How to quickly learn to write with your right hand. How to learn to write with your left hand if you are right-handed

The ability to use your non-dominant hand is a wonderful opportunity to develop new talents. This allows you to coordinate the activities of the two hemispheres of the human brain. Mastering left-handed spelling can also enhance your intuition and sharpen your sense of humor.

Humans have an insatiable desire for knowledge and self-development.. Apparently, this is what pushes many people, even adults, to learn to write with their left hand. According to statistics, there are about 15% of left-handed people in the world, but the number is increasing noticeably every year. If you think this is easy to learn, you are mistaken. Follow our tips and it will be easier for you to master spelling with your left hand.
  1. The left hemisphere is responsible for the activities of the right side of the body, and the right hemisphere “guides” the left side. The development of the right hemisphere of the brain will give impetus to expanding memory, improving thinking and other things. The left hemisphere of our brain controls analysis, abstraction, classification, algorithm, induction. That is, rational-logical thinking. The right hemisphere is the artistic part of our personality: images, emotions, creative abilities. Use our simple tips:
  2. The location of the paper sheet. Divide your table into two zones with an imaginary line. The same non-existent straight line should divide your torso perpendicular to the floor into two halves. Place the sheet on the left side of the table. Try to ensure that the top right corner is always lower than the left. The letters need to be written down, not up, as usual. This placement of the paper sheet allows for a more complete overview of the written lines, less hand fatigue and more space for writing.
  3. Pencil or pen.. Start your lessons on a lined sheet of paper. This will not only contribute to beautiful writing, but will also help you immediately develop the ability to keep a straight line. To do this, purchase notebooks with special pages. When you first start learning, try writing in block letters, then move on to capital letters. Homer did this kind of training. Try to use your left hand more often in everyday life: make notes of friends’ phone numbers, addresses of acquaintances, etc.
  4. Letter size. When taking your first steps, you should try writing the alphabet in capital letters to gain muscle memory.

Also purchase universal handle, specially made for left-handers. Recently, many products for various purposes have been released for this target group. The shape of such a pen corresponds to the physiological and anthropometric characteristics for writing with the left hand. This will help you hold your hand correctly when writing and delay the threshold of muscle fatigue.
  1. Additional tips: Draw simple shapes
  2. . People, squares, circles, etc. Color your drawings or use coloring books. This will help develop hand motor skills. First, outline the contours of the “picture” with dots, and then connect them with a straight line. Use both hands at the same time and draw synchronously, gradually moving to working only with your left Resist the urge to connect your right hand.
  3. This desire will arise often. Try to resist him. Usual things
  4. . Do more of your usual activities with your left hand: brushing your teeth, dialing a phone number, eating with cutlery at lunch, etc. Strengthen your left arm physically
  5. . Throwing a ball, exercising with dumbbells, playing tennis, badminton. Provide a visual reminder.
  • Indicate to yourself in some way that it serves as a reminder:
  • Wrap a bright thread around the thumb of your right hand.
  • You can wear a glove.

Write a reminder on your hand.


First, take a test that will determine your affiliation in relation to the leading hemisphere. Ask someone you know to quietly push you from behind and see which foot you put forward.

If you use your right hand to a minimum, i.e. If you do not belong to the category of those people who skillfully operate both of them in their activities (for example, pianists or croupiers), then you should begin to develop it gradually.

To begin, change your left hand to your right while washing dishes, wiping dust, combing, etc. After a week, you will feel much more confident when performing simple household tasks. Also, get used to the idea that learning to do something is uncomfortable hand It's still possible.

Buy several copybooks and notebooks with diagonal curved lines. Get ready for daily classes and never miss them - only with constant practice can you “teach” your right hand and learn to write with it quickly and beautifully.

Take a position at the table so that the light falls from the left side.

Take a pen and hold it between your index finger and thumb, and use your middle finger as a stand. While working, the brush should lie on the table; as you write lines, it should be moved to the right. Practice on a piece of paper, evaluate how comfortable you are with the pen.

