Leo Tolstoy and his descendants. Leo Tolstoy: descendants, genealogical tree. Children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of Leo Tolstoy Who was a saint from the kind of fat

Petr Tolstoy

great-great-grandson of Tolstoy, journalist

Although many modern Tolstoys live abroad (they emigrated after the revolution), they remained at the “block of domestic literature» descendants in our country. For example, Pyotr Tolstoy, whose father returned from exile in 1944 with his brother. Thanks to his family, Peter knew about his great-great-grandfather from childhood: he repeatedly visited Yasnaya Polyana, closely acquainted with family heirlooms. This representative of the Tolstoy family is very famous Russian journalist and a TV presenter who has been working on Channel One for many years. Now he hosts the programs "Politics" and "Time will show." About the famous great-great-grandfather in an interview, Peter said this:

Tolstoy remained honest with himself, always remained so, even when he was mistaken

Fekla Tolstaya

great-great-granddaughter of Tolstoy, journalist

Second cousin of Peter Tolstoy and also very famous Russian journalist. Her real name is Anna, but she is known mainly under the name Thekla, a childhood nickname that later turned into a pseudonym. Tolstaya was born into a family of philologists and followed in the footsteps of her parents: she graduated from the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University, speaks five languages. However, already in childhood, she was drawn to television: as a schoolgirl, Fekla began acting in minor roles in the cinema, and in 1995 she entered GITIS at the directing department. Behind Fekla there are many projects on radio and television, including author's programs about his own family tree "Tolstoy", as well as "War and Peace": Reading a novel. In a conversation with MK Bulvar, the journalist happily spoke about the advantages of her huge family, whose members are scattered all over the world:

If you have relatives in another country, you understand it completely differently. I can explore, for example, Rome with my beautiful niece, who, like a Roman, shows me places that I have loved since childhood - and this is an incomparable feeling. The same can be said about my relatives in Paris or New York. I get into the family, talk to their friends

Andrey Tolstoy

great-great-grandson of Tolstoy, reindeer breeder

Another descendant representing the Swedish branch of the family, Andrey Tolstoy, is a simple farmer who has been breeding deer for many years. He reached great success: Andrey is one of the most famous reindeer herders in Scandinavia. He admitted that he could not read "War and Peace" at school. However, then he still mastered the four-volume book. A few years ago, Andrei visited Russia for the first time.

Vladimir Tolstoy

great-great-grandson of Tolstoy, adviser to the President of Russia

Vladimir Ilyich is a man without whom there would be no meetings of Tolstoy's descendants (which are held regularly today), and the fate of Leo Tolstoy's estate Yasnaya Polyana would remain in jeopardy. In the early 90s, they wanted to take away the estate's lands for new buildings, cut down the forests ... But in 1992, Vladimir Ilyich published a large amount of material about all the troubles in Komsomolskaya Pravda. Soon he was appointed director of the museum-reserve. Now Tolstoy is an adviser to the president Russian Federation, and his wife Ekaterina Tolstaya is in charge of the museum. Vladimir confessed to the Tula newspaper Molodoy Kommunar, speaking of his relatives:

Each of us has his own personality, each of us has his own view of the world. And everyone is talented in their own way. Fat people can do everything: they take pictures, draw, write. And at the same time they are embarrassed by their talents: modesty is another family quality ...

Victoria Tolstoy

great-great-granddaughter of Tolstoy, jazz singer

Yes, yes, she is Tolstoy, not Tolstaya: the Swede Victoria decided not to incline her last name, but to make it more “authentic”. How did the Swedish line of the Tolstoy family appear? The son of Lev Nikolaevich, Lev Lvovich, was forced for health reasons to turn to the Swedish doctor Westerlund. And then he fell in love with his daughter Dora ... The modern representative of this family branch, singer Victoria, is better known in her homeland under the pseudonym "Lady Jazz". By own confession, Victoria does not know the Russian language and has not read the novels of Lev Nikolayevich, however, in her work she often turns to classical Russian composers. On this moment the blonde has already 8 albums, one of which is called My Russian Soul (“My Russian Soul”). Victoria told JazzQuard:

When I was in Moscow a few years ago, I visited the Tolstoy House Museum. I remember I saw a portrait of a lady from the Tolstoy family there and was amazed at how similar this young woman from past centuries was to me! Then for the first time I really felt my involvement in the Tolstoy family: how much connects and unites us at the deepest genetic level!

Ilaria Stieler-Timor

great-great-granddaughter of Tolstoy, teacher of Italian

Stieler-Timor - great granddaughter eldest daughter Leo Tolstoy - Tatyana Sukhotina-Tolstoy. According to Ilaria, her grandmother tried to start a theatrical career, but because of her difficult financial situation, she was married to a wealthy Italian, Leonardo Albertini, who was one of the founders of the Corriere della Sera newspaper. Recently, Stieler-Timor has been living in Israel, where he teaches Italian language. She visited Russia for the first time in 1985, since then she has kept in touch with her Russian relatives. The Israeli portal Haaretz.com quotes Ilaria.

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy(-), Russian writer, critic, public figure.

He later writes in his Confessions:

The dogma that was communicated to me from childhood has disappeared in me just as it has in others, with the only difference being that, since I began to read from the age of 15 philosophical writings, then my renunciation of the dogma very early became conscious. From the age of 16, I stopped standing up for prayer and stopped, on my own impulse, going to church and fasting ... "

During his youth, Tolstoy was fond of Montesquieu and Rousseau. The latter is known for his confession: At the age of 15, I wore a medallion with his portrait around my neck instead of pectoral cross ". .

