Portrait sketch based on the painting of a girl with peaches. Girl with peaches - the story of the painting. Ordering glass from a framing workshop


One summer day, Valentin Serov, who was visiting the Mamontovs in Abramtsevo, saw 11-year-old Vera, excited about playing Cossack robbers, run into the dining room, take a peach and sit down at the table. Amazed, the artist began to persuade the girl to pose for him. Vera hardly suspected that Serov would write it for more than a month and she would have to sit motionless for several hours every day while summer flew by outside the window.

Serov was able to convey Vera’s mischievous character: it can be read in the sly look, and in the fold of her lips, which seem ready to laugh, and in her disheveled hair, and in her blush. In the girl’s pose, in her clothes, there is no tension of the poser. It seems that this captured moment is like a ray or a butterfly - once, and it flies away.

Vera Mamontova, photo from 1888 (the year after the creation of “Girl with Peaches”)

The trees are green outside the window. This is Gogol Alley in Abramtsevo Park, where Nikolai Vasilyevich loved to walk. On the table are peaches grown in the Abramtsevo greenhouse. Savva Mamontov bought trees from the Artemovo and Zhilkino estates in 1871.

The figurine of a wooden soldier in the corner was purchased from the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. The grenadier, originally unpainted, was painted by Serov. By the way, the figurine still occupies the same place in the Abramtsevo Museum. Just like the plate pictured on the wall. Savva Mamontov loved ceramics, and even opened a pottery workshop at the estate.

“Girl with Peaches” was conceived spontaneously

Having completed the portrait, Serov gave it to the girl’s mother, Elizaveta Mamontova. The painting took its place in the same room where it was painted. Eyewitnesses said that thanks to the canvas, the spacious, bright room seemed to be illuminated with even brighter light. The artist Mikhail Nesterov wrote that if the canvas had been presented in Paris, Serov would have become famous that same day. But in Russia the public was not yet ready for impressionism, and therefore it was better to leave the work in Abramtsev’s dining room and not show it publicly - otherwise they would call it crazy.


“I painted for more than a month and tortured her, poor thing, to death,” Serov recalled, “I really wanted to preserve the freshness of the painting while being completely complete—like the old masters.” Shortly before starting work on “Girl with Peaches,” the painter returned from a trip to Italy. He was amazed by the works of the Renaissance masters, impressed by the country itself, its strength, and atmosphere. Arriving in Russia, the 22-year-old artist was determined to paint only joyful things. And the very first picture became the personification of this desire.

Vera Mamontova was called the “Abramtsevo goddess.” It was written not only by Serov, but also by Vasnetsov. It is also believed that Vrubel gave Tamara her features in the illustrations for “The Demon,” “The Snow Maiden” and “The Egyptian Woman.” At the age of 27, she married the Moscow provincial leader of the nobility Alexander Samarin, and they had three children. At 32, Vera Savvishna fell ill with pneumonia and died. In the 1920s, Samarin was exiled to a camp, and his daughter Lisa went with him. In 1932 he died in the Gulag.

The fate of the artist

Serov grew up in a house where creative chaos reigned. Mother Valentina Semyonovna was a convinced nihilist. Father Alexander Nikolaevich was a popular composer at that time. By the way, the age difference between the spouses was 26 years: 43-year-old Alexander Nikolaevich married his 17-year-old student.

Self-portrait of Serov. 1885

Nihilists and revolutionaries came to my mother, writers, sculptors, musicians, and artists came to my father. After the death of his father, when the boy was seven years old, his mother gave him to Repin as a student. The boy spent so much time with the teacher that he was practically considered a member of the family.

Valentin Serov grew up in the family of a nihilist and composer

Valentin also knew the Mamontovs from early childhood. He spent a lot of time at their house. As the older Mamontov children recalled, all their games and pranks were certainly connected with Anton - that’s what they called him because Serov did not like the name Valentin. Even little Vera made fun of him. Savva Mamontov subsequently found the first customers for the young artist. These were mainly bourgeois and aristocrats. Over time, Serov acquired a reputation as a portrait painter with a “sharp” brush: he did not portray his respectable models in the most favorable light, which, although they did not particularly like it, was accepted because it was a fashionable and almost obligatory measure of provocation.

