They didn’t sing: why can’t the soloists get along with Sergei Shnurov? Yulia Kogan and Alisa Vox - how the former soloists of “Leningrad Where is the soloist of Leningrad” live

Alisa Mikhailovna Vox (born June 30, 1987, Leningrad; real name- Kondratieva) is a Russian singer.

ALISA VOX is a Russian independent performer who combines the most progressive genres in her work modern music: synth-pop, electro-pop, dance-rock. One of the main tasks of Alice Vox and her creative group A-QuantumBand - to develop these areas on the Russian music scene.

She gained wide popularity as a soloist of the group “Leningrad” and starred in a number of the group’s videos.

Born on June 30, 1987 in Leningrad. WITH four years, for a year, attended the ballet studio at the Lensovet Palace of Culture, and later began studying in the children's studio of the Music Hall, where at the age of six, Alice discovered her voice during choir classes. There she was soon offered main role in the play " New Year's adventures Alice, or Magic book desires." However, since theatrical activity interfered with her studies, her parents took Alice away from the Music Hall at the age of eight. While studying at school, Alisa continued to attend music clubs and was a member of the Federation dance sport, studied vocals - represented the region at city competitions.

After school, Alisa entered the St. Petersburg state academy theatrical arts(SPbGATI), a year later she moved to Moscow and entered GITIS. Alisa calls GITIS vocal teacher Lyudmila Alekseevna Afanasyeva, who trained more than one celebrity before Alice, as the teacher who gave her a start in life. At the age of 20, she returned to St. Petersburg and entered the University of Culture and Arts in the pop-jazz vocal department.

After returning from Moscow in 2007, Alisa met her former choreographer, Irina Panfilova, who taught her modern jazz at the age of seven, and she invited Alisa to work as a vocalist in the NEP restaurant-cabaret. She combined this work with running corporate events, weddings, and working in karaoke bars. Then the stage name MC Lady Alice appeared. After a successful performance at the elite nightclub “Duhless” in the style of “vocal hosting” (lines from famous songs to the electronic beat of a DJ) tours and good earnings began.

In 2012, she successfully passed the selection for the position of session vocalist in the Leningrad group, whose repertoire Alisa was familiar with from the 10th grade of school. Alisa came to the group to replace someone who had left maternity leave soloist of “Leningrad” Yulia Kogan. Alice's first performance as part of the group took place in Germany. Six months later, when Yulia Kogan returned from maternity leave, the soloists performed together, but Kogan soon left the group. On September 5, 2013, at Chaplin Hall, Alisa Vox performed for the first time as the main soloist of the group.

As part of the group, Alisa Vox performed such hits as “Patriot”, “37th”, “Prayer”, “Bag”, “In short”, “Dress”, “Crying and crying”, “Exhibit” and others.

On March 24, 2016, Alisa Vox announced on her Instagram page that she was leaving the Leningrad group and starting solo career. Alisa herself decided to leave the group and told S. Shnurov about it. Immediately a message about this event appeared on the pages of the largest Russian online media.

Alisa Vox is a Russian singer who received recognition from a multi-million audience as the lead singer of the Leningrad group. No, this is not an exaggeration. Just look at the song “Exhibit”, the video for which was viewed on the Internet by more than 60 million people! And all mainly thanks to the unsurpassed vocals of Alisa Vox. The girl’s biography can be called rich and interesting, but first things first.

Childhood and youth

Alisa Mikhailovna Vox (Kondratieva is her real name) was born in Leningrad. This happened on June 30, 1987. Now giving an interview and talking about her biography, Alisa Vox says that as a child she was looking for an opportune moment to climb onto a chair and sing a song or recite a poem.

The girl’s mother, who dreamed of her child’s career on stage, enrolled the little girl at the age of 4 in a ballet studio and put her on a strict diet. About a year later, it became clear to everyone that, unfortunately, the girl was not making much progress in this field. But Alice’s mother did not give up and enrolled her in the Music Hall children’s studio, where teachers soon appreciated the vocals of the young talent.