"... Acquaintance with Western atheists helped him even more to embark on this terrible path ...", - wrote Father John of Kronstadt

It was these years that were colored by intense introspection and struggle with oneself, which is reflected in the diary that Tolstoy kept throughout his life. At the same time, he had a serious desire to write and the first unfinished artistic sketches appeared.

Military service. The beginning of writing

B leaves Yasnaya Polyana for the Caucasus, the place of service of his older brother Nikolai, volunteers to take part in hostilities against the Chechens. His first literary ideas are noted in the diary (“The History of Yesterday”, etc.). In the autumn, having passed an exam in Tiflis, he enters as a cadet in the 4th battery of the 20th artillery brigade, stationed in the Cossack village of Starogladovo near Kizlyar.

In the same years, Tolstoy began to think about the "foundation of a new religion." Being a 27-year-old officer, being near Sevastopol, one day after a carbon monoxide revelry and a big loss, in his diary dated March 5, he writes:

“The conversation about deity and faith led me to a great, enormous idea, the implementation of which I feel able to devote my whole life to. This idea is the foundation of a new religion, corresponding to the development of mankind, the religion of Christ, but cleansed of faith and mystery, a practical religion that does not promise future bliss, but giving bliss on earth."

Tolstoy brings down hope for the coming bliss from heaven to earth, and Christ is conceived in this religion only as a man. The grain of this reflection was ripe for the time being, until it sprouted in the 80s, at the time spiritual crisis who overtook Tolstoy.

"War and Peace", "Anna Karenina".

In September of the year, Tolstoy married the eighteen-year-old daughter of a doctor, Sofya Andreevna Bers (+1919), and immediately after the wedding, he took his wife from Moscow to Yasnaya Polyana, where he completely devoted himself family life and economic concerns. He will live with her for 48 years, she will bear him 13 children, of which seven will remain alive.

The beginning of Tolstoy's spiritual crisis coincides with the end of the novel. The internal throwing of the hero of the novel Levin is a reflection of what was happening in the soul of the author himself.

spiritual crisis. Creating a Doctrine

In the early 1880s, the Tolstoy family moved to Moscow to educate their growing children. Since that time, Tolstoy spends winters in Moscow. Here he participates in the census of the Moscow population, closely gets acquainted with the life of the inhabitants of the city slums, which he described in the treatise "So what should we do?" (1882 - 86), and concludes: " ... You can't live like that, you can't live like that, you can't!"

In the 80s. Tolstoy noticeably cools off towards artistic work and even condemns his former novels and short stories as lordly "fun". He is fond of simple physical labor, plows, sews boots for himself, becomes a vegetarian, gives his family all his large fortune, renounces literary property rights. At the same time, his dissatisfaction with his usual way of life is growing.

Your new social views Tolstoy connects with moral and religious philosophy. Tolstoy's new worldview was widely and fully expressed in his works Confession (1879-80, published 1884) and What is my faith? (1882-84). The works "Study of dogmatic theology" (1879-80) and "Combination and translation of the four gospels" (1880-81) lay the foundation for the religious side of Tolstoy's teachings.

"His whole philosophy was now reduced to morality. - writes I.A. Ilyin - And in this morality there were two sources: compassion, which he calls "love", and abstract, resonating reason, which he calls "reason"".

God is defined by Tolstoy primarily through the denial of all those properties that are revealed in the Orthodox dogma. Tolstoy has his own understanding of God.

"This point of view, - notes I.A. Ilyin, - can be called autism (autos in Greek means self), i.e., closure within oneself, judgment about other people and things from the point of view of one’s own understanding, i.e., subjectivist non-objectivity in contemplation and evaluation. Tolstoy is an autist: in worldview, culture, philosophy, contemplation, assessments. This autism is the essence of its doctrine".

Gradually, his worldview degenerates into a kind of religious nihilism. Tolstoy criticized and denied the Creed, the Catechism of St. Philaret, the Epistle of the Eastern Patriarchs, and the Dogmatic Theology of Metropolitan Macarius. And all that is behind these works.


In the last decade of his life, Tolstoy maintains personal relationships with V.G. Korolenko, A.P. Chekhov, M. Gorky. At this time, the following were created: "Hadji Murad", "False coupon", the unfinished story "There are no guilty in the world", "Father Sergius", the drama "The Living Corpse", "After the Ball", "The Posthumous Notes of Elder Fyodor Kuzmich ... ".

Tolstoy spends the last years of his life in Yasnaya Polyana in constant mental suffering, in an atmosphere of intrigue and discord between the Tolstoyans, on the one hand, and S.A. Tolstoy, on the other. He is often tormented by the thought of leaving home. He explains these torments by "a discrepancy between life and beliefs."

Ilyin I.A. Worldview of Leo Tolstoy. Collected works: In 10 volumes. V.6. Book III, p.462

Ibid., p.463

Andreev I.M. Russian writers of the XIX century, M., 2009, p.369

See the book "Father John of Kronstadt and Count Leo Tolstoy" (Jordanville, 1960)

September 9 marks the 190th anniversary of the birth of the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. His novels "War and Peace", "Anna Karenina" are known all over the world, and his descendants still gather together in Yasnaya Polyana. O famous family said the great-great-granddaughter of the writer - a journalist, TV presenter, director Fyokla Tolstaya.

