The main idea of ​​Paustovsky's story is a basket with spruce trees. Description. Music in the story

In his work, Konstantin Paustovsky often raises philosophical questions about the meaning of life, about finding one’s place in this world, about the difficulty of choice. The story “Basket with Fir Cones” is no exception. Reading this light, life-affirming work, you understand that the best things in life are given to a person for free.

The main characters of this work, composer Edvard Grieg and the little girl Dagny, the daughter of a forester, meet in the forest. The composer is simply walking, admiring the unique autumn landscape, and the girl is collecting fir cones. An ordinary conversation, an ordinary autumn. However, everything around seems to be saturated with a fairy tale: amazingly thin aspen leaves sensitive to every rustle, fir cones smelling of heavy odorous resin, a fragile and unusually beautiful glass boat...

Grieg is so impressed by his interaction with the little stranger that he decides to dedicate a piece of music to her. Of course, a child is not able to deeply appreciate the power and beauty of classical music, so Grieg says that Dagny will receive a gift in ten years, when she turns eighteen. The girl is at a loss, she wants to receive the gift now, but she can only come to terms with it.

When creating a work dedicated to Dagny, the composer thinks with tenderness about his little muse. He knows that she has such an exciting, such a bright and wonderful life ahead, full of discoveries and love. Grieg wishes the girl great and real happiness, and puts all his experiences into music.

Years pass, Dagny turns into a slender beauty with long braids. On the occasion of graduating from school, a girl goes to visit her uncle and aunt, and they decide to take her to a concert. Imagine everyone’s surprise when indescribably beautiful music dedicated to her, the forester’s daughter, sounds from the stage.

Everything in Dagny’s soul turns upside down, she remembers everything: the beautiful autumn forest, and the man with laughing eyes who promised to give her an unusual gift. This gift is truly the best thing anyone could ask for because it is more than music, it is a gift of love for life.

Life consists of many large and small events, every minute a person is surrounded by hundreds of things, and how important it is to remember that all this is beautiful, and to love life in all its manifestations. “A Basket of Fir Cones” is a small but impressive story that makes the reader think about true values.

