Synopsis of a lesson in geography on the topic: “Natural complex of the Azov Sea. Practical work: “Drawing up a navigation guide for the Azov Sea.” Ecological state of Russian seas

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TARGET: to form an idea of ​​the diversity of natural conditions of the PTC of the seas of Russia (using the example of the White and Azov seas).


I. Educational.

  • Introduce students to the reasons for the diversity of the PTC of the seas.
  • Determine the similarities and differences between the PTC of the White and Azov Seas.
  • Expand knowledge about natural complexes.

II. Developmental.

  • Improve the ability to work with literary sources.
  • Develop the ability to analyze, generalize and draw conclusions.

III. Educational.

EQUIPMENT: atlas 8-9 grades, textbook, cards with tasks for consolidating the studied material, multimedia presentation, “Traveller's Diary” Application.

METHODS: Explanatory and illustrative, problem presentation, partially search, research.

TYPE OF LESSON for the main didactic goal: learning new material.

TYPE OF LESSON, based on imitation of activities: lesson-journey.

INTRA-SUBJECT RELATIONS: theme “Geographical position of Russia” and “Seas washing the shores of Russia.”


I. Organizational moment.


Today our lesson is not easy:
Open, festive and groovy.
I invite you on a journey
I wish you good luck in the lesson.

II. Learning new material.

Updating knowledge.

  • Define the concept of PTC? (PTK - Natural-territorial complex is a natural combination of interconnected components of nature in a certain territory).
  • List the components of the PTC. ( climate, rocks, living organisms, inland waters, etc.).
  • How are the components in the PTC interconnected? (exchange of matter and energy).
  • Give examples of PTC? (geographical envelope, seas, natural areas, fascia, etc.).
  • What kind of PTC are we talking about (riddle)?
    There is water all around, but drinking is a problem. (sea)
  • What do you think is the topic of our lesson? (sea, like large PTK). (slide 1).

Teacher: Today in the lesson we will travel the seas of Russia and the epigraph of the lesson will be the following poem.

Russia is a maritime power.
She in storm winds
She held her canvas sail
Even before the acts of Peter.
P.S. Komarov

  • Why is Russia called a maritime power? (Russia is washed by a large number of seas).
  • How long does the sea wash the territory of Russia? (12 seas of the World Ocean and the Caspian Sea, which belongs to the internal closed basin).
  • Name and show these seas on the map. (working with an atlas map and a map on the screen). (slide 2).
  • What will the seas be like in terms of basic indicators (temperature, salinity, depth, organic matter)? (different).

Teacher: During the lesson we will solve the problem “Why is the territory of Russia washed by various natural conditions seas".

(teacher announces the goals and objectives of the lesson) ( slide 3).

Teacher: Guys, you will travel through two seas, the White and Azov, and explore their natural conditions. ( slide 4).

  • What will you take on your trip? (on research vessels).

Teacher: Let's build research ships (students make boats out of paper and give them a name. The work can be done with musical accompaniment).

Because today we are exploring the diversity of natural conditions of the two seas, then those who built the boat white– explores natural conditions White Sea, A blue color– Sea of ​​Azov.

  • From which locality will we set off on a journey through the White and Azov Seas? (working with atlas maps). ( slide 4).

Teacher: During the exploration of the seas, we will fill out the traveler’s diary, namely the table in the diary.

1. Features of the nature of the White and Azov Seas (filling out the table; working with atlas maps, textbook text and additional literature; solving a problematic issue in the form of a heuristic conversation, conversation with elements of explanation).

Features of the nature of the White and Azov Seas (slides 5 – 15)

Name of the sea
White Sea Sea of ​​Azov
1. Which ocean does the pool belong to? Arctic Atlantic
2. Sea area in square meters. km. 90 thousand 39 thousand
3. The position of the sea relative to the ocean. internal internal
4. Coastline (ruggedness, presence of bays).

Mezenskaya Bay,

Dvinskaya Bay,

Onega Bay,

Kandalaksha Bay.

The coastline is heavily indented.

Sivash Bay,

Taganrog Bay.