Open the copybook - at first it will be difficult for you to trace the letters, but a few weeks of practice will teach you how to draw straight lines. First, practice performing individual elements of writing, various hooks. Only after this do you proceed directly to writing letters, then words, and then sentences.


  • write with the other hand

Left-handedness has long been considered a developmental defect; left-handers have been retrained since childhood, often with very harsh measures that affect the psyche much more than working with the left hand itself. However, an obsession with the predominance of the right hand also does not always lead to a good result: right-handed people have less developed right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for intuition, creativity and a number of other qualities. As a result of learning to write left-handedly, you will be able to develop these properties in yourself and discover some talents.

Write a reminder on your hand.

Run some simple tests. First, cross your arms. The upper forearm is an indicator of the dominant side. Interlace your fingers in the same way and look at the top finger; clap your hands (dominant hand on top again). Please note that the more indicators that indicate your right-handedness, the more difficult it will be for you to learn and, therefore, the more patience you will need.

Video on the topic


Please note that the position of your left hand when writing is different from the position of your right.

Make sure that your hand is free and that the handle is in line with your hand.

It is very easy to switch to mirror writing with your left hand. It is necessary to strictly control every element of the letter.

Helpful advice

The pen should be the same as that of any first grader. Take the simplest standard pen.

Start writing with the simplest elements. You are learning to write all over again, so the methodology is not much different from the one used to teach children to write. But since you already know how to write, learning will go much faster.

First, write at a table in a comfortable writing position. This is necessary at first, even if you are used to writing while sitting on the steps or on the train.

Don't be discouraged if the writing pace seems too slow. This is normal. Even those people for whom the left hand is the dominant hand write more slowly at first to right-handed people.


  • how to learn to write with your left hand to a right-handed person in 2018

Some people believe that authorship is a gift from nature, and people either have this gift from birth or do not have it at all. But what should those who dream of learning how to write beautiful, competent and fascinating texts do, without possessing innate skills? In fact, every person is capable of learning to write originally and express their thoughts in a quality manner. In order for your texts to be of interest to potential readers in the future, follow these simple tips.

Write a reminder on your hand.

The first piece of advice is very simple - the more good books you read, the better you will develop the ability to beautifully, easily and clearly express your thoughts and put them into artistic form. Read more - it will expand your vocabulary, increase your vocabulary, and allow you to experience different authorial styles belonging to different writers.

Another tip is that you practice as much as possible and make a plan before starting any new text. Always make a plan for your future publication - this will allow you to structure your thoughts and ideas, distribute them, sort them, determine what exactly you will say at the beginning of the article and what at the end. Your text should describe the scene of the action, the reasons for the action, the action itself, and finally, the action or the conclusions you draw.

Learn to structure your texts competently and logically - only then will they be beautiful and interesting. Don't deviate from the main topic you're writing about, and don't overuse complex terms or long sentences. Write concisely and try to talk only about the main thing, avoiding secondary and unimportant points.

Strive to achieve maximum content and completeness with a small volume of the finished article - readers prefer brevity and do not like to spend a lot of time reading certain texts.

Keep your tongue clean. Do not use colloquial or abusive language in the texts, write stylistically correctly, follow grammar and spelling. Maintain a detached author's position in the text, but do not highlight your own opinion as the only truth, do not try to lecture or condemn readers, and also avoid rudeness. The text should be beautiful, polite and simple, attracting the attention of any person.

Avoid excessive repetition of interjections and the pronoun “I”, as well as tautologies. To avoid repeated words (tautologies) in the text, look for synonyms and construct sentences without repetition. And finally, to be effective, practice regularly - start a blog and constantly publish new notes in it, communicating with readers and observing their reaction to your texts.

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One of the tasks of elementary school is to teach children calligraphy, but not even all adults master this skill. You can learn to write calligraphy on your own using certain rules.

