Outdoor play ideas. Outdoor children's games

Play is the most important part of the life of young children. Through active and active games, children develop dexterity, thinking, agility, endurance, ingenuity, fully understand the world, find friends and learn to build relationships in a team, learn the power of team spirit, and overcome shyness. Particularly useful for children is active pastime in the air.

The gameplay is longer and more complex than regular bowling. You can play two people, you can play teams. In the box you will find: king, 10 bowls, 6 spades, 4 side piles, instructions. The exact scoring rules can be found in the manual. Its task is a random game, but with a big deciding factor because we choose the chips and the number of rolls.

Apparently you can play it for hours. The size of the cubes always breaks up the participants. In spring and summer, children spend a lot of time playing fresh air. They can usually organize their time well, but when all the ideas playground exhausted, adults can offer Interesting games in the fresh air. We remember the yard games that boys used to play.

We, as parents, are obliged to teach our offspring, to introduce them to the world, to environment, including teaching them various children’s games, which they themselves loved so much in childhood. We offer you various useful and funny Games outdoor activities for children that your little one is sure to love.

Summer Games

IN summer period Children spend most of their time outdoors, playing with friends and comrades. This time must be used with maximum benefit for the health and development of children.

Outdoor games for boys

King - The game was to throw a ball into a basket: another person threw the ball, where the ball bounced off the ground. It is likely that each of them dreamed that he would become Lewandowski, so they practice agility and elbows. One of the most popular games ever was to pick up a ball before it hits the ground. When the ball fell, another participant took over, then the next one, etc. he won whoever did it the longest. To play it you need coins. Two players exploded their coin to cover their opponent's coin. The winner was the one who conveyed it the longest. In another version of the game, participants drew circles about 2.5 m in diameter, with each one in the middle of their circle. One of the players was a striker and tried to "shoot the ball" to one of the other players. If he managed to place it 6 times in any of the circles, the player who did not protect the wheel was kicked out of the game. Capsule racing is the back of the cap flipped to the front. Participants in the game grabbed the change, and falling off the track meant losing the turn. The playing field was a path drawn on the sidewalk with chalk or a stick on the ground, after which players moved the capsules. The size of the track depended on the number of participants - the more players, the wider. The game was varied and it was necessary to set up various obstacles in the form of jumps, slaloms and water holes. Picking up the ball - Boys, perhaps more than girls, enjoy playing with the ball. . There are many ways to spend an interesting day.

Ball games

Age 1.5-3 years

  • "Roll the ball." This exercise is aimed at developing push-off skills, improves movement coordination, and promotes the development of the eye and attention. Children squat opposite each other at a distance of no more than a meter. One player pushes the ball to another, who in turn catches the projectile and rolls it back to his playing partner. You can complicate the game by asking the children to change positions: first roll the ball on their haunches, then standing on one or two knees, then standing on their feet, leaning towards the ball. Invite kids to try clapping their hands after each bounce of the ball.
  • "The ball is in the goal." The goal of the game is to teach the child to coordinately direct the ball towards the goal. Using sticks, skipping rope, skittles, etc. mark conditional gates on the ground. The child is located at a distance of two to three meters from the target. Bending down to his feet, the baby must roll the ball in a straight line to get into the goal.
  • “Catching the bounced ball.” The purpose of this game is to teach children to catch a ball that has changed direction. Dita stands against the wall on a flat area. Then he throws the ball, after which the projectile that bounced and hit the ground must be caught. As the child gets older, he can later be taught to jump over a bounced ball rather than catch it.

Not only will they be interested in the children, but they will also allow their parents to join in the fun. After all, we all have something in it! For a fun game, you just need a bowl or pool filled with water, flushing fluid and a rim. Two people make a huge soap bubble, place the whip in the pond, and then carefully lift the rim up, evenly on both sides. The third child stands in the middle of the pool and tries not to move so that the bubble does not break. Older children can create bubbles themselves; younger children need their parents' help.

