The main character of the poem is a Caucasian prisoner. Caucasian captive main characters. Names of the main characters

The great classic of Russian literature Leo Tolstoy created amazing images in his works. His story “Prisoner of the Caucasus” tells the story of the fate of the Russian officer Zhilin, who personifies the best human qualities.

The setting of the work is the harsh and at the same time shrouded in romance Caucasus. The title of the story is an allusion to the work of the same name by Alexander Pushkin. However, despite this, Tolstoy's story is an original and vivid creation.

Ivan Zhilin is the main character of the story. He is a Russian officer serving in the Caucasus. They spoke of him as a gentleman, although he was from a poor family. Zhilin was not tall, but he knew how to stand up for himself and his comrades.

Zhilin was still single, but did not mind getting married. Therefore, the news that his mother had found a bride for him delighted the man.

The main character asks for leave to see his old mother. They give him permission. Since there is a war going on in those places, he sets off on his journey accompanied by a small group of people. To get to the house faster, Zhilin, together with officer Kostylin, rush forward, separating from the main group.

The hero was prudent, and therefore decided to check how close the enemy was to them. Zhilin climbs the mountain and discovers that several Tatars are in close proximity. He shouted to his comrade, who had a gun, and therefore the opportunity to escape. However, Kostylin got scared and, without waiting for Zhilin, ran away. As a result of his friend's betrayal, Zhilin is captured. Although the traitor himself was soon caught by the Tatars.

The mountaineers hid the prisoners in a barn in one village. The officers' movements were limited by wearing wooden stocks, which were removed only at night. The main one hoped to receive a good ransom for the officers. Therefore, both wrote letters to their relatives asking for their ransom. Zhilin understood that the poor mother was limited in money, and he had no other close people in mind, and his pride did not allow him to ask for such a thing. And therefore the main character writes the wrong address on the letter. Now only he can save himself. This means it is necessary to escape.

Zhilin knew how to do needlework, and this helped him greatly in captivity. He began making clay dolls for the owner's daughter. She turned out to be a grateful person and secretly brought food to the officers.

Zhilin and escape from the village. On the way, Kostylin complains that he cannot walk on his own - and Zhilin carries him on himself. This reveals the attitude towards friendship and loyalty of the two heroes. Despite the betrayal, Zhilin does not abandon Kostylin, but helps him.

The main character is a real officer, a devoted friend who knows how to forgive.

To the question: What were the main and secondary characters told by the Caucasian prisoner? given by the author Vitya Mitrofanov the best answer is The main character of this work is officer Zhilin. He served in the Caucasus and decided to go home to his old mother. On the way, Zhilin was captured by the Tatars.
In captivity, the hero behaved very bravely. The Tatars brought him to the house and wanted to force him to write a letter asking for ransom, but they asked for a lot of money. Zhilin realized that his mother did not have that amount. If she pays three thousand coins, she will have no means of living.
The hero did not bother his mother. He bravely told the Tatars that he would not give them more than five hundred rubles for ransom. If they kill him, they won't get any money at all. The Tatars liked Zhilin’s courage, but they still needed money. They brought Kostylin, Zhilin's comrade. It turned out that he was also captured.
Kostylin immediately wrote a letter asking for a large ransom. Zhilin also wrote such a letter, but specifically indicated the wrong address. He hoped to get out of captivity on his own.
While in captivity, Zhilin began to communicate well with the inhabitants of the village. He especially became friends with Dina. It was the daughter of the owner Zhilin: “A girl came running, thin, thin, about thirteen years old and her face looked like a black one... She also had black eyes, light and a beautiful face.”
At first, Dina was afraid of the hero: “She sits with her eyes open, looking at Zhilin as he drinks, like he’s looking at some kind of animal.” When he, after drinking, returned the jug to her, Dina jumped away from Zhilin as if stung.
But she soon got used to the young man. It turned out that Dina is a very kind girl. She felt sorry for the captured officer and tried to bring him good food or milk. And this despite the fact that Dina’s father forbade him to communicate with the prisoner. And among the Caucasian peoples, disobeying a man means breaking the laws of their ancestors. But such was the strength of Dina’s attachment to Zhilin.
And Zhilin fell in love with the daughter of the man who was in captivity. He communicated with the girl, more than with all the other children, and made her beautiful dolls. And in general, Zhilin was not idle in captivity. He did a lot of handicrafts, made toys from clay and gave them to children. Therefore, Zilina became known as a “jack of all trades.” People from other villages began to contact him. This hero could fix everything, do everything very cleverly.
One day Russian soldiers killed a Tatar, an important person. The village elders took up arms against the prisoners and wanted to kill them. Zhilin realized that there was no more time to waste. He decided to escape from captivity. Zhilin had been digging an underground passage for a long time. The officer could not leave his comrade in trouble, so he took Kostylin with him. This hero was a heavy man, it was very difficult for him to run. Therefore, after some time they were caught.
Zhilin and Kostylin returned to the village. Now it has become very difficult for them to live. They were hardly fed and were no longer taken out into the fresh air. It was no longer possible to dig a new tunnel, because there was nowhere to put the earth. Then it turned out that Russian soldiers came very close. Therefore, the Tatars decided to kill the prisoners. Dina was very worried about this. She warned Zhilin about the threat. Later, the brave girl even helped the hero escape. She brought him a long pole and pulled him out of the hole in which the Tatars had put her and Kostylin.
Saying goodbye, Dina gave the hero some flatbread for the journey. Zhilin was very grateful to the girl and sincerely thanked her for everything. And Dina, saying goodbye to her pet, “was crying..., covered herself with her hands, and ran up the mountain, like a goat jumping. Only in the dark can you hear the monists in braids rattling their backs.”
Higher intelligence
You know the main ones..) The rest means secondary ones..))
But I don’t know what to call them... Look through the text... you’ll find...

