The concept of will: what is it in psychology. Secrets of a strong personality and examples of strong people

Willpower is a quality of character that enables a person to achieve his goals and not give up in the face of difficulties. Achieving great heights is impossible without great effort and the ability to overcome inconvenience and hardship.

In our life, lack of willpower is often cited as the main cause of many problems: the inability to get rid of bad habits, failure to achieve goals due to refusal to complete difficult tasks, unwillingness to stop time-consuming entertainment for the sake of steps towards a big goal, etc. Why does this happen? I think that often the main reason for weak willpower is laziness. For example, a person dreams of achieving success in art or science, but at the same time does not show determination, strength of character, and does not do everything in his power necessary to achieve the goal. In this case, it will be almost impossible to realize even the most cherished dream.

A strong will does not always accompany a person as an innate character trait, but every person always has the opportunity to develop his will, strengthen it, and learn not to give up in the face of difficulties.

History knows many examples when people achieved their goals, despite the fact that they faced great difficulties and even misunderstanding and ridicule from other people. It seems to me that every person has great potential and opportunities, but many of them are never revealed due to the fact that people do not believe in themselves, are lazy and do not receive support and understanding from relatives. It is possible to overcome all these difficulties if you have a strong will and desire to achieve your goal.

I would like to give an example bright story the world-famous Nick Vujicic. This man was born disabled: he never had arms or legs, which is why for a long time he suffered from loneliness and disrespect from society; however, having cultivated strong willpower in himself, he learned to cope with his problems, received higher education, actively participated in public life, as a result of which he headed charitable organization and created a speaking company to motivate people to achieve their goals.

So, calling on people not only to dream, but also to go towards their dreams, this man, like many other strong people, say that the main thing driving force a person's destiny is himself, his efforts and aspirations, firmness and unshakable strength will.

Essay reasoning OGE 15.3

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The essay contains references to the story by B. Raevsky “15 in the morning, 15 in the evening.”

Option 1

Willpower is a quality that allows a person not to stray from his chosen path and remain true to his goal.

In the story by B. Raevsky, willpower is demonstrated by a hero named Julius. He spent a whole year preparing for a fight with Yashka, despite the pain and torment. It was thanks to this quality that he was able to defeat himself and his opponent.

Another example of a person with strong will found in the same story. We are talking about Ali Mahmud, who taught Yula how to become strong.

Without willpower it is impossible to achieve your dream. This is a wonderful quality that helps you achieve a lot in life.

Option 2

I think that willpower is the ability to pull yourself together and continue to move towards your goal, despite deprivation and inconvenience. Without willpower, you cannot achieve anything outstanding, because big goals always require great effort.

Thus, the weak boy Julius, the hero of the story by B. Raevsky, was able to train for a year and ultimately defeat the strong Yashka Krivonosy thanks to his willpower.

Another great example of a person with an iron will is the famous surfer Bethany Hamilton. At the age of 13, a shark bit off her hand, but this did not break the girl: she became the winner of many competitions and teaches children to ride the waves all over the world.

Willpower is one of the prerequisites for achieving any, especially difficult, goal!

Option 3

I understand by willpower the ability to do everything that depends on you for as long as it takes to achieve a goal. Willpower is determination and strong character; it helps you not to give up, even when you really want to give up.

The boy Julius from the story of B. Raevsky hardly wanted to train every day; he admits that the year of preparation for the fight with Yashka was full of torment, but he was able to defeat the enemy.

And in the life around us there are many examples of people with a strong will. My older sister, despite the fact that she is not good at exact sciences, throughout the year everything free time I prepared for the physics exam and passed it brilliantly. Thus, she became one step closer to her dream of becoming an engineer.

I believe that willpower is an excellent quality that requires concentration, and the reward for strength of character will always be the fulfillment of any intended desire.

Option 4

Willpower, in my opinion, is the ability to overcome oneself, to do something that seems impossible to achieve one’s goal. Without working on yourself, you cannot realize your dreams. Material from the site

In the story of B. Raevsky, the frail Julius, being bullied by Yashka, at first does not understand how to fight back, because he is much weaker than his offender. But a conversation with a visiting strongman changes his life: he sets himself the goal of becoming strong and punishing the fighter. The torment and pain of training bore fruit: Yashka was finally defeated. This victory was achieved only thanks to the strength of Yula's will.

The same quality helped the ex circus artist Valentin Dikul begins to walk again after a severe injury and damage to the spinal cord. His work on himself is admirable.

Indeed, willpower aimed at achieving a goal produces amazing results.

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Hello, dear readers. In the struggle to achieve main goal There are very important, moral points. One of them is "Willpower". What it is and what impact it has, you will find out by reading this article.

What is willpower:

Willpower is one of the psychological components. It is involved in all areas of our lives. Simply put, force will does not allow us to deviate from fulfilling the conditions that bring us closer to the main goal. There are times when circumstances confuse a person a little and he begins to make mistakes that do not contribute to achieving the intended result. It is in such cases that that same “willpower” comes to our aid, which will help you come to your senses in time, will not allow you to deviate from your plans and will force you to do what you should again, despite the many temptations surrounding you. Willpower needs to be developed in yourself; naturally, it will not come to you on its own.