    • A person’s life is so fast-paced and filled with events that sometimes you forget what is most important in life and what is secondary. This is exactly what happens to Nastya, the heroine of Paustovsky’s story “Telegram”. Although the entire plot revolves around her name, we meet Nastya herself in the second half of the story. Nastya was born and raised in the remote village of Zaborye. Apparently, the girl was very bored with her native village and everything connected with it, because she has not come to the village for years. Life is not worth […]
    • How often in life we ​​hurt others without thinking. How much can one kind word, one compassionate deed save? Perhaps it was precisely this idea that Paustovsky wanted to convey to the reader with the story “Warm Bread.” The main character of the story, Filka, nicknamed “You!”, is a boy with a very difficult character. Filka is distrustful, intractable, and rude to everyone, even to his old grandmother. For the time being, he gets away with his rudeness, but only until the boy offends a wounded horse, the favorite of all […]
    • A painful feeling arises after reading the story by K. G. Paustovsky “Telegram”. Not light sadness, quiet sadness and conciliatory harmony with the world, but some kind of heavy dark stone in the soul. It’s as if the feeling of guilt that befell Nastya too late falls to some extent on me as well. In general, such topics are not so typical of the well-known Paustovsky, studied at school and loved by young children. We all know an author who respects and appreciates his native nature, a master of subtle and touching descriptions [...]
    • Do good - and it will come back to you; do evil - wait for retribution. Everything in life is interconnected. Probably, Paustovsky’s story “Hare’s Paws” is precisely about this: about the interconnection of all living things, about the importance of love and compassion in life. The title of the story is very unusual and immediately makes the reader think about why hare feet? What's so special about them? Well, I got caught in a forest fire with my scythe and was saved, it’s an everyday matter. Is it really worth writing a whole story about this? It turns out that it’s worth it, because the hare in the story is not a simple one, but [...]
    • A beautiful and kind little “fairy tale” by Konstantin Paustovsky under the cozy homely title “Warm Bread”. Despite the apparent simplicity and simplicity of the plot, somewhat folk language, short but colorful descriptions of natural phenomena, this is a real work of fiction. And it, along with multi-volume novels, makes the reader stop, think, and decide something for himself. What to think about? What exactly to decide? More on this below. Let's go from less to more. Let’s leave the main idea […]
    • Anna Akhmatova's poetic creativity originates in the brilliant Silver Age of Russian literature. This relatively short period gave birth to a whole galaxy of brilliant artists, including, for the first time in Russian literature, the great female poets A. Akhmatova and M. Tsvetaeva. Akhmatova did not recognize the definition of “poetess” in relation to herself, this word seemed derogatory to her, she was precisely a “poet” along with others. Akhmatova belonged to the Acmeist camp, but largely only because the head and theoretician […]
    • In most areas of his life, a person cannot do without a computer. This situation is due to its capabilities. Storage and exchange of information, communication between people, numerous computing programs - all this makes it indispensable for a modern person. However, using a computer has both positive and negative sides. Advantages of a computer: with the ability to connect to the Internet, a computer becomes an indispensable source of information: encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books […]
    • N. V. Gogol's comedy “The Inspector General” has a unique character of dramatic conflict. There is neither a hero-ideologist nor a conscious deceiver who leads everyone by the nose. Officials are deceiving themselves by imposing on Khlestakov the role of a significant person, forcing him to play it. Khlestakov is in the center of events, but does not lead the action, but, as it were, involuntarily gets involved in it and surrenders to its movement. The group of negative characters satirically depicted by Gogol is opposed not by a positive hero, but flesh and blood […]
    • Krylov Ivan Andreevich is a famous, world-famous fabulist. Each of his works is an instructive masterpiece. From childhood, teachers and parents give us to read Krylov's fables so that we grow up and are brought up with the right examples and morals. Thus, Ivan Andreevich’s famous work “Quartet” teaches us to be more self-critical. After all, according to the plot of the fable, the problem was not at all in how the animals were seated, but in the fact that they did not possess the necessary talents. "The Dragonfly and the Ant" makes […]
    • Zhukovsky considered Karamzin, the head of Russian sentimentalism, his teacher in poetry. The essence of Zhukovsky’s romanticism was very accurately characterized by Belinsky, who said that he became a “heartfelt singer of the morning.” By nature, Zhukovsky was not a fighter; his “complaints” never developed into open protest. He moved away from the present into the past, idealized it, thought about it with sadness: O dear guest, sacred before, Why are you crowding into my chest? Can I say: live in hope? Let me tell you what happened: [...]
    • The writing personality of V. Bunin is marked to a great extent by such a worldview in which an acute, hourly “sense of death”, a constant memory of it, is combined with a strong thirst for life. The writer might not have admitted what he said in his autobiographical note: “The Book of My Life” (1921), because his work itself speaks about it: “The constant consciousness or feeling of this horror / death / haunts me a little not from infancy, I have lived under this fatal sign all my life. I know well that [...]
    • Arise, prophet, and see, and heed, Be fulfilled by my will, And, going around the seas and lands, Burn the hearts of people with your verb. A. S. Pushkin “The Prophet” Since 1836, the theme of poetry has received a new sound in Lermontov’s work. He creates a whole cycle of poems in which he expresses his poetic credo, his detailed ideological and artistic program. These are “The Dagger” (1838), “The Poet” (1838), “Don’t Trust Yourself” (1839), “Journalist, Reader and Writer” (1840) and, finally, “The Prophet” - one of the latest and [...]
    • Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is one of the most brilliant authors of our vast Motherland. In his works, he always spoke about painful issues, about how His Rus' lived in His time. And he does it so well! This man really loved Russia, seeing what our country really is - unhappy, deceptive, lost, but at the same time - dear. Nikolai Vasilyevich in the poem “Dead Souls” gives a social profile of the Rus' of that time. Describes landownership in all colors, reveals all the nuances and characters. Among […]
    • As was customary in classicism, the heroes of the comedy “The Minor” are clearly divided into negative and positive. However, the most memorable and striking are the negative characters, despite their despoticism and ignorance: Mrs. Prostakova, her brother Taras Skotinin and Mitrofan himself. They are interesting and ambiguous. It is with them that comic situations are associated, full of humor, and bright liveliness of dialogues. Positive characters do not evoke such vivid emotions, although they are sounding boards that reflect […]
    • The result of twenty years of work was the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” for Nekrasov. In it, the author voiced the most important issues of the era and described the people's life in post-reform Russia. Critics call this poem the epic of folk life. In it, Nekrasov created a multifaceted plot and introduced a large number of characters. As in works of folklore, the narrative is built in the form of a path, a journey, but the main question is one: to find out the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe happiness of a Russian person. Happiness is a complex concept. This includes social […]
    • The theme of the poet and poetry occupies one of the central places in the work of A. S. Pushkin. Poems such as “The Prophet”, “The Poet and the Crowd”, “To the Poet”, “Monument” most clearly reflect the thought of the Russian genius about the purpose of the poet. The poem “To the Poet” was written in 1830, during a period of sharp attacks on Pushkin in the reactionary press. A polemic with the editor of the newspaper “Northern Bee” Bulgarin forced Alexander Sergeevich to turn to the immortal image of a misunderstood poet in his small lyrical work. IN […]
    • The story “Anna on the Neck” is based on the story of an unequal marriage. There are two main characters: Anna and her husband Modest Alekseevich. The girl is 18 years old, she lived in poverty with her drinking father and younger brothers. In describing Anna, Chekhov uses epithets: “young, graceful.” Modest Alekseevich evokes less sympathy: a well-fed, “uninteresting gentleman.” The author uses simple and succinct expressions to describe the feelings of the young wife: she is “scared and disgusted.” The writer compares Anna's marriage to a locomotive that fell on the poor girl. Anna […]
    • The wonderful Russian poet Boris Leonidovich Pasternak had the idea of ​​writing a novel for many years. He happened to live in a difficult time for the country, in the era of three revolutions. He knew Mayakovsky, began his creative activity when the Symbolists and Futurists were actively working, and at one time he himself belonged to the futurist circle “Mezzanine of Poetry.” Pasternak intended to “give a historical image of Russia over the last forty-five years...”. The first drafts of the novel date back to 1918. The author gave them a working title […]
    • The great Russian poet Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev left a rich creative heritage to his descendants. He lived in an era when Pushkin, Zhukovsky, Nekrasov, Tolstoy were creating. Contemporaries considered Tyutchev the smartest, most educated man of his time and called him a “real European.” From the age of eighteen, the poet lived and studied in Europe. During his long life, Tyutchev witnessed many historical events in Russian and European history: the war with Napoleon, revolutions in Europe, the Polish uprising, the Crimean War, the abolition of serfdom […]
    • At the ball After the ball The hero’s feelings He is “very much” in love; admired by the girl, life, the ball, the beauty and grace of the surrounding world (including interiors); notices all the details on a wave of joy and love, is ready to be moved and cry at any trifle. Without wine - drunk - with love. He admires Varya, hopes, trembles, happy to be chosen by her. Light, does not feel his own body, “floats”. Delight and gratitude (for the feather from the fan), “cheerful and contented,” happy, “blessed,” kind, “an unearthly creature.” WITH […]
  • Lesson objectives:

    • continue to introduce children to the works of K. G. Paustovsky;
    • to form in children positive motives for educational and cognitive
    • activities, creative initiatives and activity;
    • develop children's speech and vocabulary;

    Planned achievements in the lesson:

    • the ability to analyze the emotional state of characters;
    • ability to analyze what you read;
    • nurturing a love of music;

    Demo material: portrait of the writer, portrait of the composer E. Grieg, illustrations of children, recording of E. Grieg's play "Morning", "Solveig's Song", a basket with fir cones.

    During the classes

    “The Wizard and the Great Musician” (the epigraph is written on the board) K. G. Paustovsky

    I. Organizational moment

    Guys, today in class we will continue our acquaintance with the works of K. G. Paustovsky. And using the example of the story “Basket with Fir Cones”, at the end of the lesson we will try to answer the question “How should a person live?”

    Look, there is an epigraph on the board. Where do these words come from? Who are they dedicated to?

    II. Checking homework

    What is the story you read about? What do you know about Grieg?

    What do the words in the first row tell us: The northern country of Norway: forest, mountains, sea, city of Bergen. (The setting of the story)

    What do the words in the second row say: Edvard Grieg, Dagny Pedersen, Hagerup Pedersen, Magda, Nils (characters of the story).

    How many parts did you divide the story into? What do you know about Grieg? (Selecting the best titles)

    III. Working on story analysis.

    Analysis of part 1 of the story.

    What was composer E. Grieg doing in the forest? Why did they come here more than once? Why did the forester's daughter Dagny come here? Why did she collect fir cones?