Write a reminder on your hand.

To begin, take the correct body position. To do this, sit straight in a chair, tilt your head slightly forward. If you are right-handed, then place your left hand on the table and transfer part of your body weight to it, while at the same time holding the paper with this hand. If you are, then move the fulcrum to your right hand. The hand you write with should barely touch the surface of the table.

Take a writing instrument - a pen or quill - in your working hand. Using your thumb, press the handle against the nail phalanx of your middle finger. Bend your index finger slightly and hold the handle on top. You need to hold the writing instrument in your hand without tension.

Relax and straighten the remaining two fingers - excess tension in them will interfere with the smooth movements of your hand. Check that the handle is in the correct position by using your other hand to pull it out at the top end. If it glides freely, you're done.

Start practicing calligraphic writing of letters by drawing random lines on paper. First write at an angle of 30 degrees, then at an angle of 45 and 90 degrees. It is important to maintain the slope at a given angle. Follow the sequence: only from top to bottom and left to right.

Practice writing “o”, draw each line one at a time and carefully connect the touching lines. This is necessary for writing round characters. While writing, do not change the position of your hand as the angle may change.

Learn to write strictly strokes. When writing a stroke, do not focus on the previous one; if its angle of inclination is changed, the entire stroke may tilt. Follow your breathing and draw strokes as you exhale. Avoid too fast or too slow movements, choose a writing rhythm that is comfortable for you.

Calligraphic writing requires a certain determination from the author and is the result of persistent training.


At first, do the exercises slowly and methodically; increasing speed will be a natural process.

Helpful advice

Progress to writing complex letters gradually, as soon as you master the technique of simple exercises.

Today you don't often have to handwrite - keyboards have replaced pens, and it's much faster and easier to type something than to write it. But when handwriting becomes necessary, a common problem arises: illegible handwriting. If you have repeatedly heard reproaches that you write illegibly, learn to write letters beautifully.

Write a reminder on your hand.

Find calligraphy courses. Lack of free time or money will, of course, prevent you from taking your handwriting seriously. But if possible - even with small restrictions, do not make excuses for yourself. Thanks to calligraphy courses, you will begin to write not just beautifully, but surprisingly neatly; your handwriting can be graded. A few months of training is worth it. Don’t be lazy, if there are similar courses in your city, sign up for them.

Get back to basics. Do you still remember how to write all the letters correctly? If the program of the first one is irretrievably lost for you, buy the copybook. There is nothing stupid or meaningless about this: who said that accurate writing of letters is only necessary? Look at an example of a letter and, as in your school years, write it line by line. From one letter, of course. When you master it, move on to the next one. Pay special attention to letter connections.

Take your time. Do you remember how diligently you wrote out the words in the first one? Now you need to do something similar. You may not really like the handwriting suggested in the copybooks. But it is better to imitate him first - he is the most understandable and simple. Master all the letters (by really spelling them all out well), all types of connections, write a few simple words and sentences in cursive.

Find handwriting that you like. You can find examples of writing letters on the same websites of calligraphy courses - they are displayed there as examples. See what you like best. Consider whether you could cope with writing letters this way. Try to imitate. Write an entire alphabet for yourself in the writing style that you like. You may want to add some more elements to the letters, or simplify some things.

Exercise every day. And always try your best when writing. Even regular practice will not yield results if, the next time you need to write a text by hand, you again quickly scribble something illegible.

The key to possession in football is holding it for a long time. An exercise like hitting a ball leg will help the player develop coordination and reaction. So how can you learn to kick?

Write a reminder on your hand.

Choose good comfortable shoes for training. Don't buy one that's too narrow. Also, it should not hang on leg. It is best if these are fairly hard sneakers or regular boots. Be that as it may, they should fit your feet exactly.

Buy a hard leather ball. Train right away on good professional equipment so that it will help you during an official game or performance. Make sure the ball is well inflated before training.