Age from 3 years

  • "I know". This game allows children to learn to perform several tasks simultaneously and concentrate their attention. Girls especially love this kind of fun. It is necessary to hit the ball with your hand from the ground (based on the principle of basketball tapping) and at the same time say: “I know five …”. Next, you need to name the names of girls, names of boys, names of cities, countries, colors, planets, etc. As soon as a player does not have time to name the word when hitting the ball, he loses, giving way to another participant.
  • "Dozens." This entertainment is more loved by boys, although some active and active girls do not lag behind them. You will also need a relatively flat area and a wall. You need to hit the ball against the wall first 10 times using the principle of a volleyball throw, then 10 times, hitting the projectile with your palms from below. After this, the ball must be thrown five times, first under the right and then under the left foot so that it bounces off the ground and hits the wall, and the player must catch it. Next, you need to stand with your back to the wall and throw the ball between your legs 10 times so that it bounces off the ground and hits the wall, and the player catches it. And the last exercise in this cycle is to hit the ball with a straight hand against the wall 5 times without catching the projectile.

Age from 5 years

This kind of fun teaches children cooperation, patience and, most importantly, it's a lot of fun. Water balloons Children love water, especially on hot days in summer. Water balloons, which are fun with sponges soaked in water, will give them a lot of movement and will also cool the body. This offering is a fun alternative to water filled balloons that is suitable for older children. Divers can be made with children: simply cut strips of colored soap towels, tie them halfway with an eraser, and then splash the balls.

  • "Bouncer". For this entertainment you will need a group of children. Two players are located at the edges of the court, the rest are in its center. The task of the central players is to dodge the ball, which will be alternately thrown by the two outer players. Whoever the ball hits is eliminated from the field. The one who lasts the longest wins.
  • "The ball is under the bar." Two participants stand in the center of the playing area, holding a bar (stick) at a height of 50 cm from the ground. Perpendicular to the bar at a distance of 3-5 m from it, you need to draw two lines that will mark the limits of the field. The third player kicks the ball so that it rolls under the bar and does not roll out of the outlined playing field. Then the leading player changes with one of those who held the bar, and so on in turn.
  • “Kvach” is the most popular and widespread outdoor children's game. One participant is appointed as a “kvach”; his task is to catch one of the fleeing players. The one who was caught becomes a “kvach”.
  • "Classics". If not all children play this game, then at least they know it. In the summer, the asphalt in all courtyards is painted with “classics”. With crayons, you need to draw two columns of cells next to each other, in the center of which write numbers from 1 to 10 in a circle. The player throws a flat pebble on the first classic and, jumping on one leg, tries to push the pebble in front of him so that neither the foot nor the pebble didn't make it to the classics line. Once all 10 classics have been completed, the game repeats, but starts with the second classic. The winner is the one who passes all 10 classes without errors.
  • "Birds in a Cage." The more kids take part in this fun, the merrier. One part of the children forms a circle, holding hands - this will be a cage. Other children run around the cage, flapping their winged arms. The presenter says: “Open the cage.” The guys in the circle raise their clasped hands, and the bird players fly into the cage and immediately rush back. The presenter quickly says: “Close the cage.” Those “birds” that did not have time to fly out of the cage stand in a circle and increase the size of the cage. The game continues until all the birds are caught.

Finally, dip them in warm water and you can start the water battle. The fun in water balloons can turn into water. You just need a sponge to attach the eraser and you can feel like a real athlete on summer Olympic Games. Target shooting Children love challenges. Let's use it while you are playing outdoors. All you need to do is prepare an array to which the inflatable balloons will be attached. A child with a dart or sling must pierce balloon and complete the task written in small ticket, hidden inside it.

Competition games

  • "Jumping bunny." Children stand on the same line and perform three jumps on two legs; whichever “bunny” jumps the farthest in these three movements is the winner.
  • "Who takes the longest?" At the leader’s command, the players raise one leg, bending it at the knees, keeping their hands on their belts, eyes closed. The goal of the game is to stand on one leg the longest. ­
  • "Centipede". This game is intended for younger children school age who can already coordinate their movements quite skillfully. Two teams of the same number of players take part in the game. Children line up in order of height from shortest to tallest. Participants squat down and left hand they push it between their legs and grab the right hand of the participant who is behind. And so all the children should cling together in a “centipede” right hand for the player in front, and with the left for the player behind. At the command of the leader, both “centipedes” must reach in a straight line to the specified target, which is located at a distance of 25-30 m. Participants must move on their haunches without releasing their arms. If the centipede falls apart, players must stop, join hands and continue on their way. The team that reaches the finish line first wins.

