or are recognized as unsafe. The status of a person in need must be recognized by municipal authorities. When making a decision to recognize persons as needy, the conditionsArt. 51 Residential Complex of the Russian Federation .

An application for housing is submitted on a form available at the municipal housing department. The application must be accompanied by the person’s passport, a higher education diploma, a copy of the work record book, certificates confirming the absence of own housing or shares in real estate, family composition and other documents, the list of which is determined on an individual basis. In the absence of a complete list of documents, in the absence of the right to be placed on a waiting list for those in need of housing, or when documents are submitted without taking into account the period of deterioration of conditions, recognition of those in need of housing will be denied (Article 54 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

An example of refusal to register. A young medical specialist working in his specialty after graduating from university decided to take part in the “Zemstvo Doctor” program. During the training period, 3 years before submitting the application, the person sold the residential property he owned. The specialist was denied the right to participate in the program before the expiration of 5 years deliberate deterioration conditions (Article 53 of the RF Housing Code).

Conditions for subsidizing young specialists

The subsidy is provided in the form of preferential loans with a reduced rate and a long repayment period.

Program condition Peculiarities
Lending on preferential terms Funds are provided at a rate of 5% per annum with repayment terms within 10 years
Down payment To purchase housing, a specialist must have at least 30% of the cost of residential real estate; 70% of the cost is provided under the subsidy program. During construction, the state contribution ranges from 50 to 70%
Postponement of housing purchase Persons who do not have the funds to pay the down payment can take advantage of the program 18 months after approval
Repayment procedure The amount of the provided subsidy is repaid in equal installments. Early repayment of debt is allowed

Take part in the receiving program social assistance a young specialist is provided 1 time.

Housing program opportunities

Requirements for participants in the subsidy program are determined by regional regulations. Along with territorial conditions, there are general features providing a subsidy.

Condition Explanation
Persons planning to receive funds must provide proof of availability of 30% of the amount of the property value To pay off the fee you can use maternity capital or borrowed funds
Young professionals must be recognized as needing housing If you have residential property, the subsidy is not provided. Persons must not deliberately worsen living conditions
Regional authorities regulate the amount of subsidies provided depending on the cost of a meter of housing The estimated amount depends on the composition of the family
As part of the program, housing is purchased both in primary and secondary conditions. secondary market Unsuitable or emergency housing will not be considered
Individuals are provided with subsidies not only for the purchase, but also for the construction of housing You can join the program at any stage of construction

While the person is waiting for the subsidy to be provided or the required amount to be accumulated, the young specialist is provided with temporary housing on social rental terms ( Art. 49 Housing Code of the Russian Federation ).

Subprogram for rural doctors “Zemstvo Doctor”

As part of the provision of housing for young professionals, a program is provided for doctors, a particular shortage of whom has arisen in rural areas. The Zemstvo Doctor program offers workers in medical specialties compensation payments in the amount of 1 million rubles. The designated amount must be used for the purchase or construction of housing.

Today, quite a lot of medical specialists have applied for government support; in 2019, more than 3 billion rubles were allocated from the budget. To participate you must have the following rights:

  1. Citizenship of the Russian Federation. Foreigners must obtain Russian citizenship before participating in the program.
  2. Graduate from a medical university, complete an internship or residency. Since 2018, persons with secondary specialized medical education have the opportunity to participate in the program.
  3. Be under 50 years of age (increased from 45 in 2017).

When participating in the program, a specialist must work in a graduate specialty for at least 5 years in a rural area. During the registration or construction of real estate, doctors are provided with social housing. Persons who terminate the contract early are required to return part of the funds provided.

Documents submitted by the participant of the subprogram

Accounting of persons participating in federal program“Zemstvo Doctor”, implemented by the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. The following documents are submitted to the fund:

  1. Application of a young specialist to participate in the program.
  2. Personal passport.
  3. Diploma of higher education in a medical specialty.
  4. Agreement on employment in a rural medical institution by specialty. Employment in municipal or state clinics is taken into account.
  5. Extract from the order of appointment to a position.
  6. Information about the current account for transferring funds.