How to develop willpower? There is no clear explanation of the stages. In my opinion, if you decide to change yourself, these are already the first manifestations of willpower, but it lies in the fact that having achieved your personal goal and overcoming many difficulties along the way, without succumbing to temptations and seductions - this is a manifestation of your will . Understand that if you have done everything, and impeccably, it means that you have not only changed your body, but also changed your habits, your views on something, you have changed yourself completely, not only externally but also internally.

You need to work on some qualities:

  • Patience. Do not give in to all sorts of temptations from the outside, move on, no matter what. Thanks to this quality, a person can overcome any difficulties on the way to achieving his cherished goal. A very necessary quality in any business.
  • Wish. This is what makes us move forward, warms us with hope, gives rise to a goal towards which we begin to strive.
  • Believe in yourself. Whatever goals you set for yourself, don’t give up if they seem impossible to you. Believing in yourself is precisely the quality that breaks all obstacles and makes you stronger every day, bringing you closer to the main event.
  • Discipline. Must be present in any case. Simply put, “submission” to the rules that you follow on the way to the main goal.

At the stage of forming your thoughts that you need to lose weight, you already roughly see your final result, you know what you want to achieve. Believing in yourself and your personal strengths will help you start playing sports and not miss workouts, as well as eat right every day. Desire will help you cope more easily with new conditions and rules, because your cherished dream lies ahead! Patience will help you not to succumb to all sorts of temptations from your past lifestyle in the form of fast food, cola and other foods you love but are harmful to your figure. Discipline will keep you on track, following the rules and guidelines without changing throughout the entire journey is what will lead you to success.

What advantages will the development of “willpower” bring us?:

  • Increased self-esteem
  • Achieving high results
  • Avoiding bad habits and improving health
  • Developing Positive Thinking
  • Overcoming any difficulties and obstacles
  • Increased performance
  • Gaining high moral strength that helps in any life situation

This is not the entire list of motives that make it clear that willpower is not just necessary, but simply necessary to start training in yourself. The development of willpower within oneself is within the control of every person. This is a kind of psychological muscle that can be pumped up. Start fulfilling the promises you made to yourself, give up the pleasures that ultimately lead you to bad mood. Understand that the most important pleasure is realizing that you are a strong, strong-willed person in whom other people see protection and examples of willpower. Don’t delay and don’t leave everything for later, time is running out. Be strong and independent, all the best to you!

Military life in the forties of the last century changed the fate of many people. Some of them were never able to wait for their relatives and friends from the front; some did not despair and found people to replace them; and some continued to live on. How important it is to preserve a human face after all the difficult trials and become not a human killer, but a human savior! That's how it was main character Sholokhov's story “The Fate of Man” Andrey Sokolov.

Before the start of the war, Sokolov was a good person. He worked hard, was an exemplary family man, and if he drank and began to scold his wife Irinka, he immediately apologized. But his family idyll did not last long. With the onset of the war, he was sent to the front as a military driver. He was wounded and captured, but in all situations he remained resistant to any tests. The German enemies, pouring him glasses of vodka, ordered him to drink for their victory. But Solokov refused: “I’ll drink to my death and deliverance from torment,” he said, and, barely able to stand, he drank without eating. The Germans, amazed by the Russian man’s character, began to respect him and released him.

Having walked halfway across the country, Sokolov was lucky enough to return to his native Voronezh, but instead of a house and a wife and children, he saw only a crater. Soon another grief befell him: after a short correspondence with his surviving son, he suddenly learns that Anatoly was killed. Everything is gone: no home, no relatives, there is only Victory. How to continue to live...?

Sokolov finds the strength to live on. He does not console himself with the thought that someday there will be a woman who can replace the deceased Irinka; he does not want to return to his homeland. There was nothing left in his heart but emptiness. However, the thirst for hatred is not kindled in him, he does not want to take revenge for all his life’s misfortunes, and even thoughts of suicide do not visit his bright head. He just continues to live. And, as it soon turns out, he can live not only for himself.

Sokolov goes to Russian city Uryupinsk, where it meets the meaning of its later life. A boy with eyes as bright as the sky could suddenly replace all his relatives. Vanyushka was an orphan and wandered the streets in search of another watermelon rind so as not to die of hunger. This boy, unaware of the real grief that befell Andrei Sokolov, recognizes his father in him, as soon as Sokolov said: “Vanyushka, do you know who I am?... I am your father.” And so two big, pure, loving and devoted hearts found each other.

Andrey Sokolov is true example a person with unbending willpower. He bravely held out both in war and in peacetime, did not lose his human face and opened my heart little man, who needed it so much.

