Cobain's band. Love relationship of a rock musician. Kurt Cobain as a child

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Kurt Donald Cobain(Kurt Donald Cobain, February 20 - April 5) - vocalist and guitarist of the famous American group Nirvana, as well as its leader and spiritual center. With the band's success, he became an international celebrity.


Kurt Donald Cobain was born on February 20, 1967 in the port town of Hoquaim, Washington. Six months after Kurt’s birth, his family moves to the town of Aberdeen, located not far from this place.

Kurt Cobain's father was auto mechanic Donald Cobain, of German descent. His wife Wendy O'Connor was Irish. She changed several professions, including working as a waitress and a teacher. Kurt had a sister, Kim, three and a half years younger than him. Numerous uncles and aunts took on the bulk of Kurt's upbringing. As a child, Kurt loved to draw and received several awards at school competitions for your work. He became interested in music after Uncle Chuck, Cobain's mother's brother, took his two-year-old nephew to a rehearsal for the rock band in which he was a guitarist. Aunt Mary gives little Kurt records from The Beatles and The Monkees, and also gives him his first guitar lessons. While learning The Beatles songs, he devotes a lot of time to the Mickey Mouse children's drum kit. His mother recalled: “Kurt started singing very early. Even when I sent him to the store, he sang at the top of his voice along the way. The son rejoiced at every new day, he tried to avoid the company of other children and most spent time alone. True, later he even became too active.” At the age of approximately eight, he is accepted into the school band, where Kurt plays the guitar.

Over time, Kurt develops hyperactivity, which prevents him from communicating normally with his peers. Crucial moment The turning point in Cobain's life came when he was just 7 years old - his parents decided to get a divorce. This radically changes his character - he withdraws into himself, avoids other children, becomes depressed and often gets sick. “He became sullen,” Wendy recalls, “angry and sarcastic.” In addition, hyperactivity interferes with studying at school, since perseverance and concentration on a subject seems to be a very difficult task. Cobain, like many children of his generation, is being treated with the drug Ritalin. The insomnia caused by taking this drug forces him to take sleeping pills, which causes him to fall asleep in class.

In 1981, when Kurt Cobain turns 14, his uncle Chuck gives him a used electric guitar with a twenty-watt amp. After which the guitar becomes his favorite pastime. From that moment on, he spends a lot of time with Warren Mason, a friend of Uncle Chuck and a musician in his band. Warren Mason gives Kurt guitar lessons, after which he learns the rock 'n' roll band AC/DC's song "Back in Black" and tries to compose his own songs. His first attempt to create his own group with school friends Andy and Scott turns out to be a failure. After several unsuccessful rehearsals, disagreements arise in the group, as a result of which the guys abandon this idea.

In 1984, Kurt quit high school six months before graduation and decided not to study anymore. After several scandals, his mother kicked him out of the house. At first, Kurt slept either under the bridge over the Uishka River or in the cabs of trucks. At that time, Kurt was a fan of the Sex Pistols and The Clash, and managed to understand the ideology of punk well. Therefore, such a situation did not puzzle him, but on the contrary, he was proud of his position, which, in his opinion, made him a real punk rocker. In the summer, Kurt's company often held drinking parties, where they destroyed and broke everything around them. Once he was detained by the police, fined $180 and suspended for 30 days in prison for vandalism.

Kurt starts playing in the style of "three chords and a lot of screaming." According to Kurt, his first music "was like Led Zeppelin, only rougher, and I tried to make it as aggressive and angry as possible." His group, formed in 1985, had a characteristic name - Fecal Matter (since 1988 - Nirvana).


Kurt also listened Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, Sonic Youth, H.R. Puffnstuff, Marine Boy, Young Marble Giants, Slayer, Leadbelly, Iggy Pop, Scratch Acid.

Kurt Donald Cobain was born in February 1967 in Aberdeen, near Seattle.


Kurt Cobain had health problems since childhood. The performer was given several diagnoses, including manic-depressive psychosis, as a result of which he was forced to take psychostimulants. In his youth, Kurt became addicted to drugs, and this hobby grew into a full-fledged, stable addiction. This was also influenced by the fact that among Cobain’s relatives there were alcoholics and mentally ill people - the musician’s uncles on his father’s side committed suicide.

Embed from Getty Images Kurt Cobain with guitar

After experimenting with various drugs, Kurt Cobain switched to heroin. In 1993, a man suffered a severe overdose of this drug. A couple of weeks before his death, friends persuaded Kurt to undergo a rehabilitation course, from where the artist escaped the very next day.