After completing the verification of documents, the person enters into an agreement with the Ministry of Health. The program is financed in equal shares from the federal and regional budgets.

State subsidy subprogram for teachers

Young teaching professionals can take part in one of the programs:

  1. Receiving subsidies from the regional budget. The amount is limited to 40% of the cost of housing. The subsidy provided by the regional budget is used only in this territorial entity.
  2. Purchasing housing from the municipality's social housing stock.
  3. Obtaining preferential mortgage funds with a reduced rate and privileged terms of provision. The specialist must have a positive credit history.

According to the lawyer’s explanation, a young specialist teacher, in order to fulfill the requirements for participation in the subsidy program, must find a job no later than a year after graduation.

Lawyer E.V. Stepanov

Requirements for the length of service of a teaching worker depend on the level of the educational institution, mainly over 3 years. The participant's age must not exceed 35 years, the person must have the ability to pay and be recognized as in need of housing.

Mistakes made by young professionals

Mistake #1. Subsidies are provided to young professionals for the purchase of residential real estate suitable for living. Government assistance is not provided for the purchase of real estate from close relatives.

Answers to common questions

Question No. 1. Does a young specialist called to perform urgent work lose the right to receive a subsidy? military service?

If the condition of mandatory employment in the specialty within 3 months after graduation is not met, the right to participate in the subsidy program is lost. If a specialist is employed in due time, before conscription, the three-year period of validity of the status of a young specialist will be extended for the period of service.

Question No. 2. What amount of allowance is paid if 2 young married medical specialists plan to go to a rural area?

With participation in the Zemstvo Doctor program married couple specialists, each medical worker receives a lifting allowance.

Conditions of the state support program

Everyone knows that the village is now in a decadent state, and few people want to work there. There is also a widespread problem of young people obtaining housing. The state has found the ideal solution: to solve the problems with one social support program.

Who is eligible for the Young Specialist program?

Social support available to young professionals living in rural areas and applying for jobs in the agro-industrial sector. In this case, you must work for at least 5 years. The workplace, of course, can be changed, but by agreement with the employer and to a similar one.

Who is a “young specialist”?

  • You must have secondary or higher education.
  • Your diploma, as well as your certification, must be state-issued.
  • Direction to workplace carried out in accordance with the law. In this case, the distribution is documented.
  • You must start working no later than one year after completing your last year.
  • Work in your specialty for more than 3 years.
  • Age must not exceed 35 years of age.

At the same time, the status is given once, so you can use the young specialist program within three years. However, the provision can be extended for several reasons, for example:

  • Upon conscription for service (military or alternative civilian).
  • If there is a direction to undergo training or internship at the place of work, but away from production.
  • Upon admission to graduate school.
  • By maternity leave until the child reaches 3 years of age.

What kind of program is it: “Housing for young professionals”?

The young specialist program is cumulative in nature and is offered to those people who do not have enough personal funds to purchase housing. The reason may also be the need to improve living conditions.

The young specialist program has three nuances:

  • It is necessary to accumulate funds to purchase housing for 18 months or more. Each city sets its own deadlines, but they cannot be less than 18 months.
  • Its participant must have an amount greater than 1/3 of the cost of the purchased housing.
  • The cost of the purchased housing should not exceed 2.145 million rubles ( average value, each region sets its own border). If in a married couple both spouses fall under the program, then the cost of housing should not exceed 3.217 million.

The young specialist program allows you to purchase housing in both primary and secondary markets. The terms of the program also provide for a preferential interest rate on it.

What documents are required to become a participant in the young specialist program?