    What did the autumn forest look like? (retelling close to the text)

    What techniques does the author use? (personifications - the echo picked up, threw the sound, lives and waits for the echo. Epithets - cheerful echo, mushroom air, autumn outfit . Metaphors - green strands, growing wildly. Comparisons - foliage is compared to copper and gold, an echo to a mockingbird.)

    Look at the picture. What episode does it depict? What were Dagny and Grig talking about?

    Expressive reading of the dialogue between Dagny and the composer (by role)

    What is the most important thing in a conversation? ( The composer wanted to give a gift)

    What gift idea are we talking about in the dialogue?

    Why did Grieg want to give Dagny a gift? ( The author does not answer this question directly, but we can guess that Grieg liked her.

    How did Dagny appear to the composer and to us? ( She is small, but hardworking, dragging home a heavy basket of pine cones. She is trusting: she immediately told the stranger about the house and toys. She is sweet and beautiful: she has big green eyes, like a doll’s, and a quiet voice with embarrassment. She is sensitive: she thinks tenderly about her old grandfather and sympathizes with him. And most importantly she Kind heart, knows how to think and grieve about others.)

    What did Dagny hope to receive as a gift?

    Why did Grieg delay the gift? ( A material gift is things. toys. And Grieg conceived a spiritual gift - music. Young children do not always understand music, so the composer promises it in 10 years. She will then be 18 years old)

    Analysis of the second part of the story

    What can the description of the composer’s house tell the attentive reader?

    What was the decoration of the house?

    Music cannot be expressed in words. But what is the skill of a writer? ( He uses the technique of personification, and we hear how the piano of a great composer can sing about the impulse of the human spirit and about love, and the keys can yearn, laugh, thunder with storm and anger.

    Read the description of winter. How is this place like a poem? ( The author uses personifications: winter was wrapped up, the ships came, dozed, snoring.)

    Why did Paustovsky include a description of the winter city at this point in the story? ( The composer must draw inspiration not only from nature, but also from the environment around him, because in his works he reflects the entire life around him)

    What was the music written by Grieg about? (read the sentence in which the words express the main mood of the melody composed for Dagny?

    Who was the first listener? What feelings did the music awaken in them? Let's try to hear how the composer paints nature, how the music changes (The recording "Morning" by E. Grieg sounds)

    Do you think Edvard Grieg was a happy man? Find words in the text that confirm this.(" I am an old man, but I gave my life, my work, my talent to the youth. I gave everything away without return. That's why I may even be happier than you, Dagny."

    Physical education minute

    We'll rest a little.
    Let's stand up and take a deep breath.
    Children walked through the forest
    Nature was observed.
    Looked up at the sun
    And all the rays warmed them.
    Miracles in our world:
    The children became dwarfs.
    And then everyone stood up together,
    We have become giants.

    Conversation on questions from part 3 of the story.

    Has anything changed in Dagny's life? What has she become?

    What can you say about the girl’s relatives? What was special about Aunt Magda's room?

    Analysis of part 4 of the story.

    Where did Dagny like to go in the city? Why did she cry after the performances? (She remained as sensitive and impressionable as she was in childhood)

    Here she is going to a concert with her uncle and aunt. Describe Dagny's portrait.( A slender girl with heavy brown long braids the color of old gold, beautiful, with shining big eyes, dressed in a long theatrical black dress made of mysterious velvet)

    In what unusual setting did the concert take place?

    What miracle happened in Dagny's life? What feelings did she, Magda, Nils experience when the dedication was announced?

    Read what Dagny heard in the music dedicated to her? (Music sounds.)

    Why did Dagny cry while listening to Grieg's music? ( These are tears of gratitude. People cry not only from grief, but also from great good feelings, in addition, Dagny is sorry that the composer died, and she will not thank him.)

    What feelings do you think arose in her soul: amazement, admiration, gratitude, joy, delight, regret?

    Did other listeners like Grieg's music?

    IV. General conversation.

    What did you like about Grieg's music?( It is beautiful because the composer glorified his homeland and had the gift of singing the nature and spiritual world of man: his courage, loyalty and purity.

    What was the main idea that Dagny discovered for herself? ( You have opened for me the beautiful things that I should live by. Human .)

    V. Lesson summary.

    What beautiful things did we discover in the story of K. G. Paustovsky? ( We talked about the beauty of nature, about wonderful people. They have a sweet appearance, noble deeds, we talked about the inner and outer beauty of a person. About a good life (we must believe that it is amazing and beautiful. About spiritual gifts. About music, literature, theater, about types of art that teach us to see beauty.)

    What is the story you read about? ( About the beauty of the world and man, about how beautiful art is that reflects life

    Can the words “Magician and great musician” be attributed to K. G. Paustovsky?

    We should be grateful to K. G. Paustovsky for giving us such a wonderful story about E. Grieg - this kind wizard and great musician. Both of them are masters of their craft. One with words, the other with feelings awakens pure and kind feelings in us. And people of all times are grateful to them for this.

    VI. Reflection.

    Students, giving their feedback on the story, fill the basket with fir cones.

    VII. Homework.

    Write the story into a reader's diary. Create quiz questions based on the text to develop observation skills when reading.

    Have you ever met people who willingly gave, gave a good mood, a smile, a soul? Tell us about them. Recommendation of books for extracurricular reading. (Presentation by the teacher of books by K. G. Paustovsky about the beauty of his native nature and the good deeds of people.)

    Additional tasks (quiz questions.)

    At what point in the story is the country where the events take place named?

    How long did E. Grieg write music for Dagny?

    How did people in a port city know about sunset?

    What secret of girlish beauty did good Uncle Nils tell you?

    Integrated reading and music lesson in 4th grade on the topic: “K.G. Paustovsky “Basket with fir cones” (general lesson)

    Educational goal:

    Show the beautiful souls of artists of words and music - writer and composer. To reveal the beauty that makes life worth living. Develop speech skills and the ability to express your thoughts orally.

    Educational goal:

    To cultivate a sense of beauty, aesthetic taste, to teach to see beauty in the most ordinary. To instill a love of art, to cultivate an understanding of classical music.

    Developmental goal:

    Develop imagination, thinking, creative abilities.

    Equipment: textbook “Favorite Pages”, presentation.

    During the classes.

      Organizing time. Lesson topic message.

    Let's start our lesson. I ask you to take the pose of an attentive listener. Today in class we will try together to show everything that we learned from K. Paustovsky’s story “Basket with Fir Cones.” We will have to demonstrate our creative abilities: artistry, the ability to speak correctly, the ability to listen and understand classical music.

