Scenario for the concert “the miracle that lives next to us.” Brass Music Festival



reporting concert of the brass department and percussion instruments

Noyabrsk 04/21/2017

Presenters: Mishina V.A., Filippova Violetta.

1. S. Rachmaninov “Solemn Fanfare” Spanish. Trumpet quartet consisting of:

Anton Packratov; Aktimer Mamataliev;

Said Ordukhanov; Artem Apostolov

Hand. Zabigulin A.R.

V.A.: Good evening, dear listeners!

Violetta: Hello! We are pleased to welcome you to the Children's Concert Hall music school No. 2 named after Viktor Koch.

V.A.: Today on stage with me is a young co-host, a school graduate, a graduate of the wind and percussion department, Filippova Violetta. And this is not an accident: our students are very versatile personalities, want to try themselves not only as performing musicians, but also as a concert entertainer.

Violetta: And we are pleased to invite you to reporting concert department of wind and percussion instruments!

V.A.: The concert program was opened by a trumpet quartet consisting of: Anton Pankratov, Aktimer Mamantaliev, Said Ordukhanov, Artem Apostolov, students from the class of teacher A.R. Zabigulin. The “Solemn Fanfare” by S. Rachmaninoff was performed.

Violetta: Alexandra Pakhmutova, Nikolai Dobronravov “Peace Street”. Performed by Brass Band junior classes, leader Mikhailik Ivan Stepanovich and combined choir choir department, director Kubagusheva Elvira Shamilovna

3. A. Marais “Parisian Gamen” Spanish. Junior school brass band

Hand. Mikhailik I.S.

4. A. Lyadov “Old March” Spanish. -*-

(The presenters come out)

V.A.: Dear listeners, we would like to introduce you to the department of wind and percussion instruments. The department employs 9 teachers and trains 152 students. Our children have the opportunity to learn various wind and percussion instruments: flute, clarinet, trumpet, saxophone, tenor, baritone, and enjoy playing drums and xylophone.

Violetta: And the result of long and painstaking studies can be considered successful performance at academic concerts, technical tests, school concerts and, of course, performance at various performing arts competitions. Our brass players and drummers take part in city, zonal, district, all-Russian and international competitions and always return with victories and awards - students of the wind and percussion department are diploma winners, laureates, Grand Prix winners of various competitions and festivals!

V.A.: We are proud of our students and wish all the children further creative success, conquest highest peaks musical Olympus! I ask you to support with thunderous applause young musicians!

The concert program continues...

5. Spiritual “Come Down, Moses” Spanish. Alisa Lokteva 1st grade.

Rev. Krinitskaya L.M.

Conc. Marchenko O.E.

6. I. Shesterikov “Fast sleds” Spanish. Laureate of the zonal competition

Timofey Kucheryavchenko 1st grade.

Rev. Mikhailik I.S.

Conc. Mikhailik L.V.

7. R. Lehtinen “Letka-Enka” Spanish. Laureate of zonal competitions

Maria Pogrebnyak 2nd grade. (flute)

Anna Koval 2nd grade. (piano)

Rev. Valieva E.G.; Khokhlova S.A.

8. J. Haydn “Minuet” Spanish. Kirill Baryakin 2nd grade.

Rev. Zabigulin E.R.

Conc. Podlesnaya E.I.

9. Y. Dolzhikov Waltz “Memory of Paris” Spanish. Victoria Turanskaya 2nd grade.

Rev. Krinitskaya L.M.

Conc. Marchenko O.E.

10. E. Karliopis “Barcarolle” Spanish. Roman by the Zaika 2nd grade.

Rev. Darovskikh I.I.

Conc. Pronicheva O.V.

11. B. Person “Sawmill” Spanish. Artem Apostolov 5th grade.

Rev. Zabigulin A.R.

Conc. Podlesny V.V.

12. N. Dautov “Fatima” Spanish. Laureate of the zonal competition

Elizaveta Listunova 6th grade.

Rev. Krinitskaya L.M.

Conc. Marchenko O.E.

13. L. Beethoven “Marching Song” Spanish. Instrumental trio consisting of:

Diploma winner of the district and zonal competition Danil Buchkovsky 4th grade.

Ilya Lyauskin 4th grade.

Laureate of the zonal competition

Egor Troyan 3rd grade.

Rev. Mikhailik I.S.

conc. Dyrina E.A.

14. E. Bozza “Aria” Spanish. Laureate of All-Russian, district and zonal competitions instrumental duet consisting of: Elizaveta Demidova 4th grade.

Lada Lukyanova 5th grade.

Rev. Valieva E.G.; Skorik N.V.

15. M. Savage “Tremolo for six” Spanish. District and zonal laureate

Competitions Dmitry Zoidov 4th grade.

Rev. Zabigulin E.R.

16. L. Zatsepin “Song about Bears” Spanish. Sofia Gudochkina 2nd grade.

Rev. Antipin Mikh.V.

Conc. Antipina Anast.A.

17. K. Dezmon “For five” Spanish. Laureate of zonal competitions

Daria Viktorova 7th grade.

Rev. Krinitskaya L.M.

conc. Marchenko O.E.

18. A. Rubinstein “Melody” Spanish. Aktimer Mamataliev 5th grade.

Rev. Zabigulin A.R.

Conc. Pronicheva O.V.

19. J. Gershwin “Waltz for Two” Spanish. Duo of saxophonists consisting of:

Roman of the Stutterer 2nd grade;

Elvina Minkhazeva 2nd grade.

Rev. Darovskikh I.I.

Conc. Pronicheva O.V.

20. V. Boganov “We ​​want to visit the moon” Spanish. Laureate of district and zonal competitions Andrey Borisov 2nd grade.

Rev. Mikhailik I.S.

Conc. Mikhailik L.V.

21. J. Bach “Siciliana” Spanish. Varvara Vasilioglo 8th grade.

Rev. Sharafutdinova O.R.

Conc. Vladimirova M.N.

22. M. Balakirev “Polka” Spanish. Artem Artamentov 3rd grade.

Rev. Zabigulin E.R.

Conc. Zabigulina E.V.