5. Sea depth:

a) average in (m);

60 7
b) maximum in (m). 340 15
6. Salinity in (0 / 00)

(Creation problematic situation)

20 - 30 11 - 12
7. Water temperature, 0 C; - 1,6 0
b) summer. 6 - 15 23
8. Biological resources. Belukha, harp seal. Cod, smelt, herring, salmon.

Scallop, mussels.

Starfish, sponges.


Azov perkarina, pike perch, ruff, bream, herring. Cornerot (jellyfish), brachinotus crab, polychaete nereis. Enteromorph algae.
Eye exercises
9. Environmental problems. Decrease in species diversity, extermination of seals, pollution with oil products and heavy metals. Decrease in species diversity, increase in salinity, pollution with oil products and fertilizers.

Problematic situation.

Teacher: The salinity of the waters of the World Ocean depends mainly on the ratio of precipitation and evaporation, which vary depending on geographic latitude. Following this pattern, we can assume that salinity in the White Sea should be lower than in the Sea of ​​Azov. We have determined that in the Sea of ​​Azov the salinity is lower than in the White Sea. What is the reason for this phenomenon?

  • What factors affect salinity? (number of inflowing rivers, latitude, evaporation, etc.)
  • Will the width of the strait between neighboring seas affect salinity? (Yes).
  • Determine the width of the strait between the White and Barents Seas. (The strait is wide).
  • Determine the width of the strait between the Azov and Black Seas. (The strait is narrow).
  • What conclusion can be drawn? (Less water flows into the Sea of ​​Azov through the narrow Kerch Strait salty waters from the Black Sea, and to the White Sea through the wide Strait of Gorlo from Barents Sea more salt water comes in. Thus, the salinity of the seas is also affected by the width of the strait between neighboring seas.)

After filling out the table, students draw a conclusion.

Teacher: The journey is coming to an end, as we found out during the study of natural conditions. What are the similarities and differences between the seas? (slide 16).

a) similarities: inland seas, heavily indented coastline, similar environmental problems.

b) features of difference: area, depth, salinity, temperature, biological resources.

2. Reasons for the diversity of seas (conversation).

  • What are more similarities or differences? (differences).
  • What are the reasons for the differences between the two seas of Russia? (solution to the problem posed at the beginning of the lesson)
  • Why is Russia washed by seas with different natural conditions?

The following factors influence the diversity of natural conditions of the seas. (slide 17).

  • geographical position;
  • climatic conditions;
  • history of the origin and development of the seas;

III. Consolidation of the studied material. (slide 18).

a) Choose one correct answer and insert the letter of the correct answer into the matrix. (maximum rating “5”)

1. Local name for the bays of the White Sea.

B) gate.

2. Beluga lives in;

O) the Black Sea;

P) Sea of ​​Azov;

R) White Sea.

3. The White Sea belongs to the basin:

A) Arctic Ocean;

B) Atlantic Ocean;

IN) Pacific Ocean.

4. The shallowest sea in Russia.

A) Caspian;

B) Azov.

4. Pike perch, ruff lives in:

O) Sea of ​​Azov;

P) White Sea.

b) Cards. (additional tasks for those who complete the first task).

Reflection. The children express their opinions about the lesson using figures.

VI. Homework. (slide 19).

a) Paragraph 22. Answer the questions at the end of the paragraph.

b) Oral answer to the following question.

A commercial species of algae, sugar kelp, grows in the White Sea. What are the consequences of excessive harvesting of algae by humans?

V. Summing up the lesson and grading work in class.

The Azov Sea has become slightly shallow,
The White Sea turned a little black,
And not even scientists know
Call him white or black?
But isn't it time to get back to order?
We don't need soft-boiled geography.

We studied salinity, resources,
The depths were measured, we followed the exact course,
All the necessary facts were written down in the diary.
We drew up a conclusion, a charter, and rested.
There were obstacles on our way
But together we were able to get around them,
It's so interesting to read books
And learn a lot of new things.

Slide 20.


  1. Barinova, I. I. Geography of Russia. Nature. 8th grade / I. I. Barinova. – M.: Bustard, 2011. – 288 p.
  2. Zhizhina, E. A. Lesson developments in geography. 8th grade / E. A. Zhizhina. – M.: VAKO, 2005. – 349 p.