      Message about the writer. ( 2 slide)

    You have already encountered the works of K. G. Paustovsky more than once. Name them. (3 slide).

    Quiz : “Where did these lines come from?”

      “There is such a plant - tall, with red flowers. These flowers are collected in large erect clusters. It’s called fireweed” (“Caring Flower”)

      “...Varyusha gasped and began to shovel the snow with her hands. But there was no ring. Varyusha’s fingers turned blue. They were so cramped by the frost that they could no longer bend...” (“Steel Ring”)

      “...After half an hour, the animal stuck out of the grass a wet black nose, similar to a pig’s snout. The nose sniffed the air for a long time and trembled with greed. Then a sharp muzzle with black piercing eyes appeared from the grass...” (“Badger Nose”)

      “...Vanya wiped away his tears and went home to Lake Urzhenskoye. He did not walk, but ran barefoot along the hot sandy road. A recent forest fire went north near the lake itself...” (“Hare’s Paws”)

      “One day a crow found a small disheveled sparrow named Pashka in a stall. Life has come hard for the sparrows.” (“The Disheveled Sparrow”)

      “...the cat turned over on its back, caught its tail, chewed it, spat it out, stretched out by the stove and snored peacefully” (“The Cat is a Thief”)

    All of this writer’s works are filled with an amazingly warm and reverent feeling of love for the nature of his native land, teaching him to see beauty.

    K.G. Paustovsky traveled a lot. He visited England, Italy, France and other countries. He was fascinated by the people of these countries, museums, architecture, music. He also wrote a lot about composers, artists, writers, i.e. about people who subtly feel the beauty of the world around us and try through their creativity to introduce everyone to the world of beauty. The story with which we have become acquainted leads us into the extraordinary world of musical creativity of the great Norwegian composer E. Grieg.

      Brief message about Norway, about E. Grieg . (slides 4 – 8)

    Before moving on to talk about the Norwegian composer E. Grieg himself, I would like to say a few words about the country in which he lived and wrote his extraordinary works.

    (Music by E. Grieg “Norwegian Dance No. 2”)

    Majestic, harsh Norway is a country of inaccessible cliffs, dense forests, narrow winding sea bays. The folk art of Norway is as unique and beautiful as the nature of this country. Norway is rich in traditions, legends, and fairy tales. Norway is also rich in music.

    Bergen... One of the oldest cities in western Norway, washed by the waves of the sea, crowned with rocky mountain peaks. Deep lakes and clear fjords, green hillsides and mighty mountain ranges, the harsh grandeur of mountain nature and the quiet peace of valleys. It was here, among the fabulous beauty, that Edvard Grieg, a composer, conductor, and pianist, was born on June 15, 1843. In his music, fairy tales, pictures of folk life, images of the nature of Norway come to life - the gloomy grandeur of coniferous forests, the surf of the northern sea.

    IV . Game "Cinquain" (slide 9) Music by E. Grieg “Dance of Anitra” sounds

    Now let’s try to talk about the topic “Music” (work in groups)

      Write down the noun – music

      On line 2, write down 2 adjectives that characterize this noun. and revealing the topic

      On line 3, write down 3 words that express the actions of this concept.

      Now write down words that reflect your attitude towards this concept

      Write a synonym for this word

    This is what music can be.

      Brainstorming (work in groups)

    1. - The story has a very beautiful beginning. Remember where it starts? (from a description of an autumn mountain forest) Underline the combinations of words that describe the forest. What colors are used to paint the forest? What sounds filled it? What about the smells?

    Children write out combinations of words to the soft sounding music of Grieg “Morning”

    Then the selected words are read out (slide 10)

    Mushroom air

    Autumn outfit


    Green strands of moss

    rustling leaves

    Gold and copper leaves

    Sound of the surf

    There's an echo

    The leaves are shaking

    What mood do they create? (Sublime, fabulous, mysterious. Autumn is a poetic time of year, it gives inspiration, sets the mood for creativity)

    2. Let's remember how the meeting between the composer and Dagny took place, listen carefully to their conversation and try to determine what is most important in the conversation. (scene “Meeting in the Forest”)

    What's your name, girl?

      Dagny Pedersen.

      What a disaster! I have nothing to give you. I don’t carry dolls, ribbons, or velvet bunnies in my pocket.

      I have my mother's old doll. Once upon a time she closed her eyes. Like this! And now she sleeps with her eyes open. Old people have poor sleep. Grandpa also groans all night.

      Listen, Dagny, I came up with an idea. I'll give you one interesting thing. But not now, but in ten years.

      Oh, how long!

      You see, I still need to do it.

      And what is it?

      You'll find out later.

      Can you only make five or six toys in your entire life?

      No, that's not true. I'll do it maybe in a few days. But such things are not given to small children. I make gifts for adults.

      I won't break it. And I won't break it. You'll see. Grandpa has a toy glass boat. I wipe the dust off it and have never chipped off even the smallest piece.

    (Grieg thinks aloud: “She completely confused me, this Dagny”).

      You are still small and don’t understand much. Learn patience. I'll take you with you and we'll talk about something else. (Grieg takes the basket from the girl and they leave)

    How do you think , why did Grieg want to give the girl a gift?

    K. Paustovsky doesn’t tell us directly about this, but you may have already guessed?

    Children's suggestions are listened to (slide 11)

    (1. This girl lives in the forest - for Grieg she is the embodiment of nature, she has greenish pupils. 2. Dagny is a girl from the people. And Grieg drew from the people. 3. And, finally, the girl for Grieg is the personification of youth, a new generation , to whom he would like to leave his music.)

    What did Dagny hope to receive as a gift? Why did Grieg delay the gift, because you always look forward to gifts? How old will Dagny be?

    3. -Let's move to the composer's house. Tell us what he was like?

    Mark the words in the text that tell about music listeners. (work in groups) Slide 12 (The music of E. Grieg sounds, concert part 2)

    - What is the mood of the composer at the moment of creativity? (Grieg was inspired and happy, because he was writing and saw a girl with green shining eyes running towards him, gasping with joy. She hugged him by the neck and pressed herself against his gray, unshaven cheek. He devoted himself entirely to work, he created and did great things.)

    4. In part 3 of the story, the writer again prepared for us a meeting with Dagny.

    What has changed in Dagny's life?

    What has she become?

    Who were the girl's relatives?

    5. - Where did Dagny like to go in the city?

    Why did Dagny cry after theater performances?

    - Has this ever happened to you after watching films or plays? Why does this happen?

    The children's reasoning is listened to.