Before you act, you need to collect the following package of documents:

  • Statement.
  • Original passports of all family members + copies.
  • Education document + copy. If the applicant is still studying, then a statement is needed indicating that he is in his final year of study.
  • A copy employment contract.
  • Work book + copy.
  • Marriage certificate + copy (for those who are married).
  • Certificate confirming that the applicant has no living space.
  • Birth or adoption certificates of children (if available).
  • A certificate stating that the applicant really needs the living space or its improvement. Issued after examination by the commission.
  • Copies of certificates and other documents confirming that the applicant has funds in the amount of 1/3 of the cost of housing.
  • An excerpt about the opened personal account from the bank.

If copies of your documents are notarized, then you do not need to bring the originals.

How does the “housing for young professionals” program work?

To become the owner of a coveted apartment, thanks to the young specialist program, you need to follow the simplest instructions:

  • Write an application to the housing commission of your district stating that you:
  1. Need housing.
  2. You need to improve your living conditions.
  • After consideration by the housing commission (no more than 2 months) and receiving an affirmative answer, take the documents to the district administration.

If the administration gives you a positive answer, then the missing funds will be given to you as a loan.

The loan under the young specialist program must be repaid within 10 years. The monthly payment will be calculated based on your capabilities. You can repay the “debt” ahead of schedule, and you will not face any fines or sanctions.

The interest rate of the loan is 5. Repayment is possible only in equal installments.

Sometimes it happens that the administration is not eager to hand over the key to your treasured apartment. Papers get lost, the list of documents is updated, and the desire to deal with this hassle disappears. Don’t be afraid to complain to the top and take such workers to court: your housing is only in your hands.

A young specialist can wait in line for a payment under the program for a really long time, so it’s better to take care of all these nuances in advance. Preparatory stage can be greatly reduced if you contact a paid legal agency. They will not only provide a consultation, but also help you conclude an agreement with the bank, collect papers, etc.

The “Young Specialist” program in 2019 applies for the most part to Russians under 35 years of age who have vocational education. Its goal is to improve the living conditions of young people and attract them to work in state and municipal organizations located in rural areas.

The concept of housing subsidy, what is it?

Subsidies for the purchase of housing in 2019- this is targeted gratuitous assistance from the state for certain segments of the population, intended to improve the living conditions of needy citizens by partially or fully compensating the costs of purchasing housing.

Social program for young professionals in 2019

Social support for young professionals is provided at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - for this purpose, each region issues its own legal acts that operate within the framework of federal target programs. Today there are two such programs, and both are aimed at rural development:

  • "Zemsky Doctor";
  • “Providing housing for young professionals in rural areas”

The main task is to provide housing to specialists who have graduated from a secondary vocational or higher educational institution, who are employed for the first time in a state or municipal institution. For the most part, this applies to young doctors and teachers, but in lately The demand for agro-industrial professions is increasing. And many regions also provide support to young specialists from other fields.

Conditions for participation in the targeted support program for young specialists

To participate in government programs to support young professionals, you must fulfill the basic requirements. These requirements include:

  • Must be no older than 35 years of age;
  • A state-issued education diploma is required;
  • The young specialist must be officially employed in government or municipal institutions according to the profile, according to the diploma received;
  • Live or move to live and permanent job to the countryside

What benefits are available to young professionals for housing?

The main objective of the “Young Specialist” program is to support the provision of housing for young specialists in rural areas. This support is expressed in the provision of a subsidy for the purchase of an apartment or house.

State support consists of providing housing for young professionals, namely by providing them with subsidies on the following conditions:

  • preferential lending with a rate of 5% per annum for 10 years;
  • the payment amount can be up to 70% of the price of a house or apartment in the corresponding locality;
  • Debt repayment is carried out in small equal parts - from each salary of a specialist.

IMPORTANT! The amount of the subsidy is regulated by regional regulations depending on the average market cost of housing, but cannot exceed 70% of the total amount required for its purchase

Housing can be purchased both on the primary and secondary markets; the status of the seller does not matter.