23. M. Bukar “Lament for Amor” Spanish. Elvina Minkhazeva 2nd grade.

Rev. Darovskikh I.I.

Conc. Pronicheva O.V.

24. G. Rossini “Neapolitan Tarantella” Spanish. Laureate of district and zonal competitions Agnessa Gabbasova 5th grade.

Rev. Valieva E.G.

Conc. Khokhlova S.A.

25. G. Faure “Melody” Spanish. Viktor Akhterov 7th grade.

Rev. Demidov A.V.

Conc. Podlesnaya E.I.

26. A. Pribilov “Shoro” Spanish. Laureate of zonal competitions

Instrumental duet consisting of:

Elizaveta Demidova 4th grade. (flute);

Maxim Galimulin 4th grade (guitar)

Rev. Valieva E.G.; Korkin S.N.

27. D. Nole “One Evening” Spanish. Ilya Kim 5th grade.

Rev. Darovskikh I.I.

Conc. Pronicheva O.V.

28. V. Saparov “Tango” Spanish. Laureate of zonal competitions

Daria Fomina 7th grade.

Rev. Krinitskaya L.M.

Conc. Marchenko O.E.

29. S. Bolotin “Cuban dance” Spanish. Laureate of district and zonal competitions Alexey Publicichko 3rd grade.

Rev. Mikhailik I.S.

Conc. Mikhailik L.V.

V.A.: The Troubadour pop-jazz orchestra is preparing for a performance.

They often say about wind players: “Not everyone can become a soloist, but they must be an orchestra player.” Orchestral performance is not easy and differs in many ways from solo performance. That is why the guys try to play as quickly as possible various ensembles. What is an orchestra? - this is the ability to hear each other, play together, harmoniously, in order to convey the composer’s intention, all the artistic and figurative beauty piece of music. This is a joint, collective work and very responsible.

My co-host Violetta is now also preparing to perform in the orchestra. I assure you,It is very important for the children to evaluate their performance, because success is a pleasant and important incentive for further creativity.

On stage, the winner of the District competitions, the Troubadour orchestra.

Hood. hands and conductor Zabigulin A.R.

30. D. Rousos “Forever”.

31. J. Koldin “Drum and Orchestra” Spanish. Laureate of district competitions

Pop-jazz orchestra "Troubadour"

And Drum Ensemble

Hand. Zabigulin A.R.; Zabigulin E.R.

(leaders come out)

Violetta: Dear listeners, our concert has come to an end. Thank you for your attention and warm welcome!

V.A.: But we do not say goodbye to you and invite you to the reporting concert piano department, which will take place on April 22, at 18.00.

V.A. and Violetta: See you again with music!


DEDICATED to the 5th anniversary of the “NEW WAVE” orchestra


Time: 04/25/2013.

Venue: Concert hall Krasnodar State University of Culture and Art.

Equipment: Multimedia installation, musical instruments, microphones, music stands.

Design: Center Banner children's creativity.

Organizers: Administration of the MBOU DOD CDT, director of the exemplary youth pop-jazz orchestra " New wave».

Participants : Musicians of the exemplary youth pop-jazz orchestra “New Wave”.

The soundtrack plays: Track 1. On the slide show screen

Who wrote the music and notes?

What wizard created all this:

Rhapsodies of sunsets and sunrises,

And created wonderful symphonies?

Who wrote all the love songs

Charming arias, romances,

Divine slow waltzes,

So that all the nightingales echo the violins?

Seven gentle sounds, seven wonderful notes -

The creation of a simple man -

They always sound - from century to century.

And the music of love always lives!

The presenter appears on stage. Track2

Presenter: Good afternoon, dear friends! Today we have gathered in this wonderful hall for a special occasion. The exemplary youth pop-jazz orchestra "NEW WAVE" of the Center for Children's Creativity of the Kuban District celebrates its fifth anniversary! This, of course, is a very young age, the age of formation and maturation of the team, but this is also the period of the first high achievements.

This year is rich in anniversaries. Most recently, our Prikubansky District celebrated its 35th anniversary. This significant event for all residents of the district.

And in the fall, the Children's Creativity Center will also celebrate its 35th anniversary. But this is in the future, and today we honor and congratulate the young but talented team, the exemplary youth pop-jazz orchestra “NEW WAVE” (Applause).

Anniversary worthy of admiration,

The warmest and most beautiful words!

Let congratulations ring out today

And bouquets of flowers are given!!!

Waiting for the first bars of the conductor's hands,

The orchestra is backstage for now...

But very soon the sounds will flow here

And they will take us up, beyond the clouds!

Beautiful melodies will burst in,

They are given by the inspiration of the creator.

And at this Jubilee hour they will merge

Here with music and soul and heart!

Track 3.

Ved. We invite you to the stage: saxophone group:

Svyatoslav Tsuverkalov, Dmitry Franchenko, Dmitry Skorikov, Ekaterina Tashina, Andrey Shapovalov, Roman Bakholdin, David Malkhasyan, Alexandra Iordanova.

Copper group Roman Belikov, Vadim Iordanov, Alexander Feofilov, Ivan Vezhnovets, Roman Borinsky, Sergei Kolosov

String group:

Nelly Nevinskaya, Natalya Epifantseva, Artyom Krikorov, Mikhail Lesnyak, Yesenia Pavlenko, Anna Nikolskaya, Victoria and Yulia Sukhomlinov,

Irina Tsuverkalova, Ilya Shumakov, Tatyana Dmitrienko, Galina Gavrilova,

Victoria Shapovalenko, Larisa Gottlieb, Vera Ipatova, Angelina Klimova.

And, of course, our rhythm group:

Roman Putin, Olga Karaseva, Nikolai Kazaryan, Arthur Bakholdin, Elizaveta Perkussia-Medvedeva, Anastasia Elsukova, Artem Samoilenko, Alimzhan Temirov, Mikhail Ivanov

Vocal group: teachers Marina Stashkevich, Valentina Georgieva vocalists: Natalya Gorbenko, Ksenia Rudenko, Ia Khalvashi and Alexander Alekseev (music removed).


The orchestra takes its place

And, holding its breath, the hall fell silent...