This could be overcoming obstacles, running on time, creating squats, or a puppet. Such a variety of entertainment, it will be very interesting for the baby. One, two, three - you throw a great offer for the family, summer day. Encourage your child to independently find and decorate rocks that will then be used to throw the target. The jars or containers that your child will use to throw rocks can be numbered. The player who scored greatest number points, wins.

Beautifully decorated stones can also become pawns in outdoor checkers. Home stilts Walking on stilts? You can do this yourself and encourage your child to be active, which will improve his overall physical fitness and teach him how to maintain balance. Two jars can be prepared to make homemade stilts that you can decorate in a fancy way. You can make two holes in the top of the jar, and then drag a strong tape. Now your child, like the Ninja Turtles, may face another problem.

Of course, autumn slush and cold wind are not conducive to active outdoor activities. But you should definitely catch the rare warm autumn days and go for walks with your children in order to introduce your kids to the golden season and have fun playing.

  • “One chestnut, two chestnuts.” The purpose of the game is to introduce the child to nature and teach counting. Collect the chestnuts that have fallen from the tree into a basket or bucket with your baby and say: “One chestnut, two chestnuts, etc.” Go to the tree and show the child in which “house” the chestnuts live. Introduce your child to the surrounding nature, collect leaves of different shapes. Explore new colors: golden, crimson, dark yellow, etc.
  • "Catch a leaf." An adult raises his hand with a leaf on his outstretched arm, and the players must try to jump and pick it off. If not a single child succeeds, the adult makes a “leaf fall”, letting go of the leaf; the first player to catch it is the winner.
  • "Birds in their nests." Circles-nests are drawn on the ground for birds, one less than the number of players. One leading player says: “Birds, go to their nests.” All players sit in circles, after which the leader says: “Birds, free.” Players fly out of their nests and flutter around. At the command “Birds, to the nests,” everyone is returned to the outlined circles, but at the same time the leader takes the “nest” for himself. The player left without a nest becomes the leader.

Also be sure to show your child how to move safely on the stilts. Good entertainment for both small and adult producers is guaranteed. There are many ideas for mixing with chalk. We can draw a race track, a jump class or a tip when it comes to fun. You can also encourage your child to be creative enough to make someone happy: a princess, a butterfly, a bird or a popular superhero. Just an idea, a little imagination and a lot of willingness.

Active relaxation is extremely important for the normal development of children. After all, you can play anywhere! Already during the weekend in the courtyard of the History Center, parents will go back in time, and children will discover games and entertainment that even their grandparents remember. Also puppet show, cotton candy and an exhibition of old computers.

Winter provides a huge opportunity for children's street creativity. Of course, little fidgets cannot do without your help, so on a fine winter day, when there is a lot of snow outside, go for a walk with the whole family.

  • "Sledging". Perhaps there is no more exciting and fun winter fun than sledding down a hill. Very young children should ride in a sled with an adult. Otherwise, the fun may end in disastrous results.
  • "Flight of an Angel" Show your child how you can depict the flight of an angel in the snow. Lie down in snowdrift, and then clap your arms and legs to the sides, describing an angelic shape.
  • "Young Pathfinders" Various footprints are perfectly imprinted in the snow, so this is not a reason to play as a little tracker. The child walks with his feet in the snow, examines the footprints left, then compares them with your large and wide ones. Let's find the dog's tracks and see how they differ from human ones. Or maybe you will be lucky enough to find traces of a squirrel, a cat, or various birds - this will undoubtedly bring a lot of pleasure to the child.
  • "Snow modeling" Of course, one of the most common activities during winter walks is modeling from snow. With children, you can build anything from a banal snowman to a fancy turtle or even an unknown animal. Want to do something more extravagant? – Place the snowman upside down. Strange little people or creatures sculpted on benches also look funny.
  • « Color drawing in the snow." Take it with you for a walk food colorings or gouache paint. IN a plastic cup take a small amount of water (also taken from home), dilute a small amount of dye or paint in the water. By splashing colored water on the snow, you can get original and funny designs. You can also draw with colored water drawn into a pipette. In this way you can draw from simple flowers and suns to real ones. fairy tales.
  • "Building snow castles." Teach your child to build a snow fort. Compact the snow tightly in a bucket or other form, and then build castles, fortresses and other structures from the resulting snow blocks. Your child will definitely like this activity and will involve all family members in the construction process.