It's time to go to school. Alice, passionate about plays and music, did not have enough time for lessons. The parents considered that studying was more important, so they insisted on their daughter leaving Music Hall, allowing her to practice vocals in the school club.

After graduating from school, Alisa entered SPbGATI without any difficulties, and a year later she moved to the capital of Russia and transferred to GITIS. When the girl turned 20, she was forced to return to hometown(due to financial problems) and continue studying at the University of Culture and Arts.

Biography of Alice Vox: beginning of a career

After graduating from university, the girl worked part-time as a presenter at weddings and many other celebrations, and was a vocalist at the NEP restaurant. But the first success came immediately after Alice began collaborating with the Duhless club. She skillfully improvised on stage, singing popular tunes to the electronic beat of the DJ. Very soon the public appreciated this direction, and a girl named MC Lady Alice began to be invited to perform in prestigious nightclubs. But sharp turn in the biography of Alisa Vox-Burmistrova (this is her last name after marriage, but about personal life singer a little later) occurred in 2012, when she successfully passed the audition and was accepted into the Leningrad group.

Finest hour

At first, the girl took part only in the studio recordings of “Leningrad”, replacing which she went on maternity leave, but promised to return. But already in 2013, Alisa, who pleasantly surprised everyone with her serious vocal abilities, charisma and self-confidence, became a full member of the group and took to the stage. She sang everything herself women's parties in the group’s compositions, and together with her staged such provocative, incendiary and frank shows on stage that some people’s hair literally stood on end.

It is interesting that the leader of the group and the soloist allowed themselves such behavior only on stage, but behind the scenes Alisa called him by name and patronymic for a long time, even lowering her eyes when talking with Sergei Shnurov.

“Patriot”, “Exhibit”, “Fire and Ice”, “Bag” - these and many other songs became real hits. Alice's vocals, so sonorous and multifaceted, could not help but attract attention and interest.

Having gone through such an interesting, fun and full of scandals way, Shnurov and Vox decided to stop collaborating in 2016. As the singer says, she just wanted to finish the scandalous stage of her biography and start solo career. According to some sources, the initiator of the breakup was Shnurov himself, but the singer does not give any specific comments on this issue.

Personal life

Many fans of the singer are also interested in this page from the biography of Alisa Vox-Burmistrova. How many years did she appear in public in revealing outfits, behaved on stage sometimes playfully, sometimes defiantly, gave interviews at the most different topics, but all these years she preferred not to talk about her personal life. It is only known that even before participating in “Leningrad” she married famous photographer and a lover of club life, Alice always respected her husband, took his opinion into account, and spoke only positively about him. The girl repeatedly said that this a wise man, who understands the need for her such piquant behavior on stage that he perfectly sees the difference between show and reality.

But already at the end of 2015, she began to be noticed without a wedding ring, at the same time everyone joint photos graphy with her husband from social networks she deleted it. Dmitry and Alisa finally broke off their relationship at the very beginning of 2016.


Today the girl creates solo compositions and records albums. It cannot be said that the public rated her new songs very highly. Perhaps fans are simply accustomed to perceiving Alisa as an indispensable member of the Leningrad group, seeing her constantly next to the charismatic Shnurov. Most likely, fans will need time to get used to Alice's new image. We wish the girl success in this difficult period for her and look forward to new hits.

Alisa Mikhailovna Vox (née Kondratyeva). Born on June 30, 1987 in Leningrad. Russian singer, presenter, former soloist of the Leningrad group. Known as MC Lady Alice, resident of the D’12 club.

“According to the stories of my parents, at a very young age I climbed onto stools and began to sing, dance or make faces - in general, I did what I am doing now,” Alisa recalled.

Her mother wanted her daughter to become a choreographer. As Vox said, her parent tried to become a model with Vyacheslav Zaitsev in her youth, but she didn’t succeed.

However, Alisa’s mother used a creative approach in her upbringing: at the age of four she sent her to the ballet studio at the Lensovet Palace of Culture. Before this, the girl was kept on a diet for a year so that she would be quite slim. Alice still remembers how she was constantly hungry.