Choose a place to train. Let it be any free or field. Coverage doesn't really matter. Train with friends or like-minded people. As a rule, when practicing together, progress in hitting the ball is achieved much faster, since gambling confrontation comes into force.

Practice maintaining body balance for a long time. Before kicking the ball, do the following simple exercise. Stand on your right leg, bend your left knee and lift it up, keep your hands at chest level. Try to hold this for a few minutes. Do the same with your left leg. This simple one will help you concentrate and maintain balance for a long time.

Stuff with both feet at once. Now it's time for the stuffing itself. Bend your back leg slightly, straighten your front leg and do a few test reps. Keep your back straight and set the pace with your arm movements. Watch carefully how the ball moves. Try to hit the middle of the ball with your foot so that it flies up and does not go to the side. This is where many newbies get confused. Use the other leg as well, even though you can only use one. This will give you an advantage over your opponents in competitions.

Hone your skills on a regular basis. When you understand how to hit correctly, maintain coordination and trajectory of the ball, begin to constantly strengthen your skills on the field. Do this constantly and record the results of how much you were able to kick the ball with each foot. All this will lead you to rapid progress in kicking the ball.

An important aspect of preparing a child for school is the development of fine motor skills. Most children begin to eat, draw, and develop writing skills with their right hand. But practice shows that often a child has poor writing skills by the time he enters school. Therefore, the development of motor skills and precise movements of the right hand are very important for preschool children.

You will need

  • - copybook;
  • - pencil;
  • - lacing game.

Write a reminder on your hand.

Copybooks and all kinds of shading perfectly prepare the hand for the writing process. The child not only learns to draw lines, dotted lines and shapes. It also trains your arm and muscle endurance. There are different types of shading. For example, buy your child a notebook “Draw by cells.” This will help you master spatial orientation skills on a sheet of checkered paper and teach you how to copy drawings and figures using. Hatches are produced for various age categories. The simplest ones teach the child to draw parallel, horizontal and oblique lines in the form of a game. A child will draw grass, paths or hedgehog needles, without even suspecting that this is how he is being prepared for writing. Use a soft pencil to draw. Also make sure that you have the correct posture and that you are holding the pencil correctly with the fingers of your right hand.

To paint, you need at least 2 brushes with rounded edges: a thin one for drawing details and a thick one for drawing basic lines. The bristles of the brushes can be made from goat or marten, but synthetic products are not suitable for drawing sumi-e. Soften new brushes first. Dip them gently into a saucer of water several times. After use, rinse brushes thoroughly and dry only in a horizontal position. They can be used for drawing again only after they have completely dried.

Traditionally, mascara is ground in suzuri - a specially processed stone in the shape of a circle or rectangle. Rub the mascara stick over the surface of the stone with droplets of water. Fill the depression at one of the walls of the suzuri with water. Suzuri is very rarely on sale even in specialized art salons; instead, you can use a ceramic saucer that is not varnished.

Ink for sumi-e painting comes in the form of rectangular blocks, which are made from pine charcoal, ground into powder, and an adhesive substance. Ink rubbed on the suzuri surface is mixed with water to form paint. Liquid ink sold in bottles or ordinary watercolor paint are also suitable for drawing on rice paper. Mixing ink or black paint with different amounts of water produces different shades from light gray to deep black.

When everything is prepared, start the exercises. Dip the brush into clean water until it is completely wet. Then dip it vertically in medium-tone paint. And then the tip - in dark mascara.

Place the brush on the rice paper and make an inclined line with equal pressure on the brush, you should get a line with different shades. Then try to draw lines with stops, with your hand lifted, and with pressure on the brush. To increase the width of the line, press the brush harder as you move. To make the line lighter, lift the brush so that the bristles just touch the paper. Draw the main lines of your painting, and then paint in a few details with a thin brush.