Vast spaces of Russia are washed by a number of seas with different natural conditions, located mainly along the periphery Russian territory. Together with natural features, economic activities in marine and coastal spaces shape the ecological state of the sea, that is, environmental conditions that are real in time and space. They are not constant in time and space, which causes variability in the ecological state of the sea.

My theme thesis is the ecological state of the Russian seas. Recent decades have been marked by increased anthropogenic impacts on marine ecosystems as a result of pollution of the seas and oceans. The distribution of many pollutants has become local, regional and even global. Therefore, pollution of the seas and their biota has become the most important problem countries, and the need to protect the marine environment from pollution is dictated by the requirements of rational use of natural resources. No one will dispute the advisability of protecting the seas and the life developed in it from the harm that waste emissions can cause. Because of this, the chosen topic of work is currently very relevant.

The purpose of the work is to comprehensively characterize the ecological state sea ​​waters Russia. The main objectives are:

1) Consideration of the seas of Russia as large natural complexes, highlighting their main properties;

2) Determination of the main substances polluting sea waters and the sources of their entry into the sea;

3) Analysis of the current ecological state of the seas of Russia (the basins of the Atlantic, Arctic and Pacific oceans, as well as the Caspian sea-lake);

4) Assessment of the environmental consequences of sea water pollution, clarification of the main protection measures and methods of controlling sea pollution.

The structure of the thesis corresponds to the assigned tasks. The material is presented in three main chapters.

The first chapter gives an idea of ​​the seas washing the shores of Russia as large natural complexes.

The second chapter reflects an analysis of the current ecological state of the seas of Russia (as well as a description of the main pollutants and sources of their entry into sea waters).

The third chapter is devoted environmental consequences sea ​​pollution, as well as the problem of protecting the seas from pollution.

In preparing the thesis, various sources of information were used - literature, periodicals, statistical data, cartographic materials, resources of the global Internet information network (there are links in the text).

> The seas of Russia as large natural complexes

The territory of our country is washed by thirteen seas: 12 seas of the world ocean and the Caspian Sea, which belongs to the internal closed basin (Fig. 1). These seas are very diverse both in natural conditions and in natural resources, and according to the degree of their knowledge and mastery.

Figure 1. Seas of Russia

Total area of ​​territorial waters and exclusive economic zone Russia is about 7 million square kilometers.

Area of ​​continental shelf under jurisdiction Russian Federation- about 5 million square kilometers, which is about 1/5 of the shelf area of ​​the World Ocean.

The Far Eastern Marine Reserve is the only reserve in Russia, founded in 1978. as exclusively marine. In addition to it, marine nature is protected in 8 more reserves and 2 sanctuaries Far East, 2 Arctic reserves, 2 reserves and 1 reserve in the Barents and White Seas and 2 reserves in the Caspian Sea (see Appendix 1).

The seas of Russia have a number of unique features:

· The Barents, Bering and Okhotsk seas are among the most productive seas in the world, and the productivity of the West Kamchatka shelf is the highest in the world and amounts to about 20 t/km².

· In the Far Eastern seas of Russia, stocks of commercial species with global significance: pollock, Pacific salmon, Kamchatka crab.

· Significantly larger cod stocks (compared to the North Atlantic) remain in Arctic and Pacific waters.

· IN Russian seas- the world's highest diversity of sturgeon and salmon fish.

· The most important migration routes of marine mammals and birds of the northern hemisphere pass along the coast of the Russian seas.

· Unique ecosystems have been discovered in the Russian seas: the relict ecosystem of Lake Mogilnoye, relict ecosystems of kelps in the Arctic (Chaunskaya Bay), shallow hydrothermal communities in the bays of the Kuril Islands.

The seas of the Arctic Ocean are located within the continental shallows (shelf). Their depth rarely exceeds 200 m, and their salinity is below oceanic. The coastline is very indented. Almost everyone's climate northern seas very harsh, with the only exception being the Barents Sea, which receives the waters of the warm North Atlantic Current.

Most seas are covered with ice for 8-10 months.

The Northern Sea Route, an important transport route for Russia, passes through the seas of the Arctic Ocean. This is the shortest way from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok.