Tag (saleem)

This is just part of the games on Friday and Saturday, where families will be able to take part in the square in front of the History Center on Zaeddnia Street. Parents probably remember these games from childhood, so we hope they will remember and join in the fun,” recommends project coordinator Joanna Katzprak.

Joanna Kacprzak often sees young people playing in front of the historic building before school and on vacation. I hope we learn more about these games,” she says. Free time will take from noon to noon. 18 on Friday and Saturday. Every hour, the most active and involved participants will be rewarded with gifts, games and entry into the Race. But that's not the end of the attractions. In the middle of the historic building is an exhibition of games and computers from the past era of Retro Gralni. The organizers have prepared several positions.

Ten participants scatter around the site, and the driver (tag) catches up with them in order to stain (soil) within the established boundaries. The salty one becomes the driver.

Additional rules can be added to the game. Here are some of them.

1. Everyone playing, except tag, has a ribbon under their belt. Fifteen, catching up with the runner, pulls out the ribbon from him, then the runner raises his hand and says: “I am Fifteen!”

In front of Zajddnia there will be Baykobus, a mobile stage, a miniature copy of the neo-Caroque building of the Puppet Theater. The beginning of an educational show about two great inventors in the field of electricity. At the same time, guests will remember the tastes of the past. Joanna Kaczpzak assures that the saturator will not have candy, ice cream or water.

High quality, innovative rules and addictive gameplay are key features this series. This is one of the most popular games in Europe. Garden bowling can be played almost anywhere and will be enjoyed by players young and old alike. The game doesn't require much physical strength, just a little precision and, of course, a certain amount of luck. The winner will be the first to collect 50 points by overcoming one more bowling.

2. The player can save himself from tag if he joins hands with another friend, stands on one leg, takes a “swallow” pose, etc.

3. If a tag is chasing someone, and another player crosses his path, then he is obliged to chase the one who blocked his path.

4. The driver, while pursuing the fleeing people, must hold on with one hand to the place of his body where he was hit.

5. The players move around the court by jumping rope. Fifteen catches up with them, jumping on one leg.

6. On the site, 1-2 circles with a diameter of 2 steps are drawn - “homes”, where those running away can escape persecution. However, you cannot stay in such a house for more than 5 seconds.

Tag in a circle

The players sit in a circle at arm's length. They choose two drivers, one of whom becomes a tag, and the other becomes a runaway. Before the game starts, they stand around the circle from different sides.

At a signal, the tag runs along the circle, trying to make fun of the one running away. The latter, when they begin to overtake him, stands in a circle between the other players in any place. At the same moment, the neighbor on the right becomes a new runner, and the tag continues to pursue him. If the tag managed to touch the runner with his hand, they change roles.

To complicate the game, you can introduce the following rule. If the runner stands in a circle, then the neighbor who is on the right (or on the left - by agreement) becomes a tag, and the former tag, without wasting time, must run away from him. During the game, participants are not allowed to run through the circle.

If there are many players, they stand in a circle in pairs at the back of each other’s heads. In this case (“third wheel”), the runner becomes ahead of any of the pairs, and the one who ends up third runs away.

Third wheel on a walk

The game differs from the tag games described above in that all its participants are constantly on the move. Having split into pairs, the players stand in a circle and slowly walk in one direction, holding hands or arm in arm. Free hand on the belt. There are two drivers. One of them runs away, and the other catches up with him. A person running away, when he is in danger, joins a pair, taking the last one by the arm, and then he cannot be caught. The third player on the other side of the pair must run away from the driver and, also, escaping from pursuit, joins any pair on the right or left, grabbing the last one by the arm.

The game continues until the driver catches one of the runners. Then the caught one changes roles with the driver. In this game, the driver and the runner are allowed to run through the circle, but it is forbidden to unnecessarily touch the players in pairs while running past.