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Were the main and secondary characters told by the Caucasian prisoner?

Answer from Vladimir Z[guru]
told - said

Answer from ¦ ViRyush ¦[guru]
The main characters are officers Zhilin, Kostylin
Secondary - the owner's daughter Dina.
Officer Zhilin served in the Caucasus. He received a letter from his mother, and he decided to go home on vacation. But on the way he and another Russian officer Kostylin were captured by the Tatars. This happened due to Kostylin’s fault. He was supposed to cover Zhilin, but he saw the Tatars, got scared and ran away from them. Kostylin turned out to be a traitor. The Tatar who captured the Russian officers sold them to another Tatar. The prisoners were shackled and kept in the same barn.
The Tatars forced the officers to write letters to their relatives demanding a ransom. Kostylin obeyed, and Zhilin specially wrote a different address, because he knew: there was no one to buy him, Zhilin’s old mother lived very poorly. Zhilin and Kostylin sat in the barn for a whole month. The owner's daughter Dina became attached to Zhilin. She secretly brought him cakes and milk, and he made dolls for her. Zhilin began to think about how he and Kostylin could escape from captivity. Soon he began digging in the barn.
One night they ran away. When they entered the forest, Kostylin began to lag behind and whine - his boots had rubbed his feet. Because of Kostylin, they did not go far; they were noticed by a Tatar who was driving through the forest. He told the owners of the hostages, they took the dogs and quickly caught up with the prisoners. The shackles were put on them again and they were not removed even at night. Instead of a barn, the hostages were put in a hole five arshins deep. Zhilin still did not despair. I kept thinking about how he could escape. Dina saved him. At night she brought a long stick, lowered it into the hole, and Zhilin climbed up using it. But Kostylin stayed, didn’t want to run away: he was scared, and he didn’t have the strength.

“Prisoner of the Caucasus” is a story about a brave officer who did not lose hope of surviving when he was captured by the Tatars.

In the middle of the 19th century. there was a difficult and bloody war in the Caucasus, L.N. Tolstoy served there at that time, so he saw everything with his own eyes.

The genre of the work is determined by the writer himself - a true story, it indicates the reality of the events described. The beginning. Life goes to his mother. Highlights:

1. Zhilin and Kostylin are captured.
2. Unsuccessful escape.
3. Zhilin’s second escape.

The denouement is the happy release of Zhilin, he finds himself in a Cossack detachment. Barely alive, Kostylin, having paid off, ends up in his camp.

The story fully and in detail describes the life of the highlanders, their customs. The narration amazes with its dynamism: everything around moves, breathes, lives, everything is real, but at the same time we are as if in a fairy tale. But the main thing is a vivid description of the characters and actions of people who know how to endure difficulties with dignity, fight for freedom, without losing their own dignity.