The Barents Sea is a marginal water area of ​​the Arctic Ocean on the border with the Atlantic Ocean, between the northern coast of Europe in the south and the Vaigach Islands, New Earth, Franz Josef Land in the east, Spitsbergen and Bear Island in the west (Fig. 2). The sea area is 1424 thousand km², depth is up to 600 m. The sea is located on the continental shelf. The southwestern part of the sea does not freeze in winter due to the influence of the North Atlantic Current. The southeastern part of the sea is called the Pechora Sea.

Figure 2. Barents Sea

In the West it borders with the Norwegian Sea basin, in the South with the White Sea, in the East with Kara Sea, in the north - with the Arctic Ocean. The area of ​​the Barents Sea located east of Kolguev Island is called the Pechora Sea. The shores of the Barents Sea are predominantly fjord, high, rocky, and heavily indented.

The salinity of the surface layer of water in the open sea throughout the year is 34.7-35.0 ppm in the southwest, 33.0-34.0 in the east, and 32.0-33.0 in the north. IN coastal strip sea ​​salinity in spring and summer drops to 30-32, by the end of winter it increases to 34.0-34.5.

The climate of the Barents Sea is influenced by the warm Atlantic Ocean and the cold Arctic Ocean. Frequent intrusions of warm Atlantic cyclones and cold Arctic air determine great variability of weather conditions. In winter, southwestern winds prevail over the sea, and in spring and summer, northeastern winds. Storms are frequent. average temperature air in February varies from?25°C in the north to?4°C in the southwest. The average temperature in August is 0°C, 1°C in the north, 10°C in the southwest. Cloudy weather prevails over the sea throughout the year.

The influx of warm Atlantic waters determines relatively high temperature and salinity in the southwestern part of the sea. Here in February - March the water temperature on the surface is 3°C, 5°C, in August it rises to 7°C, 9°C. North of 74° N. w. and in the southeastern part of the sea in winter the water temperature on the surface is below? 1°C, and in the summer in the north 4°C, 0°C, in the southeast 4°C, 7°C. In summer in coastal zone a surface layer of warm water 5-8 meters thick can warm up to 11-12°C.

The Barents Sea is rich various types fish, plant and animal plankton and benthos. Seaweed is common along the southern coast. Of the 114 species of fish living in the Barents Sea, 20 species are the most commercially important: cod, haddock, herring, sea bass, catfish, flounder, halibut, etc. Mammals include: polar bear, seal, harp seal, beluga whale, etc. . Seal fishing is underway. Bird colonies abound on the coasts (guillemots, guillemots, kittiwake gulls). In the 20th century, the Kamchatka crab was introduced, which was able to adapt to new conditions and begin to reproduce intensively.

The seas of the Pacific Ocean wash the eastern shores of Russia from Chukotka to Vladivostok. They are separated from the ocean by archipelagos of islands, but freely communicate with it through numerous straits.

These seas are distinguished by significant depth - from 2500 to 4000m.

The Bering Sea is a sea in the north of the Pacific Ocean, separated from it by the Aleutian and Commander Islands; The Bering Strait connects it to the Chukchi Sea and the Arctic Ocean. The Bering Sea washes the shores of Russia and the United States. In winter it is covered with ice.

Area 2.304 million km². The average depth is 1600m, the maximum is 4773m. The air temperature over the water area is up to +7, +10°C in summer and -1, -23°C in winter. Salinity 33-34.7 ppm.

The Sea of ​​Okhotsk is part of the Pacific Ocean, separated from it by the Kamchatka Peninsula, the Kuril Islands and the island of Hokkaido (Fig. 3). The sea washes the shores of Russia and Japan.

Figure 3. Sea of ​​Okhotsk

Area 1.603 million km². Average depth 1780m maximum depth 3521m. West Side The sea has shallow depth and is located on the continental shelf. In the eastern part there is the Kuril Basin, where the depth is maximum.

From October to May-June, the northern part of the sea is covered with ice. The southeastern part practically does not freeze.

The coast in the north is strongly indented; in the northeast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk its largest bay is located - Shelikhov Bay.

The Sea of ​​Japan is a sea that is part of the Pacific Ocean and is separated from it Japanese islands and the island of Sakhalin. It washes the shores of Russia, Korea, Japan, and the DPRK. In Korea, the Sea of ​​Japan is called " East Sea" A branch of the warm Kuroshio Current enters in the south.