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  • Would you like to know how to develop willpower? First, answer the question for yourself: what is it? Enough a large number of people believe that this is a kind of stick, a whip with which a person pushes himself to do something. Well, who voluntarily wants to make himself a slave?

    But another definition of willpower is the authority of your inner “I” over your body. Agree, a completely different position? And she can put a lot of things in their place.

    One of best examples to demonstrate the authority of the will in life - this is the student going to the exam. Especially if it’s the first one in your life and it’s very difficult. Yes, he is shaking, he panics and is afraid, but this does not in any way affect the decision to take the exam! This happens because the authority of the will of society stands above this action - taking exams and it cannot be ignored. It would be wonderful to develop willpower like this.

    If you are wondering about how to train willpower, then, with a high probability, it happened that the following or similar situation arose. Lying on the couch, you suddenly remember that you need to go to the store. But the body doesn’t want this, it gives out something similar: “Where to go, let’s lie down, it’s good.” It also sends certain signals, which are expressed in the form of pleasant relaxation. And that’s it, you agree with the opinion of the body, but the position of “I” is not taken into account in any way. And at this time the subconscious puts a mark on self-esteem. And this is true not only with the sofa, but with most ideas or plans.

    A similar situation, but when willpower is sufficiently developed. You are lying on the couch and realize that you should go to the bank. The body resists and tries to tell you something, but you completely ignore its signals, your “I” wants it, which means it will be so. If you completely ignore the signs of the body, the process of defeating it will last no more than 2 seconds; when entering into negotiations, it will take a little longer. What do you get when you get off the couch? Firstly, a charge of energy, and secondly, the fulfillment of what was planned. Thirdly, your self-esteem diligently covers up 2-3 past marks. And where is the stick? Where is the slave? Just pleasure! Willpower is not a gift or ability. It is a habit.

    Another example. After have a hard day, You have returned home. Naturally, you don't want to do anything other than watch TV or surf the Internet. But that's not true. This body doesn’t want to do anything. And then you remember physical exercise that must be done every day. And what? And the fact is that if willpower is strong and the muscles can still contract, these exercises will be completed. With ideal authority of will, all your ideas and actions will be carried out as a matter of course and without delay.

    Let's start training willpower. Where to start this business?

    First, become a predator, a hunter of energy. Learn to notice things that, if not done, slowly drain your energy, but when done, give it back. Those. those things that you are too lazy to do: washing dishes after meals, making the bed, doing push-ups. Ignore laziness and remember the reward: true pleasure from what you do instead of the fake joys that you get by giving in to laziness. Also, a great way to strengthen willpower is to find your weakness, give it up, for example, for a month, but during this time let it be an eyesore for you, and you fight! Separate the positions of the body and your “I”. And everything will work out.

    An example from life.

    The story will be in the first person, exactly as it was told by the man who tried to train willpower.

    “My weakness has always been sweet things. I completely gave up them and flour. Those. for a month I was forbidden to eat sweets, cakes, cookies, flour (including bread and loaf), lemonade, sweet tea and coffee, etc. Then I bought my favorite chocolate bar and put it in the most visible place. The first day was quite easy, because... enthusiasm was at its peak and he more than fought off his craving for sweets. On the second day, difficulties began: “Perhaps this is all? What kind of willpower is there if there’s a chocolate bar in front of your nose?”

    There were a couple of times when I almost gave up. What helped me was my understanding that I gave my word to hold out at all costs until the end, and I must do this. After a couple of days I experienced withdrawal symptoms – I was shaking. Apparently, the body is accustomed to getting glucose from sweets. After a week, I myself stopped understanding why I hadn’t eaten the chocolate yet. He apparently held on to the inertia of thinking or stubbornness. It was difficult, but suddenly a lot of realizations came to me. I feel purity and correctness. Self-esteem? Oh, she grew and got stronger every day. And even though the body felt bad, the joy of the soul covered it. On day 32, I ate a chocolate bar like a piece of loaf - yes, it’s nice, but nothing more.”

    Plus, if you are serious about training willpower, try self-programming. Before going to sleep, imagine yourself in the 3rd person, with the ideal power of the authority of “I”. Think about how he would speak, how he would act, how he would solve his problems. But keep in mind, this is not you as you are, this is someone who is very similar to you, but with one difference. In this case, your consciousness will not resist, and you will get the desired effect.

    Three things to follow.


    Elephant can be eaten if you cut it into small pieces. Same here - start simple.


    Assignments must be completed every day. If you miss it once, all previous efforts don’t count, you’ll have to start all over again.

    Believe in long-term results.

    What? Do you think you completed 1 task and became a strong-willed person? Of course not! You will have to work hard before your efforts yield the first result. But it’s worth it and, rest assured, there will be success: after all, energy cannot just disappear somewhere!


    1. Observe the difference in the positions of your “I” and body.
    2. Try doing things all day that your body doesn’t want to do at all.
    3. Willpower training should come through doing “prolonged” tasks.
    4. Find your weakness and deny yourself it for a month.
    5. Do self-programming before bed.

    This article had it all: the theory that