And although the artist was ordered and paid for portraits, of all his works he most valued the frankly impressionistic “Girl Illuminated by the Sun.” Shortly before his death - at the end of 1911 - looking at this canvas in the Tretyakov Gallery, he said: “I painted this thing, and then all my life, no matter how I tried, nothing came of it, I was completely exhausted.”

The painting “Girl with Peaches” by artist Valentin Serov is familiar even to those people who are very far from art. Those people who are passionate about the artist’s work are aware that the painting was painted by 11-year-old Vera Mamontova, the daughter of the famous industrialist and philanthropist, who was a great friend of Valentin Alexandrovich.

The artist himself, due to his innate modesty, did not have such a high opinion of his own creation, and even in a friendly conversation with I.E. Grabar reproached him for the fact that in one of his written works on the development of Russian fine art, he gave the portrait too high an assessment.

The meaning of the painting “Girl with Peaches”

Serov often complained that while painting the portrait of young Vera, he forced her to sit motionless for hours, thereby losing a certain stream of freshness that he so persistently wanted to breathe into his painting. The process of painting the canvas dragged on for several months, during which the master had to pretty much torment the daughter of a wealthy patron of the arts. However, the result, as it turned out, exceeded all the expectations of the artist himself.

A noisy company consisting of family members and numerous guests often gathered at the table depicted in the picture. He was located in the Mamontovs’ dining room in an enfilade-type room.

Serov wrote “Girl with Peaches” when he was not yet 22 years old., and a quarter of a century later, after the death of the brilliant artist, Grabar published a monographic work about him, stating that the master himself did not fully realize the enormous significance of his work not only for his contemporaries, but also for all subsequent generations. According to Grabar, this sketch managed to become one of the most significant works of art, which marked a whole layer of the great culture of Russia.

Just a couple of years after the tragic death of the artist, it was difficult to find such an original model as the teenage girl Vera Mamontova, who has inexpressible, wonderful and truly Russian facial features. One glance at the famous painting by Serov for people more or less versed in art will be quite enough to determine for sure that the action described in the painting takes place on the estate of a wealthy landowner. What is happening outside the window is hidden from the eyes of the observer, however, you can intuitively guess that behind it there are neat paths sprinkled with sand, beautiful park alleys and other elements inherent in an old Russian estate.

The peaches were not purchased, but grown in the winter garden of the estate owned by the Mamontovs. The fruit trees were purchased from the Zhilkino and Artemovo estates, and they were cared for by the same specialist from whom they bought the peach trees.

The history preceding the painting

This painting appeared as a result of the friendly relations between Valentin Alexandrovich and the Mamontovs. Antosha, as Serov was called by people from his inner circle, had a penchant for a painstaking and unhurried manner of work, therefore young Vera had to sit motionless at the table for a long time. The master himself, aware of the peculiarities of the protracted process of creating his own canvases, apologized to the model as best he could and made every effort to quickly complete his outstanding work.

The idea to paint a portrait of young Vera Mamontova came to Serov when she ran into the house, out of breath from cheerful street games, and grabbed a peach. Valentin Aleksandrovich was so impressed by her cheerfulness, openness and positive appearance that he invited the 11th girl to become his model.

“Girl with Peaches” is one of the artist’s first serious works, which became his “lucky ticket” to the further successful creative career that Serov developed, who later became the best portrait painter of his time. Verusha (or Mamontova Vera Savvishna) was the favorite of all the inhabitants of the house, and there was an “invisible father’s light” in her, which young Serov tried to convey as clearly as possible. Vasnetsov, who was an honorary member of the Abramtsevo circle, believed that Valentin Aleksandrovich managed to find the very type of charming Russian beauty that many other authors could not find.

