Has Elena the Flying really left the auditorro? “Salekhard became a turning point”: Elena Letuchaya told why she decided to leave Revizorro. Professional presenter - Lena Letuchaya

The career of Elena Letuchaya, the head of cleanliness in hotels and restaurants, began in the “Let Them Talk” program. She worked there as an editor - she ensured that guests appeared in the studio. TV people call this project “hell.” What Letuchaya was convinced of by personal example.


“It was difficult to work seven days a week: daily stress, a huge number of calls, it happened, for example, that at night I rushed somewhere to buy a ticket for the hero of the film,” said Letuchaya. “As a result, in my early 20s, I began to experience health problems. And when suddenly my battery died, I decided: I had to leave."

But the “Revizorro” project, in which Elena found herself after working on Channel One, was an even bigger blow for her. And in every sense. For example, in one of the cafes in Salekhard, the film crew was seriously beaten. “The question arose about my leaving the project,” explained Elena. “After what happened, I was in a terrible state and ended up in a clinic. The entire third season was spent in the “clinic - filming - clinic” mode. A huge number of doctors, massages, exercise therapy. .. Finally got up serious question: either health or filming. Of course, I chose health. And so to season four, where I check the capital’s establishments, I prepared for more than six months.”

“They threatened me with death. I had to worry about the problem of personal 24-hour security. At some events where there are a lot of people, I now appear only with bodyguards,” the magazine quotes Letuchaya

Not so long ago (37) announced her intention to leave the post of host of the most popular program on the Friday TV channel - “Revizorro”. Fans and the media began to wonder why the girl decided to leave the project that made her famous throughout the country, and put forward various theories. However, Elena finally revealed herself the real reason of your departure.

It turned out that the whole point is that after the recent beating incident film crew"Revizorro" in Salekhard, asked her to stop doing this dangerous business. “Yura never forbade me anything,” Letuchaya told reporters. “I just once said: “Think about what is most important for you in life? I don't want you to continue like this. I want you to take care of your health and your nerves.”

However, Elena is not going to leave the show. Recently 7days.ru: “We spent two and a half years creating this project. We made not just an entertaining, but a socially significant show. I'm not going anywhere, I'm moving on. “Revizorro” is my child. And I'm not going to leave him. Now I will be the producer of the project. Moreover, I came up with new format show that we are currently working on and which audiences will be able to see this fall.” This led Elena's fans into wild delight, because they very zealously opposed the new host of the show Olga Romanovskaya(30) and

Recently it became known that the new face of the Revizorro program will be former member trio " VIA Gra» Olga Romanovskaya. The actress will replace Elena Letuchaya, beloved by the audience, in this post. This decision was made by the channel’s management after the casting, during which many talented and bright personalities auditioned for the place of the show’s host.

By the way, even the name of the notorious actor Nikita Dzhigurda appeared among the candidates. However, something did not work out between him and the producers of the show, and in the end the choice fell on the famous singer.

It is interesting that not all fans of the program liked the news about the new presenter of “Revizorro”. Many of them simply could not imagine Romanovskaya in the place of Letuchaya. Without any shadow of doubt, the initiative group organized all-Russian action in support of Elena. Netizens began spreading the hashtag #bring back the flying one.

Fans of the show argued their actions by saying that, in their opinion, Olga looks too frank for a program about checking hotels and cafes. The image that the singer formed during her participation in the VIA Gra group did not quite suit the young audience of Revizorro.

Let us remember that the fatal brunette appeared in the team of producer Konstantin Meladze in 2006. New member the trio was presented at one of the concerts of the reality show “Star Factory”. The singer very organically fit into the format of the group, but soon announced that she was leaving the stage. The reason for this was her interesting situation. Since then, Romanovskaya has devoted herself to her family. Now Olga will open a new page in her career, becoming a TV presenter.

Meanwhile, among fans of Elena Letuchaya, discussions regarding her departure from Revizorro continue. One of possible reasons called a conflict with the management of the TV channel. The other is fear of the program’s aggressive characters. Another hypothesis is that the star is expecting a new addition to the family. However, Letuchaya denied information about pregnancy.

Despite this, Elena does not hide that she may become a mother in the near future. She has said more than once that she is ready to raise a child. “At the age of 25, I thought that I was not ready to become a wife and mother, because at that time I would become a bad wife and mother. I had other goals. Also, maybe the person next to him was not quite the same. In any case, everything should happen on time and consciously, the presenter said in a conversation with reporters. “Only recently did I begin to feel that I would like to have a child - female maturity has appeared, probably.”