The story is based on a comparison of two heroes. By the way, their last names are significant. Zhilin - from the word “vein”, the popular name for blood vessels and tendons. This is a strong, strong-willed, calm, courageous person, capable of withstanding a lot. Kostylin - from the word “crutch”, a wooden tool that helps the lame move. This is a weak-willed person who easily gives in to despondency; he needs to be supported and guided. From the very beginning, the characters behave differently. They both don’t want to move with the barely crawling convoy. However, Zhilin is thinking about whether it is worth risking his life by getting through dangerous places on his own. This hero always thinks first, makes a decision, and then acts. Kostylin’s thoughts here (and further) are deliberately hidden from us by the author. He does not think through his actions in advance. He invites Zhilin to go together, without thinking about the consequences, and tacitly agrees with Zhilin’s proposal not to separate in case of danger. When meeting with the Tatars, Kostylin instantly forgets his promise and, seeing that Zhilin is almost in captivity, shamelessly runs away.

When both end up with the Tatars, Kostylin immediately agrees to write a letter home to be ransomed for five thousand rubles. Zhilin knows that his mother will not be able to send such a sum for ransom, so he first bargains with his captors, and then indicates the wrong address on the envelope. Zhilin says that they won’t be able to give more than five hundred rubles for it. He just wants to gain time so he can get out of captivity himself.

Zhilin commands respect even from his enemies. His “master” Abdul-Murat calls him a horseman, local residents value him as a master who can fix any thing. Zhilin made friends with Dina, the daughter of Abdul-Murat, and makes toys for her.

In captivity, Kostylin is simply waiting for help from home, and Zhilin is counting only on himself. He prepares an escape: he examines the area to know where to move when escaping, feeds the owner’s dog to tame it, and digs a hole out of the barn. Trying to escape from captivity, he does not forget Kostylin and takes him with him. Zhilin does not remember evil (after all, Kostylin once betrayed him). After an unsuccessful escape, Zhilin still does not give up, and Kostylin completely loses heart. Thanks to a happy coincidence of circumstances (Dina’s help, the absence of the Tatars), his own perseverance, courage and ingenuity, Zhilin manages to escape from captivity.

teacher of Russian language and literature MOU

“Lyceum No. 1”, Chamzinka village, Republic of Mordovia

Pechkazova Svetlana Petrovna

Zhilin and Kostylin.

Comparative characteristics of heroes

story by L.N. Tolstoy

"Prisoner of the Caucasus"


generalize and systematize knowledge of the content of Leo Tolstoy’s story “Prisoner of the Caucasus” through a comparative description of the main characters;

develop the ability to analyze the text of a work of art;

develop the ability to express one’s thoughts, evaluate the hero’s actions, generalize, and draw conclusions;

learn to concisely present a narrative text;

develop communication skills, enrich vocabulary;

continue work on developing the speech culture of schoolchildren

develop skills in comparative characterization of heroes;

to cultivate moral qualities in students, responsibility for their destiny through a comparative analysis of the characters in the story.

Man is responsible for his own destiny.

L.N. Tolstoy

Take care of your honor from a young age, and your dress again.

Die yourself, but help your comrade.


Let's remember what we read.

Composition of the story “Prisoner of the Caucasus”

The action takes place in the 19th century in the Caucasus. There is a war between the Russians and the highlanders. Initial introduction to the characters.



Development of action:




Zhilin receives a letter from home and decides to go on vacation. On the way, Zhilin and Kostylin are separated from the convoy.

Zhilin and Kostylin are captured. Life in captivity among the Tatars. First escape.

Second escape from captivity.

Zhilin finds himself in his fortress.

Zhilin remained to serve in the Caucasus, and a month later Kostylin was ransomed for 5 thousand and brought to the fortress, barely alive.

Characteristics of a literary hero

Character is...

the totality of all mental, spiritual properties of a person, manifested in his actions and deeds.

The character of the hero is expressed not only in the author’s direct description, it is manifested in the hero’s statements, in his behavior, in his attitude towards others, in his lifestyle, in the environment that surrounds him, in the events that happen to him, in his manners, appearance, speeches, etc.

To characterize a hero means to consider the hero’s actions and behavior in various circumstances, to show his inner world.

Comparative characteristics

Zilina and Kostylina

Why is Leo Tolstoy’s story called “Prisoner of the Caucasus”?

there are two prisoners?

Two officers are captured

but only one of them / Kostylin/ was truly “captivated.”

Another officer / Zhilin/managed to free himself,

It is he who is the hero of Tolstoy’s story.

Let us compare the character and behavior of Zhilin and Kostylin,

i.e. let’s give them a comparative description

Comparative characteristics

Zilina and Kostylina


Origin, occupation


The meaning of the surname


Russian nobles, officers, participants in the Caucasian war.

Veins blood vessels, tendons. Strong, seasoned, sinewy, muscular.

Crutch a tall stick with a crossbar on which lame people lean when walking.

“Not big in stature, but brave.”