Description of the picture

The painting depicts a young girl with dark skin in a light jacket, decorated with an elegant bow. The artist tried to capture the moment, therefore, when looking at the canvas, it is difficult to believe that Verusha sat in a similar position for many days. It seems as if she sat down at the large table for just a second, with a mechanical gesture she grabbed the peach lying on it, and the next moment she, like a butterfly, flies off to frolic in the lush garden lying just outside the window.

Many objects depicted in the picture have special symbolism. For example, the plate was painted as a tribute to the passions that captured Savva Mamontov, who was fond of applied and pottery arts. Maple leaves, in turn, are depicted because the artist began work on the canvas at the height of summer, and finished only in September. In addition, autumn maple leaves create a special contrast in comparison with ripe peaches, reminiscent of the transience of all things and the need to enjoy the sun, as well as everything that happens around you.

The girl has soft skin with dark expressive eyes and the same dark hair. Sitting at the table with a subtle smile on her face, she looks at the observer with a simple open gaze. She has a peach in her hands, and next to her on the table surface there are also maple leaves, a knife and peaches.

The room in which the action takes place is filled with sunlight, gently falling on pieces of antique furniture, on Verusha’s hands and on the table.

The canvas is simply amazing with how harmoniously the artist managed to reveal the image, filling it with an excellent degree of vitality, realism and freshness of color. In working on this painting, the young Serov used some techniques he borrowed from the Impressionists, such as, for example, free vibration of the brushstroke.

The view from the window depicted in the painting opens onto the terrace adjacent to the Red Living Room. In this room, which is partially visible on the canvas, various friends and acquaintances of the family of the philanthropist Mamontov constantly gathered, staged amateur theatrical performances, read Turgenev, Gogol, Pushkin in roles, played music and held lively debates., however, the most significant thing is that he managed, through one work, to tell the viewer a whole story about the feelings and character of a pure and bright girl, whose further fate, however, was very tragic. However, at the time of painting the portrait, no one thought about future events, and the portrait remained in the memory of contemporaries as a real ode to youthful spontaneity, charm, spring and everything that never ceases to delight and delight people in everyday life.

The fate of the "Girl with Peaches"

In 1903, Vera Mamontova became the wife of Alexander Samarin, who was the Minister of Church Affairs and also the leader of the Moscow nobles. The wedding ceremony took place at the place where the exit from the Arbatskaya station of the capital's metro is now located. During the 1917 revolution, the church was destroyed by the communists, but today a small chapel stands on the same pedestal. Having become the mother of three children, she died at the age of 32 from severe pneumonia.

After Vera’s death, Alexander Samarin did not remarry and built the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity not far from their estate, which was looted during the proletarian revolution and was used as a warehouse.

Later, Alexander, along with his daughter Lisa, was sent into exile and died in the Gulag in 1932.


This work became the most famous in Serov’s entire creative activity, and the master is considered one of the best portrait painters of his era. Today the painting can be seen by visiting the State Tretyakov Gallery.

Essay description “Girl with Peaches” provided for this article.

Serov “Girl with Peaches” description

"Girl with Peaches"- a painting by the Russian painter Valentin Serov, painted in 1887, kept in the State Tretyakov Gallery. The heroine of the portrait is the daughter of the famous entrepreneur and philanthropist Savva Mamontov - Vera. The girl was only 12 years old when the master began to paint her portrait.

The girl sits motionless, but from her dark, ruddy face and dark, disheveled hair, it is noticeable that just a few minutes ago she was playing in the sun-drenched garden. She is wearing a pink sweater with a smart black bow. The tanned girl looks intently forward. She has large dark eyes, slightly tousled hair and well-defined eyebrows. You might think that the girl was up to some kind of prank. She is holding one peach, about to eat it. The girl's pose expresses impatience. Another moment and she will fly off like a butterfly from a flower, back to the garden to play with the children. And this very moment was captured by a talented artist.