Area 1.062 million km². The greatest depth is 3742m. The northern part of the sea freezes in winter.

The Atlantic Ocean basin includes the Baltic, Black and Azov seas, connected to the ocean through neighboring seas and narrow straits.

The Black Sea is an inland sea of ​​the Atlantic Ocean. The Bosphorus Strait connects with the Sea of ​​Marmara, then, through the Dardanelles Strait, with the Aegean and Mediterranean seas(Fig. 4). The Kerch Strait connects with the Sea of ​​Azov. From the north it cuts deep into the sea Crimean peninsula. The water border between Europe and Asia Minor runs along the surface of the Black Sea.

Figure 4. Black and Azov Seas

Area 422,000 km² (according to other sources - 436,400 km²). The outline of the Black Sea resembles an oval with the longest axis about 1150 km. The greatest length of the sea from north to south is 580 km. The greatest depth is 2210m, the average is 1240m.

The sea washes the shores of Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey and Georgia. On the northeastern coast of the Black Sea there is an unrecognized public education Abkhazia.

A characteristic feature of the Black Sea is the complete (with the exception of a number of anaerobic bacteria) absence of life at depths above 150-200 m due to the saturation of the deep layers of water with hydrogen sulfide.

The Sea of ​​Azov is the northeastern side basin of the Black Sea, with which it is connected by the Kerch Strait (Fig. 4). This is the shallowest sea in the world, its depth does not exceed 15 meters.

Its greatest length is 343 km, its greatest width is 231 km; length coastline 1472km; surface area - 37605 km². (this area does not include islands and spits, which occupy 107.9 sq. km).

By morphological characteristics it belongs to the flat seas and is a shallow body of water with low coastal slopes. In terms of distance from the ocean to the mainland, the Sea of ​​Azov is the most continental sea on the planet.

In terms of biological productivity, the Sea of ​​Azov ranks first in the world. The most developed are phytoplankton and benthos. Hydrochemical features Sea of ​​Azov are formed primarily under the influence of the abundant influx of river water (up to 12% of water volume) and difficult water exchange with the Black Sea.

The salinity of the sea before the regulation of the Don was three times less than the average salinity of the ocean. After the creation of the Tsimlyansky hydroelectric complex, the salinity of the sea began to increase (up to 13 ppm in the central part). Average seasonal fluctuations in salinity values ​​rarely reach 1%.

During the 20th century, almost all more or less large rivers flowing into the Sea of ​​Azov were blocked by dams to create reservoirs. This has led to a significant reduction in discharge fresh water and mud in the sea.

The Baltic Sea (from antiquity until the 18th century in Russia was known as the “Varangian Sea”) is an inland marginal sea that protrudes deeply into the mainland (Fig. 5). The Baltic Sea is located in northern Europe, belongs to the Atlantic Ocean basin.

Figure 5. Baltic Sea

Area: 415 thousand km². Depth: average - 52m, maximum - 459m. The Baltic Sea is rich in seafood, in addition, there are oil reserves, in particular, the D-6 field is being developed (territorial waters of the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation)

The Caspian Sea is the largest lake on Earth, located at the junction of Europe and Asia and called a sea because of its size. The Caspian Sea is an endorheic lake, and the water in it is salty, from 0.05 ‰ near the mouth of the Volga to 11-13 ‰ in the southeast. The water level is subject to fluctuations; currently it is approximately 28 m below the level of the World Ocean. The area of ​​the Caspian Sea at present is approximately 371,000 km², the maximum depth is 1025 m (Fig. 6).

Figure 6. Caspian Sea

The seas of Russia are of great economic importance. First of all, these are cheap transport routes, the role of which is especially important in foreign trade transport. The biological resources of the seas are of significant value. The seas washing the territory of our country are home to almost 900 species of fish, of which more than 250 are commercial, and many marine mammals, mollusks and crustaceans. The importance of the mineral resources of the seas is increasing. You can use the energy of sea tides to generate electricity; in addition, the sea coasts are vacation spots.

IN Lately, as a result of the ever-increasing influence economic activity people on the World Ocean, the ecological situation of the seas has sharply worsened. To preserve the natural complexes of the seas, a special state program is needed.

