Proper nutrition for the day as a business. Financial section of a cafe business plan. Payback period for a healthy food cafe

Today it is not at all necessary to go shopping, because everything you need can be ordered online. Moreover, there is no need to even spend time preparing food - it is much better to order food delivered to your home.

A business created in this service sector can become very profitable, and it has many prospects. Undoubtedly, there is competition, and even more, but with desire and hard work, you will find your niche, which will make you successful.

Food delivery: features and nuances of business

Food belongs to this type of goods that under no circumstances leave the market, because “everyone always wants to eat”, all the time, despite the crisis or other troubles. Food delivery services, although they appeared relatively recently, are quickly gaining popularity for many reasons:

  • busy people in big cities do not have time to buy groceries in the store or do not find time to prepare food;
  • some companies provide their employees with the delivery of ready-made meals, so-called business lunches (or office and corporate employees themselves order this type of service);
  • many establishments (pizzerias, sushi bars or restaurants, etc.) immediately have their own production and delivery (you can eat there or arrange courier services);
  • on a large scale, this business is already called catering and assumes that you can serve large events (banquets, various holidays, meetings or special events).

Of course, you can and should start small, because not everyone will be able to conquer the market right away. Before you start home delivery of food, you need to carefully prepare. It is best to create a business plan, because this way you can distribute all the points step by step and not miss anything.

  1. To make your business profitable and successful, conduct an analysis of this market segment by collecting all the relevant information on your city.
  2. Decide on the form of your business. There are several options:
    • use ready-made food from a restaurant (cafe), but sell it at a certain markup due to the delivery service;
    • cook yourself (it can be absolutely family, home business, when you do everything at home or in a specialized kitchen). In this case, you can also sell your services in different ways, that is, either involve other relatives in the business, or hire a courier with a car;
    • sell not only ready-made food, but also semi-finished products (you need to be able to prepare them), as well as independent products, doing business through online orders and delivery.
  3. Each of these options has its own advantages and disadvantages. To choose where to start, assess your financial capabilities and try to analyze all possible risks. After this, go prepare the material and legal base. Serious work awaits you.
  4. Already during the organizational process, you will have to look for a place suitable for preparing and storing food, suppliers of goods, decide on transport and other working issues.
  5. Next you will need to do advertising and find clients. This is very important point, because it will be possible to talk about the payback or profit of a business only if there is an established client base and constant development.

As you can see, implementing this idea will require a lot of effort, time and money. But, having a clear action plan, you can begin to bring your idea to life.

Where to begin?

Before you open a food delivery business, you need to figure out how you can stand out from your competitors. To succeed, you need to constantly be on top, pleasantly surprise your clients and make them come to you again and again. It’s good if you can organize a full cycle of services, that is, from preparing food to delivering it.

If you already have your own restaurant or other establishment (cafeteria, canteen, pizzeria), then you can simply add a new service - food delivery by courier. Then you won’t have to search for premises, suppliers and personnel. The issue of obtaining permits and other documentation will also be removed, and the business concept will be clear.

However, owning a restaurant is not acceptable for everyone. Perhaps at the initial stage you do not have the required amount or experience to start such a business. Whereas opening a food delivery service as a small company or family business is quite possible. That is, you can start from the other side, and having developed and gained a foothold in the market, you can already invest in the establishment of your dreams.

We create our own website

You can order website development from scratch or buy it already finished project. The second option will cost you less, and besides, you can start working with it right away.

The best option in terms of money and speed of creation is to use the services of freelancers. Also, feel free to entrust them with any tasks that you have as you create and grow your business - writing articles, creating a logo, finding clients, etc. It is best to use a specialized platform, for example,, where the process of interaction with performers will be simple and safe.

Try to come up with an interesting design for the site and work out various marketing strategies so that it doesn’t just “hang” on the Internet as a dead weight, but actually works and attracts customers. Based on the fact of attendance and interest, it will be possible to judge in what other directions you need to move.