But for some reason he doesn’t start...

No amazing motive flows...

There is no main thing, there is no King of the orchestra,

Who will breathe life with his wand

Will make Music take the Queen's place

And will inspire a wonderful Anniversary!!!

Honored ARTIST of Kuban, artistic director of the “NEW WAVE” orchestra, laureate of all-Russian and international jazz festivals and competitions, arranger, teacher, VLADIMIR GOTLIEB! Applause! (exit V. Gottlieb, presenter leaves)

1. (A jazz composition sounds The chicken )

Presenter : Dear friends! Our closest people always come to anniversaries and want to share the joy of creativity with us, rejoice at our victories and successes. These are relatives, friends of musicians, and, of course, respected people of our city. Today at the holiday with us: Track 4 .


Ved. The floor is given to the Honored Artist of Kuban, artistic director orchestra "NEW WAVE" - Vladimir Gottlieb!

Vladimir Iosifovich Gottlieb gives the floor to the Director of the Center for Children's Creativity, Nina Nikolaevna Shcheglova-Lazareva.

(Speech by Lazareva)

Presenter: Dear friends, traditionally, on anniversary events results are summed up, achievements are celebrated and awards are presented.

The Head of Administration of the Prikubansky Intracity District of Krasnodar is invited to the stage .

(Congratulates the orchestra on its anniversary, holds an award ceremony)

Track 5

Presenter : Lead the concert, keep all the threads together,

And be one with the musicians,

So that the music flows even in the text,

So that the concert cannot be forgotten,

Friends, believe me, this is very difficult...

The leader is a nerve, a string, an expert...

And it’s simply impossible not to imagine

I invite to the stage the teacher-organizer of the Center for Children's Creativity, the teacher of the "Leader's School", the teacher-organizer of the orchestra Tatiana Gottlieb and leading concert program, students of the “Leader’s School” association: Olga Litovchenko, Elena Kova, and I pass the microphone to them. Meet our charming presenters.

(The presenter leaves)

Leading SHV 1:

Five years is not an age at all

This is just the beginning of the journey.

We have a lot to go through, friends!

Leading SHV 2:

It is impossible to live without music,

We can't live without her!

It’s easy to talk about the orchestra’s merits

Tell us today, friends!

Leading SHV 1:

Orchestra "New Wave":

Winner of the “Grand Prix of the regional festival-competition “Team of the Year -2009”,

Diploma holder All-Russian competition“Star Express”, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Yuri Silantiev,

Laureate of the All-Russian jazz festival 2009,

Laureate 1st degree international festival-competition"Crystal Heart of the World" 2012.

On February 14, 2012, the orchestra was included in « Golden Book education" city ​​of Krasnodar for special services and outstanding contribution to the development of education.

In the summer of 2010 and 2012 the orchestra visited GERMANY, as part of a program to establish friendly ties between sister cities KARLSRUHE-KRASNODAR. Performed in cities BRUCHSAL, KARLSRUHE, BADEN-BADEN.

2. "Donut King" .Nik Kapochchi

Presenter SHV 1:

It doesn’t matter who you are - a musician, artist ,

Dancer, artist, engineer, builder.

Writer, doctor, scientist, journalist,

Computer scientist, or maybe a teacher

Life is bright in impulses and struggles,

Walk with your age.

But the main profession in fate

be with capital letters man!

Leading SHV 2:

3. “The main profession is to be a person!”

This is the name of the next song performed by our charming girls. Meet! Natalya Gorbenko, Ksenia Rudenko, Ia Khalvashi.

Leading SHV 1:

Children sing, dance, have fun

And they just listen with their eyes closed.

It's wonderful that there is music in the world!

We can't live without her!

When danger threatened,

Then the battle signal played

The trumpet is in the hands of the trumpeter.

She inspired fear in her enemies.

Then the trumpet hit the orchestra

It sounded different there...

And later, she suddenly ran away to jazz

And now it delights us!

4. " Farewell dance" Sandaval

Alexander Feofilov will start playing now...

How the trumpet sounds, everyone will recognize it

Leading SHV 2:

Krasnodar is our common home,

We live wonderfully in it.

Our city is big, wonderful,

There are songs everywhere in it,

And they sing about

How we love this house.

5. Song “Our City” music by Raymond Pauls, lyrics by Evgeny Yevtushenko.

Khalvashi Iya sings for you

Leading SHV 1:

6. A comic song by jazz legend Ella Fitzgerald

« A tisket a tasket » will be performed by laureate and diploma winner of international, all-Russian, regional competitions and festivals, silver voice of Kuban 2012, winner of the Grand Prix of the “Ringing Voices” competition 2012 - Natalya Gorbenko. Natasha talented person, she also writes poetry, composes music, and does choreography. Meet, Natalya Gorbenko.

Leading SHV 2:

Our world is like a song -

Such miracles!

In this magical wreath

Every sound is beautiful!

My planet lives

And everything sounds around!

7. " Watermelon Man ». Xarbi Xankok

On stage joint project, New Wave orchestra and dance group.

Leading SHV 1:

Play, Orchestra, play for us

And cheer us up!

And at this Jubilee hour

Give happy moments!

8. Performed by an orchestra soloist Alexander Alekseev, laureate of the first international pop-jazz competition “Jazz Step” the song will sound Feelin Good ("I feel great") Adam Lambert

This song is about a good mood: “Hello, new dawn! Hello new day! Hello, new life!

Meet Alexander Alekseev.

Leading SHV 2:

9. And now you will hear amazing music from the beloved cartoon “Shrek” “ It Is You - Shrek »

Leading SHV 1:

Our city is beautiful

Blooms every day.

We are in it, like in a fairy tale,

We grow and eat.

And the stars are jealous

There in the sky

10. Song "A man left the house..."

Music: Stanislava Pozhlakova

Words: Alexey Olgin

Performs vocal group orchestra

Leading SHV 2:


Beautiful and boundless

And today I would like to wish

Only sail forward under the sail of hope

And reach happy shores.

Let every dream come true,

Success never leaves

And let it always burn without fading

Good luck guiding star!!!

