How to increase your high jump. Who made the highest jump in volleyball

Everyone who enjoys playing volleyball dreams of flying over the net like a bird. And indeed, high jump in volleyball– the key to a successful game. Some people have good jumping ability by nature, while others will have to train a lot. The main thing is to do it correctly.

There is no special one. There is a regular running jump, it is the same for volleyball, basketball, and parkour. To fly over the net, you need two things: a good push and proper technique.

Start mastering the technique high volleyball jump from the move from practicing the stopping step. This very important skill will come in handy when you convert horizontally directed kinetic energy into vertical energy.

Take a wide step forward with your pushing leg, then a short step with your swing leg. At the same time, turn the foot of the swing leg slightly inward and, following it, slightly turn the body. Move your arms parallel back. Using your push leg, perform an extension step-push and jump up. At the same time, help yourself with your hands. Bring them forward and upward sharply. All steps should be performed with slightly bent legs, knees should gently spring. On the second step, squat a little more to then push your body as high as possible. Don’t try to jump high right away, practice your steps.

When you synchronize the movements of your arms and legs and bring them to automaticity, move on to the next exercise.

High jump in volleyball

Follow high jump in volleyball while walking, trying to touch some landmark with your hand. This could be the top of a volleyball net, a basketball hoop, or simply a mark on the wall. Learn to reach for a landmark alternately with your right and left hands, as well as with both hands at the same time.

At this stage it is very important to add strength to your legs. No matter how perfect your technique is, you won't be able to jump high if you have weak legs.

The best exercise for developing the muscles of the lower body is the barbell squat. If the barbell is too heavy for you, squat only with a bar or dumbbells. Correctly performed squats allow you to pump up absolutely all the muscles involved in the jump.

In addition to strength training in performing high jump in volleyball Be sure to do plyometric exercises. Their basis is all kinds of jumping. Thanks to plyometrics, you can make your jump truly explosive. But untrained people should not perform these exercises; move on to them only when squats with a barbell no longer cause you difficulties.

Lower yourself into a deep squat. Do not round your back or lower your gaze. With a sharp push, jump up as high as possible and clap your hands above your head. Without pausing, immediately lower yourself into a squat and perform another jump. Continue jumping high and clapping at a fast pace for 3 minutes, then take a break for 30-40 seconds and repeat.

Gradually add weights: take dumbbells in your hands and jump over your head.

Another exercise to develop jumping ability and high jump in volleyball- This is jumping onto a platform. Stand facing a 40-50 cm high platform or a stable bench. Raise your arms up, bend at the waist, then lean forward, move your arms back and squat. Throw your arms forward sharply and jump with both feet on the bench. Get down to the ground and repeat. Perform 12-15 jumps without stopping. Gradually, the height of the platform must be increased.

Add one more exercise to your program, the opposite of the previous one. Stand on a platform or stable bench. Swing your arms and gently jump to the ground, without immediately stopping, jump high up, pulling your knees to your chest. Get back up onto the platform and repeat.

If you're confident with jumping and feel like you can handle the increased load, try doing the last two exercises while pushing with just one leg. Please note that with such jumps the load on the joints and muscles is very high, so work very carefully and do not force your preparation.

The task of increasing strength indicators faces many, both professional and amateur athletes. In team sports, success largely depends on the strength and height of the jump. Therefore, a volleyball player, basketball player and even a gymnast sooner or later thinks about how to learn to jump high.

In sports practice there is a term “explosive strength”. It refers to the ability of a muscle to push your body weight to a certain height. In boxing they develop explosive strength in the arms, in breakdancing and gymnastics - in the arms and legs, in basketball - mainly in the legs. If your goal is to develop jumping ability, you should pay attention to developing explosive power.

The standing high jump is based on the force of the jump the body can make. To determine an exercise program, you need to understand which muscle groups are involved during a jump. First of all, these are the legs, or rather the calf muscles and quadriceps.

The front of the thigh is the largest muscle group. It is responsible for extending the leg and, therefore, pushing the body out of place. The calf muscle plays an equally important role in the jump. It’s not for nothing that boxers train their calves, because explosive power and punching power depend on the strength of their legs. The pushing occurs as if along a chain - ankle, lower leg, thigh. These muscle groups and ligaments should be developed first.