Golden Gate

The game involves from 6 to 20 people. They choose two stronger players, they step aside and agree which of them will be the “sun” and which will be the “moon”. Then they face each other, hold hands and raise them to form a “gate.” The rest of the players join hands and walk in a line through the “gate”. At the same time, they can sing a song. When the last one passes through the “gate”, it “closes” - the raised hands are lowered, and the closing one finds himself between them. The detainee is quietly asked which side he would like to take: “the moon” or “the sun.” He chooses and stands behind the corresponding player. The rest again go through the “gate”, and again the last one falls into the “moon” or “sun” group. When all the players are distributed, a draw is arranged between the two groups. In this case, a rope is used, a stick is used, or the players take each other by the belt.


A circle with a diameter of 2-3 meters is drawn on the ground. At a distance of about 3 meters from the circle, write the cardinal directions, checking with a compass: north, south, west, east. The players stand in a circle with their backs to the center and listen to the leader’s command: “South!”, “North!”, “West!”, “East!” Hearing, for example, the command “North!”, everyone should turn towards the north. Players facing south turn 180 degrees; others only need to make a half turn to the right or left.

Various commands are given, and the players take the appropriate positions. The one who made a mistake (turned in the wrong direction) receives a penalty point. The winner is the one who gets smallest number penalty points.

Counting in circles

Participants (6-8 people) stand in a circle and, at a signal, begin to count from 1 to 70 (from left to right). At the same time, no one misses their turn. However, there is a rule that a number that contains the number 7 or is divisible by 7 cannot be pronounced, but must say the word “by!” After this, the counting (without delay) continues. The one who named the prohibited number is eliminated, and the player standing to his right continues counting. Gradually the circle becomes smaller.

The winners are the guys who remain in the circle after the last one says the number 70.

Third wheel

The players stand in a circle in pairs, one behind the other, facing the center of the circle. The distance between pairs is 1-2 m. Two drivers are in a circle, one of them runs away, the other catches him. Fleeing from pursuit, the runner can stand in front of any pair. Then the person standing behind becomes the “third wheel”. He must now run away from the second driver. If the one catching up catches (touches) the one running away, then they change places.


Draw a rectangle on the asphalt and divide it into classics. They are lined up differently, number of classes from 6 to 10. The first (by lot) throws his cue ball, being a meter from the front line, into the 1st classic. If he hits, he jumps in there on one foot and knocks the cue ball out with the same foot through the front line of the rectangle, then jumps in himself. Then he throws the cue ball again, but in the 2nd grade. If he hits, he jumps on one leg into the 1st class, jumps into the 2nd class and from there kicks the cue ball into the 1st class, then out. And so on until 5th grade.

Once in the 5th grade, the player has the right to stand on both legs and rest a little. Once in the 6th grade, he rests with his legs apart for the 5th and 6th grades. Each time he comes back, hopping on one leg and pushing the cue ball from one class to another. Then he drops her into the 7th grade, resting along the way in the 5th and 6th grades, then in the 8th, and so on until the 10th grade. Each time, throwing the cue ball and jumping after it from class to class, the child rests in the 5th and 6th grades and successively pushes out the pebble with his foot, on which he jumps into the 1st grade and out.

When 10 classes have been completed, the player receives a new task: to go blindfolded through all classes without stepping on the line. After completing this task, the participant finished the game.

Strong grip

Players playing in pairs stand with their backs to each other in a circle with a diameter of 1.5 meters and clasp with their arms bent at the elbows. By pushing the body forward, everyone tries to force the opponent to lift his legs off the floor. The one who wins the fight the most times wins.

You can run the competition differently. The players, standing with their backs to each other, raise the stick up, holding it with their hands. The goal is to lean forward and try to lift your opponent off the ground. The one who ends up in the air or lets go of the stick loses.

Another option. The players sit opposite each other on the ground (resting their feet against their partner’s feet) and take hold of the gymnastic stick. At the signal, both begin to pull the stick in their direction. The winner is the one who manages to lift his opponent, holding him in this position for 5 seconds.

