Evgeny Onegin image of Tatyana Larina. The ideal image of the heroine in the novel "Eugene Onegin". Image of Tatyana Larina

The image of Tatyana in the novel “Eugene Onegin” by A.S. has conceptual significance. Pushkin. Firstly, because the poet in his work created the unique, unique character of the Russian woman. And secondly, this image embodied an important principle of Alexander Sergeevich - the principle of realistic art. In one of his articles, Pushkin explains and analyzes the reasons for the emergence of “literary monsters” with the appearance and development romantic literature which replaced classicism. Let's take a closer look at the image of Tatyana in the novel "Eugene Onegin".

Pushkin's main idea

The poet agrees that the image is not a moral teaching, but an ideal - The general trend contemporary literature is correct in its essence. But, according to Alexander Sergeevich, neither the past idea of ​​human nature as a kind of “cute pomposity”, nor today’s image of vice triumphant in the hearts are essentially deep-seated. Pushkin, thus, affirms new ideals in his work (stanzas 13 and 14 of the third chapter): according to the author’s plan, it is built primarily on love conflict the novel should reflect the most stable and characteristic features of a way of life that has been followed by several generations noble family in Russia.

Pushkin's heroes therefore speak in a natural language, their experiences are not monotonous and schematic, but multifaceted and natural. Describing the feelings of the characters in the novel, Alexander Sergeevich tests the veracity of the descriptions with life itself, relying on his own impressions and observations.

Contrast between Tatiana and Olga

Taking into account this concept of Alexander Sergeevich, it becomes clear how and why the image of Tatyana in the novel “Eugene Onegin” is compared with the character of another heroine, Olga, when the reader gets acquainted with the first. Olga is cheerful, obedient, modest, sweet and simple-minded. Her eyes are blue, like the sky, her curls are flaxen, her figure is light, yet she does not stand out in any way from a number of similar provincial young ladies in the novel “Eugene Onegin.” The image of Tatyana Larina is built on contrast. This girl is not as attractive in appearance as her sister, and the heroine’s hobbies and behavior only emphasize her originality and difference from the others. Pushkin writes that in her family she seemed like a strange girl, she was silent, sad, wild, timid, like a doe.

Name Tatyana

Alexander Sergeevich gives a note in which he indicates that names such as Thekla, Fedora, Filat, Agrafon and others are used among us only among common people. Then, in the author's digression, Pushkin develops this idea. He writes that the name Tatyana will sanctify the “tender pages” of this novel for the first time. It merged harmoniously with characteristic features the girl’s appearance, her character traits, manners and habits.

The character of the main character

Village world, books, nature, horror stories that are dark winter nights the nanny said - all these simple, sweet hobbies gradually form the image of Tatyana in the novel “Eugene Onegin”. Pushkin notes what was most dear to the girl: she loved to meet the “sunrise of dawn” on the balcony, to watch the dance of stars disappear on the “pale horizon.”

The books have played big role, shaping the feelings and views of Tatyana Larina. Novels replaced everything else for her, providing her with the opportunity to find her dreams, her “secret heat.” Passion for books, acquaintance with other, fantastic worlds that were filled with all kinds of colors of life, was not just entertainment for our heroine. Tatyana Larina, whose image we are considering, wanted to find in them what she could not find in real world. Perhaps that's why she suffered fatal mistake, the first failure in life is love for Eugene Onegin.

Perceiving the alien environment as contrary to her poetic soul, Tatyana Larina, whose image stands out among all others in the work, created her own illusory world where love, beauty, goodness, justice ruled. To complete the picture, only one thing was missing - a unique, only hero. Therefore, Onegin, shrouded in mystery, thoughtful, seemed to the girl the embodiment of her secret girlish dreams.

Tatiana's letter

Tatyana's letter, a touching and sweet declaration of love, reflects the entire complex range of feelings that gripped her restless, immaculate soul. Hence such a sharp, contrasting opposition: Onegin is “unsociable”, he is bored in the village, and the members of Tatyana’s family, although “simply happy” to have a guest, do not shine in any way. This is where the excessive praise of the chosen one comes from, conveyed, among other things, through the girl’s description of the indelible impression that she received at the first meeting with the hero: she always knew him, but fate did not give the lovers a chance to meet in this world.