The main mistake any athlete makes when trying to increase their jump height is inattention to the stabilizer muscles. These are the muscles of the back and abdomen. In many manuals you can find recommendations for abdominal training. If your goal, as in this case, is to develop explosive muscle strength, daily exercise will not produce visible results.

The necessary conditions

The best programs are offered by bodybuilders. Workout 3-4 times a week so that the muscles have time to recover. In this case, you get the maximum effect without overtraining, muscle tension and wear.

To achieve your highest standing high jump, you will have to pay close attention to it. Exercises to develop jumping ability should be performed systematically, without skipping and without concessions. In athletics, there are several types of high jumps, different in technique, but the same in results.

If the question is: “How to increase the high jump in volleyball or basketball?”, athletics terms should be left aside. Let's look at the basic exercises for everyday life and team sports.

Basic exercises

When asked how to increase your high jump in basketball or any other sport, every coach will answer: “Improve your overall physical condition.” And this will be the honest truth. To guarantee success, an athlete needs to be resilient, strong, and healthy. Against the background of general physiological well-being, exercises aimed at developing certain muscle groups are necessary.

Jumping rope

They are the most popular exercise in many sports areas. In boxing, for example, the jump rope is the main tool for developing muscle strength. Basketball players, volleyball players and gymnasts must include jumping rope in their training program. This simple and accessible element allows you to most effectively develop the calf and soleus muscles. Jump rope for 15-20 minutes a day, gradually increasing this time to half an hour. After 2-4 weeks you will notice significant improvements. To implement your plan to increase your jump height, push off the surface with both feet. Keep your ankles as close to each other as possible.


Squats are one of the main exercises in bodybuilding. Weighted squats develop all the muscles in your legs, abdominals, and lower back muscles. Thus, a single exercise allows you to strengthen all the muscle groups necessary for high jumps. Answering the question of how to jump higher in basketball, volleyball, and gymnastics, we suggest diversifying regular squats with the same push-up exercise. Squat down to a parallel line with the floor and jump up from this position with force. The main condition is that the landing time should be as short as possible. A large squat amplitude will help to maximize the use of all muscle groups of the legs. Do 10-15 squats, then break for 3-4 minutes.

Calf raises

Calf raises strengthen the calf muscles. This exercise must be done until the calves are completely burned. Do 20-30 repetitions at full amplitude. In the final phase of the exercise you should be standing almost on your toes. Then slowly lower back onto your heels. The exercise should be done without jerking. As your endurance increases, add weights. Pick up dumbbells or instead of regular lifts, switch to jumping on your toes.

Decisive factors

Strength training and a healthy lifestyle are the basis for increasing your jump height.

If you are seriously thinking about how to develop jumping ability, then you should take into account all the components of the effectiveness of exercises:

  • Regularly visiting the gym will help significantly improve your performance.
  • Proper nutrition and healthy sleep are the basis for muscle recovery and strengthening.
  • Logging progress. Mark your jump height once a month to evaluate the results of your work.

The most important thing: high jump exercises should follow a thorough warm-up and warm-up of the muscles. This is the only way to avoid injury. Allow 10 to 20 minutes to warm up. This should be followed by stretching of all muscle fibers, and only then the main training.

By doing this program 3-4 times a week without skipping or making excuses, within a month you will notice significant progress and be able to jump much higher than before.

Jumping ability is the main speed-strength quality for a volleyball player, because attacks and their reflections are performed “at height.” Let's look at effective exercises that will help increase your high jump in volleyball and develop its strength. Training will promote muscle elasticity and improve the speed of their contraction, teach you how to push off correctly, and polish your landing and flight techniques. By correctly performing exercises to increase your jump in volleyball for 15-20 weeks, the parameters improve by 20-35 cm.

