Where is Buinov? Alexander Buynov - biography, personal life, photo of the singer. The formation of musical taste

Like any famous person, the biography and personal life of Alexander Buinov worries many. Moreover, there is something to gossip about here.

Back in the 70s, Buinov’s heart was won by his colleague, a woman older than him, who was married at that time. The musician remembers the few years that they were in a relationship with trepidation and warmth.

Was married three times. He first got married during his army years. The second time was on Lyudmila, because of her pregnancy, which I later regretted.

He does not consider his lovers to be mere affairs; all the women in his life, without exception, were sent to him for a reason. Each woman of Buinov played some role in his life.

The current wife of Alexander Buinov is Alena Gutman, his third wife. About professions - dermatologist.

Alena is the third wife of the famous artist, with whom he found true family happiness. Alexander Buinov’s two previous marriages did not bring him the peace and sense of security in the home front that people hope to find when starting a family. Buynov met Alena when he was still in his second marriage. A beautiful, kind and open girl won his heart forever. Now the Buynovs live in a large, hospitable house, where guests often gather. The couple have been married for more than 30 years.

Children of Alexander Buinov

In their second marriage, Alexander Buinov and Lyudmila had a daughter, Yulia (1973). And thanks to an extramarital affair, the singer also has a son, Alexei, born in 1987. Alexander Buinov’s children communicate with him. The musician maintains a particularly warm relationship with his daughter Julia and her children. Alexander Buinov loves his grandchildren very much and constantly visits them. He has three grandchildren in total: grandson Sasha (born in 2005), twin granddaughters Sofia and Daria (born in 2006).

Alena also gets along well with her husband’s daughter from her second marriage, Yulia, and considers her three children to be her grandchildren. Alexander Buinov himself is considered an unsurpassed grandfather. He dotes on his grandson Sasha and twin granddaughters Sofia and Dasha.

Alexander Buynov was born in Moscow on March 24, 1960. His father Nikolai Aleksandrovich Buinov came from the family of the blacksmith Alexander Buinov, who was the owner of a forge in the city of Efremov (at that time there were only two forges in this entire city). Nikolai Alexandrovich himself, who later named his son in honor of his father, was a pilot, as well as a master of sports in several of its varieties.

The mother of the future singer, Claudia Mikhailovna Buinova, nee Kosova, studied music. Before her marriage and the birth of her sons, she graduated with honors from the conservatory, choosing piano as her main specialty. It was Klavdia Mikhailovna who instilled in her children a love of music, which after some time grew into a full-fledged creative career for Alexander Buinov. Sasha was not the only child in the family: he also has brothers Arkady, Vladimir and Andrey.

The parents not only gave their sons a musical education, but also insisted that their children look like little gentlemen. However, a family lived on Bolshoi Tishinsky Lane, and the attention of the growing Alexander was soon attracted by the local “punks”. A folder for music, perfectly ironed trousers and an elegant beret - this is how the boy left the house. But after a few moments, the beret went into his pocket, the folder into his armpit, and Sasha himself went to Merzlyakovsky, to the local hooligan.

The guys there had fun, despite their young age or, on the contrary, precisely because of it. Sometimes the boys even dabbled in making homemade bombs. One day the guys made carbide explosives, but for some reason there was no explosion. Sasha was sent to find out the reason for such an oversight. When the boy approached the bomb, it exploded and its contents damaged the retina of the unlucky bully's eyes. Since then, Alexander almost always wears glasses.

Carier start

In the 60s of the twentieth century, Sasha graduated from music school, studying there for seven years. Around the same time, Buinov, who as a child sometimes had to be tied to the leg of a piano to practice music, began his creative career. At first, he played in local rock bands, and while studying in the ninth grade, he even created his own group called “Antianarchists” with his classmates.

1966 was a landmark year for Alexander Nikolaevich. Then he met a young composer who appreciated the musical potential of his new acquaintance and invited him to join the composer’s group on tour. During the performances of the group, called “Skomorokhi,” Buinov performed piano parts. Then the artist’s career was briefly interrupted due to military service.