And then came this wonderful moment of recognition, meeting. “I recognized it instantly,” writes Tatiana. For her, whom no one around her understands, and this brings suffering to the girl, Eugene is a deliverer, a savior, a handsome prince who will revive her and disenchant Tatiana’s unfortunate heart. It would seem that dreams have come true, but reality sometimes turns out to be so cruel and deceptive that it is impossible even to imagine.

Evgeniy's answer

The girl’s tender confession touches Onegin, but he is not yet ready to bear responsibility for other people’s feelings, fate, and hope. His advice is simple in everyday life, reflecting life experience accumulated by him in society. He urges the girl to learn to control herself, since inexperience leads to trouble and not everyone will understand her the way Eugene understood.

New Tatiana

This is just the beginning of the most interesting thing that the novel “Eugene Onegin” tells us about. Tatiana's image is significantly transformed. The girl turns out to be a capable student. She learned to “control herself” by overcoming mental pain. In the careless and stately, indifferent princess, it is now difficult to recognize that former girl - in love, timid, simple and poor.

Have Tatyana's life principles changed?

Is it fair to assume that if significant changes have occurred in Tatyana’s character, then life principles have the heroines also changed significantly? If we interpret Tatyana’s behavior in this way, then in this we will follow Eugene Onegin, who was inflamed with passion for this unapproachable goddess. Tatyana accepted the rules of this game that was alien to her, but her sincerity did not disappear, moral purity, inquisitive mind, directness, understanding of duty and justice, the ability to courageously, with dignity, meet and overcome difficulties that arise along the way.

The girl responds to Onegin’s confession that she loves him, but is given to another, and will be faithful to him forever. This simple words, but how much resentment, bitterness, heartache, suffering! The image of Tatyana in the novel is vital and convincing. He evokes admiration and sincere sympathy.

Tatyana's depth, height, and spirituality allowed Belinsky to call her a “genius.” Pushkin himself admired this image, created so skillfully. In Tatyana Larina, he embodied the ideal of a Russian woman.

We have considered this difficult and interesting image. Tatiana Onegina was not in the novel, and could not have been, according to Pushkin. The heroes' attitudes to life were too different.

The image of Tatyana Larina in the novel "Eugene Onegin" plays one of important roles. It contains Russian traditions and character that have developed over several centuries of the existence of the Russian nation. Distinctive features Russian soul – goodwill, devotion, patriotism, superstition and hospitality.

Tatyana grew up in the village. She was quiet child, did not like to play games with other children.

Tanya was attracted by nature: fields and meadows, forests, flowers, clear skies above her head. She liked the harsh winter with its frosts and snowstorms, like every Russian person. Since ancient times, Russians have firmly secured their status as people who love the winter season and celebrate various holidays during it.

“Tatiana (Russian soul,

Without knowing why)

With her cold beauty

I loved the Russian winter..."

Tatyana had a beloved nanny who replaced her mother. The nanny told her fairy tales and ancient legends, which Tanya believed in. Tatyana was superstitious, she believed in prophetic dreams, fortune telling and omens. This reflects the mystical side of the character of the Russian person.

“Tatiana believed the legends

Of common folk antiquity,

And dreams, and card fortune-telling,

And the predictions of the moon"

Tatiana grew up reading French novels.

She was thoughtful and calm, unlike her sister Olga, who was always cheerful and joyful. The author builds the relationship between the sisters on the basis of antithesis, which is why their images turned out to be so different. Tatyana was dreamy and poetic, she liked loneliness. Daydreaming is one of the traits of a Russian person that Tatyana possessed.

Having married an unloved man, Tatyana refused Onegin, whose feelings flared up when meeting Larina. Tanya still loved Evgeny, but understood that their union was impossible. She was faithful to her husband and could not destroy the marriage, even if she was unhappy in it. This shows the character of a Russian woman - devotion and respect for family ties.

“I love you (why lie?)

But I was given to someone else;

And I will be faithful to him forever"

A. S. Pushkin put into the image of Tatyana Larina the best traditions, character traits of a Russian person, which is why she was so sweet to the author. Any Russian person will recognize himself in her, will hear echoes of his soul, history and traditions of his country in Tatyana.

Updated: 2017-12-08

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Tatyana Larina symbolizes the image of a Russian girl. It is difficult to understand the soul of a Russian without being a Russian. It is Tatyana who appears before us as a symbol of the mysterious Russian soul.