Everything is according to the law: the main points of legal preparation

Package Contents necessary documents will depend on whether you already own a catering business. Some entrepreneurs do not want to initially start fiddling with legal registration and they begin to do this only after some time has passed or in the event of unexpected troubles. But you need to understand that you can’t just cook in your home kitchen and sell food to people: you could get into serious trouble with the law.

You should register your business correctly:

  • register with tax office, choose a form of taxation and prepare a package of documents for registration;
  • pay the required state fees and submit an application for inclusion in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • if you plan to make non-cash payments, you need to open a bank account;
  • obtain the appropriate permits from the sanitary and epidemiological service for the premises you have chosen and the implementation of all planned services (food preparation, food storage, transportation, etc.). The SES checks both working conditions and food preparation conditions. Your employees must have valid medical records, which will contain data from medical examinations and confirmation of completed hygienic training / certification;
  • obtain permission from the fire department, whose employees will also inspect the premises and document that it complies with the necessary standards and requirements, and that your workers have passed the necessary certification and can work with food;
  • papers authorizing your activities must be signed by both the consumer market committee and Rospotrebnadzor;
  • register a cash register and purchase a stamp.

Remember that your entrepreneurial activity must be related to delivery services (you also need permission!), because you will have to enter into supply contracts, sign waybills and waybills for drivers.

Here's what you need to start a food delivery business from scratch. However, you will only need a complete package of documents if you are purchasing and equipping your own premises.

Important organizational issues

You need to decide how you will start working: can you get by on your own at first or will you hire a staff of workers? It is also worth considering the order of work, that is, how and where you will purchase, store and prepare food. There are several options.

  1. Products are purchased in advance and stored in refrigeration chambers and other related equipment. Of course, this means that the money has already been invested. However, there is a plus: you can post information on the website about the availability of a particular product, and the buyer will immediately become interested. A pre-menu is also made for customers based on their requests.
  2. The second option involves purchasing products and preparing food with subsequent delivery only after the order has been accepted. On the one hand, you have less risk of being at a loss, but on the other hand, you will not be able to quickly accept and fulfill customer orders, which will lead to them leaving in search of someone more efficient.

Equipment and raw materials

If you yourself equip your premises for a full production cycle, then you will need to spend a lot of money to purchase at least the most necessary things. The names and amount of investment will depend on the specifics of your food, how you will prepare it, what figure you are counting on, etc. Initially, you don’t have to buy imported and expensive equipment, because at a much reasonable price you can buy it used u.

However, you will definitely need:

  • all kinds of kitchen utensils (pans, pots, graters, knives, forks, spoons, cutting boards, etc.);
  • get at least one good multifunctional food processor that will replace your meat grinder, blender, mixer and other necessary appliances;
  • gas or electric stove;
  • microwave or pressure cooker (ideally both);
  • special refrigerators and freezers for storing food.

In addition, be sure to take care of the equipment for the food delivery (transportation) itself: purchase special containers, thermal bags, etc. You can order napkins or plastic dishes, which will contain the logo (brand) of your company. This should be done before opening food delivery.

What's on the menu?

The assortment depends on the specifics of your business: do you prepare a varied menu for every taste or only dishes of a certain cuisine? Here we can advise you not to focus on just pizza or sushi, since the competition with permanent establishments of this kind is very strong. It is better to focus on the variety of choice. This will help you attract more clients.

You can purchase products yourself (at wholesale centers and markets) or negotiate with suppliers. Remember that all products must be fresh and of high quality, be sure to check the documents.

Assemble a decent team

For your business to succeed, you will also need to find good employees. Give preference to people who have work experience and relevant recommendations, as you cannot risk your reputation.

With a full production cycle (from accepting an order to its preparation and delivery), you will need to employ:

  • operator (dispatcher) who will receive calls and place orders;
  • cooks (one or more - depending on the situation);
  • couriers (usually they hire employees with their own cars);
  • the rest can be hired as needed when your business begins to grow and expand (security guards, warehouse workers, cleaners, staff accountant, etc.).

Your employees must be honest, diligent and responsible.