Lesson summary on geography 8th grade

Subject: Natural complex Sea of ​​Azov. Practical work: “Drawing up a navigational route for the Sea of ​​Azov.”


Educational: form primary knowledge about the Sea of ​​Azov; consider the water world;

Developing: develop the ability and skills to work with a map in the Donetsk region.

Educational: fostering the importance of studying geography, curiosity, local history approach.

Equipment: Physical card Donetsk region, contour maps, atlases, handouts.

Lesson type: lesson in mastering knowledge and skills.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Checking homework.

Give answers to the questions:

    Determine what factors determine the landscape structure of the Donetsk steppe?

    Explain why within one steppe natural area Are different landscapes united?

    What types of economic activities are favored by the nature of the steppe?

    Think about it, if all kinds of economic activity stopped in our region, would the steppe be restored?

3. Communicating the topic, the purpose of the lesson objectives and the motivation for learning activities.

The aquatic natural complex of our region is the Sea of ​​Azov. The sea is a natural complex in which, as in land complexes, all its constituent components are closely interconnected and interdependent.

4. Learning new knowledge.

The Sea of ​​Azov belongs to the Atlantic Ocean and is connected to the Black Sea through the Kerch Strait. The Sea of ​​Azov is the shallowest in the world, its maximum depth is 14 meters, the average depth is about 7.5 m. The area of ​​the Sea of ​​Azov is 37,000 km². Its longest length is 343 km, its largest width is 231 km. The length of the coastline is 2686 km, of which more than 100 km are in the Donetsk region.

The sea has many bays and estuaries. The largest bays:

Taganrog, Temryuk, Kazantip, Arabat, Obitochny, Berdyansk. In the West Arabat arrow separates the Sivash Bay (Rotten Sea) from the sea; its shores are covered with a layer of salt in summer.

In origin, the Azov Sea basin is a neotectonic depression on the border of the East European Platform and the Mediterranean Mobile Belt. Therefore, the topography of the bottom of the sea and its bays is monotonous: a slope, steep enough for the coast, turns into a smooth flat bottom, in the center of which greatest depths. The basin resembles a saucer with a smooth and flat bottom. The gently sloping and low bank is strewn with shell rock. The shores are flat, only in the southern part of the Kerch and Taman peninsulas they are raised and separated by a strait.

Rice. 1. Sea of ​​Azov

The smooth curves of the sea coastline, cut by long sand spits, create uniqueness Azov coast. In the north there are sea spits lined up: Biryuchiy Island, Obitochnaya, Berdyanskaya, Belosarayskaya, Krivaya, Tuzlinskaya. A large number of braid – characteristic feature shores of the Azov Sea. The spits are formed only on the northern coast; this is the result of the prolonged work of sea waves that washed shell rock along the shore. Such sediment accumulates where the shore protrudes significantly into the sea compared to neighboring shores.

The steppes come close to the sea, and in some placesreed floodplains.

The climatic conditions of the Azov Sea have continental features. The temperature regime of the Azov Sea is characterized by great seasonal variability. The minimum temperature is observed in winter (January–February), the water cools to +3 ... –3 0 C. Starting in December, the Sea of ​​Azov freezes. At the end of February the ice melts. Only in the southern part of the sea near the Kerch Strait is the surface water temperature positive. The southern part of the sea does not freeze. In summer, a fairly uniform pattern prevails over almost the entire sea. surface temperature, +24…+26°С. Its maximum values ​​are observed in the surface layer of water: in July +28.0...+28.5°C.

Sea currents are dependent on the strong north-eastern and south-western winds blowing here and therefore change direction very often. The main current is a circular current along the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov in a counterclockwise direction. average speed current movement is 10–20 cm/s.

The hydrochemical features of the Sea of ​​Azov are formed under the influence of the influx of river water (up to 12% of the water volume) and difficult water exchange with the Black Sea. The salinity of the sea is three times less than the average salinity in the ocean, and is 12. The maximum water salinity is observed in Sivash Bay - 250. Minimum salinity indicators in the north of the sea, in the Taganrog Bay. The salinity indicator is constantly changing due to a decrease in the flow of fresh water from rivers. The rivers Don, Kuban, Mius, Kalmius, Berda, and Obitochnaya carry their waters to the sea.