11. The orchestra will perform a popular Cuban dance tune Salsa Nueva, Taylor


Leading SHV 1:

12. And again Alexander Alekseev is on stage!

He will perform a song from Frank Sinatra's repertoire

« I love you baby». Your applause.

Leading SHV 2:

Life is brighter in spring

And more interesting!

Let them not stop talking

Music and songs!

And on this day

Fill your heart again

Dreams, hope,

Faith and love!

13. "Swing Machines"

Swing is one of the earliest styles of jazz that has survived to our times.

Soloists: Ekaterina Tashina – saxophone Roman Borinsky – trombone

Leading SHV 1:

It seems to be flying out of nowhere

And he is greeted with a standing ovation!

14.V performed by Ksenia Rudenko the famous hit song of the fifties will be played "SWAY".

Ksenia Rudenko on stage. Meet!!!

Leading SHV 2:

15. The popular and fiery song “NOSA-NOSA” is known to everyone today.

In memory of the trip to Germany, we decided to include it in our repertoire.

So, our orchestra sounds “NOSA-NOSA”.

Performed by Natalya Gorbenko, Oksana Rudenko and Khalvashi Iya.

Leading SHV 1:

Dear friends, our Anniversary festive concert has come to an end. But we are not saying goodbye to you!

There will be new tests

There will be springs, victories, dreams,

And medals and new titles,

You just have to move forward!

Leading SHV 2:

After all, 5 years is not an age at all,

New, bright goals await us!

Everything is still ahead, everything is possible,

New Anniversaries await us!

16. A James Brown song is playing « I fill good " "Everything will be fine

Leading SHV 1:

(Orchestra rises)

Today the exemplary youth pop-jazz orchestra “NEW WAVE” of the CENTER FOR CHILDREN’S CREATIVITY of the Kuban District, conducted by VLADIMIR GOTLIB, played for you. Director of the Children's Creativity Center Nina Nikolaevna Shcheglova-Lazareva.

Track 6 (The orchestra leaves, the guests leave the hall.)

Q1.Good afternoon!
Q2. Hello, dear comrades!
Q1. This is exactly how, in the spirit of that time, we decided to address our audience today
Q2.: Friends, do you remember your first impression of everyone watching famous film“The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!”? Or, as Khrushchev firmly promised to build communism in the USSR by 1980, but, as one joke says, the Olympics got in the way?
B1. And a touching song about a bear for the closing of this Olympics?
B2. Tonight is for those who remember the country where gasoline was cheaper than soda with syrup!!!
Q 1: We invite you to return to the USSR again! Visit a festival of memories and nostalgia...
Q 2: Feel the time of change, the first freedom and the spirit of pioneering! Plunge into golden time!
Q 1: Today, throughout this evening, we invite you to remember what was popular during the Soviet Union!
Q 2: Well, and, of course, no evening will be truly bright in the evening without good mood. So, are you ready?
B 1: Then we start our concert
TOGETHER: “Hipsters NEW”
Q1: Why NEW?
Q 2: because today we will remember not only the golden time of the 60s dudes, but we will also go through the recent past... after all, even the 90s can already be called a retro era... which also had its own style...

Albina Khusnutdinova – Gray eyes.

Q 2: Let's plunge into the not-so-distant 90s...
Q1.Do you remember how everyone lived then?
Q2.What did you wear and how did you get the food?
Q 1: Yes, everything was different before.....
Q 2: New artists began to appear on the stage, some of them had great success– Hands up, Zemfira, Strelki group, Irina Saltykova, gr. Bravo and many others...
Q 1: I suggest you remember how it was

Nikolai Malinovsky – I’m just what you need.
B 2: Perestroika, new Russians in crimson jackets with gold chains on Mercedes,
Q 1: Chewing gum “Turbo” and “Love is”... let’s remember some things from the 90s:
Adiki – Adidas sneakers,
Soap dishes – Rubber sandals.
Palm - Women's hairstyle. The hair was gathered into a ponytail at the crown of the head, secured with a colored elastic band(s), then fluffed out in the shape of a palm tree.
Laces are parents.
Bicycle shorts are short, tight pants.
Kapor is a women's headdress-hood (the fluffy form of an angora).
Varenki (jeans that were specially boiled in bleach)
Zuko, Yuppii, Invite – dry drinks.
What products were included in the food order? (packages of “Buckwheat”, Tea “With a Baby Elephant”, sausage “Doctorskaya”, jars of “Riga Sprats”, “Bulls in Tomato”)…
Q 1: and as a rule, food was put on the shelves almost always before the holidays...
Q 2: oh, how do you know???? /leave/

T\K\ “Stars” – Kolyada.

In 1: we continue the tour through the years... we move to the 80s... remember how they rolled bell pepper to the banks...
Q 2: And now the bell pepper himself is throwing tantrums, asking for 20 thousand dollars for a concert and driving around in a white limousine.
Q 1: And “Prima”? They used to smoke “Prima”, but now they are expelling it from the Bolshoi Theater...
Q 2: Yes, they used to do a lot of things that you wouldn’t even think of doing now.
Well, for example, remember the soda fountains. There was also a faceted glass - one for everyone. Today it would never even occur to anyone to drink from a common glass!
Q 1: But before, everyone drank from these glasses... It’s a common thing! And no one was afraid of catching some kind of infection...
Q 2: We drank juice at the grocery store. The most delicious was tomato, and the spoons for salt were in a glass of water.
B2. A pie with jam – isn’t it a miracle? You'll never guess from which side the jam will come out!
B1. and remember the boy pissing on the toilet door...
B2. TV “Rubin” - you take pliers and tyn-tyn-tyn!..: And such a miracle, a string bag of meat behind the window?
B1. Or a small window from the kitchen to the bathroom - what to see there?
B 2: ...Smoke is pouring out, there is an acrid smell throughout the apartment. Are the pioneers learning to make a fire? No. In fact, this is a process of you-zhi-ga-ni-ya. Business as usual!
Q 1: Just millions of Soviet children burned out postcards for their beloved mothers on March 8th. “Mommy, I congratulate you on International Women’s Day! I wish you a peaceful sky above your head, and I wish your son a bicycle...”

Vladik Stasenok - Lucy.

