Good news: singer Jasmine gave birth to her third child. Jasmine: biography How many children does Jasmine have from her second marriage?

The world of show business is fickle and treacherous. It’s hard for even the most talented individuals to stay in the ranks of the bright and popular. But some people succeed. Among them is the stylish and charming Jasmine, a singer whose biography delights and surprises at the same time. Despite the difficult life trials, the girl was able to realize herself not only as a singer, but also as a model, actress, TV presenter, wife and mother of many children. Today, for many, the word “jasmine” is associated with an oriental brunette with a bright appearance. The girl really blossomed on the stage like a delicate fragrant flower.


The artist's real name is Sarah (in honor of her grandmother). The girl comes from a Jewish family. She was born in 1977 in the city of Derbent. Parents future star They were engaged in art: their father worked as a choreographer, and their mother was a director. At first they wanted their children to follow in their footsteps, but when they saw that their eldest son, Anatoly, did not succeed in becoming a musician, they abandoned this idea forever. IN school years Sarah never thought of becoming an artist, but decided to study seriously foreign languages. At the insistence of her parents, she entered Medical College and was able to graduate with honors. The girl even managed to put her knowledge into practice - she worked as a nurse for several years.

This is how the biography of singer Jasmine began. Her nationality is Mountain Jew. Nothing foreshadowed the oriental beauty's career as a singer; even musical performance in KVN did not develop into a desire to take music seriously. But soon there came a time in Sarah's life. crucial moment.

How it all began

In 1996, the girl buried her mother. At some point, life lost its meaning. But soon Sarah had a fateful meeting. She met businessman Vyacheslav Semenduev; the couple quickly legalized their relationship. Young people moved to Moscow. There charming girl attracted the attention of French couturier Jean-Claude Jitrois. He invited her to a test photo shoot. Later a short time a photo of an oriental diva in chic leather and fur outfits adorned billboards in the Russian capital. This is how the artist’s career began in the advertising and modeling business.

But soon the girl got tired of the role of a model and decided to take up vocals seriously. Voice and ear for music Sarah appreciated the vocal master. From that moment on, it was not Sarah who continued her creative path, but Jasmine, the singer. Her biography became even more interesting.

First musical achievements

The girl studied vocals with experienced mentors at the Gnessin School. They helped Sarah not only get her voice right, but also gave her confidence in own strength.

Vladimir Matetsky came up with a memorable stage name for the aspiring star - Jasmine. The singer, whose biography began to interest others, truly acquired mystery thanks to her new name.

In 1999, the singer’s first work was released - the album “It Happens,” the songs from which became quickly recognizable. Jasmine quickly entered Russian show business. After 1 year, her hit “Long Days” broke the popularity record, winning the prestigious Golden Gramophone, Ovation, and Song of the Year awards. Since then, every new song has become a real hit. The singer’s most popular and memorable hits: “Dolce Vita”, “Yes”, “Puzzle”, “Drink Love”, “How I Need You”. In total, Jasmine was able to release 9 albums and more than a dozen beautiful clips.

Actress and TV presenter

In 2004 STS TV channel launched a New Year's project - the fairy tale “Alibaba and the 40 Thieves” in a modern musical arrangement. The role of the beautiful Zeinab went to Jasmine. The singer, whose biography interested everyone as a vocalist, attracted the attention of film directors. The pop diva successfully coped with new role and very soon she appeared in two more musicals - “Beauty Demands...” and “The 3 Musketeers.” Yours acting the singer also appeared in two Channel One projects - “Exactly”, “Two Stars”. In 2009, Jasmine was officially awarded the title “Honored Artist of Dagestan.”

But the singer did not limit herself to vocals and film roles and decided to try herself as a TV presenter. For two years she hosted the “Wider Circle” program (TVC), and since 2011 she periodically worked in Music Box. A year later, Jasmine was invited to the TV show “Health” to become the host of the “I am Mom” section.

Personal life

The singer never hid the events happening in her life. Fans have repeatedly discussed the high-profile arrest of her second husband and sympathized with her after her first sensational marriage, which ended in divorce. The press flashed information about Jasmine’s emotional experiences and photos. The singer, whose biography of her husbands interested fans no less than her own, provided all the information to the media and gave interviews in which she revealed details of personal relationships.

The first husband of the eastern diva is Moscow businessman Vyacheslav Semenduev, with whom the singer lived until 2006.