Features of the program

Subsidizing young professionals who decide to move permanently to rural areas has a number of features:

Peculiarity Description
Preferential lending Funds are not provided free of charge. Government support presented in the form preferential loan for 10 years at 5%
Availability of own capital When purchasing housing, you must have your own funds in the amount of 30%, the remaining 70% is provided by the state
Cumulative nature If an employee comes to a rural area without savings, this does not mean that he cannot participate in this program. If an application for participation is submitted and it is approved, the young specialist is given three years to accumulate the necessary amount to purchase a home.
Repayment in equal installments Debt coverage is distributed over the entire loan period. And he returns in equal parts from wages young specialist.

Additional benefits of the Housing for Young Professionals program

In order to attract graduates of secondary and higher educational institutions to rural areas, they are also provided with:

  • Benefits for renting housing in state-owned properties (for the period of waiting in line);
  • The opportunity to purchase comfortable and modern housing through the construction of new housing complexes in partnership with construction companies.

For young specialists - doctors who plan to move to rural areas, a special program “Zemsky Doctor” has been developed, which provides:

  • provision of a “lifting” allowance in the amount of about 1 million rubles;
  • conditions for temporary residence.

The allocated amount must also be used to purchase a house, apartment or build a residential property.

Who can participate in the program to receive a housing subsidy?

To participate in this program, a young specialist must meet certain conditions, namely:

  • Age not older than 35 years;
  • Do not own housing;
  • Living in rural areas;
  • Employment in the social or agro-industrial sphere;
  • Have funds in the amount of 30% of the cost of the housing that you plan to purchase (the maximum cost of housing is set at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, on average it is 2,145,000 rubles).

Important!!! If the housing is dilapidated or does not meet the requirements for a comfortable place to live, then the employee can count on receiving a subsidy. In this case, the real estate is sold, and the amount received becomes part of the down payment when applying for a preferential loan.

After a specialist receives a subsidy, he is required to work in the village for at least five years. If it does not work out the installed regulations limit, then he faces arrest and confiscation of property acquired through the subsidy.

How to become a participant in the housing program for a “Young Professional”

To receive a subsidy and other benefits established by the program, you must contact your local government with an application. It should indicate one of two reasons for registration:

  • lack of own housing;
  • the need to improve living conditions.

The application is considered by local authorities. Upon satisfactory results of studying the submitted documents, the municipality forms a list of citizens for the next year and transfers it to the authority executive branch. The latter enters into an agreement with credit organizations on servicing payment means. Funds are provided to citizens on a first-come, first-served basis.

Required documents for application

Along with the application, you must provide a certain package of documents. This package includes:

  • passports of all family members (for children under 14 years of age, birth certificate);
  • diploma of education;
  • work book;
  • a copy of the employment contract;
  • marriage certificate;
  • an inspection report from the housing commission (if recognized as in need of improved housing conditions) or a certificate of lack of housing (from the Rosreestr department) or another document confirming the need to improve housing conditions;
  • an extract from a personal bank account (to confirm the availability of 30% of the amount required to purchase housing).

This list may be expanded depending on the regulations and other regulations of the region.

Millions of young professionals who recently graduated from universities cannot find work in big cities and are forced to eke out a miserable existence or work outside their specialty. The big dreams of talented, promising, energetic youth are dashed by a lack of jobs and housing problems. These problems did not arise overnight, but have always existed, but today they have begun to take on their most acute forms. A painfully familiar question arises: what to do and who is to blame. The first and important step in solving the problem is the employment of young people in order to motivate and stimulate their active work in those parts of the country where there is a particular need for the help of such specialists, and this is, first of all, rural areas.

Purpose of the project and sources of funding

In order to revive life in rural areas, the government Russian Federation A young specialist program was developed jointly with regional authorities. In addition, not so long ago the concept of the Federal Target Program was developed and approved Sustainable development territories (in exact wording) for 2014-2019 and for the period until 2020.”

Main goal this project is to create a positive image and prestige of life in rural areas, to develop favorable conditions for attracting young people to rural areas.