The musician's body was discovered on April 8, 1994 in his own home. Electrician Gary Smith, who arrived at the Cobains to install an alarm, was the first to see Kurt dead. After ringing the doorbell several times, Smith went into the garage and went up to the greenhouse, where through the glass door he saw a man without signs of life. At first Smith thought someone was sleeping, but then he noticed blood and a gun.

Given the overdose incidents that had taken place, the police drew up a formal report, according to which the musician injected himself with an excessive dose of heroin and shot himself in the head with a gun. Near the body was found and suicide note, indicating suicide. The cause of death was named suicide. Fans are still convinced that Kurt Cobain’s death was faked, and the police’s assumption that the idol of millions shot himself is wrong.

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The deceased idol still haunts fans today. After the death of the musician, the directors presented a large number of paintings about his life and work. Viewers especially noted the film “Kurt and Courtney,” released in 1997. In this film, the authors tried to talk about the reasons for the death of the celebrity.

Subsequently, the film “The Last 48 Hours of Kurt Cobain” appeared, and in 2015 the documentary film “Cobain: Montage of Heck” was released. The last film turned out to be plausible, since members of the Nirvana group and Kurt’s relatives, who own unpublished materials, provided access to the creators of the film.

Trailer for the film "Cobain: Montage of Heck"

Thousands of fans expressed a desire to attend the funeral of their idol. On April 10, 1994, a public memorial service for Cobain took place. The singer's body was cremated, and the ashes were divided into three parts.

In 2013, information appeared in the media that the house in which the Nirvana leader grew up would be put up for sale. A similar decision was announced by the mother of the legendary musician.

After death especially popular acquired Kurt Cobain's diary, which contains letters and diary entries of the musician from 1980 until 1994.


Quotes and reflections American artist became as legendary as his songs.

“When I realized I wasn’t going to find someone like me, I just stopped making friends with people.”
“I never craved fame or anything like that. It just happened that way."
“All drugs are a waste of time. They destroy your memory, self-esteem, everything connected with self-esteem.”
“It’s better to be a sullen dreamer than a brainless party animal.”
“Let them hate me for what I am, let them love me for what I am not.”


Studio albums:

  • Bleach
  • Nevermind
  • In Utero

Live albums:

  • MTV Unplugged in New York
  • From the Muddy Banks of the Wishkah
  • Live at Reading

Kurt Donald Cobain (1965 –1994) is one of the famous musicians XX century, founder, vocalist and guitarist of the legendary rock band Nirvana.


The boy was born in 1965 in the small town of Aberdeen. His father was a mechanic. He repaired cars. The mother periodically changed her occupation, working as both a teacher and a waitress. In general, it was the most ordinary, unremarkable family.

However, this could not be said about the boy’s immediate relatives. His uncle (mother's brother) performed in the band The Beachcombers. My aunt was a talented touring guitarist. But greatest success his great-uncle achieved it. In his time he was a famous tenor.

Thanks to such an environment, the boy’s abilities did not go unnoticed. He was not yet three years old when he already enjoyed listening to music and performing songs The Beatles. For a long time this British group remained his favorite. Later he discovered many others that are legendary in our time.

Kurt grew up as a sociable and inquisitive boy. But everything changed when my parents divorced. He was only 9 years old, and his usual, established life had already collapsed.

At first the boy stayed with his mother, but then decided to live with his father. However new wife I didn’t find the last one with him common language, so Kurt changed his place of residence again and began to wander around visiting relatives.

The suicide of his beloved uncle was an even greater blow for Cobain than the breakup of his own family. Many believe that it significantly influenced the fate of the musician himself.

After graduating from school, Kurt for a long time rushed around in search of his corner and work until he found himself behind bars for drinking alcohol and illegally entering private territory.

The Birth of Nirvana

The first group created by Cobain in 1985 was called Fecal Matter. It lasted less than a year, but became an important step on the ladder to fame. It was Fecal Matter's recordings that attracted the attention of like-minded people to Kurt, who together with him founded new group and gave it to her beautiful name Nirvana

Already the first single, released in 1988, made it clear that future stars had appeared in the world. The album Bleach was a huge success, the number of fans of the group began to increase in geometric progression.

The second album, entitled Nevermind, was released in 1991. It was he who allowed the group to reach world stage. People started talking about Nirvana on all continents, and the group’s compositions topped the most prestigious charts. Kurt Cobain himself became an idol of an entire generation, who heard their own thoughts and ideas in his songs.