The second husband is Moldovan millionaire Ilan Shor, known to many for his high-profile arrests regarding financial fraud.

First marriage

Vyacheslav Semenduev, a Russian businessman and the singer’s first husband, once admitted in an interview that he is melodic gentle voice the oriental beauty penetrated straight into his soul. When the young people met, Vyacheslav realized that he could no longer live without Jasmine. The couple registered their relationship and the businessman began to help the newly-made wife in developing her musical talents. Soon their common son Mikhail was born. It seemed that there would be no end to the happiness of Sarah and Vyacheslav. The couple raised their son, and the media only flashed articles with photos and biographies of the singer Jasmine and her husband.

But the happiness did not last long: the latter began to suspect his beloved of treason and often staged scenes of jealousy. In 2005, the singer was hospitalized: she was severely beaten by Semenduev. This is where the oriental beauty's patience ended. She couldn't forgive cruel treatment in relation to yourself. After leaving the hospital, the singer filed for divorce and the couple broke up.

Second husband

Jasmine was not alone with her problems. During the divorce process, her friend Ilan Shor supported her in every possible way. When the singer dotted all the i’s in her previous marriage, the Moldovan millionaire immediately proposed marriage to the girl. And she didn't refuse. In 2011, the couple had a magnificent wedding.

Singer Jasmine has found quiet feminine happiness again. The biography and personal life of the artist, which interested fans so much, seemed to no longer be overshadowed by sad moments. But fate prepared a new test for Sarah: in 2015, her beloved was accused of stealing a large sum of money. But Ilan managed to prove his innocence and was even elected mayor of the city of Orhei.

In 2016, the story of financial fraud repeated itself. Shor was arrested again, but was already sent to prison. The businessman was acquitted a few months later. This ended the dark streak in the singer’s life; she again found family peace.


Jasmine is considered mother of many children- she has three children. The eldest son Mikhail is from his marriage to V. Semenduev. Father youngest son Miron and daughter Margarita is Ilan Shor.

The artist has admitted more than once that she dreamed of big family, which will have at least 5 children. But for a long time the girl spoiled her only beloved son, Mikhail. And only thanks to her second marriage did Jasmine experience all the happiness of motherhood.

The singer’s biography, children - all this naturally interested her fans.

Miron was born in 2016, when his father began having further problems with the law. For Ilan, his son became a real gift of fate. The boy gave his father confidence and strength, which helped him cope with difficulties.

Margarita Shor - first joint child Sarah and Ilana. The girl turned out to be as sweet and artistic as her mother. Despite her young age, she was able to prove that she could cope with a modeling career just as well as her mother. Margarita took part in several fashion shows. In addition, she dances beautifully, draws and even masters hand-to-hand combat techniques.

Jasmine's eldest son

Fans are interested not only in the biography of singer Jasmine. The husband and children of the eastern diva are also under close media attention. Many are watching the life of the singer’s eldest son, Mikhail Semenduev.

The boy was Sarah's only favorite child for a long time. His mother spoiled him and gave him all her love. Misha did not cause any problems and grew up as an obedient child. His mother was his best friend.

The parents' divorce did not break the boy's psyche. Mom and dad did everything to prevent their breakup from traumatizing their son. Vyacheslav Semenduev actively participated in the upbringing of Mikhail, who often vacationed with his father.

Now Mikhail is just over 20 years old. He does extreme sports. He already has a girlfriend. From his mother, the guy got his spectacular oriental appearance, which simply drives young ladies crazy.

Photo taboo

In the media you can find a lot of information about the singer Jasmine, biography, husbands and children, photos. But the last point deserves special attention. The singer gladly participates in photo shoots, but with one condition - she does not appear in revealing outfits and does not expose his body. The action deserves respect. After all, the real Eastern woman and must behave properly. Such cute taboos only decorate Jasmine and give her mystery.

The singer’s beloved husband, Ilan Shor, does not set any restrictions regarding his beloved’s clothing style. On the contrary, he wants other men to pay attention to his wife and quietly envy him. After all, not everyone has such a spectacular beauty.

What is Jasmine doing now?

Charming singer always looks young. Few people know that Jasmine recently celebrated her 40th birthday. The star continues his musical creativity. The singer plans to present a new show at Crocus City Hall in 2019. She recently recorded a video together with Denis Klyaver called “Love is poison.” Jasmine admits that she is new collaboration became a real action game. The clip turned out to be beautiful and memorable: filming took place in Spain. According to the plot, 2 mafia clans fight among themselves.