The main secret Tolstykh is not only that we have a famous ancestor. Every day I heard from my father (Nikita Tolstoy, grandson of the second son of the writer - Ilya Lvovich Tolstoy. - Approx. "Antennas") very friendly, most often funny stories about my grandfather, whom I didn't see, about his sister, my father's aunt, and people from the Tolstoy family. And most importantly, what we managed to learn from them: the family is an important foundation. Of course, to some extent, this is also the legacy of Lev Nikolayevich, who consciously went to ensure that he had a great a happy family: chose a spouse for a long time, they gave birth to 13 children, created in Yasnaya Polyana family nest. I was not so impressed by the portrait of a rather stern old man with a beard as the fact that this old man looked like my father and grandfather. This feeling that you are not alone, but belong to some branch of a large tree, I remember from childhood.

Fekla in front of a portrait of his father, Nikita Ilyich Tolstoy. She has a family ring on her finger.

When I was filming the series "Fat" for the TV channel "Culture", where each of the eight episodes is dedicated to one representative of the genus, I wanted to catch them common features. The phrase of Lev Nikolaevich is known. After visiting his uncle Fedorov Ivanovich Tolstoy, a flamboyant personality, he wrote that he had a wildness in character, like all Tolstoys. It seems to me that the Tolstoys are very emotional, sometimes quick-tempered and "natural". They don't like to pretend. All people are educated, but what they think is what they say. Still independent and freedom-loving. Rarely ready to submit to violence, hard pressure. I know from my relatives that everything can be done with love, nothing can be done with force.

Museum with ropes turns into a house

– I came to Yasnaya Polyana at the age of 16 and saw the same portraits that hang in our house. Suddenly the world of the historical past turned out to be real. Its material shell has been preserved, and after 1994, when my second cousin Vladimir Tolstoy became the director of the museum-estate and congresses of descendants began to take place, it was filled with real family relationships. I remember how in 2000 my American, Italian, French brothers and I played a home performance in the estate. The rope museum has been turned into a house where life goes on family and you can at least a little feel the atmosphere that was during the life of Lev Nikolayevich.

Lev Tolstoy

The Tolstoy Congresses would not have been possible without the amazing Nikolai Pavlovich Puzin, who lived and worked in Yasnaya Polyana from the 1940s until his death seven years ago.

During the revolution, Tolstoy's children emigrated. Only the eldest son Sergei Lvovich remained in Russia. Until that time, all the grandchildren had known each other since childhood and maintained relationships, but then it became more difficult. Sergei Lvovich Tolstoy in the 40s, before his death, bequeathed to the young employee of Yasnaya Polyana Puzin not to lose touch with the Tolstoys around the world and to collect information about them. Nikolai Pavlovich spoke amazing Russian, grasped, as in the 19th century, it seemed that he had moved from the time of Lev Nikolaevich to ours and was a living bridge for all generations of Tolstoys.

american aunties italian sister

Since 2000, Tolstoy congresses have been held regularly every two years. This summer there were 150 people. Now the main backbone is well acquainted with each other, and already the children are growing up before our eyes. And someone comes for the first time, like this year one family from Sweden. We had an exhibition where everyone brought family heirlooms. This is a great occasion to remember the history of the family. My Swedish cousin, a professional actress and director, showed her performance based on letters from Sofya Andreevna and Lev Nikolaevich. I represented the series "Fat", we discussed it, argued. There was also a ball in the Tula noble assembly, at which the descendants danced in beautiful dresses. Although this is rather an exception. Like their ancestors, the Tolstoys gravitate toward a simple life without palaces, balls, and outdoor recreation: taking a walk, swimming in a pond, fishing, mowing grass.

Victoria Tolstoy - Leo Tolstoy's great-granddaughter through his son Leo

It is a great happiness that everyone can gather in the family nest. For example, my favorite American aunts are 100% Russian. Their father, the grandson of Tolstoy, married a Russian emigrant from known kind Rodzianko (Mikhail Rodzianko was the last chairman of the State Duma before the revolution). They lived in Belgrade, in France, then moved to America. My aunt Tatyana Tolstaya, despite growing up in a Russian-speaking environment, first came to Russia at the age of 60. My Italian sister said wonderfully: “In Moscow we feel like tourists, but in Yasnaya Polyana we are at home.”

The literary gifted family

- Among the descendants there are people of the most different professions. As far as I know, no one became a writer, but very many Tolstoys were literary gifted. Tolstoy's son Lev Lvovich wrote several stories, in encyclopedias he was called Leo Tolstoy Jr. All the children left memories. Sofya Andreevna also wrote stories. For educated people it was all right. Among the Tolstoys, there are many people involved in language and literature, in particular, one of the most famous philologists was my father, academician Nikita Tolstoy, and my uncle, Professor Ilya Tolstoy. Many descendants study the life of their family. Last year and this year we talked a lot with my Italian aunt Marta Albertina. She is writing a book about her mother and grandmother, granddaughter and daughter of Tolstoy, so she came to Moscow. We sat with her in the archives, read old letters, laughed and worried. Now, as a co-curator, I have made the exhibition “Celebrations Cannot Be Banned” at the Tolstoy Museum on Prechistenka. We decided to see how Lev Nikolayevich's contemporaries, when he was famous and at the same time a controversial figure for society, celebrated his 80th birthday. Thousands of newspapers and magazines of that time have been preserved. Some said that he was a magnifying thinker, while others called for not celebrating the anniversary of a man who is excommunicated and criticizes the government. It is very interesting to read also because such articles tell about the society of that time. There is also a huge number of cartoons that were printed for the anniversary of Tolstoy himself and his critics. Contemporaries were in a lively dialogue with Lev Nikolaevich, and we wanted to revive him.

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

Tula State University

Department of History and Cultural Studies

SUMMARY by discipline

"Cultural heritage of the Tula region"

Genealogical tree l.N. Tolstoy - the great writer of the land of Tula

Completed: student gr. 220691ya

Akimov A.S.


