Good highly paid professions for girls. Popular professions for girls and women

All people are individual and have different preferences in clothing, food, entertainment and, of course, in choosing a job. This criterion depends on talent in any field, personal qualities and desire to achieve heights in the career ladder. That is why choosing the best professions for girls is quite difficult. We have prepared a list of in-demand, popular and highly paid specialties that will appeal to many women. You can also get acquainted with interesting business ideas for women.


Designer is a very creative profession, which involves several different directions (florist, artist, fashion designer, interior designer, etc.). This way of earning money will be the best for girls who have a sense of style, good imagination, and love to draw and create something with their own hands. And in the future it will be possible to open, for example, your own interior design studio.

The profession of a lawyer is one of the humanitarian professions and for many years remains one of the most popular for women of all ages. 2019 was no exception to the rule! Indeed, female lawyers earn good money and their specialty is very prestigious. The only thing is that recently, due to the oversupply of “personnel”, finding a job is becoming more and more difficult.

This is one of the best romantic professions that more and more young girls dream of. There should not be any particular difficulties with training. The advantages include high wages, the opportunity to travel for free in Russia and abroad, and early retirement. This type of work is suitable for brave ladies who are not afraid of changes in life and can easily endure frequent separations from their family. By the way, according to men, flight attendants are the most attractive profession for women.

Hairdresser/makeup artist/manicurist

Work related to beauty industry. In order to become a hairdresser, makeup artist or manicurist, a higher education is not required, and special courses can be completed after the 9th grade at school. These are purely female best professions that almost every woman can try. These specialties are well paid and quite simple.

Representatives of the fair sex are increasingly choosing male professions. It is generally accepted that women’s destiny is only to take care of the family hearth, and work and career are not for them. More than half of female applicants can easily argue with this statement.

The portal “” conducted a small study of popular professions for girls. Data for statistics are taken from job and personnel search sites. All information is provided in the public domain and is current at the time of writing.

At the beginning of April 2013, employers opened more than 105,000 vacancies throughout Russia. About 82 professions are covered. By comparison, there are more than 120,000 vacancies for men in 80 professions. We can say that women are not much inferior to men in terms of demand.

To be fair, it is worth noting that the statistics do not include vacancies in which the gender of the applicants is not indicated at all.

It will be very difficult for girls to overcome the age limit. Girls aged 25 to 30 have a fairly good chance of finding a job. It turns out that girls have only 5 years to build a career and receive decent wages. Not too much. Before and after this age, the number of vacancies is significantly less. And every year there are fewer and fewer of them.

The situation with work experience is even more interesting. It would seem that the more experienced the employee, the higher the demand for him. And no wonder. After all, a professional will be able to do the job better and, most importantly, faster than his young colleague.

But that was not the case. The most sought-after specialists with 1 to 3 years of experience. This is about 37,000 vacancies. If you have worked for more than 3 years, then they offer 3 times fewer vacancies. And finally, with 6 years of work or more, you will be offered only 500 vacancies.

And this, unfortunately, is reality. Increasingly, applicants are rejected only because of their professionalism. Like, we only need a performer for routine work. And you are too experienced for this job.

List of the most popular professions for girls

This rating does not contain the names of specific positions, but rather areas. After all, there is now a need for site, corporate, and personnel selection managers. We use the basic names of professions, namely accountant, manager, lawyer and others.

The first place in our ranking is occupied by the profession of manager. The likelihood of women finding work in this profession is very high. More than 20,000 specialists are required. At the same time, wages are generally decent. This is about 46,000 rubles on average in Russia.

Among managers, sales managers are especially needed (more than 12,000 vacancies). The average salary of these specialists is 48,000 rubles. Employers are also looking for HR managers, offering salaries much more modest than the average for managers. On average, only 37,000 rubles.

The second place of honor is occupied by an accountant with 8,435 vacancies. Most likely, most operating companies have already hired accountants or hire them under civil contracts for filing reports or calculating salaries. The average salary is 44,000 rubles.

A chief accountant is required in 2,124 companies. Employers value this specialist at an average of 61,000 rubles.