The artist also performs at music festivals, such as “Heat”, “Slavic Bazaar”, “ New wave" And about solo career the oriental beauty does not forget.

But Jasmine’s priority remains family. Singer most devotes time to her husband and children. Difficulties in life did not break Sarah, but only strengthened her marriage.

Fans will always be interested in the mysterious and gentle singer Jasmine. Her biography, personal life and children will also be under close attention. . Many admire her creativity and life wisdom. There really is a lot to learn from the eastern diva - patience, modesty, love of life and perseverance.

Sarah Manakhimova (real name Jasmine) was born in the Dagestan town of Derbent in October 1977. Her parents were creative people: my father worked as a choreographer, and my mother worked as a conductor. Despite the fact that the girl was immersed in the atmosphere of art from birth, she did not even think about becoming an artist in the future. On the contrary, she studied diligently at school and dreamed of becoming a translator.

However, in hometown there was no suitable one educational institution, and the parents flatly refused to let their daughter go to the capital. As a result, Sarah, following her mother’s advice, entered medical school, which she graduated with honors. During her studies, Sarah performed as a vocalist in the KVN team.

Hearing how strong and in a beautiful voice their daughter has, her parents allowed her to go to the capital to enter the famous Gnesinka. At first, Sara perceived the educational process at the Gnessin Music College as a pleasant hobby.– the girl did not connect her hobby with her future career. But after three years of persistent study, it became clear that I needed to reach a new level.

Sarah’s debut work was the song “It Doesn’t Happen,” and soon a video was released for the song, and everyone started talking about new singer named Jasmine - this is exactly the stage name Sarah Manakhimova decided to take for herself.

The first album "Long Days" was successfully sold out, and Jasmine was very pleased with the start, however real glory was waiting for her ahead.

The year 1999 gave the girl a big surprise. Chance brought her together with French fashion designer Jean-Claude Jitrois, who was so impressed by Jasmine's oriental beauty that he invited her to become the face of his fashion house in Russia. However, over time Jasmine realized that modeling is not what she wants to do all her life. Where is closer to her vocal career, and she returned to music again.

The result of fruitful work was the album “Rewrite Love,” which was released in 2001. It was very warmly received by the public and quickly sold out.

The next album, entitled “Puzzle,” was no less successful. Such recognition of the singer’s talent opened the doors of the State Kremlin Palace for her, on the stage of which she began performing with solo concerts. Having won the love of the public in the post-Soviet space, Jasmine went on tour abroad.

She was warmly welcomed in Israel, Turkey, European countries, and the USA. In total, the singer released 9 solo albums, of which the most successful was the album “Yes!”, which sold a very significant circulation of 650 thousand copies. Last works Jasmine were less successful in sales, and failed to even come close to being a record-breaking album.

Interesting notes:

In 2014, Jasmine presented the show program “The Other Me,” which included both new and old songs. The show, in which Philip Kirkorov, Nikolai Baskov and other popular artists took part, was held on the stage of the State Kremlin Palace and broadcast on Channel One.

However creative activity Jasmine was not limited to only concert activities . She tried her hand at musicals, and participated in such productions as “Beauty Demands...”, “The Three Musketeers”, “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves”.

Jasmine also managed to try on the image of a TV presenter. So, she hosted the “Wider Circle” program, and in music project“Two Stars” participated in tandem with Yuri Galtsev, and even received an honorary “bronze”.

In 2017, the singer recorded two new singles – “ White bird” and “You are mine, mine,” and released videos for these compositions. A year later, Jasmine presented to the public a video for new song“Love is poison”, which she recorded together with Denis Klyaver.

Jasmine has never hidden details of her personal life from the press. Famous singer was married twice. Her first husband was Vyacheslav Semenduev, who accidentally saw the girl on a videotape of his relative and fell in love with her at first sight. It is thanks to the serious financial support Vyacheslava Jasmine was able to make it to domestic stage and make yourself known throughout the country. In this marriage, in 1997, the couple had a son, Mikhail.

However, after ten years of marriage, the singer’s fans were shocked by the news - their favorite was hospitalized with signs of severe beatings. As it turned out, Jasmine was a victim of domestic violence. Her husband beat her, but for what reason it never became known. An incident like this caused a divorce.