Shekov A.V.

1. Yasnaya Polyana - the family estate of Leo Tolstoy 3

2. Princes Volkonsky 7

3. Count Tolstoy 13

4. Parents of Leo Tolstoy 19

List of sources used 22

APPENDIX. Genealogical tree of Leo Tolstoy 23

1. Yasnaya Polyana - Leo Tolstoy's family estate

"Yasnaya Polyana! Who gave you your beautiful name? Who was the first to take a fancy to this marvelous corner and who was the first to lovingly consecrate it with their labor? And when was it? Yes, you are indeed clear - radiant. Bordered from the east, north, west by the dense forests of the Kozlova notch, you look at the sun all day long and revel in it.


Coat of arms of Counts Tolstoy

From there it rises at the very edge of the notch, a little to the left in summer, closer to the edge of the winter, and all day, until evening, it wanders over its beloved Glade, until it again reaches another corner of the notch and sets. Let there be days when the sun was not visible, let there be fogs, thunderstorms and storms, but in my mind you will always remain clear, sunny and even fabulous.

So Ilya Lvovich Tolstoy, the son of Leo Tolstoy, wrote about Yasnaya Polyana.

Once Yasnaya Polyana was one of the guard posts that protected Tula from the invasion of the Tatars. Yasnaya Polyana is located on the very road, which from ancient times was the main and even the only one connecting the south and north of Rus'. This is the so-called Muravsky (Moravsky) Way, which went from Perekop itself to Tula, without crossing a single large river along its length. Slavic tribes, pressed by the Tatars, once moved along this road from south to north. On the same road, the steppe nomads made their raids: Pechenegs, Polovtsy and Tatars - robbed and burned villages and fortified outposts-cities, took the inhabitants into captivity. “I fought those places and ruined them,” writes a chronicler of the 16th century, “and many people were beaten and many villages and villages were burned, nobles and boyar children with their wives and children and many Orthodox peasants were full of poimash and swedosh; but many are full, as if even old people do not remember such a war from the filthy.

Yasnaya Polyana is surrounded by age-old forests - Zaseka, or zasechnye forests. These are Tolstoy's favorite places for hunting and walking. The name "notch" goes back to XVI century. It was then that the Moscow governments of Vasily III (Dark) and especially Ivan IV (the Terrible) created a defensive line of the so-called notch line. Initially, natural impenetrable forests and swamps were used for defense against the Tatars - “great fortresses” bordering on the steppe south. These forests stretched across the future Tambov, Tula, Ryazan and Kaluga provinces. They were called Zasechny because the Russians cut down centuries-old trees in them and felled them with their tops to the south, and the trunk was not cut off from the root, but only “notched” so that it would be more difficult for nomads to disassemble the rubble.

These forests were protected by the sovereign's people from felling and fires, as evidenced by special royal decrees: "And close to the sovereign's Ukrainian cities, forests and forest fences, and all the fortresses that were built from the arrival of military people, personally protect them from fire firmly." And the lands along the aisles were populated by service people, who were responsible for protecting the borders of central Russia. The governor under Ivan the Terrible in Krapivna was Ivan Ivanovich Tolstoy. From time immemorial, these lands to the west of Yasnaya Polyana were protected by the Volkonsky.

Where the Yasnaya Polyana railway station is now located, in ancient times there was a Kozlova notch. It was located between two glades - Raspberry in the south and Yasnaya in the north. Sometimes forest blockages were reinforced with palisades, earthen ramparts and ditches. Such ditches were located not far from Yasnaya Polyana, hence the name of one of neighboring villages- Moats. Traces of ancient ramparts and ditches can also be found near the village of Novoe Basov, right in the field. This place used to be called Zavitay.

Over time, the need for protection from the Tatars disappeared and the notches became government forests. A part of this protected forest around Yasnaya Polyana has survived to this day. True, this forest has thinned out over the past hundred years, has become cleaner and lost its originality. Now, unfortunately, it can no longer be called virginal, as Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy remembered him.

Behind the Funnel, to the north of Yasnaya Polyana, factories appeared for the manufacture of iron ore from iron ore, from which weapons were cast, and household products were produced. The place where a large iron foundry eventually grew up was called Oblique Mountain. Not far from here, in Sudakovo, lived friends of Lev Nikolaevich's parents - the Arsenyevs, who bequeathed to young Tolstoy custody of their young son before their death. Lev Nikolaevich in 1856-1857 was a frequent guest of the "Sudakov young ladies" - the older sisters of his ward - and even had the intention of marrying one of them - Valeria.

The village of Yasnaya Polyana did not look the same in Petrine times as it did during Tolstoy's lifetime. Lev Nikolayevich draws us the following picture of the village of Yasnoye at the beginning of the 18th century: In the south, two versts from the village of Yasnoye, in an open high place stands a single-domed church with a graveyard surrounded by a low stone wall; turrets crowned with onion domes were set in the corners. From the place where the estate is now, the cemetery could be seen among the flat fields of the Podstepye as a green island, above which a bell tower towered. Nikolo-Kochakovskaya Church was built no later than the middle of the 17th century, including architectural style, which was characteristic of church architecture at the end of the XVI - early XVII centuries on the territory of the Moscow state.

Behind the fence on the north-eastern side of the church is the Tolstoy family crypt, where the parents of Leo Nikolayevich and brother Dmitry are buried. In the "Roman of a Russian Landowner" we find a description of this crypt and a visit by the young Tolstoy.

“Having prayed over the ashes of his father and mother, who were buried together in the chapel, Mitya left it and thoughtfully walked towards the house; but, before he had passed the cemetery, he ran into the family of the Telyatinsky landowner.