In the future, it will be possible to purchase special vehicles, which will be equipped with a thermal body. Fare You will need to include this in the cost of meals, and you should calculate the real costs of depreciation of the car and fuel.

tell us about yourself

Competent price policy with various loyalty programs (discounts, bonuses and promotions) and a well-thought-out advertising concept will be able to attract people's attention and bring you your first stable earnings.

Don’t forget to talk about yourself on the Internet. It would be good if there are on the site positive reviews your customers, because word of mouth is the best advertising campaign.

Estimated Costs

Business profitability indicators are quite high (up to 60%), and it can pay for itself even in six months (maximum in a year and a half).

The figures are presented in rubles.


Now you know how to start food delivery step by step. Despite the fact that at first you may even have to work yourself, performing all the functions and responsibilities, very soon your business will pay off and begin to generate a stable income, and over time you will be able to expand the business, gaining good momentum and replenishing your clientele. base of regular customers.

To improve their health, they resort to various diets and simply healthy foods. Some go to special restaurants or limit their menu in catering establishments, while others prefer to cook on their own. But many are ready to order such food for home delivery. It is this category of healthy food consumers that will become the clients of your business.

It should also be noted that people with above-average income are mainly interested in a healthy lifestyle, in particular, a balanced diet. And they will be willing to pay 1-2 thousand rubles a day for a balanced diet. The cost depends both on your markup (usually 30-40%) and on the composition of the menu.


To organize such a business, you will need several things. First, it will be necessary to find potential clients. To do this, you will need to include about 150-200 thousand rubles in the advertising budget. Your main advertising platforms are articles in local glossy magazines, catalogs + advertising in city social media(groups). The advertising campaign will need to be carried out for at least two months, choosing about two or three sites (the cheapest and most effective) for subsequent placement.

Next, you will need the following staff for 20 clients (with an average bill of 1.5 - 2 thousand rubles per day). Firstly, if you are not a professional nutritionist, then you will need the periodic services of this specialist for menu consultation. This is about another 25 thousand rubles per month. You will need a cook to prepare these meals (three or five meals a day for each person). Keep in mind that you will need his services seven days a week. In total, the cook’s salary will be about 30 thousand rubles per month. He will work at night. You will also need couriers in cars, 2-3 people, who will deliver orders in the morning. Their salary will be about 15 thousand rubles per month per person, with work seven days a week for two to three hours in the morning.

Thus, you can reach a monthly turnover of 850-1300 thousand rubles per month. At the same time, the margin will exceed 30%.

What is the price

Based on three months in advance, you need to budget about 350-400 thousand rubles for salaries. Another 200 thousand rubles will go towards an advertising campaign. About 160-220 thousand rubles per month will have to be spent on purchasing products.
Approximately 10-15 thousand rubles per month will need to be budgeted for accounting services and outsourced lawyers. About ten thousand rubles will have to be spent on registering an individual entrepreneur. In total, you will need approximately 600-800 thousand rubles as initial capital.

With a properly conducted advertising campaign, you will begin to receive profit within the first month.

Marginality: about 30-40%, that is, with a turnover of even 800 thousand rubles, you will be able to recoup your initial investment within three to four months after launch.

Capital investments in business: from 1,530,000 rubles
Cafe payback: 1.5-2 years

How to open a cafe healthy eating usually thought by those people who have a close relationship with this topic.

Any vegetarian, raw foodist or simply a fan of eco-food understands that it is quite difficult to find an establishment with a suitable menu.

But desire alone is not enough to realize an idea.

An entrepreneur must know the subtleties and nuances of the organization.

We have collected all the necessary information in this article.

Advantages and disadvantages of the idea of ​​opening a cafe

If you approach an idea not just as a way to self-realize, but as an entrepreneurial endeavor, then you must sensibly evaluate the pros and cons of this idea.

High profitability.Narrow niche - may affect the level of demand.
With a competent approach, the business pays off relatively quickly.High competition with other catering establishments.
There is a USP - a special menu is offered to customers.It's difficult to find a suitable place.
The theme of a healthy lifestyle is “in trend”.High customer demands on the quality of food.
Population demand is growing.Large capital investments in starting a business.