From childhood she was distinguished by her difference from others. Her originality, sometimes wildness, seems to some like pride, affectation. But that's not true. A gentle disposition, but strength of character is manifested and even more emphasized against the background of his sister Olga. It would seem that a young girl in a noble family could be worried. Are deep thoughts, the ability to reason and analyze inherent in such a greenhouse environment? Lightness and carelessness should have become her companions, but everything turned out differently. The desire for study and self-development made the girls strong in character, deeply thinking, and empathetic. Frequent solitudes contributed to deep immersion and self-knowledge.

The first feeling that washed over Tatyana absorbed her completely. She was ready to meet love. Reading novels contributed to this. And now, the image of a man who matched her fictional character, appeared in reality.

Tatyana, clean and open man, went towards the feeling. She accepted it and decided to take a difficult but necessary step - recognition.

Having overcome her maiden pride, she dared to take the first step. What did she get in return? Condescension on the part of the brilliant Onegin towards a provincial girl, a humane act of refusal. First love often breaks young hearts. But this defeat made Tatyana stronger. The feeling did not fade away, but only hid somewhere in the depths of my soul. Nothing could stop her from loving Evgeniy, neither his indifference, nor cruelty, nor cynicism, nor the murder of Lensky. You cannot love for something, you can love in spite of it. Only then is it love.

Tatyana is a sensual but proud person. She did not humiliate herself and ask for Onegin’s love. She tried to move away and forget. Only she herself knows what was going on in her soul, what kind of struggle was raging between her mind and her heart. Reason allowed a provincial savage girl to turn into a sedate lady, the owner of a salon. An unloved husband cannot doubt his wife’s tenderness and fidelity even for a second.

The power of love, its beauty is most colorfully revealed in tragedy. Tatyana is not destined to be with Onegin. Love is alive in her heart, and perhaps has only intensified over time. But, alas. A sacrifice of love for the sake of honor and the promised oath at the altar.

Appearance, habits of the heroine

Tatyana Larina is the main female character in the novel Eugene Onegin. Belinsky called the novel “an encyclopedia of Russian life.” The image of Tatyana, like the images of other heroes, was typical for Russia in the 20-30s. 19th century But Tatyana is a living woman with a unique strong character. Her actions, dictated by internal logic and circumstances, turn out to be unexpected even for the author: “My Tatiana got weird”.

Tatiana is not like younger sister Olga, a cheerful beauty. The elder sister does not attract the eye with either beauty or freshness. In addition, she is uncommunicative and unkind: “Wild, sad, silent, like a timid forest deer”.

Tatyana does not resemble a traditional folklore, hard-working girl: she does not do embroidery, does not play with dolls, and is not interested in fashion and outfits. Doesn't like girls “playing and jumping in a crowd of children”, run to the burners ( outdoor game), does not play pranks or play pranks.

Tatyana loves scary stories, is thoughtful, and watches the sunrise on the balcony. Since childhood, she has been inclined to escape reality into the world of dreams, imagining herself as the heroine of the novels of Richardson and Rousseau: "She fell in love with deceptions".

Character and its origins, character development

Tatyana grew up in the village and was a neighbor on the estate of Evgeniy Onegin. Her parents kept the old patriarchal way of life. It is said about the father that he was late in the past century. This is probably why Tatyana received such an exotic name, with which she is inseparable “memory of antiquity or maidenhood”. In her youth, Tatiana’s mother was fond of the same novels that she later read eldest daughter. In the village of the husband to whom Tatyana's mother was not given for love, she, in the end, “I got used to it and became happy”, having forgotten novel hobbies. The couple lived, keeping "Habits of a dear old man".

Tatiana is cut off from her environment. On the one hand, she - “Russian in soul, without knowing why”. Pushkin, according to the laws of realism, reveals why Tatyana is like this. She lived in "the wilderness of a forgotten village", raised by a nanny, "heart friend", in the atmosphere "legends of common folk antiquity". But the nanny, whose prototype was Pushkin’s nanny, does not understand Tatyana’s feelings.

On the other hand, Tatyana was brought up on foreign novels, “I didn’t speak Russian well”. She writes a letter to Onegin in French because “explained herself with difficulty in her native language”.

The novel traces the change in the life of Tanya, who was brought to the capital by her mother and liked "important general". Everything that happens in St. Petersburg is alien to her: “The excitement of the world hates; it’s stuffy here... she dreams of life in the field.”.