In 2: 80s...I am associated with Alla Pugacheva..
Q 1: And we cannot leave our concert without a song from the legendary Alla Borisovna... Of course it will be Harlequin...
Q 2: But I didn’t guess right... in all my life creative life Alla Pugacheva performed many good and beautiful songs... and here is one of them.

Natalya Samsonova - You.

Q 2: You remember Soviet films well, don’t you? And now we will check this.
Q 1: Tell me famous phrase from the film “Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession,” which was said by Ivan the Terrible when he saw the newly built Moscow.
Answer: What a beauty! Lepota!
Q 2: List everything positive qualities main character Nina from the film. “Caucasian captive”, which Comrade Saakhov described at the event.
Answer: Komsomol member, student, athlete and simply beautiful.
Q 1: Who did you work for? main character with film “Gentlemen of Fortune” before he became a notorious prisoner nicknamed Associate Professor.
Answer: the head of a kindergarten.
Q 2: Sing your favorite song by Semyon Semyonich from the film. “The Diamond Hand”, which he brilliantly performed at the “Iva” restaurant.
Answer: A song about hares.
Q 1: Where did Evgeniy Lukashin go every year on December 31st with his friends from the film. “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!”
Answer: To the bathhouse.
Q 2: “What disgusting, what disgusting this is yours...” - what did Ippolit mean from the film? “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!” calling it “disgusting”.
Answer: Jellied fish.
Q 1: “Georgy Ivanovich, aka Goga, aka Gosha, aka Yuri, aka Gora, aka Zhora, lives here?” – from which film? this quote.
Answer: “Moscow doesn’t believe in tears.”
B 2: “- Girl, ah, girl, what’s your name?
- Tanya.
“And I’m Fedya!”
Answer: - What a fool!

Alexander Shcherbakov - Anastasia.

Q1: In the era of stagnation, people lived poorly, but cheerfully. And now they have become too serious, and this despite the huge number humorous programs that have filled our television
B2 Although there are still TV shows that we can watch from that time, these are KVN, and the “What Where When” club, Good night kids...
Q 1: Speaking of kids... Now our youngest participants will take the stage... and they are making their debut today... So we ask you to support them with thunderous applause.

T\K "Buttons" - Hussars.

Q 1: It's time to remember the old movie. A lot can be said about those kind, naive and noble films.
B 2. Wasn’t so developed then computer graphics and special effects - but this did not stop them from creating masterpieces of such films as “The Diamond Arm”, “Gentlemen of Fortune” or “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession”.
Q 1: And if you remember such a wonderful film as “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears.” While watching this film, which has matured over time, filled with wonderful aromas, nostalgia and charm, the younger generation really learned how people lived in the USSR.

Q 2: In one year, 1975, the following were filmed in the USSR:
“Afonya”, (dir. Georgy Danelia)
“The Star of Captivating Happiness”, (dir. Vladimir Motyl)
“Hello, I’m your aunt!”, (dir. Viktor Titov)
“The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!”, (dir. Eldar Ryazanov)
“Prisoner of the Caucasus”, (dir. Georgiy Kalatozishvili)
“They Fought for the Motherland” (dir. Sergei Bondarchuk)
“The Adventures of Pinocchio”, (dir. Leonid Nechaev)
“The Camp Goes to Heaven”, (dir. Emil Loteanu)
“There, beyond the horizon”, (dir. Yuri Egorov)
“Finist - Clear Falcon”, (dir. Gennady Vasiliev)
“We didn’t go through this” (dir. Ilya Frez)
Q 1: and that's not yet full list films created during these years... and how much wonderful music there was....
Q 2: Especially for children... Orange song, Song about a grasshopper, Gena's crocodile song, Forest deer and many others.

Lera Mineeva - Forest deer.

Q 1: In the 70s, jazz orchestras were replaced by groups of electric musical instruments. Accompanied by them, the mass song sounded in a new way.
Q 2: History without vocal and instrumental ensembles popular music cannot be presented in full. The 70s were a turning point in the history of popular music.
Let's remember VIA of those times... After all, it was Vocal-instrumental ensembles that became popular in those years...
Cheerful guys
Singing guitars
Good fellows
Leisya, song... The list can be endless...
Q 1: But on the eve of the great holiday, we will remember one wonderful song of that time...

Alsou Khazieva – A soldier is walking through the city

Q 2: The rhythms of the new songs are beautiful,
Love them and sing them,
But the years test the word,
And in your hobbies.
Q 1: Don’t forget the old songs,
They will tell you a lot
They were sung with an accordion and a guitar,
And just like that, and just like that.
Q 2: They were blown around the world by the wind,
But in our years, in our days,
For bright joy and sadness,
They will come to you as friends.

Guzel Sultanova - Tenderness.

Q 1: Eh, what kind of dancing were there in those years...
Q 2: They are still classics. choreographic art- Twist, rock and roll, and from Russian - this is, of course, a round dance and a lady... classic...

T/C “Buttons” – Lady.

Q 1: In the 50-60s it is created large number musical comedy films.
The songs that sound in them become, one might say, “folk”.
Q 2: Let's go over the songs. I name the phrases of the songs - you are the film in which it sounds
And a smile without a doubt will suddenly touch your eyes - “Carnival Night”
In the dark blue forest, where the aspen trees tremble - “The Diamond Hand”
Happiness suddenly knocked on the door in silence - “Iv.Vas”
I don’t know when spring will come - “Spring on Zarechnaya Street”
Somewhere in this world - “Prisoner of the Caucasus”
Your Honor, Lady Separation - “ White sun desert"
What were you like - " Kuban Cossacks»
If you don't have an aunt - "The Irony of Fate"
Rise and Shine - "Gentlemen of Fortune"
There are so many golden lights - “It happened in Penkovo”
Fatigue is forgotten - “New Adventures of the Elusive”
Hey sailor! - “Man is an amphibian”

Dinara Marsutdinova - Hey, sailor!