Thanks to good Argentine tango teachers, you can master the basics perfectly within 1-2 weeks. But even more important is that during this time you will become more confident and even more attractive to others, learn how to properly hug the person you are dancing with, and move sensually and beautifully. Hugs should be passionate, but at the same time gentle and light, not interfering with the dance. In Argentine tango, the man does not block the woman’s movements, forcing her to perform certain figures and not giving her the opportunity to choose. The woman, in turn, does not cling to her partner with a death grip, forcing him to overexert himself and literally “dance with weights.”

While dancing, you need to maintain your tone and at the same time be relaxed, although at first glance this may seem too difficult. Partners move easily and freely, while constantly monitoring their balance and maintaining contact to avoid mistakes during the dance. Every element plays an important role, including posture and gait. Having learned this art, you will learn how to seduce members of the opposite sex with your movements. Even small gestures will become more attractive and sexy, and others will undoubtedly notice it. In this case, of course, there will be no vulgarity in your movements.

To learn how to dance beautifully and sensually, like real Argentines, you can try to close your eyes and completely surrender to the sensations. This will allow you to “hear” your partner with the help of your body, catch his movements, and deeply feel the hug. As a result, a truly strong and mysterious connection arises between a man and a woman. Having felt it once, you will subsequently be able to more easily establish non-verbal contact and guess the emotions of other people. Thus, a few tango lessons will be enough to change your life a little. Later, you will be able to consolidate the effect by continuing your training and starting to attend milongas.

Thanks to Argentine tango, you will learn not only to hug your partner correctly, but also to walk beautifully, making your steps smooth and graceful, and your posture truly royal. Long weeks of exercises with weights on the head, rulers attached to the back, and corsets will not help achieve the results that Argentine tango training will give. At the same time, you will also receive incomparable pleasure from dancing, and you will also be able to open up, stopping being ashamed of your own body and clinging to yourself, hiding your natural advantages.

For example, the right hemisphere receives most of the information from the left eye or ear, from the left arm or leg. It follows that the physical development of each side of the human body leads to the development of the hemisphere that is responsible for it. Thus, a left-handed person has a more developed right side of the brain, while a right-handed person has a more developed left side.

Now, briefly about what the right and left parts of the human brain are responsible for.

Left hemisphere

The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for logical and analytical thinking, language and mathematical abilities, it remembers numbers, mathematical symbols, names, dates, facts, and controls the movements of the right half of the body. The left hemisphere perceives information literally and processes it step by step, observing the order.

Right hemisphere

The main specialization of the right hemisphere is. It specializes in processing nonverbal information, that is, information that is expressed not in words, but in symbols and images. Unlike the left hemisphere, which perceives the literal meaning of words, the right hemisphere also understands the figurative meaning of words. With the help of the right hemisphere, a person dreams and fantasizes. It is responsible for mysticism and religiosity, for abilities in music and the visual arts. Thanks to the right hemisphere, a person can navigate the terrain. The right hemisphere is more associated with emotions. It is capable of processing a lot of different information in parallel, considering the problem as a whole, without breaking it into parts.

Why should right-handed people learn to write with their left hand?

The most important tool for brain development - Using two hands, a person develops both hemispheres. In a person who writes equally well with both his right and left hands, both halves of the gray matter are equally well developed. Synchronizing the work of both hemispheres of the brain is a great way for a right-handed person to develop creativity and intuition. A person who has learned to write with his left hand can discover talents that were previously unknown to him. In addition, the development of fine motor skills through learning to write or make pictures from natural materials of both hands helps to develop motor coordination.

Only about 15% of the world's population are born left-handed - and due to the huge numerical superiority of right-handed people, left-handedness has long been considered a deviation from the norm. Such children were purposefully retrained to “be like everyone else.” Sometimes very barbaric methods were used for this, such as tying the “wrong” hand to the side or corporal punishment for using it.

Today, of course, in the civilized world no one would call left-handedness a disease, a curse, or even a “mark of the devil.” A rare (and therefore interesting and attractive) version of the norm, a “zest”, “not a bug, but a feature” - this is the modern attitude towards this phenomenon.