In 1993, Nirvana released their last studio album, In Utero. With this collection the team wanted to show that their music is not intended for the masses, but world fame, rather characteristic of pop culture, does not interest musicians. However, despite all plans, the album still went down in history.

Personal life

Despite the image created on stage, Cobain turned out to be loving husband and father. His acquaintance with Courtney Love led to the musicians' quick marriage. In 1992, their daughter was born. Her parents gave her the name Frances Bean.

Most Cobain fans never accepted Courtney. For them, she forever remained the woman who ruined the life of their idol, and then became the reason for his departure. Be that as it may, Kurt loved his wife and doted on his little daughter. Most likely, their family would have lived happily ever after if not for drugs. And not the addiction of both parents to them.

According to Courtney herself, she repeatedly tried to fight her husband’s addiction. However, many people close to them claim that she herself was far from white and not at all fluffy.

In March 1994, Kurt agreed to undergo another course of treatment for addiction, but his desire quickly dried up. On March 30, he went to a rehabilitation clinic, and two days later he ran away.


April 8, 1994 became a dark day for all fans of the artist. Kurt Cobain was found dead in his home's greenhouse. According to the official version, he died from a gunshot to the head. He shot himself, as evidenced by the discovered suicide note.

To this day, the musician’s fans claim that he could not commit suicide. However, nothing can be proven.

Kurt Cobain was cremated and his ashes were scattered over the river in hometown.

Kurt Cobain is an American rock musician and singer, songwriter, artist, lead singer of the cult rock band Nirvana. During his lifetime, he became a symbol of his generation, and Nirvana’s style influenced many now famous musicians.

Childhood and family

Kurt Cobain (Kurt Donald Cobain) was born on February 20, 1967 in Aberdeen, Washington, in poor family auto mechanic Donald Leland and housewife Wendy Elizabeth. Kurt had Scottish, English, Irish, German and French roots. In 1970, the boy had a sister, Kim (Kimberly).

According to relatives, at the age of two, Kurt showed an aptitude for music - even then he was singing with all his might The songs Beatles. Cobain later discovered the music of rock legends - AC/DC, Aerosmith, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Queen and Kiss.

He often went to rehearsals with his aunt and uncle, who performed in a country ensemble. At the age of seven, Aunt Marie Earl gave Kurt drum kit"Mickey Mouse".

When the boy was only 9 years old, his parents divorced. This had a very strong effect on him - he became gloomy and withdrawn, it seemed to him that the old world had collapsed before his eyes.

Cobain later admitted: “I was ashamed of my parents back then. Because of their divorce, I could not communicate normally with my classmates. I really wanted to have a regular one complete family with mother and father. I wanted that security and protection from them, and because I didn’t have that, I was angry at my parents for years.”

For some time, Kurt lived with his mother, but then moved in with his father. At this time, Kurt's uncle, whom the boy loved very much, committed suicide. Soon his father remarried, but Kurt was unable to get along with his stepmother and left his father. Then he began to live either with Donald’s parents or with relatives on his mother’s side.

At the age of 14, Kurt began learning to play the guitar. His first teacher was Warren Mason, a musician from the band The Beachcombers. Soon Kurt met members of the Aberdeen band Melvins. It was then that Cobain became interested in punk rock - his tastes were influenced by the famous British Sex Pistols, whose music he did not even hear at first, but only read about it in magazines. He was very interested in the description of the Sex Pistols' style as "little music and a lot of screaming", and he wanted to create something similar himself.

After graduating from school, Kurt wandered around a little, but then he finally got a job - for some time he worked as a cleaner in the hospital where he was born. On May 18, 1986, Kurt was arrested for trespassing and drinking alcohol. He served eight days in jail.

Birth of Nirvana

In 1985, Kurt Cobain formed the band Fecal Matter, which included bassist Dale Crover, drummer Greg Hokanson, and Kurt Cobain himself as vocalist and guitarist. A year later the team broke up. Kurt wanted to start a new band, so he started distributing the demo tape Fecal Matter. Guitarist Chris Novoselic, a friend of Kurt's, heard the recording.

The new team, which soon included a third member - drummer Aaron Burkhardt, changed several names, and as a result the choice was settled on Nirvana. In 1988, the group’s first single, “Love Buzz/Big Cheese,” was released, and in 1989, Nirvana’s first album, “Bleach,” went on sale.