List of effective exercises to improve jump height

For professionals and beginners, jumping training in volleyball begins with warming up and warming up the muscles. Further:

    1. Feet shoulder width apart. We jump up as quickly as possible as much as we can.
    2. Jumping with weights. Need a bar 15-20 kg. We hold the projectile on our shoulders. We carry out a quick push-off. You need to try to jump out as quickly as possible. Having performed the correct upward jump with weights, we land as softly as possible on our toes.
    3. Jumping while pulling your knees to your chest. We push off the floor with both feet, jump up as much as possible, while simultaneously pulling our knees to our chest.

    1. Jumping with weights. You need 5-10 kg dumbbells, a stand 45-60 cm high (with minimal load and height of the apparatus, they are gradually increased). Taking dumbbells in your hands, we jump onto the stand with both legs at the same time. This is how they practice both the high jump in volleyball and the landing technique.
    2. Jumping onto a pedestal from 45 cm.

  1. Jump on your toes in place. We perform 2-4 jumps, and then a maximum jump up. Repeat 8 times.
  2. Crossfit. Need a ball. We push it into the support with bouncing. This exercise can increase your jump in volleyball and develop speed and strength skills.
  3. Ball throws. You need a large ball weighing 8-12 kg. We throw the projectile to the floor, raising it above our heads. We don’t bend our back, we jump.
  4. Final jumps. We do maximum jumps on one leg, then on both. We alternate, changing legs.

Upon completion of the training, the height of the buckle, if the exercises were performed correctly, will increase by 20 cm. The principle of performing the exercises is 3-5 sets of 6-8 exercises (17-20 for easy tasks)

Jump technique training in Sunny Wind

Most exercises use weights. But when starting training, the athlete must remember that a well-developed jumping technique in volleyball is more important than power load. It is used only to maintain muscle tone and allows you to increase the tension on them when performing a landing-push-off. The last approaches are also very important in training to develop jumping ability with weights. What is done with effort develops abilities.

Do you want to learn how to jump high in volleyball? Come to us - we will teach you! We offer affordable prices, experienced trainers, convenient schedule!

Many amateur and professional athletes are faced with the task of increasing strength indicators. Success in many team sports depends on jump height and strength. Therefore, high jumps are important for basketball players, volleyball players, even gymnasts.

The term “explosive strength” in sports practice means the ability of muscles to push the athlete’s body to a certain height. Boxers work on developing explosive arm strength; in gymnastics and breakdancing, in addition to arm strength, leg strength is important; in basketball, leg strength is important, etc.

Standing high jumps depend on the force of the jerk that the body is capable of making. What muscle groups are responsible for it? The quadriceps and calf muscles are primarily responsible for high jumps.

The largest muscle group, the front part of the thigh, is responsible for extending the legs, and therefore for pushing out. That's why boxers train their calves, on which the power of their kick depends. The pushing of the body occurs along a chain consisting of the ankle, lower leg, and thigh, so it is worth developing the muscles in this sequence.

A mistake made by athletes trying to increase their jump height is insufficient attention to working the muscles - stabilizers, abdomen and back.

The necessary conditions

More often, manuals recommend developing the abdominal muscles. But even if you train every day, you may not see any results, because at high intensity the muscles do not have time to recover. To give them this opportunity and get the effect, classes are held 3-4 times a week. This way the athlete does not experience overtraining, muscle tension and wear and tear.

To improve your jumping, you need to pay enough attention to it, i.e. perform exercises that develop jumping ability, without making concessions to yourself or skipping classes. Jumps in athletics are distinguished by technique, but they are all the same in terms of the final result. If the question of how to increase the jump is faced by a basketball or volleyball player, athletics terms should be left aside, as discussed below.

Basic exercises

To increase the jump in basketball, the athlete needs to improve his physical condition. He must become strong, resilient, healthy. Against this background, exercises are needed that develop certain muscle groups.

Simple, but popular among athletes of various disciplines, exercises with a skipping rope, and in this case, come first. They must be included in the training program in boxing, volleyball, gymnastics, and basketball. The maximum available element effectively affects the soleus and calf muscles. At first, it is recommended to jump every day for 15-20 minutes, gradually increasing the exercise time to 30 minutes. The result will not keep you waiting: in 2-4 weeks it will be noticeable.