Business plan for a healthy food cafe: planning

Business starts with planning.

Without drawing up a business plan, opening an establishment is, of course, possible.

But the sad experience of some demonstrates that more than 70% of young companies close after 6-12 months precisely because of the lack of a business development plan.

If you think that writing a business plan is difficult, you can delegate the task to professionals.

Summary of the healthy food cafe project

In the project summary, the entrepreneur must indicate information about the establishment.

One of the important points is the name.

It should attract attention, be memorable, but capacious.

Project objectives and goals

The main goal of the project will be based on the concept.

That is, offering visitors healthy, tasty food.

To achieve this, a balanced menu is drawn up, a nutritionist is invited to join the team, and suppliers of quality products are sought.

An additional objective of the project, which will help to obtain funding, is the creation of additional jobs.

Of course, this will only work for a large establishment with a large staff.

Marketing analysis for a healthy food cafe

Marketing strategy must be included in healthy food cafe business plan.

As a rule, the areas of analysis and the advertising methods used will not differ much from the standard ones.

However, there is a USP (unique selling proposition) that does not need to be invented.

It consists of preparing wholesome, exceptionally healthy eco-food.

You need to rely on this when developing a marketing promotion plan.

Target audience of a healthy food cafe

The concept attracts a large but fairly specific audience.

The very atmosphere of the establishment will be based on comfort, environmental friendliness, and ease.

The main visitors are young people with average and high level prosperity.

This is due to the fact that healthy image life is a fashion trend.

But it is not the most accessible.

After all, proper food cannot be cheap, unlike surrogates and semi-finished products.

Parents want to see their children healthy, so hiking is no longer a popular leisure activity.

You can spend time in the cafe business meetings and lunch breaks.

Therefore, placing establishments near business centers will increase the number of visitors.

The target audience can be schematically represented as follows:

Advertising in a business plan for a healthy food cafe

One of the most promising advertising sources is the Internet.

Use the following promotion methods:

  • website creation;
  • placement of advertising banners on thematic resources;
  • advertising in in social networks(creation and promotion of pages);

But standard methods are also always relevant:

  • distribution of advertising leaflets in crowded places near the establishment;
  • placing advertisements in regional newspapers or on television;
  • before the opening, you can distribute booklets with information in places where potential potential is collected target audience(vegetarian food stores, fitness centers, companies offering ethical and environmentally friendly cosmetics).

To get the most out of the methods used, the campaign needs to be monitored and updated regularly.

In what premises and where to open a cafe?

Placing a cafe in the central part of the city is prestigious and attracts the appropriate audience.

However, the specificity of the cafe, which offers healthy food, allows you not to strive for high traffic.

The target audience of such an institution has a specific request.

And they will go purposefully for his satisfaction.

Customers who are interested in healthy food will not go to the first cafe that comes along.

Requirements for a healthy food cafe

Healthy food cafes are subject to the same requirements as other catering establishments.

This must be taken into account at the stage of searching for premises, selecting a building for rent that will meet the conditions.

Otherwise you will have to do preparatory work on one's own.

And this costs money and time.

Basic requirements for a cafe:

  • If the establishment is located in a residential building, it is necessary to ensure high-quality sound insulation.
  • Water supply and sewerage must be installed, and the electrical network must function properly.
  • In addition to client areas and the kitchen, it is necessary to equip technical premises for staff (service toilet, warehouse, etc.).
  • A big plus is the availability of parking spaces, convenient check-in and proximity to public transport stops.

Equipment for healthy food cafes

To operate a cafe with an area of ​​50 m2, you will need to purchase a less extensive set of equipment.

As a rule, this costs about 250-300 thousand rubles.

The business plan specifies a list of equipment, who will supply the equipment and handle the installation.

How to look for suppliers to open a cafe?

Finding quality suppliers is one of the “pillars” on which a successful cafe is based.

This is especially important for an establishment that offers clients healthy, environmentally friendly food.