    Dagny remained as sweet, sensitive, impressionable as she was in childhood. Only now she is a grown girl.

    Try to make a portrait of Dagny. (work in groups) Slide 13

      What miracle happens at the concert?

      What feelings does Dagny have? (She is very worried, she is touched by the attention shown to her by such a great man as the composer Grieg, Dagny cried, not hiding her tears of gratitude)

      What did Dagny imagine while listening to Grieg’s music?

    (Music concert part 3 sounds)

    6. – Do you think the story has a happy ending or not?

    What was the main idea that Dagny discovered while listening to music?

    Today we are finishing work on the story. How did you understand what this story was about? (about the beauty of the world and music, reflecting life; about the ability to see beauty in the most ordinary)

      Lesson summary.

    We got acquainted with the works of two masters. K. Paustovsky in words and E. Grieg in music were able to express what people feel and experience in their souls; awaken in us pure and good feelings. It’s not for nothing that the lines “life is short, art is forever” were said.

    GBOU School No. 224



    “K.G. Paustovsky “Basket with fir cones”

    Prepared and conducted by: Pavlenko E.V. ,

    primary school teacher

    Moscow, 2016

    Lesson topic: The magical power of the art of words and music.

    K.G. Paustovsky. "Basket with fir cones"

    Earthly wizards live, giving the warmth of their hearts.

    M Plyatskovsky

    Don’t spare your heart, don’t hide your insights and discoveries.

    Do not keep your kindness and tenderness secret from people.

    Hurry up to give everything away during your lifetime...

    Tatiana Kuzovleva

    Today in the lesson we will go to a meeting with precisely such people who gave everything to people during their lives: with the great wizards in the field of literature and music K. G. Paustovsky and E. Grieg. We will work not only on a work of art, but also learn to listen - read music, learn how music is born, how it affects our feelings, what emotions it evokes. (Portraits of K. Paustovsky, E. Grieg.) (Presentation. K. Paustovsky.)

    K.G. Paustovsky was born in 1892 in Moscow. Already at school I earned my living. He changed many professions: he was a counselor, a conductor, a sailor, a teacher. I wanted to know, see, feel and travel everything. Start writing early. His works are filled with amazing warmth, a reverent feeling of love for his native land. They inspire love for everything beautiful in life. The author reveals the wonderful and unique in the most ordinary object. The main content of the stories is the search for beauty in the simple and modest. Both adults and children love to read his stories.

    What works of K. Paustovsky do you know? (“Hare’s Paws”, “Steel Ring”, “Badger’s Nose”, “Cat Thief”, “Warm Bread”, “What Kind of Rains Can Be”, “Meshchera Side”, “Dishesive Sparrow”, “Snow”, “Rook in trolleybus", "Residents of the old house"...)

    Slides about Paustovsky's books. Exhibition of Paustovsky's books.

    K. Paustovsky wrote not only about nature, but also about wonderful people. His dream came true: he traveled a lot, visited England, France, Italy. He was fascinated by the people of these countries, museums, architecture, music. Paustovsky wrote about composers, artists, writers, i.e. about people who subtly feel the beauty of the world around us and try through their creativity to introduce all people to the world of beauty.

    You have been given the task at home to carefully read K. Paustovsky’s work “Basket with Fir Cones,” which will introduce us to the extraordinary world of musical creativity of the famous Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg.

    Edvard Grieg (1843 - 1907) - Norwegian composer, conductor, pianist, music critic. (Portrait of E. Grieg; Norway, fjords. Bergen. Portraits of parents. Villa. House.)

    Majestic, harsh Norway is a country of inaccessible cliffs, dense forests, narrow winding sea bays - fjords. The whole world learned the beauty of Scandinavian melodies thanks to Grieg. He was born in Bergen (the capital of the troll kingdom) on June 15, 1843. (Slide.) Father is an English merchant, British consul. Mother Gezina Grieg is an extraordinary pianist. His talent showed up early; he started playing music at the age of 6. The main theme of Grieg's work is the theme of the Motherland.

    Grieg traveled a lot, gave concerts in different countries, and each time he tried to return to his homeland as soon as possible, to his modest house on the seashore (slides).

    (His villa is Trollhaugen, which means “troll hill”; he likes this fairy-tale name; a forest house, here in silence surrounded by nature the ideas for works were born.)

    Vocabulary work: fjords, trolls.

    Listening to Grieg's music. "Morning". (Sunrise slides.)

    Music is always a mystery, it is the language of feelings. She seems to be calling: find the good in life. Helps us look at the world with different eyes, feel it and see all the richness of the colors of nature. And it’s good that there are people who give us this joy and beauty.

    K. Paustovsky. "Basket with fir cones." Slide.

    1. Determine the genre of the work. (This is a story, it has a small number of characters, a small volume, real events, two episodes, narrative form).

    2. What does K. Paustovsky make you think about? (About the meaning of life, about happiness, about beauty).

    3. What impression did this story make on you? My soul felt sad and light.

    There was a feeling of joy, happiness, tenderness.

    Joy for Dagny, for the wonderful gift.

    Lots of love and kindness from people. It's wonderful that people live for the sake of others.

    I think all girls would like to receive such a gift.

    The story made me think.

    You expressed the impressions you received after reading the story in your creative works. You see that the class is decorated with the works of your classmates on the topic of the lesson. The authors of these works themselves (Katya Lovchikova, Vika Sviridova, Alena Vorobyova) will tell you why they chose these particular episodes from the work. Slides of student work.

    4. Let's go back to the beginning of the story

    a) Where did Grieg spend his autumn? (Near the city of Bergen.)

    b) What do you think Grieg was doing in the forest? (I admired nature. I drew inspiration from beauty. Nature inspires a person, enriches him, makes him nobler, purer.)

    5. Read the description of the mountain forest (the student reads it by heart).

    6. What attracts Grieg's attention? What sounds fill the forest?

    a) The rustling of leaves. Mushroom air. Sound of the surf. Moss grows in them. A cheerful echo lives.

    7. What visual and artistic means help the writer describe autumn in mountain forests?

    Comparison is a comparison of two phenomena with the aim of explaining one object or phenomenon using the other. Comparison (moss - green strands; cheerful echo - mockingbird)

    b) Metaphor (autumn outfit).

    c) Personification (Echo lives, waits, throws).

    8. What is personification? (Transferring the properties of animate objects to inanimate ones. Often used when depicting nature.)

    9. Let’s read the description of autumn (the student reads it by heart).

    The beauty of the forest inspired the composer. It is obvious that he loves autumn.