To increase your jumps, you need to push off from the floor with both feet, keeping your ankles as close as possible.


Squats are no less effective- the main exercise for bodybuilders. If they are performed with weights, the leg muscles, lower back muscles and abdominal muscles develop. With just one exercise you can strengthen all the muscles that work when performing jumps.

To increase the height of your jumps, it is recommended to diversify traditional squats, supplementing them with push-ups: squatting to a line parallel to the floor, jump out of this position with force. Reducing landing time to a minimum. Deep squats, performed 10-15 times with a 3-4 minute break between approaches, help to engage all groups of leg muscles.

Calf raises

Strengthens your calf muscles and is an incredibly simple exercise.- calf raises, which must be performed until a burning sensation appears in the calves. Perform the exercise 20 to 30 times at full amplitude. The athlete must stand on his toes in the final phase of the exercise, then gradually lower himself onto his heels. The exercise is performed without jerking. Weights are added as endurance increases, for which they use dumbbells or perform jumps on their toes instead of lifting.

Decisive factors

Two factors are important for high jumping - a healthy lifestyle and strength training.

If the decision to develop jumping ability is important to an athlete, he must take into account all the components of the exercises in order to quickly experience their effectiveness.

  • To improve your high jump performance, you need to visit the gym regularly.
  • To strengthen your muscles and recover from training to improve your high jump, healthy sleep and proper nutrition are important.
  • To evaluate the results of the training, once a month the athlete must record the height of his jumps.

A thorough warm-up is important for high jumps, warming up the muscles and helping to avoid injury. Warm up before training for high jumps for 10-20 minutes. This is followed by stretching of the muscle fibers. Only after these preparatory stages does the main training begin.

By exercising 3-4 times a week, you will feel progress within a month: you will be able to make jumps that cannot be compared with those you performed before.


Video: Urock 1: vertical jump, how to jump higher


The jump begins with a tuck: knees, body leaning forward. Next, the back (lower), trapezius and latissimus muscles begin to work. At the same time, the anterior thigh muscles begin to work. They give acceleration to the body when extending the legs. Finally, the gastrocnemius, soleus, and minor muscles of the foot come into play at the end. The sequence is as follows: back, hips and calves.

It is imperative to develop the muscles of the arms, shoulders, back, chest and abs. They improve movements and coordination. Regular push-ups, which work your chest and triceps, as well as pull-ups, which work your back and biceps, will help you. It is enough to do them in 4-5 approaches, gradually increasing the number of push-ups to 50-70 and pull-ups to 20-30. If you're more serious, hit the gym a couple times a week. You can do bench presses, then wide-grip pull-ups, barbell exercises, and seated overhead presses. All this is done 8-10 times in 5 approaches.

Training your thigh muscles is the fastest way to increase your jump. Barbell squats will help you with this. It is better to do partial squats so as not to accidentally damage the menisci. Warm up. First, you can do a dozen regular squats, several bends, and run in place. This is very important, especially during this time. When you start squatting with a fairly heavy barbell, get elastic bandages for wrapping your knees, as well as a belt. Squats are done in 4-5 sets of 10-12 times.

Jumping exercises include jumping from a full squat (“frog”), jumping from a position with one leg on the floor and the other on a chair with alternating changes of legs while jumping (step-ups), sprints (running back and forth 30 in each direction ).

The calves can be called “stubborn” muscles. Since their mass is difficult to increase. But they recover quite well, and therefore they can be trained up to 4-5 times a week. The best calf exercise to increase your jump is calf raises (a must). There are several options: on one or both, from an elevated position or simply on a new floor.

And explosive calf strength can be developed with any jumping exercise. You just need to do a lot of these exercises. It is also useful to jump first 100 times on one leg, then the same amount on the other. This is a serious load.

With the growing popularity of sports such as streetball and parkour, the importance of a good jump has increased significantly. It's hard to imagine a parkour athlete who can't jump well from a standing position. However, few people have this talent naturally. In order not to blush in front of your comrades, you should thoroughly train the muscles responsible for a powerful kick with your legs.

