Card index of sedentary games in the middle group. Outdoor game “Birds in nests”. Game exercise “Kitten”

Municipal state preschool educational

combined kindergarten institution

"Fairy tale"

Collection of low mobility games for children

4-5 years (middle group)

Yanshina K.O.


    Edible – inedible

Target : development of reaction and attentiveness;

Low mobility game “Little Bunnies”

And companies are using it more and more boldly. As a result, a group of game manufacturers stock market growing quickly. The company agreed that it was better to create several small games at the same time rather than focusing all the attention on one title. Thanks to this, it diversifies the portfolio and significantly reduces the risk of a single play.

However, we quickly added publications to it, and today we provide access to mobile devices, consoles and computers, our own titles and products from external developers. We also decided to continue development in the promising segment free games, in which payments are made during the game and not at the time of purchase, explains Tomasz Grudzinski.

    To play you need a simple

    Game participants"Edible - inedible" stand on one line (or sit on chairs). The leader stands face to face with the ball in his hands.

    He names different objects (for example, watermelon, scissors, flowers, pizza, spoon, etc.) and throws the ball to each player in turn. The players, in turn, must answer “edible” or “inedible” to the item that the leader names and catch the ball if the named item is edible and throw it away if it is inedible.

    Their international premieres are planned in the coming months in conjunction with advertising campaigns, the purpose of which is to increase the number of users. If you have mastered any of the following symbols, you can expect easy wins. Here is a list of the champions that are the strongest this month after promotion!

    Outdoor game “Find yourself a partner”

    Let's start with what makes a hero strong, namely damage, playability, and team preparation. Damage - Characters in this category have extremely high damage if their skills are used correctly. Utility - The champions in this group have skills that allow them to save their companions or put their opponents in a very awkward position, which can change the fate of the game.

    The presenter must throw the ball into the hands of the participant while simultaneously naming the object.

    Cold. Hot. Warmer.

Target : continue to form tactile discrimination of the properties of objects; consolidate the ability to distinguish between temperatures and the meaning of the words “cold”, “warm”, “hot” and “cold”, “warm” and “hot”.

No less important criteria are synergy with the characters in the finish, ease of play and margin of error. Manipulating poisons and having to cast spells at extreme speeds is something only the elite can boast of. However, Snake's Grip does a lot of damage, and properly used, R-Medusa's Gaze can completely change the tide of a team fight.

Ari-Ari is a very versatile champion who has always been a middle-aged leader. Their strength does not decrease depending on the enemy's position or the number of targets hit. No the best way show your dominance than stop your opponent on the fly and crush him with your other skills. Zed - Draktarru's Dark Blade increased the damage dealt by the Shadow Master for short time.

Progress of the game: One child leaves the group, the teacher hides some object in front of the other children (you can agree in advance which one so that you know what to look for).

The child returns to the classroom and begins to look for this thing, guided by the prompts of other players: if he is far from the object, then he is told “cold”, if close, then - “warm”, if near the object, then - “hot”.

Valuable Memories: Anivia, Brand, Ecco, Fitz, Katarina, Leblanc, Lux, Orianna, Twisted Fate, Veigar, Victor, Yasuo. These champions can dominate the solo queue, but their injuries are not so bad that they can claim the top five. However, the defender tomorrow is a risky choice that should make life difficult for the other skier, snowball and, thanks to this, carry the team on their shoulders. Kennen - While Jaycee specializes in duels, Stormheart intends to destroy the entire opposing team.

    "Wonderful bag"

Target : Learn to select objects by touch, develop attention, and form an emotionally positive attitude towards the game.

Equipment : pouch made of opaque fabric with a drawstring, paired items.

Progress of the game . 1st option (the sample is given visually). In front of the teacher on the table are two sets of completely identical toys - two balls, two dolls, two toy plates, two ducklings, etc. The teacher takes a couple of objects, examines them with the children and names them, paying attention mainly to the fact that the objects are the same . And then he puts one of them into the bag. Same with the other pair of objects. The rest of the items lying on the table are covered with a napkin or covered with a screen. Children take turns approaching the teacher. He takes out one of the objects from under the napkin, invites the child to look at it without picking it up, and then find the same one in the bag. The child takes out the desired object by touch and compares it with the sample. If the choice is made correctly, the teacher says: “Misha guessed correctly. There is a duckling on the table, and he took the duckling out of the bag.” When playing the game again, you can put three, then four, then five objects into the bag.