Onegin fell in love with a completely different Tatiana, not a timid girl, poor and simple in love, but an indifferent princess, the unapproachable goddess of the luxurious, royal Neva, "legislator hall". But internally Tatyana remains the same: “Everything was quiet, it was just there”. Dignity and nobility were added to simplicity. The heroine's appearance also changes. No one would call her beautiful, but her sophistication could not be overshadowed by the first beauty of St. Petersburg.

Onegin does not recognize the old Tatiana. She is indifferent, brave, calm, free, stern. There is no coquetry in Tatyana, which “does not tolerate high society”, confusion and compassion. She doesn't look like the girl who wrote “a letter where the heart speaks, where everything is outside, everything is free”.

The relationship between Tatyana and Onegin is the main plot line of the novel

After Onegin, who arrived in his village, visited the Larins, they began to propose him as Tatyana’s groom. She fell in love with Onegin simply because "the time has come". But, brought up in a healthy popular atmosphere, Tatyana is waiting Great love, the only betrothed.

Onegin taught Tatyana the most important lesson in life, which she learned well: "Learn to control yourself". He acted nobly, but Pushkin sympathizes with Tatyana: “Now I’m shedding tears with you”, - and foresees her death at the hands of "fashion tyrant"(Onegin).

The lesson that Tatyana gives Onegin, having become a society lady, in turn, consists of the same wisdom: you cannot be "feelings of a petty slave". This should be preferred "cold, stern talk". But Onegin and Tatyana have different motives. He was never able to become « natural person» , as Tatyana has always been. For her, life in the world is hateful, it "masquerade rags". Tatyana deliberately doomed herself to such a life, because when she got married, for her “all the lots were equal”. And although the first love still lives in the heroine, she sincerely and confidently remains faithful to her husband. Onegin does not fully realize that his love is excited by the desire to be noticed in society, to have "seductive honor".

  • “Eugene Onegin”, a summary of the chapters of Pushkin’s novel
  • “Eugene Onegin”, analysis of the novel by Alexander Pushkin

In his novel “Eugene Onegin,” A.S. Pushkin recreated all the ideas about the ideal Russian girl, creating the image of Tatyana, who was his favorite heroine. He conveys the idea that a Russian girl should be sincere, with a rich spiritual world, selfless.

The reader first meets Tatyana at her parents' estate. Since childhood, she was distinguished by her calmness and thoughtfulness. In this way, the girl was not like other children, and even with her sister they were not at all similar in character, children's pranks did not attract her, she preferred to be alone with herself. It is not for nothing that Pushkin compares Tatyana to a forest deer, who is wary of everything and prefers to hide. She loved books, because since childhood her nanny read fairy tales and legends to her, and since her parents’ estate was located far from the bustle of the city, Tatyana was very fond of nature.

Tatyana is not noticeable external beauty, but because she is very natural, thoughtful and dreamy. It is difficult for her to find a person who understands her inner world.

Having matured, Tatyana is really looking forward to great love, therefore, having met Onegin, she immediately falls in love with him. He attracts her with his mystery. Love consumes Tatyana, she cannot find a place for herself, therefore, she decides to tell Evgeniy about her feelings. Pushkin sheds tears together with Tatyana, because he knows that this story will end sadly.

Naive Tatiana sincerely hopes that her feelings are reciprocated, but Onegin rejects her feelings. Tatyana's letter touched him very much, but big feelings it did not awaken in him. He says that even if he falls in love with Tatyana, he will stop loving her, because he will quickly get used to the fact that she is around. And Tatyana continues to love him.

Later Tatyana gets married and becomes famous in the world. She ceased to be a naive girl, she grew spiritually, but she did not lose the main thing. Although Tatyana’s appearance has changed, inside she remains just as natural and simple. When she meets Onegin again, she does not betray her feelings in any way. She behaves reservedly and sternly with him, although she still loves him very much. She cries when she reads his letter because happiness is so close, but now she has a husband to whom she will be faithful.

Essay about Tatyana Larina with quotes

“I’m writing to you, what more…” - every schoolchild probably knows these lines. But only a young girl will sigh languidly, remembering the heroine of her favorite novel. Tatyana Larina is the embodiment of simplicity and modesty.

How inconspicuously, but tastefully, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin compares two sisters: Tatyana and Olga.