In 1: Songs different years... Those that we always love to listen to and sing. They have been part of our lives since childhood.
At 2: 60 – years... On concert stage, on the radio and from the first long-playing records, kind lyrical melodies are heard - about peaceful and happy life, friendship and love... The country was reborn and sang songs from the Youth and Student Festivals, songs that came from the silver screen, and after that from more screens black and white televisions - first heard in the legendary " Blue lights"and during broadcasts of large holiday concerts.

ANS. Elegy – Willows.

Q 1: Songs, they accompany us all our lives. So different and close to our hearts, which have become an integral part of us.
Q 2: Let's continue to remember and sing our favorite songs together. I give you options for song lines, and you continue them.
People meet...
At the edge of the forest...
Lilies of the valley, lilies of the valley...
Summer wanders through the alleys...
We will go, we will rush….
Q 1: And there are songs that can be recognized literally from 2 letters. Let's try it.
Oh... the viburnum is blooming
Oh... frost
And... in our yard
Eh... it’s good to live in a Soviet country
We... honestly want to tell you
There... where the maple makes noise
Everything... kings can
No be sad
Q 1: Well done, you sing simply wonderful. And we continue to sing old songs from good and kind films.

Alexandra Ovchinnikova - The girls are standing.

Q 1: No matter how strange it may seem, but in recent years has become very widespread and fashionable dance boogie - woogie...
Q 2: But this dance came to us from the West, and it was in the 60s that it gained great popularity among young people...
Q 1: It became fashionable to dress brightly, to behave differently from everyone else... and for such behavior they could be expelled from the party, and this did not frighten anyone... Because it was the time of the Hipsters.

T\K "Yoldyz" - Boogie-woogie.

Q 1: Soviet song loved by people of all ages and professions.
Q 2: Songs are loved for the beauty of the melody, breadth and depth of feelings. The best of them, prompted by life, become ours true friends. They are with us both in joy and in moments of sadness.
In 1: The most meaningful, deep ones become the musical call signs of Time. In the language of poetry and music they write a song chronicle of our deeds. Singers give life to the song.
Q 2: The search continues, just as the influx of new young forces on the stage continues - the key to its development, its future. The audience applauds the new pop talents, pinning their hopes on them.
Q 1: Who can say whether they will come true?
Q 2: Considering the characteristics of previous years, it is impossible, of course, to establish direct connections between the old and new stage, but we must not forget that there were wonderful masters on the stage. Their names should be next to the names of those who take the stage today, bringing joy to the audience.
Q 1: And today they performed for:
Dance group“Yoldyz”, Guzel Sultanova, Albina Khusnutdinova, Dinara Marsutdinova, Dance group “Zvezdochki”, Alsou Khazieva, Alexandra Ovchinnikova
Vladik Stasenok, Valeria Mineeva, Alexander Shcherbakov, Dance group “Knopochki”
Ensemble__Elegy, Nikolai Malinovsky
The hosts of the concert are Viktor Praporov and Natalya Samsonova.
Q 1: Allow me to give the floor to the Director of our Center national cultures Danie Galimzyanovna Musina. /presentation/

Q 2: Our dear friends! Our retro concert has come to an end... We would like to thank our friends - patrons of the arts, this:........
And of course you, our dear viewers! After all, you are our best and true friends!

Final Song! "Friendship"
Thank you for your attention!
See you again!

Probably someone needed it
Probably, it was God's will
To honor deserving people
Not secretly, but like this, publicly.
So that from different ends of Armizon
Gather you all here for a meeting -
You, responsive, into the life of lovers,
You, marked by life in different ways.
And call you elderly people
My tongue, believe me, refuses:
You are active, you are alive,
You are all handsome and beauties!
You don't need dates in your passport,
Since the eyes are still shining.
You can easily, as you once did,
In the spring they are able to fall in love.
And what’s the matter of winding down -
Young people can't keep up!
In general, a holiday, my heroes,
Should be called differently:
Day of the special, the wisest,
The very, very honored people,
Resisting in difficult worries,
The most loyal and most needed.

Today we invited you to talk about music, listen to beautiful songs, play music games, well, maybe even sing it yourself...

Along a narrow forest path,
Where is the uncrumpled grass?
Music wanders early in the morning,
Searches for the right words.
Looking for the timid and gentle,
And when he finds it, he picks the color
And she will carefully place it in the bouquet.
And then suddenly he will come to life
Song. Timidly and trustingly
He raises an eyebrow in surprise.
Joy of the morning, wisdom of the evening,
The smell of the forest, the expanse of meadows,
Everything in that song is uninvented
In a word, it touches the soul,
Like a seven-string guitar
A rainbow is singing in the sky!

Our music program Ruslan Gagin begins with a song ___________________________________________________________________

Music surrounds us from the very first days of our appearance on earth. But what do we hear in the first days, weeks, months of life?

(Everyone answers: Lullabies!)

Well, of course, lullabies that mom sings. Well, you yourself became mothers, and then grandmothers. What lullabies did you sing to your children and grandchildren?

(Guests sing lullabies)

Thank you, well done. Can you remember any song from your early preschool childhood?

(Attendees answer)

It's great that you haven't forgotten these songs! Well, time goes by forward, and you along with him. Now you have already gone to school. What were they singing at that time?

(Guests sing)

Do you want to listen to what and how today’s schoolchildren sing? Then listen to the song performed by Marina Antonova.

(Song being played)

Well, did you like it? I think the performance of the next artist will touch your soul just as much. Gulnara Antonova sings for you.

(Gulnara sings)

All of you were raised by the pioneer and Komsomol organizations. Remember the songs on this topic. Sing at least one verse at a time.

(Guests sing pioneer and Komsomol songs)

Modern youth also know good soulful songs. I think it’s worth listening to the song performed by Ruslan Gagin.

(Song performed by G. Antonova and G. Ugriumova)

There are many songs and poems written about grandmother, as well as about mother. You will hear one of them now. On stage - Marina Antonova.

(Marina reads the poem “Grandmother”)

The song “Tenderness,” which Gulnara Antonova will sing for you, has always evoked awe and excitement in the hearts of people. So please feel free to sing along if you feel like it.