    Emphasizes that there is nothing more beautiful than “an autumn outfit lying in the mountains.”

    It seems to me that the writer wants us to see beauty and feel it.

    When I find myself in the forest, I feel that I am transformed, that I become better.

    10. What important event is described in this part? Title this part.

    "Meeting in the forest." Slide. Meeting of Grieg and Dagny Pederson, the little daughter of a forester.

    11. Do you think the meeting was a fact from Grieg’s biography or fiction? (This is truth and fiction. The writer has the right to fiction. Paustovsky used individual facts from Grieg’s life and combined them with fiction. The image of Dagny is collective.)

    12. During a walk, Grieg, a world-famous composer and famous person, happily talks with the forester’s daughter. (Slide. Grig and Dagny.)

    She had very beautiful eyes. “Her pupils are greenish, and the foliage sparkles in them.” Dagny charmed him.

    13. Would you talk to a stranger in the forest?

    14. Why did Dagny trust and even invite you to visit?

    15. What did Grieg decide to give to the little girl? Why did he have this desire?

    Grig treats Dagny with love. Relate it to the facts of life. (K.P. knew about this.)

    The most dramatic moment in Grieg's life was the death of his daughter. She lived for a year.

    In every girl he saw his daughter. He interacted with Dagny as if he were his own daughter.

    Dagny had naivety, openness, faith in kindness, which Grieg tried to see in everything.

    He liked the thoughts about his mother's old doll.

    Grieg liked the fact that the girl knew how to think and grieve about others.

    She spoke with all her heart about her home and invited her to visit.

    She told me that they had an embroidered tablecloth, a red cat, and a glass boat.

    Grig saw the heavy basket that Dagny was carrying. This means she is hardworking and takes care of her grandfather.

    What Grieg and Dagny have in common is that they love nature and feel it.

    Grieg decided to give her music. I couldn't do it right away because she was still small.

    Grieg conceived a spiritual gift - music. He promised to give it to me in 10 years, because

    Dagny will grow up and be able to understand the composer’s gift - “serious music.”

    16. The birth of music. Now let's move to Grieg's forest house. What is it?

    What does the description of the composer’s house tell the reader?

    Vocabulary work: woodcutter (lumberjack) is the oldest profession. The task is to cut down trees and prepare them for transportation.

    Grieg did not dare to throw away the old sofa, because it could accommodate up to a dozen guests.

    The piano gave coziness to the room; it was the decoration of the house. Slide. (Forest house by the sea. Piano.)

    Vocabulary work: piano is a keyboard musical instrument with a standing triangular

    body and horizontally stretched strings, a type of piano.

    “The piano could sing about everything - about the impulse of the human spirit and about love...” Personification.

    17. What sounds still lived in Grieg’s house? What did the sound of a small string resemble?

    18. Why do you need a beautiful description of winter in Bergen? (Calmness. Silence. Beauty of nature.)

    The composer drew inspiration from what surrounded him and reflected his feelings in his works: beauty, goodness.)

    Winter. Snow. Purity of thoughts. The color of purity. Everything is white. Memories of Dagny

    also clean and light. Dagny is a bright creature.

    19. What is the musical play dedicated to Dagny about? What did Grieg imagine when he wrote music?

    I wrote and saw a girl with green shining eyes running towards me, breathless with happiness. She hugs him and thanks him.

    Grig likes Dagny. He admits: “Your voice makes my heart flutter.”

    “You’re like the sun,” says Grieg. – Like a gentle wind and early morning. A white flower blossomed in your heart and filled your entire being with the fragrance of spring.”

    - “May everything that surrounds you, that touches you and that you touch, that makes you happy and makes you think, be blessed.”

    20. What does the composer compare Dagny to? With the sun, early morning, with the white night with its mysterious light, with the sparkle of dawn, with a white flower...

    21. Why with the sun? (The sun radiates warmth, love, tenderness, kindness).

    22. Which listeners did Grieg value more? What feelings did the music evoke?

    Favorite listeners are the tits outside the window. (They were worried, fidgeting...)

    A cricket that peeked through the crack. Snow falling from the sky. Cinderella...smiled.

    The marauding sailors who listened, sobbing.

    The washerwoman straightened her back and wiped her reddened eyes with her palm.

    The real and the magical are nearby. The music makes a magical impression.

    23. Do you think it is difficult to describe music in words?

    It is impossible to describe music in words, no matter how rich our language is.

    24. Do you think Grieg was happy? What filled him with happiness?

    Grieg gave everything without return. He believes that he is happier than Dagny because he gave everything.

    I believe that the person who gives is more happy than the one who receives.

    The most important words in this part: “ is amazing and beautiful... I gave my life, my work, my talent to the youth. I gave everything away without return.”

    25. Name examples of figurative and expressive means in this part.

    The ships were dozing and snoring. The keys yearned, ran away, laughed. Drops

    they repeated. Snow listened to the ringing. The shoes shook. (Personifications.)

    Mysterious light, gentle wind, shining eyes. (Epithets.)

    The writer introduced us to the composer as an easy-to-communicate, loving person. Nature means a lot in his life and work. There are no boundaries between truth and fairy tales in Grieg's creative imagination. Grieg is a wonderful musician who can touch hearts with his music.

    Part 3. “Visiting Aunt Magda.”

    26.Vocabulary work.

    Brocade is a dense patterned silk fabric with intertwining gold threads.

    Treads - high cavalry boots with bells (with extension at the top).

    Entertainer - artist, presenter (variety genre - performance at

    stage associated with the announcement of program numbers).

    Symphonic music is a large piece of music (usually 4 movements).

    Velvet is a dense silk fabric with soft, smooth and thick pile.

    Magda is an aunt (theater dressmaker), Nils is a hairdresser in the theater. Lived

    under the roof of the theater. There are a lot of theatrical things in the room. Nice, kind people.

    27. What did Dagny do while visiting? (I often went to the theater.)

    Why did you often cry after the theater? (Dagny was very impressionable, sympathetic, trusting, just like in childhood. She believed in what was happening on stage. The author prepares us for an even stronger feeling.)

    Magda reassured her, and Nils said: “Let him cry. In the theater you have to believe everything.”

    28. What did Nils say about music? (“Music is the mirror of the soul.”) Music must be understood.

    29. How do you understand these words? (Nils is not a scientist, he did not graduate from university, but he loved to think. Life taught him. He is kind both in business and in thought.)

    "Spiritual Gift" June. White Nights. City Park. Concert.