Alexander Buinov (left) during his military service

Returning to civilian life, Alexander decided to continue playing music and began performing with other groups: first it was the group “Araks”, then the ensemble “Flowers”, and from 1973 to 1989 - the group “Veselye Rebyaty”, which was extremely popular at that time. . In this ensemble, Buinov still played the keyboards, recording more than one song with famous musicians. It was participation in the work of such a sought-after group that allowed Alexander Nikolaevich to become famous throughout the Union.


The peak period of the performer’s creative career, when all tickets were sold out for each of his concerts, when Alexander Buinov’s videos were broadcast on the most popular channels, and each of his performances was greeted with thunderous applause, was the 1990s. Having traveled not only to the USSR, but to Slovakia, Germany, Finland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and other countries together with the “Jolly Fellows”, the artist gained experience both musically and in terms of competently organizing concerts and performances.

Alexander Buinov (right) and the group “Jolly Fellows”

Having performed for several years in other groups as a soloist-vocalist, the performer founded his own group of musicians and ballet “Rio” and became its artistic director. The artists from this group became his faithful companions during his tours, while Alexander Nikolaevich himself often acted as the author of his songs, as their performer, and as the director of his performances.

To this day, in the post-Soviet space, Buinov’s songs are known and loved: “Dance like Petya”, “Leaves are Falling”, “Love for Two”, “Don’t Interrupt”, “Bitter Honey”, “My Finances Sing Romances”, “It’s Night in Paris” ", "Captain Katalkin" and many others.

It is noteworthy that already at a time when Alexander Buinov was very popular among Russian-speaking listeners, he decided to enroll in the directing department at GITIS. In 1992, the singer successfully graduated from the university, and as his graduation work, he staged his own solo concert according to the “Captain Katalkin” program, held at the Oktyabrsky Hall in St. Petersburg.

Subsequently, he repeatedly organized tours, which he directed and staged himself: “Wow, life has brought it!” in 1994, “I Knew Love!” in 1995, and so on. In 1996, the artist even took part in a concert tour in support. Gradually, Alexander Buinov made many acquaintances in the musical environment and in 1997 even prepared the “Island of Love” program in collaboration with a famous domestic composer.

Now Alexander Buinov is no longer so popular, although he is still considered one of the “classics” of the national stage and a welcome guest at any event. The singer continues to engage in his creativity, releases new albums and goes on successful tours. He records many songs in the company of other famous artists. So, his “partners” on stage at different times were,.

Alexander Nikolaevich made a small contribution to the development of the film industry. Thus, he voiced in the famous Hollywood cartoon “Anastasia”, played small roles in the films “The Good and the Bad”, “Seaside Boulevard”.

As of 2017, Alexander Buinov is the owner of eighteen prestigious awards and honorary titles. The most significant among them are Honored Artist of Russia, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, People's Artist of North Ossetia, People's Artist of Ingushetia, winner of the Order of Honor for his contribution to the development of the national stage.


In 2011, it became known that the performer was diagnosed with cancer. As Buinov himself later noted, the terrible diagnosis did not become a reason for him to feel sorry for himself: he believes that if God punishes him physically for something, then he deserves it. The singer underwent surgery, and soon his health condition improved significantly.

Personal life

A stately man and quite tall for his generation (his height is 1.8 m), Alexander Nikolaevich has always been popular with representatives of the opposite sex. He is widely known for his numerous love affairs, as well as for the fact that he only officially managed to change three wives.

The performer's first wife is Lyubov Vdovina, whom he met while serving in the army. Although the unit in which Alexander served was located in the steppe, and it was necessary to walk about eleven kilometers to the nearest settlement, Buinov managed to run on dates with his 17-year-old lover. Photos from that time have practically not survived. Lyubov and Alexander had no children, and their official marriage lasted only two years.

Alexander Buynov with his daughter and grandchildren

The performer’s second wife was Lyudmila, whom he married because she became pregnant. Subsequently, the singer admitted that he regretted starting a family only because of his girlfriend’s “situation.” However, the second wife gave birth to a daughter, Yulia, to Alexander Ivanovich, and she subsequently gave her father granddaughters Sophia and Daria, as well as a grandson Alexander. This marriage lasted from 1972 to 1985.