“The man is overweight, fat, all red, and the sweat is pouring off him.”

Comparative characteristics

Zilina and Kostylina




Attitude towards the horse

“We need to go out to the mountain to have a look, otherwise they’ll probably jump out from behind the mountain and you won’t see it”...

“Zhilin already fed her (the dog) in advance.”

“The whip fry the horse, now from one side, now from the other.”

“The horse near Zilino was a hunting horse (I bought it as a foal and rode it myself).”

“Mother, take it out, don’t get your foot caught.”

Comparative characteristics

Zilina and Kostylina


Behavior during a meeting with Tatars


“He grabbed a saber, set his horse straight at the Red Tatar, and thought: “I’ll either knock him down with the horse or cut him down with the saber.”

“And Kostylin, instead of waiting, as soon as he saw the Tatars, he ran as fast as he could towards the fortress. Only in the dust can you see the horse wagging its tail.”

Brave, decisive, ready to die rather than surrender to enemies alive.

A coward, he did not support his comrade.

Comparative characteristics

Zilina and Kostylina


Behavior in captivity


“I wrote a letter, but I wrote it wrong on the letter so that it wouldn’t get through. He thinks: I’ll leave.”

“Kostylin wrote home again, he was still waiting for the money to be sent and was bored. He sits in the barn all day long and counts the days until the letter arrives; or sleeping."

“And he himself is looking out, trying to find out how he can escape.”

He did not lose heart, practiced his craft, made friends with Dina, trained a dog, thought about how to escape, and explored the surrounding area. aul

Comparative characteristics

Zilina and Kostylina


Tatar opinion about captives





“Zhilin began to understand their language a little.”

“Zhilin got up, dug out a larger crack, and began to look.”

Comparative characteristics

Zilina and Kostylina


Behavior during the first escape


“He jumps from pebble to pebble and looks at the stars.”

“Kostylin keeps falling behind and groaning.”

He constantly complains of pain, fatigue, cannot go further, and Zilina gives himself away (cries out loudly in pain).

He knows the way, leads his comrade, helps him.

“It’s not good to abandon a comrade.”

Comparative characteristics

Zilina and Kostylina


Preparing for the second escape



Savvy, resourceful: he made toys for Dina and asked her to bring a pole for the second escape.

Non-resistance to fate: “and doesn’t want to hear” about escaping again.

“Kostylin left Zhilin in trouble and rode off on a horse.”

“’s not good to abandon a comrade.”

Comparative characteristics

Zilina and Kostylina



He is kind, thinks about his mother, feels sorry for her, hopes for himself, and contemplates escape.

A weak person, does not rely on himself, expects help from his mother

Lost, lost heart.

Managed to settle down in the village

Hard worker, cannot sit idle, master handicraft. He helps everyone, even his enemies – the Tatars.

He is interested in other people and loves children.

Doesn't accept other people, thinks only about himself, selfish.

Generous, honest.

Capable of betrayal, coward

Comparative characteristics

Zilina and Kostylina

Why did the fates of the heroes turn out so differently?

What main character traits did they display?



Resilience, love of life, camaraderie, moral strength and spiritual beauty.

Lack of will, betrayal, selfishness, physical and spiritual weakness.

Comparative characteristics

Zilina and Kostylina

How do you understand the words of Leo Tolstoy:

“Man is responsible for his own destiny”?

L.N. Tolstoy raises important moral issues in the story: about comradely duty, kindness and responsiveness, about loyalty, friendship, about courage and perseverance. It glorifies strong-willed people who are ready to overcome any obstacles, and talks about the power of friendship that brings people of different nationalities together.

Explain the meaning of Russian proverbs

“Take care of your honor from a young age, and take care of your dress again,”

“Die yourself, but help your comrade”

based on what you have read

What did the story teach you?

L.N. Tolstoy “Prisoner of the Caucasus”?