The whole picture is flooded with sunlight, the light floods the entire room, playing with multi-colored reflections on the wall, on the furniture, on the candlestick visible on the right, on the silver knife lying on the snow-white tablecloth. Through the window we see that it is early autumn outside, and this is also noticeable from the yellow leaves lying on the table. A door open to another room gives us the idea of ​​unlimited space. The whole picture is filled with white light, which gives it purity, freshness and tranquility.

Thanks to techniques taken from impressionism, V. Serov was able to inimitably convey the play of sunlight, its saturation, and even what is difficult to actually draw - the airiness and fleetingness of a moment.

“Girl with Peaches” presentation

The painting depicts the common favorite of the artists who were visiting Abramtsevo at that time, Vera Mamontova, the daughter of Savva Mamontov. Looking at the picture, we see a very lively and tanned girl. She has large dark eyes, in which some kind of light is hidden. All flooded with light bursting through the window, she gazes intently at the viewer. This unusually invigorating sunlight saturates the entire space of a large and bright room. It plays with colorful reflections on the wall, and on a dish hung in the wall, and on the backs of chairs, and on a table by the window. The candlestick hidden on the table and visible to the right also reflects this joyful light. The silver knife that lies on the table sparkles brightly against the background of a snow-white tablecloth. Without lingering on the surrounding objects, the light glides across the girl’s face, giving birth to a play of lilac and blue highlights on her pink blouse.

The girl’s dark face is set off by the overall bluish tone of the picture. This seemingly cold tone is softened by the warm tones of the peaches and leaves lying on the table and ends with the sonorous major tone of the red bow on the chest.

Looking at the girl, whose whole posture expresses suppressed impatience, it seems that she only sat down at the table for a minute. Her nostrils flare slightly, as if she can’t catch her breath from running fast, and her brown eyes glance sideways at us, as if planning another trick. Despite the fact that her lips are seriously compressed, there is an abyss of childish slyness in them.

V.A. Serov was born in the Northern capital on January 7, 1865 (old style), his father was the famous composer Alexander Nikolaevich Serov. Even from the cradle, the future creator began to become involved in art. By the way, his dad often drew in his spare time.

Serov's exceptional powers of observation and talent for painting awoke early, and his surroundings only fueled his interest in art. But at that time the boy did not yet suspect that from under his brush would come the brilliant painting “Girl with Peaches.” The artist grew up without dreaming of fame. He was generally distinguished by modesty.

Training with Repin and Chistyakov, universal recognition

When the future artist matured a little, I. E. Repin himself began to work with him. First, the lessons were held in the capital of France, then in Moscow, and then in Abramtsevo. Some time later, Repin went with his ward to Zaporozhye, after which in 1880 he advised him to enter the Academy of Arts to study with the famous P. P. Chistyakov. Soon, as was to be expected, the young talent won everyone's admiration, his abilities impressed everyone.

P.P. Chistyakov spoke very positively about Serov, he said that it was the first time he had met such a gifted young man. The artist's comrades claimed that he had many good qualities, such as sincerity and directness.

Creating brilliant paintings

In Abramtsevo, Serov painted a picture that later became famous - a portrait of little Vera Mamontova called “Girl with Peaches.” This was in 1887. The artist said that he wanted the picture to be finished, but at the same time fresh, as was the case with the old authors. And, without a doubt, he succeeded. However, he did not try to describe the painting “Girl with Peaches” in words. Why, if admirers of his talent could see everything themselves? A year later, a picture depicting his cousin was painted in Domotkanovo. He called the work “Girl illuminated by the sun.”

Such masterpieces as “A Woman with a Horse”, “Striguns”, “October” were also created there. In addition, the artist made illustrations for Krylov’s works.


In 1887, a marriage was concluded between Valentin Serov and Olga Trubnikova. Subsequently, they had several children and lived quite happily. Valentin Aleksandrovich in children, happily painted their portraits. At that time the artist was already famous. Everyone was aware that “Girl with Peaches” was a painting by Serov.