But we paid a visit to expensive graves, - Alexander Sergeevich told him with a friendly smile. - You, right, were also with your own, Prince?

But the prince, who was still under the influence of the sincere feeling experienced in the chapel, was apparently unpleasantly affected by the neighbor's joke; he, without answering, looked at him dryly ... "

On the eastern side, between the crypt and the fence, is the grave of Tolstoy's maternal grandfather, Nikolai Sergeevich Volkonsky. The ashes of Volkonsky and the monument were transferred to the Kochakovsky cemetery in 1928, when the cemetery of the Spaso-Andronevsky Monastery in Moscow was liquidated. The inscription is carved on the red marble monument:

"The General of Infantry and Cavalier Prince Nikolai Sergeevich Volkonskoy was born on March 30, 1763, died on February 3, 1821."

Near the monument to N. S. Volkonsky, there is a monument to A. I. Osten-Saken, the sister of the writer’s father, guardian of the young Tolstoy from 1837 to 1841, transported from Optina Pustyn. The poetic epitaph carved on dark marble was most likely written by the thirteen-year-old Leo Tolstoy:

Asleep for earthly life,

You crossed the path unknown

In the abodes of heavenly life

Your sweet peace is wound up.

In the hope of a sweet goodbye -

And with faith to live beyond the grave,

Nephews this sign of remembrance -

Erected: to honor the ashes of the deceased.


on the north side of the crypt are the graves of two sons who died in early childhood, and the grave of one of the closest people to Tolstoy - Tatyana Alexandrovna Ergolskaya, his tutor and friend throughout for long years their lives in Yasnaya Polyana.

The researcher of the Kochakovsky necropolis, Nikolai Pavlovich Puzin, writes the following about the death of his sons Peter and Nikolai and aunt Tatyana Alexandrovna: “These losses of persons close to Tolstoy fall during the period of writing and printing Anna Karenina, when grief visited his family more than once.” “We are in grief,” Tolstoy wrote to A. A. Fet. - Petya the smaller fell ill with croup and died in two days. This is the first death in eleven years in our family, and it is very difficult for my wife. You can take comfort in the fact that if you choose one of the eight of us, this death is easier for everyone and for everyone. The death of Peter's son was reflected in Anna Karenina, where Dolly Oblonskaya recalls the death of her child.

In the same fence with the graves of sons Beloved aunt Tatyana Alexandrovna is buried. It was a heavy loss for Lev Nikolaevich: “I lived with her all my life. And I’m terrified without her,” he writes in one of the letters. And next to it is the gravestone of Pelageya Ilyinichna Yushkova, the second sister of Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy.

Almost all members of the Leo Tolstoy family are buried at the family cemetery in Kochaki: Sofya Andreevna Tolstaya, her sister Tatyana Andreevna Kuzminskaya, daughter Maria Lvovna, married Obolenskaya, sons - Alexei, Vanechka, and grandchildren - Anna, Ilya and Vladimir Ilyichi Thick.

The history of each family, clan, native village or city is always interesting in itself: through it we learn the immediate and more distant history of our people, our country.

When we turn to the study of the history of the ancestors of great writers, such as Pushkin or Leo Tolstoy, we not only satisfy our interest in what role their ancestors played in the history of the Russian state, but we begin to better understand much of what they wrote, the heroes of the works and the personality of the author. The counts of Rostov in "War and Peace" - especially Ilya Andreevich and Nikolai, the princes Bolkonsky - old prince, Princess Marya, Prince Andrei could not have been what we know and love them if Tolstoy had not embodied in them many character traits and even some episodes from the life of his ancestors: Counts Tolstoy and Princes Volkonsky.

If Tolstoy did not know Tolstoy the American, Dolokhov's appearance would have been different; had it not been for Sonya and Tanya Bers, whom Lev Nikolayevich knew from their very childhood, we would not have met the charming Natasha Rostova.

And how many unfulfilled plans, how many unfinished works, with fragments, and sometimes with whole chapters of which we can get acquainted in the 90-volume Collected Works of L.N. Companions of Peter the Great!

Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy devoted many years to the study of Russian history, he was especially deeply interested in the period from Peter I to the December uprising of 1825. He reads the books of Solovyov, Ustryalov, Golikov, Gordon, Pekarsky, Pososhkov, Bantysh-Kamensky in his library. He asks friends and acquaintances to send him everything they have about the era of Peter I, about urban and rural life of that time, diaries and travel notes contemporaries of Peter, description of battles and geographical information.

Leo Tolstoy's interest in the history of Yasnaya Polyana, his family, is undeniable in a way. This is an interest that helps to understand the history of the people, the history of the Russian state through the history of individuals, their relationships and characters, through the attitude of landowners to serfs and forced peasants to masters.

He carefully examines the genealogy of his ancestors - Tolstoy, princes Volkonsky, and Gorchakov, and Trubetskoy - according to the so-called velvet book, P. Dolgorukov's genealogy book and other sources, because he intends to introduce some of his ancestors into the future novel. This does not mean that he wanted to glorify his ancestors in his historical novel. Here is what Lev Nikolayevich writes on April 4, 1870: “I am reading the story of Solovyov. Everything in this history was ugly in pre-Petrine Russia: cruelty, robbery, righteousness, rudeness, stupidity, inability to do anything. The government began to correct. And the government is just as ugly up to our time. You read this story and involuntarily come to the conclusion that a number of outrages have happened in the history of Russia. But how did a series of outrages produce a great and united state?! This alone proves that it was not the government that produced history.