His damage output and passive proficiency, stunning everyone who puts three loads, makes him excellent in starting fights, even every fifth. The slow and incredible durability really make this Samurai difficult to deal with. Few people pay as much attention to him as on the professional stage. Her place in the vanguard of foresters is due primarily to the high pressure on early stages games.

The spider can very easily help his comrades through quick entrances and easily get the lens, like the dragon or Baron Nasor. You don't have to introduce it to anyone. In a finish where the strongest shooters are not moblinies, the strongest supports are based on crowd control effects, and junglers must kill the monsters in the jungle as quickly as possible, Berserker is king. After the changes in Trinity's power, his injuries have increased significantly, and his incredible movement speed makes it difficult to avoid his approaches, even if we have placed Totems in every possible bush.

    Gray bunny washes his face

Target: exercise children in performing various actions, learn to listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with it.

Progress of the game: children stand in a circle, a bunny (selected by a counting rhyme) is in the middle and plays out the text, then approaches one of the children, who becomes a bunny.

Low mobility game “Where is the chicken?”

Hardly anyone can say that, however, kicking another shooter to our team while throwing the remaining four opponents can completely change the fate of the game. This character in good hands carries snowballs throughout the game, often ending it in the early stages.

His place as one of the best junglers is due to his very safe clarity and extremely large range from which he can clear lines. In a home stretch full of immobile shooters, Secret Weapon can show its true potential for diving into the back of the opposing team.

Gray bunny washes his face

Apparently he's going to visit

I washed my nose, I washed my tail,

I washed my ear and dried it.

    How are you living?

Target: develop attention, memory, speed, relieve psycho-emotional stress.

Progress of the game: children stand (or sit on chairs) in a circle and repeat the movements and words after the teacher:

Junior – middle group

During the lane phase, it is very easy to burn through some of your opponent's spells by simply jumping on them from outside their totems. Memories worth noting: Gragas, Ha-Tsix, Nidale, Rengar, Shako. Zyra - Her current decoration is very favorable for her. When it comes to stalking other nerds, there is no character who does it better or safer. Thanks to Liandry's torment, his damage output is often superior to other team members.

It should also be added to his elevation and immobilization. Blitzcrank is a specialist in defeating even the most cautious teams. He does this from a safe distance. It also has very satisfying acceleration when needed. Additionally, thanks to his passive ability, he can add significant damage to give him an advantage in earlier parts of the game. Jeanne - She is said to be the best advocate when it comes to pure usefulness. He is rarely remembered, but the extra movement speed resulting from his passive skills can also save the lives of our team members.

How are you living? - Like this! ( thumbs up)

How are you going? - Like this! (walk in place)

How are you running? - Like this! (run in place)

How do you take it? - Like this! (presses palm to itself)

How do you give? - Like this! (put palm forward)

How are you being naughty? - Like this! (puff out their cheeks and gently burst with their fists)

How are you threatening? - Like this! (they shake a finger).

The flashlight can also be used for protection, to get a friend out of trouble or to provide vision in a certain place. Worth remembering: Alistair, Bard, Nami, Sona, Soraka. Thanks to his enormous range, Sheriff Piltover can both safely kill his minions and defeat his opponents. In your hands good player it can give enemies white fever, forcing early returns and stopping them from shooting down monsters. Thanks to her latest trap mechanic, she can spread a real minefield that effectively isolates the opposing team from ours.

    Sunshine - Rain

Target: teach children to act on a signal, relieve psycho-emotional stress, and develop attention.

Progress of the game: children stand near their chairs in a circle, repeating words and movements after the teacher:

(walk in circles)

The sun looks through the window

Shines into our room

Additionally, it has a network, which is a great way to remove immobile heroes. Luckily, most players can't get up to 20% of these skills. Very dependent on skill and positioning, he can cause real havoc in enemy ranks and from great distances.

Beginners will have to rely on luck while playing, but experts will cope without problems. She couldn't miss her here. It is very difficult to master the master level, but there are no prerequisites required for it to reach its full potential. Valuable memories: Ash, Draven, Jinks, Sivir, Twitch.

We'll clap our hands

Very happy about the sun

Stomp, stomp, clap, clap.