In the 90s, the artist received many orders from famous people. After the creation of portraits of M. F. Morozova and S. M. Botkina, demonstrated at an exhibition in the capital of France, a new period began in the master’s work. The artist’s acquaintances said that many were afraid of Serov, since he was very observant and always gave a person an objective assessment. Some even accused the master that his portraits looked like caricatures. However, Serov claimed that he never set himself the goal of drawing a cartoon - he writes what he sees. And if there is something caricatured in a person, then it is not his fault - he just noticed it and brought it out.

A new milestone in creativity

The revolution that occurred in 1905 significantly affected the life and work of the master. It was at this time that his mature personality was formed - a sensitive citizen. He depicted the Cossacks’ attack on helpless people, wrote a number of political cartoons and several paintings on similar themes. This was a little unexpected for everyone. The author of the painting “Girl with Peaches” created canvases on themes that were fundamentally new to him.

Painting "Peter I"

In the 1890s-1900s, the master recalled bygone times and national history. He felt some nostalgia. Peter's heroic time, extraordinary and to some extent cruel, occupied all of Serov's thoughts. In 1907, the painting “Peter I” was created. The Emperor, on his long legs, stern and impetuous, walks towards the stormy wind. The people accompanying him seem to have just arrived from the carnival. Their robes, lifted by the wind, look quite unusual.

People follow Peter with all their might, trying not to fall and stay on their feet. In the confident gait of the emperor, in the raging river, in the clouds moving across the sky, in the high masts of ships - in everything one can feel the striving for change, which invariably brings the strong-willed, active and brave people. However, at that time many were more interested in analyzing the painting “Girl with Peaches” than in this painting.

Creation of the paintings “The Rape of Europa” and “Odysseus and Nausicaa”

At the end of the spring of 1907, the artist went to Greece, which left a mark on his heart for the rest of his life. The ancient classics amazed Serov - in it he saw real harmony and beauty. The master wanted to perpetuate what he saw and embody the spirit of glorious history, the sophistication of the legends of Hellas. Serov created the painting “The Rape of Europa”, as well as several versions of “Odysseus and Nausicaa”.

“Girl with Peaches”: description of the painting

In 1887, the artist created a painting that later became his most famous creation.

Young Serov was visiting Savva Mamontov, who lived in Abramtsevo. Creative personalities often visited his house, and everyone paid attention to the sweet girl Vera - she was charming. Serov was no exception - he depicted her in his painting.

The artist painted twelve-year-old Vera for three months. Now this seems surprising, since it seems that the canvas was created in a short moment, in one impulse. This picture looks a bit like a photo that was taken hastily to make sure the camera was working. This is the interesting impression left on many who look at the painting “Girl with Peaches.” The description of the picture would be incomplete without this interesting fact.

A tanned girl sits at the table. She is wearing a light robe, decorated with a bow. The girl has just come running from the street, her nostrils are slightly dilated - she is breathing quickly, her cheeks are pink from running. She sat down only for one minute - she had no time, she was in a hurry again, because the weather outside was beautiful, and she really wanted to take a walk in the garden.

Verochka cannot sit idle with her hands folded. She needs to move, that’s her essence. So she grabbed a peach so that at least her fingers would not be idle. She absolutely needs movement. At the moment the girl is in a lively state. This is noticeable in her dark, expressive eyes and open gaze. The sweet girl with peaches delights with her overflowing vitality. must necessarily include

The entire room is filled with sunlight, which easily penetrates from the street and illuminates Verochka and the old furniture in the room. There is a knife on the table, as well as peaches. All of the above sparkles and stands out noticeably against the background of a light tablecloth. The room seemed to have woken up and was expecting something.

The bluish shades of the canvas give Verochka’s tanned face some coldness, but the peaches are painted in warm colors - they make the picture more pleasing to the eye. You should also pay attention to the leaves and the girl’s blouse. The artist also depicted them as quite warm. These soul-warming shades are what makes the painting “Girl with Peaches” so attractive. The description of the painting may arouse someone's interest in it.

The canvas makes an optimistic impression. The painting depicts a celebration of life and youth. The artist achieved this effect by resorting to some Impressionist tricks. Thanks to the trembling strokes, the canvas seems deeper; they emphasize shadow and light, demonstrating a special brightness.