And in a letter to A.A. Tolstoy in 1873, Lev Nikolayevich asks: does Alexandra Andreevna or her brother know “something about our Tolstoy ancestors that I don’t know. I remember that Count Ilya Andreevich collected information. If there is something written, will he send it to me. The darkest episode for me from the life of our ancestors is the exile in Solovetsky, where Peter and Ivan died. Who is Ivan's wife? (Praskovya Ivanovna, born Troekurova)? When and where did they return? - God willing, I want to go to Solovki this summer. I hope to learn something there. It is touching and important that Ivan did not want to return when this right was returned to him. You say: Peter's time is not interesting, it's cruel. Whatever it is, it is the beginning of everything. Unraveling the skein, I involuntarily reached the time of Peter the Great, and that is the end.”

Tolstoy is an artist, and therefore he creates his own history, history-art. “No matter what you look at,” he writes to N. N. Strakhov on December 17, 1872, “it’s all a task, a riddle, the solution of which is only possible through poetry.”

Pedigree of Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) PEDIGREE OF LEV Nikolaevich
TOLSTOY (1828-1910)
Lev Nikolaevich
Nikolai Ilyich
Count Tolstoy
Pelageya Nikolaevna
Princess Gorchakova
Ilya Andreevich
Count Tolstoy
Ivan Petrovich
Count Tolstoy
Maria Nikolaevna
Princess Volkonskaya
Nikolai Sergeevich
Prince Volkonsky
Ekaterina Dmitrievna
Princess Trubetskaya

Coat of arms of the Tolstoy family

The coat of arms of the Tolstoy nobles is common to all
descendants of Indris. In a shield with
blue field, golden
saber and silver arrow, threaded
pointed crosswise through
golden key ring and above the key with
silver is visible on the right side
open wing. Namet on the shield
blue, lined with gold. Coat of arms introduced
in the General armorial of noble families
Russian Empire,

Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Lukina

Paternal great-grandmother of Leo Tolstoy, wife of Nikolai
Ivanovich Gorchakov.

Yuri Yurievich Trubetskoy

The second son of the boyar Yu. P. Trubetskoy, nephew
"Great Golitsyn". Started court service
room steward of the tsars Fedor Alekseevich and Peter
I. Later he joined the amusing army of Peter, under Kozhukhovsky
maneuvers (1694) was already the captain of Preobrazhensky
During the 18-year stay in Swedish captivity
older brother Ivan Yuryevich (later General Field Marshal), the inconspicuous Prince Yuri walked along
military service through a series of steps and was promoted to
March 1719 to foreman. The family chronicle says
that he distinguished himself during the capture of Derbent by the Russians in 1722
year. Participated in the construction of the Petropavlovsk
fortresses; Trubetskoy bastion is named after him.
In 1720 he was appointed president of the Magistrate - the highest
city ​​government in Russia. Catherine I
granted him the rank of lieutenant general. In 1727
put in charge of the newly formed Belgorod
After the accession to the throne of Anna Ioannovna, the prince
Trubetskoy was appointed senator (March 4, 1730) and
after that he was granted to the real secret
advisers (April 28 of the same year). Died in 1739
buried in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

Olga Ivanovna Golovina

Leo Tolstoy's great-grandmother, sister
great-grandmother of Alexander Pushkin,
Evdokia Ivanovna Golovina, Yuri's wife
Yurievich Trubetskoy.

Fyodor Mikhailovich Volkonsky

Prince Fyodor Mikhailovich Volkonsky - close
roundabout and racketmeister from the Volkonsky family. Prince's son
Mikhail Andreevich.
He was granted a room steward on December 24, 1692. By
Spiridov, was in the Azov campaign of 1696, and in what
positions, not mentioned. January 16, 1721 granted to
devious; in 1727, on January 28, he was appointed racketmaster.
He was married by his first marriage to Ekaterina Matveevna
Eropkina, and the second marriage to Princess Anastasia
Afanasievna Solntseva-Zasekina; had a prince's son
Semyon Fedorovich.
According to the dacha of 1705 for the room steward Prince Fedor
Mikhailovich Volkonsky consisted of estates in Klinskoye,
Ryazan and Pereyaslav counties.

Anastasia Afanasievna Sontsova-Zasekina

Great-great-grandmother of Leo Tolstoy, wife of Fyodor
Mikhailovich Volkonsky.
Comes from the Sontsov-Zasekin family - a branch of the princes Zasekin.
Its founder was Dmitry Ivanovich Sontse Zasekin.

Sergei Fyodorovich Volkonsky

Volkonsky, Sergei Fedorovich (1715-
1784) - major general, first
owner of Yasnaya Polyana.

Maria Dmitrievna Chaadaeva

CHAADAEV (???-1775)
Maternal great-grandmother of Leo Tolstoy,
wife of Sergei Fyodorovich Volkonsky.

10. Dmitry Yurievich Trubetskoy

Prince Dmitry Yurievich Trubetskoy (c. 1724-1792) -
guard captain-lieutenant from the Trubetskoy family, rich
Moscow gentleman of the Catherine era, builder of the estate
Znamenskoye-Sadki, the ancestor of the younger branch
Trubetskoy ("Trubetskoy-Komod"). Great-grandfather of Leo Tolstoy.
Born in the family of Prince Yuri Yuryevich Trubetskoy and his
second wife Olga, daughter of Admiral I. M. Golovin. By
mother had to cousin L. A. Pushkin -
poet's grandfather. Inherited a piece of land from relatives
The Kremlin, which was bought by the treasury for the construction of the Senate,
and suburban estates Neskuchnoye and Znamenskoye. In more
remote Moscow region owned the Prokhorovo estate.
Upon completion of the construction of the palace in Znamenskoye, he received
on June 23, 1787, returning from the Tauride voyage
Catherine II with grandchildren. The estate has preserved a built
by his order, a two-height hall with a painted ceiling and
lavish stucco decoration. In 1772 he bought
newly built "house-dresser" on Pokrovka and right there
set about modifying it. He was known as an amateur musician (he played the cello). His fortress theater
was popular in Moscow.