In 1985, Alexander Buinov married Elena Gutman, a producer and cosmetologist, who became the greatest love in his life. As of 2016, there were no children in this marriage, but in 1987, the performer had an illegitimate son, Alexey. The singer was given the heir by his Hungarian girlfriend, with whom he had a small holiday romance while on vacation in Sochi.

Buynov Alexander Nikolaevich is a popular musician, singer, showman and composer. He has the title of People's Artist not only in Russia, but in Ingushetia and Alania (North Ossetia).

He won the love of the audience in the 90s of the last century, and to this day his work remains at the peak of popularity.

Childhood and education

The future singer Alexander Buinov is a native Muscovite. Born in the capital on March 24, 1950. In addition to him, there were 3 more brothers in the family - Vladimir, Andrey and Arkady.

Father - Nikolai Alexandrovich served in military aviation. During the war he was wounded and became a physical education teacher in secondary and higher educational institutions.

Mom, Klavdia Mikhailovna Kosova, was a musician. She graduated from the conservatory with honors in piano.

Klavdia Mikhailovna had noble roots, so she was convinced that musical education was necessary for children, even boys.

Little Sasha resisted music lessons, but enjoyed attending art school. The family lived in a rather disadvantaged area - Bolshoi Tishinsky Lane.

Since childhood, A. Buinov had to use his fists to achieve respect and authority among the yard boys. Soon he found a common language with them, and they began to hooligan together.

Fun with homemade explosives cost Sasha his sight. He wore glasses from then on and later had surgery to restore his vision.

Parents tried to raise boys in strictness. When Alexander took someone else's bicycle without asking, he was flogged with a military belt in public in the yard.

Then Sasha cried, but out of shame in front of his friends, he didn’t even think about stealing anymore. In the early 60s, Alexander graduated from the hated music school.

At the same time, the family moved to Leninsky Prospekt. It was then that the young man became interested in rock music. Begins to participate in the then popular VIA.

In 9th grade, Alexander, together with his classmates, created his own musical group “Antichrists”.

There was not enough time to study, as he constantly disappeared with his musician friends on Pushkin Square and in the “Ladya” (popularly “Yama”) pub.

I had to abandon high school. Alexander received his certificate much later - after the army, at evening school.

In 1992, the future musician received a higher education diploma with a degree in stage production. Graduated from the famous GITIS.

Military years and the beginning of a creative career

While still in high school, A. Buinov met Alexander Gradsky. He will have an important influence on the further development of his musical career.

A. Gradsky creates his own rock band “Skomorokhi”, where he invites Buinov. Touring life begins. Then Alexander discovers the makings of a composer in himself.

Soon the young man had to leave the group, but not of his own free will. He was subject to conscription into the army. Many people paid off back then, and even A. Buinov received money.

But he decided to serve. He was assigned to Altai in the engineering troops. Then he often went AWOL, for which sitting on the “lip” was not a rare occurrence.

In 1971, on New Year's Eve, he was even arrested for AWOL. After the army, Alexander returned to music.

He played in the rock band "Araks", then took part in the informal ensemble "Flowers".

At that time, he met many show business celebrities - Stas Namin and Alla Pugacheva. In 1980, during the Olympics, A. Buinov began writing hit compositions.

Singing career and television

He joined the “Merry Fellows” ensemble in 1973. He was a keyboard player there and wrote songs for 16 years. Then the audience's love and popularity came to Buinov.

With this team he participated in international competitions and festivals. In 1985, the result of the Bratislava Lyre competition was the receipt of the main prize.

Foreign tours were repeatedly organized: Cuba, Hungary, Germany, Finland.

In the spring of 1985, Alexander Buinov decides to start an independent career and leaves the ensemble. At first, he organized his own group - “CHAO”.

In 1991, the first solo album “Ticket to Copenhagen” was presented to the public. Many of A. Buinov’s songs became popular hits: “Empty Bamboo”, “Let It Go”, “Bitter Honey”, “Leaves Are Falling”.

And the composition “My Finances Sing Romances” was released at the height of economic instability and immediately went to the people.