“For one year I hung on the ballet barre like a monkey, and then my mother took me to the children’s studio of the Music Hall, where during choir classes at the age of six they discovered my voice,” the singer shared.

And already from the first grade of school, she simply had no time left for lessons: “six days a week I attended classes at the Music Hall and there I played the main role in the play “Alice’s New Year’s Adventures, or the Magic Book of Wishes” directed by Andrei Skvortsov.”

She did her homework while sitting on the floor of locker rooms or dance classes, and therefore constantly received scoldings for bad handwriting.

But not only mother took care of Alice. As Vox noted, her father also gave her a lot: “My dad raised and educated me, taught me everything I know, told me everything I know and gave me direction in my development,” she once wrote on social networks.

However, let's return to our heroine's childhood.

Although she was taken from the children's studio (due to poor performance at school), she then studied in music clubs, was a member of the Dance Sports Federation, studied vocals and even represented the region at city competitions.

By the eleventh grade, Alice said, she came to the conclusion that she needed to enter Theater Academy. I entered the pop department without any problems: “at the entrance exams I had to sing and dance, and in this I was strong.” But when they began to show her a teapot, an iron, a bunny, studies on justified silence, she realized that this was not hers.

The girl went to Moscow and entered GITIS. There she met a vocal teacher who gave her a start in life - Lyudmila Alekseevna Afanasyeva. Having raised more than one pop celebrity, she made Alice believe in herself.

It was difficult to study due to financial problems: “it was impossible to survive on four thousand from my parents,” Alice recalled. Therefore, she began to actively work part-time in karaoke bars.

As Vox later said, “in the capital amazingly every second guest turned out to be a producer who was going to make me a star, I just had to go to him.” But she refused such offers.

At the age of 20, she left GITIS and returned to her native St. Petersburg, where she entered the University of Culture and Arts, in the department of pop and jazz vocals. She was lucky again: she ended up with an excellent teacher, Natalya Yuryevna Ponomareva. As Alice said, the teacher worked with her “first of all with the personality, and not with the voice.”

In St. Petersburg, Alisa was invited to work as a vocalist in a cabaret restaurant "NEP"- there is still a photograph of Alice in a hat with a pink feather in his magazine advertising blocks.

She worked in a cabaret four days a week and hosted weddings or corporate events during the day. “At the same time, I wasn’t so torn for the sake of money, they are just bonuses for me, like in a game, and I collect them with the passion of an avid player.”“, the artist explained.

Once she had to improvise on stage at the Duhless club. She sang famous couplets to the electronic beat of the DJ, which harmoniously suited the music. It turned out well. Alice found her own format: vocal hosting, which, according to her, “has never existed in Russia before.”

She began to tour a lot and began to earn good money. And if she had previously failed to get a job as a presenter on Radio Record, then they themselves invited her to record jingles for them, which she still does.

In 2012, Alisa went to casting for the group "Leningrad" as a session vocalist, the band needed a soloist to replace the pregnant Yulia Kogan. Alice recalled how she was met: “When he appeared in the studio kitchen, introduced himself and asked if I was familiar with the repertoire, I answered: “I’ve known it since the tenth grade,” to which he muttered with a grin: “What a nightmare.”.

But after two auditions, he included her in the group and she quickly got into the swing of things. Her first performance took place in Germany.

Six months later, Yulia Kogan returned from maternity leave and they worked together. But then Kogan left the group and Vox became the only soloist.

Leningrad and Alisa Vox - "Fire and Ice"

With experience she has gained her height, "my personal pride is F sharp of the second octave", she said.

“The first year in Leningrad, I called Seryozha exclusively Sergei Vladimirovich... At first, I couldn’t raise my eyes next to him, I secretly looked at the back of his head on the tour bus, trying to believe that he was not disappearing, he was real! this is what we always did on stage full program trash, debauchery and sodomy,” said Alisa.