11. Varvara Ivanovna Odessa

Wife of Dmitry Yurievich Trubetskoy,
great-grandmother of Leo Tolstoy.

12. Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya

Princess Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya, married Countess Tolstaya (10
November 1790 - August 4, 1830) - the mother of Leo Tolstoy.
Born in Yasnaya Polyana, the Volkonsky family estate, in a family
General Nikolai Sergeevich Volkonsky and his wife Ekaterina
Dmitrievna. To her mother's father, Prince D. Yu. Trubetskoy,
belonged to the luxurious palace on Pokrovka. After an early death
mother (in 1792) was brought up in the family of her brother, Prince Ivan
Trubetskoy, until in 1799 Nikolai Sergeevich went to
retired and did not settle with his daughter in Yasnaya Polyana.
Under the guidance of a strict father, Princess Marya received a good
home education. She played the clavichord and harp very well,
knew five languages, studied Russian literature, music, history
arts, mathematics, physics, geography, logic, general
history, natural sciences.
The external closeness of Maria Nikolaevna and her caustic disposition
father was scared away from the family of potential suitors, and the princess, by the age of 30
almost resigned herself to the fate of an old maid for years. She possessed
large facial features that Leo Tolstoy inherited, and, according to
in his opinion, was "not good-looking."
Although Lev Nikolaevich did not remember his mother, he idolized her,
studied her diaries in detail. According to his wife,
Tolstoy spent every morning in the lower garden of Yasnaya Polyana - there,
where Maria Nikolaevna often rested and there were many trees
planted by herself. The bright image of the mother is reflected in the story
Tolstoy "Childhood". In many ways, Tolstoy's mother became a prototype
Princess Marya Bolkonskaya from the novel War and Peace.

13. Nikolai Sergeevich Volkonsky

Prince Nikolai Sergeevich Volkonsky (March 30, 1753 - 3
February 1821) - infantry general from the family
Volkonskikh, grandfather of Leo Tolstoy. prototype
old Prince Bolkonsky from the novel "War and Peace".
Son of Major General Prince Sergei Fedorovich Volkonsky
(1715-1784) and Maria Dmitrievna, nee. Chaadaeva (d.
1775). Married to Ekaterina Dmitrievna (1749-99), daughter
Prince D. Yu. Trubetskoy, granddaughter of Prince I. V. Odoevsky,
one of the favorites of Elizabeth Petrovna.
Was born in marriage only daughter- Princess Maria
Nikolaevna Volkonskaya, married Countess Tolstaya
(1790-1830) - mother of Leo Tolstoy, prototype of Princess Marya
in War and Peace.
The old Prince Volkonsky owned the Yasnaya Polyana estate,
which passed as a dowry to the daughter of Mary,
when she married Count Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy.

14. Ekaterina Dmitrievna Trubetskaya

Ekaterina Dmitrievna - the youngest daughter
Prince Dmitry Yurievich Trubetskoy
wife of General Prince Nicholas
Sergeevich Volkonsky, they have a daughter
Maria is the mother of Leo Tolstoy.
The Trubetskoy family belonged to
ancient Russian aristocracy,
famous for its liberalism and
broad cultural interests. At
Volkonsky had two daughters: Varenka,
who died in childhood, and Maria. Ekaterina
Dmitrievna died when her
Mary's daughter was barely two
of the year.

15. Praskovya Mikhailovna Rtishcheva

Great-great-grandmother of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy
paternal line, wife of Ivan Petrovich Tolstoy.

16. Leo Tolstoy

Outstanding Russian prose writer, playwright and public
figure. Born August 28 (September 9), 1828 in
estate Yasnaya Polyana Tula region. maternal
line the writer belonged to the eminent family of princes
Volkonsky, and on his father's side - to the old family of counts
Tolstykh. Great-great-grandfather, great-grandfather, grandfather and father of Leo Tolstoy were
the military. Representatives of the ancient family of Tolstoy still under
Ivan the Terrible served as governors in many cities of Rus'.
The writer's childhood passed in Yasnaya Polyana - an old
family estate. Tolstoy's interest in history and literature
originated in childhood: living in the village, he saw how
the life of the working people flowed, from him he heard
a bunch of folk tales, epics, songs, legends. Life
people, their work, interests and views, oral creativity -
everything alive and wise - Yasnaya Polyana revealed Tolstoy.
Youth. Young Tolstoy saw not only the open side
life big city but also some hidden, shady
sides. With his first stay in Moscow, the writer
connected the end of the earliest pore of his life,
childhood, and the transition to adolescence.