The divorce proceedings became a real test for the singer, during which she fought with great difficulty to defend the right to raise her son. After the end of this high-profile case, which was followed by the whole country, Jasmine released an autobiographical book with the very unambiguous title “Hostage.”

That period of Jasmine’s life was very difficult, and she found real support in the person of businessman Ilan Shor, heir to his father’s multimillion-dollar capital. They met during one of the singer’s concerts, and since then they have never parted. In 2011, Ilan proposed to Jasmine, and soon the couple registered their relationship. In this marriage, Jasmine became a mother for the second time, giving birth to a charming daughter, Margarita.

In 2015, Ilan Shor was arrested in connection with major financial fraud. Using offshore accounts, he withdrew more than $1 billion from three large Moldovan banks. Despite numerous evidence, Ilan continued to insist on his innocence. This case received great resonance in Moldova: thousands of defrauded investors took to the streets of the capital with demonstrations, but the investigation was suspended.

During the lull, Ilan Shor was elected mayor of the city of Orhei, but after a while the case financial fraud on a particularly large scale, it still came to court. As a result, Ilan spent a month in a pre-trial detention center and was then transferred to house arrest. During the trial, all charges against Ilan were dropped, and he already acted as a witness.

In 2016, the couple had a boy, who was named Miron. During pregnancy, Jasmine gained excess weight, but after the birth of the child she was able to quickly return to her former shape. A special diet and regular exercise under the guidance of an experienced trainer helped her with this.

Albums and singles by Jasmine

Year Name
1999 "It happens"
2000 "Long Days"
2000 "Snow was falling"
2000 "Summer day"
2000 "Long Days"

"I'll rewrite love"

2001 "Leli-lyoli"

"I'll rewrite love"


"You're in too much of a hurry"


"Do not tell me"

2002 "Puzzle"
2002 "You're far away"

"Do not let me go"

2002 "Puzzle"

"Mom's Heart"

2003 "100% love"
2003 "Cold"
2003 "Dolce Vita"
2003 "Yes!"
2004 "Yes!"

"Most lovely"

2004 "A Drop of Summer"

"Unraveling Love"


Singer Jasmine has faced many trials. They were connected with personal life, and creativity. But it should be noted amazing power the spirit of this woman. It was thanks to this that she was able to cope with all the troubles and not lose faith in the best.

The girl was born in Dagestan in creative family. But, despite this, she was in no hurry to connect her life with creativity. On her mother’s advice, after graduating from school, she entered medical school and graduated with honors.

Jasmine began to develop her singing talent much later. And even at this time she considered singing her hobby. Everything changed after the first album was released, which won the sympathy of listeners. The circulation was small - just over 100 thousand copies, but it seemed to Jasmine that she could not dream of greater success.

Her subsequent albums were even more successful. The singer began giving solo concerts in the largest concert halls in the country. They also learned about her work abroad. Alla Pugacheva herself became interested in her work.

During the period of creative growth, Jasmine was happily married and raised a beautiful son. However, as it turned out later, all this was just a beautiful fairy tale.

Marry a Prince

The singer’s first husband was Vyacheslav Semenduev. At the time he met the girl, he was the owner of a construction business in Sochi and several expensive restaurants in Moscow. The businessman's acquaintance with his future wife was very unusual. He saw the singer on an amateur video family holiday, and fell in love with her.

The man spent several months finding the girl he liked and getting to know her. It took some more time to win her favor. But Vyacheslav is not a man who is used to retreating from difficulties, and in the end he proposed marriage to Jasmine.

They decided to celebrate the wedding in accordance with Eastern traditions. But the celebration was overshadowed by sad events that occurred in both families. Jasmine’s mother did not wait for her daughter’s wedding, and Vyacheslav’s father and brother died. Therefore, it was decided to hold the ceremony and celebration quietly. Comedians performed at the wedding, but everything went off without musical accompaniment.

Interesting notes:

Some time later, the newlyweds had a small party in one of the Moscow restaurants, where they invited close friends and colleagues.

Family life

Even though the couple honored eastern traditions Vyacheslav did not intend to make Jasmine a housewife. He understood that it was important for a girl to develop as a singer, and did not interfere with this. In addition, the businessman provided all possible assistance and supported his wife financially.

After the wedding, Jasmine and Vyacheslav had a son, Mikhail. But this did not become an obstacle to the development of the singer’s career. She continued to record new songs and tour in various cities and countries. Everything was destroyed by the scandal that occurred in 2006.