In the past 5 years, the marketing profession has been called one of the most popular for girls. Now she occupies the last line of the rating. In Russia as a whole, they are looking for only 400 female marketers with a salary of 53,000 rubles.

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Here's the best advice you can give to young people: "Find something you love to do, and then find someone who will pay you to do it." - Katherine Whitehorn.

No matter how different we may be, we are all united in one thing - if we have to earn a living, the work must be pleasant and generate income. When choosing a profession, it is important to understand that the future specialty must be in demand on the labor market, otherwise the acquired skills may become passive or, at best, turn into a hobby.

Girls finishing school tend to be more serious about choosing a future profession than young people of the same age. We will try to help school graduates decide on a choice of business that will help them feel confident in adult life.

Promising women's professions

When choosing a specialty, it is necessary to analyze the situation on the labor market in order to understand which specialists will be in demand for a long time. For several decades now, there has been a consistently high demand for IT specialists all over the world. Every company needs a person who is well versed in computers, and this work pays well.

In recent years, there has been a new surge in the popularity of construction professions. We do not encourage girls to become plasterers - we are talking about engineers, designers, planners, architects, etc. The scale of construction is increasing, and there are clearly not enough qualified specialists. Therefore, there is every reason to believe that professionals in this field will always be provided with work and stable earnings.

Professions in which you can compete with men

Women feel more and more confident doing work that not so long ago was considered a man's job. If you do not take into account prejudices, it is quite possible to become a first-class specialist in such, at first glance, unfeminine professions:

Driver. Women drive cars confidently in everyday life. Why not make it a profession? In addition, we are much more careful while driving, and less often than men we become victims of road accidents.

Bartender. If you are sociable and have common sense, you can master this profession. Your task is to maintain communication and not give in to numerous offers from visitors to drink for company.

Police officer. There are niches in this field in which women do better jobs than men. It is unlikely that you need to strive for operational work with the detention of criminals, but you may well become a juvenile affairs inspector, an interrogator or an investigator.

System administrator. If you are excellent at using a computer, you understand it better than a sewing machine, and you understand that you can become a strong IT specialist , why not try yourself in this matter?

As you can see, there are no researchers or teachers on the list. These professions are noble and worthy of respect, but it is difficult to classify them as promising. If you feel an irresistible attraction to teaching, do not restrain your impulses - you will receive moral satisfaction from your work, but, alas, you will have to forget about material benefits. Microbiologists, geneticists, biochemists, etc. feel good in science. Unfortunately, the prospects are mainly for those who are planning to move abroad and are fluent in a foreign language.

Prestigious professions for women

This world will become different when most girls stop secretly dreaming of becoming a fashion model, actress or singer. Nothing is impossible under several conditions: you are talented, good-looking, ready to work hard, and your parents are not poor people. Mentioning start-up capital is not superfluous - you will need a professional portfolio, good clothes, paid training in special courses, etc. If you do not feel absolutely confident in your choice, let's get down to earth and see what you can do here.

Tour guide and tourist office employee. An interesting and in-demand job - people increasingly prefer active recreation to lying on the beach, therefore, they need a guide.

Bank employee, accountant, auditor, tax inspector, etc. The specialty “Accounting and Audit” has recently become extremely popular, since in the future the profession promises a wide choice of work and a decent salary.

Lawyer. These specialists will always be needed, but most law graduates work as legal consultants. Not everyone manages to become lawyers, judges, prosecutors and notaries.

Journalist. A profession that is fashionable at any time, but lacks the romance that many applicants to the Faculty of Journalism think about. The desire to be a journalist, especially on television, is not enough - you need talent and luck.

Translator. A highly sought-after and promising profession: there will always be a job for a competent translator.

Psychologist. Quite a prestigious job, although not in great demand yet. If you feel that psychology is your calling, go study. A competent specialist can work in a recruitment agency, conduct trainings, and help children.

Sales Manager. The specialty has become very popular in recent years. You need to understand that the ability to sell and the ability to organize sales are not the same thing. If you can reach mutual understanding with your employer on this issue, career growth is guaranteed.

Fitness trainer. It is not too difficult to enroll in a physical education institute, and you will be able to combine work with taking care of your own health.

Secretary-assistant. It is not uncommon for an executive assistant to become a very influential person in a company.