To the question: What were the main and secondary characters told by the Caucasian prisoner? given by the author Vitya Mitrofanov the best answer is The main character of this work is officer Zhilin. He served in the Caucasus and decided to go home to his old mother. On the way, Zhilin was captured by the Tatars.
In captivity, the hero behaved very bravely. The Tatars brought him to the house and wanted to force him to write a letter asking for ransom, but they asked for a lot of money. Zhilin realized that his mother did not have that amount. If she pays three thousand coins, she will have no means of living.
The hero did not bother his mother. He bravely told the Tatars that he would not give them more than five hundred rubles for ransom. If they kill him, they won't get any money at all. The Tatars liked Zhilin’s courage, but they still needed money. They brought Kostylin, Zhilin's comrade. It turned out that he was also captured.
Kostylin immediately wrote a letter asking for a large ransom. Zhilin also wrote such a letter, but specifically indicated the wrong address. He hoped to get out of captivity on his own.
While in captivity, Zhilin began to communicate well with the inhabitants of the village. He especially became friends with Dina. It was the daughter of the owner Zhilin: “A girl came running, thin, thin, about thirteen years old and her face looked like a black one... She also had black eyes, light and a beautiful face.”
At first, Dina was afraid of the hero: “She sits with her eyes open, looking at Zhilin as he drinks, like he’s looking at some kind of animal.” When he, after drinking, returned the jug to her, Dina jumped away from Zhilin as if stung.
But she soon got used to the young man. It turned out that Dina is a very kind girl. She felt sorry for the captured officer and tried to bring him good food or milk. And this despite the fact that Dina’s father forbade him to communicate with the prisoner. And among the Caucasian peoples, disobeying a man means breaking the laws of their ancestors. But such was the strength of Dina’s attachment to Zhilin.
And Zhilin fell in love with the daughter of the man who was in captivity. He communicated with the girl, more than with all the other children, and made her beautiful dolls. And in general, Zhilin was not idle in captivity. He did a lot of handicrafts, made toys from clay and gave them to children. Therefore, Zilina became known as a “jack of all trades.” People from other villages began to contact him. This hero could fix everything, do everything very cleverly.
One day Russian soldiers killed a Tatar, an important person. The village elders took up arms against the prisoners and wanted to kill them. Zhilin realized that there was no more time to waste. He decided to escape from captivity. Zhilin had been digging an underground passage for a long time. The officer could not leave his comrade in trouble, so he took Kostylin with him. This hero was a heavy man, it was very difficult for him to run. Therefore, after some time they were caught.
Zhilin and Kostylin returned to the village. Now it has become very difficult for them to live. They were hardly fed and were no longer taken out into the fresh air. It was no longer possible to dig a new tunnel, because there was nowhere to put the earth. Then it turned out that Russian soldiers came very close. Therefore, the Tatars decided to kill the prisoners. Dina was very worried about this. She warned Zhilin about the threat. Later, the brave girl even helped the hero escape. She brought him a long pole and pulled him out of the hole in which the Tatars had put her and Kostylin.
Saying goodbye, Dina gave the hero some flatbread for the journey. Zhilin was very grateful to the girl and sincerely thanked her for everything. And Dina, saying goodbye to her pet, “was crying..., covered herself with her hands, and ran up the mountain, like a goat jumping. Only in the dark can you hear the monists in braids rattling their backs.”
Higher intelligence
You know the main ones..) The rest means secondary ones..))
But I don’t know what to call them... Look through the text... you’ll find...

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Were the main and secondary characters told by the Caucasian prisoner?

Answer from Vladimir Z[guru]
told - said

Answer from ¦ ViRyush ¦[guru]
The main characters are officers Zhilin, Kostylin
Secondary - the owner's daughter Dina.
Officer Zhilin served in the Caucasus. He received a letter from his mother, and he decided to go home on vacation. But on the way he and another Russian officer Kostylin were captured by the Tatars. This happened due to Kostylin’s fault. He was supposed to cover Zhilin, but he saw the Tatars, got scared and ran away from them. Kostylin turned out to be a traitor. The Tatar who captured the Russian officers sold them to another Tatar. The prisoners were shackled and kept in the same barn.
The Tatars forced the officers to write letters to their relatives demanding a ransom. Kostylin obeyed, and Zhilin specially wrote a different address, because he knew: there was no one to buy him, Zhilin’s old mother lived very poorly. Zhilin and Kostylin sat in the barn for a whole month. The owner's daughter Dina became attached to Zhilin. She secretly brought him cakes and milk, and he made dolls for her. Zhilin began to think about how he and Kostylin could escape from captivity. Soon he began digging in the barn.
One night they ran away. When they entered the forest, Kostylin began to lag behind and whine - his boots had rubbed his feet. Because of Kostylin, they did not go far; they were noticed by a Tatar who was driving through the forest. He told the owners of the hostages, they took the dogs and quickly caught up with the prisoners. The shackles were put on them again and they were not removed even at night. Instead of a barn, the hostages were put in a hole five arshins deep. Zhilin still did not despair. I kept thinking about how he could escape. Dina saved him. At night she brought a long stick, lowered it into the hole, and Zhilin climbed up using it. But Kostylin stayed, didn’t want to run away: he was scared, and he didn’t have the strength.