The budget of this project is colossal - almost 300 billion rubles! Financing is planned to be carried out from three main directions: more than 90 billion from federal budget, more than 134 billion from regional budgets and just over 74 billion from extra-budgetary sources. The program includes two stages: the first stage began in 2014, which will last until 2018, the second stage is scheduled from 2019 to 2020.

What is covered by the program's funding?

The main goal of the program is to help more than 75 thousand families living in rural areas, more than half of which are young professionals. Among the priorities for assistance to the village are the following:

  • construction of new, reconstruction of dilapidated housing, complex construction;
  • increase the number of medical and midwifery stations and doctors' offices;
  • popularization of sports in rural areas through the construction of sports facilities;
  • carry out engineering systems in villages: gas, water supply, etc.;
  • increase the activity of village residents through participation in local government bodies;
  • holding festivals, exhibitions, sports competitions with the involvement of village residents.

Who can take part in the program to support young professionals?

Young specialists include young people who have received a vocational education or are in the final stages of receiving it and are not older than 35 years. One of the conditions for receiving the necessary subsidies is to work in your specialty in rural areas for five years after receiving the payment. In addition, the specialist must live in the village or have such a desire. The young specialist must have documentary evidence that he does not have housing or his living conditions need to be improved.

Social mortgage for young teachers

Russian teachers of any category, as well as university students who are at the stage of completing their studies and seeking to continue working in their specialty, can take part in the young specialist project. The legislation provides for the possibility of the following social projects for young teachers:

  1. preferential mortgage with a reduced interest rate (no more than 8.5%), a minimum down payment amount (the amount can be contributed from the regional budget) and a long loan term;
  2. housing cooperatives for teachers - the Teacher's House project;
  3. preferential rental housing – project “Apartment Houses”;
  4. buying a new home at an affordable price.

In order to become a participant in the young teacher program, young people need to collect a list necessary documents(the entire list is available in local authorities) and submit an application for participation. Once a program participant is approved, he is issued a certificate for receiving a subsidy.

Zemsky Doctor program

In order to improve medical care in rural areas, the Zemsky Doctor program was developed, which was extended until 2019. Since 2013, workers' settlements have also been classified as villages. Young specialists who decide to continue their career in rural areas receive one million rubles as allowances. Funds are offered for the purchase of finished or construction of new housing. Lifting certificates can only be obtained by certified specialists. The program operates throughout the country. To support doctors in the current period, about three billion rubles will be allocated to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, and the regions plan to allocate the same amount. In addition, for young specialist doctors, the age limit is planned to be increased to 40-45 years (currently up to 35 years). The network of rural medical institutions is one of the priority areas of development social sphere in the country. The shortage of medical specialists under this program is planned to be reduced by 70-75% by the end of 2018-2019.

Program "Housing for Young Professionals". Annually large number young people graduate from various educational institutions. Universities, institutes, universities, colleges. Pass state accreditation, receive a diploma and speciality. Young people hope for good things in the future, interesting job, at good earnings in an excellent team with decent working conditions and a full social package with all that it implies. They dream of purchasing their own home, building a family and a decent life. But, as a rule, young people are reluctantly hired for good, well-paid jobs in rare cases and most often due to an acquaintance or great luck. Add to this the lack of jobs or simply disgusting jobs with low wages and terrible working conditions. And what very often happens with black wages. That is, no benefits for you, no pension, no insurance. Plus, many now have problems with housing or complete lack of housing. Simply put, it is now difficult for young people to make their way in life. It is also not uncommon for many to not work in their specialty in the future. And why, one wonders, so much material, moral and time resources were spent? And what should you do to get settled in this world?

This is where the question arises: so that young minds do not go to waste; young people need to be employed and helped with housing issue. Motivate in work and self-development. While developing the villages of our country, where their labor is needed.

What kind of Housing Benefit is this?