The salinity of the sea before the regulation of the Don ranged from 1at the mouth of the Don up to 10.5in the central part of the sea and 11.5 ppm near Kerch


During the twentieth century, almost all rivers flowing into the Sea of ​​Azov were blocked by dams to create reservoirs. This has led to a significant reduction in the discharge of fresh water and silt into the sea. After the creation of a hydroelectric complex on the Don, the salinity of the sea began to increase.

The transparency of the waters of the Azov Sea is low. The color of the water here varies from greenish-yellow to brownish-yellow. In summer, due to the rapid development of the smallest plant and animal organisms in the upper layers of water, the water acquires a bright green color. This phenomenon is called sea bloom.

The soils of the sea are soft, loose, and are constantly transported by currents, which causes rapid siltation of shipping channels and port waters. There are mud volcanoes at the bottom of the sea.

In terms of biological productivity, the Sea of ​​Azov ranks first in the world.

The diversity and richness of life in the Sea of ​​Azov is explained by the content of organic substances, which is 5-6 times higher than in other bodies of water. Rivers supply the sea with a mass of inorganic and organic substances that are washed out of the soil. Inorganic substances are necessary for development flora, organic - for the animal.

The desalinated, well-warmed and fertilized waters of the Sea of ​​Azov provide an environment for the development of phytoplankton and zooplankton. There are 150 species of planktonic algae alone in the sea. In summer, masses of these algae make the water thick and affect the color of the water. During the flowering period in water at 1 m 3 phytoplankton weighs up to 2 kg. The number and variety of small animals swimming in the water column varies depending on the seasons. Among the zooplankton there is an exclusively Azov species of jellyfish, not found anywhere else.

Among the inhabitants of the Sea of ​​Azov there are many ancient ones that have already become extinct in other seas. These include two types of mollusks, one type of crustacean and annelids. A great variety of worms, mollusks, and crustaceans live at the bottom; their productivity is very high and amounts to 19 million tons per year. They serve as food for fish.

In terms of the number of fish per unit area, the Azov Sea is 6.5 times greater than the Caspian Sea, 40 times greater than the Black Sea and 160 times greater than the Mediterranean Sea.

115 species of fish have been registered in the Sea of ​​Azov. In terms of fish diversity, it surpasses the Black Sea. In addition to sea sturgeon, bream, pike perch, ram, sabrefish, mullet, herring, anchovy, flounder, and goby, there are also freshwater fish: crucian carp, gudgeon, roach, tench, and pike. Freshwater species usually live permanently in one area of ​​a body of water and do not make large migrations. Tuna, mackerel, and eel swim here from the Mediterranean and Black Sea, making constant migrations.

Among the marine mammals, the Azov white-sided dolphin, harbor porpoise are found here, and the Black Sea dolphin swims.

Azov water has healing properties. The shallow depth promotes good water heating. The combination of sea air and water, sun, beaches with golden sand makes it possible to develop recreational resources.On the territory of the Donetsk region settlements: Melekino, Yalta, Urzuf, Novoazovsk, Sedovo are recognized as resorts.

The Sea of ​​Azov is an important transport route. The main port of the Donetsk region is Mariupol.

In the middle of the twentieth century, due to human activity, the natural complex of the Azov Sea began to change. As a result of river regulation, the use of river waters for economic activities, and the construction of reservoirs, the flow of fresh water decreased, and more salty Black Sea water began to flow through the Kerch Strait. As a result, fish spawning conditions have worsened.

IN last years The ecological situation in the Sea of ​​Azov has worsened. The main sources of pollution are industrial enterprises.

4. consolidation of the studied material.

Exercise 1.

Give answers to the questions.

    Compare the natural-territorial complex and the natural-aquatic complex.

    Describe the hydrological regime of the Sea of ​​Azov.

    Determine the consequences of increasing salinity in the waters of the Sea of ​​Azov.

    Explain the reasons for the high biological productivity of the Azov Sea.

Task 2.

Practical work No. 9 “Drawing up a navigational route for the Sea of ​​Azov” On contour map in the waters of the Sea of ​​Azov, designate:

    coastline elements;

    rivers that flow into the sea;

    hydrological regime of the sea;