(The song “Tenderness” is performed)

Well, what is music without musical instruments? In this box - musical riddles. Whoever answers the riddle correctly first gets a token. Thus, we will determine the Best Music Connoisseur. Let's start solving riddles:
1. Oh, it rings, it rings,
The game makes everyone happy!
And only three strings
She needs it for music. (Balalaika)

2. You will take it in your hands,
You will stretch it, then you will compress it!
Voiced, elegant,
Russian, two-row! (Harmonic)

3. Not a stick, not a tube,
What is this? (Pipe)

4. They don’t give him peace,
In the orchestra they beat him and beat him!
But he doesn't want to cry
You know it's rattling. (Drum)

5. The violin has a huge brother,
It is many times larger! (Double bass)

6. Which instrument
Are there strings and a pedal?
What is this? Undoubtedly
This is our sonorous... (Piano)

7. Smooth bow movements
The strings make you tremble.
The motive murmurs from afar,
Sings about a moonlit evening. (Violin)

8. There are keys on it, like on a piano,
But for them to play,
So that the song is not bad,
The furs need to be stretched. (Accordion)

9. Which musical word consists of three identical letters?

10. What musical instrument did Sadko play?
(On the harp)

11. What plant grows from two notes?

12. Which musical instrument most often mentioned in fairy tales?

13. Name the Russian dance song named after the insect.

14. The flight of which insect is based on the notes?
(Flight of the Bumblebee)

15. The name of which fish is present in the song “Along the Piterskaya”?

16. What did the dark-skinned Moldavian woman collect in the famous song?

17. If he is on the roof, then according to the famous song, there will be peace on earth. Who is he?

18. Four people singing together is... What?

19. Name musical part mushroom caps.

20. What two funny birds lived with grandma?

Now let’s check if you know pop singers.

The quiz “Pop Stars” is being held.

Well done! Let's count the tokens. So, Best Expert Music became _________________________. He receives a prize.

(Prize presentation)

Well, for everyone else - a musical gift performed by everyone's favorite Ruslan Gagin! He will sing for you ________________________________

(Song being played)

I invite you to take part in one more game. It's called the Musical Instrument Auction. The last person to name a musical instrument will receive a small gift.

(Auction of musical instruments is being held)

For the ending:

We want you to live for a long, long time, so that the events in your life are only positive. Let the history of your families be written only in bright, joyful colors.
We wish you optimism and vigor! So that all later life you followed the old Russian recipe:

Take your patience
Pour in a heart full of love,
Throw two handfuls of generosity,
Sprinkle a mug of humor there,
Sprinkle with kindness.
Add as much hope as possible
And mix it all well,
Then spread it on the piece of your given life
And take it daily without restrictions!

We didn't want to rush time,
But the hour of parting has come...
We don't want to say goodbye
And we say to you “Goodbye!”
Good luck and sincere laughter,
I wish you health for many years to come!
We wish you success in all your endeavors
And we're glad new meeting we always do!

Compiled by: N. O. Zhiryakova, head. information and legal department of the Armizon Central Bank

Retro evening “How young we were”

I dreamed, loved, danced and sang,

It was flying somewhere far, far away.

I got up easily, fell asleep instantly,

And I thought, I thought so secretly.

I walked through the forests, wandered through the meadows,

And most importantly, there was time for everything:

For work, for love and for little things.

And everything worked out, and everything worked out!

Oh, youth, youth, you are incomparable!

Why did you drive past once?

“Where are you going?” - he asked anxiously and sang...

She answered quietly: “I wanted to go to others.”

Today we have gathered here in this cozy room to remember our youth, to remember the years in which it fell: for some it was the 40-50s, and for others it was the 60-70s. It’s wonderful that you all still have good spirits, you look great, you have enthusiasm and sparkle in your eyes, the ability to enjoy life and share your joy with others. Each of you, of course, has your own secret of youth and beauty. And even if you and I don’t always like the reflection in the mirror, still, in our souls, each of us is a queen.

The song "Beauty Queen" is playing

Dear women, let's try to plunge into a time when life seemed long, long, and old age seemed something far, far away - into your youth. Attention to the screen.

Do you recognize this lovely girl? This is Batueva Anna Petrovna - she spent her youth in the Urals in the difficult 40s. At that time, this young teacher, Komsomol leader, activist, smart girl and beauty turned the head of more than one good guy.

Do you believe that Anna Petrovna promised to get married only after the Victory? (Yes, the wedding was on May 25, 1945)

Do you believe that Anna Petrovna personally knew the poetess Margarita Aliger and Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya’s mother? (Yes)

Did you know that a museum of the Batuev family has been opened at the Novoselskaya school?

Do you believe that Anna Petrovna keeps embroidery that is already 70 years old?

Anna Petrovna, your youth was spent in difficult military and post-war years, was there anything that makes you especially happy to remember? Let's listen to the song “How Young We Were” performed by Gradsky

There's a song playing

Here is another photo. Who is this romantic and spiritual girl?...Tarasenko Berta Konstantinovna. In the post-war years, she lived in the third village, and after graduating from college she worked as an accountant at the Stroydetal plant. Berta Konstantinovna does not like to talk much about herself, but this portrait wonderfully reveals how charming she was in her youth.

Do you believe that Berta Konstantinovna came to the library for the first time in 1962? (Yes)

Do you believe that Berta Konstantinovna met her future husband by telephone when she worked as a telephone operator? (Yes)

Do you believe that Berta Konstantinovna’s wedding took place in a bathhouse? (Yes)

For you, Berta Konstantinovna, a song sounds

The song “I remember when I was still young” is playing.

Do you recognize the features of another of the ladies present here? This is Tamara Grigorievna Kovaleva. In the distant 50s, she lived in Kyrgyzstan, she had a chance to relax on the beautiful Lake Issyk-Kul. Memories of the demonstrations of those years are still fresh in her memory, as well as her regret that she could not go to college in due time.

Do you believe that the most pleasant memory of Tamara Grigorievna’s youth is the memory of how she received letters from her loved one? (Yes)

Do you believe that every student at that time had to pick a ton of beets? (No)

The song "Oh, this girl drove me crazy..." is playing.