This idea was launched from two thousand two to two thousand twentieth. Housing for the population under 35 years of age - state. a project to help young people and the accompanying increase in living comforts in the villages of Russia, on par with cities, is within the capabilities of young people. The goal is to increase the demand and popularity of youth life in villages.

In other words, the state’s goal is to employ young people and improve their native spaces outside the cities directly through developments in all directions, be it medicine or agriculture. As part of this program, a young person who has fulfilled all the conditions and meets the necessary criteria is entitled to receive preferential loans and mortgages or one-time lift payments.

Who is sponsoring this project?

The program was launched by the government of the Russian Federation, and it is also the sponsor of this project. If you answer the question “What is the budget for this project?”, to say that it’s big is to say nothing at all. The state has allocated enormous funds for development in in this direction. Namely three hundred billion rubles. Seventy-five billion from extra-budgetary sources, ninety billion from the federal budget, one hundred and thirty-five billion from regional budgets.

The main task is to help families who live in rural areas - there are about eighty thousand of these families.

Assistance is planned, such as:

  • Reconstruction of old dilapidated houses.
  • Construction of new houses for young people.
  • Complex construction of houses.
  • Improvement of medicine and obstetrics.
  • Construction of sports complexes to increase youth interest in sports.
  • Providing gas, water supply, internet and other amenities in villages.
  • Carrying out various competitive events in villages, such as festivals, exhibitions, all kinds of sports and so on.
  • Attracting teaching staff to villages.

In order to receive benefits under the program under discussion, a person must receive approval for all applicable points as a young specialist. This is a young man, no more than thirty-five years old, who has just graduated or is graduating from a state educational institution. And then he passed the state exams with the accompanying document (diploma).

How can a young specialist receive government benefits?

  • A person who has recently received a diploma is obliged to work in the field in which he studied.
  • He definitely needs to get a job in the coming months after he finishes his studies.
  • And be sure to live in the village for at least five years and have a desire to continue living there.
  • You also need to have thirty percent of the amount of the concessional loan.
  • Have documentary evidence that the young specialist needs housing or repairs to the existing one.

So, there are several areas in the Housing for Young Professionals program

Social mortgage for young teachers.
Its essence implies that the project participants are young teachers of any category; they can also be students of Russian government institutions who, at the end of their studies, want to get a job according to their diploma. This category of teachers can receive:

  • preferential mortgage, which will be reduced interest rate, namely, it will reach eight and a half percent per annum. This mortgage also provides long term loan and payment of a down payment from the regional budget;
  • obtaining housing under the “Teacher's House” project; purchasing housing in specially built cooperatives;
  • Possibility to rent housing at a reduced price;
  • purchase of housing in a new building under the terms of a preferential mortgage.

Anyone who wants to receive these benefits must collect the entire list of necessary documents and submit an application for participation. Next, his candidacy is considered and if everything is suitable, the young man receives a certificate according to which he can receive funds to purchase housing.

State support for doctoral staff - zemstvo doctor.

This idea, to be honest, was organized more with the goal of not improving the living space of doctors. Rather, it is aimed at improving the quality of workers in hospitals and medical posts, the level of service. Newly minted doctors who want to build professional activity in medicine, in villages in the chosen industry, then in this case they are given the amount of 1 million. rub. as support. This amount can be used to purchase a finished home or to build a new home. Only a young doctor (by the way, up to forty-five years old) with a diploma is entitled to this money.

Housing for all young people living in the village.

This program is provided for all young professionals who want to live and work in the village.

Housing for young families

In addition, there are other types of state support for youth - the “Young Family Program”. Now it is already valid throughout Russia and does not imply a mandatory diploma, settlement and work activity. The essence involves helping young people who have just gotten married to improve their living conditions. It operates from two thousand sixteen to two thousand twenty and is designed to help young people who are assigned to receive support in buying a home or improving their living conditions. It operates throughout the Russian Federation. Having analyzed the essence of this program, it becomes clear that the state undertakes to pay thirty percent of the cost of housing for families without children and thirty-five percent for families with children.