    White nights can be observed in early summer in the north. Light. Light twilight.

    And, not letting the darkness of the night into the golden skies,

    One dawn is in a hurry to replace another, giving the night half an hour. (A.S. Pushkin.)

    30. What was Dagny like, according to Nils? (On the 1st chord of the overture.)

    An overture is an introduction to a piece of music.

    Dagny is young, just starting out in life. That's why there is such a comparison.

    31. Is it by chance that the author organizes a concert in June, during the white nights? Do you remember how Dagny was dressed? (I wanted to wear white, but Nils recommended black. “On white nights you must be in black and... on dark nights, sparkle with white dresses.”

    The writer says that the dress was made of mysterious velvet. And you understand that in

    Something incredible and mysterious is about to happen in Dagny's life.

    32. Pay attention to the play and transition of colors into each other.

    The white flower on Dagny’s heart is the color of joy and splendor.

    Yellow color is replaced by gold. Autumn gold, braid gold. Gilding of the northern dawn.

    This means that the girl has a big and eventful life ahead of her.

    33. How did Dagny listen to the play, symphonic music?

    Dagny listened to symphonic music for the first time. It had a strange effect on her.

    All the shimmer and thunder of the orchestra evoked in Dagny many pictures that looked like dreams.

    Let's read what the compere announced? “Now it will be fulfilled...”

    “At first she didn’t hear anything. There was a storm inside her. Then she finally heard a shepherd's horn singing in the early morning and in response to it, a string orchestra responded with hundreds of voices, trembling slightly.

    The melody grew, rose, raged like the wind, rushed along the tops of the trees, tore off leaves, shook the grass, hit the face with cool splashes. Dagny felt the rush of air coming from the music and forced herself to calm down.

    Yes! This was her forest, her homeland! Her mountains, the songs of her horns, the sound of her sea.

    So, that means it was him! That gray-haired man who helped her carry a basket of fir cones home. It was Edvard Grieg, a wizard and a great musician! ... So this is the gift..."

    And now we will listen to the music that shocked Dagny with its power and richness of colors.

    (E. Grieg. Concerto for piano and orchestra.)

    Yes, I want to be silent and think. Don’t lose what you heard: the sound of the surf, a cheerful echo, the rustling of leaves.

    34. Why did Dagny cry? (Dagny cried tears of gratitude.)

    It’s a pity for Grig that he died and she won’t thank him.

    Because he didn't forget her.

    People cry not only from grief, from pain, but also from great, tender, good feelings.

    35. What did Grieg manage to convey in music? Why did she make the girl so nervous? What sounds are mentioned in the text?

    It reminded her of her childhood and awakened her best memories.

    She presented pictures of a country where no one will take away each other's happiness.

    Music awakens hopes for the best. I believe in happiness, in love, in the best.

    36. What “generosity” did Dagny want to thank Grieg for?

    For the generosity of the soul. He gave his heart and soul to music.

    For discovering the beautiful things that a person should live with.

    37. What did Dagny call him?

    A wizard and a great musician.

    Reading the final lines of the story (p. 183)

    38. Why did Dagny love life?

    For living. For being happy. Because she is surrounded by her loved ones.

    For being able to enjoy music and the beauty of the world.

    39. Did Dagny like the gift? (Slide. Monument to Grieg)

    Yes. We also received it with her. Grieg is not with us, but his music, talent, love for people, desire to give himself, his soul to people made him eternal, alive.

    Paustovsky shows that music, conveying the feelings of the composer, evokes reciprocal experiences in listeners. I really liked the gift. The music is either gentle, calm, or suddenly impetuous, sometimes it sounds quiet, sometimes it sounds loud.

    40. Why did Nils, and with him Paustovsky, decide that Dagny’s life would not be in vain?

    He heard her happy laugh and realized that Dagny would never hurt anyone.

    There will definitely be great love in her life.

    Dagny is a person with a beautiful and pure soul. Her life will be full of goodness and light.

    Dagny will be a generous person, just like Grieg. Through music he taught her to love life.

    41. Let's return to the final part of the text. Creative work of Vicky. Steamboat lights.

    In the finale, Dagny experiences a storm of conflicting feelings. She mourns and rejoices from new sensations. She found herself by the sea, hoping to find peace. Here comes the understanding of a new feeling. The path to the world of beauty is just beginning. A romantic image of a steamship with burning lights appears. An eternal symbol of continuing the journey. “Listen, life,” Dagny said quietly, “I love you.”

    42. What remained in our souls after we read and discussed the story?

    Art makes a person better.

    In life you need to be generous, bring goodness and joy to people.

    Music conquered distance and time and managed to convey the composer’s feelings.

    This is a story about the beauty of the world, the role of music in human life.

    Nature and childish charm inspired the composer.

    I was amazed by the music and its sound.

    Real music can do wonders.

    I don’t take classical music seriously, I don’t listen to it myself, but today something struck me. I didn't expect such a reaction from myself.

    An important idea in Paustovsky’s work is the thought of the beauty and poetry of the human soul, the desire to open for everyone “the key to beauty.”

    42. What is the main idea of ​​the story?

    A person should live seeing, listening and feeling all the beautiful things that surround us. Then his life will not be lived in vain.

    Giving people a “fairytale of life” - the ability to discover beauty and romance in the most ordinary - this is the main task of man on earth.

    Years later, the great composer Grieg gave his gift to a charming girl; music revealed to her “the beauty of this world.”

    Let's return to the epigraph of the lesson: “Earthly wizards live, giving the warmth of their hearts.”

    43. Who do we call wizards and why?

    • Grieg presented talentedly written music.
    • Paustovsky gave a wonderful story.
    • Both of them are great masters: one with words, the other with music, awakens good feelings in us. And we are grateful and grateful to them. Both are creators. They chose this path themselves of their own free will. They love their homeland, their people. We gave our all to people.
    • Art has magical powers. Real music can do wonders. It inspires a person to do good deeds, teaches people to love and understand nature, appreciate human relationships, fight evil, believe in goodness and miracles, share happiness, and live for others. And when someone needs you, it’s happiness. I wish you this happiness. Carry this happiness, give it to others. And people will need you!