Up to 2011, 18 albums were released. In addition to music, Alexander also tried himself in cinema.

He can be seen in a small role in the comedy film “Primorsky Boulevard” (1988). Later he voiced the character of Rasputin in the cartoon "Anastasia".

From 1993 to 1996 he participated in extreme racing. He took part in the New Year’s music project “Old songs about the main thing.”

In 2000, A. Buinov appeared on the set again. Now he played the role of a police colonel in the film “The Good and the Bad.”

In 2012 he took part in the musical show project “Battle of the Choirs”.

Fight against cancer

For some time, the singer had to fight for his own life. In 2011, he was diagnosed with oncology.

The singer underwent treatment without interrupting his performances. A few years later, in 2015, Alexander Buinov was hospitalized again.

There were rumors that the cause was a relapse of cancer. However, the singer himself denied this.

According to him, he has no health problems now. He has completely recovered and is actively engaged in new creative projects.

Personal life

Alexander Buynov is a colorful man. He was constantly surrounded by beautiful women, whom he greatly respects and appreciates.

He first went to the registry office at the age of 20. His chosen one was 17-year-old Lyubov Vdovina. He met her in Altai, where he served in the military.

They got married in 1970, and 2 years later they divorced in absentia. The reason was an unsettled life, lack of separate housing and work.

At first, the young couple lived in Moscow with Alexander’s parents and brothers, but later Lyuba, at Alexander’s insistence, left to visit her relatives. They never met again.

The next marriage, according to A. Buinov, was a mistake from the very beginning. He married Lyudmila because of her pregnancy.

In 1973, the singer had a daughter, Julia. In 1985, the family broke up.

Now he is married to Elena Rafailovna Gutman. He believes that this is the woman he has been waiting for all his life.

Elena works as a cosmetologist and is 10 years younger than the singer. They have been together for more than 30 years, but they have no children together.

The acquaintance took place during a solo concert of the ensemble “Jolly Fellows” in 1986. The wife of the group director brought her friend Elena to the musicians’ dressing room.

However, even during a happy marriage, Alexander had trips to the left. The result of one of these campaigns was the birth of a son, Alexei, in 1987.

Alexander considers his third wife Elena his guardian angel. It was she who did not allow her to give up while fighting the disease.

With his wife Elena

As we know, our country is rich in talent. Today we will tell you about the life of the famous singer Alexander Buinov.

Why about Buynov?

We were interested in the biography of Alexander Buinov - a singer, composer, actor, whose formative period was in the 60s and 70s. These, as you know, are the times of the hippies and the Thaw. The musician’s creativity flourished in the 80s and 90s, and his creative potential, despite everything, does not fade to this day.

Perhaps that is why singer Alexander Buinov, the biography and creative path of this man are still of interest to many. The life of Alexander Buinov, like any other creative personality, is full of many bright events that intrigue his many fans. And of course, we will do everything to satisfy this curiosity.

Buynov's childhood and youth

Singer Alexander Buinov (full name Nikolaevich) was born in Moscow on March 24, 1950. Alexander Buinov's family was large: his parents, the future singer and his two more brothers, one of whom, Arkady, is also associated with music.

Buinov’s father was a military pilot, and his mother had a musical education, so as a child the boy was forced to go to music school.

The area in which the Buinovs lived was criminal, so from childhood the future singer had to learn to defend himself from hooligans. So, he became friends with them and became like them: he loved to spend time on the street, fought, broke glass, swore and even dealt with explosives. One such experiment was unsuccessful, and the boy injured his eye, after which he had to wear glasses all his life.

In the 60s, the fashion for rock came, and the future singer nevertheless graduated from music school. He even founded his own group, and later joined Alexander Gradsky’s group “Skomorokhi”.

Buynov's early years

The biography of Alexander Buinov in his youth is connected with the search for his creative path. At this time he met such celebrities as Alla Pugacheva.

In the late 70s and early 80s of the twentieth century, Buinov worked as part of the “Jolly Fellows” team. During the International Olympics held in 1980, Buinov recorded many foreign hits.