And from many years of “converting” left-handers into right-handers, descendants inherited the useful knowledge that in this sense a person is, in principle, teachable. This means that a representative of the right-handed majority, if desired, can learn to use his left hand well - for example, write with it.

Why even learn to write with your left hand?

The most obvious and inexorable option is necessity dictated by life circumstances. Unfortunately, no one is immune from troubles and health problems. Something can happen to anyone that will force him to adapt to new conditions of existence - for a while or even forever. Let us remember, for example, Jaime Lannister from the series “Game of Thrones” - having lost his right hand, he, being a professional warrior who could not imagine himself separately from the sword, learned to fence with his left.

A much more pleasant reason is the desire for conscious self-improvement. The more diverse skills a person masters, the more harmonious his development, the better trained cognitive mechanisms (such as, for example, various types of memory) and the higher the level of intelligence. Many realize this - and constantly strive to become better, acquiring and upgrading more and more new skills.

As for writing with the left hand, there are scientifically supported opinions that the development of this skill allows you to improve all those functions that, according to research by neuroscientists, are controlled by the left hemisphere of the brain. Stronger creativity, analysis and logic certainly never hurt anyone.

And there is also such a fashionable, especially among young people, concept - challenge, from English. challenge - “challenge”. Many people are simply interested in challenging themselves, setting achievable goals, enjoying achieving them, and sharing their successes with followers on social networks. , learn to count to a hundred in the isolated Burushaski language, do a hundred push-ups, memorize the entire “Eugene Onegin”... So the idea of ​​mastering writing with your left hand fits well into the framework of this category of fun and interesting activities.

But no matter what considerations motivate a person to acquire a new skill, the recommendations that will help achieve the desired result will be the same.

People turn out to be right-handed or left-handed for a reason - it depends on which hemisphere of the brain of a given individual nature itself intended as the main one. To learn to write well with your left hand, you will first have to learn to think like a left-hander and navigate in space like a left-hander - in a word, in scientific terms, rebuild neural connections.

Here are some simple household remedies that can help:

  • switch the functions of the keys on the computer mouse, position it to the left of the keyboard;
  • When eating, hold the knife and fork “in reverse”; if we are talking about soup, then put the spoon in the left hand;
  • When playing the guitar, turn the instrument around, try to press the frets with your right hand, and pluck the strings with your left.

Difficult, inconvenient? Nobody promised that it would be easy. But after some time in such a life, the skill of switching between the “mental profiles” of a right-hander and a left-hander will come by itself.

For right-handed people, the right hand has been the leading hand all their lives, and the left hand has been only auxiliary. Therefore, it is not surprising that one of them is physically developed much better than the other.

The more obedient and trained muscles of the right hand provide it with high coordination of movements and allow it to perform a much larger range of varied actions. Fine motor skills in both hands are also “pumped up” at different levels, unless their owner is a professional pianist.

In order to quickly learn how to write with an “unusual” hand, you should not limit your training exclusively to writing. The left hand should work in everyday life on an equal basis with the right. And simple, inexpensive and not at all bulky exercise machines - such as a wrist expander or a powerball - will help her gain strength and agility even faster.

If you look at how a left-hander writes, you will notice that such people hold their hand with a pen or pencil completely differently than right-handers. This habit should be adopted from them.

As a rule, they noticeably bend their wrist away from themselves - on the one hand, so that when writing from left to right, adopted in the Russian language, one can see what has just been written, and on the other, so as not to smear wet ink with the edge of the palm.

It logically follows from the last circumstance: it is better to learn to write with your left hand with a pencil or capillary pen, and leave ballpoint, gel and fountain pens until the time when the brush is already “set”, typically for left-handers.

The path to the ability to write quickly, legibly and beautifully with your left hand can be quite long: like any skill, this one needs to be honed. It won’t be easy, but that’s absolutely normal: things don’t happen right away.