    K. Paustovsky. Secrets of the “Basket with Fir Cones”

    Author: Tamara Borisovna Vershinina, piano teacher, MBU DODSHI No. 1, Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region
    Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention the methodological development “K. Paustovsky. Secrets of the “Basket with Fir Cones.” This material will be of interest to primary school teachers, teachers of Russian language and literature, music and MHC secondary schools, teachers of art schools.
    Target: Analysis of the composition of the story by K. Paustovsky “Basket with fir cones”
    This topic has haunted me for many years. I looked at lesson notes on various websites and in print, talked with colleagues, and got acquainted with the literature about the writer and his work. The answer to the question why the story was called that way - “Basket with Fir Cones” - boiled down to the following:
    a) if Dagny had not gone into the forest for pine cones, she would not have met Edvard Grieg;
    b) the composer helped the girl carry a heavy basket, and this is how their acquaintance began;
    c) Grieg liked the girl, and he had the idea to write music for Dagny.
    The outline of the story went something like this:
    1. Meeting in the forest
    2. In the house of E. Grieg
    3. Dagny at the concert.
    4. A long-awaited gift.
    But there was a feeling that something important was missing in the text. After all, for some reason K. Paustovsky did not name the story, for example, “Dagni” or “E.rig”, “Music”! So there is some secret in the basket of fir cones!
    I thought that we needed to start from the main idea of ​​the story. These are the composer’s words addressed to Dagny: “I saw life. No matter what they tell you about her, always believe that she is amazing and beautiful.” The writer leads us to this thought. At the end of the story we hear Dagny’s quiet voice: “Listen, life, I love you. The girl is happy!
    We are moving in the opposite direction. Dagny is grateful to the composer for the musical gift that was promised to her ten years ago during a meeting in the forest, when E. Grieg helped her convey heavy basket with fir cones. Why does the author repeat several times that the basket heavy? Recently we came across the words of K. Paustovsky, which sound like a “testament” to us: “Read, read and read, so as not to lose a single drop of the precious content of books.” It seems to me that the writer wanted us to “read” every word of the story and “get to the bottom” of the understanding that “Basket with Fir Cones” is the difficult Life of Dagny, it is a synonym joyless childhood child!
    This first writer's secret. Let's look at what is written in the text and marvel at the author's skill:
    “One day Grieg met in the forest small a girl (8 years old) with two pigtails - the daughter of a forester. She was collecting fir cones in a basket. He offered his help: “Now give me the basket. You can barely drag it. I’ll take you with you and we’ll talk about something else.... Dagny sighed and handed Grig the basket. She really was heavy. There is a lot of resin in spruce cones, and therefore they weigh much more than pine cones... Dagny, frowning, looked after him. She cart held it sideways, cones fell out of it».
    What do we learn from short phrases about Dagny's life? In the house there is “a small glass boat (grandfather’s), an embroidered tablecloth, a red cat, an old mother’s doll... she once closed her eyes... And now she sleeps with her eyes open.” The only time it is mentioned here is Mother child. Apparently she doesn't exist. There is no maternal warmth and care (otherwise she would not have been sent one to the forest to collect heavy fir cones), the girl is not given toys, she has nothing and no one to play with. She is responsible for cleaning the house. That’s why she wanted to immediately receive a gift from the composer and did not understand why he delayed it for ten years. Dagny is a kind girl. She feels sorry for the old doll and the sick grandfather. Maybe the cones with the healing smell of pine and resin help him breathe. But the main idea of ​​the exhibition is there is no joy and happiness in the life of the little heroine. The description of autumn and the girl’s condition contrast with each other. Because the author and E. Grieg see the beauty of nature, and the girl’s sadness is expressed in her words, sighs and short glances. That’s why the composer decided to write music for her that would change her worldview and make her happy.

    I like the illustration by Ekaterina Chudnovskaya, which very accurately conveys the mood and character of the first part of the story
    Second The secret of the story is this: the composer asks the girl: “What is your father’s name?” “Hagerup,” answered Dagny. Translated from the Scandinavian language, this name means “hero”, but the most important thing is that the composer’s full name is Edvard Hagerup Grieg! The writer is silent about this, but one can assume that he wanted to say that the musician becomes, as it were, the “spiritual” father of the girl. Before parting, he “smoothed the girl’s hair.” This is a "parental" gesture. When the writer calls Grieg’s home the “woodcutter’s” house (there is nothing superfluous in it, just like Dagny’s father, the forester Hagerup), he points to their closeness to Dagny and the kinship of their views.
    In the second part of the story, the “wizard” composer composes music for Dagny. He imagines her either as a girl cradling a rag doll, or as Cinderella, in a mended dress and offended by her sisters. But gradually the girl becomes a girl with green shining eyes, and now the glass slippers appear, and ahead is a meeting with the beautiful - with music, with happiness!
    K. Paustovsky puts into the mouth of E. Grieg the main idea of ​​the story, addressed not only to Dagny, but to all of us, about the amazing beauty of life. And then the composer adds that he is happier than Dagny, because “he gave his life, work, talent to the youth. I gave everything away without return.” This, in my opinion, is another, higher one, " heroic"The side of happiness. It is not given to everyone, but among outstanding people we can name K. Paustovsky and E. Grieg.

    In the final part of the story, Dagny listens to music written for her at a concert. She is overcome by a feeling of gratitude to the composer, who once helped her carry a basket of fir cones (a connecting thread with the first movement appears), and now revealed to her “the beautiful things that a person should live with.”

    The writer shows how “the northern dawn dawns, how painfully it is born new Dagny.
    “Dagny clasped her hands and moaned from a feeling of the beauty of this world that was still unclear to her, but which engulfed her entire being.
    “Listen, life,” Dagny said quietly, “I love you.”
    "And she laughed, looking eyes wide open to the lights of the ships. Nils, standing at a distance, heard her laugh and went home. Now he was calm about Dagny. Now he knew that her life would not be in vain.” I think the outline of the story could be like this:
    1. Basket with fir cones (Dagny’s joyless childhood). The promised gift.
    2. E. Grieg musician - “wizard”.
    “No matter what they tell you about it, always believe that it (life) is amazing and beautiful.”
    3. Dagny at the concert. Thanks to the composer, he opened “that beautiful thing that a person should live by”. 4. “Listen, life,” Dagny said quietly, “I love you.”
    "Her life will not be in vain."
    This is already different updated, Dagny. It begins for her new life.
    And here it is third secret of K. Paustovsky: the name Dagny translated from the Scandinavian language means "New day"!
    The composition of K. Paustovsky's story is structured in such a way as to show a gradual change in a person's worldview, an understanding of the beauty and happiness of life, and the music of the great composer E. Grieg helps in this.
    “Giving people a “fairy tale of life” - the ability to discover the beautiful and romantic in the most ordinary - this is the main task of man on earth” E. Grieg