Olga is open, flirtatious, graceful and beautiful. It is worth noting that it is with this sister that the author begins his story. And only then, as if by the way, he says: “her sister was called Tatyana.” Here, the creator finally draws attention to the young lady, who was not distinguished by her beauty and freshness of eyes.

It is interesting that Pushkin does not write a word about the appearance of Tatyana herself. The reader does not know how she is built, what color her eyes are. The reader only imagines in his imagination a girl completely opposite to the beautiful Olga. But this is no worse, because at the very beginning of the novel Olga does not give the impression of a well-mannered girl.

“She seemed like a stranger in her own family” - probably, it is after this phrase that the reader develops a greater disposition towards the girl who did not know happiness in her own family.

As you can see, another misfortune appears on the girl’s path. Eugene Onegin. The first naive real feelings force the girl, without thinking, to write a letter to her chosen one. Oh, how wrong this was for a girl of that time. And yet, the letter captivates the reader with touching speeches, silent prayer, love that is read between the lines.

“I am writing to you...” - the first line of the letter describes her seemingly humiliating position as accurately as possible. It’s not for nothing that when reading, you should put logical emphasis on the first word. It was she who dared to do this. Probably, Tatyana thought that this would quickly win Evgeniy’s affection towards her. How did she miscalculate? Rejected by her boyfriend, she was soon forced to marry someone else.

It is impossible to separate Tatiana and Evgeniy in this work, since only with the passage of time did he perhaps realize the irony of the situation that happened so long ago. And how the years change dear Tatiana. In public, she behaves gracefully and proudly. Her gaze reveals the femininity that has come to her over the years. There is still no coquetry, no affectation, no desire to please. However, Evgeny no longer needs this. But throwing himself at Tatyana’s feet, the hero hears everyone famous phrase: "I love you. (Why lie?) But I was given to another; I will be faithful to him forever."

This is how the love story that changed Russian classics forever ended.

Option 3

A.S. Pushkin - artist female images V XIX literature century. Portraits of contemporaries are found in almost every work of the writer. The search for the female ideal for Pushkin is one of the leading themes in his works.

One of Pushkin's most beautiful heroines - Tatiana Larina from the novel "Eugene Onegin". The author embodied the true ideal of a girl in this image. The beauty of the Russian soul, moral principles, the ability to love - all are intertwined with thin threads in the girl’s characteristics.

In the very external description Tatiana feels Russian. Despite noble origin, the village way of life is close to her. No social balls or the luxury of St. Petersburg can replace for her the silence of the forest, the sunrise, and harmony with nature. Larina herself is like a “fearful doe”; she is silent, wild, and sad.

Growing up on the estate, she absorbed in herself from childhood national character through fairy tales, folk songs, traditions and beliefs. The proof is the heroine’s belief in dreams. Filipyevna is for Tatyana, like nanny Arina Radionovna is for the poet, an inexhaustible spring folk wisdom. With her mother's milk, the heroine absorbed a sense of duty and decency; for her, the concept of good and evil is clearly delineated.

Tatyana is far from stupid; the author has endowed her with a bright personality. She is not like city noble girls; there is no feigned coquetry or stupid affectation in her. Her love for Onegin is sincere and for life. She opens up to him in a purely feminine way through a letter. Only in it can she openly talk about her feelings. The touching nature of the confession once again emphasizes the sensitive nature of the heroine. Pushkin loves his heroine, he “sheds tears” with her, knowing about the participation prepared for her.

Rejected by Evgeny, Tatyana finds the strength to move on with her life. The author shows us a different Larina. The girl got married, her intellectual development and strict upbringing easily allowed her to become a real society lady. Having met Evgeniy, Tatyana highly and arrogantly denies him love. The feeling is long above the love still remaining in the soul. Pushkin shows the heroine growing up, but in her soul she is still the same pure and sincere girl. High society has not spoiled her individuality; she does not strive to appear better than she really is. Human values everyone also remains the highest law for the heroine.

Having now received a letter from Onegin declaring his love for her, she does not condemn him. Love has not passed through her heart and happiness is close, but there is a sense of honor and duty. For Larina it is more important than her own happiness.

More than one generation of young girls grew up on the image of Pushkin’s Tatiana. Strong in spirit, faithful at heart - she has always served and serves as an example of the boundless purity of the fair sex of humanity.

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