Everyone already has experience of learning to write in childhood - and memories of how difficult it was at first to get all those sticks, hooks and squiggles from school copybooks. These same copybooks may come in handy again - only now, of course, you should fill them out with your left hand. The principle is still the same: from individual elements to whole letters and further, to combining them into words.

The good news is that, most likely, the results of the exercises will begin to please you much faster than in the first grade. After all, an adult already has an idea of ​​how to write; the task is to “project” it onto the other hand and consolidate the skill with practice.

“Eat some more of these soft French rolls and drink some tea” - this is a sentence that is ideal not only for viewing fonts, but also for practicing writing skills, because it contains all the letters of the Russian alphabet. There are other useful phrases - for example, “The naughty faun estimated the volume of the hot stars of these blizzard kingdoms” or “Aerial photography of the landscape has already revealed the lands of the rich and prosperous peasants.”

To further speed up progress towards your goal, in parallel with writing, you can color pictures and try to create simple drawings. In general, perform any auxiliary actions aimed at “making friends” between the hand and the pencil.

And finally, the main key to success is that classes must be systematic, and the achieved result must be constantly maintained. Otherwise, any skill rusts without use - as you learn it, you unlearn it.

It was once believed that one should write only and exclusively with the right hand, and for those who were naturally inclined to do everything with the left, these were sad days. To eradicate the “defect,” little left-handers were retrained at school. Fortunately, this barbaric custom is a thing of the past and today everyone decides for themselves which hand to write with.

Moreover, scientists have found that the right hemisphere of the brain is “responsible” for the left side. It works much better for left-handers, and therefore they have well-developed intuition and the ability to make extraordinary and creative decisions.
Whatever the reason that prompted you to learn to write with your left hand, the benefits of this skill will be undoubted. Perhaps by using the right hemisphere to a greater extent, you will discover previously unknown talents.

Let's get comfortable
Writing with the left hand to a right-handed person seems terribly inconvenient, first of all, because the written letters are not visible - they are obscured by the hand. In fact, this is not a problem at all: just move the notebook to the left side of the table, place it significantly higher than for writing with your right hand, and turn it towards you at an angle of approximately 45 degrees. Now everything is visible. Make sure your elbow is on the table (now it will be your left elbow, not your right). Use the pen as you feel most comfortable – forget about academic recommendations. Now that the workplace is equipped, we begin the actual training.

What should I write?
It is often recommended to start learning with children's copybooks - there are samples of letters, everything is clear and in an oblique line. Perhaps this would be a good option for children - nothing distracts them from calligraphic research, but for an adult such training is mortal boredom. So it’s better to copy your favorite poems, recipes from culinary sites, or make shopping lists with your left hand. But if the recipes don’t make you feel blue, they can also be (by the way, you don’t have to buy them at all - you can print them from the Internet).

Training mode
Get ready for the fact that your left hand will get tired quite quickly: this is quite a serious load for it, because you have never done anything like this with it before. There is no need to overexert yourself, especially at first. Organize frequent breaks, do not forget about hand exercises: “We wrote...”. A massage for a newly minted worker won’t hurt either.

To improve the fine motor skills of your left hand, transfer some other “responsibilities” of your right hand to it: eating, brushing your teeth, combing your hair, wiping off dust. But don't overdo it. There is absolutely no need, for example, to grab a sharp knife with your left hand in a righteous impulse to chop vegetables into a salad. Until you master it masterfully, it is better to leave dangerous and complex tasks on the right.

Don't limit left-handed writing to just regular penmanship lessons. If you need to mark something for yourself: write down a phone number, the title of a book, or something like that, and the quality of your handwriting is not important, feel free to take the pen in your left hand. Also try drawing with your left hand - this will also help make it more “obedient”.

Learning to write with your left hand is not that difficult. Here, as in any other training, the main thing is not to abandon this idea halfway to the goal, and then everything will definitely work out.