(then the teacher says “It’s raining”, after which the children sit on a chair and hide, covering their heads with their palms).

Tatiana Belyakova
Story games of low and medium mobility “Bunny” in the second junior group

Who deserves to be named the most perfect figure this month? A 19-year-old law student who is a fan of Chinese cartoons, games and food. Since the birth of the Pokemon trainer with success in all regions. Dairy products are loved by the youngest, whose packaging characters can now be found on the screens of smartphones, tablets or other productions, including computers.

You can see at first glance that this game was created for children. Our task is to move forward as long as possible, avoiding any obstacles. For this purpose, you will need jumps, slides and right handrails between the right, left and middle parts of the route. So, nothing truly innovative is a design that is probably well known to all mobile gaming fans.

Story-based games of low and medium mobility “Bunny”

second junior group

Target: To evoke in children an emotional response to the game and a desire to participate in it.

Program content:

Teach children to sympathize and empathize with the game character.

Develop attention, expressiveness of movements, the ability to coordinate movements with music and text.

Low mobility game “Where does the bell grow?”

Commands are issued using finger gestures on the selected screen page. And at first glance you see that the game is intended for children. The heroes cannot boast of particular speed; everything happens at their own pace. AND experienced players they are unlikely to find anything here because they are simply bored with the world. Production is aimed at the selected age group and does it intentionally at every step - and very well!

It is true that we can go shopping, but we can only spend on them the “currency” acquired during the game. It's worth collecting as many cheeses and other fillers as possible - then we can get additional chances to use when we don't overcome obstacles or unlock other characters and costumes for them.

Encourage children to sing simple songs.

Create a feeling of joy from joint activities with adults and peers.

Material: Soft toy “Bunny”, bunny hats for each child.

Vosp: Guys, I suggest we go to winter forest. And we'll go on a sled (music sounds).

Vost: Here we come!

For us, clichés and boredom - for children it's fun and an opportunity to spend time with characters they know from advertising and packaging. In terms of visuals, the game doesn't knock its socks off, but makes it look solid and very correct, while also running on slightly older devices.

In issue 25 we are treated to a futuristic reality show in which the participants, i.e. players are locked in a specially designed building consisting of 25 rooms. Behind every door there may be danger, but traps are not the only threat. The group has backup guards who must prevent the remaining members from escaping. Finding the name of room 25 is not the same as winning.

The guys came to the forest,

We looked under the bush.

We saw a bunny

Bunny - jumping.

Bunny, bunny, what's wrong with you?

Are you sitting there completely sick?

Inflammation: It’s cold in the forest in winter, the little bunny froze and got sick.

Guys, let's all treat the bunny together.

Game "Bunny - Freeze"

Children stand in a circle, the bunny in the center. Children and adults sing.

Even with the eyes open, a well-designed casting enjoys the ease of maintaining order in all elements. All items are printed on thick cardstock so you can easily handle them for years to come. We were amazed by the character designs - they are from different movies! We will immediately add that the choice of characters is symbolic - they do not have unique skills, complete justice. We liked the illustrations of tiled rooms less. They are all gray and from a bird's eye perspective they are not particularly attractive.

Outdoor game “Birds in Nests”

Room 25 offers up to 5 game modes - most often they depend on the number of players. We will only play four players in suspicious mode and team mode. Cooperative and competitive modes and solo modes for one player have been prepared for two and three players. Their rules usually differ in board layout and victory conditions, while the game mechanics are very similar. Let's start with the basic rules of the game in each mode.

1. Ears are freezing, oh-oh-oh!

Very cold in winter! (alternately “warm ears” with palms)

Chorus: Oh, oh, oh-oh-oh,

It’s very cold in winter, (embracing your shoulders with your palms, swaying left and right)

Acting out (easy running in a circle, paws in front of chest)

2. Paws are freezing, oh-oh-oh!

Very cold in winter! (“warm paws”)

Chorus: Oh, oh, oh-oh-oh,

It’s very cold in winter, (repeat movements to chorus)

Roleplaying (repeat running in a circle)

3. My nose is freezing, oh-oh-oh!

Very cold in winter! (with index fingers rhythmically “hitting”, touch the nose)

Chorus: Oh, oh, oh-oh-oh,

The bunny became completely sick. (Repeat the movements for the chorus, sneeze: “Ap-chhi!”)