Stewardess. Great job! you will see the world, receiving a good salary for it. You will need knowledge of foreign languages ​​and excellent health - it is not for nothing that flight attendants retire at 35 years old.

Freelancer. Prestigious, profitable and convenient, but not at all as simple as it might seem. You must be able to do something very well: do accounting, understand computers, develop designs, do manicures, take photographs, organize holidays, etc. If you can work independently and without “sensitive” guidance, everything will depend only on you desire to succeed.

Always relevant and in demand professions for girls

In-demand and prestigious professions do not always coincide. The opportunity to earn a stable income attracts practical and sensible young ladies.

Hairdresser-stylist. A talented master, after completing courses or even without them, can create a miracle. Such hairdressers have regular clients, and some may eventually open their own salon and move to a new career level.

Neil master. Manicures should be done at least once every two weeks, and many women adhere to this rule. Ladies usually prefer to have their own master, to whom they remain faithful for many years.

Cosmetologist. The profession is very feminine. It is better to get a medical education - then the range of opportunities will expand significantly. But for starters, cosmetology courses are enough.

Dressmaker, fashion designer. This profession is for those who have good taste and golden hands. Skilled seamstresses are never left without work. To gain experience, you can start from the cutting machine.

Photographer, cameraman. In addition to talent, the job requires physical endurance.

Organizer of children's parties. You can’t do without a calling in this matter, but if you love children and know how to find a common language with them, if you manage to have fun along with the kids, go for it!

Governess, teacher, tutor. After graduating from the Faculty of Education, you will acquire a lot of useful knowledge. The demand for good nannies and tutors will never dry up.

Professions for women have always been different from men's. Find out which areas of work are the most popular for women in the modern world, and also check out the list of the 10 most popular ones.

It cannot be said that today there is a clear division between male and female professions. Many managers say that when selecting personnel, they primarily pay attention to qualifications and experience. However, when looking at advertisements, you can notice gender preferences.

What are the specifics of professions for women?

First of all, it is worth noting that women are rarely employed in areas that require heavy physical labor. Of course, there are ladies who make a living from construction, mining raw materials, creating cars, etc., but there are not many of them.

Indeed, women's professions are considered to be secretary, salesperson, and hairdresser. It is worth noting that employers themselves choose representatives of the fair sex for such positions. This is explained by women’s ability to maintain cleanliness and order, as well as stress resistance and communication skills.

With the development of the technical process, an increasing number of women began to work in the IT field. Firstly, this industry is in great demand today, and secondly, women are distinguished by their perseverance and attentiveness, which is important when working with high technologies.

Gone are the days when women worked primarily as teachers, nannies, salespeople or hairdressers. Modern beauties strive to conquer new heights, achieve success and self-realization. Increasingly, it is women who are developing technologies and solving economic and environmental problems. In the future, the number of IT specialists, financial analysts and female breeders will increase significantly.

There are practically no exclusively male or female professions today. Girls can easily compete with men in many areas. The only exceptions would be those specialties that require great physical strength and endurance. At the same time, there are many more female employees in beauty salons, kindergartens and schools, and stores.

Historically, a woman is associated with the home, housekeeping and raising children. For a long time, women were not allowed to participate in higher education and, accordingly, could not teach. Until the 19th century, girls were mainly trusted to look after small children. In the culinary business, men also occupied the leading roles for a long time. They were responsible for creating culinary masterpieces, and women could become cooks or assistants. The weaker sex was not favored in art either. For a long time, noble ladies did not work at all, and those who were poorer became servants.

Over the centuries, the situation has, of course, changed noticeably. Men may well find themselves in the service sector, and women can occupy high leadership positions.

Girls are defined by certain character traits that the stronger sex does not possess. They are more inclined to provide support and empathy, they find it easier to communicate with children and adults, which makes them good nurses and doctors, teachers and educators.

Women often have an innate sense of taste and style, which is why they make excellent stylists, hairdressers, makeup artists, decorators, florists, designers, and fashion designers. Attractive ladies look good on camera, can advertise goods and services, and demonstrate clothes on the catwalk as models. Many businessmen want their clients to be greeted by beautiful ladies at the entrance to their offices. Therefore, the choice of popular professions for girls is great.

