Outdoor games on the summer playground. Outdoor games for teenagers

There is no need to talk about the benefits of fresh air for a growing body. However, today one can often observe a situation where children prefer sitting at home at the computer or in front of the TV screen to walking outside. This happens because parents cannot provide their child with leisure time. To distract children from the computer, offer them outside.

Outdoor games for young children

It is necessary to entertain a child during a walk, starting almost from birth. With a small baby, you can examine the surrounding objects. Name everything you see with your child: tree, leaf, grass. Such outdoor games have a positive effect on a child’s speech skills. Pay special attention to animals, tell your child what sounds each of them makes.

For children who walk confidently, it’s better to come up with something the kids especially love. You can throw a ball or gather a group of kids for this entertainment. Gradually make the task more difficult. Have the children stand in a circle and throw the ball. Anyone who doesn't catch it is out of the game. The fewer participants, the more difficult it is to catch the ball.

If there are a lot of children on the playground, we recommend organizing a relay race. You can pass on a wand or other objects. Any labyrinths or horizontal bars will help create an obstacle course.

Children's games on the street should be aimed at developing motor skills, dexterity, ingenuity and logical thinking.

An excellent agility exercise and at the same time exciting game will be throwing pebbles or small balls into sandbox buckets. Gradually make the game more difficult by increasing the distance between the player and the target.

Winter games outside will help diversify your little one's leisure time during the cold season. All active entertainment will have to be left until warmer days, since winter clothes hinders the movements of babies. In snowy weather, you can sculpt snowmen or other figures from snow.

It's easy to play real detectives with little kids. Try to understand who walked by the footprints in the snow. So a child can be taught to distinguish the paw prints of a cat from the footprints of a pigeon. Let the baby explore his own tracks.

Outdoor games for teenagers

Activities for older children can be more challenging. Don't forget about any sport games outdoors: football, volleyball, table tennis, basketball. For all this entertainment you need sites with special equipment. If there are none nearby, then you can play differently.

The usual throwing of a ball to each other can be combined with an association game. Throwing the ball in a circle, each player names an association based on the word of the previous participant.

For next game you will need chalk and free space on the asphalt. Players are divided into pairs. One participant is blindfolded and must blindly draw a picture that the other pair of participants guesses. He must do this with the help of verbal prompts from his partner.

Can be organized for the guys real hunt. A target made from a regular sheet of paper is glued to one participant’s back or slightly lower. Other players must "shoot" the target using stickers. The victim player runs away to escape the hunters.

And finally one more thing fun entertainment helps to unite the guys, teach them to work in pairs. Players are divided into pairs. Participants are tied one leg at a time (the left leg of one to the right leg of the other). The guys must run to the finish line on three legs.

Nowadays you rarely see teenagers playing outside or in the yard. More often than not, they all sit at home or on the street using their phones or tablets. Outdoor games for teenagers are as beneficial as playing sports. Games promote intellectual thinking, improve health and physical development teenager

There are many different outdoor games for teenagers with or without a large group. Here are some of them.

"Repeat after me"

If you are gathering with a large group of teenagers, you can play this game: divided into two teams, the guys take turns showing the movement of one part of their body, for example, moving their left hand up and down. The second player repeats the same movement after the first and adds his own. The third one repeats the first two and also adds his own body movement. If one player gets confused, he is eliminated. The remaining players continue to play. In the end, the team that has the most players left throughout the game wins. Teenagers tend to like to use popular moves from R'n'B singers, etc.

"Cunning blind man's buff"

This game requires some attributes that are required in the game. A small bell that is tied to the driver’s leg and several scarves for blindfolding the participants. One driver and several participants are selected, there should not be many of them, but they can change in turns, this game can continue indefinitely. They choose a straight surface, blindfold the participants, and place a bell on the driver’s foot. The participants' task is to catch the driver while listening to the ringing of the bell. The driver's task is to evade the participants. As soon as the driver is caught, the players change places.

"In Search of Treasure"

This game is considered not only active, but also intellectual. The guys are divided into two teams of several people. The presenter must think through the route of this game in advance and provide the participants with riddles that will contain elements of the solution. The game requires concentrated attention, knowledge of some areas of science or history, and good physical training, since teams must move quickly and deftly if they want to win. The facilitator gives the same tasks to both teams. The players' task is to find this or that object hidden in a secluded place. But before the players find it, they must go through some obstacles that make the task of the players more difficult. For example, the task may say: you need to jump over a ravine or crawl under a log, then find a place where you can relax, admiring the nature or the beauty of the city. This place may imply a bench. Players, having completed part of the task, must find a bench, and under the bench there will be another piece of paper glued to it, on which the next part of the task will be. And so on until the end of the goal. The "prize" may be in the most unusual places, right up to the school or library.