The press got photos of Jasmine with a broken nose bridge and numerous bruises on her face. At first, the singer did not comment on this, but later said that Vyacheslav Semenduev inflicted these beatings on her.

It also turned out that this was not the first time during 10 years of family life that he had raised his hand against her. This scandal was followed by a divorce and long legal proceedings for custody of their son Mikhail.

Love when you don't expect it at all

After her divorce from Semenduev, Jasmine began a dark streak in her life. She tried to heal her mental wounds and gain the right to raise her only son. During this period, she needed support more than ever. And she found it.

During this difficult period Next to Jasmine was a young businessman Ilan Shor. He was younger than the singer by 7 years, but was not inferior in intelligence and prudence to older men. He tried to help not only with advice, but also with actions.

Shore is not used to relying on chance. He realized this back in early age when he helped his father lead them family business. Ilan’s father opened one of the first duty-free chains in Moldova and developed the business further. At the age of 15, the guy began to delve into the activities of his father’s company, and in 2005 he became general director.

The business under the leadership of Ilan Shor developed very successfully. In addition, the young businessman participated in public and political life country and received many awards from the hands of the president of the state.

Therefore, when the guy offered to help Jasmine in solving her problems, she gladly accepted his help. Later it turned out that Ilan fell in love with this oriental beauty and decided to marry her. He had to woo Jasmine for a long time, but he succeeded and in 2011 they became husband and wife.

In sorrow and in joy

After a magnificent wedding, which took place in Moldova, the newlyweds began to arrange their family life. Very soon the couple learned that they were expecting a new addition to the family. In 2012, their daughter was born. The girl was named Margarita. Jasmine hoped that now she would find family happiness and her beloved man.

But out of the blue, Jasmine’s husband was accused of financial fraud. He was accused of transferring a huge amount through offshore banks. Shor cooperated with the investigation in every possible way to prove his innocence. And he succeeded. After a month of proceedings, the charges against the businessman were dropped.

Life started to get better again. And, as a consequence of this, fans found out that Jasmine is pregnant again. The singer chose not to advertise this news for a long time. Gossips they even reproached her for not taking care of herself and gaining excess weight. But in 2016 everything became known. Jasmine and Ilan had a son, who was named Miron.

That same year, the family faced a new challenge. A new charge of financial fraud was brought against singer Jasmine’s husband. At first he acted as a witness in this case, but was later detained and charged.

For more than a year, the best lawyers have been trying to prove Shore’s innocence, and Jasmine is doing everything possible to support her loved one in a difficult situation.

It is in such situations that the phrase “to be together in sorrow and in joy” becomes relevant; this is how feelings are tested for strength. And Jasmine and Ilan have proven more than once that their love will withstand anything.

Jasmine is a popular artist Russian stage. Interest in her work has not waned since the end of the last millennium. Listeners love her and enjoy her performances.

Many people do not know that Jasmine is stage name. In fact, the young woman's name is Sarah Shore. She loves her husband and children. Woman in last years somewhat reduced her artistic activity. The reason for this is the children. As soon as they become large enough, the singer will begin to actively tour again, which will bring joy to her many fans.

Height, weight, age. How old is Jasmine

In the late 90s of the last millennium, numerous music lovers heard the divine voice of a girl about whom nothing was known. It was not known who she was. People began to look for information, including her height, weight, age. How old Jasmine was was interpreted differently in different sources.

Currently, the popular pop artist is 40 years old. She is in wonderful physical fitness. With a height of 170 cm, Jasmine weighs 55 kg.

Jasmine, whose photos in her youth and now are the pride of her husband Ilan, adheres to a unique menu. She designed it herself. A woman goes in for sports every day.

Biography of Jasmine (singer)

A charming girl was born into the Manakhimov family at the end of 1977. Father - Lev Yakovlevich and mother - Margarita Semyonovna were creative people. They tried to ensure that children grew up in love and contentment. The daughter was not the only child in the family. Sarah has an older brother, Anatoly, whom the popular singer Jasmine still calls her main friend and protector.

As a child, Sarah dreamed of studying languages ​​and becoming a translator. But the dream was not destined to come true. Due to circumstances, the girl had to become a student at a medical college, which she graduated with honors. It was at this time that the singing talent of the pop star, whose name would soon be known, manifested itself a large number residents Russian Federation and neighboring countries.