When selecting suppliers, use the following criteria:

  • A good choice is family-type farms or eco-farms, which are quite easy to find using the Internet.
  • Health food cafes cannot use GMO products.
  • It is important that the products are grown without chemical additives, growth stimulants, and not treated with dangerous pest control drugs.
  • The location of the farm or farm matters - there should be no industrial centers nearby.
  • When preparing dishes, stabilizers, flavors and other additives of chemical origin cannot be used.

Staff in a healthy food cafe business plan

The staff list of a healthy food cafe will not be much different from other catering establishments.

This will allow you to form and adhere to the correct menu.

After all, for such a place it is important that the dishes are not only fresh and beautiful, but also environmentally friendly and healthy.

If an entrepreneur has opened an LLC, he cannot do without the services of an accountant.

However, you can delegate this to .

Cleaning of the premises is delegated to an employee hired on an hourly basis, although this depends on the size of the establishment.

Calendar plan for opening a healthy food cafe

Event1 month2 months3 months
Registration and registration of permits
Conclusion of a lease agreement
Repair and design work
Supplier search
Purchase and installation of equipment
Personnel search
Launch of an advertising campaign
Start of work of the cafe

Financial section of a cafe business plan

The financial section is extremely important for a business plan. In it, the entrepreneur indicates information regarding costs and payback.

How much does it cost to open a healthy food cafe?

Capital investment in the decision to open a cafe will depend on the expected scale of the business.

The costs can be represented as follows:

Regular expenses for a healthy food cafe

An entrepreneur must have finances not only to open a healthy food cafe.

Also, before reaching the breakeven point, it is necessary to spend money on maintaining the operation of the cafe and its development.

Example successful work The healthy food cafe is presented in the video:

Payback period for a healthy food cafe

The profitability of a healthy food cafe is 40%.

With such indicators and the amount of investment, the establishment will pay for itself in a year and a half.

However, much depends on how to open a healthy food cafe.

Profit can be affected by: traffic, hall area, assortment, marketing methods.

Although the business is considered promising, beginners should be very careful when implementing it on their own.

The ideal option for inexperienced businessmen is to open a franchise business.

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It would seem that what could be unusual in a store selling food? However, not everything is so simple when it comes to proper nutrition. This idea is very young compared to the food industry: only a few decades ago, residents of civilized countries take what they eat seriously. That is why it makes sense to think about how to open a health food store. This and good business, and a good thing - if, of course, you approach the organization of the store professionally. Not to mention that the idea of ​​healthy eating is very fashionable, and therefore such a store itself will attract attention.

Development concept and target audience

The initial assortment may be relatively small, since in this matter the main thing is not quantity, but quality. To avoid tarnishing your reputation and losing customers, make sure you follow several rules:

  1. The food is only fresh, proven, healthy.
  2. Sanitary standards are fully complied with.
  3. The selection of products is supported by medical and nutritional research.

A good move would be to categorize products - division will simplify the choice for customers. In this case, you can use both the general division accepted in grocery stores (meat, dairy products, and so on), and a special one, aimed at supporters of a healthy diet (diet products, products for diabetics, and so on).

The target audience is mainly people over 25 years of age who pay attention to health, even if they are not sick with anything. According to statistics, there are at least 20% more women and girls among the clients of such stores than men. However, in Lately healthy eating is becoming more and more “youthful” and often attracts even schoolchildren, and the ratio of men and women is balanced.

Selection of assortment

Pay most attention to the selection of goods. Involve professional nutritionists, gastroenterologists and other specialists, refer to the data scientific research. Compose your assortment in accordance with the following rules:

  1. Food should not contain artificial additives. The more natural it is, the better.
  2. Avoid foods containing GMOs. This controversial issue, which scares off many healthy eating advocates.
  3. Choose products with a minimum of contraindications. Meet customers halfway and provide each product with a card with indications and contraindications.

As in a regular grocery store, the greatest losses come from goods that were not sold before the expiration date expired. Assess in advance how quickly certain products can be sold out - the longer the product can be stored, the better.