  • people must be legally married for at least one year;
  • must have a general registration;
  • be no older than thirty-five years of age;
  • the family must be recognized as in need of housing;
  • You must also have funds to pay the balance of the amount required to purchase a home or documents confirming approval for a loan.

The program provides support for the purchase of housing, construction of new housing, making the last payment to a housing construction or housing savings cooperative, paying a down payment on a mortgage, and repaying a loan for housing space.

What documents do you need to collect to become a participant in the program, the amount and procedure for registration.

To get into the program “Housing for young professionals in rural areas”

  • Passports and copies of each person from the family. When there are children under fourteen years of age, then birth certificates and copies;
  • Diploma and copy, which confirms training and passed exams at the state educational institution, be it a college, university, institute or university;
  • a copy and original of the contract with the employer to confirm your employment in the village in your specialty;
  • work record and its copy also show your employment and its duration;
  • official paper about the status of one's marital status. Marriage certificate or divorce certificate. And their copies;
  • A document from the Housing Commission confirming the need for a young specialist to purchase housing or to reconstruct it. Either to confirm that there is no personal housing at all and it needs to be purchased;
  • There is also a document that confirms that the young professional does not have his own house, room, and so on. It can be obtained from the Russian Register;
  • an official document from the bank stating that the person has savings in the account of at least thirty percent of the required amount.

The list can and will increase according to regional regulations. Therefore, it is best to clarify it there first. Next, all documents are submitted along with an application for a preferential subsidy, mortgage, or lifting payments. After submitting the entire list of documents, local authorities check them and compile a list of young professionals who will participate in this program. The application is considered in no more than two months. After two months, the young specialist is sent a response to consent or refusal. If consent, then official inclusion in the queue and the number for this queue.

Depending on the region in which the specialist was registered, the period for receiving the benefit depends. This is affected by:

  • what is the number of residents in rural areas;
  • standard of living in the village;
  • how much housing in rural areas is subject to reconstruction;
  • need for labor resources;
  • average cost housing.

Subsidies are issued for a maximum of ten years at five percent per annum, with equal payment amounts.

Preferential cash translated:

  • to the seller's account;
  • to the contractor's account;
  • to the developer's account;
  • to the account of the seller of building materials.

This program has helped many villages attract young specialists. Young people now have an incentive in the form of a good, stable job and the acquisition of their own housing.

For the program “Zemsky Doctor”

A doctor working in a village, who wants to receive 1 million rubles as assistance, enters into an agreement with local authorities (self-government). This money is only available to young people higher education and working according to their profile for five years in the village. Either the money or part of it will need to be returned. In addition to money, the state undertakes to provide them with a room, a house, etc. for living, land for development or return of part of the loan.

And the young doctor has the right to spend the money he receives in any direction, but only on housing. This money, by the way, is not taxed.

For new teachers.

For teaching staff, the same conditions apply to universities, but it is obligatory to full-time training and terms of employment. That is, it is necessary to work according to the profile at school. A teacher is considered a young specialist only during the first three years of work at school and this period does not include military service, parental leave, full-time training in graduate school or other additional internship.

Teachers are entitled to:

  • lifting payments;
  • preferential mortgage;
  • assistance in purchasing housing.

The list of documents and the procedure for registration differs in each region. Therefore, they must be clarified with local authorities or on their portals.

Special housing for young professionals in the countryside.

Thanks to these programs, many young professionals and young families were able to purchase their own homes. This made it possible to stimulate young people to work and gain confidence in the future. After all, having a stable and well-paid job, as well as your own housing, helps you get on your feet and develop yourself, and this in turn contributes to the development of rural areas and the Russian Federation as a whole.

In this article you learned about what the Housing for Young Professionals Program is. If you have any questions or problems that require the participation of lawyers, then you can seek help from the specialists of the Sherlock information and legal portal. Just leave a request on our website and our lawyers will call you back.

Editor: Igor Reshetov