Career blossoming

The biography of Alexander Buinov during the heyday of his career is characterized by many areas of activity. Since the late 80s, Alexander Buinov worked in many places, was a singer, musician, artist, until he became the artistic director of the Chao ensemble.

In the 90s, Buinov’s abilities were fully revealed, he performed as a soloist, became the director of his own show programs and numerous concerts, his songs were already hits, the videos of those times are now true classics of that time.

Since the mid-90s, Buinov was already known not only in the Russian Federation, but also in Europe, Israel, and America.

His albums gained popularity: “Islands of Love”, “Finance Sings Romances”, “Cold and Ice” and many of his songs.

In the late nineties, Buinov voiced Rasputin in the US-produced cartoon “Anastasia”, was on the jury of the show “Stars of the 21st Century”, and starred in the film “Old Songs about the Main Thing”.

How does a musician live now?

Now Alexander Buinov is an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, who has won the “Song of the Year” music festival many times and has many other awards. Today, almost no official event or holiday is complete without his performance.

Alexander Buynov is one of the most significant figures in the world of modern show business. Having become a veteran of the Soviet and Russian stage, he takes part in many events, projects and celebrations, but at the same time considers himself a person far from politics.

Buinov, as before, considers it necessary to deal only with his creativity. His songs, like the songs of any artist, today can be easily found and downloaded online for free. There is even a musician’s personal website on the Internet, where anyone can visit.

The only thing we can add about Alexander Buinov’s personal preferences in music is that they have now changed towards the classics. Buinov, as always, values ​​his listeners, but prefers to lead a quieter life, devote less time to journalists and more to his family. He still loves horses, cars and beautiful women.

About the singer's personal life

Alexander met his first wife, Vdovina Lyubov Vasilyevna, in the army, but their life together was short-lived. In her youth, the girl was very beautiful, her life ended tragically at the age of 49, she died in a fire. In the 70s, Buinov married again, his new wife’s name was Lyudmila, and with her the singer had a daughter, Yulia.

Today Alexander Buinov, whose personal life was turbulent for many years, has two adult children - a daughter and a son, and a grandson. The singer himself is already 65 years old. Alexander Buinov, whose wife died tragically, now began to value life and his family. Alexander Buinov’s current wife, Alena, is also his personal image consultant.

Fight against cancer

Many years ago, doctors diagnosed the singer with a serious illness - cancer. It may seem very strange to some, but many creative people are susceptible to this terrible diagnosis. Many celebrities have had this disease and died from it. Perhaps the mental and emotional predisposition of certain people to this disease is to blame. After all, cancer, as we know, can appear not only from bad heredity, but also from an excess of experiences. This led to the premature death of many, but in the case of Alexander Buinov everything ended well. According to him, it was his innate optimism that helped him finally overcome the disease.

Rumors about the disease are far-fetched

As you know, not all people are friendly and responsive, especially towards celebrities. Many people simply envy them and therefore strive to do harm and ruin their lives in every possible way. Once upon a time A. Buinov actually suffered from cancer. And now the topic “what is wrong with Alexander Buinov”, the topic of relapse of the disease, periodically pops up in various media. But rumors about the return of the singer’s terrible illness have no basis. Buinov himself is very dissatisfied with what is happening. “People, take care of yourself, stop prying into other people’s personal lives!” - this is his position in life, which quite logically appeals to many.

According to the singer, now, at sixty-five years old, he feels good and is constantly working on new creative projects.

Recipes for happiness from Buinov

What is the secret of the singer’s optimism and creative longevity? In one of the interviews, he revealed his simple secrets. Here are some of them:

  1. Having a job you love helps you never get discouraged.
  2. If suddenly something doesn’t work out, you should definitely switch, try yourself in a related activity, or take a short break to rethink your actions.
  3. Pay due attention to rest.
  4. Having a hobby helps you not to be depressed. Buinov's most famous hobbies are collecting cars and football - the favorite game of millions of people around the world.
  5. You need to enjoy every day, not spoil each other’s mood over trifles, let pedestrians pass at the intersection and not get angry at novice drivers.
  6. Appreciate life and those who remain close to you, no matter what.

These are the secrets of success from Buinov. In general, they are universal and will be quite useful for many.