You will need

  • - rod;
  • - dumbbells;
  • - step platform 30 cm high;
  • - gymnastic bench.


Bend your knees and grab the barbell with an overhand grip. Place your hands slightly wider than your shoulders. Keep your back straight. Stand up. Lifting should occur not due to tension, but due to pushing with the legs. Hold the stance for two seconds and return back. Do two sets of 6-8 repetitions.

Take dumbbells and lower your arms along your body. Squat down, keep your back straight.

Push yourself out and jump as high as possible. Land with your legs bent so as not to injure your joints. Do three sets of 10-12.

Stand facing the gymnastics bench. Raise your arms, then move them back as if swinging. Bend your body and squat down. Throw your arms forward and jump onto the bench with a sharp push. Get down to the floor. Do 6-8 jumps.

Grasp the barbell with an overhand grip and place it behind your head on your shoulders. Bend your knees slightly. Arching your back, lean forward until your body is parallel to the floor. Return to the starting position. Repeat 8 times.

Stand with the platform between your feet. Do a half squat and jump onto the platform with both legs at the same time. Jump slightly and jump back to the starting position. Try not to pause between jumps and clearly control the moment of landing. Do 3-4 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

Lunge and stand on the platform with your right foot, bending your left leg at the knee. Lower your arms freely and help them maintain balance. Jump up sharply using your thigh muscles. At the top point, change legs. Now the left foot is on the platform. Without pausing, push yourself out again and change legs as you jump. Control the moment of landing, try not to jump high. Perform 4 sets of 10 jumps.

Place the dumbbell to the right of the platform at a distance of 60–70 cm. Stand sideways to the left of the platform. Jump over it by pushing off with both feet. After landing, squat down, take the dumbbell in your hand and jump back over the platform. Transfer the weight to your left hand and place it on the floor. Jump over the platform. Go back. Lift the dumbbell again and jump over the platform. Perform this exercise non-stop for 30 seconds at a fast pace. Do three sets, resting 30 seconds between sets.

Video on the topic

The bench press is a great indicator of strength when it comes to physical fitness. That is why people who work out in gyms usually pay special attention to this part of their physical development. If you want to improve an indicator such as the bench press, then follow the advice in this article.


Remember the main rule of the bench press: in order to be able to lift a lot of weight, you must constantly strive to lift even more weight. This is the rule that powerlifters follow when preparing for competitions, because for them this parameter is very important.

Choose the weight you need wisely. Weight should mainly depend on your fitness level. If you are a beginner, pay more attention to your overall fitness. Choose a light to moderate weight for this.
If you boast an intermediate or advanced level of training, then you need to calculate 1MP to calculate the working weight.

Determine your 1MP. 1MP is one maximum lift. To find out 1MP, before doing this, have a good rest and gain strength. Ideally you should not do this for two days. Find a partner who will help you.

Do two to three sets as a warm-up. Perform them with full amplitude.
The first set is eight repetitions, the weight should be 50% of the estimated maximum weight.

The second set is five repetitions, the weight is 75% of the expected maximum.

The third approach is 85% of the intended weight and two to three repetitions.
Rest for two to three minutes in between.

Now start defining 1MP. Complete the approach. If the weight is lighter than you expected, rest for a few minutes and try with a heavier weight. If you fail to lift this weight, wait a few more minutes and do a set with a lighter weight.

You can determine 1MP using a special table. Choose a weight that you can lift 2-5 times in a row. Knowing your 1MP, you can adjust your program so that it is more. Do not carry out the 1MP testing procedure more than once every .

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The last muscle group responsible for jumping power is the calf muscles. To develop them, do calf raises. Standing on a slight elevation so that your heels do not touch the floor, rise on each leg in turn.

Also a good effect on one leg. Starting small, gradually increase the number of jumps to 100. Keep in mind that during this exercise your joints receive serious stress.


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In professional language bounce on skate called ollie. It's nothing more than bounce into the air while the skateboard is connected to the athlete's legs. Ollie is the basis of almost every skateboarder's trick, so learning it is a must. If you learn to do bounce high, this will help you successfully master the most difficult exercises.

You will need

  • skateboard, surface