To treat a bunny -

You need to jump and spin, (tell everyone together).

Roleplaying - “Bunnies” are jumping and spinning.

Vocal: Oh, look, the bunny is happier. He really liked you guys, and he wanted to make friends with you and dance with you.

Game "Bunny"

Children stand in a circle.

Bunny, dance, (the teacher with the bunny walks inside the circle)

Little one, dance.

Walk in circles

And choose my friend. (An adult gives the bunny to any child)

With Masha (Kolya, Dasha, etc.)

Jump more fun

Don't feel sorry for your legs!

When the melody is repeated without singing, the child with a bunny in his hands jumps, the others clap. When repeating the game, a child walks inside the circle and passes the bunny to any of the children.

Vocal: Guys, you want to be as dexterous and fast as a bunny. Let's put on our hats and turn into “bunnies” too.

1,2 – spun around and turned into a “bunny” (put on hats).

Play: And now we will show the bunny how to play and have fun in the forest so as not to freeze (put the bunny under the Christmas tree)

Low mobility game "Bunny"

Perform movements according to the text.

Skok-skok, skok-skok,

The bunny jumped onto a stump.

He beats the drum loudly,

He invites you to play leapfrog.

It's cold for the hare to sit

Need to warm up my paws.

Paws up, paws down,

Pull yourself up onto your toes.

We put our paws on the side,

On your toes, hop-hop-hop.

And then squat down,

So that your paws don't freeze. (Jumping in place on two legs).

Question: Who are the bunnies most afraid of in the forest? (children's answers)

Yes, the fox is cunning, he can appear at any moment.

There are small houses in the dense forest.

Little white bunnies are sitting in houses. (Children squat down)

“Knock, knock, bunnies, let's go for a walk. If the fox appears, you will hide again.”

Game "Hares and Fox"

Children sing:

1. Bunnies scattered across the forest lawn. (Children easily run in all directions)

These are the bunnies, the running bunnies! (jumping)

2. The bunnies sat in a circle and dug a root with their paws. (Squat down and “dig” the ground)

These are the bunnies, the runaway bunnies

3. Suddenly a little red fox runs! (“the fox” runs between the hares)

Looking for where the bunnies are, the running bunnies!

The fox addresses the hares:

Oh, funny bunnies, I won’t scare you!

Come out quickly, let's dance together!

The fox and the rabbits dance together to cheerful music.

On the forest lawn

My bunnies are jumping

I'll look behind the stump

Our little bunny friend is sleeping.

Get up quickly in a round dance,

And play with the bunny

The teacher invites one of the children into the circle. The child “Bunny” sleeps in the center of the circle.

Let's call the bunny, he will wake up and guess who called him. And the one whose head I pat will call him.

Game "Baby Bunny"

Children stand in a circle holding hands. In the center of the circle sits a child depicting a sleeping bunny.

Bunny, bunny, you're a baby, everyone is walking, and you're sleeping. (Children walk in a circle)

Try to guess who is calling you to dance.

The children stop, the teacher invites the child to call Bunny. The bunny “wakes up” and guesses who called him. If you guessed correctly, the bunnies dance and the children clap their hands. Then the children change places and the game continues.

Vosp-l: Well, it’s time to end the game,

It's time for the bunny and the kids to rest.

Let's say goodbye to the bunny!

The “bunnies” turn back into children and ride off on a sled to the kindergarten.

Publications on the topic:

Low mobility game "Orange" Children stand in a circle or near chairs. Repeat words and movements after the teacher. I am a cheerful orange, (they walk in place) I grew up in the garden.

Low mobility game “Harvesting” Harvesting (low mobility game) Purpose of the game: to consolidate the names of vegetables (fruits, mushrooms, berries - depending on the topic); development.

Consultation “How to organize story games with younger preschoolers” Play is the leading activity of preschoolers. L. S. Vygotsky emphasized the enormous importance of play for a child. He was talking about the game.

Summary of an integrated Game - entertainment for the second younger group: “Naughty Bunny” Goal: the teacher’s ability to conduct systematic and purposeful work on emotionally - creative development. Objectives: Development of coherent speech.

Lesson summary for children of the second junior group “The bunny came to visit us” MADOU No. 43 " Kindergarten combined type" Lesson notes for children second junior group“The bunny came to visit us.