Alisa Vox and Sergey Shnurov

In the Leningrad group, Alisa Vox performed perhaps the most strong songs Shnura, at least recently - “Patriot”, “Fire and Ice”, “37th”, “I Cry and Cry” and, of course, “Exhibit” - which became a super hit.

Leningrad and Alisa Vox - "Exhibit"

Also in the Leningrad group, Alisa was remembered for her outrageousness on the verge of a foul.

At the end of March 2016, it became known that Alisa Vox left the group and would again build a solo career.

True, her explanations for leaving the team and Sergei Shnurov vary.

Alisa Vox about her departure from the Leningrad group: "Friends! I have decided to leave the Leningrad group and am launching my solo project! I am very glad that I can share this with you all new stage in my life. Working with Sergei Shnurov gave me a huge experience of stage life, I am eternally grateful to him for the opportunity to develop and improve. Also, I thank all the musicians and people close to the group who have been there and supported me for the last 3.5 years. Wish me good luck on my new path, and we’ll hear from you again very soon!”

Sergei Shnurov about Alisa Vox's departure from the Leningrad group: ““Leningrad” is what I came up with and am inventing. I live by it, no matter how pompous it may sound. I consider the fact that it changes and remains that very unexpected “Leningrad” to be one of my main successes. Fuck the viewer, I think it’s to play without fire in your eyes, fuck off. Formally, the fire on stage should burn! And so it will be no matter what.”

Leningrad - "I'm crying"

The first one was released on July 22, 2016 solo album“Sama”, which turned out to be a rehash of songs by the late Ukrainian performer Kuzma Scriabin. Alice's debut solo album failed.

Alice Vox's height: 168 centimeters.

Personal life of Alice Vox:

Even before joining the Leningrad group, Alisa married a club photographer from Rostov, Dmitry Burmistrov. They met at one of the parties in St. Petersburg.

In her interviews, she has said more than once that her husband is a wise man and does not make scandals for her because of what his wife does on stage, they say, a show is a show. Just like she is not jealous of Shnurov.

“I’m lucky, my husband treats everything with understanding. We met a long time ago, he went with me all the way through my development. He understands the needs of the work process, so he turns a blind eye to a lot of things and doesn’t torment him with inappropriate questions. He’s part of our circle, our dressing room, knows very well that Sergei Vladimirovich is happily married,” noted the artist.

In the fall of 2015, information appeared that Alice had separated from her husband. The reason was either her “star fever” or an affair with Sergei Shnurov.

She stopped wearing wedding ring, and removed her husband’s last name on social networks. Also, joint photos with his wife stopped appearing on Burmistrov’s account.

Alisa Vox for the first time about the reasons for leaving the Leningrad group, divorce from her husband and support from Lagutenko

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the soundtrack of 2016 in Russia was the song of the Leningrad group “Exhibit”. Having burst into rotation on radio stations and TV channels in January, the song instantly became popular throughout the country and even became part of cultural life: At the Van Gogh exhibition held in Moscow at the beginning of the year, female visitors in Louboutins and the Seregas accompanying them were allowed in free of charge.

Against this background, another event happened - this time on a local scale. For the first time in the almost 20-year history of the Leningrad group, not only frontman Sergei Shnurov, but also the lead singer of the group, Alisa Vox, came to the fore. It was she who became the voice of “Exhibit”, as well as several others popular songs from the repertoire, which attracted everyone's attention.

However, at the peak of popularity, in March 2016, Alisa unexpectedly announced her departure from the group. She posted the news about this on her page on the social network, saying that she decided to move on regardless of Shnurov. Sergei did not seem very upset. Having said that the group was him first and foremost, Shnurov quickly found two new singers to replace Alisa and continued to work as if nothing had happened. And Alisa Vox took up a solo career.

In an interview with HELLO.RU, Alisa Vox for the first time gave answers to questions that concern her fans about leaving the group and talked about what other events had happened in her life in recent months.

Alisa, how did you become the lead singer of the Leningrad group?

This happened in 2011. I learned that they were looking for a singer to join the group during the maternity leave of the current soloist Yulia Kogan. I decided to give it a try and ended up passing the casting. The castings lasted from the moment it became known about Yulia’s pregnancy; about 300 applicants were screened, but they approved me.