This game also involves two teams. Players are divided into equal numbers and stand at the start. The players standing in front put on bags, with which they must jump to a designated place and return back. Then it is passed on to the next player. The team that reaches the finish line first wins.


Game with two teams. Ribbons of a certain color are prepared in advance. Each team has its own color. For example: black and white. Each player tucks a given team's ribbon into their belt. The players’ task, after the leader’s signal, is to capture the opponent’s ribbon while keeping theirs. The team that has at least one ribbon left under its belt wins.

"Cities and Countries"

This game can also be played odd number players. This game is played with a ball. They draw on this territory big circle, which all players become. Each player names his city name; there should be no repetitions. All players must remember the names of their cities and countries from others. A presenter is selected who throws the ball up and shouts one of the named cities or countries. The player whose city name was announced must catch the ball; if he fails, then the rest of the players run out of the circle and try to run away. When a player catches the ball, he shouts “Stop!” All other players must stop and freeze. The player with the ball chooses the closest player from him and estimates by eye how far away he is. He says out loud how many steps it will take to reach this city, and begins to move towards the named city. If he reaches the “city” and reaches it, then the “city” becomes the leader, and the player becomes the “city”. The game starts again from the circle. And so on ad infinitum.

These and other outdoor games brighten up a teenager’s loneliness and fill children’s leisure time with useful pastime. A teenager, playing with a group of guys, learns to communicate, shows his ingenuity and his imagination. Games bring people together and make the atmosphere relaxed, eliminating psychological barriers between players, and also solve the problem of being outdoors, since modern youth spend little time outdoors, preferring stuffy apartment or school buildings.


  • Outdoor games for teenagers: discussion, ideas, social network for parents "Country of Mothers"

Play activity is the leading one in preschool childhood, but as a person grows up, play remains a part of his life. Teenagers also love to play, but the content of the games changes and the rules become more complicated. Teen games are especially useful fresh air, which not only allow you to organize free time, but also contribute to the health and physical development of a growing organism.

Outdoor games for teenagers are divided into sports and active. Some outdoor games may have an intellectual or creative aspect.

Sports games for teenagers

Sports games are aimed at improving certain qualities, such as agility, strength, speed, etc., as well as at nurturing moral and volitional qualities. Certain sports games require the creation of certain conditions: for basketball you need baskets, for volleyball - a stretched net, for football - a goal, for table tennis - a special table. But there are a number of games where all you need is a spacious area. These are towns.

Outdoor games for teenagers

There are many fun games for teenagers, which can be held without paraphernalia or using a minimum number of available items. These games are great for both big company teenagers and a small number of participants. Children vacationing in children's health camps, sanatoriums, and simply spending leisure time in the yard eagerly participate in them.


The number of participants is very different, no additional attributes are needed. The participants of the game are divided into pairs. The presenter introduces them to a set of figures, for example, “Waltz” - a couple stands up like partners in a dance, “Dwarves” - squats facing each other, holding hands, etc. All figures must have short, clear names. Their number is 6 - 10. During the game, the leader names a piece, and all pairs quickly depict it; whoever makes a mistake, misses a round, or performs a penalty task. A competition may be held to identify the most attentive couple.


Growing children like the game “Line”. Participants in the game perform formations in a row based on various signs, for example, in alphabetical order by the first letter of the first or last name, by date of birth from January to December, by hair color from the lightest to the darkest. You can come up with other construction conditions. At large quantities participants can be divided into two teams and have a competition to see which team is more attentive and organized.

Chain of movements

You can also play large group. The first child shows a movement, the second repeats it and adds his own, the third sequentially shows the two previous movements and adds his own, so the game continues until someone makes a mistake.

Fruit basket

Participants are located in a circle, with the number of designated seats being one less than the number of children. Based on the color of their clothes, they are divided into “plums” – in blue clothes, “apples” – in red and pink clothes, “grapes” – in green clothes, “pears” – in yellow clothes, etc. The driver, who has no place, calls, for example, “Plums!” all the “leaks” must change places as soon as possible, and the driver himself tries to take any of the vacated places. Whoever does not get a place becomes the driver himself. If the driver shouts “Fruit!”, then all participants in the game must change places.

Can be organized for teenagers Interesting games with a ball.

Two balls

Need two balls different color. One symbolizes earth, the other water. Both balls are thrown at the same time in the game. The one who caught the “land” must say the name of the land animal, and the one who caught the “water” must say the name of the sea or river inhabitant. Variants of the game are possible, for example, one ball represents countries, the other – cities, etc.

Games brighten up the leisure time of growing children and help direct energy in a positive direction. Busy interesting activities a teenager is unlikely to smoke, drink alcohol, or wander aimlessly around the city.