In 1991, Nirvana's second album, Nevermind, appeared and literally hit the masses. This was not expected, and the musicians themselves did not really want it - the hype and admiration of the crowd were not part of the plans of the group defending its independent sound. The album sold 400,000 copies a week - such numbers were undreamed of by their colleagues, Sonic Youth, who collaborated with the same label. In 1992, “Nevermind” moved the album “Dangerous” by Michael Jackson himself onto the Billboard 200 chart.

Nirvana - "Smells Like Teen Spirit"

The main breakthrough of the album was the song “Smells Like Teen Spirit”, although initially the more melancholic, but no less explosive “Lithium” was planned to be released as the first single.

Cobain later admitted that he hated “Smells Like Teen Spirit” for the countless times he had to perform it in concert. Nevertheless, it was this song that literally became the anthem and protest of generation X, and the subsequent “Ys” and “Zs”. Kurt hated popularity even more - crowds of fans at concerts made him more and more uncomfortable, and the ridicule of connoisseurs of alternative music drove him crazy.

Nirvana - "Lithium"

Released in 1993 new album groups - “In Utero” with the popular songs"Heart-Shaped Box", "Rape Me", "All Apologies". Despite the fact that Nirvana tried to make the sound heavier in this record, the disc sold well, and the memorable compositions were a success among listeners.

Nirvana was for the most part an apolitical group, but Kurt often used their status to draw attention to issues such as homophobia, sexism, and racism. At some concerts, he staged improvisational performances, shocking the audience.

Nirvana - "About A Girl"

Despite the fact that many consider Nirvana to be the progenitors of the grunge genre, this is not entirely true. Kurt Cobain's band brought this genre into the mainstream of rock music, but its founding fathers can be called Soundgarden, Melvins and The U-Men. “Grunge” in English means “dirt”, “neglect”, “tear”, this style is characterized by dirty guitar sound, sound distortion, “lazy” vocals using wheezing and screaming.

Personal life of Kurt Cobain

Kurt Cobain met Courtney Love around 1989 or 1990 at a concert in Portland, where she was also performing with her band. In 1991, Courtney met Kurt again and they began an affair. In 1992, Kurt and Courtney got married on the Hawaiian island of Waikiki. At this time, Love was already pregnant, and on August 18, 1992, she gave birth to a girl, Frances Bean Cobain.

Shortly before the birth of her daughter, Courtney mentioned in an interview that she used heroin during pregnancy, but when she learned about her situation, she quit using drugs. She had no idea how such a confession would turn out for her: after the birth of Frances, a case was brought against the Cobains to deprive them of their parental rights. The trial lasted several months, as a result, the Cobains won the case, but were required to undergo regular drug tests. Kurt was deeply hurt by such suspicions, because he was a loving husband and caring father.

Drug addict

Cobain had poor health since childhood. He suffered from chronic bronchitis and severe pain in the stomach, which doctors could not diagnose. From the age of 13, Cobain used marijuana, smoked, took drugs and hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD. He started using heroin in the hope of getting rid of stomach pains, but they only became more frequent, and the drug quickly became an addiction.

On March 4, 1994, in Rome, Cobain nearly died from an overdose of Rohypnol. He took about fifty tablets, which he then washed down with champagne. Courtney found him unconscious and called ambulance. Then Kurt said that it was due to negligence, but many were sure that it was a suicide attempt.

On the 20th of March 1994, Cobain decided to undergo therapy at the Exodus rehabilitation center in California. On March 30, Kurt flew to Los Angeles to begin treatment. However, on April 1, he escaped from the hospital.

DeathThe true cause of Kurt Cobain's death is still unknown to anyone

After cremation, some of Cobain's ashes were scattered over the Wishka River in his native Aberdeen, and Courtney kept some for herself. An unofficial place of worship in memory of the singer is considered to be a memorial bench in Viretta Park, which is located near last home Cobain in Seattle. The greenhouse above the garage where Kurt's body was found was demolished in 1997 and the house was sold.

« Last days" (trailer)

In addition to numerous documentaries In 2005, Gus Van Sant dedicated the film “The Last Days” to him about the life and death of Kurt, in which Michael Pitt starred as the legendary musician.

Today we will talk about where Kurt Cobain was born and how he became famous. Many people still listen to the songs he performed as part of the Nirvana group. They are a reflection of his rebellious soul. Want to know how Kurt Cobain died? Are you interested in its details? personal life? You will find all the necessary information in the article.


Kurt Cobain was born on February 20, 1967 in the small town of Hoquaim, located near Seattle. Then the whole family changed their place of residence. They settled in the city of Aberdeen. Father (Leland) worked as a car mechanic at a service station. And the mother (Wendy) managed to change several professions. She was a waitress, a secretary, and a teacher at preschool institution. In 1979, Kurt had a little sister. The girl was named Kim.