You ended up in a very popular group, which became even more popular after the release of the song “Exhibit”. And suddenly they left the group. Why?

Nothing much actually happened. This decision was not spontaneous; it was initially clear to me that I would not survive in the group until I was old. We talked with Sergei and decided that I had already done all the best in the group, it was time to move on.

The press wrote that there was supposedly a conflict between you, and it was connected with the fact that Sergei’s wife Matilda was jealous of him. This is true?

It's a lie. (Laughs.) There was not the slightest reason for jealousy. No one quarreled with anyone, a work situation arose - I made this decision.

So you didn’t quarrel with Sergei?

Sergei is a difficult person, demanding, authoritarian. How was it working with him? Did he allow you to express your individuality?

He manages more than two dozen people - of course, there is no time for simplicity. He tough leader, but for me personally this was not a problem. He puts professional relationships first, which I think is right. I felt comfortable working with him.

After you left, Sergei said that the Leningrad group is him, and it doesn’t matter which soloist will sing in it.

Well, that's how it is. (Laughs.) It would be strange to disagree with this. You will stop anyone on the street and ask what associations he has when he hears the name “Leningrad”. They will definitely answer you: Cord.

IN this moment Does the fame of the ex-soloist of “Leningrad” hinder you or help you?

Hard to tell. I try not to exploit this; I don’t perform the group’s songs or Shnurov’s songs. I have a different image, a different direction in music. I don't want to be perceived as part of a team that I'm no longer involved with.

Do you have any restrictions on performing Shnurov’s songs? If you wanted to sing something at your concert, could you do it?

There were no prohibitions or court orders in this regard, and I also did not receive any verbal instructions from Sergei. But, to be honest, we never discussed this.

Your first solo composition, “Hold,” caused a mixed reaction from the public. Some people liked it, others found it downright boring. How can you comment on this?

I'm moving in musical direction, which I consider the most popular today in the world musical culture. It's synth-pop, electro-pop, pop-rock. But people are used to seeing me in a different image, they are accustomed to different vocabulary, so perhaps what I do now seems boring to some - those people who simply do not understand my new image. It's a matter of taste.

Initially, I found myself in the wrong field. A large audience of Leningrad fans watched and expected a continuation from me in the spirit of Leningrad, but this did not happen. People who were not interested in associating me with the group greeted the release positively. My work received four stars from the Intermedia portal - this is the same as the last Red Hot Chili Peppers album received, for example. I read the impartial, critical analyzes from a professional point of view and am pleased with the result.

Can you say that being part of the Leningrad group you were not yourself and did things that were not close to you?

"Leningrad" is Sergei Shnurov, starting with music and ending with images. He creates everything, everyone there plays the roles that he assigned to them. This is a theater of one director.

Are you prepared for the possibility that you might lose some of your audience?

I think you need to do what you believe in.

Shortly before leaving the group, changes occurred in your personal life - you separated from your husband. Why did they suddenly decide to burn bridges in all directions at once?

I divorced my husband, but, despite the fact that at that moment the media wrote everything about this, there was no drama. It happens that sometimes feelings just pass - you get up and silently leave. At some point I realized that I had no future with this person - and I left.

Are you currently communicating with Sergei Shnurov and your ex-husband?

No. It is not necessary. Now I'm focused on work. A video will be released soon; it has been filmed, but is currently in the post-production stage. Then an EP will be released - a mini-album, which will include five songs, three of them new and two fresh versions of old ones. In December I will present a song for which I wrote the music and lyrics myself. It is very important for me, new point countdown. In terms of musical style, I plan to continue moving towards electro-pop rock. By the way, Ilya Lagutenko supports me in this. He listened to my songs and reacted very positively to them; his assessment is very important to me. I was pleased to receive words of encouragement from him. So life goes on.