Alexander Buinov wishes all the admirers of his talent all the best and assures that he will certainly delight them with his performances for a very long time. We hope that the detailed biography of Alexander Buinov we provided told us a lot of new things about his life path.

Alexander Buinov was born into the family of a military pilot, as well as a master of various sports and the mother of a musician. The love of music was instilled in Sasha and his two brothers by his creative mother from an early age - all three children attended music school.


Profession: singer
Date of Birth: March 24, 1950
Height and weight: 180 cm. 82 kg.
Place of Birth: Efremov, Tula region, Russia
Best works:"Finance Sings Romances", "Leaves Are Falling"
Awards: Title of Honored Artist of Russia
Social network: Facebook , Twitter

However, boring music lessons did not please the future artist, and a stack of sheet music and a funny beret aroused ridicule from the yard boys with whom little Buinov so liked to play pranks. During one of these pranks, Alexander almost lost his sight - the contents of an exploding carbide bomb damaged the retina of the boy's eyes.

In the early 1960s, Alexander graduated from music school, where he studied for seven years. Then Buinov’s musical career began, wandering from one vocal-instrumental ensemble to another.

When the musician was in the ninth grade of high school, he and two friends organized their own ensemble, “Antianarchists.” It was then that Alexander joined the hippie culture, and spent all his free time with new friends on Pushkin Square and in the iconic pub "Yama".

In 1966, Buinov met the young composer Alexander Gradsky and joined his group. Buinov played the piano in the ensemble "Skomorokhi". And later Alexander served in the army, ending up in the engineering troops in Altai.

Buinov received his higher education only in 1992, having graduated from the Russian Academy of Theater Arts (that is, GITIS) and receiving a diploma in the specialty of stage director. Before that, he managed to play in the Araks group and team. And "Flowers". And from 1973 to 1989, Alexander played keyboards in the VIA "Jolly Fellows", thanks to which he became famous.

The group took part in various festivals and competitions, such as “Yerevan-81” and “Bratislava Lyra”. As part of the "Jolly Fellows" Buinov recorded several albums: "Love is a huge country", "Musical Globe", "We need to be friends", "Disco Club", "Banana Islands" and "Just a Minute".

Alexander Buinov began his solo career in 1989. At first he became a soloist-vocalist of the Moscow concert association "Era", and two years later he became an artist of the ARS company. A few years later he became the artistic director of the Rio music and ballet group.

During his solo career, the singer released 18 records, tried himself in films and even wrote a couple of soundtracks.

Personal life

Married three times. His first marriage to Lyubov Vdovina lasted from 1970 to 1972. From his second marriage, Buinov had a daughter, Yulia. Alexander's third official wife in 1985 was cosmetologist Elena Gutman. The artist also has an illegitimate son, Alexey, born in 1987.

Interesting Facts

The original emphasis in the singer's surname was on the first syllable

His vocals were used in 1988 in the film "Seaside Boulevard" and in 2000 in the cartoon "Bremen Town Musicians & Co"

Starred in the following films: “Primorsky Boulevard”, “Old songs about the main thing - 3”, “Good and bad”, “Old songs about the main thing. Postscript” and “And the snow falls”

His older brother Arkady sings in the choir of the Church of the Archangel Michael in the village of Zagornovo near Moscow and works as a producer of music programs on Channel One.

In 2012 he participated in the project “Battle of the Choirs” on the channel “Russia-1”

Member of the All-Russian political party "United Russia", member of the political council of the Moscow organization of the party "United Russia"

In 2005, he signed a “Letter in support of the verdict against the former leaders of Yukos”, which dealt with Khodorkovsky. In 2011, Buinov said that he was ashamed of this act


1991 - Ticket to Copenhagen

1992 - E-mine

1993 - Hotel Razgulnaya

1994 - Wow, life has brought it!

1995 - I Knew Love

1996 - I am Moscow!

1997 - Islands of Love

1999 - Finance sings romances

2000 - Love for two

2001 - No words

2003 - Catch

2004 - All things to do

2006 - Into the clouds

2006 - Adult songs

2010 - P.R.O. Love