From Serov’s painting we learn a lot about Verochka, because all her emotions and impulses can be read by her facial expression. Verochka’s sincerity, her harmonious relationship with nature and the surrounding world made the painting “Girl with Peaches” the most famous portrait of all time, because the artist did not just depict a child, he created a story about life. Well, how can one not admit that Serov is a real talent?

Now you know the history of the painting “Girl with Peaches”. It is best to view this painting in a museum - this way it will make a stronger impression. You can look at other paintings by Serov, because they are no less brilliant. It turned out that “Girl with Peaches” eclipsed all the artist’s other works, and many remember him as the author of one painting, which is a bit of a shame. It is necessary to fill the gaps in knowledge and get acquainted with all of Serov’s paintings, especially since there are all the conditions for this. The artist's works are delightful and deserve attention, and none should go unnoticed.

On the canvas we see a girl sitting at a table. Peaches are scattered on the table and the girl has one of them in her hand. It seems that the girl just ran into the room to grab a peach and run back to meet her friends. In the girl’s gaze one can read some impatience and dissatisfaction that she is being detained and forced to do more boring things. It’s also difficult to sit quietly at the table and pose for an artist when the sun is shining outside the window and you want to run and enjoy the warm days!

This work was created by the famous artist Serov when he was still very young. And this is one of his first works, which the Moscow public immediately liked. Although the artist himself, due to his natural modesty, all his life believed that such an enthusiastic attitude towards this work was too exaggerated.

The girl's name is Vera. This is the daughter of Savva Mamontov, a famous businessman of that time and a close friend of the artist. She really was a very active and cheerful child, and it was difficult for her to sit still. Moreover, the picture was painted over a very long time. Serov began work in the summer, and it was completed in early autumn. You can guess this from the carelessly scattered maple leaves next to the peaches on the table.

But the artist very accurately conveyed all this airiness, thirst for life and energy of youth. For this reason, “Girl with Peaches” is considered one of his best works.

Description of the painting Girl with Peaches (Serov) 6th grade, 3rd grade

In the painting by V.A. Serov’s “Girl with Peaches” depicts the twelve-year-old daughter of the merchant Mamontov Vera.

The painting depicts morning or noon. The central place is occupied by a girl sitting at the table in the living room. She has dark skin, dark eyes and dark curly hair. She tries to look serious, but her childish spontaneity comes out. I want to laugh, but I can’t. So the lips are tightly compressed. The nostrils are slightly flared, there is a blush on her cheeks, her hair is disheveled - apparently, the girl has just come running from the street and still can’t catch her breath. Black eyebrows add expressiveness to the face. In her youth, this beautiful girl will break more than one man's heart. The delicate facial features indicate that this young creature is the scion of an aristocratic family. She holds a delicious peach with her thin fingers. The girl is dressed in a pink-pearl blouse with a black bow and a rose.

A prosperous merchant's house. Everything is good and solid. In the middle of the living room there is a large table and two dark chairs. The rest of the chairs are not visible in the picture, but they are there. This is a large dining table where the whole family gathers and chairs, so there should be a lot. The table is covered with a white linen tablecloth, its edges are folded up to the top of the table so that it does not hang down and interfere with cleaning. On the lapel are three ripe peaches, maple leaves and a table knife. The girl is holding another peach in her hands. As you know, peaches do not grow in the Moscow region; they are brought from the southern regions. And their price is considerable. Only a rich man could afford to buy this delicacy for his family. He loves and spoils his children.

In the background you can see a window without curtains or tulle. Through them, light gently fills the room with warmth and tranquility. It fills its entire space and is reflected both on the plate hanging on the wall and on the silver knife. The servants monitor the condition of the silverware. Outside the window, the leaves of the trees are turning yellow, but the trees still have green foliage. It is the beginning of autumn, September. Behind the girl’s back there is a small table with drawers and a candlestick on it. It contained paper and pens.