Childhood and studies

Born on June 30, 1987 in Leningrad. From the age of four, for a year, she attended the ballet studio at the Lensovet Palace of Culture, and later began studying in the children's studio of the Music Hall, where at the age of six, Alice discovered her voice during choir classes. There she was soon offered the main role in the play “Alice’s New Year’s Adventures, or The Magic Book of Wishes.” However, since theatrical activities interfered with her studies, her parents took Alice away from the Music Hall at the age of eight. While studying at school, Alisa continued to attend music clubs, was a member of the Dance Sports Federation, studied vocals and represented the district at city competitions.

After school, Alisa entered the St. Petersburg State Academy of Theater Arts (SPbGATI), a year later she moved to Moscow and entered GITIS. Alisa calls GITIS vocal teacher Lyudmila Alekseevna Afanasyeva, who trained more than one celebrity before Alice, as the teacher who gave her a start in life.

At the age of 20, she returned to St. Petersburg and entered the University of Culture and Arts in the pop-jazz vocal department.

Starting a career in show business

After returning from Moscow in 2007, Alisa met her former choreographer, Irina Panfilova, who taught her modern jazz at the age of seven, and she invited Alisa to work as a vocalist in the NEP restaurant-cabaret. She combined this work with running corporate events, weddings, and working in karaoke bars. Then the stage name MC Lady Alice appeared. After a successful performance in the elite nightclub “Duhless” in the “vocal hosting” style, tours began (Yerevan, Tallinn, Turkey, Voronezh) and good earnings.

Participation in the group "Leningrad"

In 2012, she successfully passed the selection for the position of session vocalist in the Leningrad group, whose repertoire Alisa was familiar with from the 10th grade of school. Alisa came to the group to replace Leningrad soloist Yulia Kogan, who had gone on maternity leave. Alice's first performance as part of the group took place in Germany. Six months later, when Yulia Kogan returned from maternity leave, the soloists performed together, but Kogan soon left the group. On September 5, 2013, at Chaplin Hall, Alisa Vox performed for the first time as the main soloist of the group.

As part of the group, Alisa Vox performed such hits as “Patriot”, “37th”, “Prayer”, “Bag”, “In short”, “Dress”, “Crying and crying”, “Exhibit” and others.

Leaving the Leningrad group

On March 24, 2016, Alisa Vox announced on her Instagram page that she was leaving the Leningrad group and starting a solo career. Immediately, a message about this event appeared on the pages of the largest Russian Internet media.

The leader of the group, Sergei Shnurov, commented on the breakup with Alisa Vox quite sharply; the media consider his comment to be an accusation of “stardom” of the ex-lead singer of the group: I didn't promise anything to anyone. At my own whim, I turn average singers into stars. I come up with an image, material, and promote it. I decide how to present them so that they will be loved. Well, not exactly theirs, an image, of course. Through the efforts of our team, we create a mythical heroine out of nothing. This is our job. And it is precisely because we do our job well that complaints and discontent arise. The audience loves the image we created and really don’t want the end. But it is inevitable. The Heroines of the myth, invented by me and created by the team, quite quickly and naively begin to believe in their own Divine nature. But we don’t know how to deal with Goddesses. We're burning pots here

Personal life

Even before she became widely known, Alisa married professional photographer Dmitry Burmistrov. However, a number of media reports that at the end of 2015 they broke up.


Gr. "Leningrad"
  • 2012 - Fish
  • 2014 - Minced meat
  • 2014 - The beach is ours

Video clips

Gr. "Leningrad"
  • Fish (November 20, 2012) - backup dancer, backing vocals;
  • Battle of Red (May 30, 2013) - one of two roles;
  • While alive (May 31, 2013) - backup dancer;
  • Road (December 1, 2013) - supporting role;
  • SIZONNAYA (April 14, 2014) - backup dancer, vocals;
  • Garbage (February 6, 2015) - backing vocals;
  • Bomb (May 10, 2015) - supporting role;
  • In short (We want to go to Sochi) (June 24, 2015) - second vocals, second role;
  • Prayer (June 30, 2015) - vocals, main role;
  • Exhibit (On Louboutins) (January 13, 2016) - vocals.