Selection of equipment and personnel

Writing a business plan and deciding how to open a store proper nutrition, include the selection of equipment and personnel in advance. The equipment you will need is fairly standard, and you can purchase it without any problems. The specific choice depends on the planned assortment, but in general the following are purchased:

  • display cases and racks for storing non-perishable products;
  • refrigerated and freezing display cases for perishable products;
  • refrigerators and racks for drinks;
  • grocery baskets and carts;
  • lockers for personal belongings of customers;
  • ordinary tables and counters for shops and warehouses;
  • scales and consumables for food packaging;
  • equipment for arranging cash registers.

As for personnel, even a small store will need the following employees:

  • Chief Accountant;
  • administrator or manager;
  • Warehouse Manager;
  • sellers (cashiers);
  • sales floor and warehouse workers;
  • movers;
  • cleaners;
  • guards.

Some of these positions may be combined at first, but one way or another it will be necessary to hire five to eight people.

Search for premises and organization of the enterprise

In order for your store to have initial success and attract attention, you will need to select a premises in accordance with the requirements:

  • location in a busy area of ​​the city;
  • the presence of a convenient approach and entrance;
  • area - preferably from 120 square meters;
  • availability of heating systems, water supply and sanitation, connection to the electrical network.

The optimal form of organizing such a business is with a basic taxation system. Although on initial stages development, you can, after making preliminary calculations, give preference to taxation of the difference between income and expenses. Pay attention to obtaining all necessary permits and compliance with health requirements - nothing could be worse for a health food store than non-compliance with sanitary standards. It is also important that everyone has health records, and that purchased products undergo quality control.

Start-up costs and savings opportunities

At the initial stages, it is best to rent a room rather than buy it, and the cost of rent, depending on the city, can range from 50 to 200 thousand monthly. In addition, it will cost you about 300 thousand to purchase a complete set of equipment, and monthly expenses for employee salaries can range from 100 to 200 thousand.

If you want to keep up with the times, you may be wondering how to open an online health food store. The advantages of this solution are obvious: there is no need to spend money on installing equipment, renting a sales area and paying employees. But there are several key features this form of business that cannot be ignored:

  1. You will need a well-established scheme of cooperation with suppliers for smooth operation.
  2. Products will need to be stored in a warehouse - this room must be well guarded and meet all requirements.
  3. To deliver products you will need Courier service. You will need to ensure that the products are delivered as quickly as possible and do not lose their presentation.

An online store is convenient, first of all, for customers - for the owner it’s just different worries, not less worries. Be also prepared for the fact that the operation of the online store will be more closely monitored by tax and other supervisory authorities, as well as compliance with requirements for storing products, the quality of the products themselves, and expiration dates.

If you wish, you can make an online store an addition to a regular store by organizing a grocery delivery service - then you will receive an additional 25% of the target audience, and not only elderly or sick people, but also those who are too busy to go to the store on their own.

Business prospects

Given the number of factors that motivate people to eat healthy, this type business is very promising. To realize your potential, pay as much attention as possible to advertising and development:

  1. Order printing of advertising leaflets, installation of stands and banners.
  2. Conduct advertising campaign with the involvement of the media and online platforms.
  3. Use the discount system and run bonus promotions.
  4. Ensure that staff are polite and courteous to customers.
  5. Monitor the demand for products, use feedback with customers to find out what else needs to be included in the assortment.

Subject to these simple recommendations you can reach an initial level of income of about 50–100 thousand per day, depending on the size of the store and the region. Thus, with average expenses, your profit can be from 400 thousand rubles monthly - provided that most the goods will be sold out. The initial investment will pay off in just a few months.

The business of organizing a nutrition store is a promising and potentially profitable project, especially in last years. A competent approach to organization and advertising will allow you to attract a maximum of customers who care what they eat. Maintain a high level of quality and service, make sure that damaged goods are not sold, that legal requirements and customer rights are not violated - and your store will have good reputation, at the same time bringing considerable profit.

” not only talks about the businesswoman’s experience first-hand, but also introduces cool brands and useful contacts along the way. “Pick up a pencil” - a balanced nutrition delivery service; "Spinach" and "Savage Vdoma" - delivery of food sets for preparing 3 or 5 dinners. IN today's episode Svetalan Nesterenko, co-founder, visionary and development manager, will tell you how she came up with the idea for such a business and where she started.