Hearing their daughter’s voice, the parents allowed her to enter Gnesika, which is located in Russian capital. After the performer’s first appearance with the song “It Happens” in front of the general public, people started talking about her. It was then that listeners heard the name nova. The girl called herself Jasmine, and this became her stage name.

At the same time, the girl becomes the official representative of the Jitrois fashion house in the Russian Federation. But soon, due to her busy schedule, Jasmine stopped modeling.

In mid-2001, after the release of the album, called “I’ll Rewrite Love,” the popular artist made her first tour across the country. She was soon recognized and loved by Israeli, American, Baltic, Spanish, Italian, Turkish and German audiences. In mid-2009, the popular artist became Honored Artist of Dagestan.

Jasmine has starred in several films. Her roles in the musicals “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves” and “The Three Musketeers” became especially popular.

Jasmine's biography also includes a career as a TV presenter. She worked in the Wider Circle program.

Currently, Jasmine has subordinated her life to her family. She only sometimes leaves her children for tours. But fans of the singer hope that soon Jasmine will perform again as actively as before.

Personal life of Jasmine (singer)

Jasmine's personal life is not a secret for fans popular performer. She shares with listeners everything that happens in her life.

The girl’s first husband is Vyacheslav Semenduev. He began to promote his talented lover. But the happiness did not last long. After the birth of his son Mikhail, Vyacheslav became jealous of his wife towards men. Semenduev beat Jasmine, which became the reason for the divorce.

In 2010, the popular artist began dating Ilan Shor, one of the richest businessmen in Moldova. A year later, the wedding of the lovers took place, which was attended by several hundred invited guests. Soon a wonderful girl appeared in the family, who was named Margarita.

In mid-2015, it became known that an addition was expected to the family. In 2016, Jasmine (singer) gave birth to her third child. The boy was named Miron. Currently, the popular artist is happy and loved, she is trying to do everything for her husband and children.

Jasmine Family (singer)

Jasmine's family was artistic. Father and mother raised their children in the spirit Dagestan traditions. The girl learned to cook, sew, and knit well. The parents wished only the best for their daughter. At one time, her mother dreamed of being a doctor, so Sarochka was offered this particular specialty.

After her divorce from her first husband, Jasmine's parents and brother supported her. Nowadays, grandparents often visit their grandchildren. They are happy that Jasmine is happy and loved.

Popular to her family members pop singer refers to her husband and three children, who constantly make her happy.

Children of Jasmine (singer)

Like a true Dagestan, in children's and teenage years The Russian pop star dreamed that she would have 5 children, which she repeatedly stated in her numerous interviews. Long time Jasmine had only one beloved son, whom the woman spoiled and raised alone.

Currently, the artist has three children, the youngest of whom was born in 2016.

Recently, in one of the music television programs aired in New Year, Jasmine’s children and she herself sang a song about Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. At this time, the youngest of the offspring, Miron, stood and smiled directly at the camera.

Jasmine's son - Mikhail Semenduev

The first-born in the family of a popular artist appeared in the late 90s of the last century. It was decided to give the boy the name Misha. WITH youth the son did not cause any problems. He considered his mother a true friend and shared all his secrets with her.

After his parents’ divorce, Jasmine’s son, Mikhail Semenduev, often communicated with his father. The boy studied at one of the capital's schools. He received only excellent marks. Misha travels a lot, and extreme sports are among his favorite activities.

Mikhail recently celebrated his 20th birthday. He currently lives with a girl whose name he prefers not to reveal.

Jasmine's son - Myron Shor

The youngest son popular singer appeared quite recently, in 2016. He is too young to understand what he will become. Soon the boy will turn 2 years old. Jasmine says that Myron loves to walk with his sister. A boy plays with a ball.

If a popular artist has to leave home, she takes her little son with her. He visited Jasmine’s native Dagestan, Moscow.

Jasmine’s son, Miron Shor, is the heir to the entire empire of Moldovan businessmen. Both grandfathers and grandmothers love him. The boy loves to visit their home, where he has his own room with toys that are waiting for their owner during his absence.

Daughter Jasmine – Margarita Shor

Jasmine's daughter, Margarita Shor, was born shortly after her parents' wedding in one of the best maternity hospitals metropolitan metropolis. The girl was raised in love. Her parents and grandparents want nothing but the best for her. Margarita participated in several fashion shows. She is incredibly artistic and sweet.