Our hero with early years demonstrated Creative skills. What exactly did Kurt Cobain do? The boy composed songs literally on the go. He listened to songs by groups such as the Beatles and the Monkeys. As a child, Kurt was fond of drawing. On sheets of paper he depicted his favorite characters from Disney cartoons. A few years later it was added live music. Cobain Jr. tried playing the guitar. But he didn't do it well. Then Aunt Mary gave Kurt a drum set.

Hard fate

In 1975, our hero's parents divorce. Kurt's mother was tired because her husband did not devote time to her. He was more interested in baseball and basketball. The future rock star has a stepfather, whom Kurt immediately dislikes. At some point he decides to move in with his dad. But he is no longer alone. The man married for the second time. Kurt's stepmother had two children. And soon their baby together with Leland was born.

Our hero had to live either with his father or with his mother. In fact, his parents didn't need him. In moments of sadness and sadness, Kurt wrote poetry. He could only entrust his emotional experiences to paper.

Finding yourself

When the boy turned 14, his uncle gave him a guitar. And Kurt enjoyed learning to play this instrument. Then our hero became interested in this musical direction like a punk. In one of the newspapers, Kurt read an article about the Sex Pistols. He wanted to listen to their compositions. In the city of Aberdeen it was impossible to get records from performers of this level. The guy dreamed that one day he would create a group that would surpass the Sex Pistols in popularity.

Soon Kurt met members of the local musical group called Melvins. The guys played punk and hard rock. Cobain joined them, but not for long. Our hero dropped out of school without finishing 10th grade. This news infuriated his mother. She gave her son an ultimatum - either he gets a job, or he packs his things and leaves home. Kurt chose the second option. For some time the guy lived under the bridge. Under such conditions, he wrote several songs. Later quotes Kurt Cobain will be scattered around the world.


In 1985, our hero, together with Greg Hokanson and Dale Crover, created the band Fecal Matter. But after a few months the team was disbanded. Kurt didn't despair. Soon he managed to create a new group, called Nirvana. In 1989, the band released their first album, which gained enormous popularity among listeners. People started talking about Nirvana in many countries. The second record came out in millions of copies. It was a real success.

Personal life

Kurt has always been popular with girls. There is nothing surprising here. He had a good-looking appearance and natural charisma. Cobain Jr. did not seek a serious relationship. Our hero changed girlfriends like gloves. But one day his heart trembled.

In 1989, Kurt met Courtney Love. The guy and the girl immediately liked each other. But none of them dared to talk about relationships. It was only in 1990 that Nirvana drummer Dave Grohl did everything to bring this couple together. Kurt and Courtney began a whirlwind romance. The musician did not look at the other girls. After all, his chosen one was ideal - beautiful, smart and feminine.

In 1992, the wedding of Kurt and Courtney took place. The young people glowed with happiness. In addition, the bride at that time was in interesting position. In August 1992, the couple had a daughter, Frances. The musician could not stop looking at his little blood.

Drug addict

Many people know that the musician used heroin. However, Kurt Cobain's death was not due to drugs. He was treated several times for this destructive addiction. But heroin took over his mind.

In March 1994, Courtney Love sent her husband to a rehabilitation center. In a conversation with the doctor, Kurt claims that he no longer takes heroin. But the specialist does not believe his words. On April 1, the musician manages to escape from this institution.

Death of Kurt Cobain

For Nirvana fans, April 8, 1994 will forever be remembered as a terrible date. On this day the famous Kurt Cobain died. His mutilated body was discovered by an electrician. The scene is the musician's house in Seattle. The electrician immediately called the police. Specialists who arrived at the scene found the musician’s body. A gun lay nearby. Kurt Cobain's suicide note was also found. In it, the musician asked for forgiveness from his family and friends. He also wrote that he was leaving this life voluntarily.

So what resulted in the death of Kurt Cobain? The official version is suicide. Investigators concluded that the leader of the Nirvana group shot himself in the forehead with a gun.

But what reasons for suicide did the 27-year-old guy who built a brilliant musical career? To understand this, just study Kurt Cobain's quotes. Here is one of them: “It’s better to be dead than cool.” And there are many such examples.


The death of Kurt Cobain is shrouded in many secrets and oddities. After 20 years, it is unlikely that we will be able to get to the bottom of the truth. In any case, Nirvana fans love and remember this talented musician and performer.