17. Leo Tolstoy

The first period of Tolstoy's life in Moscow continued
not for long. In the summer of 1837, having gone on business to Tula,
his father died suddenly. Shortly after death
father Tolstoy with his sister and brothers had to endure
new misfortune: the grandmother died, whom all those close
considered the head of the family. Sudden death son became for her
with a terrible blow and less than a year later carried her to the grave.
A few years later, the first guardian of the orphans died
children of Tolstoy, father's sister, Alexandra Ilyinichna OstenSaken. Ten-year-old Leo, his three brothers and sister
were taken to Kazan, where their new guardian lived - aunt
Pelageya Ilyinichna Yushkova.
Tolstoy lived in Kazan for more than six years. It was time
formation of his character and choice of life path.
Living with his brothers and sister at Pelageya Ilyinichna, young
Tolstoy spent two years preparing to enter the Kazan
university. Deciding to enter the eastern branch
University, he paid special attention to preparing for
exams in foreign languages. In exams for
mathematics and Russian literature Tolstoy received
fours, and in foreign languages ​​- fives. On exams
in history and geography, Lev Nikolaevich failed
He got failing grades.
Failure in the entrance exams served to
Tolstoy is a serious lesson. He spent the whole summer
a thorough study of history and geography,
passed additional exams on them and in September
1844 was enrolled in the first course of the eastern
departments of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Kazan
university in the category of Arabic-Turkish
literature. However, the study of languages ​​was not carried away
Tolstoy, and after summer holidays in Yasnaya Polyana
transferred from the Oriental Faculty to the Faculty of Law.
But in the future, university classes are not
aroused Lev Nikolayevich's interest in the studied
sciences. Most the time he's on his own
studied philosophy, compiled the "Rules
life" and carefully wrote in his diary. To
the end of the third year training sessions Tolstoy
finally convinced that the
university order only interfered
independent creative work and he accepted
decision to leave the university. However
he needed a university degree to
obtain the right to enter the service. And to
get a diploma, Tolstoy survived
university exams as an external student, spending on
preparation for them two years of life in the village. Having received
at the end of April 1847 in the office
university documents, former student
Tolstoy left Kazan.

18. Ivan Petrovich Tolstoy

Ivan Petrovich was born in 1685 in
Moscow in the family of Peter Andreevich
Tolstoy and Solomonida Timofeevna
Dubrovskaya, granddaughter of Bogdan Minich
Dubrovsky. In 1702 he accompanied
father on a diplomatic trip to
Constantinople. Subsequently served
captain in the guard. In a number
compilations there are reports (apparently erroneous) that he
headed the patrimonial board.

19. Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy

Only adult son
Count Ilya Andreevich Tolstoy, Kazan
Governor, and his wife Pelageya Nikolaevna. From 6
years, was enlisted in the civil service. K 16
For years he held the rank of collegiate registrar. At 17
years, transferred to military service.
He retired in 1824 with the rank of colonel.
Having spent his youth merrily, he lost huge
money and completely upset his affairs. N.I.
Tolstoy is depicted quite close to
reality in War and Peace, where he
served as the prototype for Nikolai Ilyich Rostov. AT
Lev Nikolaevich writes in his memoirs that
father were "sanguine red neck", "vigorous
quick step", "cheerful, gentle voice", "kind,
beautiful eyes", "graceful, courageous

20. Pelageya Nikolaevna Gorchakova

Wealthy heiress of the village
Nikolskoye-Vyazemskoye, - married
"a hopeless old maid." By
according to Leo Tolstoy, "she was
narrow-minded, poorly educated, like everyone else
then, knew French better than
in Russian (and this was limited to her
education), and very spoiled.”
Shown close enough to
original in Tolstoy's stories
"Childhood" and "Adolescence". Married
had four children.

21. Alexandra Ivanovna Shchetinina

Princess Alexandra Ivanovna Shchetinina
married Count Andrew
Ivanovich Tolstoy (1721 - 1803),
grandson of Petrine associate Peter
Andreevich. Her grandson - Count Fedor
Petrovich Tolstoy (1783 - 1873), vice-president of the Academy of Arts,
excellent draftsman
(graphic works and watercolors) and
Another great-grandson of Princess Shchetinina
was Count Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy.

22. Andrei Ivanovich Tolstoy

Born in the family of Ivan Petrovich Tolstoy,
the eldest son of P. A. Tolstoy, an associate of Peter I.
Mother Praskovya Mikhailovna - granddaughter
niece of the benefactor F. M. Rtishchev. Through
seven years after the birth of Andrei, his father and grandfather
fell into disgrace and were exiled to Solovki, where
soon died.
Andrei Ivanovich began serving in the army at the age of 18 as an ordinary soldier. Participated in
war with the Swedes. In 1754-59. was in
Kazan garrison, in 1761-64 voivodship in
Sviyazhsk. Took part in the work of the Legislative
commission as a representative of the Suzdal
During the reign of Catherine II, he moved to live in
Moscow, where he headed the city magistrate.
He ended his career as vice president of the Moscow
Palace Reserve Office. Retired
with the rank of real state councillor.

23. Ilya Andreevich Tolstoy

Son of A. I. Tolstoy, brother of F. A. Tolstoy. Studied at Marine
Corps, but his education was extremely superficial,
so in official documents he signed
"brigadier" instead of "brigadier". Leo Tolstoy considered his
ancestor a stupid man, prone to scams and
projecting. The features of Ilya Andreevich are given in "War and
world" to the most good-natured, impractical old Count
He served as a midshipman in the Navy, later transferred to
Life Guards, in the Preobrazhensky Regiment. After marrying in
1791 on a rich heiress could afford to go to
resignation, which he did two years later with the rank of brigadier. In
during the Napoleonic wars was among the elders
English club. The Tolstoys owned estates in
Tula province (about 1200 souls) and Moscow
apart in Krivoy Lane, between Tverskaya and Nikitskaya,
but preferred to live in Polyany, a vast estate in
Belevsky district, where the local nobility chose Ilya
Andreevich as a judge of a conscientious court. In 1803-10. he kept
wine leases in the Kaluga and Oryol provinces and for
started deliveries of alcohol on his estates three distilleries

24. Nikolai Ivanovich Gorchakov

(1725 – 1811)
Paternal great-grandfather of Leo Tolstoy,
husband of Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Lukina.