Elena Letuchaya admitted why she actually left the show

News of Tyumen and Tyumen region - 04/07/2016

The day before, on April 6, on the air of the Revizorro Show, Elena Letuchaya, together with the invited guests and producers of the scandalous program, recalled the inspection at the Victoria cafe in Salekhard. The presenter could not hold back her tears, looking at the video where she and the film crew were beaten by the employees of the establishment.

Elena Letuchaya remembered the fight in Salekhard with tears

Elena Letuchaya did not expect that the video of the fight would be shown as part of the program about “Revizorro”. The girl was noticeably nervous and recalled that shooting day with horror on her face.

Let us remind you that during an inspection of the Victoria cafe, the team of operators and Elena Letuchaya herself were attacked by employees of the establishment. The hostess of the catering establishment and her husband showed particular cruelty. Elena admitted that she would never forget the enraged look of the woman who was chasing her and threatening to kill her.

Video of the fight in Salekhard shocked Russians

The program showed fragments of filming that had not previously been broadcast. The video camera recorded not only how two men attacked the cameraman, but also how Elena tried to escape in the film crew’s van. The presenter saw that her producer was receiving death threats and asked the second cameraman to come to her defense, and she herself took the remaining camera and ran to the driver. Turning around, Flying noticed that the owner of the cafe was chasing her. “Revizorro” had no choice but to take off his shoes and lock himself in the car. True, this did not help to hide from the angry woman. The owner of the Victoria cafe first tried to climb through the car window, and then completely burst into the salon. Fortunately, the presenter was saved by the operator, who a few moments earlier had barely escaped the hands of the offenders.

On the same day, Elena Letuchaya called the producers and said that they urgently needed to be evacuated from the city. The fact is that the owners of the cafe intimidated the presenter with reprisals.

Elena Letuchaya left the show due to filming in Salekhard

As it turned out, it was this sensational incident that served as a turning point in Letuchaya’s career as the main inspector. After brutal fight the girl spent several more months restoring her nervous system.

The presenter also admitted that when the organizers of the program called her and informed her that she needed to return to Salekhard to testify, Elena refused.

The girl arrived in the city, accompanied by security guards and her fiance.

The release of “Revizorro Show” was very emotional. Elena Letuchaya became ill during filming. She asked for a glass of water and then left the studio altogether. But after a conversation with the producer, she returned to the set.

IN latest issue"Revizorro show" Elena Letuchaya, who still goes to doctors after, said: after a trip to the capital of Yamal, she thought about whether she should do this project at all, the correspondent reports.

"Lena called me and said that us beat me hard, terribly, now they're going to kill, we need to be evacuated from the city. It’s good that they had a plane that day, it was the last day of their stay, but they didn’t have time to catch it. They were absolutely forbidden to stay in the city: if they had stayed, they would have been found and killed. I'm sure they were looking for them. And they threatened,” said the editor-in-chief of the program Polina Avetikova.

For this reason, Avetikova contacted the tour operator, who, at her request, extended check-in for the flight and, as a result, the team made it on time.

Program Producer Elena Shipunova clarified that they went to this cafe because a few months before, a children’s hockey team, which was leaving the capital of Yamal with poisoning, had lunch at Victoria. The catalyst for the conflict, according to Shipunova, was the behavior Elvira Arndt, the owner of the cafe, who is the wife of the manager who was impeding the work of the group.

“They still drag me around police stations, investigators come,” said Elena Letuchaya.

She added that the owner of the cafe tried to break into the car where Letuchaya and the cameraman who came to her, Valentin Gerasimov, hid after the attack. As a result, the operator had to protect Letuchaya from Arndt, who tried to beat the TV presenter. After returning to the capital, the TV presenter could not recover from stress for a long time: she still goes to doctors.

“I had a nervous breakdown. When they told me: “Revizorro, filming,” I began to get hysterical. Salekhard was a turning point in the program in general. I said: I can’t do it anymore. I ended up in a clinic, then fainting started due to this. I’m still in rehabilitation. I told myself: “I won’t go anywhere again.” (In Salekhard) they told me: you won’t fly away, and if you fly away, we will get you in Moscow and kill you.” , - said the presenter.