You can easily recognize this beauty, she has hardly changed... This is Tamara Andreevna Suslova. Her youth was in the 60s. The memories of those busy student times are of course the most pleasant; Tamara Andreevna loved going to the theater (and tickets were bought for three rubles at the most top rows), often went hiking and skiing.

Do you believe that Tamara Vladimirovna was a member of the choir in St. Petersburg? (Yes)

Do you believe that Tamara Vladimirovna loved to wear Romanian shoes? (Yes)

The song "Three Waltzes" is playing

Do you recognize this serious girl? That's right, this is Tamara Vladimirovna Gnezdilova. In her youth, she lived in Kalmykia, loved to relax at the resorts of the Black Sea and the Caucasus, she was active and cheerful, but she chose a very serious specialty for herself - a teacher of drawing and mathematics.

But do you believe that Tamara Vladimirovna’s favorite hairstyle is “babette”? (No)

Do you believe that Tamara Vladimirovna did not miss a single dance in her youth and lived by the principle “dance while you are young”? (No)

Tamara Vladimirovna, what dances were danced in your time?

Do you believe that some readers of our library go to visit Tamara Vladimirovna?

Let's listen to Valentina Tolkunova's song “I'm standing at a stop”

There's a song playing

And again turn your attention to the screen. In front of you... that's right Aseeva Margarita Ivanovna.

In her youth in the 70s, she had the opportunity to witness and participate in the development of nuclear engineering in Volgodonsk. The fragile girl had excellent command of side cutters and screwdrivers, and wound kilometers of electrical tape, because she worked as an electrician on an equal basis with men.

Do you believe that future husband Margarita Ivanovna sent letters to the addressee starting with the letter “O”, Oseeva, not Aseeva, and thus accumulated 15 unreceived letters.

Do you believe that Margarita Ivanovna’s favorite pastime was wearing a red wig for the holidays? (Yes)

The song “Lada” performed by Vladimir Mulerman is playing

And who is this fatal beauty? Elena Vasilievna Platonova in the 70s, having graduated from medical school in Leningrad, because of her stubbornness in the direction, she left for the Far East, into the unknown. However, now the best memories for her are those of those years of life “at the ends of the earth.”

Do you believe that Elena Vasilievna swam across the Sea of ​​Okhotsk? (Yes, on a boat)

Do you believe that in the forests Far East Elena Vasilyevna collected 20 baskets of mushrooms? (No)

The song “By the Sea, by the Blue Sea” performed by L. Agutin is played

Look at the screen. How sweet modest girl. Do you recognize? Of course, this is Vera Vasilievna Korolkova. Shales are hers hometown, favorite street is Rudnichnaya, where she lived, grew and flourished along with our city. In her youth there was no time for various nonsense, because she worked a lot around the house, did handicrafts - knitted, sewed, embroidered.

Do you believe that Vera Vasilievna was taught to knit by her father? (Yes, and besides that, he made shoes for the whole family)

In her youth, Vera Vasilievna read Belyaev’s books. And I still haven’t lost interest in reading.

For Vera Vasilyevna and for all of you, a song performed by Joseph Kobzon “And in our yard” will now be heard.

There's a song playing

Before you is another portrait. This is...Izmailova Valentina Aleksandrovna. Pedagogical school, then Cherepovets Pedagogical Institute, work as a teacher in the village. Shekstana Vologda region. Bright and rich life. Valentina Aleksandrovna remembers how she received her first salary of 49 rubles, how joyfully the holidays were celebrated then, how the administration treated her very well and respectfully. They offered benefits, let me go without waiting in line at the store, and took me to the teachers' meeting by car.

Do you believe that Valentna Alexandrovna’s favorite drink in her youth was “punch” - half a strong tea and a little vodka. (Yes)

Do you believe that Valentina Alexandrovna was the first ringleader at the dance?

Did you know that Valentina Alexandrovna’s favorite dance is “Lanchik”?

Do you believe that Valentina Alexandrovna’s favorite songs are “Chelita” and “Mari” (Yes)

Did you know that Valentina Alexandrovna’s favorite hairstyle is “Hala with a long braid”? (Yes)

The song sounds -

On this slide youth photography Pavlova Svetlana Konstantinovna. In her younger years, Svetlana Konstantinovna lived in Leningrad and led social life: went to dances at the House of Officers, at naval schools, sang solo at the Kapranov House of Culture and even performed at weddings. She was a big fashionista: she wore stiletto heels, skirts with wide belts and the legendary babette hairstyle. Svetlana Konstantinovna’s gentlemen were exclusively officers who showered her with gifts, gave her flowers, “Red Moscow” perfume, and even wrote poetry.

But do you believe that at the age of 17, Svetlana Konstantinovna was almost taken to his homeland by a Hungarian? (Yes)

Do you believe that despite the fact that Svetlana Konstantinovna was courted exclusively by brave military men, she still married a civilian.

Did you know that Svetlana Konstantinovna loved to attend concerts of such performers as Alla Pugacheva, Valery Leontyev, Yuri Antonov, Mikhail Boyarsky?

For Svetlana Konstantinovna and for you the song “With a Flying Gait” sounds

There's a song playing

Dear women, let's continue talking about youth. Maybe some of you know and keep a secret about how to stay young for many years? ... Remember which of the Soviet actresses was the first to think about eternal youth? (Lyubov Orlova) Some of today's stars are trying to maintain youth with the help plastic surgery. But truly young is the one who is young at heart, who is capable of love. I can tell you how one 70-year-old world-famous actress was asked at what age a woman stops being interested in love. And she replied: “Please ask someone older...” Do you agree with this statement? An interesting observation - the Russian doctor and writer V. Veresaev said that if you walk straight, the drooping soul will straighten up. If you drive away the gloominess from your lips, it will leave your soul.

Let's play a little, as they say, let's shake the old days.

Continue the sentence:

“But she herself is majestic, she acts as if...” (peahen)

“And how does the speech say... (it sounds like a little river)

“You can see a falcon by its flight, and a good fellow by...” (steps)

“Everyone’s on their own...” (feast for the eyes)

“The man is beautiful...” (article)

Move more - you will live longer.

If you don't want to get old, eat less.

Temper yourself from a young age - it will be useful for the rest of your life.