Fight in squares

Draw three squares with sides of 1,2,3 meters. The size of the first is 3x3 meters, the second is 2x2 meters, the third is 1x1 meter. The captains call 4 players into a large square, who, when given a signal, try to push each other out of the square with their shoulders. The winner remains in the square. The three defeated move to the next square and continue the fight in the same way. The remaining two finish the fight in a small square. The player who remains in the 1st square receives 4 points, the second - 3, the third - 2, and the one who drops out - 1 point.

After this, a new four players enter the fight, and the winner is also determined. The strongest participants can then meet in the final match.

Rough pushes are prohibited, you cannot remove your hands from behind your back and you cannot stand on both legs. If there are many people who want to play, you can draw several series of squares. Then 8-12 people start fighting at the same time.

Upholstery in pairs

The site is divided in half. Two more lines are drawn to the right and left 3 meters from midline and parallel to it. Two teams of equal strength line up on them facing each other. At the signal, they approach the midline and take each other’s wrist with their right hand and place their left hand behind their back. At the signal, players try to pull their opponent over the line that is behind their back. The player who gives in remains on the opponent's side until the points are counted. The team that manages to attract more players to its side wins.

The game can be complicated by pulling the opponent with both hands, and also introducing a new rule: the one who pulled the player can take a teammate by the belt and help him in a duel with the opponent.

The rules of the game do not allow you to unhook your hands (pull them out of your opponent’s hands). Anyone who does this twice is considered a loser.

Break chain

Five to seven players hold hands and form a circle. The same number of players in the circle. At the leader’s command, those in the center begin to break through the circle, separating the hands of the members of the other team. After the last player breaks the chain, the players switch roles. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Pair leapfrog

Players line up in pairs behind a common line, which is the start and finish line. Two pairs compete at the same time. In front of each of them, a mark for turning is placed at an even distance (a stone, a stick stuck in the ground, a town). One in a pair takes a standing position, bending over for a leapfrog. At the leader’s signal, the second player performs a vault over the first, takes a step forward and assumes the same position. So they move forward to the turn and back. The pair that returns to the starting line first competes with the next pair. The winners are the players who managed to win against three pairs.

With a burden on my back

Players in pairs stand behind a common line, one looks in the direction of running, the other turns his back to him. Partners grab each other with their arms bent at the elbows. At the signal, the couples rush forward. In this case, one player, slightly bent, carries his partner on his back until the turn of the mark located 10 meters away. There they change roles, and the second player is carried back to the finish line (which was the start) on the back of his friend. The pair that returns to the starting line first is declared the winner. 2nd and 3rd places are determined accordingly. If there are many people who want to compete, then the winners among the rest can be determined only by conducting several races.


This game is for children who are at least 12-13 years old. 6-12 people or more take part. The players are divided into two groups: some depict an elephant, others jump on it. A run-up line is drawn. The team that forms a living projectile (“elephant”) becomes a column with its back to the takeoff line. The guide (the strongest) rests his hands on his forward leg and tilts his head (as in leapfrog). The one standing grabs him tightly by the waist. Behind him is the third and so on (no more than 6 people). By holding each other, they form a living projectile for jumping.

The players of the other team take turns, running up, jumping on the “elephant”, while the first one tries to sit astride as far forward as possible in order to leave room for the next ones. It is important for the one who jumped up to stay on the “elephant” without grabbing it with his hands. This is considered a violation of the rules, just like an unsuccessful jump, i.e. falling from an “elephant”. If there are no violations and all players remain sitting astride the “elephant,” the last of them shouts “Yes!” At this command, the players below begin to move forward to the line, which is five steps from the guide. For each rider who fails to hold on and slides down, the team receives a penalty point. Then the teams change roles.

The team whose players receive fewer penalty points wins.

Riders fight

The guys are divided into two teams of equal strength, and then in teams - into pairs. In each pair, the “rider” sits on the shoulders of his “horse”. The teams line up near the center line, and at the signal, the fight between the “riders” begins. Everyone tries to grab their opponent more comfortably and pull him off the “horse,” while remaining “in the saddle.” The “horses” do not take part in the fight, they only try to stay on their feet more firmly. If both “riders” are knocked out of the “saddle”, the defeat is counted towards the one who touched the ground first. Then the players change roles.