Currently, the girl is preparing to go to 1st grade. She enjoys reading and counting. Despite her young age, Rita dances well, plays sports, and attends the hand-to-hand combat section. My daughter draws very well, she especially likes to depict flowers and animals.

Jasmine's ex-husband - Vyacheslav Semenduev

For the first time Vyacheslav heard his voice future wife in the mid-90s of the last century. He was struck by the beautiful and pure timbre, which literally penetrated into the soul and called for him. Soon the young people met. A few months later they got married. It was Vyacheslav who began to promote his wife. For several years, the lovers lived happily, raising their son Mishenka. But at the beginning of the new millennium, the marriage cracked. Vyacheslav became jealous of his wife, he often beat her. Jasmine loved her husband and, like a true woman of Dagestan, forgave him.

In 2005, Jasmine was beaten so badly by her husband that she was hospitalized for a long time, and immediately after leaving the hospital she filed for divorce.

Jasmine's ex-husband, Vyacheslav Semenduev, despite separating from his wife, participated in raising his son.

Jasmine's husband - Ilan Shor

The popular artist met Ilan at the beginning of the new millennium. During the period of her divorce from Vyacheslav Semenduev, the man supported Jasmine in every possible way. Ilan Shor is one of the richest Moldovan businessmen.

In mid-2011, the couple officially registered their relationship. A magnificent wedding was celebrated in Chisinau (Moldova). The age difference did not become an obstacle to their happiness.

Soon a daughter, Margaritka, appeared in the marriage. The happiness of the spouses was cloudless. But in 2015, Jasmine’s wife was accused of theft large sizes. He was arrested. The businessman denied everything. He was acquitted and elected mayor of the small town of Orhei.

In 2016, Jasmine’s husband, Ilan Shor, told everyone that his wife made him a father again, giving him a son.

Soon the theft case arose again. Ilan has been in prison for several months. But then he was acquitted. Currently, the couple live in Moscow, where their daughter Margarita will study in one of the schools.

Photos of Jasmine in Maxim magazine can be viewed often. The popular artist constantly favorably accepts offers for a photo shoot. But candid photos cannot be found on the pages of the publication. The pictures are very chaste. Jasmine herself says that, as a true woman of the East, she will never act naked.

On her Instagram page you can admire the perfect form of the popular artist. Jasmine in a swimsuit was recently photographed at one of the Turkish resorts. The woman was photographed by her beloved husband Ilan, who believes that the entire male population of the world should envy him.

Instagram and Wikipedia Jasmine

Instagram and Wikipedia Jasmine are the most complete sources of information about the popular artist. Wikipedia gives all the information about creative path Russian pop stars.

The Instagram page is run by the singer’s beloved husband and by herself very actively. Jasmine posts photos of her adored children and talks about their achievements.

Unlike his wife, Ilan posts photos of Jasmine herself. He touchingly signs each photo, considering himself the happiest of mortals to have such a wife and children. Article found on

| Russian groups

23.06.2016 10:55

Biography of Jasmine

Jasmine - Russian singer

Jasmine is the pseudonym of a Dagestan pop singer, born Sara Manakhimova. Sarah was born on October 12, 1977 in Derbent, Dagestan, into an exceptionally creative family. Her father Lev Yakovlevich worked as a choreographer and choreographer, and her mother Margarita Semyonovna was a conductor. Sarah also has an older brother, Anatoly, who is two years older than the singer, and has two children: the eldest was named Lev in honor of his grandfather, the youngest - Sergei.

Despite the fact that Sarah was surrounded by the world of art from childhood, the girl did not think about becoming an artist. She loved to study English language and wanted to enroll in philology, but there wasn’t the right institute in Derbent, and let go only daughter The parents refused to go to the capital. As a result, the girl graduated with honors from medical college, which her mother persuaded her to enroll in.

While studying there, Sarah first appeared on stage at the student KVN, where doctors competed with the music school, and, paradoxically, won the music competition.

In 1999, thanks to a stroke of luck, Sarah began her modeling career. The girl's exotic appearance so impressed the French couturier Jean-Claude Jitrois that he invited her to represent his brand. So Jasmine became the face of the Zhitrois fashion house in Russia. However, later the girl realized that modeling was not for her.