The meaning of the picture is that the most valuable and precious things in life are children. They are a continuation of the family. Everything for them - ripe peaches, beautiful outfits, and a warm summer or autumn day.
The painting is exhibited at the Tretyakov Gallery.

Essay on the painting Girl with Peaches for 6th grade

Serov’s painting “Girl with Peaches” was painted in the last century. This illustration shows a teenage girl sitting at a table covered with a white tablecloth. This piece of furniture creates a light background. Ruddy peaches are laid out on it. The young creature holds one fruit in her hands. The beauty of the still life is emphasized by carved maple leaves scattered next to the fruits.

The girl seemed to have just come running from the garden, where she picked some fruits and was going to have breakfast with them. A silver table knife lying nearby on the table tells about this. The young lady is very beautiful: she has an oval, tanned, ruddy face. Large expressive dark eyes look straight. With her light airy appearance, she resembles an elf who appeared from a fairy tale. The heroine's face is framed by black curls, which are carelessly scattered on her head. The capricious fold of her lips shows that the girl is a little eccentric and flighty. Aristocratic, delicate facial features tell us that the young lady is from a wealthy family. The girl is wearing a pinkish blouse with a large black and red bow in the middle.

Antique utensils: chairs, a candlestick, a plate hanging on the wall, as if they say that this is a country house where the family of a little young lady came to relax for the summer. Dark furniture and orange tones of the room furnishings contrast.

The whole room is permeated with the rays of the gentle sun that pour from the window, without curtains. They scatter highlights throughout the room and paint it with different shades of the palette. Lilac highlights appear on the girl’s pink blouse. And on the white walls and tablecloth there are bluish spots. In this way, the painter also tried to depict the atmosphere of a serene morning in the picture.

Outside the window you can see greenish-yellow foliage, which indicates that it is sunset of summer outside. The cheerful summer holidays will soon end, and the young lady will leave to study.

Children love this time of year, so impatience is written on the girl’s face. She will now eat the peaches and again run away into nature, into the free expanses of the village. This beautiful, young, pure creature is dreaming about something, probably about how she will spend the day.

The whole picture gives the impression of joy. This illustration has been admired by more than one generation of people. She helped many art lovers get rid of their bad mood. This work teaches us to appreciate the beauty of fine art.

3rd grade. 6th grade.

Essay Girl with Peaches 3rd grade based on Serov’s painting

Many of us are well aware of Serov’s painting “Girl with Peaches”. Hearing the name of this picture, the image of a girl sitting at a table covered with a snow-white tablecloth immediately appears in my head. The room is filled with air and light, the girl is a little disheveled, and in her hands is a juicy peach.

The girl whom the artist captured is called Verusha. She is the daughter of an entrepreneur he knows. One day they were visiting him and the girl flew into the room holding peaches in her hand. Serov was inspired by her playfulness and lightness, he invited Verochka to pose a little. This is how the idea of ​​the well-known painting was born.

In the foreground of the picture is a girl. Her facial expression is calm and reserved, and her gaze is directed straight ahead. There is some cunning in her eyes, it feels like she is planning a little prank. Posing for the artist, Verochka tries with all her appearance to appear mature and serious, but it is immediately clear that she really wants to rush out into the street laughing. The golden, tanned skin of Vera’s face looks even darker against the backdrop of the sun-filled living room. It is clear that she spent this summer outside the city, enjoying the warm summer days. There is a fragrant peach in her hands, but her thoughts are somewhere far away.

There are a few more peaches and carelessly thrown leaves on the table. One can imagine that young Vera had just picked them from the tree and decided to treat everyone. The crimson blush on her cheeks matches the color of the ruddy side of the peaches, as if emphasizing the freshness, juiciness of the fruit and the youthful mischief of the girl herself.

The whole picture is made in light, bed colors, as if saturated with fresh, country air. Soft blue shades smoothly flow into pink and golden tones. Even time-worn rustic furniture seems bright and new because of the sunlight. Everything around conveys the summer, playful, bright mood of the artist, who once saw the beautiful girl Vera, who, thanks to him, became known to the whole world.

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