At 20 years old I dreamed of being a flight attendant. Then it seemed to me that this was such a romantic profession, every day a new country... Over time, the illusion of this profession dissipated, but the love for new countries remained.

In 2012 it all started with the desire and decision to create something useful and necessary that changes the usual way of life, with a mission, values, and wow service. Then I worked as a project manager, with 10 years of experience as a hired employee at the Boryspil airport and in a leading company in the telecom market. It was a transformation, a self-made changement with office employee into entrepreneurs.

brought to life ideas arose from our own needs and needs. “Spinach” is a service for delivering balanced meals for every day. We help you get rid of extra pounds or gain muscle mass, or simply eat a balanced diet and at the same time save time on grocery shopping. For me, as for many girls and women, the topic of losing weight is an eternal one: what would it be like to eat something delicious and even 5 times a day in order to lose weight and not waste time on cooking. "Spinach" solves all these problems- so that it’s tasty and healthy, 5 times a day, and doesn’t waste time on it, and even lose weight.

All projects (“Babusyna Torbynka” - delivery of natural products from local farmers, which we transformed into “Spinach” - a service for delivering balanced meals for every day, “Smakuy Vdoma” - delivery of food sets and recipes for preparing 3 or 5 dinners) We started with minimal cash investment, the main contribution is our time, knowledge, experience, energy, drive, desire.

I'm sure that investments are not the only tool, allowing the project to grow into successful business. But investments will definitely speed up business development.

To achieve global goals“Spinach” we attracted an investment partner for an equity stake in the company. At the same time, I am convinced that the best investor in our business is our satisfied client.

What happened the most difficult in the first 365 days? We launched all the projects at a time when there were no such services in Ukraine. For example, at the beginning of 2014, no one was looking for a healthy food delivery service on Google, no one understood how to eat delicious food 5 times a day and lose weight, so the most important task was to convey the value and benefits of a new product.

The first anniversary of the birth of “our business” was celebrated strategic session, where the development vector was approved.

We strictly control costs in order to achieve operating payback month to month. Now we are focused on the dynamic development of our service for the delivery of balanced nutrition (and, accordingly, investments in improving the service) - according to the business plan, we aim to return it in 12-14 months.

My personal motto: “Our tomorrow depends on our actions today. You have to be the change you want to see in the world.”

The most important in working with a client- keep promises, trust and openness. What you say in advertising should not only correspond to reality, but also exceed your client’s expectations in a positive way.

Always studying international experience, we are inspired by their development history and apply their experience. My favorites are Freshology, The DetoxKitchen.


Me people inspire who are not afraid to change the world with their ideas and actions.

For that, to relieve stress ideal sports, solitude with an inspiring book, online shopping, a cup of delicious coffee. Of course, I eat away my stress with healthy food from Spinach :).

Each morning starts with water— I usually drink about 0.5 ml, plus a contrast shower. And if I woke up on time, early, I have my favorite morning rituals that make my day: 15 minutes - Surya Namaskar, 20 minutes - Morning pages, 20 minutes - reading, and if I find 7 minutes for meditation, then the day is definitely a success .

My challenge for 2016 - accustom yourself to healthy sleep, go to bed at 22:00 and wake up at 5:00. It is said that rising before sunrise is one of the main sources of obtaining subtle energy. I want to check it for myself.

Bad habit, which you can’t get rid of: going to bed late. I’m struggling with this, and also checking email and instant messengers while driving.

In moments of despair stimulate my dreams and goals. I remind myself that if it’s hard for you, it means you’re on the right path, why you’re doing all this. I convince myself that this is a step to new heights.

To find time for family, you must remember that they are your strength and support, and a very important part of your life. When planning for the month, I consciously include meetings with friends and goddaughters. Birthdays and holidays are always a great occasion to meet relatives for a family feast. But I have to see my brother 5 days a week, because in partnership with him we develop all our services.