Jasmine: music and creativity

The future singer’s mentor was a teacher music school named after the Gnessins Natalya Andrianova. After three years of hard work, it became clear that it was time to move to a new professional level. At the end of 1999, the first video for the song “It Happens” was released. The singer chose the name of the Arabian princess from the famous Disney cartoon "Aladdin" as her stage name. Jasmine's first album, Long Days, sold ninety thousand copies. The singer herself considered this a huge success, but, as time has shown, this was only the beginning of her ascent.

In 2001, an album called “I’ll Rewrite Love” was released; its circulation was three times higher than the previous one: two hundred and seventy thousand discs were sold. The next disc, “Puzzle,” sold three hundred and ten thousand copies. Such success opened the doors of the largest domestic venues for the singer: the singer performed solo concerts on the stage of the famous concert hall“Russia”, in the State Kremlin Palace, the organizer of one of her concerts was the Diva of the Russian stage herself, Alla Borisovna Pugacheva.

WITH great success Jasmine also holds concerts abroad: Jasmine’s touring biography includes Israel, the USA, the Baltic countries, Spain, Italy, Turkey and Germany. In total, Jasmine has released nine solo albums and about forty singles. The most popular album in the singer’s discography was the album “Yes!”, which sold a record circulation of six hundred and fifty thousand copies. In 2009, Jasmine was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Republic of Dagestan.

The artist’s creative activity is not limited to concerts. Jasmine took part in several musicals: in the production of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, the singer played the wife of the main character named Zeinab. Then there was work in the Ukrainian musical "The Three Musketeers", where Jasmine appeared before the audience as an artist of a traveling circus. The girl also appeared in the 2008 musical called “Beauty Demands...”.

Sarah also tried herself as a TV presenter: on the TVC channel, Jasmine hosted the “Wider Circle” program. Also in the large-scale project “Two Stars”, the singer presented a duet with famous comedian"Full House" by Yuri Galtsev. The Galtsev-Jasmine couple took an honorary bronze medal at this competition.

Jasmine: personal life

Jasmine has been married twice. Her first husband was Vyacheslav Semenduev, who fell in love with the girl’s unusual beauty after seeing her on a videotape from his brother’s wedding. It is thanks to his financial support creative biography Jasmine quickly reached the top. In this marriage, the couple had a son, Mikhail, in 1997.

After ten years of marriage, reports appeared in the press that Jasmine was hospitalized with signs of beating. Sarah herself claimed that she was a victim of domestic violence: her husband forced her to sign some papers, the purpose of which the singer knew nothing about. Semenduev denied everything, in turn accusing his wife of infidelity. The result of this major scandal Jasmine and Semenduev divorced; during this difficult divorce process, the artist defended the right to raise her son. Based on this high-profile case, Jasmine wrote an autobiographical book “Hostage,” describing stories from her life in it.

The singer’s consolation and support at that time was her acquaintance, businessman Ilan Shor, a Moldovan of Israeli origin, heir to the billion-dollar capital of his father Miron Shor, a pioneer of the Moldovan Jewish community and owner of the Duty Free chain of stores in Moldova. Soon Ilan Shor proposed to Jasmine, and in 2011 the couple got married. In this marriage, the singer had a charming daughter, whom her parents named Margarita. The fact that Ilan Shor is nine years younger than Jasmine does not in any way overshadow family happiness.

Ilan Shor started his entrepreneurial activity at fifteen years old and this moment is one of the largest businessmen in his country. Besides the fact that Ilan is General Director duty-free operator "Dufremol", President of the Association "Prosperarea Moldovei" and the International Moldovan-Israeli Center for Economic relations and education, he is on the Board of Directors International Organization"Educational Resources and Technological Training" and owns the football club "Milsami".

On May 5, 2015, the media reported that Ilan Shor was arrested in connection with a case of fraud and theft of about a billion dollars from three large Moldovan banks using offshore accounts. The investigation began several months earlier, and only in May, based on the evidence collected, the businessman was taken into custody.

Ilan Shor himself denies all the accusations brought against him, as he claims that the hole appeared in the bank accounts even before the arrival of private investors. The case received great resonance; a demonstration of many thousands of defrauded investors took place in the capital of Moldova.

On April 25, 2016, Jasmine became a mother for the third time. A boy was born, 3,350 kg and 54 cm tall, who was named Miron.

Only the problems with my husband did not disappear. On June 22, it became known that Ilan was again detained in Moldova, this time on suspicion of bank fraud.

Jasmine: discography

Long days
I'll rewrite love
100% love
You'll like it
From love to love
Eastern love