Russia is the leader in the number of women employed in secondary education. In schools, the number of teachers reaches almost 99% of all employees.

A similar situation is revealed by the US Department of Labor, although in American educational institutions there are only 81% of the fairer sex. Slightly fewer girls are employed in medicine. Basically, they play the role of nurses who, although they cannot make a diagnosis on their own, strictly monitor the implementation of the attending physician’s instructions, carry out procedures, and assist during operations. In America, the vast majority of nurses are female: more than 90%.

Although both sexes can practice accounting, women are more likely to choose this profession. As a survey conducted by the recruitment site HeadHunter showed, approximately half of female accountants, unlike men, are satisfied with their work and do not intend to change it. At the same time, the employees noted that their work requires great care, endurance and perseverance, and also called their work quite nervous.

Beautiful girls are always welcome on board the plane. The profession of a flight attendant has always been considered quite prestigious, because it allows you to see the whole world. However, flight attendants do not receive very much, and not everyone can endure long flights on their feet. At the same time, flight attendants retire quite early - at 45 years old.

Applicants are required to have basic knowledge of foreign languages ​​and the ability to find a common language with people, as well as certain external data.

The vast majority of workers in beauty salons are girls. We can generally say that the industry itself belongs to the fair sex. Women open manicure and hair styling studios, select staff and manage them. Constantly emerging new procedures for hair, nails, face and body care require advanced training, but they also bring more income.

Another popular profession for women is a call center operator. It does not require special education; it is enough to be able to speak competently, be polite and attentive. As practice shows, a female voice with a pleasant timbre inspires more confidence among clients. Many students begin their careers with this kind of work.

Another good profession to start with is a store consultant. At the same time, a woman can choose the area in which she will feel confident - cosmetics, clothing, jewelry. To be successful, employees need to not only inspire confidence in the buyer, but also have the gift of persuasion.

It would also be useful to get acquainted with psychology: sometimes the client lacks motivation or is hindered by complexes.

A slender and fit girl will make a good fitness instructor who can not only select a training program, but also inspire achievements by her example. Professionals mostly have medical education or at least have basic knowledge in this field.

The highest paid professions for girls

Forbes' list of the 25 highest-paying jobs for women in the United States places CEOs at the top spot, earning an average of $1,900 a week. The second position is occupied by pharmacists, earning $1,811. Lawyers were in third position (1,717), followed by IT workers, engineers, managers and doctors.

The situation in Russia today is completely different. Late last year, the Ministry of Labor presented a list of the most lucrative professions in the country. According to their data, captains of sea vessels and pilots of aircraft earn the most in Russia with a monthly income of 500 and 320 thousand rubles, respectively. The third place is occupied by a technologist in the gold mining industry (312 thousand), and fourth place by a hockey coach (300 thousand).

At the beginning of April, HeadHunter published its own report on the highest paid specialists in Russia for the first quarter of 2018. According to their data, programmers, business development managers, internal auditors, and system administrators earn the most.

The company's research also showed that professions such as real estate agent, production engineer, marketer, advertising specialist, economist and lawyer acquired lucrative status at the beginning of this year. In Moscow, employee salaries fluctuate at 70-80 thousand rubles per month, in St. Petersburg - 60-70 thousand, and in the regions 40-50. Cleaners, waitresses, and salespeople earn the least.

The lists of popular and profitable female professions in Russia differ somewhat. Thus, according to statistics from the website, an accountant currently receives on average from 27 to 52 thousand rubles per month. Flight attendants receive significantly more - 74-110 thousand rubles per month.

Moscow school teachers get 20-40 thousand a month. Nurses receive 39-52 thousand, and, for example, hairdressers - 48-72 thousand.

The situation on the labor market is constantly changing. In the late 90s, lawyers and economists were considered prestigious and successful; a little later, successful and motivated women began to occupy the positions of sales managers and lawyers. During the 2008 crisis, the professions of specialists in working with loans and debts were relevant. As statistics show, a lot of women have always been involved in the field of personnel selection and tourism.

Currently, the highest paid positions in Russia tend to be held by men, although the gap is narrowing and in the future women will be able to earn just as much.